HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-13, Page 1, 14/441T N, .ONTAR10,,„THILTECOAY,
.: h heginning oi the year, if you are going to need Counter Check Books
wheat 75e,
er 50e to $5,e; •
s 60e, to 05e.
Ioges $7.50;
Avec° `Orae
e many we have awaiting •,
t Glass or China .for your
heart.' A wast watch for
or the school boy. •
stmas .Records now ready
4 v . Residence 1743
the gxp n-tm
at but longsn'te.e
ey remembered
a Bank Book-
iSe Chem to add
3rthiAlg be uior
evi nrdea
Aristanas, we are ,going to
y offering•'senie SPECIAL,
$10 te. $12 for
locoats 13.50 .
to 1p18.00 for ,, ; , . ,• $13;50
$28 to ($32,50 for..'425.00
W r
a r a71, rayy
1 for r • ,', :$31;,56
ere a suggestion for
Look over thio list
st the Thillg." •
l '
Tat or Carp
rr ,
MVl'ir, D, L. Walker, inspector for the
Dominion Underwriters' Association,
Was in town yesterday afternoon hi-
st/eating Clinton's fire -fighting sys-
tem- The fire alarm, waa rung and
the firemen were on the jab in very
short order and soon had oouple'of
lines of hose laid and a Stream of
water . registering _ ninety..fjve pounds.
Later they laid 'three line of
when :xthe water tested fifty-five'
pounds. TVs'. Walker exxlressed sat-
isfaction with the eysteni. Mr, Burton
was first on the scene . with his team,
being on hand a very few minutes
after the first ding of the' bell,
"What Clinton needs," remarked
ex -Chief Wheatley as he looked about
The News -Record of ee :onThui'aday
morning and noted its watersoaked
appearance after the departure of
the firemen, "are a few waterproof_
sheets in its fire department to use,
r the he protection of merchandise
etc. while, a fire is in progress, If
we had something like that and a cou-
ple'of men whose work it ,was to see
that they were spread a lot of dam-
age -could be averted," - This is true.
Had; there been a few large water-
proof 'sh'eets to spread .`about in the
lower fiat off -this office last Thursday
morning much damage would have
been saved: and,' if the smoke would
, have allowed it, if such sheets cot?Id.
have been spread' over stock upstairs
a great deal of expensivepaper might
have beer'. saved which was only^dame
aged by "'water.. .Clinton has a good
'fire -fighting system but some of those
large . fire proof sheets ".would still
further improveC
AMONG THE Cath h ra
Salvation' Army
Sunday 'school 10 a.ni.,, Holiness
meeting"11 a,m. Praise meeting 3. p.'
ln„ Salvation . meeting 7,80 p.m.
Friday evening 8 pan. Boy Scouts.
The: Clzrtst,nas entertainment takes
place on' Friday, December 21st' at
8 p•m.'
Willis Church
The WV,M.S. will hold their annual
meeting and eleetion'of officers in the
lecture room of the thureh at three
o'aloele on Thursday afternoon next.
*Mee. Wiseman will give a resume of
the year's, study' 'book, "The Building
of a Nation"
Next Sunday morning the pastor
will take for his subject, "The Church
at Antioch:" rn the 'evening Rev.
D. NV. McIntosh. -of, Bruceficld, . will.
conduct the services.
' On , Tiesday evening the Sunday
school will hold its armuel Christmas
'tree and entertainment.
Ontario • Street 'Church
The subject for next Sunday morn-
ing wiIl be: "Speak to the People
that the '
< y Go Forward." •Evening'
subject: "The Parable of the Hidden
Classes meet, at 10 aan.' yone
may come, all are welcome.
The Young, People's League met on
Monday evening, There was a fine
attendance. The missionary Vice-
president gave the table ' and at ;was
;Well presented. Miss .;Carol Evans
g o an inspirational reading', Miss
Lulu Orich a piano' solo, and BViisses.
Edith and Elizabeth 'Johnston,
duet. -
The League ! next ' Monday ev-
ening•is"in charge of the social urge-
president.' Mr: Harold `,Turner of
Tuckerslnith will give the topic on
the rural problem.' Community
singing will be indulged in.
Baptist Church
Next Sunday, evening the pastor
will continue his theme: "The Seeortd
Coming of Our Lord," and he will
speak on {'Events`'Relative'to'the Ap.
Peering; of Christ," Preyer ;meeting
on W'ednesd`ay at 8 ,o'elock
The Ladies' 1liiseloll: Circle met
at the home of Mils. Paiinobaker on
Tuesday afteeno zi. The meeting o.
pend with a hymn, scripture lessen
and prayer, then the circle 'elected
its, officers for the coming year as
follows;'President;:ears. Aitken; vice-
president, M'rs. G. E. Hall; Secretary-
treasetey, Miss Edna Pennebakei';;.or
rapist, Mrs.' Rath; assistant organ-
ise, Mr . Aitken. Sick' and. Viewer
-Committed; Mrs. Aitken, this, Hall,.
Mrs, Pennebaker; Mrs, Pickett •
lvtrs. Pennebaker : was appointed as
Agent for' the "Baptist Visitor," and
Miss Edna Pennebaker ': for the
MTS.' Cx: F, Hall ,and Miss Akepi
were appointed to prepare the pre-
vail), n i'bi, le
g lz tl Janit r ,
a a„ ineeting,
within the next SIX ITIOntht it will pay You to come 'herr
On Thursday evcnipg last the .two
young men's elassee, Wesley Sunday
school entertained' the three senior
girls' classes, when a most enjoyable
'social. evening was 'spent. Games,
etc,, were , indulged in and refresh-
ments followed. The gia'le'vote the
boys good hosts.
The Rev, S, J. Arlin of Toronto:,
formerly pastor of Ontario ` street
chureh, and ,also of rthe Methodist.
church, Brussels, will' preach anni-
versary sermons at Brussels on Sun-
-day. ; Rev. Mr, Arlin, who superan-
nuated ti couple of years ago, has for
some time been acting "as assistant
Pastor of Howard Park Methodist
church, Toronto,
•Messrs. Snell and Sens, Millett
breeders, did. very ''ell, indeed,' at
the several nter fairs just past, At
the air
Royal I ,, }iv'zi Winter Ya a ,, o onto; -they
cal:ried off' ten prizes in all, At the
Chicago fair they took two champion-
ships, four :firsts, four seconds and
five thirds..:At Guelph they; did apt
exhibit any ; stock' .but, showed two
fleeces of wool, taking -two ,'prizes.
They also made several sale's. Two
sheep were •sold at the Chicago. fair
to go. to California,.arid the. fat sheep
were also sold, ail but: the three fat
•The Igessrs. Snell 'keep the
county of ',Hulot well to the fore as
the "Heine of- Good Sheep."
The , death occurred early Friday
morning .at'his home,.Vietoiia street,
of Albert : Rumbali,-.after about to
Mr. Rumball had "had an attach of
pneumonia but his condition had'im-
proved and it was -hoped lie..: would
pull -through but his heart gave out
and from Wiolnesday his condition
was- considered serious..
Mr. Rumhail vas a native., of Gode-•
,rich township, .being a.' son oi! the
late Samuel'' lengthen:. , Front his
early boyhood, however, he had been
brought up with the • family;,of his
uuelee the.iate Ebenezer' Rumball, and.
had always seemed as one' of them.
For soave, years he and Miss Geer-
ging -Runiball ]lave resided izt Clip -
ton, having . purchased a home on.
Victoria street, and' dua!iag' .the past
year o1 .so Mrs..W. Pidltarld has' made
her' home with them.One- brother
survives iii British .Columbia.. Mr.'.
Rum'ball was •a. iluiet man, of retiring
disposition azid had the respect of
those who knew hiin. He was a.
Methodist'in religion, during hs
dence'` in ' ; Clinton, •being' connected.
with Wesley church'. • Pe . was. a
member of :the Canadian. Order: of
Foresters '
The funeral • took place, from his
late residence -on Sunday. afternoon
Baud was 'very -largely attended, The
services at house and graveside were
conducted by'the Rev. A. A. Holmes
and the Rev. T. J. Snowdon and the
pallbearers were: N. W. Trewartha,
W. H. Lobb, A. J. Tyndall; W. Jen--
It/me, 'Feed. Ford and D. W. L. Can-
n Interment was made "in Clin-
ton 'cemetery°, f" -
Aznongst those fz'oin..a. distance' who
"veto-. present for the funeral'. were
Me. W. Rtuiiball., Toronto; Miss `Creta.
Porde., St.Tho,ies; Mr, and. Mrs, J,
'Gauley, Mr R:. Gauley and Mrs. T.
Castle; Wing'hani,•
The marriage ,took place at noon
yesterday at the `horne'of"the bride's
parents, Miss EIda Jane Mair, dangle.,
tee, of Mr. and; Mrs, Wtaalter' Mair of
town, and 117r.. John W. McEwan , of
Kincardine, formerly of Clinton,
'The' bride, who entered the room'
with her father 'o the strains of Men-
delssbhns wedding •march, playedoit
the' Vietrola, wore a• handsome .e ed -
ding gown of, white veiat'ela and -'sa-
tin, the'conventional wedding veil -and
orange blossoms and berried_a_ liet
mice of carnations. Missrlt%ra'Stat-
ham Of Brantford' wee bridesniaizi,
She wore. a pretty, frock, of orchid
georgette tits nn ed •'with silver' 1100 a'
black picture hat with os prey a,nd ear-
z•ied Ophelia rases. , Mr Lynn Mair
hrother ' of the 'bride, wits beet. ;10011
and little Mastare Douglas Maly, -the
bride's nephew, was riagbear'er, The
ceremonywas performed by the' Rev.
T• E. -Hogg en alio presence 'Of lam*
sixty .guests,
"At the eoncltisien of the ceienlony
and When. congratulations= lied been
.e§tended, the' wedding foist was one
joyed, the. tables being decimated iii
pink and white, orchids And •'Mums
being the flowers used. . ib1isses
:Iign ICanaicdy, Marion Andrews, Edith
Jones and Floreeee Lawson, g1r1
friends of the bride served the guests.
,Tho bride was the; recipient of
many lnlndsaine gifts, the bride-
groom's girt being a rope- of peas'ls,
Co the bridesmaid he presented pearl
curings and to the bean man ,and
lmgbaaree, • Heves.
Mr. and Hiss, M2'chlwan left far the
afternoon, amid showers of eonfetti,
for it short honeymoon tip, the bride
travelling in a drees of brown C,anten
crepe with' sand eblared ]fat and taupe
marvolla:coat, 'They will reside in
.Out-of-town guests ecreee ab fel»
3'w. •etecoate-'London; Mrs, W. A,
Mail and children llipl,q;;. h'Ir, a cf
111kx, Hill; Mr, and Mts. Satiety, Mr.
iflid Mil's, J. Rnithbyy . and. Mrs. 1.11»s
T3a11, Auibtpfit; ]h'. and hIrrs. Ittai,,.
Cl1Qsley F11'. ]+'rank Lewis, Sarnia;
1'rllas Nora ry,1:at11801, Tirentfrd;
and ars, ii;, Lear, Blythe, and lllrs„1.
T ovior, Londeshoriir,
'Wesley Clin e:h.
The Brotherhood will meet' as us'•-
ual'at1,0 a.m. Subject, "Utilizing
The Works of the 'Almighty," intro-
duiecd by H. B. Chant, Al! men vel-
The pastor will ".preach 'both morn.
ing and evening. Morning subject;
"Profit, and Loss r" Evening, A
Specifie Cell for Proof." '
The .Senior, League 011 Monday
night ',was well attended. The re
port or the Goderich bistriet Sun-
day ,,School and League Convention,
presented 'lay •Miss G. 'Snyder; was:
Most interesting, • 'l'Eie Rev. ,Ernest
Parker's adds'1i54 was also rn.ttch ap-
preciated. The tone of the nietleng.
wa,s.good. 3
'rho Ladies' Aid held lits annual
meeting~ on Thursday of last week,
when the .Iellowiaig ollicers 'were el.,
cell d
liar T''a
, r.
. idcirt
11i`rs. A. A. ittilmes.
President: Mr$. A.'l. Cooper,
Viso. Mr's. N. W. `.i"i'ewartlla,
r1°ie4 ,1.a a y { 1..t
Mrs, Tlta,;, It'Tason,
I',teaeuree lifile-af-c0pperx Fund: Ttlrs;
Ti, 1'itzeimens.
CGzrrlVetler Virork Colli.¢
Mi. Alfred Scotehmor, 01 Crailc,
Sask., writing to renew his stibecrip-.
tion says: "We are having a loyely
fall, The best ' we have -. had for
nineteen years. Had a rain Stormi.
last night. heal California weather.
The stoelc', is all running out on the
prairie and rustling their living, They
are looking fine. Kindest' regards. to
gll Ontario 'friends.",
Many of our 1eadirs no doubt read
in the daily papers- •of the capture•of:
J, D. Lockwood, ex-poriceman,of Tor -
auto, a 't' Pi:cicfoi'd, .1VMzsh:, A few days
ago. Lockwood made this • escape
from' the S. S. Ifuronic before it
docked at Sarnia some little time ago
atnd`'though diligent search was made
fos him 'no trace was found, until a-
couple of days ago, on a tip* from
Chief Lannin 61 Sarnia -to- the police
at the Soo, he was -'arrested at Flak..'
ford, It lavas from ro`
C1at pn
s Chief
of Police, .I Stong that Chef Lan-
nin i n
nip got his `tip" and- Chief. Stone,
has a letter of a;:knowledgement from.
Chief Lannin. Chief Stong, who keeps.
his wits about him at all times; heard
that a man answeiting'to the descrip-
tion of Lockwood was being treated
for a ,sore foot at `a Pickford •hotel,
and, 'mowing that Lanninwould be
in touch With the authorities inter est-
ed, notified him. The arrest soon
The 0.0.1, Basketball Team played
the last game of the season at 'Strat
ford on b'riday last, winning •le
score of 26-18. _
This Was the first time the Clinton
girls' had ,played inside and they were
not accustomed- to a floor, : They
were 1 in' consequence, a- little ,afraid
of it ,lint the result proved that they
their t pl•allay.ow that to' interfere with
The girdshave played hone a» d
home games with Stratford, Wing -
haul, Goderich and Seaforth, and Ex-;
eter defaulted, conceding, themthe
game. They have -never lost a
game all season and this year win
"for keeps" the ,Scott Trophy,• which
they have won two years in sucees-
sion. This trophy will be formally.
presented by Mr. Scott, of •Seaforth,
the, (loner, et the Commencement,
which will be held early in the new
''he girls are' to be congratulated
Upon their_ splendid "success' in this
like of sport. A hockey teani may
be organized.for the winter:
A rather bad, wreck ' of a freight'
train' occurred between - Dublin and
50010(th" late, Sunday afteruodn,
when r
f oni
some cause unknown, .six-
teen cars left the .track 'and were
3110(1 up in confusion in the ditch. The
train, twenty-five cars long, all emp-
ties, left Stratford for Goderieh,, in.
charge of Engineer 1). Semple and
Conductor W. Lambert,: Old rail-
road men say that a train of empties
is the Hardest sort of train to handle
as,it is much easier to derail an clap,
ear than Ya i one well loaded,:. it is
supposed that .this . accident' was
caused by.a.broken:brake beard
ing in the crossing. ' Many 0f.' the
Cars were badly damaged and math
of: the roadbed was torn up.
' All the, section hien resident in
Clinton .were called out Sunday uvea-
ing, several'being called out' of
olturch, to 'go down and 11551St ill
clearing. away the'wreekege,
The passenger trains going eget
and coining west o11 ;Monday fore-
noon were stopped at the wrecks and
passengers, 11tai1, etc., ` transferred,
5o that there was little delay .01 in-
coiivonience. By Monday afternoon
the- track was clear. Fortihnately,
Chore. was 110 hiss of life. •
Who passed. away,coir Friday D
.71h, at the; home c
it his son, H. ` W.
'Gide ' of the' Gravel Road, ,forth of
Clinton, had lived: to the .great
age of ninety-four - years. " i •fie was
born in Peel county, a Cenadia0, born.
ofirislz parentage. When quite a
young boy 11o'tame to Huroii county
tied `spent 1110 rest of his life in and
around the vicinity of •Clinton, being
one' sof the pioneers of this. disti;ct,°
He "felt very, keenly. the loss . of hie
wife,; with wham he had lived for
nearly slaty -seven years, and who
departed this life nearly three years
ago lie was a kind and loving
father to his fancily nod their child
reit,' ' Mr. Cele is survived by ono -
son, • W. H. Colo, three daughters:
8'Irs. '.C. 1). Johnson, Chippewa; Mrs.
A. Cole, Wayne, Mich,, and Ildrs. Guy
ITicks :ol' Clinton and a ltucuber'- of
0hiidr00 end great-grandchildren. One
daughter, Mrs, T. C. Doherty of Len.,
don, passed away last Apeii,
The,: funeral was held froth ' his
son's residence, the gravel load, on
Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mr. 510oree
house conducted the service, ' ,The
Pallbearers were six grendsonee riar-
voy and ,Stewart Doherty,• of Lond0n
Charlie Coto, , llirmilton; and W. L,
Johnson, Robert Maher .and '° 0111e
'Welsh .0f Clinf, ,i. Aaitongst the •1.0r -
all oteering's :were beantiftil offerings
Froin hie eleven Preat..gnntletiidrm,
rho . Doherty gl'a11d,childreaa Mee
'", Dr- ;l't>hns0li and song;' .Mr,
and mini. •W, rt. Colo and !M1ss A,
G01e' fv.Er
S r /Tints,. Mr, and • ' •
, '' , .1: 1.1ws
it, 1
and 1tl'v
7`rs ,• Set -
and ethers: , W
i'ho faxmil of l;l'te Tete w
Y It (,has: Colo
wis11 to 1st<'lttt their,' alaicere 111111119 i
to th1' 'friends and ti01ghber$ 1or'the
many acts of 1iiid0011 shown 1111(0115 A
his lata illnes4.. nl
Cliatoxz's' Victorious'; C. 1. Basket` Ball 1"earn
Top, Row: Dorothy Streets, Lucy Lev y, Jeep Woods and 81115 Graham
(coach): Second Row: Jean Ford; Olive Schoenhals (Capt.); Mary;HoveY
Right Co1)101. kitting: Gertrude 'Snyder. Left Corner, sitting': Camel
Evans.: In the centre is the• Scott Trophy, which the tear k
winning twice. e 1 ceps, after
Only nine more shopping days till
Christmas. Look up the advertise-
ments in this issue of The News -Re-
cord and make the best of the time• .
Mr. C. G. 1VJidtlleton signifies b
intention of standing for the reev
ship at the coming, municipal electio
"Charlie" should mated a• good run
The SW C T.IL will meet in Oaten
street church on Friday afternoo
next at three •Q'cleelt.-:Miss Syb
Courtice will give, an address and of
ternoon tea"will be served,
A special e eeti ig of the- hos ita
board will be held in the board roe'
of, the town hall -on Wednesday after_
110011 next, Dec. 19th, at three o'eloe
All members are 'asked to attend.
• The autumn of 1923 will long b
remembered in Ontario for its mild
its .abundance of .sunshine
Several have replanted' .upon tih
many sunny days November had, 'al
though we are aecnstomed ‘to thin
of Novezeiber (1s a dull month. We
have had, also, .most beautiful ;wea-
11101' since about the second week in
September, with enougli rain to keep
things moistened ,and allow the con-
tinuanee of fall work on the' farms.
The fell -owing ±1001 an e1change
puts: very neatly what )night be said:
in more words, The newspaper whirl'
is worth, it's salt doesn't tale trine:
,ever to think about its enemies.- ' It
is is too busy thinking :how to make 12-
-- self worth more, than its salt:
Newspapers don't • try to punish
people 'through the .columns 0' the
o paper ..half'e often es the public
n ,thinks,. There - are • newspapers who.
it have their enemies. In; fact, it is a
rule that they do have their ene-
mies, for•it is hard to keep from mak
1 ing then if you work around a news-
paper; but there eve but few: news-
papers who; use their organ lei settle
It a lit le private grudge. This is; not
always' understood.,. `Often when
things' go wrong in 0 ,ewspaper of-
fice it is ]aid 'to someone on the pa.
per, It is done purposely.- It was
e to help one and, injure the other.
That's what is said, and neWepztpeea
don't often try to explain awey:nits
e takes of this kind, Another comes'
right away any how, Mr. Guild of
le the Kingston Whig, said at a bangnet
the other evening that newspapers did
not look for thanks for what went in
to the Paper, but they did expect all-
preclation sometimes for -.what they;.
had left out."
Whether we shall have. an open
winter r
o notrel i`
na ns to be seen but
that we are ,having an 'open fall goes
without saying. Citizens :,are pick-
ing pansies, candy ..tuft and
inarlgoIds in their gardens,
the specimens being as large' and
.fine looking as those ,picked in the
summer. - And on. Tuesday Mr. John
Rathwtll of the second of ,Stanley
brought 111to •The ,News -Record' ofiiee
a -doze `
nS le
swhic le
PY alip it z had pick-
•ed the day before, December 10th, in
his orchard. They' were large, well
formed, rosy and 'sound. 'Ye editor
means to' enjoy, some of thein before
retiring' after a long day's work for
the next few evenings.. Wed -.ra-
ther hobnob with an apple barrel than
a doctor any day.
Rectar's subjects, next Sunday-:
morning: "John the Baptist." Ev-
ening, "The Abuse of Wards,"
The annual 11100ting of the W.A.
was held in the parish hall on Tues-
day, the,vetzring: president, Mis. C.
Llewellyn. . Bilkey, ;hi the °hair.. The
annual reports of the treasurer and
the various sccretanies were read and
Adopted, each one showing that ex-
cellent work had been done during
the year. ' The rector explained that
as IVIrs.' Bilkey desired to Organize
similar ,,work among the younger
members of the congrega'tion,•he had
appoitrtel'Mrs. Tiles. White as presi-
dent for ensuing year. The' fol-
lowing ladies were elected to the• Var-
ious offices:
1 Ion. President, Mrs. • U. L). Biikey.
First,Viee- rreeident, Mrs. J. ;ll John -
Second `[rice -President, Mrs. F. 1 -Io
Third d Vice-lyzesideiit,; Mrs, J. b. At.
ki 15oi1. « '
R.;, .
(.carding-5t,cretarry, Mira: 'S'(r, R,
'Preto:Tree, Mrs, .Geo, Taylor,
Cor.-Seerotary, Mus, II. B. Combe,
Mite -Box Seeretary, Mrs, J, J. John -
Leaflet Secretary, 1VIrs, Chas. Balser.''
Flower Mission, Iliesdamas
'Ranee and; Wm. Elliott.
lyorcos Committee, Mrs. .1. 'Schoc,n-
liars,• (coevener), Miss y.; Bow-
don, Mesdaines V. 'W. JollbsiA ,i,
W. 'Elliott and111iss Foster'.
Ito} rosentativee front the congrega-
tioh, Iffiss Lovett, ltzesdeenef R,
J Gruff and Wnt. Appleby._
It was decided to ]told 'a .1;1'a -vest
Thaszlksgivi,i Supper next ;fall, A
vote of thanks was 'Wintered to the
retirieg lire51th1t for her-exeellon1-
wort: during the 1/aat )'Orli;,
Pc 111e close. oi' tfle 010011ott. 1110 ti
Meet n, in
et tvas 1
! d h I's
i a S -
r 1
si t`our 4 1
t ce, nisslon.ls y 0n furlough
from Yapan, ,who reeve a most inter.
(ting and inepirhtg recount of the
'61' there, dwelling espt'clally upon• e
1 111lly e0e.;:te tlt,h. ll'0aturi::;n
' 05110) 55 ),1, W, Johnston 11.1111 W.
tipplehy 1111d (image of the refr'e1i.. p
cuts. f
and Mr
o rt r
i having decided = to resign as'keepot•
and.mation of the. Huron County.
Home unless an increase of $400 per
year were made in their united sal-:
•aries, the inspector advertised for ap-
plications for the office and these
Were •considered at last week's meet-
ing of the County Council. There.
were `.several 'applications - -and :Kr.
and, ItIrs, John Jacob of. Exeter were-
ehosezi for the positions, Mr, anti
Mrs. Jacob were highly recoiuntend-
ed They take: over their new drake;
:tit the ;beginning of the year._,
-- The council gave instructions . to'
have' the gaol residence vacated and
put'into proper shape for the new
governor, Mr. J. B.' Reynolds, the
former governor having' occupied it
11p to the ereeent. Some difficulty-
was expezieneed with regard to a
pension but as the -former governor
refused to eccent the .pensjen of7ered
at last session of 1110 00uneil,. no ao-
tion aee< taken in regard to, it at .
At the Thursday evening; meeting
the rething. Warden, Mr. Eleavers,,
was presented with a gold -headed
cane and,'several interesting addresse
e5 were made. by mepibcrs,
The" fell
awing from the Exeter Ad-','
vocate eefers to the death of a Sis-
ter. of Urea L`aoltha}t'.Cree of Crim
on. •
"The .death'•occurred ori Wednes-
day, November 28th,;.of Agnes Bruce
wife of• Mr, Richard 1Vfurphy, in her
53rd year. •, Deeeasod ltad";for many
years; been •,••:bled 'with ant -lima' •but '
was ;11 her usual health until a ntpntit
ago, when she became 111 -of 'Acura
pneumonia, and she underwent an .0-
Iteration, but was nimble to staind
the stiraie of the illness, and Qt iratieti
and she '`gr'adualiy sank until death
relieved hoz• of, bee suffering, She
was esteemed • and respected by all
who knew her. 330111 at Londes-
boro, she leeided there until her mac,
riage to Mr. Murphy some twenty-
two years ago, 'since which time she
had resided in Eettetov, i3esides the,::
sorrowing husband she is survived by
tide daughter, Mise Mildred, also two
brothers and four sisters, Mrs. L,ittle,
Sous. Riley, azid Mr. Mat, Bruce of
Lendosboro, Mrs.' :Freeman of near
Seaforth, Mrs. Cree of Clinton, and'.
Mr. George Brute of Ilattlsford, Seek
8'he funeral which was private, took
Neer to the .Exeter cemetery en Fri-
i1Y afternoon. 'Amongetltoso pra:i
t from
distance we C Mrs. M a. T'
z M. Theme e dale.
and Mrs. Preen/An, ._
d , s t 1 l
a hove ntentionod, Mr.0tee and (laugh-
er, Margaret,. and eelati0es oe Mr.
lurphy-.his mother and sister' Mit„
es,ir, )111(18rwancl Mrs.—Bert Murphy
f Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, P1155, Mur_,
by of C;edeett. 1, Mr. Fred Ford a)1uhily of I1oiniesviile,",: