HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-6, Page 8lir, N'O 'S (i4„A41 r G : J`Ii,WELLR' STO1t.
iIv wlr :re • arXstrrlas
We are showing a large assortinent; 6f Silverware,
China and Glassware, Ivory Goods,,; and everything
found in an lippte-elate .lewolery Store. '
lows selectee] now will be kept till wanted by
small deposit on it.
Watches—We have a large assortment from.
Clocica-r-"F'roiln the hest makers, ,and are guod•tiina''
eWeller Mand Opticxas Next 'neVey'e Drug Mori
for the - oold - winter , weather ? ",Y eu may need a tteVe sweater,e.
new ove]'Ceat or FSonle goodwarm underwear.,_ ...�+."
;F(Te are showing a choice assortment of Sweaters, pure ,wool and
away below last year's •price, ":>3 r 1 ;!} al
The ,Overcoats are Going
Get yours while the assortment is best. Our styles are,eigh
materials are the best and the pr ices the lowese.
We carry Stanfield, St. George and Tige
wear -None better et airy price.
brands of wool ender-
.umste�l ��us.
PIIONE. '25:
Three en ' Were Pleased
with the 'Suits we made for them
and told, three other xnen. That
• made six patrons and they will
bring us more trade. If eze
hadn't suited the, first three wo
.would lose all six. Let the
• .,numbers' multiply --we Will .be
glad to clothe as many. men
'from town and country as we
If you're in a hurry, see
hdiav •quickly wo can turnout
suit or overcoat for 'you.
Davis` & ermaf.'
Is there any ware better than Granit for general use. We carry
a full line of it and will be glad to show' you our stock.
!Also electrical goods and ftxtures.Plunibing Supplies. And when
considering a furnace remember we sell i McClary Sunshine.
Stiffer45c.n* a due
I THo.e
The. m r Fair Cop
Often the Cheapest—Alylays the Best
C. H. VENNER, , Electrician
Electric 'Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Phone 151w
V6'iain� alnzl l�epa>irs.
tvliciCillop Township
Joht Howes has been on the
sick list the past week but is now able
to lit etrt again. •
e. Mir. James Frith ie engaged with
IUir. Ale's, MacDougall of Chiselhuest
fora year. lie stertet at the new
Ver. James le making .good and
likes the fal'nt work well.
'The school scholars of Roxboro
echeui acreraetiele �' foi'.a. Christmas
p is
tree entertainment.'.
The many :fxileeds of Mr. to
to be about yet -and his in:pro /einent
is very slight.
Pressing bay has'boon the order of
the day during the past week. Mr.
S. Cudnrore of Elppon i:$ the ,buyer.
A number of gates found their away
baclk to the old posts the other night
having bean hid on Hallowe'en night,
People hod some suspicion as to cer-
tain parties, whieh caused hard feel-
ings and the gates were fetched back
with a'heevy heel.
Mr, 1'. E. Hay says he ifs going to
have an test this winter as he has sold
all hie stork and will .tot belt' 'till
Mrs. W, D. Fain wa in Toronto Iast
Reeve R.J. Millon. is attending county
nt y
council this week
Mrs, George .Tomlin and children are
Mr. O. D, Boucle ofaronto was in
town over the week -end.
Mrs." J. W. Moore of Goderieh spent
'a day or two with friends in town
last week.
Mise •Kathleen Livermore of Wing -
ham spent Thursday with her par-
ents' in town.
Mrs. D. A. Cantelon of Hensall spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
•Gantelon of town. . •
Wiles Mabel Rathwell of`near Varna
is visitingethis week with tries. Jas,
Flynn of town.
Mi. and Mrs. Janes -Scott were in
Toronto over the week -end.
visiting friend's in Brantford.
ItIr. and _'Nies. Hamilton' Townsend,
of ; Toronto were guests at St..
Paul's rectory over the week -end,
Mrs.: A. J. McCartney spent a few
days over the week -end as the
guest of her sister, nes. Howes of.
Hareiston. '
Mr. Donald Buie of Cleveland has
;been here this week, having come
to attend the funeral of his sister,
the late Mrs. Mary Curtis.
Miss M. E. Adams, superintendent of
the Winghan- hosptal, spent a few
hours as the guest of Mrs. James
Livermore on Thursday last. •
Miss Beryl Pollard returned home on
,Saturday night from Clinton hos-
pital where she underwent an oper-
ation for appendicitis. She is im-
proving nicely.—Blyth Standard.
Misses Mary and. Jean McMurchie
were called home last ,week owing
to the illnessof their grandmother,
• the late Mrs. Curtis. They will
remain until: after the holiday per -
Mrs. Scott Grieve and Mrs. Fred Cook
returned > ',to 'their homes at Gros
Ile, Mieh:, on Thursday after spend-
ing some weeks witfi,, their mother,
Mrs. H. Bagley, who has been ill.
Mrs. Bagler is now improving.
Messrs. N. W. Trewartha and J. 'A.
'Ford, former members of the coun-
ty councils the former an ex -war-
den, attended the" banquet tender-
ed the members and ex -members
by the .county officials on Tuesday
evening. - •
Mr. Alf. Torrence arrived from Flint,.
Mich., • last week and 'joined his
wife and little twin' daughters, who
had been spending a week visiting
his parents litre. They all re-
turned to Toronto Mbnclay, malting
the trip by motor.
Nies, Edgar Franks of Paris and Mrs.
Cameron of Lucicnow have been in
town during the past week, having
been called hone owing to the ill -
nese and subsequent death of their
sister, the late Mrs. W. C. Far-.
gnhar. Mr. (Thanks and brr.
Cameron also attezided the funeral
which took .place Saturday.
Si. • Helens
Mr. Elinor Woods spent a few days
in Toronto last week. •
Messrs. Roy Aitcheson and James
Aitcheson, Jr.. returnedfrom .near
Saskatoon on, Thursday:_
Miss Mary Rutherford rias return-
ed home after spending a week With
friends in Toronto.
Miss Anna McKenzie: of Kintail has
been renewing 'aequaintaneee, aground
St. IIelens for a few days. •
dtirs. R. J. Woods spent a few days'
with, her daughter, Ma's. Phillips of
tistowel, who has been on the sick
list for a few days.'
' Mr. Jas. Purdon was in this neigh-
borhood chopping grain for Mr. F.
Todd and Mi. Wilson Woods.
' Mr, S; F. McLachlan of Paisley
spent a `few days with his friend. Mr.
Wilson Woods, last week.
Mrs. W. 3. -Humphrey spent, a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. George
Walker, of East Wawanosh.
Mrs. John McQuillian and children,
Ruth and Frank, are spending a few
days with the foemer's, parents, .Mc.
and IVl)s. Habbiok of Toronto.
The teachers and -scholars of.. our
sellool are busy preparing for a con-
cert' to be :g'iVen in the eemmunity
hall me Friday evening, Deoerebey.
t 1 11 PuddlEag Wel
Big ViTeek for Pude in.,gs. ' If you have a1read
Christrias 'Cake: , Now. is the time for your Chisti
Ye 1'pound .Raisins l"!g pound Choi red Suet xn of ,pound, of Flom: et'Ta
1. pound Currants • • (At Fitzsimons) ; �/ pound ef' 'Brown ,Sugar 1 Cu
'1I of pound or Orange Peel '/a' pound Dry Bread Crumbs :air. Tablespoonful of Nutmeg. Ve Ct
pound Cation 8 Eggs 1 Tablespoonful Cixutalnon x/2 Gu
We have also an assortment of puddings, Englisl
in bowls, all prepared and readyto be heat
Special price list of Christmas Fruits for
Gabes and Puddings
New Cleaned Currants, per lb c ,...19e,
New Valencia Raisins perms•, , ,, ,.........20c.
01c1' Valencia ltaisi ts'per lb.` ...15e.
New , ,SeedRaisins \ . ...15t.
New, Seedless Raisins ........ ........ . .:. .:! . • ...... , .15e.
Bleached Raisins, per lb ....250,
Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb., , ,:....
Candied Cherries, per : lb
New Mixed Peel, per lb.'
New Shelled Almonds, per.lb.
New Shelled Walnuts, per ib ...
New Dates .
Dates, fresh and juicy, 8 lbs. fo:
Christmas new mixed Nuts, per lb 1
Maxwell House Coffee New America'.
New Table Raisins per lb 40c
New Smyrna Figs in boxes '75c
Christmas Stockings and other Novelties 5c
Cash p & Carr j
2, , �Nk e'l lveraes.
unionists prayed, that God would
guide the decisions of the court -and
the vote of the Assembly went over-
whelmingly for ' union. "What I
went to asle.you," said Dr. Henry, "is
whether . • you believe 'God answers
prayer?" Dr. Henry said Canada
had been given the' privilege of..n
great adventure. She had many prob-
lems ' and she needed a united force'to
meet and solve those problems. He
said the people were ready to fol-
low 'theii leaders; they wanted leader-
ship in this great matter and :were',
ready to respond to it. The bill to
come before Parliament -will give ef-
fect to theaction of the church courts
it was not an net to'Sweep people
out of the Church."
The S nidey School is busy pXaetis-
Ing for the Christmas entertainment
to begiven ie the .church an Decent -
her 2011. A good time is expected.
Otte day last week 'Olive Go'hnbeh
by, deughte» »ff Sur. •,and Mrs. Robt,
Gi'itnbnlby, 1i'rsteal and' fell brealting,
hey arnl neare ste wrist., •
Mrs, A. Radford errivbd hoane en
Saturday. She is doing ne Well -as
can be oppeeted,
To pr avor •tweeting this week watt
at lir. it,Iabt. Etegorsan's tarn °1`raesdaty'•.
Dr. Bishop said he would speak from
the viewpoint of the:Methodist Chur-
ch. He
hurch.'.He said the union of the churches
affected was a fact, but that there
was need of legal ,sanction. •'.He
was not there to discuss reasons foe
uniting, that time was"past. The
churches had entered' into a pact of
]inion, the' wedding day Wee' coling
and the legal act would snake then
one. In view of thio there were
many things to :be' got ready. When
the day of final union carte it was
most important that the people
should be in a spirit of divine en-
thusiasm necessary to make it a real
success. The Methodist Chinch, he
said, had been "standing by" for el-
even years and even though a p,•reat
regret was telt that trouble had a-
risen in the sister church he •could
not but rejoice at the approach oE'
the great union: %Ie told of an ex-
perience in Calgary sixteen years a-
go when the church of which he was ..
pastor and a neighboring Presbyter-
ian church planned a tnrlon. The
two pastors found their members
were discussing it and at first, antici-
peting :difficulties, they held them
back but. they would not be held back
and finally they s'ubmittecl to their
church courts a ;"basis of union" whi-
ch they had drafted,, ,The General
Conference of the: Methodist Ohurch
refused to sanction the union and he
demanded from Dr. Calmar, the
General Superintendent, a writing
setting, forth reasons, to submit to
his ;congregation, This was given,
But later such combinations were.
made. possible, "Had the General
Assembly turned down the union.
aateastee," declared Dr. Bishop, "It
would have bidden: goodbye to . one
hundred of these ,churches.
Dr. 13i.shop referred to a history of
church unions in Canada, prepared by
Dr. Gunne of the 'Congregational
Church, Teething back to the Presby-
terian union of 1817: During the
century the Presbyterian Church had
lead tlu ec unions; and three absoi•ps
tions; the Methodist Church eight un.
Ions and the Congregational Church
two, The three units, ware original-
ly forty-one. Union Was in, the air
and Canada had always been itt the
vanguard; Canada was showing the
way to the world, Dr. Bishop point-
ed out that the richest rile grbws out
Of units in unity. He drew eontpari
sons from the world of emesis, The
ni'bat•glorious, he said, was orchestral
music, all the varied instrument::
playing;the same range, instead of
grouping the instrtunonts in,1sevot'l
groups, "There are pieces of musie.
bythe great eomposers which can-
not (be played except by <scelibstras,a
said Dr Bishop. "So thct% are glee.
les' in the work of God whieh wo
have :level experienced because of
our divisions, And it mese be there
is ,meek in the mired of the 'Meeter..
which he has not yet written bee:thee
his ninitedl Chttrolt 'Wee not ready tea
play 4t."
tie Rev. E Tlti oterepied. '11
th- rs e
The "Kiddies" enjoy on• Candies.
They are always fresh and delicious.
Cream Caramel
Log Roll
Sea Foam
Peanut and Cocoanut Taffies
Bulk Chocolates—the finest
Fancy Packages—the best
Confectionery and Restaurant
"We ahs to please."
Christmas is collaring
Say "Merry Christmas"
this year with a
Then your holiday remembrance
Will be a personal one—
Just think—one dozen Photographs make
12 Christmas Gifts
Make your appointment now, it will
mean better pictures for you and more
time for us .
We guarantee our Photographs to be
Phone 66 Photo Studio
Pastime Club Dance
The Pastime Club is putting on a
trance irt,their club rooms on ,Friday
evening, 5.30 to 12,30. Ladies please
Provide: 31-1.
chair and the choir led in song. All
the meetings were well attended, the
Methodists also attending Wednes-
day's gatherings. At the conclusion`
of the. evening ,meeting Rev, T.
Snowdon and Mr. J. Diehl moved a
vote of thanks to thespeakers, which
was heartily endorsed.
lr$agt e1d
Iltoeve- A. E, Erwin le attendin";
county council at Goderieh this week.
Messrs.. John. Cameron and Percy
Weston, who spent the past month
ha California, returned home on Sat-
urday last.
Mr, 10. It, "Weston, who spent the
past: few weeks at Port Dover, rotten -I
ed horde this week.
Mr. II Drelituannti,
Mrs. W, Green: and Mrs. J. BartonBartonof Goderieh spent the Weeldrend with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs: John Fel.
Mrs. Buell:eh, Who spent the sum-
mer with her daughter,„:Mrs, (Dr.)
Woods, returned to'l orpiiid last weer;.
Mrs, Biggart left this week for
tC<notate to spuna the winter.
nh. Fifteen
ef re
And we submit a few sugg<
'Aleminuntware, Pyrex,
Skates, hockey Sticks and PeelWe are .offering. special pri
In the furniture departnaen
to supply gifts for the young
Be sere to see our large st+
Electric Lamps and Shades
rocs and Trays galore,
Make your ;.elections now
,you say.
Clinton Hardwa
Furniture Phone: 104
After: the fires tinder gigantic
ovens in bakeries have been
drawn, the bakers continuo for
hours to bake bread, pies and
• WHY?
, Because the bricks of the
oven have retained the flash”
heat of the ,fire and "stor ed" it.
So, toe, onee McC'lary s El-
ectric Oven has become iltor-
oaughly heated], thecurrent may
be turned "off''' and the oven
goes nervily .along baking' foe
• The seine principle operates
in "Tor -Red" Proteetcd Ele=
agents, fennel only on McClary's
:Electric Range.
MIN MThos. H, McCurdy and his bro.
ther, Mr. Robt. McCurdy, and sister
! Miss McCurdy, -whoio have been spend.
ing the past season at the former':
a min,o home here, have gone
,Stratford for the winter,
Miss Ethel Drehntan isspending e
few weeks >
as the guest of her father
Mies S. C. Barr returned home err,
Friday 'nitecw a two weeks' visit witi,
relatives in Toronto.
Archie Websler'came hoose or
Saturday :tram the West,
)b:%'r• and nt'e..Me:Connell, tvba }tai