HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-6, Page 7A Former Scout New Chatham's Mayor: "You ltuow, seine day, ; one of the boys here to -:tight new be Mayor of our city:". 'Wender how often Scouts i have lleord visitors, speak like that at Scent Meetings? And 'how 'many of the boya really 'thought that maybe the prodiotioa might came true? One' plaeo wliero it has cemo true ie Chatline, where Mr, C, D, Sulman ilas just been elected as Mayor.Qt the'etty. "Ted"'Sulman, as he 15 best known in Chatham, took a great interest in the BOY Scouts. when he was a. boy him•,. self, He quallied for most of the Scout badges, including rite King's Scout and the 'coveted Savor Wolf; and later ou'beeame one of the most active 'Scoutmasters in W esteru On- tario. He le superintendent of a'Suns day. School, and for years was violin istin the S. S. ercbestra, Though but. 24 years of age, Chatham's `new "Boy Scout Mayor" le daddy to two +little girls who aro prime TavorItes in a wide circle of eequaietances. • Ground•for Complaint. ,Tenderfoot—"Sag, thorn is sand on the bread." Second. Class—"Fine,, it will keep the butter from slipping off." University Scouts Organize. Former Boy Scouts and Boy Scout leaders attending the 'University of I Toronto and its affiliated colleges have organized: a University Old Semite' Club to keep alive their interest„in Scouting and. Scout activities. The. •charter membership includes young men' formerly connected with Scout , troops in emany parts,. of Canada. Af- ter the Christmas holidays the Club hopes to put on a .Winter Training Course .for Scout Leaders with the as- sistance of. Mr.. Rodney 0. Wood, Do- minion Camp Chief, of Ottawa. Iiow nen 'a second-class Scout' do first-class hiking with a tenderfoot? Scouts Prevent Auto Spill Quick thinking and a dispo'sdtion to Ihelp othere, • displayed by two Toronto Scouts on 'Thanksgiving Day,' pre.. vented whet might have turned but to be 'a • serious accident, on thesteep and circuitous road ,that winds 'past the Old Mill' en the Humber River. Tho two lads were sauntering up the hill,probably pondering what their good deeds for the day should be, when they noticed an automobile - backing down the roadway. The car was filled with people; and obviously beyond control: The tires would not grip on the slippery pavement. There was danger of the automobile party being precipitated into' a dangerous gully at the side of the road. With alaorlty the two Scouts ob- tained 'stones and -other hardy impedi- ments from the side of theroad and cast” thom''in front of the 'Skidding wheels, enabling the driver to bring kis car to a stop. Many New 'Scout Troops. Amongst new Boy' Scout Troops 'TRJCK S rro; ori Fly Aw..y ORPHANED 'BY THE JAPANESE DISASTER , Nine-monthe old Baby Nicoll is one of the many little British' refugees who have arrived in Vancouver since the great earthquake in Japan two months ago. F'or 36 hours she lay without food 'or shelter -on the. Bluff at Yokohama until she was discovered by rescue parties and eventually restored to her father, FI. R: •Nicoll; witir whom she travelled to Canada on the "Mtn - Press, Empress, of Rusela," Mr, Nicoll's wife and -other daughter were lost during the disaster. BY DR. J. J. 'MIDDLETO Provincial board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Pu.bIli Health tees through this column. A.ddreee hist at Sgadlna Dnoteb; Cresceent, Toronto. The death rate from cancer is not stools, if there is bloody or 'offensive i f malesup to 46 years discharge at other` than the normal 11 at the of age and for females up to 60 The. 1 ge of lrfe or a£tex it has pee increasing e - or +Yrionthly periods, especta y c ran_sed. Most rapid increase is occuring in ex-,) Even with the greatest care and skill r early stages is one of the most insidi- treme old age. • .• 1 doubtful oases occur; but only aft The gainlessness of cancer in its • careful medical examination,can it be: l decided whether such conditions areor nus dangers since it leads the patient are not indicative of cancer, and those to delay in seeking medical advice.) who seek advice in these circum- Were cancer 42 painful in its early :stances are taking a wise course quite stages . as toothache' there would be apart from cancer possibilities. An fewer of these pitiful cases in 'which abnormality is there and whatever it the patient first seeks advice when is due to it should be treated and not the cancer has readhed a stage beyond nursed in secret. ' all but.pallative tteatment. The statement is repeated that soupro- Medical Medical 'advice should be „tight at longed irritA,tioli is cause, but all once should a lump be found m the breast, if an ulcerated condition exists on the tongue, lip or skin which does, not heal in n few, days, if there is. persistent hoarseness, if a mole or wart shows a tendency to grow, if blood or mucus is passed with the Balance A visiting caid — or a elaytn$; card•—on the tip of the forefinger' of your loft hand, On this, directly over the forefinger, place a ,half dollar... '111e problDM to 10 remove the card without ttembing the half doll4r and without` cauetng the half dollar' to leave your linger tip. . ell that you have to do is to anap the forefinger of 'tile right hand so that It will strike the corner of the card. .11 you do It correctly -and you'll get the bang of it after a few trials -the card Will fly away+ ieav ing the half dollar on the finger tip. There to a little knack about do- ing the trick but the knack will come with very little practice. (Clip this out anti paste it, with other of the sories, in a scrapbook.) STOMACH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich an e Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It affects the digestion very quickly. The glands' that furnish the digestive fluids are diminished in their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened, and there ie a loss of nerve force, In this state of health nothing will more (Mick- ly restore the appetite, digestion and normal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aot directly on the blend, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves,, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This ie shown by an improved appe- tite, and soon the effect of these blood enriching pills is evident, throughout the whole system. You find that what you eat does not diatres§' you, ,and that you are vigorous instead of ir- ritable and listless., If your appetite he ills - tissues of t SE y is fickle you have a tissues are not equally liable Tho Crossing pains and symptoms ofnull- TARGE STOCK TROJAN ELEC- tris Washing Machines being sold direct froth :Toronto warehouse while they last at $88. Regular retail price $166: Write at once. F. B. erector, 102 Atlantic Ave., Toronto. w. Pa9. moldy awl offer et Roy amploymea4e11122 011 0osesel0 pie outurlvo. 1lnae of. 01,010 -root, trash= dna-to-order trace and plants. Sot 010011 anti 101,100. wotetirlt aWteotdn' rel from. A` :.:money-maldae onpattudtr• . LUGS BROTHERS, MONTREAL gistered by Provincial Scout Head- quarters, Bloor and Sherbourne Ste,, Toronto, this tall, have been the fol- lowing: 34th Hamilton, 1st Clarkson, 2nd Owen Sound, 1st Alexandria, lot Dutton, 3rd Chatham, 2nd Simone, 7th Ottawa, end Tillsonburg, 1st Nipigon, 7th London, let Newbury, lat Park- lands, and Woodstock, 1st Huntsville, 1st 'Goderiell, 2nd Chatham, and, 1st Thamesville. Has your town joined tare family of Scout towns yet? It you are interested in securing the forma- tion of a troop in your community, write to. Provincial Headquarters for a free copy of the new pamphlet "How to Organize a Boy Scout Troop, Tiresome Motorist—"Is my tiro flat?" Tenderfoot Scout—qt's a little flat on the bottom, sir, but the rest of it looks all right." WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY palm' of the loanil,is .probably in ,the gestion, you. should at once take Dr. parts than.in,the nipple. Some s'- fink Pills and Profit by the deeper William P ch uput ppppwill 1is,in .s I they tissues show'a special yy bettor:oonditionan which as the akin of the face, lips, insides' of our blood. cheelae, - tongue, lower , •pa:•t; of the y bowel and neck of the womb. These. pills are sold by all dealers in ,. medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from`The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Coe Drockville; Ont. 1V'Dor Sac ,?Qt ,141b1 tin Tew Verdict a Cure. 'Though pronounoed''I00an0, there seams to be no question of hie sanity now,'! "None at all—the jury acquitted him, you know." TRADEMARK` RADIO PHON,S. Direct from the Manufeetnrers RADIO BLUE, 2200 -Chino $5.00 Postpaid. PNde will ndvanoo In Dooembor. Prol00n0ed 121 hot 'Canadian •Tolophon0 by laadl,n ttnlvardty ProtOeeore. Selected 135 ih6 eovarnmant for Wtveyore 1n tho tar North. beonus° It hoe proved Anbro0habto. 10 DAYS' :TRIAL. 12 MONTHS'. :GUARANTEE. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED, WRITE F011 min .MAIL ORDER LIST., IA.LIBUR'TON & WHITE Limited 814 Notre Dame. West - Montreal arse oap and hot Water to clean It is so dean xieled�Iarea I urea As smooth as china one as stela ',end no metal ood. Be sure you get , two coats of pearly grey enamel Ware, three floater lisht ,clue And t"iyetal Ware, three Coats, pure Royal blue edging, �4 Caneda i [-tacit-iota Co. Worked motive w4 n Axis eeic ar Ceicery Aes • TEETHING 'TROUBLES • Baby's' teething time ie a .time :of worry and anxtetY to . most mothers. The little ones become cross; peevish; their little stomach :becomes .deranged and constipation and colic sots in, to make the teething period easy on baby the etomaoh and bowels :must be kept sweet and regular. This can be done by the use of Baby's Own Tablets- the ideal laxative for little ones. The Tablets are a sure relief for all the minor"_ailments-.of childhood such as, constipation; collo, indigestion, colds: and simple fevers,,' They always do good -never harm.. The Tablets; are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frolic The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville,' Ont. Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. Don't wonder whether you can .dye on tint eucoesefully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all -colors. Directions to each package. . ` Seven Mistakes. , "There are seven Mistakes of life that many of ns make," said a fatuous man to the writer; and then he gave the following list: 1, The melon that individual ad- vancement is made by crushing others down. 2, The tendency to 'worry about things that cannot be changed or cot - rooted. 8. Insisting that a thing Is impos- ruble because we ourselves cannot ac- complish it, ti10 The Teacher Caught, 1111. a banana goat three: cents,' said the teacher,:"what Will a dozen coat?" Willie hesitated; then gave' it up• ' "Well, do you suppose you could do the sum if we were to play at keeping shop?"' Willie thought 'that he could, and consented to enter' the make-believe market and address the shopkeeper. 'Have you 'any good bananas to- day,?" "Some flee ones at three cents a- piece," was the reply. "I'll take a dozen, if you please," •said Willie; digging down into his pooltets Por imaginary cash. "And how much will that be?" 4, Attempting to compel other per- sons 10 believe and live as we do. G. Neglecting development and re- finement of the mind by not act -Miring the habit of reading. 6, Refusing to set aside trlvial'pre- forencee, in order that Important things may be accomplished, 7, The failure to establish thehabit of saving money. 311G -SAW PUZZLE. Gott THE CHIL ERFN. , just— ' Send four wrappers from /ii. l�,l , , I,/` INDIGESTION, GAS, STO A,CII TROUBLE if you r'oyour' t j-eQe label) t5 9 JO If you intend to do a mean thing, wait till to -morrow; if you are to do a noble thing, do it now, now. --Dr. Guthie. "Pape's Dia—pepsin!!'ia' the quickest, surest; relief' for indigestion, gases, flatulence, :heartburn] aournes* or stomach distress caused by acidity. -A few tablets- give almost immediate stomach relief.' 'Correct your (stomach and digestion now for a few' cents. Ytiggists sell millions of packages of Pape'e Diapepsin. Patronize the merchants who Cee to' it that their horses are well treated, not overworked, overdriven, or other wise misused. MONEY ORDERS. -It is always'safe •te send a Dominion Express Money : Order, Five dollars' poste three Dents, The Egyptians imagined the world to be a vast; plain suspended in space. Keep Mlnard'e Liniment In the house. Chances Naturally,Qreater Student—'Do you know, Profeesor, statistics show' your chances of a ling life are greater than those of a bleak- smith?" Professor -•"Naturally; I. deal,: only with the heads, not the heels of mules." Aek for R•linard'e and take no other. Divers wear the same type of dress to -day a8 they didover forty years ago. NIGHT MORNING fp' KEEP YOUR EYE lc LEAN .CLEAR AND HEALTH wen, ran rape tin conn 1000.• MOnlpnco.nn,r4000 Time to 'Leave, Lecturer—"Allow me, before 1 close, to repeat the words of the immortal Webster." Hayseed (to "wife) ---"Land sakes, Mania, let's git_ out 0' here. lie's a- gain' ter start in on the dictionary." TO Oxo l,iml Mfnard's Liniment Hattie -Cute. The meal hour should. be a happy, cheerful one. Avoid if possible dis- cussion of business affairs. Remember that "A rnoal' well chatted is half di- gested."' Minerd'D Liniment Tor Dandruff. Politeness costs nothing. Perhaps that's` Why it's one of the few things the average bureaucrat -docent waste GIRLS! .A. GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR 35 -Cent "Danderine" So lme proves Lifeless, Neglected Hair, An abundande of iuxurlant heir full of gloss, glearnn and lite shortly follows a genuine toning up 02 neg., leeted scalps'with, dependable "Dan- 'diorite,. Dan- dorite" • Failing It e 1 r, itehing scalp and the dandruff is corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or taddfhg lr.alr is quickly invigor- ated, tatting on now strength, color and.yew:Mut beattty• "73a0d'eriee" is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating „ttbnio -- ntit stlelty et •groasl't AMY drugstore. Mother! Give Sick Child "California Fig Syrup" 4q.n�•Irlsh mother reproving her son: exclaimed, "I, wish your father was at home Come evening to see how you behave when he is matt" Hermit= Laxative for a Sulcus, constipated Baby or Child.. Oanstipated, •bil) sus, feverish, or sick, collo Babies and Children love to take genuine "California F 1 g syrup." No' other laxative regulates " the tender little bowels so A1CBly. It tens' the stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting without griping, • Contains no. narcotics 01' soothing drugs. Say "California" to, your druggist and avoid counterfeits) Trisist upon' genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. Got a Lb? Take a email -pan ot'. boiling water and put Half a teaspoon of MNN- THOLATVM in the hot water, then breathe the 'steam. It's the best and oleo the quickest Way to get -relief. roc 4 WrlO pofr 0I0O0oUet5r.00. iplg MENTHOLATUM CO, tcliiit rs. Dot. • sox:os Look Younger Care -Worn, nerve,exhallnted women need Bitto.PhoSphate, a pure' organic phosphate dispensed -by druggists that Now York and naris lulysielans pre- scribe to increase Weight and, strength and to revive Youthful looks and feel. hiss. ••• Price $ipee' ekge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St,. Dant, sizseessonsof w� INFLUEIN A.. Don't watt•till you got the 'du, inhale MInard'o night and morn- ing. The groat preventive, EVERY ERRE DI CANA silent but eloQuint ES rendervicill offheipfule. .ALWAYS, ASK FOR EDDY'S MATCHES ASPIRIN Say "Bayer" and Insist! Amerkla'e Ploneer Don Remedies Goole 0n DOG DISEASES bpd' Hou to Gaol 52 11ad Gr04 10 any Addreer by rho Author, 21, CLAY GLOVER GO.. Ins J05. Wet 2412 Street New York. 'U.S.3. ,�l'lI iS LOVE i$ ' SYRUP tel ° ' I The mata a Children's resu R for ogaia Pleasant 00 sive--pleasant to take. Guarantea4t��tt purely vege- table uicklY overcoof:lesr natio. Itdiarrhebe,. flatulency and, other- like. disorders. 3-�%`2 upon pubhelicd 'formula appears.pn. every leek. ;.,14tdier ,usgefo F ; Disfigured 0 With Large Pimples Cuticura Healed " For some time my, face was of fected with pimples and akin erup- tions, which by times would be very irritating. The pimples were very bard, and large, and turned bluish when rubbed' os icked, which caused die easement. "I was treated but it did not prove satisfactory. Iseed an ode vertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and decided to try them, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two ,boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Sighed) Mrs. Earl Cooke, Box 374, Napanee,, Ontario. Cuticura Soap daily, with Cuticura Ointment occasionally, prevents pimples or other eruptions. They are a pleasure' to use, as to also Cuticura. Talcum for perfuming the shin eampleaaahrr rotg:t lAdd ees Lyyrrssan Lira• 0120, 240 00. Paul Sb• Wo 2E air L' Said 00005y-. whorl. Soapasc. otnt,00nt2s ndsee• Tolaorn210 .Cudcura Soap shaven vtitloout rnuG. E MY BABY 'CAME I Was 'Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia'. E. Pinlchazn5$ Vegetable. Compound Sydenham, 'Ont, — `r I took your medicine before my baby was born,and it was a great help to me as I was ver Tamil until I had started to take it. net felt. as •though I was tired out al k fain •i d would hove wee , ) he trine an spells. Mynervas w oeld bother me 0111 til 3 could get little repo, night 0r dap • I wog told by a friend to tape Lvdia EI. pinlcham's Vegetable Compound, and I • Villose You sec the name "Bayer" on only tools a few bottles and it helped ole - or on tablets you are not pet• Wonderfully. I would reeomrnend it to package can ting the genuine Bayo • product proved recommend this good medicine. x wilt any woman. I am doing what I ca safe by millions and prescribed by i lend that little 1,0015 you gent Me been' physicians over twenty»three years far; ono.T.canitelp•' y0tt0anwithtitogrea Headache' t f lenanre use ntv+talne in regard to. •1 Coot Lumbago tl getable Cotnpotinii if it wit hel Neuralgia Pain, Pain I GAN, Sy ly, B "Bayerttb Tablets package cirth"ow con !1 beenix ported similar to this onee.. any anis' ma Wamanare pkooxlyat such timosanaaa geh Tains, proper directions. Handy boxes I into a wee aped, run-down condi�tion at twelve lnblete Dost tow cents. Drug. I wheraiitt i2 � ntit do hot Mother', "iii ' t also sell battles of 24 and lib. tb !s the trade mark (registered kept up. in Canada) of Bayer Manu Lydia II, Pinlrhptes Vegetable Ober n that Aspirin pound is thiexcellent time It is re Moana Bayer Manufacture, a, assist from medicinal roots and herbs an owl the public against tmltat[ot1A, the Tab, 1 nctcontainao harmfuldrut1�sittn�qbfr lets. of tDay0r CampanYi will bet staiup• ials00 fn safety by 11to nursing rnotttaxe ed with t11oLr gohoflti trade mark, tlatr l 1SSUS tie, d8—'2o .:r;, A e' 170 flro$sl Toothache a the ".. plarache Rheumatism others ,alto it, Airs. ltAltvmy M denhent, Ont. gip ® Aspirin facture of 141onoacetiCactdester o' Salicylioaati6 While tt ie well know t a Isi