HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-29, Page 9II
{SIIAY, NOV. 2Dth,
falEJAI:PXbl'(x JI ' ''EI LR, °TORE
Silverware` or Cihristial4S
We are showing a large assortment of Silverware,
China and Glassware, Ivory Goods, and everything
found in an up-to.,eate ,lewelery. Store.
Goods selected.now will he kept tell wanted byr paying
a 'small deposit on it,
'f atclies- rWe'have;a large assortment from s5 up
'Clocks -From the ' hest: makers; : and : are good-time
Jeweller and Optica Next Elovey'e Drag Stow
1 :ome
Tlie W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest.A/ways the Best
Are You Prepared
for rthe cold winter weather? You •xnay need a new sweater, a
new overcoat or some good waren underwear.
We are showing a choice assortment of Sweaters, pitre wool and
,..away below last year's price.
The Overcoats are, Going
Get, youls while the assortment is best, Our. styles are right, the
materials are the best and the pr ices the -lowest,
We carry Stanfield, St. George and Tiger brands of wool under-
wear—None better at any price.
Plumsteel Bros.
Three --- Wer .a e
with the suits we made for totem
and told three other men. That
made six patrons and they will
bringm •
us ore trade. If we
hadn't_ suited the first three we
would lose all six. Let the
numbers multiply we vyI11 be
glad to clothe as many men
from town and country as we
If you're in a hurry, see
how quiekly_ we can turn out a
suit or overcoat for you.
avis a pian
Is there any, ware better than Granit for general use.. We carry
a full line of it and will be glad to show you our stock.
Also electrical goods and fixfures.Plnmbing Supplies. And when
considering a furnace remember we sell McClary Sunshine,
Sutter Sc Perdue
C. FL VENNER, Electrician.
Electric ranges, I+ixterrea, Bullis, Irons, Fais acid other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 151w
California and the Pacific Coast Tours
When winter conies the Pacific Coast States and British Collies..
bia offer a haven of refuge .from our rigorous climate, particularly
Sunny California. California has boeome'famous as a winter tourist
region because of its excellent climatic .conditions, its varied and
magnificent scenery, the possibilities it affords for all kinds of out-
door sports and recreations, its splendid meter roads, seabathing etc,
The Canadian National Railways offer a wide choice o. routes enr{arac„
in rail and sett trips.Travel one way: through Canadian Rockies.
via Jasper National Park arid Monet ,Roson, the North Pacific Coast
Route to Vancouver and Victoria, Seattle, Portland, SauVranciseo,'
and Los Angeles,
Any. Agent of the Canadian National Railways will the pleased
#a 2ua•nish::full informatiaff x'awarding these tours.
Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn • is visiting ber
daughter in Detroit.
Miss Etta Wheatley has been visiting
her sisters in Woodstock.
Mr,, John Cuninghame has been in
Toronto taking in the Winter Fair.
Mr. and Mrs.'Peck of Hensell•visited.
friends in town during the past
week. Q
Lieut. Stevens of Seaforth "visited the
local Salvation Army Officers yes
terday. •
Miss Jule Bartlifi returned to Toren-
to on Monday after a fortnight's
vacation atther home in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair of Allendale
are visiting Clinton and .Goderieh
township relatives this week.
Dr. Fowler has returned from his
hunting expedition -to the, : north.
1e was successful in getting .a. fine
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Greig and Mas-
ter George of London are visiting
this week with the former's sister,
Mrs. Frank A. Jenkins.
Rev: D. N. McCanius' of London, wha.
has been assisting with special ser-
vices at Blyth, -called on friends in
Clinton on Saturday.
Mrs, A. 0.Pattison went over to Buf
fele last weak to attend the funeral
of a relative but was called home on
account of the illness of her hus-
Mrs. Cowper and her son and daugh-
ter motored over from 1Vrarlette,.
Mich., 'and spent the week -end as
the gueots ,of Mr, and Mrs. E, W.
" xtodaway. '.
Mr: and Mrs. Topham have,, emoved
to Ingersoll, where. •IVIr. Topham.
lies gone' into the dairy business.
lVli. Tophaiii has been employed at
the Durnin Dairy for some time..
MIs. Wm. Kerr of North 1Ylornington
and her sister,' Mrs. Ethel Jack of
Regina, Sask., Were visitors ever
the week -end at the home of their
aunt, Mrs. W. S. Downs. The lat-
ter left this week for the west via.
Chicago; and will spend the winter
in southern California:
Miss Hopldns, who -had charge of the.
girls' Blass in the Agricultural
Short Course in Clinton last year,
was in town on Thursday last.
Miss Hopkins has charge of the-
elass at: Exeter this year and' just,
ran up to Clinton before going to'
Exeter. She was in Guelph on.
Saturday acting as a judgean an 0,
A,C. competition.,
Mrs, L. B. Smillie of London•is the
guest of her parents, Mr, and ' Mrs.
Charles Parker,
A very charming wedding took'
plaoe on Wednesday. afternoon, No-
vember 21st, at four . o'clock at the
home -of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierson,:
when their youngest. son, Mr. John
Pierison, was united in marriage. to
Miss Maud 'Gladys Hubbart of 'Tor-
onto. Rev. B. P. Colelougir perform-
ed the ceremony in the presence of a-
bout forty-five guests.. The bride
entered the living room ou the arm
of the groom's father, Mr. Pierson;
The bride was attired in gray can-
ton crepe and carried a• bouquet of
white ehrysantheunts and 'wore' a
necklace . of whole pearls while a
wreath of : silver leaves and gray a4
clred' the hair. They were accolu-
panied by Mr. George Castle, .Jr.,
as groomsman and Miss Edna Mc-
Gee as brtidosinaid, the. latter. Was at-
tired in a. delgblud •voila dress and'
carried a bouquet of yellow 'minis.
After the ceremony the guests re-
paired to the dinning room where a
sumptuous supper was served. Dur;
tug the „signing, of the register the
village band serenaded the happy
groom and bride. The presenti
were numerous, showing the high es.
teem hi which the young' Couple are
held. After the supper speeches
were given by the Rev. 13, P. CoI-
olough, Rev: Mr, Parkinson,: Dr.
Newton Brady and 10, A. Il, Erwin.
Those attending the wedding, were
guests from London, Clinton, Goder-
ich township and Manley. Their
many friends join in wishing then a
happy and prosperous future,
IVIr. Charles Parker, who has spent
the harvest in the west, rethrned
home last week. IXe was accompan-
ied by' his son's wife, Mrs. Chris,
Parker, and family, who will spend a
few months in the vicinity,
Codej'ich 'ro uvrralllibla
IMr, W, McDougall and his daugh-
au h -ter, Miss Nellie ro:f'Scaforth are -
, vs
iting this week with the former's
01000, 'Virg, R;, C, Thompson.
Mr, and, Mrg, Carl Vair
or Anion.• ,
dale have been visiting the former's
father, Mr. George I4lair.
Miss Rodg•erson of^r Clinton visited
Miss Dell Finlayo
o v
ErSunda ,
;Masa Douglas' of. Ndal;aru, Vans, Who
0 s
i 'M1cs+i'= 3•
This week we especially invite you to call and.;. inspect our
Christmas Fruits for cake, Mincemeat, and 'Puddings. Com-
pare our prices and you will find we have
Christmas Cakes and Fruits on display in our north window
1 'lb. Butter
1 Ib, light Brown Sugar
9 Eggs
1,1b. of Flour
1 teaspoonful of Mace
Christmas Cake Recipe
2 teaspoonfuls of Cinnamon 2 lbs. of c1 i'rants
1. teaspoonful Soda Ma lb. :of Candied Ch rries
2 teaspoonfuls of milk • 1 lb. Citron Peel
2 lbs. of Raisins (seeded and chopped M lb. shelled almonds'
t fine) Also Dates and Figs if
g you wish.
Full information, for mixing on request. .
New Cleaned -Currants, per id. . • „ ..,19e
Valencia Raisins, s, 1 to
r 1
Old Valencia
Raisins, per Ib 15c
'New Seeded• Raisins per Ib 150
New Seedlds Raisins, per Ib. 15e
Bleached Sultana .Raisins, per lb....,
Candied Cherriest per lb:.
New '. Mixed red Peels;Per lb.'•••••• ,-
New ,Shelled Almonds .49c
New Shelled Walnuts, per lb. . , , , ; , , , , • , ..50e
New D per 18 •50e
• v ales, per lb
_.......25eY' ,.,.<.',........25c
Dates, Fresh and Juicy, 3 lbs for
Orange and. Lemon Peel... ..... 35c
Fresh Halibut
Snacks and Oysters
C; skit & Carrj.
2 ire Oilier' s
`a ".5titp
Special for Week end
Finnan Haddie
Lettuce Sweet Potatoes
Grapes Pineapple marmalade
•� tt:� ,tisv
A meeting of the Presbyterians of Clinton and vicinity will be
held in
W}}q dLl .0 gURC)91
q4 � 6./�"W @J YII+MJYlA' 8.J�0.1�.X,V�R•ii. - ,
1, DEC„ 5,. AT
REV. R. W. DICKIE, D,D., of Montreal, and
REV. D. PERRIE, D.D.; - of Wingham. - •
will. speak presenting reasons against, the proposed legislation, to
consmnntate organic union. ,
The "Kiddies" enjoy our Candies,
They are always fresh and delicious.
Cream Caramel
Log Roll
Sea Foam'
Peanut -and Cocoanut Taffies
Bulk Chocolates—the finest'
Fancy Packages—the best
Confectionary and Restaurant
"We airs to please."
has been visiting in this Community
returned home on.Saturday.'
Mr. N. Snyder of Radissop, ,Sask.,
and; Mr. Dickenson of Fielding, Sask.,.'
motored 'down making thetripin a-
bout twelve days Mr. Snyder cane
drawn to loin Idswifeand family who
have been staying at the home of the
lady's father, Mr. W. H. Lobb during
the suniiuer.. They intend returning
home after Christmas. Mr. Dicken-
son intends
ickenson:intends remaining in old Ontario,,
his Moine being in Wingham.
Mr. and Mks. John Tebbutt spent a
few days in Goderich last week,
On 'Tuesday evening' of lest week,.
while the fainily of, Mr. D. Pocock of
flowick were out milking' burglars en-
tered the
ntered'the house and some money was
stolen. ; Fortunately there was not
much in the house. Nothing else
seemed to be touched.
Christmas is Con;ting
Say "Merry Christmas
this year •with a
Then your holiday remembrance
Will be a personal one—
just think—one dozen Photographs make
12 Christmas Gifts
Iktakeyour appointment . now, it will
mean better pictures' for you and more
time for us
We guarantee our Photographs to be
Phone 66 Photo Studio
Carrying on the'Ontarip Campaign proclaiming the
•VISION acid TASK of the
.United Church of Canada
'Two Creeat Meetings
in the Pr'esbgterian Church, Clinton
Dee.' , _at 2.30 and art
REV, E. A. HENRY, D,D., Deer Park Presbyt'n Church, Toronto.
htB',T.• C. W. BISHOP, 13.D,, Sherbourno- Street Methodist Church,
1`hi z rally is intended aro serve*the Presbyterian Congregations of
the Presbytery of 'Huron and the Methodist congregations
of, the corresponding district.
Collection to defray expanses
Christmas is rapidly approachingso be wise and plaice your se-
lections early as we will be pleased to put any article away for you
until wanted:
Our store' is full of beautiful new stock suitable for the Christmas
season. Including Pictures, Mirrors, Trays, Ferneries, Cedar Chests,
Table, Bridge and Piano Larnps with lovely silk shades, at very
easy prices. '
A splendid stock of Dining room, Living room and Bedroom Fur-
niture as well as Kitchen Cabinets; eta.
Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs in. the newest patterns.
Just received a large shipment of Austrian Graniteware see our
79 cent window.
We have a full line of Heaters and Ranges manufactured' by the
Beach- Foundry Company, Ottawa, They are real :stoves.
A full' stock of Rifles, Guns and Ammunition,
Cali'cinand look areund-as_it's no trouble to show our goods
Canton Hardware and Furniture Co.
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware '195
After the Ares under gigantic
ovens in bakeries have been
drawn, the bakers continue for
hours to bake bread, pies ,and
WAY? -
Because the bricks ofthe
oven have retained tate "flash"
heat of the fire and "stored" it.
So, too, once 11ldCiary's E1
,ectric Oven has become thor-
oughly heated, the current may
be turned "ori" and the oven
goes merrily along baking' for.!
The same principle operates
in "Tor -Red" Protected Ele-
ments, found only on McClary's
Electrie Range. •
Somewhere in Florida
To be somewhere in Florda, where the sun is always shining where
the golden oranges ` hang in clusters on the trees, the palms stir'.
gentry to the warm balmy breezes and "Where the sweet Magnolia:
blooms" is the thought'im the minds of hundreds of Canadians every..
This year there will he the natal exodus of Canadians t
south. When Canadians , p the,
a at home are skating and skiing, those in
the south will be suc'f.liathing sun-bathing on the warm sands, deet,•.
sea fishing', golfing, etc, 1
Wheta snaking arrangements for the trip south, consult anyagent
of the Canadian National Railway for particulars of service, Winter
tourist fares are now in extent, valid to return up to June 16th, and
good for stopover at all important points, .