HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-29, Page 8has
r Fell()ft to 72
Lb,; fns 33 on Tarifa('
"F r nearly Gavots year's;' recent- 1llaiiy' times I could riot even retain
a t on storilach and
ly said Mur, KatieDyer, of 2l 1Zaii• broth end toast my
,wrty SteItamiltoe, Ont„ "I bad su1
lered::fiont a complication of troubles
Peculiar to women teedtinnily nt
strength all left me and X broke down run iny w Eee linga fine
es I evel�h'iliu
in "Sttlien I began taking 'Spline; I deedand tl an Irtev..or was bePnealtee
only welshed seventY-two pannus, and mso v Y
ier had been;, so weak and nervous' for can never praise Tanlao enough,'
nearly: titi,o months that"1. had to :be Tanlao is for gale by all good drug-
assdsted. front My bed to'my chair, gists; - 'Accept no substltute.
restful sleep would not 0901) to 100.
"Neither neYeelf o1 my friends
thoug11t I would over &et well, but
3et for one of the. non-metallic
pertinent of the Interior is at present
engaged in' framing regulations for
the production of carbon 'black from z i th evening J st iai y the conditions that prevail
wellsrsituateci on Dominion lands. hunting for "Goad Turns" which they in some parts of the Bxitish I$les Again, the cost of removing the slum
The Ontario Government, it is re- might do. Not agreat many, Good wber'e. it has, been found that'therelaoeas-may be 50 expensiye as to area
ported, has recently given permissions Terns" were performed, and the hoYe ere mere than two million slum houses )pent the the vyorlt,iandlsoyfrom tbe disagreeable P r M whit eo ble were compelled to live g
I f a sntill field) a ' 1 trines when h p 1 „ iisurroundings continue to exist.
Hallowe'en Goad Turns.
llallewe'on; 1021, was the moat quiet Sndtreet
$Iallowe'0nin the., history of more than j 'In Great Britain €:lone the'
one town: in Ontario; acco dilig to re- waste attributable to diaeatie Oil-Louets
g tti el
Porte which have reached Provincial . stat hent to $100,000,000
,000nye ly, acc acro count
Seed I-Ioadgnartere. Aed the _.zea o Astor in the House of Lerch!.
' Tliis is
ie 'that many of their boys are now Ino idle talk made witheut,due
Scouts, and instelul of looking tor Tale- sideration•, for Lord Astor has forcon- a
chief es in former peers, tlie'y respeed- ; long time been interested in Social
ed to the suggosllen of their Scout Reform and knows whercoi; he epealie.
raster that they spent e Jug-6 'ic i•
Provincial Ser' el': Health. Orderlw
Dr, 1liideleepon' will be glad to *newer questions' on Pubito
tern ptyrough this column, Addre uric nit lieterdtn4 22
Creetent,. Toronto,
entire community, the wonder is. thee
municipalities do not exert more ef-
ort to Have slum areae eliminated
altogether. Of course there are di'ffl-
culties ie the way of removingsu fniit
and 1100ses that are practically
for human habitation: there may be
such congestion of population that
apart from their slam dWellmgs there
is absolutely no.plaoe to house them.
fer the stature gas from were =chased o severe in a state of "positive uidecenc,y,
in., the Sarnia district to be used fo ,,daught in the not ". but the net result. t di In our Canadian cities there is un-
the production of carbon black. It 10 was a comparatively quiet evening. t declared d there doubtedly much ova d t1
Loss nilly Covered.
Tenderfoot—"Jack burned his Scout
minerals—carbon black -this ;paper I understood that develepineut will take
might have to be printed in some other) place at once. The initial plant will
color,and the automobile tire industry, be of but limited size, acid ovilQomi1t
would be severely handicapped. Car -,1 enlargement es the pp...
bon lack 'a pox the incomplete, arises. varies
b product' The recovery of carbon black
combustion- of natural gas, has. not
es yet been manufactured in Canada, frons one-quarter to two pounds" per
but the Mines Branch of the Depart -11,000 cubic feet sofiga ,tanto 22 cents
d the mar -
meet of Mines, through Mr. R. T. Els-1 fret price
angelth fs high aso 50 cents
worthy, of the chemical division, 15 per pound, g
this season malting a field study and for 'special grades, The black is pack -
chemical investigation. of natural gas' ed in paper `sacks for shipment.
in western Canada with particular re- The uses of carbon black are'a1most
and , to determining the composition, innumerable. One. of the chief uses is
and gasoline content of in the preparation. of minting ink,
ththese ger g sues as this paper is printed with., By
comagases. At present thennatuhl ro-gas admixture : with oils of different qual-
containing ethane and other.ibydro-I,
carbons is in" great demand for the' ities and consistencies a wide range of
manufacture of 'carbon black- I ink may, be made, from that which is
1 termed news -ink to' a grade suitable
Careen blacke•is-a soft; light soot„
somewhat similar to the soot produced for the 'printing of the finest illus -
by a smoking kerosene' lamp. It is," trations. •
however, a product of the burning of - It is also used as' a 'pigment do the
o P I manufacture of paint, in which. case a
ag inst gase The flame is impingediept) loading' material le generally added,
ool t a Hiatal water, and
the soot' usually barytes. In the making of
aceu by r tes-it is i ter, and as soot' black polishes carbon` black very gen-
ed - The chit is production lly
centres as', erall enters, while' for phonograph
'>Tho chief production at y
present are in West'.. Virginia. and'records, fountain pens, carbon paper,
- , Louisiana, where there are tremen-I black enamel leathers,, etc., it finds
dour•sppplies of natural gas. Each of many uses'
these states has stringent conservation In •the' preparation of the rubber
legislation 'governing the use of the composition of automobile tires and
gas. In Louisiana, before the gas may other rubber goods the greatest con -
be used for the manufacture of carbon sumption of carbon black has develop-
black, -the gasoline' content .must be ed.' It is estimated: that fully 46 per
extracted; and in certain sections but' ' cent, of the entire production is used
' 20 per cent. of the daily output of the inthis industry. Owing to its 'fineness
Wells 'is permitted to be used for car of subdivision it is a very valuable in -
bon black manufacture. All; possible gredient. in automobile tire compoei-
efforts must be -made to avoid waste tions; it must, however, -be' used in
imthe use.of the natural gas. , How combination with' other things. Alone
important the industry, is in Louisiana 00 a rubber pigment it is not par -
may be judgedefrom'the fact that one titularly valuable;
company's plant consists of lee earn_Canada is a very large user of car-
ing houses,' 114 by 12 feet.' 4 bon black, and, while as yet, producing
r ending March 31
a , imported,. of lark), bone, ivory
of them
breeches when be. was cooking his
linnter e stew on the hike last Satur-
Patrol Loader — "Wore. they in-
eure07' •
Tenderfoot—"No, but his coat-tails
covered the loss." ,
Bilnd Boys' T'rogp Re -organized.
4 i Scouts at
The Troop of Bli>ld•Aay 6
the Ontario ' School, for the Blind,
et Brantford,' has •been re -organized`
with Captain S, G,"Clegg, Physical
Director of the ,School, as Sconenate
ter. These boys are very keen Scouts
and there are very' few" parte of the
Scout programme which give thorn d f_
flculty ln-spite of their blindness.
Protesting against presen overcrowding. 'Rents
tions, Lord Astor ec aro that, are so nigh that apartments ;an a
are few things more costly than slums,
whip') _ +9oeed immoralityy, discontent,e' have to be divided and club-divided
hat twill Mi -
and rorolution, Ile added that the' accommodation
Brit di Isles had little 'to fear in the form to the needs of rho pocketbook,
f Volution but hewouId lose And oftentimes the space thus provide
none, for the year i:g'
Canada has many gas areas,, some 1st - t
situated at points, distant and carbon blacks, 3,743,409 pounds,
from possible domestic utilization, and,, of a value of $446,812, and.it enters
as a resultthe
-t is like) 1 of
i Y,.d t free.
Canada C d uy
of '
that some to
;Branch's investigations,r5hould the Mines Branch be ab
these may be found available for the to demonstrate the commercial pos-
economical production of carbon black' sibilities of the utilization, of the Al-
oft De
Lands Branch he production of
Al -
The MiningLboi'ta gas fields for the product o
carbon black it will- add considerable
to the industry of Canada and make
use of another of our great natural
inder. Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
Sent. Free
Any of the following may be lead
free on application to the
Publications Branch
Department of Agriculture
Ottawa -
A Mammoth Water Supply.
Engineers have on many occas -ions.
had to - -construct' enormous water
wbrks in order to provideuswith the
most vital necessity of life; but few' of
us have stopped to consider the cost
of bringing water to our homes.
To construct a lake 40 miles long,
25 feet deep, ' holding 18,683 million
gallons : of water, seems a stupendous
task, but' such are the fats relating
How Should Canada Export, Beef to the Vaal River Barrage; of South.
Cade Africa, which has. just been officially- opened.
Winter Egg Production. The scheme, which has taken nearly
Wintering Bees in Canada. ten years to carry out, will supply
Crate Feeding Johannesburg and the Rand with
way o are
faith in the people if they became re-
conciled to conditions ender which
they live ;at the present time.'
Tho Archbishop of York, who sup-
ported Viscount Astor in his protest,
thought that the average, working-
man's home should contain'three bed-
rooms, a bathroom, a Idtchen, and' a
sitting -room or 'living• -room. Bishop
Southwark, who lives in the East ,End
of London, declared- that bad housing
WOO a fertile ground for agitators
against: the present system.
Though perhaps in a less degree,
the same conditions prevail in our
Canadian cities. There is far too
ninth overcrowding, far too many
areas that are so congested as to merit
the name of "slums." When one real-
izes how injurious slum areas are, not
only to the health and moral.! of those
who live there, ;but also to the general
appearance and general welfare of the
ed is hopelessly inadequate, Eepecia.
ly objectionable is 'thee abate of affairs
in the winter time, whenthe artifiei-
ally -heated air in houses becomes very
impure and'unfit for breathing, owing.
to the congestion of people,' smile of
whom ate habitually indoors. Apart
from lung troubles, which often have
their origin in ill -ventilated, unsani-
tary dwellings, the common cold is
very prevalent,' and may result in
bronchitis, pneumonia, and other dis-
eases. Added to the danger of con-
tracting illness of one kind or another
is the discomfort of living, which re-
sults in, dissatisfaction'of social con-
ditions,generally, and often is the
match that lights the torch of revolu-
tion and revolt. - . -
Proper and -adequate housing of the
people .is one of the most important
functions of civilized government at
the present time, -
' A Boy Scout Executive
Harry ; Fleming, of Brantford, `a
popular Boy Scout leader,formerly
executive secretary of the. Brant'Boy
Scouts.' Association, who has been 'ap-
pointed Field and. Financial Secretary
for Ontario.
Dairying in New Zealand and twenty million 'gallons of water a day.
Dressing and Cutting • Lamb Cal'- concrete piers. Each pier is 8ft, thick,
terser. _,• 34 ; (110. high, and 55ft. long. The 86
Finishing Lambs for the' Block.., 51001 sluice gates closing the openings
Sim le Methods for the Storage are 25ft. high and 82ft. 61n. wide. Each
of Ice, gate weighs about 26 tons. A wagon
Co'�v Testing Worth While? road and a railway track run along the
The Maple Sugar Industry. top,
All the water is passed through
InterumR�p ort of the Dominion mechanical filters, and ,carried along'
Aninia1'tJ.Usband121a11. 434 - miles of steel pipes varying in
Report of the Dominion Field .diameter front lain. to 241n., and cost-
H)lsbandman. ing $2,275,000. Tho whole scheme coat
Gleaning eed. ' i t -j l'+ `!i t i $7,500,0.00,' of which $60,000 was spent
G1e g S in providing quarters for the. men en -
C e Feeding
gaged on this huge and important
The Feeding of Dairy Cattle.
i r WEATHER [�j�"
The a ceder dor Dogs. THE FAL VV EITHER
Feed' Backs and Troughs fii1• . �
The Sheep Barn•
a " The Barrage, costing almost $2,500,-
- Australia. 000 is 1400ft long and stands on 55
Care of Home and Children Of-
ten Causes a Breakdown.
. The woman at home, deep in house-
hold duties and the cares of mother-
hood, needs' occasional help to keep
her in good health. The demands upon.
a mother's health are many and seveere.
Her own health trials and her child-
ren's welfare exact heavy tolls,' while
hurried meals, broken rent and much
indodrliving:tend to weaken her. No
wonder the woman at home'Is often
indisposed through wealtness, head-
aches,, backaches and nervousness.
Too many women accept these visita-
tions`ae a part of the lot of mother-
hood. But many and varied as her.
health troubles' are, the cause 18 sin-
ple and relief at hand. When .well, it
Is the woman's good blood that keeps
her well; when ill she must make her
blood rich to renew her health. The
nursing mother more than any
woman needs rich blood and .plenty of
it. ;There is one way to -get this good
blood so necessary:tb health, and that
Is through the -use of Drr Williams'.
Pink Pills. These enrich the blood,
and through their use many weak, ail-
ing . wives and mothers have _been
benefitted.. If you areailing, easily
tired or depressed, it is a duty you owe:
yourself .and your family to give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a -fair trial.
You can get Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills
through any dealer In medicine or by
mail: at 500 a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine' Co., Brockville, Ont.
She Didn't Understand.
Bu Scoute(sinall and polite) to old
I accompany you across
the street?"
01d Lady—"Certainly, my boy. How
long have you,beenwaiting for some-
one to take you over?"
Scoutmaaters'Become Boys Again.
Two cities, Ottawa and Hamilton,
have now. got their winter training
troops. 'for Scoutmasters under full
swing., The Scoutmasters and their
Assistants become Tenderfoot Scouts
for the' duration of the training course,
and ge through all the work which
they go through with their own boys.
Other cities will be starting similar
training troops very soon, or just after
New Year's.. This work is in personal
charge of Mr. Rodney 0. Wood of Ot-
tawa, Dominion' Camp Chief.
Just Coasting.•
lhndnlark in engineering progress.--
The All -Year
The Economical Production of
Pork. Canadian fall weather is extremely
List of Publications. ;Ic� hard on little ones, Ona' day it is
warm and bright and"the next wet and
cold, • These e udder changes bring on
colds,' cramps and colic, and unless
baby's little stomach is kept right the•
result may be serious. There Is troth-
ing to- equal Baby's Own- Tablets; In
keeping the little ones well, They
sweeten the stomach, regulate' the
bowels, break tip colde'ancl make baby
thrive,' The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 dente a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brookville, Out,
si '
Post office ,. ••-•• • ••
R.B.- No.. , Prov:,
(No etamp required),
Get ,quick relief. Rub
nolo Inside and outwith
11 all brag atom, Write for 2rer cicada.
nNtloebarro bnY. � cox 85.
Scoutmaster (who has ordered the
physical training class to lie 0n their
backs and move their legs as if rid-
ing a' bicycle) -"Watson,' what have.
you 'stopped for?"
Watson—"Please, sir, Tin coasting,"
Building a Scout Hut.
The Scouts of the let Chatham
Trbop are ,building a. hut for their
Troop 'headquarters and` -are ;raising
the money through the collection and
sale: of old paper' and the conduct of
a thriving "hot' dog" business down
town on Saturday afternoons and
eveninge. Every' patrol. has taken
some definite part in these efforts and
the snbcees of the venture is assured.
Origin of the Marriage Token.
Rings existed in the :.time of the
earliest l'Ogyptiaris, but probably they
date back even farther than antiquar-
ies can trace, In the first borer. of the
Bible' we read `lir* Pharaeli took a
ring troll) his, hand and gave it to
Joseph as a niarlt of honor,
It was a Roman custom• for the
friends of the bride and bridegroom to
meet at'the :house. of the bride's
father, before the wedding; to arrange
details of. the 'marriage contract; A
feast tools place, concluding with the
Placing of an Iron. ring on the fourth
finger of the woman's left hand, and
the, day was .ar'ranged 0n which the
ceremony was to take place. a This
formed a pledge that the wedding
would be bonorabiy carried through.
Dtzring the second century gold cis-
placed the iron._ The use of the 'ring
did not receive the sanction of the,
Church, and was looked on purely as a
secular proceeding, until the. eleventh
The wedding ring, as has been pre,,
viously stated was placed on the tiro)
mar' a fourth Anger' because it was be-
lieved that a' nerve from that finger
tan to the heart.
Although it was an erroneous gu9'
position, the priesthood retaieed it be
association with the Trinity, because;,
in olden times the,for'm of service was
for the husband to place the hoop ea
the top of the thumb of ter left hand
saying, "XII the name 'ef the Father";
theii'renioving It to the foreAngot•, say-
ing, "Irl the name pi the Elbe; .se to
the middle finger With "And of the
Holy Moot"; and Anally leaving it at
rose 00 the fourth Anger with the sinal
word :'Austen," "
When the Inner meaning of it all is
revealed, the beautu of the practice is
t+no(monsly onitancod, ;
Ask for t'tijndr end tr ko lie burst. .
Sovonty-five steps a minute is con-
sidered the average walking pane of
a mail in good health. .
Mime d'e Liniment Heals flute.
A male's greatest height is reached.
between the ages of twenty-eight and
No, 54
Finding The Number
The magician counts the cards in
apack to show that there are only
the usual 52. A spectator takes_ out
of the centre of the pack any 'num;
her of cards he likes, withdrawing
them in a bunch so that the magic-
lan cannot know how many cards
are taken- The dards 'are placed -
the spec-
and p
tato: places either on; top of the
pack- or beneath .it a number of
cards known only to Himself. The
cards are cut as many times as
desired. The. performer counts the
bards and immediately tells how
Many were added.
When the magician counted the
bards it gave'him an excuse. for
dealing the cards Mee upward se
that he might remember the names
of the top card and the bottom
card. The fact that cards were
withdrawn' from the' centre of the
pack left these cards .undisturbed,
The. spectator adds the number' of.
Dards he: desires and the cards are
out. The.performer now deals the
,iter a Y
ka tib
.,. iii
Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company el Canada Lianted
He—"My, you're a •regular cold
storage egg."
She—"And you- are entirely too
Fast Codfish Dressing.
Out on the foggy Grand Banks the
most; arduous task of the and fisher-
man., is "dressing down!' Everyone
dreads it; for it meane. working re
gardlese of hours until the job is done.
I6, the catch .has been heavy, mid-
night; or - even the dawn following,
sees the entire erew hard at it by
the light eg flares. No one, not even
the cook, commonly known while
afloat as "the doctor," may have any,
respite. The deck is- slippery with
parts of the .thousands of cod that'
have been: slid from the knife 02 the
slitters- into the hold. out fingers are
of no avail asp an excuse for laying off.
'Power has taken a lot of the :mean-
ness out:of life at sea and the same
little gasoline'engine:that hoists the "California FAg.SyrUp'
sails and, weighs the anchor will now ,
Have more to 'do—and the crow, loss. Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and
The "Iron Splitter" does the work of Bowels of Baby ie Child.
60 to '15 men who now wield sharp
knives on the Grand Banks off New- Pur on cons t • ip a- l
foundland up along the Labrador', as ed bilious 'fever ..
'Dards face 'upward .on the table,.
mentally counting until he reaches'
the .first of the cards he remain.
bared. He continues dealing until
he reaches the other card he re.
membered. , Then he counts the
cards, silently to the end of the
pack. The number of cards prated-
ing the first card,' plus the. number
following the second is the number.
added, If this number le obviously
too large; he gathers the -cards up
and deals them again; this time
counting' the cards between the
noted cards. Thin will give the core
rect number, •
(011p this out and paste it, with
other of the series, in a scrapbook,)
Mother! Give Sick Baby
Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab-
by Garment or Drapery.
'Every man suffers from the' de,
lusion that' he is necessary to, the hap-
piness of some woman.
Rake &toots: linrol4 0 Ritchie 0 Co. LLmite0, rorontO
America's pioneer Dog Remedies
. '. nook on
Ina Hop W Food'
nested rhea to nay A,tere+
b7 the Author,
A. CLAY Wet GLOVER3 tb Shod no.
Nevi Varh. U.S.A.
Each 15 -cent -package of "Diamond
Dyes" contains directions so simple
that- any woman can dye or tint any
old,: worn, faded thing new, even Hale
e ah y
before. has
never y
color at duo
The end of colonization, it is esti-
mated, will:'be - reached in about two
hundred ,Years time.
Pay your out -df -town accounts by
Dominion Tixpreeu Money Order, Five
Dollars costs three cents.
At any rate' the book agent selling
an encyclopedia never claims to be a
man of few words.
Mlnard'r Liniment for Dandruff.
In proportion to its weight, the
wing of a bird is twenty times strong-
er than the, arm . of 'a man.
%yell as'' in the localities frequented jee or sick, colic, 11
by 'flehermen from France, England Babies and Child -
and. ' Scandinavia, Every second the ren love to take
new machine takes a' fresh oodflsh genuine' "dallier',,
and as .often it turns. out a dressed nia Fig Syrup•
fish, It performs all the usual opera- No• other laxative
tions of splitting, removing the baekr' .regulates the ten, ' x ..,,
bones, cleaning and washing. This• der Iittle bowels,
ingenious machine was perfected in se nicely. It -A< ' • -
Seattle, Washington, by the company sweetens the •stomach and starts' the
Which perfected, in 1905, a somewhat livor and bowels' acting wlthotit,grip-
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
wrlt.Mnrine Co„Cbtenao•:fri;ygt: eBoolc
similar inaohine called by fishermen
"The Iron Chink," 'became it took the
place of thousands of • Chinese 'who
were formerly employed. to Clean fish
In the salmon canneries of the North
Pada A.meriOan,
11awidi • is now using mulch. paper
on its e.neapplo fields.
Keep Minard's Liniment In the, house.
During a recent voyage across the
Atlantic the commander of the iMa-
jestie was on the ;bridge tor, sixty.
nine consecutive, hours,, while. the liner
was passing through the fog.
Highest, Prices Paid for
Skunk, Coots, Mitlk, rox, Peer»
tilfilis,,Illdes, Calfskilis, .k4
ship to
Cntiadialt I'xlde & Leli,tlter Co.,
Ltd„ 'rare •tor O11t,
ing. Contains no narcotics or soots-
ing drugs. Say "California". to Your
druggist and avoid counterfeits: In-
sist upon genuine "California Fig
Syrup" which contains directions.
The trap-door spider constructs a
trapdoor which closes by gravitation,
the edge being, specially weighted to
close the door automatically. when the
spider goes in or Out.
It isPprobable that tho Milo has a
greater variety o4 fish than any other
Siva in the world, An- expedition
sent by the British leiusoilm brought
back 9,000'spectmens:
To ►: thache
nab() the facie.. If there iii• a env
ity in the tooth plana in it a piece
of cotton saturated with Mlnaid'e
'iMd3en1<NWfFu.?,C'kAf.. H.ua�u. k "'.1s''
6VICtt7WIesSE nt
silent -but <eloeu nt-
render the maximum
of helpful service.
10).ALW07'8 AYS10, AS10K0NS5 FOR •(�'
Say "Bayer” and Insist!
How to Puri -
the B od
"Fifteen to thirty drops' of Extract
e Root commonly called Mother.
f ,
eI el' 'Curative Syrup,
may be
$ )lar e y
. tartan In orator with meals and at
badtbne, for indigestion, consti-
pation and bad blood. Persist.
once In this treatment, will give
Permanent relief in nearly every
case,0 flet the genuine at
drugglete, ti0c. and $1.00 bottles'.
Clllrcara ly Clears
The Scalp of Dandruff
on retiring, gently rub spots of
dandruff end itching with Cuticure
Ointment. Next morning shampoo
with Cuticura Soap and hot water,
using plenty of Soap. Thiel treatment
does much to keep the scalp clean
and healthy and promote hair growth.
Sohp2Sc. ei0tment256nd5Ql. relevm25" Sold
tlirookhouttheDominicn. CanudlS000Pob
L nCliumeudf•n49hp, I:dr1e1„ Pl.. Moctreal.
without mug.
Tells How Lydia E. Pinkliatn's'Vag-
etable Compound Relieved Her of
Went St, John, N. B.-- "I was in a .
general run-down condition following'
the birth of my twin keys. I had a groat
deal of inflammation, with pains and
weakness. X+inellyy my doctor teem
Mended Lydia E. Pinklaain's Vegetable
Compound. He said that your medicine
would be the only thing to build me up.
I anti sure he le right, for I am feeling
much better and am gaining In weight,
havinggone down to irinety-three
pounds. was in bedxvrover anionth,
Unless. you bee the name "Bayer" 00 but am up aggain now. 'X have re0om-
ackage'or on tabletaro not get. mended )Ise Vegetable Comptpind tomy'
p s youd friends and give you germiss1on to use
Iiflammation and Gre Weakness
ting the genuine Bays': product 91070 my letter."—Mrs, B ittna A. Itizoitino
safe, by' miliband, ,and proscribed by $ hodiiey St , West St, John, N. B. t
physicians over twenty-three years for There aro any
Colds Headache
Toothache Lhmbego
Ill ache Rheumatism
many women whoflnd thein
household duties almost unbearable owe
ing to soma weakness or derangement.
The trouble may be slight, yet cause
Ne-tralgia Paln, Pain such annoying' symptoms as dragcing
ins weakness anti a run-downfee nn .,
Bach unbroken packnge con.Lydia E. Pin hamsVegetable - ont
only. . .
tains proper dlreetions, Handy boxes pound ie a splendid medicine for such,
of twelve tablets cost few cents, L)rug• contlitions.Ithasin many cases relieve
gists also sell bottles of 2'i and 100, thoso symptoms by removing thetauso
4splti'in. is the trade maria (registered of theih, Mrs..l2itchie's oxperieneo is
but ono of many.
in Canticle) of Bayer i eaI actnro of 'Y6n might he interoitted in rodding
'4ionoaccticaridcsttlr o: inl[0ylit:aolci' Mrs Ptnlcham a Brie Toxt X3ookupon
Wh11 it is well itnbw �t+l "Ailments of'Wonien alt can
the public against imitations the Tab. t elle Plnlcham A4edic,n,, Co, C , Ydi+e
lots of Bayer Company will iso stamp,; Ontario "_...._..-... t.
ed with their «030101 trade mane, the �. 19002 No, d7 -x'23.•
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin pains, Pink Conte
' b, r .
o n that Aspirin ie' .r, Y
ploans i90Y02 Manu€actttro, to nsslst ; eta copy fret b writing the ydia