HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-29, Page 4iftOfl N41
14 ZIA/
New and Popular
Oliver Oteobee
The Mine With the bhp Deer
leings Arrow
The Trail et the Goltlet I-Iora
The Gaspaiele of Pine Croft
elmily a the New Moon
Mordius a Co.
be White Flag
Good eatineers or all Occasion
Neweeendland Vere
Radio Ainateure Hand Book
Radio fog Everybody
Grenfell of: the Labrador
The Duet Flower
The $hadews Edge
Moetimers Gold
Triumph .af the Scarlet Pimpeenell
The Glory of his Robe
To the Last Man
Death Courage
'hen Christmas Ceossed the Peace
Daniel Beene
The' Secret Places a tee Heart
Flees of Delft Wood
aellieurrie of 'the Trail
Suecess •
The larealting Pedal;
Certain People of Importance
When Winter Comes
The Head of the House of Coombe
The Prairie Child •
as Tdd
leleOutebeotz $2,00
E. 11. Dell
J3. B. Wrieht
Cedy .
Relpe Connee
G. S. Porter 2,00
Minaret E, Saegater 1$p
a Pratt 1,01)
Collins 1.50
Lesearbouia , 1.50
Walleee 150
Robe. Stead e 1,75
leasil leirig 2,00,
• Bending
Haveld Hove 1.75
0eczY 175
' Stole) - 1.76
Zeno Grey 2.00
Jaelt London 2.00
, Nellie McClung 1.00
' White 1.75
11. G. Wells " 1.75
Isabel E. Maletter 1.25
Pringle 2.00
a H. Adairie • 1.85
Poole ' 2,00
°omen •2.00
Rhinehardt 2.00 '
Norris „ ., 2.00
• Hutchinson 2:60
Buthett . 2.00
. Stringer 2.00
It is a Fact!
That Canadian National Railways System operatee 22,e63 miles,
or over 50 per cent, of the -total mileage of the Dominion of Canada• .
That the Canadian National is the greatest single railway syetern
in the world. •
• That the Canadian National traverses every province in Hie Do-
minion of Canada, and serves the Federal Capital andeach of the
-nine, Provincial Capitals.
• That the Canadian National serves every important city veld sea- •
port in the Dominion. • .
That the Canadian National serves all the Meg° Menufactueleg
Centres of the Dominion. •
'That Canadian National has a network of lilies M the Prairie Pro,
lances giving to the prospectiee settler les choice of lands foe grain -
growing and cattle -raising. -
That Canadian National is the scenic route Across Canada. Among
the scenVarendere on the Canadian National lines are Mount Robson,
the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies (13,068. feet) and Mount
• Edith Cavell (11,033 feet). '
That the Canadian National crosses the Rockiee at the lowest al-
titude of any, transcontinental railway and in view of Canada's high_
est peaks.
• Travel "The National Way." •
•fluilett Tovvnsnip
The Messrs. Snell of this township
are extremely busy these days. They
have been taking in the Royal Win-
ter Fail" at Toronto -where they me-
i:led off many prizes on sheep and are
now oft' to the Big Show at Chicago.
Mr. lereephrey Snell has gone to Chi-
cago., leaving Toronto as soon as the
jedeing was over. .0wieg to the
fact that the Guelph Fair is sandwich-
ed in between the other tare it is im-
possible eoe there to show much there
but Mr. Ephraim Snell is showing
some wool and will take pave in a
sheep -shearing contest there on Mon-
day. "
Rev, W. D. McDonald of Egmend-
vine has been quite ill for the past
few weeks but is now recovering.,
Tormorrow Alright
RIR Tablets stop sick headaches.
relieve bilious attacks, tone and
residate the eliminative Greene,
make you teat dine.
"Better 'Man Pills For lever Mee
• Sold by J. La Davey,
• Auburn
Quite a number of childiten in •the
neighbovhood ere suffering with
whooping cough.
aere. W. S. Andrew was a guest at
the banquet held in Dungannon Me-
thodist church last Tuesday evening.
A goodly number from our village
attended the mass meeting in North
Street church, Goderieh, on Wednes-
day night;
Mr. 0. E. Maga lias heen, suffer_
ing from an attack -of quinsy.
,The ,bazaar held by the Womans'
Itistitute last Thueeday was a decided
enceese, • The candy booth in charge
of Mrs. eelibberie and Miss Sadie Car-
ter, was well patronized. Miss W.
Ho-wson and Nees. 8, Marsh looked af-
ter the Christmas gift booth while
Miss Phillips and Miss Ring presided
over the apron booth. The booths
were 'very arettlly decorated, and
many attractive gilts were displayed
for sale, The proceeds amounted to
$55,00. '
Mee. le. Fremlin at Wilton is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. eohn
e We are pleased to see Mr. ff. Arth-
ur in les ehop
Mr. R. Scott has purchased the pro-
peety owned by Ales. }Tanking. •
Mr. F. end Mess E. Washington
epentiethe week.end at their home.
• Mr. J J. Robettson is to give an
aclaress, at the League on Friday ev-
Misslalith 'Poway, 'Who h $ been
quite ill: i$ reateh better.
The minty feleeds oteMai, Xertiea
lieeDanald will be seeler to bear he le
sufeerieg from a eteoke, which he
Seek last TlieredaY, •We are PleaSed
to say he is a little better, •
Mee, Rout • lias returned home
from Keettone where the visitedi a
e9eieults9M'tawirsi,sWhe Was the guest Ol
bonsai). erfeedee has returned hoeie,
Mrs, Cempbeill d Nairn wa$ 4
geed ne the -Jamie() ;hist weeke
Mize Fiera Sinita wee the guest of
her brother, Me.• Neil Solite', ellie
elate Alice Iteetenbeey era Mies
Marne Swap, guests et eels.
Will Weight el Sealerth oe Sunday,
'Rev Dr. Fletchee of liermall, for,
inerly oe the Thames Road, peeathed
two Navy elequene sermons ireBruee•
field cherch on • Sunday. It is forty,
five eeaes since" Dee Fletcher feat
preaehed in Brueefield.
The Kelly Oiriae held a very Sna*
eessful bazaar and sale 01 week on
Thursday evening last. The chicken
dinner -served in eonneetion was ex-
cellent and plentiful, The proceeds
from the Sale end diener amounted
to $1.94.00. The girls with to tbanit
all those outside of the Society who
so kindly helped them.
The Sunday scheol children aye
preparing for their annual*. Christ-,
mas tree.
Mrs. T. Wheeler spent the week-
end in Seafortle as -the guest of her
sister, Mes.-Aelturs. •
Miss Clara Zapfee-of Exetee spent
the week -end at he home in Jenne -
Miss Fanny 1VIeKenzie ia confined
to her, bed with a seven attack of
scarlet fevee. Ye hope for her
speedy recovery.
The Misses Eva andFlorence Boyce
visited friends in Clinton the past
week. • •
Miss Lorna Aikenhcad of Stratferd
Normal visited at her home at Brace -
field oyer the week -end.'
•Dr. Alkenhead of Toronto, Alessee,
John and Mae Aikenheed of London
and Dr. Peter IVIeEwan of Detroit at-
tended the funeral of 'thee: uncleeethe
late Malcolm IVIcEivan‘of Stanley •on'
Friday, last. .
Mea and Nees. Martin attend-.
ed eheefuneval of Mrs. Thomson of
Goclerieh last week.
Messrs. C. H. Reid, Geo. Hill and
15 lefeGiegir .7ettendee 'the Royal
Winter Fairlet Toronto this week.
London Road
• Mr. and Mr& Nett entertained 4
manlier of their friends to diaper 'on
Friday evening, a
The community sympathizes with
• ("Mrs. W. Stanbury in the death of her
mother, Mrs. Kellingten of Toronto.
Ales. $tanbury-went to the city owing
to het mother's illness and subsequcat
death. • Mrs. Kellingtoe, has visited
here on several occasions and was
known to many. '
The regular meeting of the TJ. le;
W. Q. was held at the home of Mrs.
J. 15., Quigley on Thursday last: a
good, attendance being present. Two •
papees weve given, One by Mee.
Stackhouse on "What are Real Lux-covintti News
ueles e" and one by Me's, Swinbank '
on "Little Things Which go to Make Rebore Elliott of Inaersoll, former
Reel Happiness in Life." Both pa- editor of the Winaham Times, -deed
pees were much enjoyed. • Mrs. Da- at his home ih Ingersoll last week
vidsceareaci a letter from her &ugh- deter a somewhat lengthy illness in
ter in California, which was 'also lasesaventy-einth year. He was the
very interesting. Living in- the Sere father • of Mayor H. B. Elliott of
ny State is exceedingly high, one Wingliain. The tamales were broughe
would gather from this letter. The to Wingham for interment, the fun-
eecretary also read a report of the eeal taking place on Thursday last.
Toronto Co-operative Creamery will- • It is expected that Mr. Rea Spael-
ch contained some interesting infer- ing, C.P.Re agent at Paris, will be ap-
Creamery eeporea one pointed to fill the vacancy' at Godo -
fourth mere patrons but one third eich. Ners. Sperling and children
less eeetaii, the same eport being- re- axe already in the county tewn,
ceivecl from the condensing faetoriee. ' lletteme Ga.reo-ve Deputy-Reefie C.
A eeport from the Co-operative Co., Namnings and Councillor C. W. Woe -
was encouragieg. aleies Elva Nett sell. of Goderich have attended evety
was appointed, delegate to the Con- 1019128
.of el.eirty-two regulate and Special
vention to be held in Toronto
on be- meetings of the towel couneiVdtring
cember 11th. The next meeting of 3
the club will be held at the home el Mr. and Mrs. George Dalrymple of
leers. IVEltonTuekermaith, announce :the engage -
meet of their eldest daughter, Susie
Christina, to Mr. Leewood ie. Purdy.,
also, of Teckeesmith. • The nairilage
will take place, in December. '
'The directoes'af 'the memorial hall,
Blyth, l'eceivetle a pleasant sueifise
laet week -when the temperer received.
O cheek for .$1.Q0 beim the estate of
Mrs. II. Kelly, will* will be applied
to, the nititteage, 'whieli is „geadually
being eeclueed. " • •
Word bee ben received in Seafovtle
of the death at/ Regina, of Mrs. Ie.
Crockett, forinerly Fiera B. McGee -
daughter" of Mr. and Mos. 'James
McConeel ofe immeely ' of
Clinton, One Seafort11;
aramodrourcLartiVs.ptoriseatniesantimernamaki Ist'swEiNimmazavivirkmoserAashi
The Mount Robson Route ---
Across 'Canada
The delights 01 a trip across Canada toyer fade in memory, the
interest never wanes and the ecstasy of one day's travel through the
Cattadian Rockies is an experience of a lifetime. The route of "'The
Continental Limited" which suns daily between Montreal and Van -
waver with direct •connection evere Toronto, traverses the beautiful
lake country of Noxtheru Oritavio, Feele Winnipeg to Saskatoon
and Edmonton it misses through some of the most feetile leads of
the great prairie provinces. A eight's een from Edmonton and you
eee in „Teepee National perk and the gioxioes Canadian. Rockies,
embeacirie some of the finest mountain scenery in the world—then
on to the Pacific Coaet through, ae eveleelmeging panorama of mag-
aefieceff and stupendous scenery. The Canadian National lino through
the mountains skirts Canada's highest peaks at the easiest gredient
• ana lefeeet altitude af tear tranecoMititietal rotate the higese point
teethed 511 etessing the "Great Divide" being 3,71e feet. • Vett 'will.
consult -you' own interests if you Make your mixt-hip weSt by the
• nee,' way "The Natiolial ay" --you have the cheite or Yarbees /tattle.
Tea have the option of Making the Janney al o sphlidid tourist ear
ab Minienne cost or if taste clittatee, ,the more luxuricais Standakci
Bleeping •Cars Compartment-LibrarjeCtlismiatteion Ctire ate at reit
disposal. • The egelpteent on "The Continental Limited" is all -steel
utosi itecleeti in every particelaie ,
• Got Dill information front any Canadian al et Merit,
r, tine Nfee. Merin ere iait
ing erieede ih Tueltereinith, lot a tete
• eeer. Aterattle el Chine eeeethea 11.00'
en Sunday efteeueoe. •
•(evete 'a neatber gretied here ats
tendeid the Wietheop enreverepay end
tea meeting elf iffelleay (Availing. '
• On Seedily ater7I0011 d lerge cez'
• 'ever peal aladfeed'e
big black dog, '
11° PveYee meet-Mg.:tale Weele is at
Ltidieee• Ale • eyill Meet thio
t1A0 basement
The 1ijon Jti1jsgraoi. eha Blake
• Presbyterien eongreentiOns., %hied
00 hpee of eotathee, eec.e to elie Re-
demptive Home in Tormeto.
• Mies Rattee, • the superintendent
'sent a most .gracievis acknowledge -
meat. • •
Mr. Thee. Mellise who has been in
rather pool! health for 'the past year
and a half; has been mostly benifined
to his room for theepast week; At
time "ofewriting his condition is some-
what enieroved.
The leyeebyteeian Mission Heed is
preparing for an epee meeting of
that society. The untiring president,
.Mes, A. 1VIonteith has, the ieembers,
steal) end, Jorge 027ganizecl, for the
enteetaininent of etlioee who attend.
The date.has no been settled ea.
The 1Veethedisa Sunday school hos
started to prepare for their annual
Christrnas ,entevtainment, which will
be held on December 21st, Thes is
always looked foeweed to with great
interest as they always have a full
house and an exeellent programme.
The energetic superintendent, Mr. W.
Ivison, will spare no pains to make
it a success. A lunch will be served
at the cleee, and, judging from past
years le in itself worth the price of
'admission. • '
• Mr. Jas. liacClymont was in Loa-
der; (titer the eireek-end visiting bis
father, who has been in rether poor
heelth for „some, time.
eVIr. Taos. W. 'Betts' esale took place
On TtieSday of, this week and was
quite -successfele Mr. Butts brought
Inc stock from the west where he has
beeneeeeming. • But he has returned
to Ontario. • ' •
•Clutehing a penny tightly, her
moist little hand, a very, very small
little girl stood on' tiptoe 111 front of
the candy counter of a neighbourhood
grocery, inspecting the goods. NO-
thieg she saw there seemed to please
her, and filially tbe clerk, in exaspera-
tion said; - •
"See hereelyoune lady, do yo waist
to buy the wholeevorld dipped in cho-
colate and sprinkled with cocoanut all
fie n penne ? " -
The diminative,shepper meditated a
moment and then lisped; '
"Pleathe, thie, lemme thee it."
"Dealing with hunting the will moun-
thin got in the Rockies, Raymond
Thomson in las stevy "Introducing
Re,• William Goat" gives a fine ar-
cane of this sport end tells it in a
manner which will intereet all sports,'
men, in the December issue of ROD
count of wild duck hunting' at Pen-
,aimotang by Lewis Deneison, "Our
Bull Moose for 1922" a -good, moose
hunting stole>, and "The Silver Salm-
on Fresh from the Sea" by Canada's
foremost writer 0 Nova; Scotian fish-
ing and hunting, Bonnyeastle Dale,
are only a few of the good 'eetieles
and stories eontained 10 this issue.
"Rawl:deg the Silver VOX" by 0. Te.
Walton, gives interesting side -lights
while V. 'Williams is represented
bite the management of a fox farm
by a good story of the north in wire• He wati _received et the Tauseeka
ter. There eve three first -kegs ar- Etiolated. tor ConstimptiVes and tiow
tieles in the Guns acl
Ammunielen with 01511150 thedicai 0110 nursing
„ attenaanee, anM
d the wohderfnl e ea
Department edited by Cef S. Latcue, Muskoka, to bring heitith to the tired
While le. P. Lincole, J. W. 'Wiesen, 1 leuntiagiii.to .1 is tria, eanetteunieleeseeescetbioncgs tboerf Tele .
W. a. Motley, M. Bates and F.1 the Hospital,
1.1. Walker lieve departmentfilled He belleveS be Is well enough noW,
with materi, al of interest to all who Otter ten months)to go beak, to farm, but oh the doetor's "ativiee"tho
are interested in Canadian, outdoor 15 staying ou to -make ems) there wet
8evme eamd hiniing and` 11811- tbientiel0teTebir 05000 011 reeeltshaatlotateslit ibTat
ing stories, it erlditionlo fifteee ay. ' reeybe be cart rani eand hie boy to
Utiles dealing With oVerY Phaeo ofeuentelbettous to eld Netekeke Hoe.
elmetsmarithipoinakes the December Meat in tte work may be sent to gen.
(Sate of. ROD AND GUN IN CANA,. w Chaieten, 228 Collage street,
. eSarente,
de, a pertleularly interesting one.
Farmer Who. Gave'raii-
Health for His Son
Joha. is a big ereeled, heavy-handed:
farmer, with a gentle voice and grey
eyes. that lieata out hopefully ,at 570t1m
frobehind steel.rImined speetpcles.
.3.00a wunoci lilg boy to be a doctor,
• so he worked. era, early and -late,
eultlrating his r rocky attes'`to' save
the money; no got run down, bad two
or three atteeke et the. 'Phi—until lie
got so Weak lie eouithet work a40
atter some redefine' smell§ and en-
• famed medical attention he 'earned
the 'dire 'news—tuberculosis. ft Ikra
John had boon ilvieg probeibly he
would haye had better care and better
It Has Advantages •
,e (ittidintt National ReilWays to,Deteeit end thedego, 'XIs 15
Ile great internatiotal dotibie track tette hef,Ween Cialiadiet aniats
and DeteOit tilea Chicago Where caarteetibeele needle fet all Weeterii
Slatee lielete tied Ciatfothie, te lathe teute,ef elite Intereatieleal
limited," liopttlerly itfieWe se the teak of supeeio ,I.' _030rvic , gigfi.
• 1
pleat,. maitre. equipeteett etelledieg •CoMpeteteeertteetee eg ItOOIll -
Steeping Care and Obeereatioe-Liathey'S)Oepieg rateerill es teeVelle
line ti plea:net by" "The Natiotial Way," Ciet 1911 info iikat'ion AM ,
,reaszIkttiOna frein eitty Caneditin Ilegoeet 4ai1weV Agent,
e Thep are intitiy eteeekeepers in the
;etteee threltglietle the •Deltiitticia who
Ilea 110W tithing e deep, letereetin the
4g7'9dilig and Marking' (4, their eggs,
Zile le neW necessary -en geeoent of
the regelatiene "Teespeeielee the Ctead- •
Mg and Narita -Q.' ef Eggs' but IA
great many inetances the interest ex,-
tenelslabWeY, °1113Solell: anletne?f)erlradillieg-
ot the feet that eager cleterierete
Odle: and mast et necessity be checks
ed featie day te daY as 1;o their freh-
01 t1tee4Inclifferenb steeekeep-
Gee httleetigetien,'ehewe thee prob..
tel?eltY efle°o*rax'ree7rtiteT1.7yuFfhiellileell'%' °,8tg8d dtio-
them an 'egg. front the coarary mel-
ee* be apething but fresh.' Tbat
there ate degrees of ereehnese never
-ocel'ere to theme but InspectorS of the
Dominion Live Stock Deenele Depart-
ment of Agrieultuee find that an ac-
tual candling and erading demonstra-
tion will as a general yule serve te
convert veil the Most sceptical,
An inepectoie noticing eggs in e bas-
ket on the coantee 01a retail' stov
in one of our large cites went m and
eanclled SO1M of the eggs and in one
8, dozer: lothe, ectund 2 dozen ana a
half 'were' seconds and 'half 4 dozen
bed. In another StOre the eggs
found in a case were examined and
Elope showed 5 dozen and 3 exteas,
6aloemi eild 1 fiests, 8 dozen seeonds,
0, eggs cracked, 2 eggs bade The
• eggs examined in each iestance Were
very variable in quality and woulcl
not give satisfaction to comismers,
One of the first objects of the regula-
tions "Ileepecting -the Grading and
Marking in
Egg•i" as effecting eggs
inoving ;n elomestie consumption is
that eggs be sold for what they are,
instead of all the grades being mixed
that they be sold sepaately so that a
consumer 'wishing to buy a dozen' ex-
tras may feel perfectly safe•sand not
find cracked, bad or ether grades in
the dozen: • When buying eggs' e'en -
Smilers sherd& „therefore, ask for
them by their grade name, and the
grades of fresh. are :specials,' 'ex-
tras,' 'firsts,' 'seconds.'
Ottawa, November 9, 1023: - Cone
vieted on a charge of unlawfully buy-
• Mg for resale eggs which were unfit
for human food, a dealer in Winni-
peg was found' guilty and fined $25
and costs 'or one enontb in jeil, the
magistrate stating that a second of-
fence would' be dealt with ;epee se-
verely. -
The prosecution was made by the
Dominion Live Stock Branch, Depart -
pent of Agriculture under the pro-
vieions, of the Live Stock and Live
Products Act, 1923. ' The -defendant
in the case is i peddler, who has
made a practice of buying low geade
eggs, and peildling them around
Winnipeg. In era case taken evom
his Mg. a Dominion Egg Inspector
found three dozen bad eggs. The reg-
ultions ender the Act respecting "The
Grading and Marking of Eggs" pro-
vide that "No person shall buy foe
sale or resale, or expose,' offer • Tor
sale, or sell eggs whiehatee unfit for
human food."
These regulations becareie effective
1st July, and they are now being rig-
idly enforced. • In 'cases where in-
fractions are found due to lack of
knowledge of the provisielfs. and reg-
ulations every chance Will be given to
make good, but in cases .such as the
one reported above where peddlers
and ethers pereist in disregarding the
law, after repeated warnings, action
will be talren by the Department. The
above is the first prosecution under
the Al of 1923, the Act provides for
a penalty' of five hundred dollars or
three months in -jail or bote.
A Couple' of Toronto leen claim to
have perfected a method of utilizing
the rays of the sun ior the heating
ef houses. This is probabIY not a
reason for neglecting te lay in a
stock of coals atilt it would •be eisItY
to eay that 'the rays sof the sun will
nevabe used for heating houses. It
is not so very long ago since a pro-
posal to utilize thes waters of Niagara
Falls toeheat yonr house and coc1s
yOm. reneee would have been regard-
ed as an evidence that there was
something defective iliethe mentality
• of the author of the proposal.--Steat.
feed Beaemi-Heralce
• 6...66.4
00, the weather,
Plow the Weather,
It upseta iterangeinents altogether,
But whether it ,be cold •
whether it be hot,
We must weather it,
Whether or net,
No Smoikinu--4toOqu'ograuf.—Ein Snuff
Just Swaim u Capsule
Ilestovee normal breathing; stops
mucus gatherings in the bronchial
tubes, giveloug nights • of quiet
altiee1 Contains; no heibiatormine, tiveg.
e1,00 et your deuggists. Send 4c
nf-etarnps ler a generous sample.
Templetone, 142 lei le; West, Toronto.
or ties dieted _to ;fakeer emit, OttiAttenttil
Track Fleivetiag tibrebit,ato,
Good Pay. .
11116 skean,. is titlutible--011r atook
is thd highest graclo•-all Ort000
Oftt &Olt rintserlea,, end the hist 6f
the0sty ti444 Prot0tit
sittiofattoty,deliverie, gnarantedd,,
rota, • eleAstte
..,i.m.,'Nuxtitttir CO,
.1.-01'00tisYJ 004
S nny Calif�rnia
In eunny California this winter,'hundreds of Canadians will
agaie level in the beauty of the orange grooves, the pepper trees
and polies in that land of perpetual summer. • -
The attractions of California are manifold, It is 'recognized as
one of the greatest outdoor playgrounds in the world with an un-
surpassed winter climate. The gloryof its meenteim scenery is in,
describeble. Deep-sea fishing, motoring, golf •and every other out-
door recreation may be indulged in, '
Canadian National Railways offer special fares and wide variety
of routes going and returning either through Canada or Mated
States. • Apply foe partieulars to your nearest agent.
Every lover of horses will be in-
terested in the following, appeal which
originated in France and came to this
country Ahiciugh an Ameeican
t&nasat whet' received a copy of it from
a Freneli .artillexy officer, .
"To thee, nay master, I offer my
eraYee• ' . •
"Treat me a$ a huinan ibeing, not
as a machine. Feedinc, water and
care for me, and when the day's work
• is done, groom me carefully; for re-
member, -a good grooming is, equiva-
lent to half. 4 feed. • Clean my feet
and legs, and Ifeee them in good c,on..
clition, for they at the- moat impor-
tant parts of my body. • , -
"Pet me sethetimies. Be always
geetle to me, so that I may serve you
the semore guadly, and learn to love
• "Do not jerk the reins. Do not
whip inc when I am going•uphill. Do
no. 'force me out of iny regular gait,
et • you will not have any regular
strength when you want'it. Never
strike, beat or kick 'inc when I do
not understand whet you mean; but
'give me a chance to anderstalid you.
Watch _me; and if I fail to do your
biading, see if ,something is not wrong
with my harness' or feet. e
• "Dena draw the straps too tight;
give me freedom to move my head.
Don't make my Iced too heavy, mid,
tonho'n'I13. ray
thee, have me shod every
"Examine my teeth wheel do not;
eat. I may have some, teeth ' too
long or I May have an ulcerated tooth
andthat, you know is very painful.
Do not tie my head in an unnatural
position, er take away my best de-
fense against flies and mosquitoes
by cutting' off my tail.
'I cannot, alas! tell you when
am thiesey; ,so give me pure, cold
water feegaeritly. Do sill you can
to protect me from the sun and throw
miver over ine—not when I am
working', .but when I ain standing in
the cold.
"I always try to do uheerfully the
work you require of me, and ' day
02' night I stand for hours patiently
waiting for you. Therefore, oh, my
master, treat me in the kindest way!"
There died in Wingliam on Times,
day night last, Louisa E, Wright, wi-
doe/ of the late Fisher, 10 her 851711
year. 'The funeral batik place from
her late residence, Josephine street,
on Sunday for the Wingham ceme-
tery. • The deceased yeas one of the
first or second settlers, treeing to
the Wingham district in ,1862 with
her hasband, when this portion of the
country wase wilderness. They liv-
ed upon the banks of the Maitland ei-
ver in the district how known as
Lower Wingbam, her husband going
into business with his brother, Archie,
in the Nee taidr'saw millingebusitess
whieh they caeried on for it few yeavs.
Lathe he became postmaster, in "which
Pesition he remained fifty years. In
religion Mrs. Fisber was a staunch
Baptist, and one of the active workere.
in the 'church, She leaves a family
of two daughters, Mrs. George Han-
na, Margaret and Peter of Toronto
and John of Wingham.
Theeollowing despatch, taken from
'last Saturday's Globe, refeas to the
vessel epee which the late kr. Lan-
caster, who' leveed in Goderich up to a
short time -before the disaster men-
tioned below took place, was a pas-
senger., He conducted a machine
ellen and' foundry on the corner of
East street and Cambria Road, Where
the -Godeeich •Organ Co. now stands,
and.is suppesed to have owned con-
siderable propeety elsewhere in town,
including the large two-story red
brick libelee on Lighthouse street, be_
tween Wellington and Wellesley sts.
Kingston, ,Oct. 1i.'—Between $500,-
000 and $600,000 in gold packed in
oaken boxes lies in the hulk of an old
steamer sunk off the Mexican coast,
waiting for the man daring and in-
genuous eemigh to reclaim it from
the sand and serf. Capt. Grant P,yke-
of the Pyke Towing and SalvageCona
pany of this city, has been asked by
a New York' salvage company to at-
tempt the difficult task of raising this
vast treasure. He has, accepted the
offer. On July 1st, 1862, the steam-
er Golden Gate, carrying 300 pas-
sengers and crew and, $1,577,760 isa
gold, was bathed at sea, with the lose
of 200 lives, In 1863 an expedition,
recovered about $1,000,000 of lost
teeasure. A later attempt to ec-
teieve the rest ef the money was un-
suecessful."—Goderich Seat,
WINGHAM, Mao. 19.—A. J. Ross,
of Winghane received e lettee from
Chicago a few days ago, in which he
found a money oeaer for 50 cents.
The man who sent it owed the money
to Mr. Ross for a lona time, but his
conscience has been troubling him
since he Railed the Salvation Army
and he just had to send tee money in
order to square ben:self. " •
The Goderieh Star says appropos of
the defeat of the Hospital by-law last
weea; It is interesting to note that 10
years ago when a bylaw to grant
$15,000 for remodelling .the Maples
into a hospital was voted on the vote
was very nearly the same as Monday
last's vote, 326 lor and '367 against.
That vote was taken January -2nd,
1e12. The vote on Monday last Was
326 for and 390 against.
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