HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-15, Page 1n. 2`x',"86 —4x9A
"Idt./l'MA .ICDTS'
Wheat 95e,
Oats :40c.
Barley 55c.
Bxtekwheat 75c,
Butter 30e to 35c.
Eggs 40e. to 50e,
, Live ITogs 88,00
CI4 Nlq.( N, ONAA
i `, THURSDAY, NovaivinaRR loth, I
out after that Increased Business this Fall ? If so,'an Advertisement u
in The News -Record will prove a Ri ht Hand Helper --
.. va
1 e•'o'er boit i' 3
,:e tn o
Everybody needs abousin "-;ever bbdy needs "clothing" Just so
everybody ' needs "watehin'."
Y g
Peoplepwhohavenan aged to get 'along without awatch for years
-wonder how n' earth 'they ever managed it after ttaY have e used
one for a while,
For successful living a watch is almost es necessary ae the air
i you breathe;`:. .
Price need not deter you. From $2.00 up to sky-high, according
to. your ;ambitions. For bran, woman, youth, maiden, boy or giif:
Guaranteed of,Conrse.
re6 1 eti a
and Optician Phone 174w Residenc
• e 174J
w zl
savings '
} Accounts
i Cheehdng.
'i Accounts ;
Sales Notes '
Collected .
Coilectio s
i Money
_.. on
x , Orders`..
, Your
a problems.
_ ..
R. E.
A d
anyagricultural district in •
produce a good
for the fanner in all but
bad seasons..•
1ea11 Year is bound to come—
farmerwl ohas' ut.rn .e
� I% money
the bankdurin.ood season, cast
a crop failure when ale man
hasn't saved would go buter,b)
interests and.. ours: arc mu -
the Manager Will alw ys
. ready to discuss Withlou i_1
3' ,_.
any. of your E.aa;:cial •
.. `�1
MANNING, Manager,
• T
0 t
l c,
i ,V o
Motto Man n
, 4'.
„ ., •., .: ..
,u •er
ap :rpt a"
..y . p'nr,N
. .,.. „::
ter .., x �,.
The iioniont a ,;man steps, into a -
suit of Hatchway Unaeiwear, feels.
its buttonless comfort, sees its sleek"
smooth fit; he becomes conscious of a .
new-born sense of ease ,and perfect.
f •eedame -a new habit forms::
Hatchwayhim-7 It's a
�oY %AIS
ar. r� p r
Hatchway p o button" Underwear'for LXX
it fits your figure perfectly without
'- nulled or buttonedintoj°
being » shape;
it is no trouble. tlo bothete bas ne
buttons to lose oe break. gild cannot
bunch or bind.. I•latehway winter lune
derwear comas in seven wergi weights.
o. wool a d wool and cotton mixtures,
o{ n .
•> stn no more than other kinds a
I,n > yet
is cheaper to launder, more durable,
mote ,seeeibie anti nnueh slime Cam,. .
CM -
or hie;
1 d
The Department of Education, Tore
onto,' has sent out an announcement.
of the tenth award' of the Carter
scholarships for 1923 and eheguee
will be sent out to those entitled to.
seine in due course. In Huron the
winners w mold R. Turnbull
Seeforth, Ronald Y, Wilson, Goderieh
a rel
and 0 L. Cooper, Croderich, in the
ode named, (1hese scholarships go
to the three students talring the high.
est narks on not more than ten pa -
pees the June Lipper School ex_
They ...are worth 1100,
3O and ;$40; ' in Toronto two •stu.
dents ranked equal for third place
and the thirdscholarship will lie di-
vided •b"htween them. Clinton Col-
legiate should eapture at least one
of these next year, Buckle tie it, girls
and boys l
The following 'cleepatch from Sat-
urday's Globe refers to 'a gentleman
who was at one tin?e a member of
theClinton Collegiate staff, He g t e will
bo ren etii r'
i Ue ed by scone,,®f our older
Gananoque, October Oth.-••J. 0,
Liriklater, Prineipal'of the Gane
anoque Public; school for nearly twa-
score years, is to be honored by a day
to be 1 nowix;as Linlclater Day en'Old
lionie Week in August; 2 to 9next
year,"when it is expected' many ex•
pupils: will' be 'present. There• are
more than 1,600 of then, and an in-
vitation is to' be sent to every known
address. The organization which has
this work in hand consists of W. J,•
Wilson, Chairman; Miss Mabel Car -
enter, Secretary; J. T. Green, The-
urer; Mrs. Agnes Lague,' Miss Ag_
nes Johnston Mrs. J. Belfle, Wim. Ito-
binson and *.:3. Wilts.
The two minutes of silence. was ob=
served in the several churches' of
own on Sunday'morning at.eleven
'clock, the congregations reverently
Baptist 'Chureh
On Sunday, anniversary:services
e'ill be held. The Sunday school will
nest at' 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon
tnd-services for worship at 8 o'clock
rid 7 -o clock, The . pastor will
ireach ' at both services,
Salvation' Army
bl at 10 .m
a holiness
meting at 11 a.m.; praise -meeting at
pen.; salvation meeting at 7:30 pm.
Vednesday,, story on Canada in 'pie_
ores, 4:30 'n.m:
Friday night Scouts meeting, Those
thing to become Scouts collie Fri..
ay night.
Willis Church
The. Mission :Band'�`wfll hold their
pier monthly meeting on Monday,
Ioveenber 19th. at 7;30.: It will take
he form oe an open meeting when a
ageaxlt and special music will be
iven by the members of the Band,
good od 'attendance of friends and
embers is hoped fo
_ d rat this meet -
g. g•
St Paul's Meech
The regular neonthly.enreeting.of
he W. A. was held•last'Tuesday at
he home' of M"rs. Thos. White. Mrs.
Llewellyn Bilkey occupied the
hair and reported the formation of
"Little Helpers" 'branch, with an
dial membership of over .forty. ' A
ale is to be. packed and sent early
ext month 'to the Blood Reserve..
arangements were made for the an.
ual meeting to •be held the first
uesday in December in the parish
IL MTS. "White served a.' dainty
ternoon tea,
Wesfey Church
The . Young Peoples' League will
In • on Monday evening' at. 8 o'clock.
he 1Vlsseionary Committee will have
barge and the gathering will be, ad.
ressed by Miss, Sybil 'Courtice, who'
on furlough from Japan. Eyery-
ody welcome.'
The Brotherhood' will meet at ten
clock on Sunday. ISubjoctc "Ideal
roth0lhood and its Obj: five," in
educed by the president, Mr. George
ayten. The Brotherhood le grow --
g, and the discussions are inoreass
g in interest. All Men welcome,
(Sunda morning, Sunday o.mng, su'b'ject: "A Sum.
ons to Serve." Evening.: "Same
F4 • in' the Building up of the
fngdom of God."
Ontario ,Street Church
n Sunday morning the; pastor will
peak 'ort "Why We are: in any way
esponsilile to Preach the Gospel to
:hers," and in the evening the sub-
ct will'be: "The Tares."
The 'Union Thanksgiving meeting,'
t Mornay was. not as lavgely attende
d as it should have been but plea-,
re was expres'seil by those present
th the acrvice, The subject, taken
y Rev. Ernest Parker, was the Twelve
Memorial Stones taken from. Joe -
an. 1tev. C. LI. S3illiey, president
the isterial Association Was in
ergo the service. Ain offering
mounted to 1116.00.
ho Young Peoples' League met on
inday evoiling- A nominating Ceni-
ttee Was oleoted by ballot and the
lowing officers were elected for the
kt sig months;
' , .' iestdazitfNiiss Eva Carter; Set
o, Fa allele Pi)ivelk; Med, vice, Katie
aro .a„
i vice A • u '
n cl rtli t. Groves
e; s, 4tH
c cY RTelmt :Ito
clawtt se
s v GrotaN
5ee Glidden; ti„asc
voil; press eer'rospondcnt, Claytan
orehcu'rc; eorrespending seerctary,
rgeeet lied); pianist; Carrel Evens
intent pianist, Lei Crich,
A quiet wedding took place at On -
tali() street parsonage yesterday of
ternebn when Miss Isabel East,,
(laughter of Mr, acid Mrs, Retry East
of Ilulkett township, was united hn
marriage to Mr, Earl J. Porter of
Go de z a, son n of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Porter of Godericli township. • Cons
gratulation are extended to the
young couple. '
Re -arrangement's have been made
whereby Mr. McMurray will remain
in Clinton instead' of .retxtovin b �� to
London, a$ was intended some weeks
ago, that being more central £orhxs
work as district'. agent for the Hair
voster Co. The friends in Clinton of
Mr. and Mrs. McMurray are very
much pleased to know that they will
continue to reside, here.
The local company of militia, and
veteraxxs attendedservice'in
church on Sunday morning last, over
sixty • being present. Many were
in uniform and they occupied the
centre pews, At the commencement.
of the service the congregation, which
filled the,ohurch, stood to observe.
the two minutes of silence in honour
of .Armistice Day and of the glorious
dead who sleep "Pi Flanders'' Fields.”
The pastor ofthe church, -'Ellie Rev.
J. E. Hogg, preached a very impres-
sive sermon and the music by the
choir was very appioiniate.
On Sunady last the death occurred
in Clinton of .lis. Wilson Eagleson,.
after. an illness of some duration.. Me
and Mrs. Eagleson had come Hera
from Bayfield only a Sew months ago,
having moved there from 'Lueknew
a few years' ago. ' She was aged
seventy-eight years and is survived
by her husband, a eon in Lucknow
and a daughter in''Goderich. The
funeral' took place on Tuesday after_
noon from her date residence, Rat=
tenbury street,, to Hayfield. cemetery.
Relatives and, friends were present
fromLueknow, uc now Goderieh and Hayfield'.
for the services, The Ret A. A.
Holmes conducted the services and
the pallbearers were: Messrs. Neagle,
Win. Robertson, J. 'Tuner and H.
sM sH'
Mr, 3, E.13onntth''and Mr. Peter:
McCall, wife and son, arrived home
front the Wiest where' they spent'a
few weeks. They were in the wreck
of the C.P.R, on Friday morning a-
bout 73 miles'west of Fort William.'
The wreck was caused by a broken
rail, and when Mr; 'Homuth was tel-
ling u
I a soffit he pulled liout a
of little
' '
handful of what looked to be the fin-
est of kindling. He tells us that at
least two of the eight cars which were
derailed were simply large piles of
enatehwood How everyone escaped
withoset»serious'`injury is a miracle,.
It was abouteight o'clock in the
morning and t r
an were e stn]l in their
births, Mr. Homtith was washing
when he felt the grinding noise and
found his coach was rapidly going ov-
er,. Looking out the door just be-
hind him lie saw a coach eoniipletely:
turned around and about five feet of
rail sticking up through the ceiling.
The rail had pierced the bottom of
the coach and ran right through
sword like swinging two coaches com-
pletely .face about It wad, indeed
-a miracle that no person was killed,
and the people have reason to be
thankful,-Wingham Advance. ,..,,
On Sunday last Maragaret Beacom,
an old resident of Clinton and a pi-
oneer,of this county, passed away af-
ter an illness of some &intiis, She
had entered her ninetieth year, being
eighty-nine and foul' months, so she
had'lived to a good age. The de-
ceased, who was born in Ireland, came
to this country with her parents when,
a small child in 1842. She was s
daughter of the late >Itobt. Beacom,
They loftthe old land in a sailing.
vessel and When nine days out the
ship sprung" a leak and they had to
turn back arid put into 'port for re-
pairs; which took about a month.
They started iii April and it was fin-
ally September whole they Ihnded in
Canada. The :family settled on the
Bayfield line, Goderieh township, the
.father buying a ;farm which itad an
acre of clearing and a log shanty
erected upon it. There they went to
work to build lie a home. The fain:.
fly grew to manhood and womanhood
,and gradually scattered and: made
homes of their own, The subject
of this sketch never Married but re-
xnained in the old homestead while'
her parents lived and later resided
with 'a brothpr, t3enry. Twenty --eight
years; ago they came into•• Clinton to
live and last' year he ;passed away.
Of a £aniily of ten only one sister and
two brothers survive: Mrs. Robert
Thompson and Messrs, Robti%rt anti
David l3eacoan; all of "Clintels, the tat-
ter,boing within a :Pow years of his.
3 00t year, •
The :faneral took place. oft Teets
day afternoon ream the late home of
the deceased an Fulton street, the
services being conducted by the Rev,
C, Llewellyn Bilkcy; rector of
Paul's church. of which she' was ¢t
member. The pallbearers wove ;four
nephews: George Ramey, R:. G.
o sa
n A. I], iurwi
l , n and W. A.
Beacons, interment
'tea trade '
s in
C n cemetery, .Chas one by one
we :'kw away the sturdy pioneers of
our country,: the met anti worsen wiio
did so much to make this cotittty file
ros:perottg Mud it is tOday,
'Orr page four of thin' issue we Dob
fish some extracts from the revised
fire bylaw, which will he' of ixrterest
to householders: Read " them and
see if you are a law-breaker'.or a
JAW -abiding citi2eu of this good.towll
of Q1 t
I n pix.
Mr, Ddmtutd Eagleson, an old Hay-
ayfield boy, writing ;From .Morse, Sask„
ei ate o n t
d 1 Nov. 2 i
G a renew
his subscription, says: "We alwaye
look forward. to getting the paper as
it Menge ue news from Thome every
week, We are •enjoying " fine'weatlx-
e; at lysis been the finest fall ] ever•
saw, It has only rained once hose
since August. Threshing is all com-
pleted and crops wore very good. No
snow yet, and farmers are still work-
ing on the land.
The death occurred, at the home of
brother,. Mr. Joseph'
Whitechurch, 6n November 4th ofMarg•aretJana He1 es, daeghter o
the late Joseph' Holmes, of Goderieh
township. • •
Miss ilolenes_spent ':her early girl-
hood in Goderieh township but foe
some years back she had 'been. a resi-
dent of Clinton, until` a few months
ago when her health failed- and she
went to reside with her :brother at
Whitechurch. Miss Holmes is see-
vived - by two Brothers, , Joseph at
Whitechurch and John of Saskatoon;
Sask., and one sister, Mrs. Rico of
Whitechurch. She was a menthe/
of the Plymouth Brethren.
The funeral took -place -on Wednese
day afternoon, - November 7th. The
services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Seobig, minister of the Whiteehtti:'eh,
Presbyterian church, and Mr, Brock
of Toronto. The day was very tin-
favorable- and none of the Clutton
relatives •attended' the funeral :but
Miss D. A. 'Holmes, Mr. Geo, 'Proctor,
Miss 13 . Proctor,- Miss Jeanie I-I'olmee
and Mrs. R. McCartney wont up from
Jams Ross, formerly of Clinton,
died'- at his home in: San Francisco,
California, on Tuesday eyening, Oc-
tober 30th. Ile had been enjoying
usual good health and was exception_
ally strong and hearty for his age
when on Sunday evening,- October
21st, he was soddenly taken ill, re-
sulting in a geeeral' break -down that
ended M heart 'failure, -
He was born on a farm (now own_ i
ed by the Waldron family) on the.l
London -road, -near Brueefield;on-Sep-
tember 3rd, '1837. ,i He left the farm
at the age of :eighteen years and
lived in Clinton forty-six years, the
re d
main ei of his o having lif h i
n been
spent in ethe United States.
He was well known throughout the
county: of Huaon. He was a mem_
ber in good standing of the Ancient
Free and Aecopted Masons for six-
t -fie years, a Mader e len her t] ,
Y Y of o Sony
of Scotland and of the Order of the
Chosen Friends. Heas also 1s a
member f Wile, 0 1 s Presbyterian
Wh b uan
church. He is survived by his wino
and a' family of three, P. F. Ross,.
Annie B. and Eolith Ross. ' All of
hside,is itntnediate:family were, at his bed..
• The funeral services took place at
3 o'clock .
a Tliu'rsda 'afte •
y moon; Novem-
1 cl
the body placed'i
stn a vault
at . Cypress Lawn Momonial Park,
San • Francisco. - • -
Miss Irene Miller has taken. a pos—
ition at Cooper's variety,. store for a
and Mrs. 10, A. Plaskett have
taken apartments over C1uf's shoe
The W.C•T,U, will meet in the lec-
ture room of Wesley church on Fri-
day afternoon at three o'clock.
A special meeting of the Hospital
Board will be held in the town hall
on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock.
We had some snow last -week but
on Saturday Me. A. Morris went out
into his gaeden and picked ripe. rasp-
berries. •
rs, A. to
M Can lone h x•
, who ecentIy.
euichasod the J; ,Z{.'Wise retidenee,
fs moving in from Goderieh township
title week. •
A, meeting foe the reorganization
of tine hockey club will be held in the
eminent chamber on Tuesday evening
next at hedalfis pastinvitedseven. Everybody
While working with the railway
gang at the Hohnosville bridge on
Tuesday' Mr. R.; J. Miller had the raise
Fortune to have' a timber fail on his
foot, injuring' the great toe. Re's
walking about with the aid of a Cane"
ever' since. •
Gode11''IICh 'X'owl1sblp
Goderieh township was the first
township in Euro» counts' to be set-
tled, the, first settlors comifig hi 1828.
Seventeen years latex' a family by the
nine of Bake'e arrived f'rotti Ireland
and took up land on. the 100. In
that familywas a little lad of four
years. That lad is now a Winn well
on in his eighty-second year, Mr.
John tl lc r,
V.,110 has ;Tont his Whole
life in the old township, He aan
recall Many interesting, events In diel"
cane'' history of (oderich township
and in casual edhversation the other
clay with The owe-R;etord editor ems•
laced' a few of them, There was' no
claming on the lath when the Batters
arrivecl, Where now lie broad' acres
of brown stubble, where a few weeks
ago waved golden grain, or•stretehee
of rich brown earth, turned up in
smoeth furrows` by the skillful plow-
Lnao, t there h stood acres of hardwood
timber, er
, which in the years to fol-
low gradually fell before the axe
the h sturdy woodman and wasfed to
the devouring flames, in the haste to
get the land cleared for the sawing
of se,
e d The '
e sons dna grandsons
of the men who cleared these Terme
are now buying their . firewood in
many eases. The Bakers.and their
neighbors went to school at Surmner
hill. The school building was,- of
course, built * of logs and even the.
floor was of split log's.: There were
some wild animals in the woods, at
this time but Nlr, Baker cannot: re
:Member seeing; 'anything "wilder"
than foxes, of which there were plen-
ty, and they were known on occasion-
to be seen playing with tire dogs. Mr.
Baker toils one :story, however, of a
he had '
Wolves were sues
posed to be stealing the Earner's
lambs and a "nen" was built to catch
the maurauder. .lie, as a lad, was
out past this one evening when he
saw" something inside and, thinking
it was 'e wolf, .he took to his heels
and ran home to give the alarm, .But
it proved to be nothing more danger..
obs than a dog.
People You Know
Miss Luella Walkinshaw was up from
Tented° ' over the week-entl.
Miss' Gertrude Fowler was down frottj
Lucknow over the week -end, -
Miss Winnie Thompson of Toconte
'was home over the week -end.
Miss Beatrice Jervis of .Toronto was
home over the week -end and holi-
Mr, P, R. Wigle; M,L,A., elect for,
Centre Huron, was in town yester-
Mr. Fred Wallis of 'Varsity spent
the holday period at his bonne' in
Mr. Fred , Elliott" was down from
Owholiednay, Sound v'
o .x the weekend and
Miss Jessie O'Neil of Ifitchener spent
the week -end and holiday 'at her'
home in town, •
Mr. and Miis, R. 'J. Fisher ,of 'Mill
street spent. Thanksgiving with
Kippen friends. -
Mr. Erskine Evans of 'Varsity spent
the week -end and holiday at his
home in town.
Misses Winnie and Sadie :Draper were
home from St. Cathaiitxes for the
holiday" period.
Miss_ Jule Bartlif£ of Toronto is
spending a fortnight's vacation at
her home in town.
MissM •axo i e x McMath went en to
Strathroy to spend the holiday per..
iod with her mother,.
Misses 'Sheppard and Clement oj'.
Goderieh were week -end -guests of
Misses Ward and Stone..
Miss Marry McTaggart- oe Macdonald
Hale Guelph, spent the holiday per-
i :at her home od i o e xn town.
Miss Clete Ford of the Alma Col-
1 -lege
staff spent Thanksgiving holt-
days at her :home in town.
Miss Amy Howson spent the week-
end andholiday as the guest of
Mrs, (De.) Ferguson of: Kincardine.
Mrs. A. T. Cooper• returned on Sat-
urday from a visit with her mother
at the/ ' 1• '
and o re attves at Evanston,'
- Ill• -
Misses Mamie, Mabel and .Eva' Cleft
visit e (1 Herman a n d Stratford
friends over the holiday and week_
ltiias Cicely Kennedy of Mildmay and
Miss - Shaw o£ Bluevale spent the
week -end and holiday as guests at
the tome of the forrmier's Mother
in town. ' -
Rev. J. E. Hogg,miitister of Willis
Presbyter•an church, goes to Eg-
miondville on 'Sunday to conduct
anniversary services in'the 'Presby,
terian church there. :
Bugg aid -
Miss Nina Heard of Manilla spent
the week -end at het parental home.
Mr. Leslie Fielding spent the week-
end at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Miss' IvyBa.yvnh returned. hoBrown , its ret rn honk;
atter spending a short time with
friends in Owen Sound. ,
The V;F.O, "club met for their mi-
nted meeting at the home of ,114r, and
Mrs, John Turner on Friday evening
Miss Ruth Huston.of Toronto spent
her Thanksgiving holidays at home.
Mr, and Mee. Townsend of Manilla
spent a few days with the latter's
parents, Me, and Mrs. Thos, Elliott.
Mrs. Woods and daughter, Miss
Nan Woods, sptext the holiday at.
Me, Robert Orr, who spent the past
two months in the west, n'ettu`ite0
home .
Misslast IsabWeekel Mustard spout; the Hoff•
days with friends to Stratford,.
Willie Pdrkor of 'Londeii• 'spent the
week -end' at his home in the village,
10tiss Viva Dewar spent her holidays
with friends at Toronto. •
Miss Rxotte Heaver of St. Agatiza
agent the lioliclay" athar ]tomo in the
vs pi
;to:: (toy)
the gu�sts of lrs(T•', ov,
l<",aodhfwards pot thehday soasans
Narntatt IRci.
0Sett, Wilber and Frank Rrgin of
Kit/du:me spent flee week• -end At the
fel-leer's stunutcr residence on Unit
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Munroe *Pent
Thanksgiving with Mrs, DI, A. Mun-
Mr, and Mrs. Strauser of Stratford
visited the latter's sister; Mrs. 11 1),
Munroe, this week.
7', andMrs. Baines motored
to Exeter on Monday:
Mr, Nelson Hill has gone to Mus
kolca to hunt.
Miss Margaret .Jackson of Toronto
spent the holiday at her
home here.
Mr, decd Mrs, Baxter of Goderieh
spent the week -end with Mr, and -
Mrs. Tallies 'Carter. -
Mee. R. Shaw was called to• u l
G eph,
on Thursday, owing to the serious ill,.
/less of her nephew. ' Mr, Shaw mo-
tored dawn on Sunday. •
Miss Rae Andrew spent the holiday
with her parents, Mr, and Mis. W.
Andrew. - -
Miss Frotnilda Pfeefor,of Kitchener.
visited Mrs. Amos Andrew over
Thanksgiving. -'
Miss Winnie Vanstone wad a
Tha ks 'i i
n g v ng visitor in the village.
Last Sunelay morning the Sacra-
ment, of the Lord's supper was ab -
served in the Methodist church and
several nexv members were received
into the church. - -
Whooping, co h.
cough is quite prevalent
among the children.
Messrs. F. Ribbert, C. Asquith and
T. Adams; who have been packing
apples at Alvinston, have returned.
Mr. Ellwin Raithby, of the 0,A.C„
spent, the Thanksgiving holiday with
his parents here.
Mi: :and Mrs. Arlie Randall visited
on 'Sunday at the home of Mr. Alf.
Jervis. -
' '"Mist -Mary Walden of Ripley was
the guest of; her brother, Rev. A. V.
and Mrs: Walden at the Parsonage
on. Thanksgiving day.
Anumber - of ladies of the church -
met, . in the 'basement of the church
last week and organized a Ladies' Aid.
The following officers were elected:
President, Miss, E. Courtice; vice,
Mrs. Alcock; secretary, Mrs. ,Wie.
Yeo; treasurer, Miss' S. Acheson.
Mr, P. Lowry spent the week -end
and Thanksgiving at hid home .in'Rod-
The railroad contract on the bridge
the cut tine is completed andthe
gangn is cleaning
up this
The rifle club has resumed practise
and meet's every Tuesday evening.
Rev, A. V. Walden attended the S.
S. and League Convention at Goderieh.
'on Tuesday of last week.
The annual 'Christmas entertain-
ment and 'Christmas tree will be held'
in. the church` on Thursday, Decemper'
20th. '
.nun bet
fidtn here etitendea tile•
fowl supper at Londesboro on Mon-
day night and report a good .suppee
and entertainment. -
Miss Ella Rutledge of WalIacebur
spent the .week -end :at her home on
the lemon road.
,Miss Hohries and Mrs, Mulholland.
spent Thanks
i i
n Day with God -.
rich friends.
The W.M.S. met at the parsonage
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Dorothy 'Jervis of Stratford
'Normal visited relatives hereover
the holiday period,
Stauleg Township
Miss Freda Talbot of Stratford
Normal School spent her Thanksgiv:
ing holidays at .her home on the San.
Ole line. a
Mr. Rgbt. Greer,' Jr. is wear' g
very pleasant smile these day an
account of the arrival of ayoung
daughter in the Moine.
Mrs. Rohr. Armstrong of Clinton,
spent the past week with her son,
Mr. Jack Armstrong, -
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of the
Sauble lige- entertained a large nuns
'ber of the youngg people of this vi-
cinity on Friday evening last. The
evening was spent in music dancing,
euchre, • de. The yoaitg people re-
port "•a very .enjoyable time.
Miss Petty, teacher of S. 5, No. 3,
Stanley, spent her Thanksgiving' boli-.
days' at her home near Rensall•
Mr: and Mrs, James Dewar spent ..
Sunday visiting his brother, Mr, Geo,
Dewar' of the Sauble, line, :
li r, Peter Mangan of the Goshen
line has' purchased a Ford Sedan,
Mui, 'and Mrs. James Aikenhead,
Jr., of Brueefield spoilt ,Sunday with , •
the latter.'s mother, Mrs, T. Hari'i- i
son,. of Bayfield,
Masses I'1aze1 and. Vette. Jackson of 1
Macdonald :Hall, Guelph, spent the . '
holiday with their parents,
Miss Edna Alexander of Toronto
spent the week -end with Mr,. and Mrs,..
jack Innes. 1
Miss Edna : Reid, spent the week. -
end. and holiday at her home nerdy'
Walton. .
Miss Myrtle Pearson spent a £'ew
days last week in Dashwood as the
guest of. Mr. and Mes. Peter- Meffat,
Miss Margaret McGregor of Luck -
now end Miss. Hate McGregor of Tore •
onto, were with their - parents, lb;
and Mrs, Neil McGregor' over ..the
Izol1daet. -
Mies Aguas Glee and Zee R A
Glen' were Iroise .for ,the, haiiday*::
Mrs, Joittt Pearson is spending
eek 1? g the
w to Stratford,
Miss Abbie ,SuteWatt carne !AMC for:
ilio vacation,
�odnestv evening, four eel.' o
mid 410 000neesgsi,people otored tol-l)as s
wood and spelt
tt Very
pleasant time •
with Mr. and Mrs, Peter-
Moffat, The)
evening wee spent in games .and 08n0.