HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-8, Page 8Pit
Il71btiDAi 2 NO'J1a,'M
oor Vwoar^m,-rw?;
Ws. Garry a stockloff Silvers are that i$ the
;best to he had, ; Also Cut Glass and Fine China,.
everything to be found in an up-to-date Jewelery
Store Watches, Clocks,' Wedding and Engage,
eat ings, i'ese1?ks, etc.
0 ourt',Qxl
Jeweller aritkO tleras;e
ting? We can do 'it` for you
Next Hovey'® Drug Store
re o .r ire are
for the cold winter weather? You may need, a new sweater, a
new overcoat' or some goad warm Underwear.
We are showing a choice assortment of Sweaters, pure wool and
away below last year's pried,
The Overcoats •. are Going
Get yours while the assortment le best. Our styles are right, tiie
materials are the, best and the pr ices the lowest.
We carry Stanfield, St. George and Tiger, b ands of wool undert
wear—None better at any price.
u111seel BCU
FOR' Fall Paper,' Papering and Decorating
Estimates given freely. Prices reasonable.
All work guaranteed. Orders left with Mrs: Robt. Armstrong, Hue -
on street will receive prompt attention.
See our paper books and save 20 per cent. on all papers.
Three en Were Pleased
with the suits we made for them
and told three other men. That
made six patrons and they will
bring us more trade. 'If we
;hadn't suited the first three we
would lose l• six. Let the
numbers multiply we will be
glad to clothe as many men
from town and country as we
can. -
- If you're in a hurry, see
how quickly wecan'turn out a
suit or overcoat for you.
DavisSt + 1C'ill it
Is there any ware better than •Granit for general use, , We earry
"a full line of it and will be glail to show you our stock.
Also electrical goods and fixtnres.Plembing Supplies, Andwhen
considering a furnace remember we sell 1 .eClary Sunshine.
Sutter a .0
ids Naiagen, v fixture$, - fullba, lCro
' Apfali; ptet
01 Reim
Ire m B. Fair
Often the Cheapest;Always the Beat
Mr. and Mrs, T. Leppington were in;
London yesterday, .
Mrs, A, T, Cooper is visiting her rela,;
tives at Evanston, 111;, for a few
Mr. and Mrs, J. 1I. Chant of Lake -
field have been visiting the formner's
brother, Mr,. H.: B. Chant of town.
Mr. Clayton Moorebouse of Clinton
spent the week -end as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs, W, C. " Peareb.--=Ex:
eter Times..
Mie, ;Gordon :Smyth, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sinytli
of ° high street, is now visiting
friends in, Stratford,
,Mr.and Mrs, Antos Cartwright' spent
the week -end in London , They
motored down returning via Inger'-
soli and Woodstoek. ' -
Mrs. J. MclKinley was in Stratford
last week attending the Provincial
S. S. Conversion as a- delegate .from
the Wesley Sunday school..
Rev. C. J. and Mrs: Mooreliouse mo-'
tored to London on Tuesday and
Mrs, ?jloorehouse is 5eniainingefte ;a
:few days with her mother, who is
`Mr, and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha and
Mr..C. G. Middleton attended the
Western Ontario Conservative Con-
vention in London on Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Chester fitarshali have
returned to ,their' lime in Owen
Sound after a visit ,wieh the for-
ener's parents. Mr, and Mrs.; Win.
Marshall oe town.
Dr. and Mrs. Ballantyne, and Mrs. El-
liott of London motored up and
spent the week -encs in town, visiting
Mrs. Cardiff, who has been laid up
owing to injuries resulting from a
Mrs. -Kemlr of Detroit. and Mrs;
Greenside, Mrs. Mason and Mr. arid
Mrs. R. Sheppard of London are
in town for the funeral of their fa-
ther; the late J. L. Sheppard; which
takes place this afternoon.
Capt. We E. O'Neil, who is in com-
mand of "D" Confpaily of the 1st
Huron Regiment, was in Brussels
last night, where his cotnpany.un-
derwent inspection by Brig. Genet
al -King and staff of London.
Mrs, Harry Twitchell and Miss Bettie
• Who have been- visiting thelady's
sister, Mrs. Murray MeEwan, for
the past month, leave, today for
their home in 'Windsor. Mr, and
Mrs. Twitchell intend spending the
winter in Florida.
Dr: H. Fowler left Saturday with a •
party of friends froth S .afeeth on
his annual hunting trip to Nerthern,
Ontario. This is the doctor's an-
imal holiday and one to -which he,
looks forward with keen ant-icipa-
tion'and ettjoyes thoroughly.
Mrs, T, A,Grieg left-' on Saturday af-
ternoon:for Toronto, winire she will
spend soine time with her son, Mr.
W. Greig. Mrs. Greig was ac-
companied by her two little grand-
children, who hadbeen spending
some tmie with her in Clinton.
Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. N.
• W. Trewartha, Mese Rose Tebbutt
and "Miss . Gertrude Snyder attend-
ed the League and Sunday school
eonvenition at Goderich en Tuesday,
representing the League and Sun-
day school of Wesley church, Olin -
Mrs, Elizabeth Kennedy,- Mrs. W. J.
Shobbrook, IVfr, A. Groves, , Mies
toinish : and Miss itT: Brown .ate
tended the Sunday .School and
League Convention in Godericlr oft
Tuesday, representing the Ontario
street Young Peoples' League and
!Sunday wheal.
Me. and ,Mrs. Lloyd Colquitoun ino-
toried up from Hibbert township
yesterdayto visit relatives. On
their return they were aceompan-
led by the foimer's motlierr Mrs,,,
Colquhoun, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. II. Fitzsimons. Mrs.
(Colquboun is just recovering from
a broken Mg and still has to use
crutches, . •
Rev. J. IL Cololough of Creemoreand
Rev." Frank Heiman ,.e£ Craigburst
spent a couple of days in town last
Week vie -Ring their respective mo-
thers and calling on old friends.
The News -Record was pleased to
have them call on Thursday, just
Ai the formes wore being put tin the
prese. Both these gentlemen' leai'ar
ed the gentle art d printing in their
youths before the "call" to a high -
or vocation 0amo to them, the for.
trier terving his apprenticeship in
The News-Reeercl dike, the latter,
in 'the office of o1» local contem
votary, and they asnusedthemselves
.for" . a few Minutes trving to see
how Much knowledge of the '"disc''
:they had retained throughout the
,veara At' the time they started
no typesetting nlachiiies were used,
all the type Was Jet by hams laid 1t
M' s
Rtes,, fresh and -Juicy,
aisins,. newt ' seeded,
New .seedless raisins
S 11.i3M
ll�s.c�r c
peg lb 15c
viler. ib 15c
Valencia Raisins, while they last, 15
Table ,Syzsip, 5;pouiid pail for 45c.
Canned Pumpkin,' per tin .. , 20e
Sardines,,;4 tins '" , . , .. . , ... 255;
'Black Tea,' per ib, r' Goc
Shelled Almonds,- per ib 49e.
Best .Currants; cleaned, per ib.... . . , . ..lpe.
Mixed Peeis per lb..,, ..., i :1505
Red Robin Salmon, 25e.
Meple Leaf Salmon, per tilt
Shelled Walnuts, per lb... , .
, . . GOc'.
gee our assortment of Riley's Toffies, per lb 60c -
ew Table Figs
New Cooking Figs
Sreet Potatoes
Cas :,. ' all°,
2 Dei ve ies
Finnan Haddie
Ph n
Mullett Township*
The friends .and neighbors of Mr.
and Mts. W. II, Stevens, to the nutty-.
bor of about thirty-five,gathered at`
their home one evening last week,
prior to their leaving for Seaforth,
and spent a few' hours' with them in
a social way. During the evening,
ail address was -read to Mr. and Mrs.
Stevens :and they were presented with
a fountain pen and a purse of money,
Mr. S. Appleby reading the address.
and Mr. Te Adams snaking the. pre-
sentation. ".Mr. Stevens rbplied very
suitably, thanking "their friends for
the kind words of the address :and
for the gifts. Afterwards the ev-
ening was 'pleasantly spent in games,
music," etc.' Mr. and Mrs. Stevens
will be mu1h missed in the commute.
ity. ' Following is the address:
"To Mr. and Mrs. Stevens:
Dear le -lends: : 1t is with feelings of
deep regret that we hear of your in-
tended 'departure from our commun-
ity. You have spent your entire
life in our: midst. Many cd us have
seen you grow from a cliild to mature
and g'eniel'inenhood. We have al-
ways found you cheerful and obliging,
even et a sacrifice to yourself, and
while we: hope you will miss your old
friends, we feel that . your many
sterling qualities will make you
friends aplenty in your naw hone.
You, Mrs. Stevens, while you' have
not been as long with us, we feel that
you also will be greatly missed and
we wish you happiness and ,prosper-
ity in your new home. Please allow
us to present to you this fountain
pee ,and purse of mney, on behalf of
your' friends and neighbours."
London Road
The last meeting of the U,F,W.0.
was 1aeld at the home of -Mrs, Lane,
Sr., Weedy -two members being pies-
ent. The roll .call was answered by
the giving of ways of storing veget-
ables for the winter. ` Mrs, Snell and
Miss Waldron each gave an interest-
ing paper,!, on "How Much interest
Should a Darllier'e Wife. Take in Her
Husband's Business." Mae. Lane, who
is over eighty years of age, gave sev-
eral reoitations; which were listened
to with pleasure. The meeting was
closed with the singing of the Nation -
a1 Anthem, after which Mrs. Lane
and Miss Lane served lunch.. The
next meeting will be heldon Novena,
ber 2204 at the home of Mrs. Quig-
ley. •
Miss Alice Davidson of Loudon %s
visiting her mother. Miss David-
son; -who has just returned from. an
extended trip thronglt the west,
states that wheat in some parts was
50 excellent crop ,but teat Vet wea-
ther clueing the haiveet dereaged, it
to sone extent and that the buyers.
are takidg advantage of that fact to
a 'large extent.
'Mies Marjorie Davidson is spending'
the winter fn California,
West End beef ring will hold their
annual meeting on Tuesday, evening
next at the home. of Mr. E. Petry -
berry, '
Pastime Dance
.The,Pastime Club is putting en its
annual '.l'hankagiving dance in the
glub r0011ts 011
took a large staff to set up teen a� Clinton 51v0 -Piece'; Orchestra will fu`"
weekly newspaper snort as ..no
News-Itec:oril. nigh ratnec,. Y3ancing at ,9.it4
The t`IKiddies'.' enjoy out' Candies.
They are always fresh and delicious.
"cream Caramel
Log Roll
Sea Foant
. Peenut and Cocoanut Taffies
Bulk Chocolate's—the: finest •
Fancy Packages—the best
Confectionary and Restaurant
"We aim to please."
tphristinas-as Coming
Say "Merry Christmas" -
this year with a
Then your holiday remembrance
Will be a personal one—
Just think—one dozen Photographs:make
12 Christmas Gifts
Make your appointment now, it will
meati better pictures for you and more
time for us
We guarantee our Photographs to be
satisfactory -
Phone .66 - Photo Studio
Under the auspices of the Ladies
of Se Joseph's Church will ,be hold
in the Parish hall on
i h��yy f' y
ulr'sclag,. Nov. 15th
Booths' for aprons, .handkerchiefs,
.fancywork; children's wear, homemade
baking, homemade candy: Fish fond,
Afternoon Tea will be Served
Fowl Suppler.
Hot fowl supper beginning at 5:30
The °iris will
Serve Supper
Gists' tb WClch
willThe acrve a ThanksgivClof ingillis supperiarin
the lecture room of the chetah on r1-
day evening, Novemiher 90., fiord 5
to 7 reelect.. '
AollnIssic►alt 35c
2a 2
Figures may not lie, but haw the
ladies can look like wasps ono year
and animated ironing boards the next
r semis to need.. saint explanation. -'I
The Pilot Superior Pipeless Furnace
No Time Mk th Present
To consider your heating probe
lems. -- We handle- the Pilot
Superior Pipeless Furnace and
will be pleased to give any in-
formation you inay require. -
Every furnace guaranteed to be
absolutely satisfactory,
We also have a full line of1t
Quebec Ranges and Heaters and
you 'will never know what real
•• comfort means until you have
one to combat the cold winter'
weaher. -
We have a few good second
ranges in good condition which
we are offering at very low
A full stock of guns- and am-
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co
Furniture Phone: -104 • Hardware 1'
EAL ial A LL ,. . A
Reat is imperative in your
home or office. But so is
fresh air. liow often the one
is sacrificed foe, the other! You
get your room warm, but the air
is so "stuffy" you are tempted
t0 chance ehiils.
It, is no longer necessary to
puffer either cold or aatufiiness.
You can have cosy 5omfort and
pure air at the same trine. And
the method is easy, •simple 'and
Merely invest the money you
save ein your duel billina
Maiestic Electric Neater
I� IRO SHOP, Clinton
adtefileaStrosormoroor at...ticalto,
Have you seen the
ew Vacuette?
Watch for Demonstration on,.
Saturday night.