HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-8, Page 5t to Yon d Wie Sin me 'Reformer, one of On- • leading weeklies, passed its Oxth year leet week. Con - diens and good wishes for con- ned prosperity, * you want te exereiSe Your frau.- se at the owning municipal election 11 have to get on texce paid, taw, no vote, according to a -Jew, passed by the eotmeil Itirenclay fling, I.1r, 13anting is giving his fataro of Nobel Prize, $10,000, toward a Icl of $1;000,000, which is being eed in Toronte for the aid of re- tell work in Canada. Such a fund 1 bolo to retain in Canada yonng n who are emxions to, ,perfect die- erioe, such as Dr, Booting's, iunday is November tntli, Arrnia- - Dey, the day On which, Ave years 2,, the guns ceased fire and the :at war came to an end. This clay, Tether, the Monday coining near - to it, has been set apart as nksgiving Day in Canada, to be ;erved as a perpetual holiday, and litho the 12th, will be so observed, day, however, is the aetual annie sexy and as the congregations ga., ✓ attheborer of eleven o'clock it ld be fitting if they ehonld stand observe two minutes of silence, nt thanksgiving for the boon of ea and for the breve dead, -whose no. brought it to us. Constance r, James Thuell and, Arnold Col_ gli returned from the .west on rsday. rs. Joe, Riley is helping to nurse father in Goderich township for eve aye. Ile is laid up with poi - ivy in the tongue. ' • les. Archie Radford is in Clinton pital for treatment. We hope she l be much better in future. ' Ire. Miller Adams is spending 'a pie of weeks •with he daughter , ✓ Ottawa. vs. ThueIl and Miss Vera Colclough visiting friends in Windsor and roit for a couple of weeks. Ire. Cole left on NIondey to spend winter with he:: daughter, Mrs. A- t Glazier of Clinton. n, he "Empire" concert held under 'auspices of the WAVI.S, hi the ch, was a most successful eoncert, 11 took their parts well. Rev. Moorehouse had "England," Rev. Hogg, "Scotland," Rev. Mr. Irwin land" Rev, Mr. Abery "Canada." as interspersed with readings and es by different persons, The pro- ls amounted to $50. iss Ada Johnston is helping Mr. ford to look after the store. . Hugh McDonald of St f Thomas ending a few weeks with his cis - Mrs. Ernest Adams. . ICippen. 0. Field, formerly of Harrisburg, taken the position of 0.N.1., t at Eippee, succeeding W. Fes. who hai retired on a pension. Si. Helens 1., 3, D. Anderson was in Goderith week acting as juror at the,Fall e Stanley Todd has recently in. ed a radio and among other • was able to enjoy Lloyd ,ge's speech from Cleveland. e thankoffering 'meeting of the ..S. was held in Calvin church undaye when the Rev. W. A. ley gave an instruetive address. e funeral of the late Mrs. Walter b was held last Monday afternoon her home on the 12th concession - Webb was billy fil a little over if • Deceased had an opeeation in 'ham hospitel but passed awaY pre of days after. She was in 50th year. Her husband,. sun. •• aed MTS. Jaalee Harbour at, el the funeral of the latter's bre- Mr. Mount of neae Hmilton, beet 01)ERICII AN IMPORTANT GRAIN PORT ring October the Goderich Eleva- Teansit Company transhipped ,000 bushels of grain. In all 30 were unloaded, die average of a a day. To keep this volume of moving ovee 1900 earsW8P0 on the C.P.It• and C.N.R. ays. The length of those care, locomotives if stretched out 10 tele lite would Xtend more than in miles. On only 0,11e. occasion his 'record been surpassed by the , ator Company, -when, drnink ihe II of May, three or four years: approximately 4,000,000 bushels rain were hendled, Due to the however, that a large percentage his amoune was oafs the total oge was not as great as that rep - :led by the figures for the month cloeitg, 110 record for Oetober speaks eloquently .for the cancel and exeentiye operation of Godevich Signal, ADIAN NATIONAL RAILWA:Y, EARNINGS, GROWING e'groSs earnings of the Canadian mal RailWaers for the week ond- ictober 131st 1923 wore 18,917,537; cirt increase d 11438,223.00 or. er eent, tte tompated with cor. oding week of 1923, 4 I- C' nal- 2 e gross earnings a.. tee : • 'Itailvette's *on: 'January let :tober 3.1st 192,821tave'been 1207,-. 21,87 beihg st Menage of 112r, 66.83 eis emeipated with the 0,01.4 41dinfe Period of 11132. • r.VI, GOVenlock et Seeforth nod leet Week fronl a lengthy' ,IirOUgh tltowost. Western 0 rio Conservatives Hold tnthusiaStie Convention Officers Elected for the uear and Separate Woman's Organization Formed Will flanctuet Rt Hon:. Arthur Meighen in January Western Ontario Conservatives got ter to the dietrice organiebr of wo,„, men voters. This suggestion made by W. 11. Rarnum, IC. C., of Aylmer, was withdrawn when Mrs. Edwards,. organizer expressed aPnreval of get- ting a separate organization uudee way at once. - Mee. Wilmette secretaey, poieted out that in one riding of the district only' 30 to 85 rfee cent. oe• the winen vo- ters mg:raised* their franchise at last election and e'that there was gnat need of organization. • The ladies present then. adjourned long enough to elect fileers of their own, as,below: Honorary peesident, Mrs, W. J, Henna,,'Sarnia; president, Ms's, • A. T. Edvvartle. London; secre- tary, Mrs. H. A. Winne% Lohdon; treasurer, ars. Robson, London. Vice- presidents will be selected later as the new organization gets in touch With ridings in which there ere not now womenes local organizetions. nob, good theulte out of their or- geuleation last June -that they ars encouraged to keep it in good trim foe the next federal campaiga, At the annuel meeting a number oi changee and additions were made in the running -gear, resulting in a high- IY-efficient 1024 model, which is ex, ',uteri to land as many Conservative members at Ottawa as were elected to the Legieleture. Ifs a six -cylin- der mathine now, too, half a dozen vice 'presidents being Mooted to the executive instead of three, ,Another important innovation'waspthe creation., df a Woinen's Conservative Aesoehe tion for Western Ontario, 'Whethee the tompanion vehicle turne -out to be a paeemaker, sidecar or trailer re- mains to be seen, but it's off to a good start, with Mrs. A. T. Edwards ap preeident. The meeting was attended by nearly 400, with the result that the chub - rooms on Richraond street could not be used, and the gathering adjourned to Ulster Hall, Dundas street, There after the bueiness session, addresses were delivered he, Sir Henri, Drayton, pt, 13,, former minister of finance; Hon. Wiliam H. Price, liroviricial treaeurer for the Ferguson Govern- ment, and J, D.- Chaplin, M. P., Lin- coln. Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Provin- cial secretary- was at the meeting, but had to Ieave early, Almost ev- ery .Conservative member -elect or candidate in the 24 tonstituencies un- der the wing of the association was preen% as well as officers froth most of the riding executives., - There was 'competition foe office,. full diseassicm of proposals ad- vanced 'and warm commendation "'for district and riding workers who bore the brunt'of the battle in Mile. Al- though E. R. Dennis, retiring presi- dent, made an honesteto-goodnese ap- peal for a 'change in that office the delegate* re-elected him unanimous, with _mane tributeto the • ability and tact which have characterized his work ever since the association's me- clest beginning. "Ernie Dennis is one of the best executives I ever saw in my life if not the ver' best; and I hope here wiil be no onposition to him,'" said W. B.• Barnum in nominating the president for re-election, Noteworthy 'tributes te the efforts of the associatiOn came tram provin- cial and federal headguarters. There was a ;telegram from the Ontario executive, and a special reference from the provhfcial treasurer in per, son. Col. Price said: "Mr. Fergu- eon requested me to come here and extend his thanks for the magnificent work 'you- did in the last campaign. He pointed out to ma that quite early you seemed in this assethation to got the fire that later swept the Conser.. vative party to victory in thiS pro- vince. , You organized gi'le,. and at a time when a great many were noe as enthusiastic as -later. You sup- ported Mr. Ferguson as leader when he was selected by a large popular convention, and I feel quite certain to -clay, Mr. President, if you give Re, Hon. Arthur Meighen the same sup- port in the Dominion you will have a Conservative Government when the e- lections come." f , Sir HeitryTrayton recalled that the organization 'ryes hardly in its full stride in 1921. "but," he said, "We Want to thank you for smile people you sent us—IVIr. White and Mr, Me.. ICillop, 'end -the good old gladiator Do- nald Sutherland. We want to thaffic yoti for Mr. State:ell, Mr. Leetiorur, a new representative from' the Lamb - tons, who le going to make his mark and look after the interests of that part of the district, but above all. r am chiefly grateful—this May sound Irish—for the triulph of the Conser- vative party in Canada, whie,h you are' going eo bring &lout." A 'delegate had expressed the opin- ion that a federal election would come next year. 3. D. Chaplin, IVI.P„ wee not so sure, "We do not hear any more about an election since the June election" he said. Then the Ring Government got a wallop in Prince Edward ancl..another in Quebec and I Itin not so stme we are going to have an eleetion next year. I think this bunch at Ottawa is going to stay aa long as they can and I doe't fiblieve you will have en election next yern., but that is only ray opinion, and we are going to get otedy anyway. Our own chief has lust returned from a trip to the West and states that he hopes for the very best results. He Was delighted with his reception and feels there 15 a change coming. We have good reports from Quebec, Bri- tish Columbia, New Brunswick sand Nova Scotia. Only Saskatchewan appears .stony ground." So meny we05 nominated for viae president when it was decided to en. largo tinnexemotive that a committee consisting of W. /L Barnum, E. le„ Donis and Prank :Hayes was ap- painted to retire end sift the list down to six, having, due regard to geogra- phical representation,. Including their report as 4tiapted, Om lull slate of officers is as follows: President, t, R. Dennis, London; lee vice-peesident, W. IL Barra1222, Ayl- mer; Viceepresiciente, W. IL Wollatt, Jr., Walkerville; Pe, A. Rea, Wbod- stoic; Devid Boris, St, Marys; A, Body, Brantford; A. A. legrem, 50. - Thomas; end W. II. Consitt, ZUrislif covreepondiog seceetavy, Gordon Reid, London; finaneial eeeleitary, E. IL Seehrook, Lenderl; treasurer; 11, La- mont, .(lathare; auditors, (1 G. dieton, Clinton, and Peter Mr- Seat; BelgreVe, reettlag aperoVed the Prol)asal• Of 3 Zeparate orgettleation for wernett, The maim *as taken -OW hair liettete aiteUstifola duritig Whielf a Moe tion WAS Made to leaVe the .(Contitined nia Page 41' 51 evas'agreed that a good represen- tation should be sent to the gather- ing of Ontario Conservative' Associa. tion in Toronto on- November, 20, if that date is finally approved for the meeting. The proposal of a banquet here to Itt, Hort. Arthur lVfeighenrfed- ere' leader; .,was approved an.c1 de- tails left to the executive, as was that for a ,series of .picnics next year and the matter of yOung people's clubs. • The federal leader sent this noes - sage to President • Dennis "Give my greeting i to Western Ontario Con- servatives and wish them an abun- dantly fruitful result of their present. conference --Arthur Meighen." The meeting approved the follow- ing resoletions, eubmitted by the re- solutions committee composed of Dr. I', T. Ceipland and A. R. Ford: "Resolved, that the Western Con- servative Association congratulates the Hon. lloward Ferguson upon his sweeping victory of June 25 and anon his assuming the premiership of On - twee, and express eonfidence in his leadership of the Conservative party in the province. This meeting also,, expresses pleasure at the character and ability of the men whom he has for his Cabinet and feels confident that they will carry into effect the policies enunciated in the last election campaign,' -which will make for the ,Tho," at the developement of the province and the general Welfare. of the citizens of On- ta'Western Ontario Conser- vative Assoeiation expresses confi- dence in Rt. Hon, Atthur Meighen ae leader of the Conservative party for, the Dominion and is satisfied that his steady adherence to the historic prin- ciples of the Conservative party will result at the next election in his re- turn to power at the head of a Con- servative Government, which will 'bring about a restoration of confidence stability and prospority in agriculture, business and other pursuits, We hereby pledge himour undivided sup - Sir Henry Drayton, in, a brief ad- dresendealt with two or three feder- al issues outstanding at the moment, Reference tb the alarming exodus of Cahadian citizens to the United States recalled to him the efeeeping remarks of Hon, James NIurdock in the last Dominion campaign. "They were going to do everything for unemployment," said Sir Henry. "They are running to form. They have' clone nothing, and there eves no help by employment or any other way. The men 00 women who could not get 'employment left us, and to -day llon. Mr. Murdoa refers to the fact that unemployment does not exist in Can- ada., but does not refer to hundreds of- thousandof expetriated citizens that have had to leave since he took office, • • "Our exports are increasing' but at the expense of our capital account 1---o1ir natural resources, such as for. eats. What is the trouble? EV_ erybody knows dt, except perhaps the Government. While we can produce bountifully and well, these who would buy are in many instances -Without funds. But there is aonarket we can look after, and that is .oulY own, and We ate not doing it. It is tor that reason, many have beemforeed id seek employment in the United States. "We bought 1208,000,000 more of goods in the United States last year than they bought from us, Think what a million dollars spent here means in homes and happiness. Don't think it is enth•ely a matter of incite - tries and wages. Then multiply that by 208: We bought $80,000,000 of agricultural stuffs le.st year. Some of them we had to have, but very lit- tle. The farmer has tot the out - sil marI cet he lat before, One thing could be clone easily, that is trade vvithin the grand old, empire to which we belong. "We have alwaYs been seeking pee - Americo in the Britieli market. Isn't it extraordnarsr to find that there has been no offer, even a gotthe made, irt 'elver • of preference, which will hold out any hope of adoption of the principle without finding Cariediarts everywhere arid peeticularlY 009,005•• Ontatives supposed to look atter the ietereste of this country 1.mm:dietary seizing the fiend that holds out that offer?" • , Col. Priee made some intereeti/Ig ref.erences to the work going on in various clepaeterients At Toronto, ex - Pressing admiration at the way Hon. 3. 5, Martin seemed to be able to at. tend to businese in his °Mee and still get °tit to inetnnereble agrietfitural gatheritiga, CIO reforred 555011ie' now work in the 1n405ee of nuelleal research, which Hoe. Dr. Godfrey le eidleg itt the peesent time, "One thing She preiniet ineistsnp On be that btib,mitilsters ata on the job?"earl the whilst -Or. ," We ,folind 46, oortl WHEN YOU wcub a.rab ,good Bakieg Powder uee Gin own Brand, which is Ladtes De- light ine name and by results you ob tale, by uelue et. Jelet try a can Pricee ifiL22ets. per eane Speciel For Belenee of Moeth 7 cake,s Castile Soap . • , . • • ,25e. 1 lb. Belk 0000a • • • • 6 • • . ..• •100 1 Bar daStile 'Soap ...23e. 1 pkg, Coen Flekes ,, • . , . , , ..1.0c, 10 Oakes Laundry Soap ,49e. 0 lb. Rolled Oets • , ,; 3 Pkg. Ammonia or ,Peerline '3' packages of eTellY Powder .• • ..240 .3 pkgs. Rinse . , . . • • , • • , ,:25O, 2 lb. Ginger Snaps .....25e. 1 .Pkg. Ivory Soap Flakes, same es 6 Glaee Tumblers ...45c. Lux..... , , . ,lec: e for , , „..., , Yeur Store is Our :Stove, JOkirilSc N &CO'S (GROCERY Phone 111 Tor] "sTortr 31013 EVERYBODY IBAKER AND CONFECTIONER remesonsiess. irBrea Bread, delivered to all parts of town MANY VARIETIES 'OF CAKES AND BUNS Fresh for your table daily We make Wedding cakes a 'Speeiality ISMIZIOINIOS.M6.1113101.6.691. Neilson's Ice Cream and Chocolates F. J. BROWN & C� Phone 1 NEW LAID EOGS ALS LIVE OULiT We pay the farmer aepremium for strictly Nev' Laid BEES and • also for well fattened live Poultry of all kinds. Speeial arrange- ments will be inade to handle produce from a distance. Phone or write us for regular weekly pricelist which gives all the necessaty information, Gunn Langiois Go. Lanuted . Montreal, Quebec. N. W. TREVVARTHA Manager, Clinton Branch ..,. Day Phone 190 Night Phone 214w emeaueszeineeesamezeseseaszeweses. 'Births HAIIN-10 Leader, • Soak., on Oe 31st, to Mr. and' Mrs, Austin . Hahn, (formerly Kathleen K. Black - all), a son.—James Henry. EIORTON-L-Ite Seafotth Maier -tar hose epitstl, on October 80th. to Mr. and Mrs W. B, Horton a daughter. BURTONSeaforth IVIemorial Hospital, on October 80h, to Mr. and MTS.- 3. M. Burton (nee Olive NI. Roes), a son—Ross IVretnroe. - IViarriacres DERBYSHIRE RATHWELL — At the Methodist parsonage, Ridge - Own, on lic&, 6th, by the Bev. Mee, Doan, Edythe Florenee; danghter of' the late William Rathwell and Mrs. Rathwell of Stanley township, to Seth German Derbyshire, son of 26-3. 'Mr. and Kiln William Derbythere VOTERS' LIST, 1923 1V1unicipa1ity of Town of Clinton, County of Huron :Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 10 of the Vo- ters' List Act 'and that I have posted up at nay office in the ,Town Hall, Clinton, on the 29th, day of October, 1923 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Muni- cipal Elections, and that such list re.. mains there for inspection. And I hex•eby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors cm omissions ceerected ac-• cording to law, Dated at Clinton this 29th day of Octhber, 1923-. D. L. MACPHERSON, Town Clerk. •rof Wheatley, SCHEERER —BROOKS --In Mitchell, on October 31st, by the Rev. H. D. Moyer, Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Beoolce, to Gordon A. Scheeter d Detroit, son of XL% and IVIrs. G. Scheererof North tits. throe. ; LLOYD—DAY—In the 'Trivitt Mem- °vial Church, Exeter, on „Oct. 31st, Annie May, daughter of IVIr. and IVfrs. L. Day, of Exeter, to Alexert- der Lloyd of,Toronto. , DOItithS SHEPPARD—In Clinton, on Nevem. bet 51,11, James L, Sheppard, aged, 91 years and 9 months. ---London . papers please copy, JEWSEED LAW IN FORCE An order-ie.council was issued which brought into effect on October ist the bill respecting the' testing, in- spection and sale of seeds, which was passed last eeselon. This refers to the grading and 'specification of grades of seed placed on the inarket. Thus if seeds prove not up to speci. :fiedqualitn the purchaser can get re, dross. An inmortant provision oe the hill has to do with keeping gliasa and elover meed free from noxious weeds. Hot Supper The ladies of the Baptist thurch will serve"a hot supper in the church on Monday,, November 19th., , Sup- per from 530 to 8 o'clock, Minis - Mon 35e. • 27-2. Trivate Sale of Household Effects Private sale of the following house- hold effects will be held on Saturdan November. 10th; lounge, cupboard, buffet, Perfection coal oil stove with oven, Red Star washing mulling, neerly new, 9.7-pieco dinner set, noW. Call any hour. W. Glen CoOlv, rub - ton and Dunlop streets. 27-71.p, A Whening The two boys who were out :emote ing en Sathedity .end fired a shot throtigh tho window ef school No. 11, Goderieh'• township, had hetteecall and settle for ,earae, and save, tmeible, BY. 13, PoWell, eeeketary., , , 21-1. S& Pears. Chersli. Moen-, The Isadips etSte'Paul'e chuteh Will held their ennual „letzeak 'oh Tuee- 'day. 'elternothi, November 27011.: that; patilettlare will he given intsr. T5,,., 4,).. EXECUTOR SALB or FARM, FAR1VI STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lot 23, Concession XVII 17, town- ship of Goderith, containing -80 acres more or less will be offiered for sale, public auction 'on Saturday November 17, 1928, at,1 Melo& pan.. e, • At the sante time.incl place the fol- lowing ehattels: draught mare, 12 Yeers old; draught mare, rising 5; general purpose mare rising 4 Years; 3 Durham grade cows, milking; two Polled Angus grade cows, milking; 4 heifere rising 2 years; 1 steer ris- ing 2 years; 8 heifer calves, steer calf; 2 wagons; buggy; cutter; plow; set of harrows; hay rake; fauning mill; set of double harness; good set eingle harness; about 500 bushels of oats,. about 80 bushel -wheat, abottt 10 tons good timothy bay; about 5 tons good well nred sweet clover hay, a quantitY of barn tole and small implements. The firm is located on the Bilge line a good -gravel road, 2 Miles from Clin- ton; the sbil is clay loam end good cultivation, and the improvements in- clude Is good barn and frame house. The chattels will be sold on terms: under 110 cash; over 810.00 2 per -tent, dieeount for cash; or approved joint notee to the 15th, March, 1924. Farm will be offered subject to reserved hid on farms: 10 per cent. cash, and balance in 80 days. G. II. Auctioneer. Mrs. Flora NI. Vernier, Executrix Estate of Thomas Venter, deceased, 27-2. Household Furniture For Sale Including Othello range, large size, end player piano. Will be sold pri- yately, Mrs. Knight, Princess street, Clinton. . Salt and,Lumber Fovv loads of salt suitable fer stock, also lumber plank arid timber all sizde. 73. G, Ransford, 264f. Privete Sale of Cattle aed Celle.. Two 2 -year-old ethers, five Yearling steees; 2 yearling heifees; nine year old cO.w, due in February; 4 year -old - cow, due in March; 5 summer calves; choice 4 year old Clyde colt; 2 yew, old colt; and n year old Percheron colt,. 'I', Elliott, Hayfield, 26-01. rearm For Salo or Rent PEue of lots 40 emi 41, concession 1 Teel:el:smith, Hilton road, Adjoin - 'nee Clinton, containing 12,9 acres. On peeiniees are a brick house eed good bank barns, Town, wator bn Louth, farm watered by vivo.' at Sack; no - chard; good clay eon, mostly teed -ed, 13 000 sold will rent. Apply ou 95e- w6114e6e. TT;c••,••• fiefeeeletletelettettelillealelleifeltele eliel1iee3elleelleflete1f10111 Supreme Pipeless Furnace m If it's n heating problem you heve 2 eanove it, for you indbediately by installing the SUPRENIE PIPELESS With 15 to 20 thousiend cubic fent heating eapacity for $ Cs' 0 Burns wood, oft (mei, coke or hard coal, Let us show '3 xou jOs superiority ever eny ether furnace at an equal price. Alo vemeinber we ceery 371tone kind of Coal Oil and Gesoline both pure and bigliest refined of any to he had in Cerwda. The proof is the hUndrede of eetislied users in this section of the country and elsewhere. SPECIAL'S A few 40 watt lamps left at 0 for ... • , • . • • lJure Aluminum Dish Pans, eath • $1,25 TO` PARIVIERS—See our special Sele on all leather 6 -feet 2incli long 1 eeinch teaces also 72 inch Horse Blankets. aW 111S TIJLEPHONE 58 CHI-NAIVIEL STORE 011111111111611111111111111/1111111111111111 I01110111141011111811111111111111111111!111111111111111111:111111111101N11111111111it i55110111115. ;• ossus.meatommaluenwormasta GOAL MUSING COAL and CANNELL COAL 'Also good ,Slab Now on hand B. WARD I'hone' 155. 12-tf. Fano For Sale or Rent West hall of lot 22 and south helf of lot 28, except eeilway put, con- cession 9, Hullett township, in all 95 acres more or leo,' conveniently lo- cated near Clinton and Londethoro stations, is of good. soil, well culti- vated, and has a good frame house, bank barn, never failing well, alp we,... terd by river. A very desirable farm property. Will be sold on easy terms, possession to suit purchaser. Apply to William. Stevens, Willi= street, Clinton. • 26-53. Agents Wanted Industrious, capable Man 26 to 50 years. In Huron county to' handle local trade delivering Rawleigh's Good Health Products direct to home. Lam gest, best, fastest selling line, Pio- duets on time; lowest wholeole, sso advance in priees. No experience, practically no capital needed. We teach you to manage your own perm- anent profitable business. Largest, strongest Company, gives most co-op- eration. Write age, occupation, re- ferences. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Ltd., Dept. 2981, London, Ont. 26-4 For Sale or Rent Blae.ksreith and carriage -repair shop house and small barn, all in good re- pair. Good business stand. Will sell -cheap, on easy terms. 0. W. Potter, Clinton. 25-03, t , House For Sake .8-eoom frame house on Victoria st 'Electric light, town water. Large garden with -some fruit trees. Apply to Geo. H. Elliott. 22-03. Farm For Sale One hundred ancl forty-five acre farm adjoining the village of Kippen, Fifty-five acres under cultivation, rest in grass. Good bush, creek with water all the year round. Six. room frame house with cellar, sum- mer kitchen and wood -shed, good or- ehard, two barne, 86x56, one a batik barn, driving shed and stable 86x50, Two wells. This farm belongs th the estate of the .late George Taylor and must be sold to wind up the estate. Foe particulars apply to SanmeI Thompson; R. R. No. 1, Brubefield, Ontario. 16-03. Farm For Sale 100 acres, lot 10, concession 10, Hullett township. (beside' Londeseoro station.) Convenient for shipping produce; near chuxch, school, stores. Good land, well cultvated, bank barn with stabling beneath, frame house, good drilled well, creek running through Wm, orchard. Apply on premises to Mrs. Wm. I,ee, .Londes- both. Phone 26-14 Blyth eentrel. • Dee. 7-p. House For Sale Freine house on Albert street, Clin- ton, with one quarter oe an ore gar - dee -with fruit trees, for sale. Ape ply to Mrs. Thos. Lee, R. R. No. 2, Clinton; Phohe 15 on 604, Clinton central.. 10-03 Grain. Prices Highest Prices paid for Wheat, Cate, Buckwheat, Barley and Peas Flour We have Purity, Flee :Roses, Maple Loaf, Jewel, 1VIonarcln Pie Ceuet and Greham Flour, Stook Food Linseed Meal, Oil Cake, Stock and Poultry Speeifies, CoUgh Powder, Stock Salts, Sulphur, Tahkage, Beef Meat Scrap, Oyster' Slaell, Grit, Lice Killer. i;asifirst d Lspd ahtray'051 • itenkills• -Aid) 11010 Singer SewingiViachine Family, Electric and D. Ift, Styles Also some second-hand machines. good as new. Old machines taken as part payment Easy Terms. It will iay you to look these J.over before puybag elsewhere. REPAIRING ^ANI) PARTS FOR ALL MARES OF micraNzs -EARL STEEP July 1st COAL• NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND . FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ; R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone nit AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey J'ones' tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock,'Real Estate Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write ox wire. Oscar Kropp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 98. • ' , e. -88 -t3 -192e Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed 'and row paired. Woolen goods 'dry cleaned .1 Rooms over Head's barber shop, W. 3, Jago. GRAIr eeeee We are in the market for wheat, barley, oats, *buckwheat arid peas,i.. Offer highest prices for clean grain. Always n ha d A complete 'line of Flour, Bran, Shorts. Ground Corn, Oath and Bar-. ley, Calf Meal, Steak Foods, Herbage eura, Parina Chowders and Oatmeal. Also a complete line of Asphalt Roofing. We have the agency for Toronto Asphalt Roofing Co. They, make nothing but quality' roofing. Come and see our roofing before buying and you will find out -prices right. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also %snag of Hunters & Trapperk licensee Sewing Machines Oil and repairs Sharples Separator's Blatehford's Calf Meal Tankage E. L..1111111E119 Clinton Store Vacated by E. .rohnsou WAIsITEDI The demand fop env 'Attar 1b*, creasing, To supply thie demand we tequila • more dream. We request you td, Ship US yOU.0 OnOMA We guarantee you the Tlighesii Market Prices, laccurate tests and prompt OOrdeO, °Ur fiXiki is ktunen 00 you a*tsii no further retOrnMend.,: , We /my all express charges, fe ish treant tans and pay ^Odes) e month. Vhite for CMS or et, hiorl Mott .to the . StiiilltOtaff fltt,ViA , ,