HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-11-8, Page 10, 7 ;-4 tfA Year Are Y COOTER•--LEPARD LINT ON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1933 A 'quiet wedding was solemnized pn Monday evening, October 22nd, at the rectory of St. Thomae' church,, 'Seafoi°th, by Rev. T. H. Brown, when Marti Mary Jane Leppard, youngest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lep,' pard, 9f'' Mitchell, and Mr. John 1homes Cooper, eldest sonof Mr, and the late Mrs, 'Win; .Cooper, et Sear ;teeth, wore united in the holy bonds of wedlock, The;happy couple left ee their honeymoon for Owen Sound and on their eeturn will reside: in Seafoi'th.' Best wishes are extended' ;to the young couple by their host of friends.--Sea£orth Expositor, 1V'IILITARY INSPECTION i - Brig, General King, Colonel-Com- ntandant of Military District No. 1, London, and stag, were in Clinton on Tuesday evening inspecting "C" Com- pany, which has been drilling under Major: Sloan and Limits. Morgan and Carrell for the past couple of months,, The inspection was not expected un-' til Friday' evening but the company presented a fine appearance and.Gen- eral King complimented both officers and men. 1, The company is forty-nine . strong and all but three were present. After the inspection the Commandant''gave the men a little 'talk, explaining the uses of :military drill and encourag- ing them to persist in it from year to year, IIe said they should be able to start next year where they lett off tale, Later the local offiicere and some picked non -coins met the, stair, officers in their rooms for ex- aminations. a Cob 11. C. Dunlop, 0.0. of the Hur- on Regiment, was present at the in- spection. • out after that Increased Business this •Fall 7 If so,,""an Advertisement in The News -Record wall prove a Right Hand Helper DEATH OF J. L. SHEPPARD An old resident of Clinton passed away on Monday evening in the, per- son of James L. Sheppard, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Alexander Morris, at the age of nine- ty-one years anis nine months. The deceased who was: a native of the land of. Heather, came out from Dundee, Scotland, about sixty-five years ago, locating first at Blyth, About three years later .he came' to Clinton and here he eontinued to re- side over sincoi : While in Blyth ho was married to Miss Ieabella Ander- son, who died about forty years. ago, Mr. Sheppard was by trade a shoe- makite but for many years he did not work atthat but employed himself at many things. Until a couple of years ago, his was one ;of- the most familiar figures on Clinton streets. Of :late years he was employed as caretaker of the Moisons Bank and he was most faittful in his duties, He was a pian of intelligence, 'and quite a reader; until 'within the past couple of years when his eyesight failed. Ice =seed his daily paper very much, as it was his wont to. Bead it pretty thoroughly; while, his eyes Mr. Sheppard is survived by five daughters and two sons, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Win, Walker of Clinton; Mrs. Kemp, Detroit; Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Grcenside, London; Robeit:Shep- pard' of London and James Sheppard of the 'state of Ohio. The funeral takes place this after. - noon from the home of Mil, and Mrs. Morris, when the 'Rev, J. E. Hogg of Willie Presbyterian church, with which deceased was connected, will' conduct the services. • 6fp vent to iiz Everybody needs `housing" -everybody needs "clothing" just sa everybody needs `'"watching." People who have managed to .et alon without a watch for ear wonder how on earth he evergntana ped itafter • years s they g aft r they have meed ,one for a while. For successful living a watch is almost as necessary as• the air .,you breathe. Price need not deter ou. • From 2,0 Y � 0 tip to city -high aceordin g to your ambitions. 16 Foy Man, woman,a n Y"oath maiden, n boy or girl, Guaranteedaf Course. Jeweller and Optician 4,41 ellitar Phone' 174w Residence 174J Our Motto For Every i an Tli F Poin �s To Rel��smber 1st; ' The Overcoats we offer our trade axe the guaranteed production, of the Country's most noted Tailors. and The .fabrics that go into .our Over- coats were chosen from the output of the best Foreign and' Domestic looms, 3rd • There are no Peens 'lower Phan:ours, when any attempt is merle ' tG an e preach, the values We..otter, 4th Our range -o£ Overcoats is now at its best and Weadvise , a tl dre malring. your se- lection, while we have your y r sire in the style: you prefer, 6th Ininoti �X o y , t; your Overe at fere, :.you hike tlo risk Whatever for tie. stand baek of ever gement y gar r t with a'g'ttarat-: tee of perfect 'Satisfaction. Ask to. see ,• e Our Special MenO erc ogt7 at $25.00 and our Yours Men's S Ove reoa tS at" eeJao THS OflflISH EiflTHJN6 CI FORMER RESIDENT PASSES : Mrs, R. A; Govier received word on Friday last that her uncle, Wm. C. Danersa s had Paseed at p so ttway the even- ing before at Plekferd, Kien. He was. a iesident'of Clinton some year'o ago, but for some time he had lived at Pickford "and for the last two yearre had made his .hone with Mr, and Mrs, Robert • Beacom, who tenderly cared for him in his illness. Although he was only in bed a week he had been in poor health all summer, He is. survived by two brother's, Thos. Em erson of Belleville and Geo, F, Emer- son of the west, L MIJETIN All members present at t ay evening, • A letter men's Institute to the town eeittly erected Miller and moved that instructed k ng them�fo he coullcii thought the man ofthee be inCltt Mayor fight to rifer ceuieter'y aueh improv heyear. A' letter was read from' the :0n- tario Municipal Frleetrie Association asking that representatives be ap pointed to attend a convention on No- veai!ber 14th. Councillors Nedigee and -Livermore made a motion 'to that effect but it was lost: On recommendation of Chairman Livermore of the, bylaws committee a bylaw was passed -disfranchising anyone whose -taxes are not paid by December 14th. It was explained that in ease taxes were paid later•, be fore election day, that a receipt tnay be obtained for presentation at the polling `booth. So that, it is a case of "No taxes,,no vote." Chairman Middleton of the street committee reported the street machin- ery as being stored for tile•winter. lie also reported wbrk on' Joseph st. completed and that the following cit izens hail given' work or money for street repairs without charge. ;, A. McLeod h d re t edas y with team ,T Cook,,.one day, N. W. Trewartha $9 worth of gravelling, R. Rowland, plat ed and 'covered 9 G -inch tile, Ee eromn'iended' that Miss Moore be paid 5- as town's portion for repairing idewalk on Princess street: that a ight be pladed on the corner of King nd Bond streets; that signs notify - ng traffic of approach to vicinity of ehool,be placed,on streets; that tile e supplied connecting town draine th county highway -.in Hulllett. IIe Iso reported that •the outlet of the arty drain running south: across rail - ay to flaxtnill property had: been a- enedand would, be paid .for by flax siIeo l l e a c p n n 1 G.N.R. Chairman W. J, Paisley: of the pre- erty' committee reported that the oard room was now fitted. up: coni» ort ] a b and Y. xecoramended, that Citi-, ns be asked to use it for various eetings instead. of the: council chant - r. He also recommended that a harge of 5e, be made for the use `of wn hail chairs by outside organize• ons. ) ae ,Sot of the members them ht rather a high fee and it was' fn- ly agreed that a charge of 2e..be ade1 the fee to go to. Chief Stang or his ifrouble in placing the chairs, Cgunei�llori f ddiet on brought up. the atter of Councillors W. J, Paisley's monoo r raitit n er laCk" of exPrnp•. on, from income tax, Mayor Cooper Wever, ruled that the council could- t. discuss it that it would have to left. to the Court of Revision.' The financial eeport of the month as follows:' Street Account- ay sheet , ,,,$95,10 W. Watts, 39 loads gravel , 4.88 J. Andrews, tile . , . , 17,20 ttor '&' Perdue, oil, tools. , , 6,07 Electric Light Aeeount U,C. et. lighting for Otteber, .156.00 *rears for st. righting. , , ... 94'.59 Property Aeeount" U.C. lighting hall , 8.29 D. L. Macpherson, paid Lor slcely- • ing for vault, ,. , , . , , 5.00' L. Stong, flag for Town Hall.. ,10.00 utt S er & P d ei ue iia rtiwai `e „ 9i Pay sheet „ •. '0;80 DQE Cleset Account J ,,Steed, salary -for pet ober'.,'70.00: Cern t . e A oar ecouut R l'Hunter, salary; for October, . 00.00: Pay sheet ........ .. .... 2.50' Insurance' Account Providence Insurance Co. preen, .81.38 Economical Ins, Co. Premium.. 14.10 Perth ltfutual Ins, Co. Prem. , - ' Salaries Acrount - D ,l Macpherson, 3 los, sa1.137.50' L. Stong, salary for October', ,'58,33 L.San t collec.tin' 1 a• y . g', gal at. tax„ R.00 lJ, Grealfo, salmee for October , 41,ft7, Grants' Account P.U.C. 'lighi; fox, hospital ,r• . '8.83 W, M,'Aitken, rent for ,band .. room, Aug,, Sept. and' Oet. 12.60 Printing Aecount #. E. Liall, , . , .111.76 W, 11. Kerr 8y Son 11.20 StationaryAccqunt Municipal World, blank forms, . g.9'1 Incidentals Account Mayor, Clerk and Assessor, select- ing jurors^,,.,' ., 0.00 hell 'Tel, Co. tont anti amet.r . ,'.. 492 Re i ce sts t 1 St n o merit t g, p stains .. 48,6t,` Hall rent • , , 26,00 R. hunter; work . . , 62,50, It, liunter, sale of clots : , .. 18,00 1E', 3Iunfea' 0�a isi lrerputity . , 40,00 THE COUNCI. G ers of the Council were he regular' meeting Mon- d , Mayor Coo er 'i'n . the n C was read from theWo Lute formally presenting the cemetery gates, r'e d at the cemetery; Reeve Councillor c1. L. Paisley the. mayor and clerk be i o writ the W. T. thank- f r the g ttes, on behalf of t Councillor Nedigor t t Reeve Miller as .;liair- emetery committee, ought toded:,on this conntlittee. Cooper said it would be-all r include Reeve 112iller's'name, andpassed.- Mayor Cooper: said thehad certainly been -very n ed in appearance during t s 1 a b with a W n p b f ze m e c to ti z taus al m f .131 exe ti ho 11' be is P F. S. Su P. THS VIE Bi ARRET`S Wheat 95e, Cats 40c. r BaY v0•re 1 c , Butter 300 to 35e. Buckwheat lac. Eggs 40e. to '45c, Live. 1-1:v8'38.00 DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED The Hospital Board wish to ac- knowledge with thaanite the following donations "during October: Dr. and 1Vlrs• Gunn, .1;50,00 Miss Lawrence (nurse) 35.00; J. Sterling, Sr.;' 35,00; Miss E, Hunter, 85;00:'A.Friend 35; Mrs. J. Trewartha, 32.90; A Friend 61.00. A GROWING INDTJJSTRY Our citizens generally are not fa= niliar with the extent and rapidly in- creasing' n-creasingbusiness of the Doherty Pi- anos, 1,td. For the month of October this firm established a new record, shipping 19,e instruments, This is the largest output in the history of the plant, being an average of eight ;'pianos per working day, Practically every city in the Dominion from Van- couver to Sydney, ,Cape Breton, re- ceives its quota of .Doherty instate meats. 'Export trade is also in- creasing rapidly, A carload -ship- ment of players was made last month to Sydney, Australia; besides small- er shipmeitts to other Australian, New Zealand and Tasmania points..' Mr, W. N. Manning of the Sher- lock -Manning Piano Co., London, pro- prietors of the Doherty Pianos Ltd,. expressed his appreciation and cone gra°tulated the staff on then.splendid shoving. He is very optinustie for the future of the Doherty Pianos, Ltd. AMONG THE CHURCHES .The Ministerial • Association diet yesterday afternoon for re-organzae tion and election of orbiters. Arrange- ments were made for the annual thanksgiving 'service, to be held in Ontario street church. on Monday forenoon at ten -thirty.. This service will be in charge of the president, the Rev. C. L. Bllkey, and the Rev. Ernest Parker will deliver the sermon. A collection will be taken et this ser- vice in aid ofi the hospital Rev, C. Llewellyn Bilkey -was elect- ed president o -a the Association and Rev. C. J. Moorelrouse,. secretary, Salvation Army - Sunday Y school at ten o'clock ock a.rn.; holiness meeting at eleven, praise meeting at three p.m, salvation meet- ing at seven -thirty, • *Friday evening at eight o'clock a Seoul; o t. meetinge -will be I1 i . ld All those wishing to become Scouts are invited to,come out Friday 'evening and coin, Ontario Street Church On Stinday very: successful elan= versary services were field in this church. ' The pastor, the Rev. C. Moovehouse,'preached at both sett -- vices/ choosing as his subject, in the "'Worship." moral n gIn the .evening he gave a character sketch of. "Caleb Large congregations were present at both servicesin spite of weather:con-1 ditions, The choir ;rendered excel- lent music at both.: services. The offering amounted to about $500, the amotmt aged ;for. by the oiileiuls. , On Sunday morning next a':thanks gi e:1g service will be held. St, Pauls Church • • The services next Sunday will^be of a patriotic -character, At the . re-' quest of the Bishop the morning ser- vice will commence at 10.30 a,tn. At 11 a. silence of two minutes will be observe g observed tri of�the glorious. dead, • The adult Bible class will meet on Sunday_ afternoon at 2.30. p.m: in the Clturtle • A splendid meetingof the Ladies'' Guild was held last Tgesday evening ha tho•paxish hal1,4yhee final arrange- ments Were made for the annual Inc zaar, to be held on the 27th inst. Willis Church Next Sunday the G.W.V.A. and the local company of the Canadian Mille tia will worship in this ehnrch at the eleven o'clock service, The pastor's,sttbjeet for the morn ng will be: "Her Book of Reinetn- rale," and for the evening: Thoughtful ul Tdandcs ' vin g, •'.Che monthly meeting. 61 the. W.M.S. will be held at the hone ,at Mrs,' Se_ ville on Thursday Nov-din/me 15th,' at eight t 1an. ;Thestudy' teak:, ; The Church and .its Agencies," will be taken by Miss': Macfarlane''aiid "Cul. - emit Events" by Miss Christian. Wesley Church - The - The 'pastor' will be tin .t" ehae e o' g bot services Ilon Snndiiy,' Morning subject: "Thanksgiving," Evening: ".Every Mara 121 }Ii Pleeel: The Brotherhood o ot will- meet at. 10 eloek, subject; That W'hie'h•Makes a Man 'Manly," introduced. • by Mr; Vienitor •lae . All mn e cite � tv n o, Rev. ev. Mr.. Donnellyof E;reter; xoach- edvarY acceptably on Sunday, The Brotherhood bancxuet held •oti Monday night, was a, splendid quc- eeSs. The: second .regular meeting' of the Quarterly Boatel was 'held on Tues- rlay evening. Arrengettents were made for our coaling Misaio: MeV eattzpaign. The Chitreh tittion fund a a A t a l w taken utk plz s p byC board aild it Yrs decd 1e W rthat the d whole mats tee of *itch anion ould he ,brought before the ehtiyelt at; a later date. Other business eanaetbefore the b0arti and was dont with fid her+mony with the disesiplinr, of the Chinch, PROFESSOR 3 Llt1'ORD 'COMING Professor Ti', 0, Elford, Dominion Poultry Husbandman, is s V1SItlll 6Clin- ton on Seturday,'November 17th A.11 nartiee,.interested in poultry are :in- vited " to come in to a meeting to he held on that date, Arrangenients are being made for suitable aceoan- niodetion etc. Addr'es'ses will ho given on the rearing and finishing of poultry for market with practical de- motzstretioilson: the killing, `pluckin of fowl : and the, grading of 'eggs This meeting, will be of iliter'est to every firmer in the vicinity of Olin: tori. 'Further particulars neat week, Professor Elford is persoraillylcnowe to hundreds of people in Hume coun- ty having been ,born in ` Goderich township' And for some Years carried on poultry work at Ilglmesville, So his visit will have an especial interest here. His visit is of course under the direction of the local representa- tive of the Department of Agi�eul tare, 8; B, Stotliers, HE HAD LUCKY 'ESCAPE O h n :mother .page ofthis issue ' will be found a letter, written at -Shang- hai, 'China, shortly after arriving there' from Tokyo,. .101)1111, - 0.11811' the earthquake, on Sept,' lst, by Mr. Ray; Lai/nonce; to his mother, Mrs. W. S. Lawrence'of town. It is vividly des- criptive of: the suddenness of the ca- tastrophe and the destruction left in its wake. Mr. Lawrence was in Tok- yo with a business firm but had his living quarters in Yokohama. The quake Came at noon while he Was in Tokyo, and his escape front the top Of a six -storey building seemed mir- aculous. He and a friencl`walked to Yokohama only to find that it was in worse plight than the citythey had left, but they soon got on board a ship and got to Shanghai, Mr. Lawrance has ',since retained to Can- ada and spent a : couple of days in town last• week' and had many,' inter_ esting stories of the disaster, but this letter gives in vivid detail Itis ex- periences. SUDDEN DEATH IN W1EST. Mr. and Mrs. James McConnell of town received word last week of the death of their son, James, of Water hole, Alta., the Peace River District._ Full particulars : have not yet been received. The message, which came from his,brother Kenneth, simply said he diedr from injuries received from a fork handle. The deceased had been a, teacher, . having left here fol. Cal- gary on taker a' his second -doss cer- tificatea to take his Normal course, because he was too young to enter Normal in Ontario. Last, .Yetti he gave 130 teaching to take a position with the United Farmers' Co-opera- tive Association as shipper and it is supposed that the'aeeident that caus- ed his death happened while engaged in his regular work,' He was thirty- two Years of age the day of las death, October 31st, end leaves a young wifeand one child. Mr. Mc- Connell visited his .parents six years: agd. Much sympathy is felt for the parentsand other 'members' ' f li na his family in their, sudden bereavement, SCIEE1tE1'i.-BRO CI3S In Mitchell on Wednesday October' 'llst at'higlt noon; a pretty,' wedding took • place rtt' the home of Mr. and Mrs„ James E, Brooks, when their second' daughter, Miss Olive was unit- ed in 'wedlock to 'Mr. •Gordon A. Weedier, Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, Scheerer, North Easthope. While the ceremony was being conducted: the bridal couple stood under an arch of evergreens, film which . was sus- pended a large white bell. The o8i- eiating clergyman was . Rev, H. D. Moyer .na t or^ of the Meth odzst church,. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a navy blue tricotine travelling suit and grey furs. The wedding mgreh 'wastplayed by Miss Irene Brooks, sister of the bride- and after -congratulations , andgthe signing of the register, the wedding party, about twenty'in nuanber, par- took of a dainty- repast. ' The din- ning roan *as decorated in pink and white. Mr. and Mrs, Schoorer will reside in Detroit. The bride is a grand -daughter of M4• and Mrs. Wln. Cantelon1 of Clinton, and is known to many hero, having often visited in Clinton, •. LITTLE LOCALS M'r. J ,Gt,rter, who has beenlaid"up With a lame knee, is now able to be about again. ."r • ,The local Orangem ti ave amost st snese oful stnnevnt�eii lodge iodine an Monday evening, • aft, John Deng wishes to: extend his sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their^ kindness .to, hie `+vafe during ,her' last illness and • foe the kind:t 6.5 es And y nt a h S. p t y slime hiin in his bereavement. It is not too earlY to be tilinkt ,. n g of Christmas greeting curds. The NewseRecord has a• spaeuded assort- ment,et samples. They are dif7erent and will anneal to yan'iar t75t1C .testa: See thein. The Clinton Voters', list has beef: completed and is hosted up for the inapeetioli`.of town ratepayers,Where are on the list 1.189 voters, 504 canes of tiennen voters'having been added slime last year, Of .these 314 are g0:alilied to act es jurors. The following 1•luron mounts' ladiea are irsat tendaia.c at 'West ere the e s t r] 1 a U W1or i,n I1 f tit i' st e n.o Convention in tendon Shia week: hire. Jtirl , Clinton; • Mrrr. 31. Bell and .11.re, J. Manning, Londeshoeo;t Mrs. Mog- ticlg1i Ashburn; Mirk 11, P IJazoltltiod and 'Mrs, R.-St:ock,'Wroxeter, WIi,i'I3ANS3UET MEIG3O.N Three Huron -county alien were vinted on the eheuutt p v of the tern Ontario z Cons iv ox t C Assed s. 0 time which met in convention in Ido flail on Thursday last, Messrs. C. G. Middleton of Clinton; W. Ooaisltt of Zurich and Peter W. Scott of Bel- g`rave. A full- report of tile :.gath- er°ng appears , on another page of this issue, It was. decided to;t'endot•. a• banquet' to Rt, -Hon. Arthur Moigh- an, leader of the Conservat?ve party and Canada's outstanding ;statesman, in ,London sometime in January, "LEST` WE FORGET" Sunday being Armistice da' y and the King having asked that two min- utes of silence be observed at eleven o"elock in the :forenoon' throughout the Empire and Tion. W. L. Mae- kenzie King, premier of the Domin ion, asked that it he observed in Can - oda, Mayor Cooper requests that Clinton citizens fell in dine and obe serve it here; In some' places this is being done -on Saturday .but in Clin- ton it has been decided to -observe this silence on Sunday, the 11th, The town bell will be' rung et exactly one minute before eleven o'clock, eall- ng the attention of the people, The ministers of the different char- cites desire that the members .of their congregations be in their places before eleven on Sunday morning as the•two minutes of silence will he ob- served in -the churches at exactly'that time. , M Ha 'flejd:,. 011" Messrs, John Qaanero . andP> •,. n cxc, We� y s Wt et 0 left oaisat t ideylast fora I-ia- fol• is n where epk he will v A spend the win» n" tea. 7VIrs, Thomson :of, Coderiih. l • the guest of her sister,. Mrs. Cowie.a Brneefted. Miss Aggie 'Beattie. lea returned home after visiting friends in West- ]nilnstee. - - ♦ - IVIr. If, • Dalrymple, who, has mire chased the property that belonged to the late George McCartney, moved to his hone this ween, • Miss Alice•Rattenhury has returned home after a visit with . Goderich friends. Miss Aggie Beatty, who sconipan- ied he sister, Mrs. Allan Douglas, to London and visited there and at Pond Mills, has returned hone. Mrs. John Walker is the guillt of hel daughter, Mrs, Hugh McDougall of Tiverton, Dr. Will Swart and wife of Burl- ington- spent the week -end as' the guests of the doctor's father, Mr. 7215. Swan, •. Mr, and Mrs. Bonthroii of Hensall wereguests of their daughter,: Mrs. C. D. Simpson,'last week. Mr, James Aikenhead held a very successful s s 1 n le on Tuesday Iast in spiteof tate very disagreeable weath- Mr. Jack Ross' -sale .on Thursday, last was wellattended, and every thing went .for a good price. 4it rs. 'Grainger, sr., of "Seaforth vis- ited flee son John, and other relatives here -Iasi week.' . Miss Marks. spent the week -end with Miss leteLaren of Clinton. the•C Choral Society. Y icorgan z ed on Monday .evening' for the winter months. Rev, Mr. Moore •of Strathroy preached two very excellent sermons in .our church a'week ago Sunday, Rev, Mr. McIntosh" taking anniver=: sexy services at'•Nairn. Miss Herdman,: a returned mission- ary from India, spoke at the mis- sionary thank -offering meeting on Sunday morning. .icer address was very much enjoyed, Mrs. T, Wheeler spenta few days last week with her sister, Mrs, Ed- munds of Seafortii. Auburn iI 1Mrs, Sayles, who has been visiting her sort Ur the West, returned to her, home on Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. "Jbe Carter spent the week -end with friends in Goderich. Mi!. ancl Mrs. Howard Robertson of Goderich spent Monday with friends here, Mr. Jas. Hoevitt has returned from the west. Rev, D. N. MMCamus, who has been assigting , Rev, 1'. . Banes at' Donnybrook, returned to London on Saturday. Mr. John • is t Arthur wei•e or to say, still under the doctor's .are. Stain1e> p Towvinslilp Wedding was solemnized at' the Methodist parsonage,, Ridgetown; on ;Tuesday,, November. 6th, at four o'- @lock; when Edythe Florence,, daugh- ter of the kite William and Mrs. Rathwell,. Stanley township, became /the bride of Mr, Seth Carman of Dei- byshire, son of Mr, and Mrs. 1,31511. Derbyshire of Wheatley, Ont. Rev, Mr. Doan, a former paster of the Wheatley Methodist church oi0eiated. Af e' h ' m m t i the • ere cit Mr. and Mrs, Derbyshire left for Toreeto_to spend a few days with the groan's sister. They will also spend n wday s With the bride's pother, Mrs Wm, Rath- •well, before going to their home in Wheatley. Stanley township friends of the bride extend goad .wishes. Mr, and Mrs, John Seotchmee spent Monday in Clinton. Miss Isabel, Manson left for Detroit last week where she intends to spend some time rinsing; itr, and Mrs,Robept See-Lamer metered' to' 1,oudoit On Friday. last. Mis. p]1i6tt, Arid son, Mr. Guo.. 13111 11 of Lavin. liava been visiting 7r'fend5 in their old neighborhood on the;0cmlen line,' a11'. Hefeeld I'othelo h}is putvhased a. fine there/mid ilerefot'd bull from, Mr, Choke Delhi -kip of Woodham, - Ho11Hies'vilie • On Sunday morning in connection with the eegulax Secrareent-ser'vice'. a reception service ; was held when eight were received into membership at Holmesville and live at Ebenezer, Mr, Edward Potter and bride of Woodstock, who have been spending their honeyntoatl at the home of the former's uncle; Mr, Thos. Potter, and other relatives here, returned ,home this week. - 1VIrs., Drank McDonald has left to join her husband,in Detroit where he has been employed' during the past summer, will be missed in •the village but weisish them every suc- cess in their, new ;home. Mr, J. Mulholland and family Detroit visited over the week -end with his parents, ;Mr. and &tis• Wm, Mulholland. Miss D. A. Holmes, who was called to Detroit about two weeks ago ow- ing to the serious illness' of her bra, . thee, returned last week and reports her Brother as somewhat improved. The special services held in the Methodist church closed last week. The pastor was assisted by Rev; C, J, Moorehouse of Clinton and Rev. W. J. Hedley of Goclerich. Tite meetings were well attended and resulted' in a spiritual uplift for the whole com- munity and quite a number made a definite stand for Christ A, Baptism service was,held at Eb- enezer, where five children and three adults; were baptized. The regular meeting of the Quer terly OMciel board was held on Mon- day. evening to transact the regular business of the circuit: A Hallowe'en social was held at the parsonage on Wednesday evening ander the auspiees of the. Mission Cir- ele. .About : forty attended and en- joyed a social evening, participating fn • community songs, games, etc. lunch was served at : the close. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Rev. and _Mrs. Walden for their hospitality. ' Miss Mar Howell of Goderi c h vise ited last week at Miss Holmes.' . We are glad to see .Ur, Sam Me - Math so far recovered as to Inc able to walk to church with the assistance of a cane. Mr. and Mrs.' Matt Shackleton of Dungannon called at the parsonage on Monday. Varna Quarterly service was held in the Varna Methodist church on Sunday. There was a good number present although the weather was very un- pleasant. There was a special service held 111 the English church on Sunday eV ening last in behalf of the Orange Order. Although the night was ,very -wet about thirty-five. Orange- men gathered to hear Rev. Mr. Cot- clough'sneak .to them, On Monday evening. the Varna Oe angeinen held asocial evening in the- Orange hall. All report 'a pleasant " Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rathwell: have 'returned from a motor ;trip to Wind - soy, Detroit and other places. 'Mr. and Mrs. Derbyshire, formerly Miss Edythe Rathwell, who were , married in Ridgetown on Wednesday are spending a few days with the ' bride's mother, Mrs. Wm, Rathwoli. Miss Metcalf of Wingham is spend- ing a foie days with her cousins, An- na Mae and Pearl Stephenson. Among those'' from Varna who at- tended the League Convention held in Goderich on Tuesday were, Miss Eva Epps, Miss Mabel Coleman, Mrs. Ches. Rathwell, Mr. Fred McCiynient and Mr, Melvin Clark. They all re- port an 'interesting meeting: Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Stelck enter- tained . about twenty»five of their friends, to a most delightful hallow- e'en party on October 31st. The rooms 'were decorated with Orange. andblank b a streainors, black oats, ; wit- ches, Jack o'ianterns and .bats.. Az: ten o'clock the masqueraders utunaslc-. ed and the remainder, of the evening was spent in progressive euchre. Mr.' and Mrs, Alf. Ings being successful in winning the p ,bees, • e „:• The folltiwing as the report of the Varnasclioot4fp2 the mentis of .Otto., her: Class 4.•--Jeaii''Poster "Marie 'Pil- grim, Shirley Dawson,,, Irene John-.' Ston, Margaret JohnstonseIrene•Chu ter, Jean Johnston, .Rachel .Sobneten, IVIHIard Robertson,'* Clayton Elliott,* Class 8, S1:s-Gordon'Itay'mond, Or- in Dawson, Hazel Steep.; Class "3, jr.'••-lifary" Cbntei, Ruth Elliott, John Durrant, Ada Steep, • Mulvey Johnston,* ' Class 2, Sr. --.Glen Colelough, Theft. Chnter, D i h v , a d HMO, Class' 2, 'Jr Alliott Cutter, Alvin Elliott, :.Albert, Durrant, •Pbompso'ci Colclough, Vera Steep, Class 1, --;loris Chutes*, Harold lith- rant, ?hazer --«Gertrude MCO1inehey, Wal- ter Johnston, Willie Austin, No; on roll 81. *Otago attendance 33' *Absent, -I athteen M. Welsh, Teacher Cod. The Unity 'Chili 'will meet at ttr Monte of Mrs. Ed, C, P4rifuhar ern Tuesday, afternoon next, November 18th.