HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-10-11, Page 8a,e Your ' House A..; Home • With Atac�t;fie. ' A .L 'PAPER TIE W. U. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Beet iunui! fl e t Heel 111,, 112.x. Gordon Smyth was in Oshawa during the past week. Miss eill my Hunter was home from Stratford over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Rumball of Ilespeler are visiting relatives in Clinton this week. Mrs. George .Phelan returned Iasi week from a visit with her sister in Montreal, Principal W, M. Erwin of the C. C. I. tspent the' week -end in Brantford with his fancily. Miss 'Elsie Barge of Goderichspent the week -end as the guest .of Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame Miss Graham of the Collegiate staff attended a teachers' convention in Stratford on Saturday last. Mr, W...11. Ie]lyar: attended a con- vention •of the Stratford District Jewelers, in Stratford on Thursday last. Mrs. G. E. Saville : returned home Tuesday after visiting friends and relatives in Windsor, Detroit and Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Frank Gibbs and Master Harold 'and Miss .Sadie and Misses Violet (Miller visited' Seaforth friends on Saturday., Mrs. H. 3. Twitchell and little Miss Betty of Windsor, are in town, be- ing the guests of the lady's sister, 'Mrs, Murray MoEwan. Mr, J. W. 'Bailey, newly -appointed. travelling agent. of the 'Canadian Nationals Express. Department, was in town -yesterday getting acquain- ted with local conditions. Miss Myrtle Armstrong, who is at- tending Normal at Stratford, spent the week -end at her home in town. She was accompanied by Miss Eve- lyn Cudmore of Seaforth. Mrs. George Levis and her daughter, Miss Eninia, and Iittle granddaugh- ter, Miss Ruth, went to Toronto for the week -end. Maes Emma will bring a new car home from. Oshawa on her return. Capt. Clarke and 'Lieut. Stevenson of the Salvation Army are in Toron- to this week, attending the forty- fifth annual congress, which will be conducted by Com. E. J. Higgins' of England and Com C. ,Sowton. Mr. D. N. and Mr. Frank Watson were in town over the week -end and were on the point of purchasing .MgTTen- zie's grocery but the deal has fallen through., Friends of the Messrs. Watson regret that they are not a- . gain to become residents of ,Clin- ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Marshall, Miss Betty and Master Billy -Marshall of Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs. E. Dudley of Whitby motored up and spent the week -end with the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smyth of town. Miss Jamieson of the Dept. of Educa- tion, superintendent of school 'nurs as, was in' town en Thursday last and in the evening met some members of the Collegiate and Pub- lic school boards. She was while in town the guest of Mrs. Gaudier. Rev. Dr. Stewart of Toronto, former- ly pastor of Willis church, visited friends in Clinton and in Stanley township last week. Dr, Stewart 'was looking particularly- well and was, as always when he revisits ,the scenes. of his long pastorate, in a happy and genial mood. Mr. and Mrs.`W. T, O'Neil left early lash week for their winter home in Florida. It is probable ,that they niay not come "home next summer but along '''about June first the thought of Huron's green fields, sunny -days, -cool nights and fre- quent showers may prove alluring, Miss Delle O'Neil, who is a member of the Toronto school staff, intends leaving for Florida in November and. will spend the winter with her parents there. Miss O'Neil' taught during the summer, hi one of the schools by the,lake front maintain- ed for children whose health the authorities are guarding, and so heti her holidays in the winter. Xtppen. The Iiippen Methodist. church • will hold anniversary eerViees on Sunday, October, l4ih, when the Rev,' John M. Hedley, M.A., B,D., of Goderieb, will preach in. .the aftoznooft at 2.30 and in the 'evening at 7.30. 1l is hoped the attendance will be targe. It was with regret ; that the ward was received of the very sudden death of I,fr. Dalrymple of Ribbert tawuship, on Friday. Ile eras well- known, having operated a threshing nkachino for a tauober of yeti's. 1M wife was Jean Stewart., . sitter a£ Messrs, John and Peter Stewart of the second concession of 'Tucker, emth. The funeral took place 'NOS - day and was largely attended The Presbyterian church will hold l- its. anniversary services on Oetobor 31st, Mimi the Rev. Dr,,Lair.' 'J.'rea- a Coa r. T11/11165A `f, OOT,' 1th, 1922 w?asri.6 WtilieltAdierildhArited1.41.1Likairede.a. daiL4 C41 4.1, er Groccry LIST Specials ► ` ' a � Fruits •aOther NEWLY SEbp] D.RAISINS 2. SEED7',ESS RA/SINS 3, per 1b.. A, 14MIXED PEELS •,.,., .,: ,•,. , „ ,,,,, ,...,;per;Ib,, 5. SHELLl2II ALMONDS , ,per lb, 6. , SHELLED W/LNUTS , , .. . • per lb.. CURRANTS, BEST, CLEAENED . , , , , ' • per. lb , 8. ROLLED OATS .,... .G lbs :for., 9. WHEAT ' .,.3 lbs for.. 10. CORN` ItIOIAL , .. ,. , .6 IDs for.. 11. RED ROBIN SALMON . per •tin 12. CANNED CORN . • . ••per tin 13, CANNED .TOMATOES' per tin . 14. BLACK TEA . , .pe ib . 15. JELLY POWDERS . , , .. .... . ....... ..... ... , 13 for.. •16. BAKING POWDER ..... . ,per lb.. 17. P. & G. 013 GOLD SOAP ,10 bars for, , .per M ..9 .15 . ,.7 lbs for., .per ...7 lbs VALENCIA RAISINS, NEW 1.00 .; .15. 1.00 19 59 .40 .50 .19 .25 .25 ,25 :25 .10 .10 .60 1.00 .28 .72 Highest price for a' -utter and Eggs ,(graded) SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Sweet Potatoes Gran Berries Finnan. Haddie Bananas Grape Fruit Spanish Onions Cris & Carr 2 PeUiver i s yr surer of the Presbyterian •Church in Canada, will he the speaker morning and evening. A concert' will be held the following Monday evening, when some good talent will be present to entertain the audience. The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Thompson was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, October 3rd, when their eldest daughter, Elizabeth became .the wife of Mr. Albert Alex_ ander. The home was profusely de- corated with autumn flowers, The ceremony was performed by their Pastor, Rev. R. A. Lundy, and Mrs. Lundy played the wedding march.- The bride was dressed in white crepe- de-chene and radium lace with pearl trimmings. She carried a bouquet of white asters and wore the groom's gift, a "beautiful sunburst of pearls. After a bountiful wedding dinner and an hour 'spent in social intercourse the bride and groom left for their h to in Tuckersmith. Their many friends extend to them good washes. The. Sacrament of the Lord's ,Sup- per will be observed on Sunday next in St. Andrew's church. Rev. W. D. Melntcsh, pastor of Brucefield will conduct preparatory 'services on 'Fri- day at 11 a.m. ' Mr. Bert McKay,' who has been residing on the Taylor farni -for some. time, has rented. Mr. Janes Aiken- head's ikenhead's farm on the London road north of Kippen. We wish him well in his now venture. We understand Mr.- and Mrs. Aikenhead will remove to New York. Word has been received that MrJJ. C. Clausen, so well known here, has been bereaved of his eldest son, Wilk. His youngest son, Fred, also died dur- ing the past year. His many friends will sympathize with him in his be- reavement. - The people around .here are busy taking up their ''potatoes! and the crop is most abundant with the ma- jority, and the sample excellent. Rev. R. A. Lundy has treated him- self to a Ford coupe, which will be very comfortable during the wet wea- ther when visiting his congregations. Holmesville Sunday was anniversary Sunday in the Methodist ' church, when large congregations gathered at both mor- ning and evening services to hoar the special messages delive eds.by the Rev. A. A. IoImes of Wesleychureh, Clinton, who was the preacher for the day. It was a very successful anniversary. ' The congregation con- tributed a very substantial offering, the morning, offering amounting to over 9175. NEVER ON TIME "My dear," he complained, "yet' havekept me on this corner for two hours. Meanwhile I have missed an important engagement at the office. Yeti are always late. You keep pee - pit waiting,. You keep mo waiting. It is a very serious fault. It may cause meto loose a lot of ;money some day," His wife merely favored him with a pretty pout. But he kept on. "You must learn to have scene' idea of time. Carry a watch." "Oh, bother, I always break a watch." ' "At least carry a calendar," lie tirged.--Pittsburg Chronicle:Telegrapli In the early eighties atria charity bazaar in Baltimore, patron: were al- lowed to talk over IVIe. hell's telephone fer 10 cants. Only $10 was realized however, as most people ridiculed the invention. Phone SPECIALS CREAM CARAMELS, PEANUT and COCOANUT TAFFIES, SEAFOAM KISSES Authorized Agent for ' "Martha Jane" Famous Homemade Candies Always Fresh and Delicious. IOE CREAM-iBR,ICKS AND BULK E: WEN ORF Confectionary and Restaurant "We aim to please." Hospital Bazaar Friday, Oct. 26th A number of attractive booths are being arranged for the Hospital Ba- zaar on October 2Gth, in the town hall: ' Lady Bowlers-1{itehen shower booth, convener, Mrs. II. R. Sharp. Girls' Auxiliary -Miscellaneous, con- vener, Miss J. Robertson. Women's Institute --Country store, convener, Mrs. J. Flynn, Rummage -Convener, Miss Bawden. Unity Club --Miscellaneous,' convener, Mrs. ,Connell. C.G.I.T.-Candy,Convener, Miss M. Hawkins. Produce -Convener, 1Vfrs. E. Saville, Hospital Boayd-Christmas gifts, convener, Mrs, E. Hovey. Fish. Pond -Convener, Mrs. J. Wise- man. Afternoon Tea -' Convener, Miss Grainger. Supper will be .nerved in Willis church lectureroom from 5.30 to 7 o'clock, Under the auspices of the "Girls' Auxiliary, an eld-time dance will be given in the evening, COURT OF REVISION Town of Clinton Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Municipal., ity of the Town of Clinton will be held in the Council'Chamber, •Clinton, on Friday, October 26th, 1923, at 8 o'elook in the evening, for the pur- poeo of hearing and determining corn, plaints against the Assessment Boll of the aaid .Municipality for 1923. Persons having business width the said Court will please attend at the said time and place. D. L, M'ACPFIBRSON, Town clerk, Dated Oct. 911, 1928. 23-2. (IOW IT WORKS OUT A paper with 590 paid up subscrib- ers hi the town's trading area is of great value to the local merchant. At' 70c. an inch it affords advertisers the most' economical method of telling their story to those 500 people. A 20 -inch advertisement would cost only 914 an issue, 8310 letter circu- lars could not begintoget the mite attention from 500 peopleac a 20 -inch ad in a good local paper commands, yet the merchant 'would find that his circulars would cost hire around 980 by the. time he had purchased stanips and envelope$ end had the envelopes addrz+s fad, -The County Publisher, yv is We are fully prepared to supply all your roofing requirements with the old reliable Brantford Asphalt Slab Slate, 4 inches to the weather, best on the market. A full line of Roll Roofing all kinds and prices. Roofing paints and plastic . cement for patching roofs etc. ,Look yours over while the weather is good then look us over for prices -we will use you right. in the Fllrllituro Store We are ready for the long cool evenings to ma1i9 things com- fortable and cozy. Colne in and look over our stock of Chester- field hesterfield .Suites, Divanettes, Comfortable chairs and rockers. We al- ways carry a large stock of beds, springs and mattresses and prices • will suit your purse. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. THE STORES WITS A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 155 HEAL'T'HFUL EAT a Heat is imperative in your home or office. ' But so is ,fresh air. flow often the, one is sacrificed for the other? You get your room warm, ,but the air is so "stuffy" you are tempted to chance chills. It is no Monger necessary to suffer either sold or stuffiinesii, Yon can have eon, comfort and pure aflat the sai?se tune, And the method is' easy, single and economical. Merely invest the lnoney you save on your fuel bili in a' Maieetic Electric Heater c USE YOUR OWN UTILITY -- IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Clint iti Bulbs ! Bulbs! Plant now for winter and spring bloom Paper White Narcissus Ohoice Bulbs Special Sc each ALSO HYACINTHS DAFFODILS CHINESE SACRED TALLIES AND TULIPS. Prepared soil delivered 153. a pail, J. CONI O ui A I?w FLORIST 28-8. Mission Band Bazaar of Willis Church. Will be lseld in the Council Chamber' Saturday, October 13th BOOTHS Fancy "W'ork Iloiucniade Baking, Candy. Fish Pend l'landkca•ehief. APTERNOON TEA WILL B,Ed;. SERVED FROM 8 to 5.