HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-10-11, Page 2, ItlfeTAQD '1'41 MeTAGG oTAGOkirt BANKERS, ege el !ankle* )3uornella trantetet- Netee Eiseeentell. Driette letanad, ;rest Alloareci ee Elepoelts, Salo ' 11 T. RAI•ICE . . : Notary, Public' Conveyancer, • anoials neat ',10:4tata •ttad,1'.1!110' tiace ,Agent. Repicseeattag aa Fire • . ,uraece' dIllito‘11* ; Division. Court Offloec ,. Bri.,YPONE .1• • , erieter, Solloitor, Notary Publte. etO omca -CAN. BLOCK CLINTON • tie Allan ' • ' PenSes e It thit b ld , threelgh hepita), of the Meney 10 had 4/Peat tcirii iethee ien4 gwn 4t b pu0' that, Men reepeet fele Mety'e' opinione, 'May lineeV „thell he Wee thinking this, but phe said Othing abotett„:her vietery. She eineply made bflind thet she Wenld not Ittee ally o t,ite g1,91344 sho' )4ta woo, en every sim)rgt1 'weeks before Tore detSMTllned. 01a120 ''al"" 10110 be fOund, be; Wearing tMe of her gitteplOOrr ter a Week, When Tom eat° prettY hens° dresses, ‘. May, married siemething happened that oil Tom ,removet, bee lest, doubt. She WaS Al,t tiht gp he mcthe eaid. D0 ,Y),he next step' was ,easy. ough 0 ., t vinced .1314 be l'eallY 10Ved Iler and aa yeti Pleatee, but (leklq: Warns, Me for Toni had; leoleed tenon.' the honse, ea a that he Wag at last a grewn man: the eoneetItlenee0: you Want te be ehelter for them to ethy While-'Worke 4naiified, to take upon hineSe4 ',the a 'sieve te a male all your.life lanren't ing the farm, he began to feel that, responeibilitiee of ,Marri0d 1ife:11 another Werd to aaY, but ; were ill afteg all, it might 10,beet to add e feiv • , This ooeurs:ea- one evenieg ,when he mlace,1 wonld ..have my riahte eenVeniMeeell in addition te -the kitchen ch;opped oven to see .1ter jUSt her or would, bureale,ep, that three eld.le shelves. He ceeeld See that each. .bvsthsrs and a number of 'Other, boys dren and. move to reyeelf," , neat won-que az May was erititled to te DR. J. C. QANDIER Mee Kenn ;-1.30 to 3,30 P001.. 1.30 9.00 p.m. stmae,yis, 12,30 to 1.30 P.M, Other boure by -alenointmerit ealY, talc°. end Residence — Victoria St. ,DR. WOODS te.urairIF urectise itdit els reeideaee, flaytle fOce nellrsI-3 2 pane ter °°°' .m. Sundays, 1 to R. H S 1311,01,VN't_. M C C Ofilde Hours •„ to g.go" 7.80 to 0,00 pan. ' Sundayi 1,00 to. 2,00 Other 'hourti by appointment. ' Planaee' 01ee; 218Vie e Residelme, ,218J - DR., PERCIVAL ,I4EARN in t,he neighhorheod Were preparing May's mother 'frequeutly annotniced eomething better than be heti SuPPlled• to go on a hunt, The ail; was froaty that she hadn't aeother word to eaY, aPadttY %mei Torii Wee consulting and the dogs Were anxious to go Us but after making this announcemeet May about his plane, and not entirely the creek bottom. Torn waS invited abotaye,thought of something elee to her Is arpriSe he onee more began join in the hunt, and for a few Minutes and said she, couldn't keep from sey- referring to things' (1/1 the farm as he appeared to be undecided, but final- ing it.' • "ours." ly he made up liis mind to remain at 4:The tnable with You," she coil_ When Tom bought his not snit he the houee with May, and his determ- untied, "is that ybu are 0fr4d oa Tom had so inuele eenfidence Mey'e jtulg- inetion to do 'tine was noshalcee. eien you ought to tell isms that you are Meet that he allowed her th persuade when he heard the hounds dieing the youpg and that you as, asot going to hira to get a Snit small erieugh a"d: air with a rich-taned announcement leek yourself up in thib. house Elpd althongh Ile felt fooliell th sUelt Suit of an early comities . 0 never see anybody. 'Just tell him that May was happen-- She Icnew that; he is very good cornpanY, but y ou everything Tom had. told' ber veits true( Want to see someone else oceaeionallY!' and she was ready to go him to the little home his father had given him on the small farm be was to culti- Office and Residence: nron aitreet Clinton, Ont. Plione 69 Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). vete. • In less than two Months Tom and May were in theiT home, far away, in lionies, but this just suited them, They wife ought to be prond of him a felt -that they Would be willing to live worst and he went around looking his worst most of the time, - the hills and out of sight of other May made no, response to this, a l - though she felt that Tom really had 'come to the cone sum that woman should ask for,anything better than to be around him all the time. He didn't even feel that it was necessary for him to look his best.. lie thought that his . , . r. A. Newton Brady Bayfield raduate Dublin University, Ireland. ate Extern Assistant Master, .Ro- unda Hospital for Women and Chil- ren,, Dublin. right there forever and not see a.rela- tive or friend. The cold rain was pouring down on their little home, which was leaking hi eeveral places, O fault which did not disturb them in the least. May had arranged bright new pans to catch the water and she was watching Tom build shelves in the ffice et residence lately occupied Y Mrs. Par.sOns. ours 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m. undays 1 to 2 p.m. , G. S. ATKINSON - , D.D.S., L.D.S. raduate Royal College ot Dental Sur- ' geons and Toronto University DENTAL SURGEON e ' am oface home at Baytleid" in old est Office Building, Monday, Wed. esday, Friday and Saturday from 1 0.030 a.m. It is true, that the shelves nsight have been considered a pretty rough job by some people, but they were the only kind that Tone could afford, and a good woman is usually satisfied with almost nothing if she knovvs that,her husband is doing his best and really trying to make things comfortable for her. • ' • '"That top 'shelf slants backward a little," Tom said in an,effort to dis- parage his own work. After all the relatives and friends had finished giving advice May went about training Tom in her own way. First of all, she thld him that they both should have nicer clothes, and when he said that they never saw any- body much and that nobody ever saw them elle replied warmly: "Well, we see each other." 1,to t , errieo 10 na inteSoribe 9V ofl Nita of the bleed, alentacia, liver iE 14W OF SUGGESTION, nd kidneye are eonthinea aer4114 Aall Wee a Sand of MereY boY, end o'arallimtrillae-- to -cloy HO bad /10011: tOling 001:11 '(':"4417"1114 IVI4ndrA9 1110c0 moning, T110 May9 •boyo gAme 0144 k nd9lign M $tig0 SQ many ethee bays Gentian Wild cherry and pile OVP W110 them nP on the eeat for Tinto and other exeellent tonight, thus maks 'to isaui big arm of the most eneeeseful pi ell Medicinee. Get only Hood S, That evening 'Carl had 'a eueprise.. to Ise1001 With their PenY; 'and Carl Oho Flap Ripeleeowe Pitied the little beaet when he saW ettalec JIMISes IS'erriece Papa wee readiee the local papee a euddenly Pfieeed . over this advel'alse- - Meat for his 000 to *poll oat; "Pon sALB--Ope black and white Sbetland pone,e with "The Mayo eoys ninfit think they're wee Pape S comment, aThey're too old fOr her to draW; Nana' a Person dedgea a gathering uphiti—.-1 they're going to heap on twe , eianply beeause he know$ thet ste a or three tiers more boye," Carl membeT of a responsible orgaifieation thotight. Aral aimed be said: "I'd like' lee will be Called epee and expected te th have Tinto." I make an adtlrees, To dodge anything PlaYed a Here'ti Part ea bicycle?" asked Pana in surprise. meet a situation. ie an important step HOW TO PREPARE AN ADDRESS getting too big th play with a Pony, • "Weuld You rather have Tiftto than is to acknowledge defeat, wheteas , ti at first, he soon Teache , , Capt, RobineonA *er the D.R.It, "A. new late-niodel bieYcl.e?" - toward suceese, . I eteamship Emptese. of Austtaiia, who "I believe I would," taken sur- The peeson who 1'gets oat of eaalong where he actually Jilted it and won-. 15, being highly eodanended for hie prise. 1-Ieliadn't known that hishirths a sipeech" lessens his own selfarespect da resent mi bt h • Al- end self-confidenee- but if he makes a to'o large, splendid seamanship and great quer- Y g e abicycle, One Sunday morning, early in the age when his ship wag in danger dui, Ways, before this, they had told him determined effort to be ready for the 512'11111er, when Torn and May arid the; 12g the 34Paneee earthquake. He to wait till older before a bleyele would oceasion when he may be called upon children drove up to the church the u'ved tile vessel: 0116 rescaed at least be safe. `rree, I know I wonld," he to give "a brief addeeee," he not only • All added, After a moment's thought. The educates himseli in poise and genexel 5 000 f -Llie t dered why lie ever bought his clothes D. W. R. NBVIMO CHIROPRACTOR Consulting Hours .30 to 12.00 a.m., 2.00 pen. to 6.30 p.m, 7.00 pan. to 9.00 p.m. Phone 68 ormaodle Block - Clinton, Ont. "1 like that," Pday said, "because it entire family looked SO nice that evervek people '221 e sae , a the ehip's linen was used thr bandegee memory of Tinto $ straining and information but ia time gains recog- "Haven't Toni d M an,d dreseings. gg ois eep e . . . etre ling that t :'d. nition as the "ready speaker" that will an May come ou him. make Man known either in the busniese body admired them. . • • one kind.old lady seid to Tom's motber, Shaking her head the dessr old f Sheep Feeding. 'Y • • "Bu,t why?" persisted his father, or in the socia • kacreentngs or eep ou neatly as old as Claud Mayo."; To prepare for en address is sittple mother said: , .. ," 'in between Claud and Paula' eif it is done systematically. 'Here are "Poor Tom!" • ' Beginning with the iliat of °deb": an' swered Carl, and , hoped ' Dad some suggestions from a person who, But even she was, pleased when May t'ecreenings writ be freely offered coin-. woeldn't insist upon his reason. "I, by follovving them, won a leading the aisle, Tom following with' May's and coarse grains. An amendment of guess there's inoney' enough on my; place, in a contest over seventy °there ' - last eesaiet to the Feeding'StuffS Act . ' Mr. Gray gave him ar queer look.; address: , bankbook," he proposed. . \who 'tried for the honor of making au came to her, kissed her and led her up menially along with othdr mill feeds That bank fund was 'birthday money,e 1. Jot down at Tandem your per - contributed by loving kin every birth-. sonal opinion on the subject, for it day since the very first, to be removed.; prevents your talk from being stereo - only for an importaet investment.' typed and gives it personality. There - "This is an important investment," fore, be sure to do that beforesyou get thought Carl. . . • \ impressiona either ;Rom persons or ,,,,Nspessat, IdwayaubbeysCuaitnsedirnawonmythnewrnuseye, arom reading matter. • ; 2, Deterinine how long the address quick, all of it—Bob Dexter wants the should be.. . pony—Bob is' well enough, but he 3, Decide upon the general way en never can learn how to treat his own which you, will escpress yourself— dog, and how will he know how much whether you will be formal (in which Tinto' ought to haul—say; Dad, can't case you must omit slang), semi - 1 have Tinto now? Bob hasn't enough hulnerous . or brief and businesslike. mheonnelysyyehta,vbeut101 cliondltsnkntodwarheowwasioteln, Whatever 'style you choose, try to Pre - Tinto changed 11011(15 that very day, iseaisettsthe most hopeful and constructive . lame horse in the yard with him that read enough."to Sot you going" by cell- a. If you lack ideas or information, but Carl was seu•prised to see an old,' night. ' ' . stilling ,at the public library such of ' "That's a Doblain I bought to 'shoot," the following books as you think are Me. Gray explained to his son. "1 likely to help you, encyclopaedias, didn't want you to outdo me in 'kind- ness, , He was up for sale for work some yearbook. Or almanac, govern- ment bulletins, the Readers' Guide to purposes, and, he, isn't able to work. Periodical Literature (which gives So I bought him to put him to rest. eeferences, both under the name of the But you shall have your bicycle, sees subject and under the names of auth- as soon as I'm able to buy it." --Lillian ors of magazine articles in leading Trott.' ;publications, both current slid past) 1 and sucksaecial books- on the subject Dairying in the Peace Ric; er as either the card catalogue or the District. 5. After you have got all theideas- - librarian may suggest. , The ,progeezs' of dairying in the on the subject that you can, praline Peace River' District is told by In- your speech simply in this form: specter D. E. Arsenault in a recent! Introduction— One sentence is communication to the Dominion, Dairy, enough for that. . and 'Cold 'Storage 'Branch, e0eving to; -Body—Ilnder that heading should the fact that the railroad was built; eeme a paragraph for each. phase of for the most :part, 'through bush and the subject. A single - word to suggest thnber lands, it does not reveal, says the logical order of treatment is DR. Arsenault, the luxuriance and, en"e`" wonderful possibilities of Hie clistrictl Conclusion—In some cases a . single as a dairying country. One reason I; sentence is sufficient; other cases need why attention is being given to mixed a.tt.brtiief summing up in a few forceful farming, especially dairying, in the l'er"a' district is the difficalty in marketing \ the outline of it in large legible writ - 6. Study the address and then copy to distance and the high freight rates. 'lla Or in typewriting upon a card the raw producth of the farm ovring , a A second reaSon is that the unlimited I the hand. If your speech is not per - small enough to hold in the palm of panier hay and other forage crops af-i featly memorized, or if stage I -sight ford pasture for a large ,nufither of makes you forgetful, the card will cattle. Both the Peace River Cream - keep youi remarks in the logical order ery and, the -Grand Prairie Creeenery ' that makes them most interesting; are Teported to be doing well. One of; and, although you may not say them will If this made any impression on him she failed to detect it, He seemed to figure that, since they were xnarried, it made no diffreence how each one appeared to the other, but she had an entirely different view. She not only wanted him to think that she was young arid pretty, but she wanted him to dress up occasionally so she could feel proud of, him. It'really looked as if Tom -was to have his way and that he and May mother and the chi ien. HOGS a DOI:0111100 measuee, provi e mill sexeenings shall be sold as such and not mixed with shorts, as has been 1 will describe° a salt box which 1 the rule for many yeaa . made and attached 00' the side of one Elevator screenings fed to sheep at of my learns nearly, or quite, forty i the Central Experimental Farm at Ot- years age, and it looks as though it tawa returned a value of $70 a ton might do servicd'for anothee forte' in the gains made by the stock. The years.• grain -ration contained two-thirds The box is made of , good oak rna- screenings and one-third coneisting of terial, sixteen inches square, tbe roof' a standard vation of oats, bran and is made with the proper slant and, oil meal. Where fed vrit-hout screen - projects an inch over the end and ings, the standard ration used as the front side. The door iseatlittle smaller \ grain feed yielded" a return of $45 a than front side of box and is hang Dal ton iii., gains made. The screenings, hinges which permits it to be pushed, like the oats, were ed unground. The within the box when the animal push -1 screenings used consisted of a mix- es the door with its nose ,to get the, ture of cracked and shrunken wheat, salt inside the box. Across the bottom hulled kernels of oats, and wild buck - of front gide is nailed a strip two or 'wheat and some other weed seeds. three inches in width, and lower COT^ This product as now obtainable is so ners of door are sawed off and the, cleaned either at the elevators or flour pieces nailed to the box, thereby Pre-; mills as to be practically free from venting the salt from being thrown the fine, 'bitter weed seeds found in out by the animals., I. screenings until recently. The Feeding Several of my neighbors have, after; Stuffs Act administered by the Seed seeing the box, made ler their stock. Branch of the Department of .A.gei- . culture at Ottawa,' requires that it shall contain not more than one per • will bold thing i better.", would settle- down with the one object I "Well, if I haven't got the other of accumulating money and getting shelf slanting toward the front!" Tom the children raised, so the children in announced. •I turn could marry, settle ddwn and de- ' vote their lives to raising their chil- "That won't hurt a bit," May told him. "It makes it easier to clean, and dren, but May didn't give up. She besides when I get the papers- ons the decided to bee" her eamPaig" by im- proving• herself, and knowing that shelves nobody will be able. to notice' ;Tom would be mad if . she spent a lot that they are not even." ' I of money for a fine dress to wear in public, she -spent all her savings for The rain was so heavy that some - people might have theught that the one nice house dress. , - house was in danger lif being washed, One afternoon when Tom came from away, but May wasn't uneasy. She' WO rk he found his wife wearing this had Tom there to protect her and she bright dress insstead of the dingy one felt that there was no need of her - ; he had expected to see. When she being afraid of_ the elements. •i asked him how she loolced he had to Not satisfied with the shelves he had confess that she looked nice, but he built, Tone -wag anxious to do still more said he couldn't see but what she to make 'MaY happy, and every time looked jut as well in 'the old one: • It they went to town together he wanted wasn't entirely worn out. to buy something nice for her or. for; In a few weeks May had another the house, but she knew that. he nice house dress. It looked as if she couldn't, afford to spend so -much and was thinking more of herself than she told him that they must be satis-; she was of the children, but Tom fied with what they had until he made didn't complain. He said very little, a.gorid start in the world, a thing that but he wished that some of the neigh - she was sure a man of Tom's alellitY . bors Would happen over and see May could not „fail to bo. , in her new dress: In spite of all he When young Robert arrived in the had Bald to the contrary, he felt proud home the house was filled with rela-; of his wife in her finery, and after tives ler several -days, but finally Tom . a ?eve weeks he suggested that she and May had the little fellow to them-; ought to get a /1100 dress to wear to selves, and they were prouder of him church; . than they had been of the kitchen' ., May remembered that every time shelves. • i her papa had told her mamma to buy Tom suddenly became a grave old; a new dress her mamma had been man and, although he thought he re-, satisfied with learning that he 'was membered everything the grandmother . willing for her to look nice, Instead had thld him,, he kept one of his work ofhaying the dress, her mamma would horses at the gate so he could ride to begin 00 talk economy, 1.fut May took May's mother's in case the baby sholild, Tani -at his word and in a short time cry in some peculfai• manner that he' she had the dress made, but she re - couldn't understand. Two or ,three.1 futed to wear it unless Tom would times during the night he was on the, buy a new suit for .himself. , point of going for the grandmother,' "You look, so nice ;when yen •are CHARLESE:HALE oriveyancer„ Notary Palltp COMET115- stoner etc EAL ESTATE AND INSTIRANCE URON STREET .'• • CLINTON. GEORGE ELLIOTT lcensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly _answered, mmedlate.arrangements can be made or Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Cha'rges Moderate and Satisfaction • Guaranteed. E. R. HIGGINS , Clinton, Ont. GOP ernIFIre and Life Insurance. Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, AutOmobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron and 'Erie And Cana- da Trust Bonds.' Appointments made to meet parties at Bruce -field, Varna and-Baylield. 'Phone 57. a similar box,—J. T. Dame s. Canada's Record Grain Crop. feeding it le better fed un - rant an estimate of crop yield in Can-, sheep ground, because sheep dislike a floury ada this year compered with last as feed. For hogs and cattle ,the screen - follows: Fall wheat, 19,731,000 bush- ings need to be finely ground in order els against 18,956,000; spring wheat,1 400; all wheal,' 476;328,000 bushels' feeding value: 450,967,000 bushels against 380,830,-1 to destroy weed seeds and th increase against 399,786,400 bushels; oats, 535,- 124,000 against 491,239,000; barley, 80,048,000 against 71,865,300; all rye, 28,169,400 bushels against 32,373,400. For Ontario the estimates are; All wheat, 19,101,000 bushels against 19,- 893,000; oats, 99,408,000 against 116,- 034,000 bushels; barley, 13,236,000 against ---1-3,972,000 bushels; fall l`ye, 1,974,000 against 2,500,000 bushels; flax, 86,000 against 48,600 bushels. For the three Prairie Provinces the estimates are: Wheat, 446,775,000 against 376,194,000 bushels; oats, 354,476,000 against 289,660,000 bush- els; barley, 62,465,000 against 53,612,- 000 bushels; rye, 25,711,000 against 29,429,000 bushels, and flax seed, 6,- 832,000 against 4,901,700 1Dushels. I had bats by the thousands until I discovered that the way to get rid of them is th smear tar in every crevice and on all'reesting places.—D, W. 1'. cent. of fine weed seeds and that per- centage of tough fibre shall be low. Particalars received at Ottawa tealIn , but each time May managed th get dressed up," she said th her husbandl The mcKillop m the baby to Sleep and the nextemorn-; a d thou h Toni was not m -a' ° , g oie u a . . Might Make Them a visit Mrs. Newbricle--"What is it, John?" .Mr. Newbrlde (looking up from paper --"Pin uneasy about our foreign relations." Mrs. Newbride-- "Foreign relations —how splendid? Why haven't you told Me. you had foreiga relatione, dear? We might manage to visit them some time. Home Education . ' Child's First Schooi is tho Family"----Froebel." mg Tom was proud of himself for . than the Or dingry,Plan, he decided that; \ • F' haVing taken such good caTe of the' she was right, Although he said no - Head Office, Seaforth, 0 Children'a Prayers — By Bertha Hayward Higgins ire --------- pany little fellow. As a matter of fact, hal thing, he agreed with her that he did DIRECTORY: Nicea--James Beeelswood; sec the best sections for dairying 15 3 ,Valhalla district, which lies about forty miles from Grand Prairie. At creamery opened last June at Fahler by a butter manufacturer from St. Hyacinthe, Que., cream is received' from 150, patrons, all within a radius of twelve sniles. During June and a part of July almost eighty per cent. of the butter graded special. Fahler was first settled in 1012 by a hundred Frenah-Canadian families. The dis- trict affords abundent pastures. President, dames c01,401_1,Y., Goderl felt that lie was almost the equal of -.continued, "when I saw those men at "Mother, think I in going to make when his baseb, all nine is going to play '"• had done nothing except fill the lairip,IloOle nice when he was dressed up. — eh; the beat old 'women in the neighleoe-Ithe lot that you were' the' nicest -look- sa collection of prayers," said my small a game. nt. .but May had bragged on him and he "I just thought this morning," she ' ' Treasserer, 'rhos, E. Hays, Seaforth. ° ' ' • ' ''' I "But," 'said he, when we were diss ' 'affirectors : el eerge ,McCartney, sea, , • • year after this tune then that you had ,. For almost a y . . d a new suit cussing it. "evItat if one of the fellows . 1fairth; D. F. McGregor Seeeforth; ,j, G. Tom col . . ,. a er ,.._...,0a edi boy ono eve.ning, "Very well," said I, "1 think that ; the tier side prays as much as 1 ' ho d 1 ing one . in the erowd• and I wish telease Welterra-eVeRing, seaforth; on the place as "ours!' Ile HOB only he was the nicest -looking anin *the' tlXem in s , sAp•e, jus„..,eas ening to paste 0" e 0 1 etinued Teferring to everything Tom pretended that he didn't think will be fine. i y „, 11, 1IcEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, felt that May was his partner, but he 'ceowd, but be felt that his Wife had "Yes, but I'm going to leafn tille;n1 Then I recalled to hien the fact that liarloch, Job 4 Benneweir, Brodhagen; took the baby into the firm. So long remarkably good judginent about sad,' first. But when can, I say them. I "6ed helps those who help them - "S. 00.1"113't Goderlell. as he owned nothing he appeared to thhigs and he 'decided to let her 1 cant gay them all every night, can Ir selves," and together, we summed 111, Teo, Goderich; Ed, Hinchray, Seas. the pride and share the responsibility snit of 'clothes for lihnself. I large collection, but you can say your- the fellows on the winning team wotild "Well, perhans not i/ yeet have a; the cpnelusions, that regular system - needed, and all kill; W. CliesneY, r-4inaadvina; It of being a paetner, but after the f1rst 7'The entire'fairilY Wont along, andel favorite one every night, and have the artie,iedrtve.achteicebrwaovuel(alnbde honest, and al - Agents: Alen Leitch. Clinton; J. W. be perfectly willing -for May to enjoy "drive" him to town to buy a new 1 paid to moorish Clothing Co., Clint0a. b • d mug ' Y g ' • ' ' - • iistn others ready for special occasions. ways piny fair, • to feel that everything was his. the pattern, be wouldn't listen to her I Theee are eo mariy times When you , I tried to make hine see that while Any money to e paid in, may be 1 tmll nod aeon year Tons began 'while ,Tom allowed his wife to selecti • 0... 3armuth, Brodhagen. Parties desiring, to. affect Illaurance that,after all, she was only a woman clothes too levee and he wasn't going , want to ask Cod for something, or OUr prayees may not always be uns- er at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. He sfill loved IVisiy, but he realized about the size. ;I -le had always bought; a transact other Business will be and t at oho war . . . , . h't to be considered to melte hiss' elf 1 oolc 1:1dieulous by 1 a • th nIc Him for that which He has ttl- It would be verY w'll if' we do or part, always get wered in just the way we expect, we any ot the abovesoMcers addreased to t matters that a husband and clidn't expect' to.eccomplish eveishlthi cr 0 t till- lection of prayers e . t 1. vhich someone has thin better In proof oa this I re- , , A high-speed engine that is used promptly attended to on application to 'W . hen he was weigiung the more im- buying a snit that would fit, but May . i ni o to Iteve all ready for use, a to - either that .or w Ile 1 We a a o 1 read given you. ' 1 .1 ' e 1 ' 1 • sl- -1.• sorne- Toni was just like the rest of his were as nicely -dressed as .any eouple them hastily." ' when he had prayed Lor a sunny 11.18 am exactly as you wits e , y be more likely to just because you have carefully, peepared them and have notes that remind you. You shout. bottle of Sterna& a on the she al vayekeep ' amberlain's ver Tablets T lebttle folk so often d a mild and safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's insteod of nauseouo and mixtures. For o tom a oh • troubles anti constipation, give onekot before going to bed. Al) druggists, 250, or semi to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO 10 Ant "Jack ie oil stock." "Maybe that's why lib's so smooth." ij 8,z aft kr, TIME TABLE Trains will. arrive at and depart tram - Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Godor.:..h Div. Going East, depart 6.25 min, " 252 pan. Going West ar. 11.10 am ar. 6.02 de, 6.51 pan. 10.04 13.111. g t 1 t summer' daily should he discarbonimed and have Londoe, Huron Brute Div.. their respective post Mile- Loseee rather raust deelde• ' I at •ma -g ahea y , ut arid expressed in called his disappointmen as I *elves greund at least twice a 'year 1.Going South, ar. 8.23 dp. 5.23 a.m, nearest the scene, V" inspected by the Darector who li N E WS.,RECIfiR,D It waS at this point that May's suit was enough. more beautiful language than You at the pottponement \three times 18 e 1 s eedi 9.16 p.m. that Tom's older brothers -were mean' geeatly sneprised. to their wives, ' 1 4- • • • • I Now whenever he finds a prayet e bad the moue label. on, and we Year. he wants to add to his celiac- also had a large quantity of black - "Poor May!" said the grandmother. hole", one eistet-th-law said. . tuna we Tea st t roug ise s , d ' h h 1 d' u s be • •*ce whieh we would not alive had Tom mun,.. tniek he re goirig to ipso Whielt • ' " said "She fr ruing to ' • ' ld 1 h• e tile Most are still having blackberry jam. ' 130tsey oeiol Whtvat it the drought bad continued, and we • oiiiall people, began tallcing. They said that The following Stinday Tom and May would be hkety to use you ' d 1 i because of a rainy claeii y ; people', and it wee a notorious fact, et chuTch and most of the people were 0 at Ieast once, better twice a Going North, deeptrt 6.50 pm. um that bey, N.ivIloca° ' t 1.1itive tried stlevaYs to re - She aia p , who 35140 11011 inelined to be t tein," was the teetneals Toetle by rem e 84. 11 Terme of Subscripti0n—$.2.00 par year ; siSter ineehing .for bine Sone°, o col , ae,e0 to tho other reesixtt, t comes fnen her being too frons her attic when he married. hev'e to be adapte'd tc; neeet hia aeeds. tain my child's confidence, to ma cotatriea. No Paner discontinued good to her litisband,'.'swas the opinion; "Well, don't think it is tgoocl I "J C I that in ellen:41'1g them have him ever Toady to have a "good talk ie. advanee, to Canedlau addressee: ; very sYmPathelle' • aunt, who had givee 'him LWO 0111111'S until all arrears are paid unioa at I of Aunt Itiliae whase huSband served' taste," Arnet Luce: 1.-rines said e plit been etsble to avoid da'mpening the re- ovet;" AS lie calls it, so I have triedste esemeate, 10 emits per nonpareil do," May's mother said to, het', "IS to I nice clothee. and debts Aiwa" „anti become a mere mechaeical repetitioei that Mother and Dad are "good CLINTON, ONTARIO • ligious feelmg that is being awakened make hitnefeel that nothing Whieh in- datc_tc which ever), 'inkhecriritica af,raid of Any ing n e woi m tl elfild aeld I libiee thus to avert terests hini is too email or too insigni- ,the oPtiott of the nablisher, The t o WarS and who waSn't so rouch on your back when yen ar th' 1 th •Id' ax e' paid is detested ort the label. cept her the danger that arises wbevever form- cam , b t 1 en lo Gocl preemie Really Tom and May were not in g Rates Tranalent adver. Now the Propel; thing ger you to debt, but Aunt Luey'e'theory was that al prayers ate used—that they shall And jest as he had learited to; feel Adveetisin — • - mita lave a talk with him and eetem to ar, hoed in haft& .• of wordS, Isparte" eind 'can eaderstand and for - I have always belleVed that a child's giVe hiS little boyieh mistakes, zo he ion, Oniell acleeatiseMents lust to Tbi p ar d t b ae d ssi , prayers shoisid be sporitaneens and is coining to 1"eall'ae tho grant -et' tumor- ap e e o e e vice,, Mall at 013t12'3iii, in she siaid eixecea tme lea, such apt ,,Lost,,, but 'A 't a coesider tr b t W I th Y a mg; ou e se o ae, 101 0; WO. 119 natntal, and that lf Telma? mayors; standing acid" ever reedy forgivenese "StraYed," or''Stelee," ete., inserted She remembeted that her mamma tised, a smile on leer ftsee Whit- e nsed, they ,ehould be explaieed teed a ,the "All-taathea." queet intertion 15 cents:. evens few Weelte in an effort, tO come' loWeLd heli advice and come t, I I believe too that the child should t the ledian lad Wlien. he event one° fox 85 cents, Alia each subs.. to have cierieue talie With her papal deet. that ehe felt mare May had fel. Made to 11"e" sellie "al sign{fi°a11°°' Comalanicathens intended for Wile, to an andesstanding,..bdt tbs tasks awierstaadim ° ' anderstend that he sliest; do his peat !gegen ninst, rie a getaralitee of good in a 1,, - rr line for .each subsequent baser, undoestanclieg,", • ' • ',May's' inother'Woli tba IMPIdest'ate- alone into.tho metiatains to 'fast an pray ("mine a viision") wee uncoil- aciouslY Setting up in hie OWtt Mind the idealinta sYllith his chareter Weald I ao ie the child who Mut' 312 43',ablt 04 mdentandingi and She Was , ttlre hadn't. beer; destnyed by the est- hag a4aPted t° 1410 ..needs' for 1115b .f0rm0 31"4Y814 lino for first "itieeetion. and 5 &tot, a000nsnaidad tao-nathe 01 never a °Mile, to an. V, t mg, Really b t art of the whole thing- Ilavbage hel,s •ilYeeele- y aaala r ems vela: it SOD1HDa VID9 that, the result of Wag thatToni realized that hie chancee *titer, • , bo by to 43 /ft HALiae the balks 'was -that 11er Pareata •eninel of accomaliebing something in the Pa- had Ill ilia tlleOti�ll" 3411(1 whlell he ' roe:Neter, Plekalt, kaiter,30 0 , , ife f It.ad There Antaiind • St f011 373,,T35 I Suocoi,11 W.41' uccessai e ovralre ' Mat, these. Moulawc done, }ma can your sttorto 01,1,11:10 ot hemp you can easily tasstor tho•secretcli of Rajloig....4A,e, Star saltsre0e, Windevor your expellee 0 1,10n Yen 'limy he doing now,--ooltothor .F.eree rr uloyilleot yot'tMak you can JUStonswet Ohs nattiont Aro you ,1nbilloLs 150105010,s0e0l0l-1 yar/ Then et n teeth With mo n1onte! T,0111,00 5 0t000,1 vitlicatcoot or Obligation Sat yon coo .,IY b,,,,,,_1I Salesmen, 1 wll shoW 01110v t” ,clalalnnlp crplp.p.0 Ent Servicbof the N. i. ,0.A. wiu am.p yooto 30105 ' AllAteAs seelea $10,000 A:Year Selling Secrets 00 ioui30 0J3) 3ier3,4i, `010.1100rots 01 $ter t010000601p glI'll';'tr1'l`ri,*nV0000 101010'o ii,Vei;itA07,1tttseseese.i..16 National Sal:est:106 Training . Aosociittio '11100' 30400. 1)0 Rel1 ofccilg 000A ant Sumo. 0,4 t 0,030, 4011 or ten to Cleneetem ahsseleaesalaesisaaaase„, jeaseneefaieteese