HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-10-11, Page 1iR 020-410t
Are You Going
after that increased Business this Rall?
PRIZES FOR CHIIi'A l the Western Jai ,:London, for a ol-
Miss Beryl Salter has been most leetion of hand -painted china and
sueeeseael in exInbitin • -tor paieted carr ing: off five firsts at Bruseels
china thie ;Cell, getting first prize at fair last week,
Jiccsrc :foyers
Vane in and let lid plat(
ed deal geeord6
for Itou
Jeweller and Optician
Phone 174w Residence 1744
NEW issue of Dominion of Canada 5 per cent,
Bonds dated October 15th,jn denominations of
100, and' 1000 maturing in
, $500,�� u �' 1928 and 1943'is
pow being offered to the the public.
Holders of Victory Bonds maturing November ist
1923, may convert their holdings i.ato the new loan.
on advantageous term'. Bonds of the .old issue' will
be accepted . for conversion at ,par, the holders re-
taining their November coupon, The new five-year
Bondsare offered at 99 and interest -and twenty-year
:Bondsat 98i and interest,
These Bonds are an attractive investment and subscriptions will be
received and conversions may be made at any Branch of this Bank, where
full particulars will be furnished upon request,
For liver r
Jr eJA . Y t J..
oi is
The Overcoats we offer our trade are
the guaranteed produetion of the
Country's most noted Tailors.
The fabrics that go into our Over-
coats were ehosen from the out -put of
the best Foreign. and Domestic looms.
3rd • ;
:There arecno prices lower than ones,'
wheat any attempt is. made to eta
proach the values we offer.,
Cur range of Overeoats is now at its
lassie and we advise nialdng;your Se-
lection while we have your, eizo in:
the style you plater,
In ,buying u
your Overcoat. here, ,you
take no risk whatever for we stand.
beck •of every garment with 0 guaran-
tee of perfoet satistu.otion.
Ask to see
Our Special
Men's Overcoats
at $25.00
and our
i�1.5 o
Wheat 95e,
Oats 40c.
Barley' S0c,
Butter 30e to 35e.
3i3e, to .38c.
Live Hogs $8,00
Mrs, E. C, Duitford of Brussels pass-
ed 'away last week after an illness of
several weeks, the result' of a fall
downstairs,. . The deceased is sur
vived by two sons and two daughters,
Another daughter died in April and
het husband died in June last; so :the
family: has been much afflicted.. The
late Mr, E. C. Dunford was a brother.
of Mr. James Dunsford of Toronto,
formerly of Clinton.
Despite the inclement : afternoon
good crowds, 'thronged the basement
of Ontario etreet ,ehurcb , on Friday
afternoon, when the W. M. S. bea
roar was held.
Every booth, with its wares, looked
attractive, and each contributed its
quota towards snaking the bazaar the
splendid success it was,
The Japanese booth with Miss Sy-
bil Courtice -and her helpers in Ja-
panese eostiirne, and serving the na-
tive tea, proved an added attraction
and was the centre of much interest
during the afternoon.
The •splendid sum of $280 was real-
ized, and Promises to reach the $300
'mark. The Society is making a do-
nation of $58 towards the Japanese
Relief Fund.
On Monday evening' next the an-
nual .Bible Society tweeting will be
held in the lecture room of Wesley
church. Rev. J. S. Harrington, rep-
resentative of Society, will give an
illustrated' address. The public is
cordially invited.
Baptist Church
'Sunday school 2.80, service 7.00 on
Sunday. The Ladies' Mission Circle
are holding a thankoffe>ing service on
Thursday, Oct, 18th, at three o'clock.
Mrs. (Rev.)' Gondet, who has spent
many years in China as missionary,
hopes to address the gathering, Lunch
will be provided.
Salvation Army
Services in the S. A. Ball ' will be
conducted on :Sunday :by Sgt. Maj.
Cools and local officers. Sunday school
at ten o'clock, holiness meeting at
eleven, praise meeting at three and
salvation meeting ,at seven -thirty.
A. special visit will be made to'
Clinton by 'Coni, Chas. Sowtbn on Oct.:
28th. Coni.. Sowton. will be assisted
by Lt: Col. R. Abby, Major Byers,
Adj. Wright and the local; officers,
Capt: F. .Clark and Lieut. Stevenson.
Willis Church
The Sacrament of the .Lords Sup-
per will lie administeredat the mor-
ning service on Sunday. In the .ev
ening the pastor's subject will be:
"Unforbidden Fruit."
On T4iday evening at eight o'clock
the 'preparatory service will be eon -
ducted :by the Rev. W. D. McDonald
of Eginondville.. :
On Monday evening the Mission
Band will meet at . seven o'clock, , the
Young People's Society at eight o' -
cloak. ./
Ontario Street Church
The offering for the Japanese Em-
ergency Fund was taken in this
church morning and evening on Buri-
-dayand at Turner's in the after.
noon. .Mess S. Courtice spoke mor-
ning and afternoon with great aecep
tability. It is expected before the
fund is closed over $200 will be real-
ized. ,
On Thursday afternoon and even-
ing a special, conference will be con-
ducted in the church by Dr. T. A.
Moore sand Rev; W. E. "Millson, Presi-
dent of the London Confereitee: The
'District . ;Secretaries of Evangelism
of Wingham, Stratford, Exeter and
Goderich will meet in a ,private:;ses-
son in the afternoon. The evening.
'servdee is open and the public is Wel_
Next-Suntley.,nibrning and evening
the ehuisch union- issues will be
brought before the congregation. This
is very important and all the emigre -
getters should be in attendance;
Wesley Church
Rev. A. V. Walden of Holinesviile
preached, 'at both services on Sunday,
the pastor taking anniversary ser-
viette at Holmeevill.
The pastor will preach next Stuff-
In the morning his subject will 'bet
"A Great Question." Evening:
"The unfettered Gospel."
The Brotherhood meets at ten,.o'..
clock,, Sunday' 'school at halfpast
On Monday evening the
People's Lea u met,-
the program be-
ing under the auspices of bhe Literary
department, Miss Linnie Nediger
the chair. Mise Clara a Goul
read the scripture lesson, Miss Vera
Gould c.. tr
on ibuted a piano sole and
Mise Ferrol Higgins a vocal solo,
Miss Freida Wallis, who attended
the London Conference League Con-
vention in St. Marys last week, gave
it vary comprehensive and interest-
ing report of the sessions,
At a ineetilig of the council pre-
vious to the League meeting, it was
decided that the lm young people have a
Hallowe'en Ilo
we on social ' i
t e League
rooms, a s. Meas
w Gertrude Sin
Mr. tutee Delisted were appointed
delegates to the Ditetriet League.
Convention to beheld in Goclericb
this month.
Ci''O8fl U;lth"A2a
Try It
If so, an Advertisement
in The News�Reeord will prove a Right Hand Helper—
The name of Mee. Id., R. Elliott, tor-
snerly Miss Florence Garrett, niece of
Mr. and Mee, J G. Medd of Clinton,
was among •$ret -prize 'winners for
fancy cooking at the Inyo County Fate
held at Bishop, California, recently,
Mrs. Elliott went west' early last
spring with her •husband •and we are
glad to see she is making her mark
amongst the housewives of the Sunny
State, Canadian girls calf hold their
own anywhere.
The committees working on the dif-
ferent /moths in connection with the
opining Hospital bazaar, on October
20th, already report a generous res-
ponse from the citizens. The Hospi—
tal. board appreciates the feet that the
hospital question is a live one in the
town and community,
The work in the new hospital is
-progressing favorably' and the board
is now planning to have it open the,
latter part of November.
'Mr. Guy Hicks was called up by line
of'bhe local bank managers the other
day and informed that a suns of
money had arrived from England,
payable to his order, a nice little-mes-
sage and one which few of us would
object to hese.• Usually when the
bank manager or any member of the
staff mills us up it is to say: "There
is a' slight overdraft in your account
You will kindly take care of it," or
something equally encouraging and.
action -compelling. This was different.
Suoh. a message must give a man a
very cheerful feeling. ' This little.
wind!all, which was left .the Hicks fa-
mily frons the estate of the late Jo-
seph flicks, of Rodman, England, an
uncle of our townsman, will be divid-
ed among the heirs this side of the
water; he having no family: The late
Mr. hicks died eightyears ago and
his widow last yeas; and thea estate
has just been wound up. The cash
realized amounts to x11051, 1.9s.. lid,
but Mn Hicks• says it was a very
much larger fortune before the war.
This divided by two ov' three however,.
make nice little piles of cash: Two old -country estates have been
divided up this fall, residents of,Clin-
ton and vicinity 'benefitting. Per-
haps there are others. Here's hop-
ing our turn will come.
• 0n another page will be ;found tete
results 'ofthe C, C. I. Field Day sports
which were crowded out last week.
Kenneth Rorke was winner' of the
senior boys' championship. On Fri-
day afternoon the open events were
to take place, followed by the -•At-
Home; in the town hall in the evening.
The weather proved so unfavorable,
however, that the games had to be
called off, •Seaforth students carte
up and the festivities' of the evening
Mr. and Mrs, William Cantelon ex-
xtend their . sincere thanks to their
Mende fqr the many acts of kindness
and courtesy shown them, and eepe-
malty during the past few weeks while
Mier. Cantelon bas also been in. Mrs,
Cantelon is now on the mend her
friends are glad to .know,' and. Mr,
Cantelon continues much the same,
The ladies hada little winding-np
tournament on the 'bowling green on
Saturday afternoon, `several rinks tak-
ing part„ Mrs. Axon and Mrs. Fair
waif first prize, pieces of French chi-
na, Mrs, F Hovey and Miss Grainger
second, salad sets, The bowlingsea-
son has been "hanging out" well this
year bet probably this is the - last
tournament, although no doubt there
will .lie a few games from time to
Prof. Mein -O -Rea, who made scone -
thing of a sensation in Clinton in the
spiiiig by leis acts of elairvoyence,
in the local theatre, was asked at
Wiarton the other night to locate the
whereabouts of a couple of Hien who
disappeared from Lion's Head a cou-
ple of weeks ago and • whose launch
was found in ehe Bay. He declared
they had been drowned and offered to
locate the bodies. He took several,
loavee'of bread, removed the centres,
Ailed the hollows with lime then Alec-;
ed then in•a circle en top of the water
where he thought the bodies would be.
He said if the bread passed over the
body it would be seen to tremble, as
an electric current' passed through it.'
Presently one of the loaves was
bhooght'to show signs of disturbance
and grappling hooks were used aitkl..
the body of one of '-the men,, Robert
Parker, was brought up. It was
thought that the body of Captain. Cor-
son was also located but could not be
brought up. Searching parties had
been out for the past two weeks look-
ing for traces of the missing men,
who had gone out to bring in their
Mr. -G.• E. Hall, who returned last
week from a visit in Northern Ontar
io, reports that the town, of Hailey
bury, which suffered so from fire last
fall, is being rapidly rebuilt; every-
where you turn . new buildings are
going up. and there is, great activity"
'It is hard to discourage these new
towns. Mr. Hall spent a week with
relatives in Henwood township, over
which the fire swept just a year ago,
The farmers have, in most oases, re-
placed their buildings, and crops this
year were good, So they are looking
,out on life :hopefully again. Hunt-
ing and •trapping are said to have
been about knocked out by the fire,.
Where the Are has not worked havoc
were carried through, a large. number
with this Hinterland of Ontario it is
turning out. The championship shields very beautiful, especially now' that the
ribbons, etc. and the prize. ribbons in leaves are on .the turn, but the burn -
'the different events were distributed ed sections have, of course, not had
by Principal Erwin, Dancing was in- time to recover and present a rather
Bulged in after the distribution of desolate appearance. Many'of those
prizes, who suffered the loss el .almost every-
thing in the Are spoke most grate -
At the annual meet held yesterday fully ,of the assistanca rendered by
tonians. were suceessfulem ,the aria= people in �Q1 0ntateio, arra said it
jority of events, capturing the shield was that assistance whieh made life
put up by Mr. Scott of Seaforth, for aupportable during the winter
the -basketball team, holding,- the -tro-
phy for two successive years. Last LITTLE LOCALS
year Clinton won un bypoint
and their decided victory in tis all's - The Public school is having holidays
limo -and -home games by a score of today and tomorrow, the teachers be -
35 -27 shows -their marked superior- ing at'the convention, -
sty over, the visitors in effective coin- Some fi;osts are reported but last'
biiiation, •week airs. R. A. Bell picked raspber-
,Seaforth iboys won the baseball ries in her town garden. -
game by a score of 18-9, Thre-
Mrs, Adam Cantelon has purchase
suit was a surprise as the local nine d�
defeated the S. C. 1:, by .a score of the residence of Mr. T. K. Wise on
8-8 at Seaforth: The game was iifirk et, and will take possosison a -
listless and several errors contributed bout the first of November.
towards the visitors' success. Murphy L 0, L. will have its fall
The results of the field and track rally on Friday evening, when games
events were as follows: will bo indulged in, refreshments'
:Girls' 75 yard dash—C. Gould, Clic- served, Members are asked to pro-
ton; M. Hawkins, Clinton; r, Schoen- vide. •
boas, Clinton. Mrs, 'Ii, M�eBrien: and Mies Etta
Relay Race—Clinton; M. Hawkins
evemoving i ovu
'n , om
1 fr he] • farm i
g their n
Rorke, 1'. Seh�oenhals, C.: Gould, Iiullett to their new home oil
between Seaforth and Clinton, Olin- .the Provincial Government and the
Running. Broad Jump—C. Gould, io street. .'Clinton citizens will make'
Clinton; F. ,Schoenhals, ,Clinton; M. thern• welcome.
Britton, Seaforth; distance 13 feet 3
Hop, Step and Juinp—M; Britton,.
Seaforth; F, Schoenhals, Clinton; C.
Gould, ,Clinton; -distance ' 27 feet 2
Boys' Running Broad jump—Can-
telon, Clinton; 'Carnochan, Seaforth;
dleton, Clutton; distance 17 feet 5
Hop, Step and Jump—Laiidsbor-
ough, Seaforth;. Bateman, Seaforth;
Middleton, Clinton; distance 36 feet,2
Tole Vault --F. Carter; Clinton;
Stuart, ,Seaforth;: R, Carter Clinton;
distance 9 feet.
100 yard das
h -Land
sborougk; Sea -
forth;. Carbert, >Seaforth; Carnoehan,
Lino -up for basketball--Seaforth:
Forwards, Myrtle Sharkey, •Margaret
McGraw; centre, Greta Merrier, Daisy
Spayno; guards, Cora Caerpboll Daisy
Smiley. Clinton; Forwards, Olive
Schoenhals, Jean Woods; centre, Jean
T'oed, Carol .Evans; guards, Ludy ]:,e-
vy, Mary Hovey; spare, Dorothy
Lints -up Cox baseballea t/rih.-.
Nichols, ss.;,Ferguson, 1:t; IWO:beet,
sir; .7Cerelake, p; tainlsboxough, rf;
Suthoal. 'd
an at' Arc1i'ba1r1
, 1b• ';lir•-
l ,
lows e loan ii
, { 14 ay 2 Clinton Mutcli
hf; Higgins, 3b; 'Lgvrrence, ef; Curt -
toter', p;
antoter',.p; Orion lb; Grant
2h; itiehards Ss; Rorke, if; subs: Ha-
vey std Carter.
Mr. E. Rowcliffe, who has been em-
ployed at the Clinton mill for same
time, is 'raving a sale of his house-.
hold effects and nten'dt going to
California in a week or so,
W. J, 'Elliott, contractor, had a tall'
at the new hospital on. Monday ;and
cracked a couple of ribs. Mr. Elliott
was laid up for a long time as a re-
sult of a • fall last autumn. Hope
this will not be so serious.
Principal Geddes of, •the Clinton
Public sehool .helped Wingllam base-
ball boys to win the ehanpionship at
Chcsley last week. Mr. Geddes Wes
a member f. e
n e of the Wlrn ham, nine g in a prior
to coining to 'Clinton Mast nvonth.
Mrs. Cardin, who :sustained a frac-
tore of her hip in the spring anti' who
recovered wonderfully from the ef-
feats. of it, 'being able to get about
Otte 'smartly, 'Med the misfortune to
fall in her room on Monday, again in
juring her hip. Iter friends sympa-
thize with lreis In this "seeorccl misfor-
Mies Janiesoii of the Dept. of Ed -
cation, superintendent of school nur-
ses, was in 'i;otvtt last Tiniest* .Mel
virile hero torr. me ' of h
Mot some the mmn 'er.•
li 5
of the Collegiate and Public school
hoards end 'talked about the veep-
poiui',inerit of ii school nurse. ^ No for-
mal action Inas' been 'taken, howev4l1
,Yo Far- as we can loan.:
A new telephone directory has jest
been distributed by mail to Clinton:
suabseribeve, Mrs. C. Rumball, local
manager, will be glad to hear from
any telephone users who have not re-
ceived their copy of the new issue,
Ba jfleltl
Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Robinson and
fancily of. London spent the week -end
at their sunnmer home on T'uyll st.
Mrs. Holley and sister, Mrs. May,
of Detroit, who have spent the ewe:,
mer at their beautiful bungalow on
the terrace, left this - week for their
home cal Detroit; - -
Wedding 'bells are ringing now in
the village and we will.. soon hear of
one of our most .'industrious young
men setting up a new household. -
Rev. A. Macfarlane exchanged pul-
pits: with Rev, Mr. Farquha.son last
Sunday, Rev. IVIr. Macfarlane prcaoh-
ing anniversary services et Bethel.
Bev. A. ltfacfarlane has exchanged
autos this week and now sports a
new Chevrolet sedan.
Mrs. Balkwell and ,family of Lon-
don are spending a few weeks with
her sister, Miss Ferguson.
Mr. 'and Mrs. .Albert Leitch and
'child, who have spent the past two
months. in Detroit, have returned to
the village. .
The;new postoflice at Bayfield was.
opened for business this week. It
is a fine building and a credit to the
place, indeed would be to a much lar-
ger town than:Bayfield, although of
course, we consider nothing too good
for Bayfield. The office has a plate
glass front, electric light throughout
and combination locks on all boxes.
Postmaster Woods and lids assistants
will find the new environment very
convenient, and it will be easier to
give the public the service which they
have learned to expect from thein.
Bayfield's new postoffice is an asset
to the village,
The death occurred yesterday -af;
ternoon of Mrs. Albert Dunn, after
about a weeks' illness, Mrsi Dunn
leaves her young husband and two
small children and to these the' sym-
pathy of the community is extended.
The funeral takes place from, Trinity'
church on Saturday afternoon, service
to commence at two o'clock.
• Bruce$1e21.
Mrs. George Swart spent the week
end in Brantford.
Mr: James Swan and Misses. Ma
nide and Aggie Beattie visited Dr
and Mrs. Rodgers of Forest last
• 1Vliss Clara Zap£e of Exeter was
home fora day or two this week,
The Choral Society, under the lead-
ership of 'Prof. Anderton, assisted .by
outside talent, will put on a concert
in the church on Monday night.
,1VIr, John Kaiser is taking down
the old building' next Walker's Ho..
Mr. John. Honer has returned ±main
his trip west,
The Mission Band intends holding
its thankoirering meeting on Satur-
day afternoon, when all are invited
to come and help the Band 'along.
There will be a program and eefr`esh-
men will
is bov '
ser ed at
theclose so of
the meeting.
Mr, Ross Scott. was in Hamilton
last .week.
Neat Sunday will be anniversary
Sunday in the Presbyterian church.
The speaker for the day will be the
Rev, It, C. McGregor of London. The
choir is preparing special music
for the day.
;Mrs. Wheeler spent a few days in
Seaforth last week.
Mr. Bruce Berry,' who has been
very ill, is much better,
1Viise Laura Ross of Stratford Nor-
mal spent the week -end at her Home
Mr. Barry Dalrymple has 'bought
the old I1itCartney. horde.
Mr, and Mrs. C. II. Hamm and lit-
tle son of. Hamilton are the gtiests of
Mrs. Harm's father, Mr. James
1Vlr. McCartney is visiting in De,
. • . • .
The county and township Sunday
sdtobl convention was held here on
Friday and was quite well attended,
in spite of the disagreeable days
Mr. Edgar Lawson has purchased of
sedan ear.
Mr, R. Jenkins and Miss ,Ienkins of
Clinton visited friends here ee Sun-
The marriage took place at the bore
of Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton. on
of last week of their eld.
est daughter, Celia, and Mr. Gordon
Taylor of Detroit, ran of 1VTs. J. Tay -
la is
x also o of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor will reside in Detroit, They,
have the good wishes of their friends
for a happy Married life.
Mr. Gormley Thompson, who under-
went an operation for appendicitis.
Wing'hani, 'canue Nonce 011 Monday,
MaeClinch.by's - barn as almost
finishccl and is a sisloiidid ]obifrng
Mi. IIs llelwig hail changed -his Ford
touring car foe
trsuc l
The rn
Th ,. r 1"t
a c bon school an
ds ar-
vice will not be held in the ,Baptist'
church on Sunday owing to the, aunt,
versary service at the " Methodist
church. Salday Belled! at 0,104 seri
vim at 10,30.
00(cier ob Tovvrnship
Mis. T, E. Bennett, whose husband
died suddenly n forlisaigit ogle cat
Blyth, is 84 present staying withter
daughter, Mrs. R, R, Sloan.
Mrs, Adam Cantelon bas purchased
a house in 'Clinton and will move into
town very shortly, - She will be enroll
missed in the community and the
neighbors will be sorry to see her.. go,
Nominations will be held at 1:Iolmes-
villa on Monday next to nominate
candidates for reeve, to fill the vas
cane : caused by the death of Reeve
, nor, the
vacaLinndsaycy, Causeadd bycouncillthe designatiotofilln of
H, C. Cox, It is understood that
Mr, Cox will allow his name to go tar-
ward as reeve .and it is the opinion
of many that the township could not
do better than elect Mr. Cox to the
position for the reinajnder of 1923.
He is now, since the death of Reeve
Lindsay, the only man who has had a
seat at this yeas"s council table who
sat also last year, the clerk even'
being changed. He is a level-head-
ed man, one who does more thinking"
than talking, and could be depended
on to look after the affairs of the
township with discretion. The prpb- 4
ability is that there will'' be no elec.
time - but you never can tell.
Mrs. Eldred Yeo is in Hamilton this
eek• attending the wedding of her
Mr Percy Currie spent the week-
end at his home here, motoring up
from Detroit with Mr. A. 1VIeGregor
and fainly. Mr. McGregor brought
his family and left them with Gode-
rich relatives for -a week or iso. The
two men returned to Detroit,
The Stanley Maple Leaf Club held -
its -October meeting at the :home of
Mrs. John Jervis on Tuesday of last
Mr,s. Snyder- and Miss Agnew of
Clinton are visiting their sister, Mrs.
John Jervis. -
M•r. and Mrs, Arthur Andrews of
Stirling, Ont., were the guests of their
brother-in-law, Mr, John Jervis, ;over
the week -end,
Mrs. C. McGregor of the 0th con-
cession has just returned from a two
months' visit with friends in Port,
Stanley, Brantford, Hamilton and Ni.
agara Falls.
Constance '
Mr. Hiram Proctor of New Liskeard
is visiting relatives and friends in
and around the village..
Mrs. 'Jordan Elliott, and Mr. acid
Mrs. Willard Elliott ,and children
were yisitors with their cousin, Dun-
can Tudor, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamont and
children and Mr. William Riley of
Brussels were callelns' 'on liar, and
Mrs. -Tames Mann on Tuesday.
Quite a number around here are
buss getting up their potatoes and
roots and filling silos.
The weekly prayer meeting is be -
Mg started this ®week, the first one
being held at Mr. Peter Lindsay's on
Tuesday evening.
Don't forget the anniversary to -be
held' in the Methodist church on Cot,
281h, Rev. C. J. Moorhouse is to be
the speaker. ,'services at 2:30 and
'7:00 p.m. - Free will offering will be
Stanletg Township
We are glad to report that Miss
Freida Taibot: was successful in her.
supplementary exams., heir in Sept.,
and she is now iattending ' Stratford
Normal school. -
Miss Edna Reid spent the week -end
inClinton with her cousin, Miss El-
eanor McKinley.. They took in the
anniversary services at Goshen Sun-
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson spent
a couple of days last week -'with ,
friends in McXillop -township.
Mr. Roy Cantelon spent theweek-
end with his brothers in Windsor and
Mr. Kenneth Stewart has returned
from the west' where he went on the
excursion. .
Miss. Isabel Glen of Stratford spent
the week -end at her home.
On Tuesday evening of last week
the young people of the second and
fourth concessions were entertained
at the hone of Mr, and Mrs Greg
McGregor, The evening wag spent
in 'dancing and games and et very
pleasant time enjoyed by alt, ,
Dr,- Stewart . of Toronto but: for- '
merly of Clinton, spent a few days
last iveek calling on his friends in
Stanley. On Wednesday alight he •
held a prayer meeting at the home of
Mr. Alex, - McEwen, where a large .
number gathered -to hear their former
pastor speak,
McKillop Toweabhip
Quite a number are busily engaged
taking up 'their anangels this week,
The weather is very favorable,
Mor; Alex. Gordon le engaged with
Mr. T. Ryan for the fail work.
Quite a number took in Seaforth
postponed fall fair on Saturday last
and were well pleased with the al'
ternoonspent. The horse races were
the best Been in Seaforth for years.
Mr. and Mr.'s, John Hart celebrated
choir silver wedding on Fa'iday even.
hog last, when they entertained about
keno hundred guests and the evening
was spent in cards and ;lancing, A.
Most enjoyable 0 "time wee
tato wee, �
w sttntor+
ib.so h
, the Mt,
and Mss. Hari: received a large Hurn
ter of handsome presents tad a veru
levee number of •congratulations and
geed wishes. Mr, and Mrs, abaci erre'
right rept entertainer's,