The Clinton News Record, 1923-10-4, Page 7:,ai*u�rY•ti'r• ' F,r^tWs�•�, . ._.._,�., � _
l�i(9aPkhAV aAZt tJlRa...:R� Y59C'fYtEt7�k
, Wo, 40 Y yr ( �1 14 QPP,POIIrQ 91TY
' T1ie,li4'irid Reade( J'v COLDS p nir. xraazk, az'i]it""" xilztta �%gar ORDI
Uu6eles@, lloluA cvr,k9i;1 1`1ch QQPA. 74 .
...... .. - : 'ACtlulid atr'oi:k, T?,Y. - ,.�,
- "PO gulaTtl tine barb i alnst colds �( IL'Cf:a iraxl•110—riWRII MIRIA 1d .• --:--'r
y S tAooklCtr• ?alga rssra rriror}sae. ra.r,M
j nothing can equal Baby's Own Tah coon,; so rout.. Ar. ztmorl, Tram. kaon! s.•ptrs,
"' Isis.^'Tiro Tablotsat�e A -mile lzxativo "�"
'WAakl7NQ'rQH HAND AHEaa. „ . l i
o that will keep, the little one's, s1tonlueh '+
olid bow6«s w•aR`ltt'Itg rag)Ilw'zly, It is a s llrt Ih N wz QukuX you a ,vz'11 az+ A
�y xaH none flee@ WO wilt k.4. A nova oil w
1 m000gnized fact that *heke tho Start. I c9loraw, tour wuooa raliliatna W. ua„ r.1 w
wager {null it is Luce aeil"and bowels a -re to s ui. w Toronto,
�6 Our success in life, our business of so, it follows, that the only reasonable good o1'd•or; that aasl.s +--- _ "
cream, Then acid two fici ac a d social enjoyment;ti way to obtain it is to adapt our habits c0i'do w•ia not exist; that tiro 41e'alth Qf �.-� ..•�+-�.•a.�- .....� �' t
e y n s all e" I
%. qua;rts,of'boilingwater, of life aceordinglY. If there were the+little one iviTl be good and thl"14 " • x
» pend upon pflys]cal,fitness, Themo;-,,uu hon Qx 'xrtazvetous or dxfdcult ---- tvk-1 titt'lve ,and b' at ttr ive P v
s. and when_ the froth, Sub - , yt g,v y . 1! u a .happy, the Tau � ��'� t"O�LiSI�l0i1 s
ose 111 -tempered man or woman ?s aboutltealth how should•we account lets aro old•
/ , sidea,.you Will have a clean r C e e by nisdicine de,alCrs or by - ror man W" AW,roan9 weekly 4
, ,really One who is unwell. :Arid the for the.fact tha't;a mere bang of mail, art 25 cel'tts a )cox from TheD', .- o
^� aknber,coloured liquid, a newspaper axDarlonco'gail wo
I poeVlshness and spite that they, dis-. scene and occupation, such AS haplfeus , - Williams?'M•edieine Co. Br a
Add this liquid to the wash r play are nature's ways of protesting f wben' we ,take a country, or, seaside ' - Ont, ockvillo, or i5t10, Apply z# Ryflapp.
•, tub, until you get the (lig against an undue strain, Yet, the. holiday, so quickly makes us feel well? n • - ;Publishing qo.. Ltd, 13 Adolatde r
".01 ;; lastin bins .sud , "Chen majority o£ such Cases are merely the Ifealtlx ' is- as much a mental as a Tie one end of a thread, .t laaut "` Streat. W"t i'' r,
. t s rCsult:pf neglect:. physical; or bodily thing,- .. _. two Peet long, to a i•ing or other . A Bird Monument. s
1,'. • eaalk the clothes clean. _
. r c Wo all know, again, that we are, `L'o bo happy' 1n mind is essential to small object; NOW the other end "
' bound to grow old, ' V7e all know, too foe in well in body. The one helps, of. the string between the. forefinger Vin. Salt LaJks City, 'CJtalt, is one of d
t;,, i . _ e B $Ito two monumauts In tit's world• -•-'the �' 4
. r, khat whether we grow old gracefully; 'and is dependent upon the other. That and thumb of your right taand, A oth I` ' #
t',, i or degenerate into peovish' invalids,' is the primo value of outdoor. sports tumbler should be on the table and er 10 Il Italy—erected, to the menu• ! V
" -,l depends to: a large extent on the, wayM,
' fox the young and robust, of Such re- the ring should be suspended so sly at birils: This anonument earn- K e e
t1i 31 `` we 1100ourselves and our health'. and creations as baseball, swimmin golf ,,t
memot�,tes the fact ,that about the p � e n d a 11 s �
1 l g, g that [t can swing two and. fro with- always in the bare, �
1, Strength ,when these Try abundant: l,or: even gardenin> ,Y These Provide' a in rhe'tumbler. Year 1850 th0, original settlers In Utah A strained cls i
4i f, Yet only top oitotr:wo•put off any mental interest with physically Concentrate you? mind upon a were saved Ercm stasv tltrit by eyes. s run mus 'a i
, r serious' consideration of the future,'iating conditions. It also explains number -arty nutpUer, The ring; in guile, p g,tendon, n jolt v
1 ' ,I , or a knock demands immediate
] and are surprised and resentful ,when i why a long country *alit so effective the, tapiblor will, awing' idly for 'a A year after their, arrival the white etre t' I
V; : i its bills ,are 'presented for payment, I a tomo- for both mind and body. The few moments. Gradually the swing= n ion: A'few hours' delay will { 1
hi is not o se. the cold ai rain 's refreshed b the brisk cixcu- Ing will seen; to ,have purpose. setttsrs were alarmed to obsaive that result in. a long lamenask-perhapt4
T s t t y _t we sh b their crops vete being devoured by In the loss of the h u I . t
i; 4z ways be looking out .for trouble, for Iation o£�blood through it; the blood Then will awing through a longer orae; .Kendalls
nothing f 'so' likes br'n it al'on in 't turn is cleansed and reinvigoint are and finally it; will strike the Myriads of •cilolcets and grasshoppers,, l Spavin Treatment' has saved more . P
'1 g s x i g g,i its 1 v
But it does mean that we should base ' ed'by the additional exercise given to, .side of the tumbler, Slowly it will whi'ali aysrran the ocunirY un il,it was I horseflesh than is]I the other, known '
I 11 ii;.! i` ,' our resent we. of livin on surefthe lunga- and 'thus the walker re- , swing',back and thou strike the foal- a's lf,A bad been scorched by.fii%, remedies., Under the name of 1 s
s y, g • ' , bier once more. TE you eoncentitate.
1joil ,, 1 (cult -$tions, far, after; all, it is or crus benefitted in sense of the Attempts:'we're made to stop the Kendalls. Spavin Cure, it is the r
i , your mind on the number the ring i ,
J:,! ;. ,- Should be, the ormaI thing to be •welh, word. will Strike the number of wliiah plague, Uut without me nit, At that forty -year old standby of horsemen,
gin i t ` If health were a thing like loins, or + So many of our teachers and moral- t time the nearest paint of civilization farmers and v°terinarians.
11 , t , riches, something -,that few people i rats dwell, overmuch upon. the virtues You thought., Then it will come to 0
i s .,,,, rest.' visa m'll'ea away,, anti it :s�esmed - y
! ( Get a bottle of Kendall's today.
, t+,!" I't ;, - said in ahore might , Ue • something negative.
ative.mng. The advise they give b Without using the tumbler, you ' as if 'the people. must be. Starved; . Aa t o 4
„i1i ,yl said in favor of giving it the go-by.' negative. Ona aspect of fire proverb I h, toa, the Free or
t i+r can b concentrating your and one day, write font to t
afi �t Rfnso is as splendid jor the But in- the ordinary way its absence is "Never put off, ilII 'to -morrow what y mind prayer was resorCed to, o
.x 1'r''- r� ° re uldrfamitywashtngas - not a matter o4, ill -luck but of (ailuro you ou ht fXfdo to -day" is a positive upon Lbs direction desired, make as dY in answer to thsirappeals; there DR. B. a
Z LX, g the ring swing either round and' J. TCENi)ALL CbMt'ANY,
ux is far fine fabrics, ' to live as, we. should, And eines tis is one. aBp'earyd a Sreat Eo'ak of sea gudlsy a
.a ". t, round -or back forth, Changing ENOSSUPG FALLS, Vt„p,S,A,
�r . r�' direction as'you•wlll, whielf Viozeeded to devour the peseta, i q d
I Lever Brothers Limited . • i -� and It was' not until the "anemy” had I
Ten ears Amon $ iri1 Try it. You will find, it puzzling;
" Toronto 1 6°mTM k been completely annihilated that the 1. _
Chriatiati L•eden, the well-known (Clip this sill and ast'eJt, tolth gulls took to their win
vvv���ttt. P gs'.and dlsap-
R005 ' � Norwegian explorer, is back to Nor- other of the series, in a'serap5oolz.) ,geared, i ,
1, Iway,
after an abseu'ce of ten `years.` The monument cammemorating the' t
' . -- _� , His wanderingsid i ton Dm am tribes a event was unveiled 1. 1918. �,.��..�. took him among tile F� �q
� B OY .
Where Marriage b Capture main of the threading of beads on to 'of tileld ainland territory north and west: ��� � �� " KEEP. � i -
the Bair in such a tiianner that theMONEY ORDERS.
is the dile. head appears to be coverred with a ) of Hudson Bay, Some of these tribes ,rte
It Is, always safe' to send a DO•mSnlou 1
had never s'ean a white man before, I]xpnesi Malryy Order, )Five doTl'or I- -
Amon the least -known but most in white sku'Id-Tali. The fey tseaived•-'f1Y N If You Ari Tired Oat When You
Among and were very Primitive and super• Costs three Centa. I `_ \ .
teres•tfng of the Afrfoan natives are the halydreszer for ;carrying out this A Story of Scouting,- In -the MOrnlrig
the tango, a 'tribe Which flourishes in operation consists of one Pat -of beer Y atitlous to thsir.bealeEs: QxjBe \
and one alconsis, -' "I dan't'know what we are going to A short timd before Mr. Loden °ams v
the Uganda' disttirh. do with Jelin," sighed the twelve- ear- ams them they had killed two : Read This. To add yesterday's load to what you 1 I.
Unlike ninny of their wilghbors, the `f+- „ X already carry makes a heavy burden. - _
ofd's mother, Ire's beyond ins, but Americans, who they, considered were The woolen who is kTred out, who Put to morrows load ,on top of that '
Longo do not practice- any direct Dramas of Modern T don't 'think he means to be bail IE evil spirits, and a month sof two• later aches all, over when The arises; da the i
forms of witeh'cratt, and say who are and you cannot support lt, .
Smuggling. only his father had time to take him a 'Canadian and a Irronoh mission' piarning, who fools iLapresa,gd most of
foolish: enough'to imdrilg, In the Ulaelr g ottt In the country—" priest suffered the,game ,Pate, -the las the time, needre just the belp .that Dr. Ask for Minard's and take no of er. ,
arts, are neatly clubbed to death.. The The drama -Which Occurred reoeittly Tler soliloquy wag • broken by a crash Jcimrna believing them to have corns WIlllams! .Pink . Pills can give liar- h
1.tribe has a lame rium'ber at gupesati. tkn the sahoottsr Mary Beatrice, sir froim, the kitchen; an itnr,pentant yell from tike underworld to 'avenge the nem*'blood•,and strong nerves. Knowled a runs in atrealk \ - __
tions and custom; however, one of the -Sandy HOOk, throw-$ a vivid light on of triumph, -and- past, -the window dash. death of the Americans. The number of disorders thmt are g a, Aman
• mos,t ImpCretant ones being' the driving. the growing traffic of smuggling ur" ad "Che worst boy in, the neighbor_. I.M.1919 Mr. Leden started for an- um may be able to give c lecture et the Malo till °
caused by thin blood it, ainarliatg and lunar crater' Cg ernioua and d• ��eur�• Your
aW"'Y.'of disease, which takes Place in desirable : aliens who ;would 'never be hood," packets Stuffed, face radiant, other expedition to. the Canadian Aro• most Women. are oa'i1elass about the r Yet . o Toilet
�° o i
June. admitted by inxmigratfan officials in malting hie finest speed Eor the Corner, tla to collect for an American museum: proaah a mule from the wrong end. D�I� $ ���� ®�g�
The first Boat cE.this ceremony Is the ordinary way. condition of their blood. .Quickly the q•�
where lured "•the 'gang," all'. eager °to Iris ship: became a wreck between nbrves are affected and the patient be -
the dislodging of disea,se.Yrom his hld- The Mary -Beatrice sailed from the share. his 's oils, IhidsoliBay and Repulss Bay, and he Clear the Corns of impurities by
in: lace b 'Ch:e' beating of • ide31'aa Bahamas: with a cargo of twenty Chin- P comas irrttabla, worries over tmlfles,°7�®tIl�"II939��11�W� daily use of Cutictlra Soap sad oc-
g'B y g b d a But one of ,the boys had a new book, and ills crew had to row 120 miles, in does: not sleep ae well ais formexiq and
ep�,r ���� ca,
touches of Cuticura Oint-
the waving at torches in every 1poaea: .ase, whom the captain bad agreed to the Boy scouts'` handbook, and though an open ;boat to Cheaterfleld Inlet. is not refreshed by Test. There- may glut you on Promote a ment an needed. They are ideal for
When the evil has been drifvea smuggle into the United- States, In it said nothing of .the honor of robbing Soon the explorer i5: to journey to be Stomach trouble and headache. Clean, 11es14hyconditiam the toilet as is also Cuticura.Talcum-
to the street "the whole village es• raturn for this service the captain was fruit< stands it told at lots of thjags the south-east region of- (}reen3and, This :is a conditibil .that calls for Dr, useMurine Eve lter ed>g for powdering and perfuming.
sorts it; raising •the cry of viettiry,:and to receive $500 f orifi _eaaeh mail_$250' these bo s lied never even heard of. atLd next'eummer `his tlilyd expedition DUI �� Night and Me Re Soap25c. Olnttnwt25andSQo. %icu ,25e. Sold
ams' P1nik Pills; I throughoutdieDorninion.CanadianDepon
W.Illi R�p yrourEyesClean, Clear ansa FfesU
beating. the irides, till it is driven. into down, and the remaindket at the end of ' , jai's, that?" a stubby finger sto to the Canadian, Arctic is' to begin. thys L u., Ltmtt.d, sot St. St., w., Montreal
a river or swamp, fi,am which it Cana the voyage: p' Clive Dr. V(.1111atns' Pink Pills a fair WriteforFreeEyeCareBook,
Pad- another boy as he tried to tura• This expedition will be of an Blab- trial and the flrst'sagn of new life. -vial ma�EloacrasdyCo.racoal allasitQQl.cli - iia cuncuraSeapahay.nwithout mug
not return," writes Mr, J. Ii. Driberg On arriving off the American coast the leaf; "A:leaa"to. say, it shows orate.r)ature, To finance It, a string' '64 noticed by Your apgatlte:' You will, c
in his lateres�ting book,, "The Lange."' the captain lost hie• nerve, and instead hone to make one. That'ad be dandy, 1 of trapping Stations Is. to be, epread be hungry by mealtime, .As the blood
Thers are many Customs, too; goy- Of,Puttfarg the Chinese ashore in small to ,sleep In it a storm' came, UP!' north of Tiudaon Hay,'In diertricts, Wat becomes ,enriched it #eels and Soothes America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
erning.the conduct of women. Ie. one boat-, due deserted the strip with his : "Le's build one in Skinney's' back 'nary rlCh in fur -bearing animals' elft; thea irritated nerves, %sleep becomes noon on MRSBRUDGE
clad,; for instainoe, they are fombisUden s1fare of the booty.. The crew of four, yavd; suggested.'an'othex, The idea beyond the zone. of the Hudson Rt1•y sounder and. mors reiresSdng, your DOG DISEASES
the flesh and skin of leopards, while maddened by drink, then deanan'cled was received with acclaim. Company's activities, worries'bedoma less, your work light- I r, -11 new m Fera30
the fig -tree must not be. touched by their money front the Chinese, A furl- ,,,on rrrto -oar, aaaron, E
Here's another Plane where. it tells Excavations yaie to be made ams 'h m;. These are semis of the things 4hat ur We Autaor:
them. "Nie woman may aSSssa Pro- sus battle ensued in which nine were H, CLAY QLOVER 00., Tno.
.., p p - haw to find your way home when large number of:very :anotmt 01m; diene tonic pills do, Tay them for any . 12o wast 24th SPat
party," continues tive author, -"except killed,
• t' _ you're lost in the woods, rthowt a corm- :along .the.. east.aflast of. Hudstic'2, Bay, trouble caused by than bloods' New York,. D.s.A.��$, �
her Ornaments. and tail," .the latter be- Porturiep are being made just now pass.". The one who. discovered. this and results of grant 'etlinoaogleal iii- 'Iron coal get there pills from, any HARDLY STAND
Ing decoration attacl],ed to the girdle. in smuggling such, unwanted imml- bit of , woQdCraft Bald "when" rather t` -t •ams e7epeated. Aaeddoltie, dealer or by malt at Weents -
Another ,custom -vhloh survives in grants': mho traffic is controlled by than "if,, lig, though the occurence.wae Several eoiantists of dtflaisait nae tt rya tram The Dr. Williams' MeaLloine WA•e+ y
- this tribe is that ot• marriage' by cap. Powerful People, wlra have a swarm :of ,S 'Tells Nowa LydiaE.Pinkham s
a frequent one in their exl]eri'once' of bionalitiea -ars to accompany the as- Oa„ flaogit'ville, Onit. � -
tilre, but, as a matter of Ma t, the "cap- -agents in every country. These agents baek yards.: p'e'ditlou, which Is • expected : to last - - - I Vegetible Comp43aend
tare" is always,ax,ranged.beforehand•. are to be found even among •ships, The upshot of It all was a descent about three earsw rt r rr
I I . The friends of the bridegroom re- craws and they arrange, for the corn- X • The Little Books Shirt. ' i, ,
y g upon a popular rather; his humorous >;skirua nlwslc Is alga to be Studied, Minards, applied Yre• &�es$ore¢I Her Ile�l$li
pair to the lady's house and courteous' cealmeat and passage OE, the human „ The .study of languageg, especially .
agreemsnttio act as Scoutmaster it'll and any relations' between their, folk quewtly, dries. up and removes Warts,
ly inviter her -to' acoom•Bany •them, Thos' :contraband; u , melodtea anrT' those of "o,ther primibave "primitives, , languages, is, always in- _ _
all blow over in a lveelc, hs sold to his I r
by cwitom' bound, she refuses to' do, Irl British Columbia, whence Chinese wife and "': o c t roe tribes ase to bo investfgshed• taro5tiu:g. Tito: philologist frequently ' River Desert,,Que,- Iusedto haves
and insults, theist round' .'until they war idly. exclude , a hu a business )' a ,Boy S ou troop wax ' E`nom lits• collection of I9adcimo son meet% With 'Odd and sometimes amus- A !� .N Severe pain in my side. I would be un -
y g d_ g launched. g ," able. to walk. fast and could not stand
finally seize her, struggling, ',biting, Jai done,', and each' Chinese smuggled Mr. Lo-dea`ha,s shown that there are, Ing turns in ills translattonst For ex- for an length of time to do m ironing When the handbooks name what a y • gt Y &
kicking; and sereaming," which con. Into the country Is worth many dol, ample, one. tribe of Indianza who desig- g� c. , or washing, but I would have to lie
- tuts, Of similarity between the 6e. KING
scramUle there was for ;hemi' The many po fit; t^d d" B� 4 g,
tiaues until the thrust her Into her tars• to the nate a ]anter as "a little boalk" (mus- �q O� down to et relief from the pain. I
y agent who has, arranged his Scoutmaster read it easefully too, and folk tales oY rho I7slkfmos, and khoSe cf $
Dover's house,' ` This in no way tndl- entry. many North American Indian' :tribes- en -ha -gen -las') 'call an envelope "mus had this for about two years then a
began to think more soriouady" oS the enrha•gen-gen.Mt-e-sandta YLydia•
cates xefuctanee on the glrl's, part. The Chinase are . by no. means the and in' ane instance a North Green gen iss'," friend told me to try L diaa + he ha-
movemsnt Ib,,thought.more serious u which ineansliteraliq "the little Uoolk's ' ' ham a Vegetable Compound a a e h d
The L go have on elaborate style .only nationality concerned in the ly when in order to receive dais card;( land Lrskima•song has Its. it n 0., exact ,
adidi't," DChtbtleeta the name `Pas given had good results. . I' Certainly got ime I
of.halr•drsssin�g; which consists in the trade. Not long ago a plot was lis- cote as, Scoutmaster iia had to fill out counterpart in one from SDte,;1'�sl 1'a• results from it, too,' as the last time YY
an application blank and glue reliable g after the Indians, lia,d seen a letter hada sore aide was last May, and 3 have
covered on the Clyde for amuggling to Onia, a
Universal Portable ¢ '}p unemployed men from Britain to the wituesses as to his character, :� Eoldad and W911ppsd luta Sts White en- eat not had it since. 'I am also glad o
and Folding Bath f3 ub r united States: And when a week or two later •1t had The Archbishop's Sea- volope as a man slips- into 'Ilia shirt.' baya good nursing t:or my baby, an�
i Na fewer than sixteen. niy L were Sometimes: a thought that would ALwAY's its port I think xt 1e. your medteine that helped
wan or,rlthouc tnstnatnneona water nectar _ not blown over, and fie looked at the SeJrpent. sacro to`bo universal loses its, meaning S me In this W%, , Mrs. h. V• BUDGE,
netacltad, 'hermits re .bathroom •comrorty o[ found hidden away on-a-Ilner just be boyish faces- before him ands heard Sea sai`pents' hays been seen off the when . translated - intro a - rl River Desert; uebec. . -
Ing, No ptry b' fore her departure for New York. p mid
las. knunrty cwtoblo for-ooXur or P their shrill banes repeat without a coasts rof Papua tend one of them en-EDDYS . If you are suffering from the tortures
town hams, kaaero trio;, ndoor Each liar' paid twenty -flys dollars to joyed the unusual distinction of being intended fork CII oaad's prayer, a prayer of a displacement, irregularities, back-
• bTask: tongue,
Chace alluc etsk. rtLout our indoor m nkind�. there is th0
Univeota erasers. true Smuggling i agants, who had ar- On my honor, I promise that I will vouched: for by a high d mLtary of the « MATCHES
a� ache, headaches, shouldnervousness, ora pain
unwersm motet Produ.te Campany� nangad With n1at3117ara of the Craw for to petition Give. us •this dray our .daily B Y6�TosHEe�+ in the side, you should lose no time m
Y 66 Ajrn,l,ptlon St., Wafkavnto, Ont, their eatiret paseal;e. A regular traffic' do my best- - Catholic Church, , the late Analrbisliop :bread, TO us • the tlioughi that - trying Lyall E. Pinkham's Vegetable
To do my duty to Good and theAtug, Navarre, who was in his, study on we should expect to be clear to every SOfd by over Compound,
In Illegal passages ttAs found. to have To hejp other people at all times,. Yule .1sl'and when an enormous' sea understanding person, , but to many ] QG®(j L die k'. Pinkham's Private Text -
t existed' for a long tint,: 4, enerBl Stores yy
To obey -the SCoutLaw, beast of form unknown, rose out or trlb'ils and peoples it needs careEui ex Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to WQ^
he suddenly realized. the thing was In the ocean and terrified everyone on pla]tation; for the vast majority oY �a l�➢,G®G GroCt'rS men" will besentyoufree uponrust.
\\ ' I Substitute for Flax. deadly earnest, and kite determination. the share so much that they all rushed mankind are born, live and dis with- Write for it to 'the Lydia L+•, Pinkham
,''1\ ] /�/ Linen, heretofore made exclusively on the faces- of those deeply impressed intend -'and shut. themselves -111 in out ` °N sn� cAvkErnria �� Medicine Co:; Cobourgk Ontario. This
�' ` ��� .� tnm73 of 9 boaikoontainavaluabletrrformationthat
A t seeing so much as, a c
\ ' l Errant flax, lies been growing dearer new Teud9rfoota was reflected In that houses; oven rho native Police joIned'•bread. The Cres lndian.traualationOf . rmi
' \ \ J, _ � ., and ,scarcer, in Proportion as the flax of, the equally -Impressed new Scout-� in. the gallarml flight._ � � the words .adrows'- a ltetin �in�sight tato - every woman Should know. 0
. I / plant has become rarer and more dif- master: The archtiishop'saw the animal and their iueaning: it is, "Give as hie da - -
\ , R �, ��' ilcult to cultivate, NOW, it is said, a I It •took a little whilre for severer I watched it till It sank,: after which he something.. to keep us in life,,, Cult
\ / satis•Ya'et,ory substitute has been round mothers to uinderstand wiry their Solis , d' -
want on ;with his fheo]•ogical treatise', the thou more justly expressed?
Rai• aSga>nuiterHeat all the flax lily,.whleh,gro rs to a?tund. mads SUch a, startling„ demand to be Says Bestride Grim4liaw, in an article
i('9dSMHi'IeP y ince in New Zealand. Phe plant Will l allowed to wash disltsa, why- they entitled "My-sterles,, of Papua," in the ? •
A Wiarm house andacool % grow admirably In tnany parts of Eur- sipread Out Crumpled leaves. after din- August "Lom,don m'agazlne:" The . nrld s l3OulC�rJliop, •
eellardayandnightihewin• ope and America, It Is, I" Basler to!a-or on the dining -room ta.ble,,making In (Da•itish)' Papua, about three days have you ever'wonde'red how many
ter thrau h1/ And a saving In cultivate. than flax itself, arid. It has a laborons 'notes and "skstClisWl the jotirvey fra-m the ¢oast of M -eked, there ho'oko there axe: existence? on the
yourcoal Ills ofirom.liesq yield of 2,240 pounds• to the adre. while, '.arid why they came home,tire'-trlbe5 that can:'[alrly be called average; two huntlred thousand, v°1•. h 9 I ,S"" -
A KEL5133f InmOS ars y g
- - ___ _�.•.-,_--.- swathed iu bandages; but Ueanitng and dwarf. The woolen are no -taller than't Published, each year through-
Strange unhurt, Then, though lie did not be out the world, and as eight WAR%Alit�iE�1BR,AT'OR g8 Ftnd.. do eight -Year-old obit[;, and t1w to ,i ght and u
inyourcellarwillensurethis,_ Agree, of pins scantling, 2' by ¢ conte so &•tad' alto be.alarming, cacti are often under 5 rt. They err yz, yP"AMITI-9
lf'nullfon books.appeared last sen-
I- TheKelsaylsthemootefficienb Inches, was found embedded in 'th'a Seoul gradually dropped the trent ;gootl, musicians. -By nature thj:. ..rera , one'aan obtain a fairly good flea
Z and economical system of Itsart of an •coir tree cut down nea Irhrases and Imitated "toughness," of cannibal; and of a quarrelsome S e afro of tiro world's book -shop, it g Cl' . Oj1 tS]�ICtS' OU
home ever devised �: `r loud, They .hu, together tile'number -of vol- ,UNLESS you. see the name y i y .,;/� � t Orange,:'I`p,,,as, .ills other day. It is wliiah they ware ends soP- tin these data they have gSoen 5�}y ...
and will heatthe smallest still demonstrated ' all interest in tin much of their ancient fighting 7%d f ; `,Octm published In each century sines are not getting Aspirin at all
cottage est mansion \ believed that the, scantling was driven
i y into the tree during a great storm in oil use as "camp and laacOma peaceful. � l -'al ng was invented, the astonishing g a O
Zl � \ aYtnv3y but it was for their
propor{y+ind haulthtall cools lklts" rather tliIt as ,tall cirna• - - Lal oC sixty mllliot]s is reaOlkod, The
r MAY WE SEND YOU PARTICULARS? • , 1805• at good tea is high, amount or energy, tire,
.: tnsiits for hapless, doge. Indeed; when: :When the' price,1]a�per, and ,
MInar'd's Liniment Haals Cuts one puppy surfarod a, broken leg, the many poor Cheap leas ars offered to printers Ink which have gone to pro r -
CANADA FOUNDRIE & FOAGINGS Elis public. Those who buy them learn duce all these :books, is incaiottlali'ile, t- ' ' '
s.ilnrrEb patrol fell tipon him gleefully as their .to hair sorrow that
first "patient," and rte Was. rapidly sup- price does not A great many ,at'these Publications
�7AM1;5 OVICOL� ONT A handful of common salt thrown plied with splints and bandages, to his, indicate their cost.: To 'the Bouttid aka en,ch worth mora them five thous• A I
tgrtbClCViLL6 oN7: into a hot bath ealisves fatigue, and amazOnionk .blit ultimate satisfaction, mord sattie�fyfng and flavory •cups can and pounds, and the total value of tiie '`� '
often helps to break tip or prevent a '
cold, (To be continued),'. be ` brewed from a fine tea, like world' g book sto ,lts must run into �i �� r
" --tl--_ "SALPA,,r henna Sts real economy Iii many m111to4s, staclkod tog•Ethar, t1tSY J r r4' a
---- ._- ----•- Mlitard's Liniment to,• Dandruff.' use, would form a fair-sized mouirtain, tars . �°P�
�xr ascent of which world talks ssverai. "e.3,
Rzon 1;1 AV t vY:l1@n IrOV@ STB tr�Onfi.Yr' sable Hare. haat]n, qo� °�.
for Don't
In iio w'omau was rather cdudoscend- libraries tn'.the'.1 I - •
�. � i , ,,,(g . Don't mail that sarea:atie bitter fat- The three largest
w you wroth in an angry,mood, world are rite Btittslt Museum Ilibr• S '
"My husband is vary jealous;' she
11 1W 4J„.. and which, gave Pott a fooling o lou lit remarked to lid Canary ensure Banco' arY' which haw four million volume,S; ,
i slef vel : tui satisfaction beeausle you tI, s g ” .fl11 •
the Ribliothedue Nationale at poria,
r .floor, ' eo } only dander with exceeding, Which has three lnd1110119, and the Lib. d 6ea I. you :had dons d Mart tiring and ware lyre plain pao�plo.
going to "get aquaro".with someana , , i•ary or Congross, ` 0,sliffigton, with Accept only all "unbroken package"'of aIftyer Tablets of •
. a- good systom," said he, "I
.11 who pari insnlied you --burn lt., inhere fa11oW 1 just 1taDC a million less. Thus, bet -
zlelxi�ess Id. a bettar way,•loves way, r lt. Iia t„ waen Aspirin," Which colitains directions and dose `worked out by f
:A rd y,,8uti'ftll2es lite ;•. O y - thorn alone, these tlxrey great institn-
Must� theft easier. t • Don't say the mean thing.ycout iirtye tion# POS(Sc S nine'; and a half mDllian pllyBiclans during 22 years and proved slxfe by millions for. i
1. -1 1 fat igOds atxd itlffltes 9.q. outoellJ, I - been planning, bay td' a'[am+bone,yon Warzinteed Eozeh1a•R:eme#I
est.: Mustard enable , books r f all Iklntts,
I l li we gtiarantee to give yen ltnmodfdte r Colds Headache llrilll'11atl.11l ,
t � ' as3"imllate fOOC volitc otlieiwlsse 1 klVo�him the love th,o hti tb-a mag. relief for the worst .sages of. Mozotrla Paget pram patrkti.
1un�1 en the tlagefIll a cyi .v Anima tta theii',ht, mag. re Salt Rheum. irdntpt attentiait To llache T etilaigla Ndt111i1S ' .
would, gillra g "y tb yourgalf, glees to mail ordsor pt a a tfoo VxpeftimSnts In Zrivinad have imdl
! , , v1il'e is my brother, No matter what cated that the &it Palfit or South India Evict le Ltllxlbago l� in, 'P in t
r "` , . �,. � battls a dollar fifty, lirapaid, ?
a may beaotna hii Illi yapyx.0141t.. . y ,
r �',- b C, ,ltUCiPlI~l CO, Iiarid iia era" IsaxeQ o£.121ablots- A1sO bottl4a o4'2¢ tin$ 1^0•rtlg4et3
0[ Iib Boar how I cru t dl mean to ong. r)oxtaut y
�„iI I till... .. _, X 3Yy0pt 611Ow m' tri9.ln(111iLeskY, my mag• . - .,-.. , Ing mat0rlglr Aspirin l tfttP'trado rit0. tt (ral¢f2trrn,l Iri G'altartn) or x3AYor Ma utnrta, `a. of lffr - '
ttantm'tty to thio'brother", 924 PARLIAMENT` ST, lebl` (WO ---==;r•--'�-•�- pp � �y„
-�- Aspiriin Igathe, a 4anDy k (ro 1Fholo it lnnaan orwn afar h int ntoQnD Ar
S. " �'' ,hCtdo,* Love`s 'pricy: , ICee ' M1Hard'a l.lrtimant ]n• tli(s ha4fes;' roil; uo airimrinA�"iitt iii e2il'buenu niiz A ,,nu n tuna, tbo jabloto of 33, >Yor 06"110 us
. - iSSUM No, 39• -U t' r,t, ' tr,o -$Yor drPoer + r,,-`+1�
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