The Clinton News Record, 1923-10-4, Page 5Tk,
Of interest: to You
The aflicial6 and directors of the
Hoene Bank of Canada, wineh closed
its doors.eix weeks ago, have been
placed under., arrestt, following slue
'curator's report, issued yesterday,
Varna hoof Fair:.
'S �
Class 1: Wheat, 1 quart --•Edgar
.Smith, No. 5, Stanley; Irene Haight,
No. 14.
Class 2: Wheat, sheaf -Edgar Smith.
Miner' Tusher; No, 7; Irene
I,.'m5ht, No.' 14; Re5liaald .Williams,
. Bt53'field .
'Clas 3:' Oats, 1 electric -4. Reichert
:No, 7; B. Keyes, No. 13'; Wee. Cald-
,well, No. 10; Irene Knight, No, 14.
Class 4: Oats, sheaf -13, I eyes, No,
13; A. Reichert, No, 7; W, "Caldwell,
.No. 10; Irene' Knight, No. 14.
Class 5: Barley, 1 quart—S, Keyes,
No. 13; Lloyd ,Picot, No. 4; Ebner
'McBride, No. 5; Shirley: Dawson, No,
Class G:. Barley, sheaf—Lloyd Pi -
•cat,. No. 11; Haleh Turner, No. 7; El
finer McBride,: No. 5; Stewart (Keyes,
No. 13; S. Dawson, No. 6.
Casa 7: Field Corn -Albert Mc-
Clinchey, No, 18; j3eth McBride, No..
5; Harvey Keyes, No; 15; Harvey
Taylor, No. 3; S• Baird, No. 10; Doug-
las Gemeuharclt, Bayfield.
Class 8: Sweet Corn—A. McBride,
Bayfield. .
.Class 9: Irish Cobblers—B. Adams,
No, 13; C. Stephenson, No, 7; M: Me-
Kinley, No. 5; J. Scotchmer, No. •4;
A, Elliott, No. 6; IL Keyes, No. 14
Class 10: Green Mountain --L. Ret-
chert,' No. 7; R. Taylor, No. 10; S.
Keyes, No, 13; G. Colelough, No. 6;
G. Stephenson, No. 7; John Armstrong
Class 11: Dooley -R. McKenzie,
'No. 14; M. Armstisong, No. 4;'R.:Nit.
'Chen, :No, 10. 0. Dawson, No. 6; Ti.
"McLeod, Bayfield; A. Dawson, No. 13.
Class 12: Mangolds—R. William-
son, Bayfield; W, Clarke, No.:^13; E.
"Hayter, No. 5; B. McClinchey, No. 5;
E. Chuter, No. 6; J. Kitchen, No: 10.
Class 13; Tur nipts-B Baiter, No.
.5 I. ,Scotchmer, No. 3; H. Hehner,
'No'. 4; W. McKenzie, No. 14: R.
Bohner, No. 3. ,
Class 14:Beets I. Mustard, Bay-
fielde M. Chnter,'No.'6; M. Bohner,
No. 4; H. McLeod, Bayfield; G. Addl-
.-son, No. 10;. M. Scotchmer, No. 4.
(Glass 15: 'Carrots -M. Carlile, No.
'7; A, Addison, No. 10; M. Chuter; No.
3; V. Taylor, No. 10; 0. Greer, No. 4;
B. Elliott, No. 4.
Class 16: Parsnips—W. 1VI8Clinchey,
No. 13; S. Baird, No. 10.
Class 17: Onions—D. Ester, No. 6;
D. :Scotchmer, No, 4; P. Brock, No. 10
V. Wheeler, No. 10; A. Keyes, No, 13;
'V. Adams, No. 13. '
Class 18: Asters --Marion Davison,
Bayfield; Verna Picot, No. 4; Jean
Campbell, No. 10; Dotes Geinenherd,
Bayfield; Eleanor Scotchmer, No. 3;
'Margaret McDonald, No. 14.
Class 19: Sweet DPeas—Stuart
Keyes, No. 18. •
Class 20: •Phlox;: Willie McLachlan,
No. 14; Willie McKenzie, No. 14.
• Class 21: Zinnia—Ellwood Epps,
o. 6, Stanley; Dorothy .Grassick No.
4; Orval Greer, No. 4; Albert Me-;
Clinchey, No: 13; Lottie Higgins, Bay-
-field; Bernard Keys, No. 13. ,•
• Class 22: African Marigolds—Or-
ville:Workman, No. 14; Hazel' Steep,"
No. 6; Harvey Keys,; No. 13. •
Plass _23::Coreopsie Edgar Smith,
Class 24: 'Calendula—Viola' Wheel-
er, No. 10; Rabble MclCenzie, No. 14;
isrerle Carlile, No. '7. ,
" Class 25: Freneh Marigolds°-Jeai1
Foster, No. 6; Lloyd: Picot, No. 4;
Edith Merner, Bayfield, Berthena
'Sturgeon, Bayfield; Philip McKenzie,
"No. 14; Willie McOlinchey, No. 13.
Class'.26: Salpiglosis—Dorothy
eScotchmer, No. 4.
Class' 27: Verbena—Mabel Scotch-
-mer, No. 4; Margaret Chuter, No. 3;.
Shirley Dawson, No,' 6.
Class 28: Cosmos—Jack McLach-
lan, No. 14; Marion Davison, Bayfield
Arthur Finlayson,, No, 9; Marie Me-
Clinehey, No. 13; Mary Muter No. 6;
'Walter McBride,.No. 5.
Class 29: Cockerel, B.P.R.—David
Hodge, No. 6; Mabel Scotchmer, No.
.4; Walter 1vioBride, No. 5; Clarence
"Stephenson, No, •7; Harvey Cameron,
No. 14; Phil Mckenzie, No. 14.
Class 30: Pullets, BP.R, —Clarence
Stephenson, No. 7; .Dorothy Scotch -
mer, No. 4; Davicellodge, No. 6; Wal-
ler McBride, No, 5;., Phil McKenzie,
No, 14. •
Class 31: Pen of three B. P. R.-
-'Clarence McCowan, No. 10; John
Arrnstrorg, No. 4; David Hodge, No.
' 6; Clarence Stephensgqii}, No. 7.
.Class 32: Pen of B.P.R., home flock
-Allen Ammsstrong, No. _ 4 Tom
Chester, No. 6; Stanley; Bruce. Me-
`+Cliitchey, Nee 5; .Mervyn ,Keys, No,
18; Wm. Caldwell, No. 10; Clarence'
"Reichert, No. 7.
Class . 33: White " Leghorns—Allen
Armstrong, No, 5; Marie. Granger,'
`No. 3; Stuart Keys, No. 13; Jean Fos-
ter, No. 6; Mnrry Granger, No. 13;
'Phil McKenzie, No. 14. Ro.
Claes 34: Any Pet—Mr lla rd
bertson, No, 6; Mabel Scotchmer, No,
4; Clarence Bohner, No. 4; Dote las•
Geneinherdt, hayfield; Anna Aiken -
head, No. 10; Joan Joinoson, No. 6.
Pet: Additional Class—Jean Fester
No. 6; George Stephenson, N6. 7;.
!ort •McBride, No. 5; Ehnore Steph-
enson, No. 5; Fred Beard, Bayfield;
Glen Colelough, No, 6.
'Class 35: Spring 'Lamb—Jack Me -
Laughlin, No. 14; A. Elliott, Nos 6;
jean Foster, No. 6; Gordon Raymond
No, 6; Phillip McK'eilzio, No, 14; C.
°Iliatt, No. 6.,
s 37: Pati 33acon Bogs-Clar-,
nee Stphenson,`.No. 7; W. McLaugh-
lin No, 14.
': ,Calf ----W. Me -
Class 38:i�al1 fed
Bide, No, 5; 'G, Keyes, NO/ 18; It:
ohne, No. 3; G. Raymond, No. 6;
No. 6.
do be o Herne
; 1190 i_
iter, No,
ue Knight
Forsythe,. No, 9; Mer3'aret Joltnstao,
No. 6; Greet: Robiesen, No. 5; ?glary
Wild, Beyilelel, Melee Gr, unger, No, 3
Hazel Steep, No, 6,
Class ¢2: '-Tea Biscuits --=Gertrude
McClinchey, No. 6; Margaret McKin.
ley, No. 5; Gladys Stephenson, No, 7;
Francis Mossop, No. 4; Margaret
Johnston, No, 5; Grace Love, No. 7.
Glass 43: White Coke—Francis
Mossop, No, 4; Emma Mc3ride, No.
5; Edna Cochrane, No, 7; Annie Mc-
Leod, Bayfield; Martha Carlile, No.
.10; Mary Woolly, No, 10.
Class 44: Apple Pie— 17iary 'Wild,
Bayfield; Margaret McKinley, No. 5;,
Gladys Stephenson, No. 7; Verna Pi-
ot, No. 4; Jean Foster, No, 6; Ger-
trude McClinchey No. 6.
'Class 45: 'Homemade Candy -Irene
Johnston, No. 6; Dorlothy Wlotelley,
No. 10; Mary Armstrong, No. 4; Jean
Johnston, . No. 4e,Gertrude McClin
chey, No, G; Feai is Mossop, No. 4;
Class 464chool Lunch—Olive Er-
ratt, No. 13; Margaret Robinson, No.
5; Grace Robinson, No. 5; Edna Coch-
rane, No. 7; Emma. McBride, No. 5;
Marie Grainger, No., 3. -
Class 47: Lemon Pie—Eunice Reid,
No,13; Marie Welsh, No. 6; V, J.
Musselnar, .No. 4; Miss Petty, No. 3.
Class 48: Patch 'on Cotton—Mary
Woolley, No, 10; Dorothy 'Scotchmer,
No. 4; Mabel Scotchmer, N. 4; Jean
Campbell, ° No. 10; Lettie Love,: No, 7;
Beatrice Adams, No. 13.
Class, 49: Three' Corner Tear` Ada
Steep, No. 6; Martha Carlile, No. 7;
Mary Chnter, No. 6; Helen Upthall,
No. 9; Hazel Steep, No. 6;. Margaret
Robinson, No..5.
Class 50: Darning on Stocking -Dor-
othy Woolly, No. 10; Margaret Me,..
Kinley, Na. 5; 'Helen-'Upshall, No, 9;
Martha Carlile, No, 7; Norene Robin-
son, No.:5.,
Class .51: Tea Apron—Gladys Ste
phenson, No. 7; Edna Cochrane, No. 7.
Class 52; Hemstitched Handkerchief.
—Jean Foster, No. 6; Edna Cochrane,
No. 7; Lorene Bell, No. 9.' •`
Class 53: Crocheted Insertion
Shirley Dawson, No. 6; Emma Mc
Bride,• No. 5; Margaret McDonald,
No. .14; Margaret McKinley,. No. •5..
Class 54: Dressed Do11=Bleanor,
'Scotchmer;, No. 3: Margaret John-
ston, No. 6; Norene Robinson,. No. 5;
Grace Robinson, No. 5; Grace Love,
No. 7; Martha Carlile, No. 7,
Class 55; lee yard- of Tatting—01-
ive Erratt, No. 13; Kathleen Snider,
No. 10; Viola Wheeler, No. 10; Jean
Foster, No. 6,
Class 56: Any Model in Wood—D.
Gemeinharit, Bayfield; M. Robertson,
No. 6; G. Westlake, No. 4; M. Merner,
-Bayfield; Lloyd Picot, No. 4; .S."' eyes
No. 13.
Class 57: Milking Stool—E. Steph-
enson, No. 5; M. Grainger, No. 3; E.
Smith, No. 5; M. 'Keyes, Na 13; M.
Merner, Bayfield; W. McBride, No. 5.
Class 58: Wren.Iouse--1t. Welch,
No. 7; E. Chnter,No. 6. •
Class 591 Patch' sewn on grain hag
—It. Upshall, No. 9, Tuckeramnith;'
S. Keyes, No. 13;;' R. Woolley, No. 10;
F. Heard, Bayfield; R. Williamson,
Bayfield; J. Scotchmer, No. 4.
Clas s 60: Collection 20 Noxious
Seeds—Irene Johnston,' No. 6; S.
Dowson,'No. 6; R. Elliott, No. 6; B.
Keyes, No. 13; Dorothy Ester, No. 6;•
,W. Caldwell, No. 10.
Class 61: Collection 20 Noxious
Weeds—J, Foster, No. 6.; V. Picot,
No. 4; N. Patterson, No. 4; M. Arm-
rm-strong,' No. 4; Lloyd Picot, No. 4; S.
Keyes, No. 13.
Class •62: •Colleetiod 10 Native,
Woody -J. Foster, No. 6; Lloyd Pi-
cot, No. 4; 0. •Greer, No. 4; S. Keyes,
No. 13; I3. Bohner, No. 4; A. John
Ston, No, 6. .'
Class 68: Collection 6 Injurious In-
sects—B. Adams, No. 13; F. Heard'
Class 64: Map of Huron Verna
Picot, No. 4; Walter Baird, No. 10;
Jessie Lindsay, Bayfield; Agnes Kerr, -
Bayfield; Margaret Elliott, -Bayflelcl;
Robbie McKenzie, No. 14.` • e
Class 65: Map of North America—
Hazel McLade, No. 9, Tuckersynith;';
Martha Carlile, No. 7; Frances Mos -
sop, No. 4; Mary Arrnstrony, No. 4;
Cecil Dawson, No, 13; John Durrant,
No. 6. ,
Class 66: Map of British Isles -Mur-
iel Carlile, No. 7; Gladys Stephenson,
No. 7; .Agnes Adams, No. 13; Mable
Pilgrim, No. 6; Lettie Line, No. 7;
Clarence .Stephenson, No. '7.
Class 67: "Evening Prayer."—Gor-
donVigers, Bayfield; Doris Acheirn-
hand, Bayfield; Margaret Bray, No. 9
Tuckersntith; Stewart Baird, No. 10;.
Eva .Sturgeon, Bayfield; Gladys Cole-
man, No. 7. ,,
Class 68: "Indian Summer"—Jean
Foster, . Bayfield; Marie Meolinohey,
No. 13; Agnes Kerr, Bayfield; : Har-
vey Cameron, 'No. 14; Verna Picot,
No. 4; John Brown, Bayfield..„
Class' 69: "Lead Kindly Light."—
Ada •Steep, No. 6; Mary Chuter, No.
6; Francis Mosso, No. 4; Jean Camp-
bell, No. 10; Nellie Patterson, No. 4;
Lottie Iiiggins, Bayfield.
Class 70: Monogram --Irene Chuter
No. 6; Irene Johnston; No, 6; Mable
Pilgrim, No. 6; Marie, Grainger, No,
3; Fred Heard, Bayfield; •Mary Chu-.
ter, No. 6.
Class: 71: Public Speaking—S.
Keyes, No,,13;' D. Velar, No, 6; M.
Grainger, No. 3; G. Love, No. 7; J.
Netchen ' No. 10.
Class 72: Judging Beef Calves—.
Edna Cochrane, No. 7; Dorothy Welsh
No, 6; Gladys ,Stephenson, No. 7; Ol-
ive Llrrat, No. 1a; Win. Caldwell, No.
10; Murray Grainger, No. 3.
Class 78: Judging Poultry—Muriel
Carlile; No. '7; Grace Love, No. 7;
Dorothy Rsler, No. 6; Nellie Patter-
son, -No. 4; Francis Mossop, No, 4.
Class, 74: School Parade—No. 6,
Stanley; 10 Stanley; 18 Stanley; 9
l'h Clinton JNI' s«,R e6r0
.T e= -Alt . the e of
WATT-M•Me'VITt��i;r-,Alt home
the bride's permits., on Sept. 20th,
by tho Rev. Jamnes•4.bery, Jessie
daughter of 4.7r 4005 Mrs, Simon
•MeVittie, to Leo Watt, son of
and Mrs, James Watt, all of l;Iui-
lett• - '
AU,,DERSON--PAGE%-'AT St, Peter's
church, Goderieh,' on ,September,
24th, by Rev. Father• Gnaw, Mary
Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T.
Page, to George L. - Alderson, of,
PRIDH4IM—REIC3 Tn Victoria St.,
Methodistchuroh, ,Goderich, on Sep-
tember 27th, by Rev', John W.
ley, Alice Jean, youngeeeedau5hter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. 11;. Reid, to. Er.-
r:nest John Pridham, elder son of
Mr. and" Mrs, Walter C. Pr;iclham
all of Goderich,
tharines, on Sept, 22nd Lydia Mao.
Livermore, elder deug+iter of the
late Daniel Livermore and of Mrs.
S. C. Castle of Clinton, to Owen
Savage of St, Catharines.
BEST-4TEIOMAS—At St. 'Thomas
church, 'Bracebriclge on September
19th, by the Rev. F. G. Sherring,
Shelagli Evelyn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, G. M. Thomas, to R. M.
Best,;;son of Mr. J. M. Best and
the late Mrs. Best of -Seaforth.
troit, on Sept, 29th, by the Rev,Al-
bert 0leerstr:om, Mayetta, younger
daughter of the late.' Fletcher. Mc-
ICarteey and of Mrs. McCartney of
Brucefield, • to Arnold : Anderson,
, 6.
°IMlass 40:
Toan 3'oste
J. No, 10;
ltither 'Ely
6.1 Retia
lace 41;.1
of Detroit.
CASE—In Egntondville, on Septem-
ber, 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, E. C..'
Case, a son. '
YOUNG In' Toronto, on Sept. 28th,
to Mr. and 'Mrs. John Young (for-
merly Miss Rose Whitmore), a son.
BAY In Clinton, on Sept. 27th, Isa-
Ibella Bay, daughter' of the late An-
drew Bay.
LINDSAY: In Goderich township, on
October 1st, suddenly; David Albert
Lindsay, reeve of Goderich town-
ship, aged 49 years.
PAGE—In Goderich, on September
26th, Katharine J. McGuire, wife of
Mr Thos. J. Page.
GORDON—At Goderich, on •Sep em-
ber 23rd, Mary Cooke, wife of Mr.
' James Gordon, aged '77 years.
CLIFFORD—At Auburn on Septem-
ber 24th, Isabell A. Morris, widow
of the late - Edwin Clifford, in her
27th year.
WALTP , In .Colborne, on Septem-
ber . 20th. Ellen Lasham, widow of
,the late Mr. John Walter, aged.77
years and 2 months.
IRWIN• 'At Wheaton, Ill., on Sept.
28th, Josiah Irwin, aged 77 years.
oriel Carli $! No. '7;.
.14; Mabel Piigriin,
d` e
VIA or Bran Mu yn.
o. 6; Kathleen Mus-
ma McBrades, No. S;
o. 91 Deeotllf Oster,
A fine showing of dress and tailor-
ed hats during' this;,month.
Pieicles you 1€aeel the highest quality et vinegar and, spices, `lfi'e have
the quality ai:• laweat prices.
3 dozen Jag Rubbers .25e, 2 Ih. of Cocoa
3 boxes Matebles .`.350 1 plc&. corn flakes
10 bare LanndeY Soap.... ,.,..49e 4. Ib, Black tear.
FOR T1M. ,
Get the Habit of Dealing at
•S GROCE y Phone 1111
JO IN a� 1l� idit CO
.. ,.,.. ,.10e.,
Concert at Goshen
On Thursday evening, October llth
a concert will be given in the Goshen
'Methodist church, the program' to be
furnished by Mr. Reginald Hudson,
-the well-known London entertainer,
the Varna Orchestra and some local
talent. Admission _ to concert 25c.
and -15e. ' 22-1.
Bread delivered to all parts of town
Fresh for pour table daily
We make Wedding cakes a Speciality
lson's Ice Cr;
and Choc A'l't..,tes
F. J. Sic,OWN &
Auction Sale,
01 farm, farm stock and imple-
ments, , The undersigned'auctioaieer
*has received instructions to sell by
public auction at Det 11, concession 5,
Stanley, on Thursday, October 18th,
commencing ` at 1 o'clock sharp the
following: Horses grey heavy horse
10 years old; grey heavy horse, aged;
bay carriage mare, aged; sorrel 'dri-
ver, 5 years old; bay colt, 4 years old,
general purpose; bay colt, 2 years
• old, general pi rpose. Cattle—large
black ,cow,7 years old, good milker,
due to freshen February 27th; Hol-
stein heifer, clue November 291h; Hol-
stein heifer, milking, (first ealf);
Hereford grade heifer with calf at
side; Durhaun grade heifer with calf,
at side; 2 Durham grade cows; 7 years,
old, due in December; 6 two-year-old
steers; 7 'two-year-old heifers 2
spring calves;, 2 Yorkshire' sows; .2
Tamworth pure bred sows; 8 pigs five
weelcs old; 75• hens and pullets and 8'
turkeys. • Implements—Doering bin-
der, 6 ft. cut; Deering mower, 5 Pt.;
horse rake; wagon; hay yacht; wagon
box; set of Manitoba sleighs; 2 sets
pf harrows; roller; cultivator; - drill;
disc; single furrow riding plow; walk-
ing plow; six ELF. Barrie engine
guaranteed in first class condition;
cutting box; fantiting mill; Anker
Bolt cream ` separator (600 lbs.) ;
Daisychurn; set double harness; 'set
knockabout harness;, see single har-'
ness; scuffler; harness horse; set 240.
lb, scales; grindstone; wheelbarrow;
130 ft. hay fora chain; hay fork; set
slings, complete with lock; sap pan;
McLaughlin buggy, steel :tires; demo-
crat; surrey; sugar kettle; number of
beehives and supers, spraymotor on.
wheels; chains; forks; pulleys and m-
inuets other articles as well; 20 load
of hay; quantity of straw; about 600
bushels of. oats; about 350 bushels of
mixed grain (oats, barley and buck-
wheat), about 75 bushels of barley; 4
quantity 01 heavy chop, mostly wheat.
household Goods--McClary Famous
Active range; Me0lary Mars doable
heater parlor stove; •number of kit-
chen chairs; square piano, find tone,.
with stool; barrel, one half full of vin-
egar; Daniel's incubator, 60 egg size,
hot water; quantity of jets, ete.i'rad•
ice 3 tube W. D. 11, operated on tole -
phone batteries,
ele-phone•batteries, have received con-
certs 1,500 miles away, complete with
aerial and ground wires and Will be
installed for the buyer and guaranteed
in first class working order. The
fain will glee be offered for sale sub-,a reserve•bid, if not soldpre
viously. Terntsee-All sums of . 21:0,
and u
nder�furnture, Vein, I
straw,fowand little pigs, aasL
stock and implements, 12 Months' or •
ditl# o s t a i i y 8sy 4 p r uedjoint notey
$litper'Cent, M fa' Cash on ere
afncun'ts, 1'0rnig on iato00 made knout
on day of sale. No reserve as tb
)? "oukietor is giving up far
Farm For Sale '
75 acres on the 12111 concession of
Ilullett, lot 29. On the premises ie
situated a been 52x50 en a stone wall.
Good stithling With cement floors.
Driving shed .46x30, loft aver head.
Stem* ethed ; 28x20 ,on 'a . stottee-wa11. •
New, s
32x24. Well at
teen house, ,
barn With iron'puma. Condo trtalle
franto hoose with cement 'floor in eel,
)..�ri .l]C
,it�1'ee+spy•we1#..�'itil o��,,VR »01s
aSO goici .
file 6N. This i atfit rs
Well drained aid; *need. 1 sere a W
or+ohard;, His WOW of band weed bushy
14 anile from school ' . TWO
itela ere.
1281$4 4l tdidilirnf
We pay the farmer a premium for, strictly New Laid Eggs aand
also' for well fattened Live Poultry of all kinds. Special arrange-
rr go
ments will be made to handle produce from a distance.
Phone or write us for regular weekly price list which gives all the
necessary information.
Gunn, LangL'srts At Co., Limited
Montreal, Quebec. •
Manager, Clinton. Branch
Day Phone 190
Night Phone 214w
for this district to sellourFroit Ornamental
True., Flowering Shrubs, oto,
Good Pay. -Exclusive Territory.
This agency is valuable -=oar stock
is the highest grade -all • grown in
our own nurseries, and the flet of
varieties the very best. Prompt and
satisfactory deliveries guaranteed.
E.iabli,hed 40 Yearn 600 Acres,
For particulars war
Toronto, Ont.
GRA � Rt
_anamerawalf .... , �,..
Credit Auction Sale of
Registered Hereford
October 16 at lo'clock
12 bulls, 30' cows _ and heifers fro
mimported . stock.
Also horses, grade cattle, sheep,
pigs and implements. A real clean-'
ing out sale.
Lunch at 12 o'elook for
h:g,a distance.,.:Serud for Catalogue.
Thos. B. ' Aitken, J. 'Purvis,
Proprieter,• , , Auctioneer
Teeswater. ' 22-2-p
ly Except, Sunday. •
Breeding Lambs For Sale
Nine. choice well Bred Teeiiseer ewe
lambs and two ram lambs for sale.
Apply to Lewis Crich, 11. R. No. 4,
Clinton, phone 25 on 617. 22-2-p'"
Lice •Goderich ...6.00 a.m, 2.20 p.m.
Lve Clinton .... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m
Lve Seaforth ,. •. 6.41 a.m. 3.1,21 p.m.
Lve Mitchell , . 7.04 a.m. 3.4,2 p.m.
Arr Stratford .. 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m.
Arr Kitchener:.., 8.20 a.m. 5.2b p.m.
Arr Guelph.... 8.45 a.m. 5,50 p.m..
Ayr' Toronto 10.10 a,m. 7.40 p.m.
Leave Toronto 6.50 am.; 12.55 p.m.
and 6.10 p.m. .
Parlor Cafe ear Goderich to' To-
ronto on morning train and Toronto
to Goderich 6.10 n.m. train.
Parlor Buffet ear Stratford to To-
ronto on. afternoon train.
C.E. Horning, D.P;A.,G.T.E. System
John Itansford & Son, Phone 55,
Uptown Agents.
Pullets For Sale
45 choice barred Rock pullets for
sale. Apply to S. E. Rozell, Clinton.
Between Sumanerhill and about two
miles south; of Clinton on London road
cluck water -proof truck cover, color,
brown, size •about• eleven by, fifteen
feet. Finder will be rewarded by
leaving same at The News-Reeeud
office. •
House For Sale
8-00om frame house on Victoria et,
Electric light, town . wateer7• '• Large
garden.with some fruit trees,. Apply
to Geo. H. Elliott. 2241,
roe Sale
• A Ford Sedan, in good condition,
must sell. J. Esler, M.D., Varna
Auction. Sale
Of 60 head of cows and cattle. The
undersigned auctioneer has received
instructions to sell by public auction
at ownet's farm, Holmesvi1le, on Tues-
day, October 91h, eommeneing et 1.:00
o'clock sharp, the 'following: Cow,
5 years old, with Calf by side; tow, 7
years old, with calf' by side; eow,'3'
years old, with dalf by side;,,oew, 5
years old, due this month; cow, 5.
years old, due in Deceynbee; cow, 4
years old, duo in Deem -dial,' eow, 7
Years old, ,with veal calf by skin
heifer, 8 pesos old, due in Daeom''er1"
3 year old heifer, duo Tyr J'siyuE3l6: 5
,heifers, g years old, fat; 5 heifers, 2
:leers old
th.:is #al
... ste
oldfPo11ed,Atgus grals, 6' steers,
12 yearBarba.* gllddl'''steep,
12yasrg a1k+,oroiod,I.>
above seatt14,'01 ,e'1 year :od1,&tyel�r„sas
dit ob hail i
y �.
per ce t4;
��€aAli it
io�e Thcs� Sp�c�ls
While They Dust
Polard'no'. 011, mediumdium and heavy, per single gallon . , 90e.
In 5 f 'lawn lots , ,,,. , , ....... 85e,
Premier Gasoline per gallon ..28c.
40:. watt. Lamps, 3 for a dollar. Every lamp guaranteed
Elephant White Leach, per -ceit. .. , . , $15.50
Good! Buggy Whips, each • , .25e.
Rifle Bullets, 22 shorts, a' box ..... ... • . , . .30e
Columbia Hot Shot .4 cell 6 volt batteries, each, . , . 92.50
Plow Bolts, all sizes.
We make YALE KEYS for all locks, Bring in you
want it duplicated.
key if you
minion Re III I1 II 111JII II IIII
111111 111111
1111111111111111111111111111111! 1111111111111111 11 1111 111 1
11 11111 1 III 11111111111111111111111111111 ul+•s 1 1
Ca , �mAL
Now en hand
Phone 155. 12-11.
Gr Lash
.'5016 '411
Bring Them Back •
Those who took spread rings from
a buggy in Ontario street church shed
on Saturday night are asked-tofl re-
turn same to the town hall and save
further proceedings.
Leicester Sheep For Sale
A few good young ewes and ewe
lambs. 'Apply. to Woe. W. Wise, R.
3t, No. 3, Clinton or phone 22 on 605.
22-tf. '
Roomers Wanted
Roomers or boarders wanted. In-
quire at The News -Record office. 21-2
Building For Sale
Seventy-five by thirty. In first-
class condition, Containing a lot of
valuable lumber. Also square tim-
ber, all sizes for sale. M. G. Rans-
ford. 13-11.
House For Sale
Five -roomed house, storey and
half, town water, electric lights, with
le, acre of land. ' Situated' on James
street. Apply A. L. Cartwright,
Huron street. Phone '74. 16-tf.
Fall Wheat For Seed
I have quantity of Golden
Chaff fall wheat for seed. From
registered stock, and clean. Loren
Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 184f.
$850 Will Buy
5 -roomed house, one acre of land,
with orchard and large hennery, just;
inside the corporation of Goderich
town. For further particulars ap-
ply to, J, P. Ryan, Goderich. 21-2-p.
Cement Platforms.
I am still malting cement tops for
wells, with 3 -inch ventilator, made
according ,Lo order to fit any well or
pump. Can be removed any time.
Cheaper than lumber. H. H,Can-
felon, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. ' Phrone
15-619. 21,-3-p,
House Wanted In Clinton
Small, comfortable, house, in good
repair, to purchase. (Apply to John
Aitken, 'Clinton.. 204f.
Desirable Property For Sale
• Nice farm home of 100 acres or
more, just outside the corporation
of the town of Clinton, on the Pro-
vincial Highway, being lot 22, coir-
cossion 1, Hullett, 'township. ' Soil,
good clay loam, excellent water. For
particulars apply to Alex._1t. Brown.
Farm For Sale '
One hundred and forty-five acre
farm adjoining the village of Kippen.
Fifty-five acres under cultivation,
rest in grass. Good bush, creek
with water all the year round. Six -
room franoe house with cellar, sum-
mer kitchen and wood -shed, good or-
chard, two barns, 36x56, one a bank
barn, driving shed and stable 36x50.
Two wells. This farm belongs to the
estate of the late George Taylor and
must be sold to wind up the estate.
For particulars apply to Samuel
Thowrpson, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield,
Ontario. 1G-tf.
Singer Sewing Machine
Farms For Sale. or Rent
Farm containing 8914 acres, 10
acres bush, 1ot 56 Maitland concession
Goderich township. Good bank barn
54x56, with good cement stables. Ce-
ment silo, pig pen, driving shed, com-
fortable house, good orchard. Also
north half of lot 86, Hullett, on Base
line, containing 854 acres, with creek
sunning through. Barn 36x56, good
orchard. Will be sold together or
separately. • Apply to, Thos. K.
Mair, Joseph street, Clinton. 16-11.•
• Farm For Sale
100 acres, lot 10, concession 10,
Hullett township. (beside Londesboro
station.) Convenient for shipping
produce, near church, school, stores,
.Good land, well cultvated, bank barn
stabling beneath, frame house,
good drilled well, creek running
through farm, orchard. Apply on
premises to Mrs. Wm. Lee. Londes-
hove. Phone 26-14 Blyth central.
House For Sale
Frame house en Albert street, Clin-
ton, with one quarter of an acre gar-
den with fruit trees, for sale. Ap-
ply to Mrs. Tiros. Lee, R. R. No, 2,
Clinton; Phone 15 on 604, Clinton
central. 10—tf
, ; Feed Track For Sale
• 31'4,1f„ton •Ford trucle, in good run-
ning' condition. Apply to Earl .Crich,
Clinton... 16,4.
A - Douse Wanted • ..
T purchase, • a small, comfortable'
' libu5c in Clinton; 'Mrs. Atkin Carte --
R. R;. No,.3i (7liuton 194f
SE Gaul eChurchitaalt
+ . reit{.
tiraIx Ca<iieo of St. Pa ul ,� ��,
t foie rttadt ha5aaY nn Tilt .
-Y tY1 2
d>:4 i
o �`
.ykili Ik
A6461121, 't;
House For Sale
2 -story brick house on North Street,
in good repair, all conveniences, acre
of land, fruit trees, etc. . Good stable
could be used for different purposes.
Also a 2 -acre lot near railway track.
C. J. Wallis, Clinton. 814f.
Family, Electric and D. R. Styles
Also sem second-hand machines,
good as ne
01d machine taken as part payment
Easy Terms.
It will pay you to look these. over
before puying elsewhere. •
July 1st
Are yon sowing 'any Timothy this
fall? We have some good clean
seed and are offering it very reason-
Free Cook Book
With every bag of Monarch Pastry
Flour you can got a Cook Book free.
Monarch is a snow white Pastry flame
smooth, velvety andfree from Iutnps,
milled from Ontario wheat for use in
baking not containing yeast. Try a
bag, it is wonderful.
Bread Fleur
Purity, Five Roses, Maple Leaf, and
Five Jewel. Everyone of thole 'will
make good bread. •
F'c�til�trr� and �itoc
A full line of Poultry . and Stock
Specifics and Reniedios.
Xoy ;
I$glxest�irslpnudfar •
gats,uekwhelt-and ,
Orders taken at residence. Phone 112
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na-
tional School of Auctioneering, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
chandise and Earth Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction assured. Write or wire, -
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
93, —2$-11-1223
>:lar+w i iVIJla^111f
.'Clothes Cleaned -and Pressed 1
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned.;'
Rooms over Heard's • barber shop.,
W. 3. Jago. '•-•8343 •
We am in the market for wheat,
barley, oats, buckwheat and peas.
Offer highest, prices for -clean grghi...
Alwags on hand .
A complete line of Flour, Bran,
Shorts, Ground Corn, Oats and Bar-
ley, Calf 'Meal, Stock Foods, Herbag-
eum, Farina Chowders and Oatmeal.
Also a complete line of Aspbell:
Roofing. We have the agency for
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Co. They
make nothing but quality roofing.
Come and see our roofing before
buying and you will find our prices
Phone 12g
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grafi} Buyers
'4180, issuers of Hunters & Trapperi
_\ -a
Sewan�, Machines
Oil and repairs
Sharples Separators
Blatchford's Calf Meal
E. L. MITTELL, &f>iton
Store Vacated by J. E. Johnson
The demand for our butter is lya• ,
. 'o supply this demand we require,
more. Cream. '
We request you to ship UO youlat
we guarantee you the RtghOS ,
Market Prices, }accurate• •testas.: ,n.:;'
prompt service,
YOU 0 11 *
:Our 6rAttuis lka.?w€s a d ..
...elf €
or fee a dr fu'tth
W'e "iili 'rem •;
•, fl ti
h. C it i
re 4 d
niotltlir a.
fof=:l1lY or :tll'twF•'1