HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-9-13, Page 5. h t News-Rcoora The heti Coal miners are t9 r...turn work next smock, But ''its, usual, e Place of 'Coal is likelY to 2/0 Int. }rnt's the matter, with the Ma- - Ontario? Somebody SC011it; yS to be breaking, cut of them. No use for the iiirectors of the Bay - Id fair to ask the Prince of Wales open their fair on the 25th. , He's t eceepting any invitations. , The Prince of Wales, as,Lord Ren- is today speeding •across Can- a, to his' ranch in Alberta,where he he to •speud a .few weeks • near -to tae and far from the "madding owd." May the "Smiling Prince" ve ati enjoyable holiday. :Montreal does its level best to keep e rest of us informed and running• in right direction. The Star sends ng marked eel:des-containing itS r isper of 'Death" and MIle Witness ds marked copies carrying its lead - editorials, all for the information "lesser breeds" of editors who are cable of thinking things out: 13', Montreal is doping its share of siottary work. *,* * * • , e sLondon. Advertiser in corn - Ming on the fact'that the Canadian ticinal Railways darned in the first ht Months of 1923'817,575,114 :tithe n ,in the same period of 1922 re- rks: ' : • ' '''4 , • 'All the people of 'Canada ask now that the' Montreal' Star, and all the e choice haters of the . National ilways it represents,' will get gee a track, oft -the platform, and keep "ay front the, premises entirely." , e witialdn't go quite so far. We'd e all Canadians use the. Canadian' tional Railways. Travel On thena. enever . possible; use them ,fol the /noting cif business.- In short, ,tia-1 in raising their earning 'pOWer. Railway's belong to Canada. Let's ke a success of our own lande-rtak-' 'We cannot escape the CCOT1011110 is - of getting coal from Albert" re- • Ars The 'Wail and Empire, only the sake of keeping ,the scores of lions of dollars now spent on A - can coal." This is an aspect of question which should engage the elation of our public men who wish see Canada, developed. Think t it w,ould mean to the west if, in - d -of -pouring our millions into the ers of the American coal barons, should,begin pouring them into the lost empty pockets of the Albetta 1 miners? Not only would it help elope the west and bring prosperi- o many there who need it, but that sperity would double baek upon taxio. The time is coining, too, en the coal fields of the United ttes will not yield sufficient for her n and oor needs- We might an - pate that time a few years. The ited States has obliged vs with coal a good many years, but It must ,admitted that we have been„made pay for it. The prospect now is •t coal this winter will be consid- bly higher than last. iron Presbyterial Met in Hensall On Tuesday he Huron Presbyterial -Woman's 1sionary Society held its annual con snee in Cermel Presbyterian church asall, on Tuesday, with the presi- t, Mrs. J. E. Hogg of Clinton, in chair. The church was beauti- y decorated in autumn colors and ; well filled pt both• morning and arnoon sessions with an attentive appreciative audience. he ten ,•o'clock session Was QPenea 13:devotional exercises, conducted members of Kippen, Eillsgreen Blake auxiliaries. Mrs. J. Fin_ o» o Kippen presided, 'Mbs. W. lay of Blake read the scripture and ;, W., Turner of Hillsgreen led in liss )11. I. Graham of •Seaforth read the minutes of the 'business tting held in 'Willis church, Clinton ranuarY. The treasurer, Mrs. Heti- orGoclerich, Made seine encourag- re:narks and read a statement of money received in comparison a that received at the same time year, showing a slight increase Re present year's g•ivings. ev, J. A, ,McConnell of Hensall conveyed greeting's from Pres- nin which he emphasized the ulth of service of the W.M.S,.; the tonal duty of each nember and scope of the seciety's weak reach- es it does every corner of the Do - ion. II° alsa added that he be - :Id the world could know no better 1,y than the missionary society of Starches. " LOW and helpful feature of the ing WAS a responee to the Roll by Secretaries of the different liaries'each giving some outstancl. fortieth of the work of their Mix - V' or Mission Band. 'Ss I/. I. Graham, as Presbyterial gate, gave_on especially well pro - •d reTiOrt of the Ptovincial meet - held in Windsor. Mrs. W, D. of Clinton, supply secreLary, 3 a full report of the supplies sent .the auxiliaries, thanking them' heir promptness and commending for the splendid quality of out - id materials. • After some ibusis and diseussion itliss Mary John_ dfBlake clesed with prayer. o afternoon session was opened devotional exercises conducted embers of the Exeter Auxiliary. 3, T. Morgan prsided, Mrs. T. croft led in prayer and Mrs. G. son gave the scripture teading, It vres followed by a masterly ess by Di•. I. G. Struthers of hat North China, ih which he gaVe neral description of the soeial, al and religious lite of the noun - at the Present titne, When con - T. 'the differences in their modes ing and living with that of 0 he 11Instrated by giving,. a ddl '4i ettheir• Mimic on the grana - la rlAden-01; twilielyotc,*;, • '001111310,00 PoVertY caused ioW wage8 and tin - fairly imposed Ur/ibis and their pitiful superstition art,'"iis'eat'''llentlieal'a progress. The famino'of three YeLi*' ago Artitr) a tragedy. The robber:bands are a menace to rich and Peer. they are ePPrO8ae.4.. , The people haye no power toiule.: EheY heve.only tniliterY leaders,. each, eager to4gein power and possesaion, and he said,'"Their immediate •future we can- not predict their ultimate ,future de- pends on us, • Their need is 'Christ." The ,avenues through whieh We can give to China what China needs are, the evangelistic, the educetional end the medical, 'He told the Presbyter- ial of the unselfish devotion of the evangelistic workers, of the improve - meat in •the social_ life, especially of th women, through education, and of the opportunities of the medical rajas •4ionary, particularly through hospital Work, . 4,41A • Dr. Struthers referred briefly to the memorable day on which they receiv- ed the cable from the Foreign Mis- sion Board to cut down their expen- ses; of the consternation and sadness and perplexity they felt and of the way the work has been curtailed. Yet he said our misismieries are hopeful that the Presbyterian Church of Can - oda; when it learns the facts of the situation, will yet measure up. Following Dr. Struthers' address -a Much appreciated solo was rendered by Miss .01a Cool< of Hensall. Shoot prayers for Home and For- eign Mission's were offered by 1VIrs. Hamilton of Goderich, Mrs. Robert Archibald of Seaforth and Mrs. It. B. Kydd of Themes Road. . Mrs. Johnson, president of Toronto Presbyterial: gave a Prayerful, earn- est heart-to-heart talk to the' young weinen also the mothers and all others interested in • young Women's work. Slie:speka of the important sphere of the yang Women to -day, the influence that the mother or older sister ,mcry have ,on the younger, of the infinence ',of prayer., .'She alth referred to the advantagek'of the C.G.I.T..grotips. and , asked ' that the members • of auxiliar- ies interest"themselves M these groups aria encourage their affiliation with Missionary ' With regard-- to foreign mission work Mrs. Johnsonsugg,ested that lesson picture • rolls used In Sunday, schools be sent to the mission fields as they, age Mirth appreciated by the mis,. Hamilton raoVed alieartyvotp of thanks to Mrs, Johnson for her helpfel and inspiring addrees. Following this the King's Own Mis- sion Band, 'Henson ga-ve'n pleasing Missionary motion song.,,t •• At 3.20 Mrs. -Lundy, Mission Band secretary, conducted a • very -:helpful Mission Band conference in the school A •thlte of thaifics' was tendered the ladies and congregation of Carmel clmrch for their excellent entertain- ment and splenclicl dinner provided at Ole noon hour. ' Miss jeckyll of Eketer closed with, prayer. It was decided,to Recent an invitation to liolcl the annual Presby- terial Conference in Exeter in 1924. —M. McIntosh, Frets Secretary. Constance Mr. and' Mrs. Thos. Pollard and Miss Pheobe WalterielcPare visiting the for- 'mer's half brother, Wm. Thuell in Detroit for a couple of weeks. We are sorry to hear that Mr. a Huggitt' has had to go to „Stratford hospital for an operation. • Mr. Jas. Mann and, daughter of Brussels were callers on the former's „brother-in-law, Mr. 121: Tudor and oth- ers ,about. here. • • Mr, George Clark spent a couple of days last week in Torento, taking'in the Exhibition. • - Six carloads of people journeyed tip ,with the Constance football lava to Owen Sound on Saturday to see them :lot defeated. 'Better luck the next ganie. • uite a number intend taking in the London Exhibition this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Ira Johne of Tucker - smith' spent .S1111daS, With ',Mr. and Mrs. Earl La -Warm. Owen Sound football team defeated Kinburn team at the former place on Saturday last by a score of 4-0. An Owen Sound despatch has this to say alamit the game:( "With a„ four -goal lead to take with them when they play the return game in,Kinburn this week, Owen Sound In- tel`blediateS itTO practically assured of the Westeasi Football ;Association championship for the thivil time ,in succession,. The first of the home- and- theme games in the finals was played in Owen Sound on SaturdaY, afternoon, resulting in a decisive vic- tory for the Owen Sound men by 4 to o. , • .While some of the • best -displayed soccer in Owen Sound in years was prodtmed, all players were under an exceptionally great handicap in a very heavy field, • At times during the garhe the rain 'ceine clown in tor- rents, The KinIntim, men, all fine, strapping fellows, played a fine clean game, although they were ne match for the Ovven Sound men when it came' to footwovk and seience. burn melt bunched and tried to drive Ole ball through by sheer l•reighlt Kreutzweiser at outside right was one 'of the most wiluable, Dennis, at in- side left, the smallest man on the. Owen Sound line-up, worried Kinburn greatly. While the forwards are slight •ad nimble, the backbone or - the team is the defense, who were working to perfection on Satutday, Stanley and McDonald being outstand- ing favorites, It was the middle of 'the first ses- sion before the locals begcte th hit their stride, After a member of tin - successful attempts Owen Sound's first was scored by a neat pass from Ereutzweiser, With abeut 15 niin- utes to go on the first halt Dennis, shot, Kinburn goalie, Clothed and • Ifteutzweiser scored on the rebound, The seeand opened in a shower of rain and Kinlatmn,• straining every mosele to recant:Jima' losses of the first nor - Md. The 'third eoiliner was ctedited to Simkins and 1)eitrils. KreutZ- weiSer himself gathered in the fourth, Tho yOurn; to ?hp plAYAicl Yfedttofidaltoiti,, - 11. Dodge, U. Armstrong; halves, 11, Taylor, N. Covenlock, Mc,C)ure; forwards, .1, 'Arinstreng:'3'. Armatrong' 21. ArlPsrenti, 1, 'Dunicees.NsDunada, • OW1.4 05.01,1iid—rq0£14,, Neath, ,hacka, E.' McDonald; D. • Neath, 4tanley, S. Nenth; -forwards, Events- weiser, J, Till:ton, • S. SiMpkina; A, Dennis; J. Donaldsen: -• Referees,Kelly, of 'ListoVvel."' • Owen, Sound won at Kiiiburn'yes-, taday in o Se01.0. gnme was"st tie. , . • FORMER WING HA Ill ITE . MEETS \\wit ACCIDENT, • Mrs. Irene Gaunt, 'aged 46, widoW of the late James „Gaunt, of Wing - haul, who was ex -warden of the coun- ty "of Bruce and engaged at the pow- er house Wingham, sustained a frac- tured skull in an automobile aceiclent In Winnipeg recently, Where she is notriliving, and her condition is ser- ious. McKillop Township Quite a number have commenced fall plowing. • Fall wheat is up and is growing fine since the rains. • A few car loads intend motoring to London on Thursday to take in the • Mr, D. Brintnell and family of Chis- elhurst spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. Drover. Mr. T. E. Hay lost a horse last week. It was found dead on its backrin an old cellar. and aVfrs. A. Sterling and Miss Olive took in Goderieh fair last week. -1V1r. Alex. Gordon is busily engaged driving a team on the Good' Rpads System for Mr. Cairns of Dublin. •.The present wet weather has been vens unfavorable for the bean harvest,. 4 Exeter Mr. H. F. Johnston, son of Mr. W. II. Johnston of Exeter, •formerly of Kippen, was sent out by the Carnegie Institute, Washington, D304. to San Diego,. Cal, to witness ,the solar e- clipse on Monday. The Institue• sent two men, Capt. Ault and Mr. John- ston, and with them about 85,009 worth of instrulnents, capable of melt= ing the most delicate .observations. Mrs. Johnston and little Miss' Maky are the guests of Mr. Johnston's par- ents while her husband is absent. The Rev. C. C. Keine, Methodist minister in Thimesville, and family are here, visiting in the home of his brother-inlaw, the Rev. F. n. Clysdale.' pastor .of the 1Vtain Street Methodist Church. They have just returned from visiting IVIrs. i'Keine's brother, IVIr. Mills, Who lost his barn and crop by lightning. • R YOUR 'old 8 you need 'the highe8t 'quality' ''O.f. vinegar ansi spice We. have thcquality ;It fowqt Iprioes. / ••",' ' ', , IIII"s(W4lii), SPECIAL 3' <Ibsen, Jar ,R4Imerti .:,,,,t.t,'., „.25e, ;2, lb: of Cocoa . ,. P. , :, . , . :25e, 1 3 boxes to:itches ' , ,., , . ;,...,..pue, 1 'Acg, SOru flakes i'.. .. ....1.0e. 10 bars Laundry Soap '...',., :49e''' 111,, Black , tea, .— .., ..., ...700; BRING .US YOUR geliii'S ,A.ND Ithr CEIVE Hioi-ItST GRADE/ P21I3E/8, • MAKE OUR' STO,RE .Y01.111 STORE , • t Got the Habit of Dealing • at „ JOHNS4..if co's' onocEffir • Phone tit •' THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY rown s Brea Bread delivered to all parts' of town MANY VARIETIES OE CAEES AND DONS . Fresh for your table daily We inake Wedding cakes a Speciality • Neilson's Ice Cream and Chocolates F, J. BROWN & CO. BAEER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 ger NEW LAID EGGS • ALSO LIVE POULTRY • We pay the farmer a premium for strictly New Laid Eggs an(' also for well fattened Live Poultry of all kinds. • Special arrange- • ments will be made to handle produce from a distance.' Phone or write us for regular weekly price list which gives all the necessary information. . • Gunn 1,ra Langlois o. Limited Manager, ontralleant,1,0n,Qpiier:neceh. VV TREARTHA m Day Phone 190 •Night Phone 214w wenarssaeaticieasmmloat sekelleetassilicealaveoistsatene *ZOE* `4=.1,11011•11•11MILI Sleigh For Sale • Auction Sale of Farms, Stock One"horse plat -form sleigh, capacity - Implements one to two tons, Call and see it if A sale Of farm stock ancl down .to tlm Western Fair, A. M. ments, the property of Messrs. T. H. Cole and Frank Cole, will take place on'oLot 37,' concession 10, Goderich tp., half a mile north of 1VIiddleton's church, on Wednesday, Sept. 1901, at 1 o'clock, sharp, as follows: , Horses: Brooa Inare with filly colt, general purpose mare, reliable single br double; black Percheron gelding, rising 2; driving horse, 8 years old; • choice mare, 5 years; mare with choke filly colt, 10 years; good driv- ing mare, quiet and reliable. Cattle: choice Durham COW, 6 years old, due :September 28th; Durham cow, 5. years, due November 25th; 2 heifers, 5 years, freshened in May; 3 -year - ed heifer, due November 15th; dry cow, 4 years; 5 yearling heifers, 2 young ealves; 4 yearling Polled An- gus steers; sow with six pigs; 24 good Lieeester ewes; 20 good ewe Iambs; 11 wether lanths;60 hens and chielcens half acre.of eob corn; 1 acre of mane golds and turnip§ on one farm, some mangolds and turnips, 7 rows pota- toes 52 rods long, 45 tons well -saved hay, 14 acres second cut alfalfa and a quantity of wood on the other. The Grainger ferrm consisting of Implements: Massey -Harris binder, 6 150 acresof land with brick residence, foot cut; Deering binder; Deering steel barn stables attached for breed- Mower, 6 ft. cut; McCormick 1110W012, er'S use, lands in good cultivation and •6 It, out,' nearly new; set disc har- particularly suitable for •stock raising rows; set iron harrows; 2 seufflers; or general farming, will be offered walking plow,' nearly new; MasseY- for sale at the same. time and place. Harris eultivatorg International wa- Particulars maY be had from. Illre.--gon; combination stook rack; old wa- Agnes Grainger, Auburn, Ont., Ernest gen; 3 -drum steel roller; set scales, Lee, Londesboro, •Ont„ Executors or 2000 lbs.; 2 -furrow plow; Bain wagon W. 13tydone,• Solicitor, Clinton, Ont. box; Deering Take, nearly new; good 1Pring Wagon with pole end shafts; good rubber -tired buggy; pet sleigths; cutter; wagon reek; gravel box; lad- der; pig trough; wheel barrow) set single harness; set double harness; forks; chains and numerous other ar- ticles. Farms; At the same time and 'place will be offered for sae the fol- lowing farms: Parts or lots 37-28, containing 105" acres, the estate of fhe late W. 1I, Cole. Story and a half brick house, commodious bank barn, with ,stone stabling, pig and poultry pens and driving shed, water in stable, 5 acres hush, 5. acres esnacl young orchard, half mile from school and church,convenient 'to market. Also lot 36; same conceSsion, con- taining 80 acres, 5 acres hard -wood bush) one acre orchard, abundanee of water, frame house, windmill, land all under grata with extdeption of 2 acres, Terms •on Stock and Imple- ments: All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums exoeeding that 12 months credit will be given, on £U111.-. ishing approved joint notes;or a dis- count of 6 per cent. allowed Inc cash, Terms on Farms: Made known on clay of sale.—T, H. Cole, Vrenk Cole, Proptietors, G. IL l8llioOt, Aiiction- eel% 18-2. Kippen. Hamilton & 4on, London. 19-1-p. _ . House Wanted, To purchase, , a 'small, comfortable house in Clinton. Mrs, Adam .Cante- lon, R. R,No. 3, Clinton.. 19-00. Mra. (Rev.) BetnabY and son of Sarnia, is having a pleasant visit at the homes of Mrs. Mrs. Barnaby's .tirothers, Messrs. Henry encl.-Wm. Ivi. There will he no service in the Me- thodist church here next Suhclay on account of the anniversary 'at Varna, The Rev. 11. L. Lundy and Mrs. Lundy spent the week -end in Toronto and at Streetsville, with the batter's father, -Mr. 'Fulton. • Mr. mid Mrs. Hubbard and Mr. Lat- • rielle'of Detroit, who have been spend - nig some weeks with 'Mr. Robt. Day - man and:other relatives left for their • home on Sunday. • Mr. Albeit Taylor ancl wife of Lon- don have been Visiting. the former's sisters.. Mri. George Troyer and Mrs. Sam Thompson. _ • The Presbyterian Presbyterial met at T-Ieniall on TuesdaY to trantact business for the coming yeaa3. , The last Sunday in September will be observed as Rally Day in the Me- thodist Sunday school. Mr, Robert I)insdale is the efficient superintend - Mrs. Henry Darnall of .the second concession '60 Tuckersmith is nursing a sore hand, blood poisoning having developed from a cut in his 'finger. M a r riag e s 13013I3021 — McCOOL —At Toronto, on September 4th, at 526 Sher - bourne street, by Rev. George H. Willians D.D., pastor si the Me- tropolitan church, COM Pearl IVIc- Cool, second daughter, of Mrs.'An- nte McCool, of Clinton, to W. T. , Robison of Auburn, ROW,CI,IFFE---CASE---At the Trivitt Merhorial ,Church, Exeter, by the Rev, A. A. Trumpet, on September 5th, Elgin Rowcliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowc1it? ot Hensel], to Ada Belle, second daughter of ldr. and Mrs. Adam Case of Exeter. "„ Births CAMERON—In Turnberry, on Aug, 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cam- eron, it son. • DOalths ORAWFORD.,-In Hullett on Sept, 4113 E, Roy Crawford, lieutenant, son of 3fr. and iVfrs. George 'Crawford, aged 31, Years. • Ford Trucle For Sale • Half ton Ford truck, in good run- ning condition, Apply to Earl Oriel), Clinton. 19-01. l'rivate Sale •Of furniture arid household effactS, st the home ' of the late 1111;$1. 'Wni4 COOTIOrr, 'Peltoa .streetf morning 'and afternoon , Tuesday, September, 18th, 19-1, FOr Sale • , A bona: of young Yorkshire pigs, ready to WeOril. F. W. Watts, Clins, ton, phone 149, • 10-004, Feittul A sack d batley on the telepholA roadsslefIr.;grn.4.1rtsbnr AY-0.0ft 111411$ Ol Dispersion Sale of, iorthorns Wm. Grainger es Son' entire herd will be sold by auction fit Lot 82, concession 12, Hullett, ,(Londesboro or Blyth station) on Tuesday, Sep- tember 181:h, at 1:00 o'clock. The herd developed through half a century of careful selection now includes stock bull Augustus Foru (1491939) by Bru-• • iach Champion, Imp., (115,582) Dam Cluny Augusta 1101., by Presi- dent of the Mint, also 2 young bulls of serviceable age, 6 cows with calf, 6 heifers, 3 years, with calf, 6 heifers rising 2 years, 1 hull 10 months, 1 bull, 5 months, 2 heifers 5 mouth's. This herd has not been officially tested but cows out of it have stood high in B. C.P. and bulls have sired B.O.P. fe- males. Farm For Sale • • • 200 acres, Iota 29 and 30, eoncessiett 8, Hullott town0hip.2 and a half ,miles from Londesboro,good land, bank barn, with, stAling beneath, frame house, drilled well. Apply to Albert Vodden; Londesboro. 15-00. House F'or Sale or Rent Cottage .on Fulton street, Apply on, premises to, Mrs. Thomas Fowler, 18-0f. Timothy Seed 'For Sole , Good clean seed. Apply to Fergus VanEgmond, R. R. No. 1, phone 13 on 641. • '18-2-p. Coal Heater for Sale A "Modern jewel" healer in first., class eondition, only used tsvo winters, —IVIre. G, E. I-Iall Ratteribtry ,ptreet. , STANLEY VOTERS' LIST The Voters' LiSta 1928, for' the town - Ship ef Stanley County oE Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have ,transnaitted or delivered to the per - Sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copiee of the List made pursuant to the said Act, of all persong appearing .bY the last revised Assessment Roll oe the mnnicipality et the township of Stan.;' ley, to be entitled to Vote in the add municipality at elections te. the legia- lative ASsembly and at mtinitipal e- lections and the said list was first posted in hp office at Velma en the 27th day itf, August 1028, and reMaine here fdr hispestion. I hereby call nimn all Votera'te 0;011'4 11)$s 8niq Hat and' if 40 errors or AlisSions 40e 0ound therdid to k4Medi ite.' ptesei4iii$,t4,11a1/4„4tiniiffq eOrdife 27,111 day of Aigiiiikt elerit; inc Sale 25, yoar-old hots, 50 pulletts and a number of cockerelg; the Guild strain, ell barred. •Rocks' ---Mrs. Hiram Hill, Phone 150. 16-tf-1-1), ' 'House For Salo FiVe-roonsecl honse, storey and half1 town water, electric lights, with 14 acre oe land. Situated on J'arries street, Apply A. L. Cartwright, Huron street. PhOne 74. 16-00. el • ' Bttiltling For 4a19 • ettdirtY:fiVe by, In first' lot or UqAtt1441-, 1'6 bi3r, A tto q , 0,all sirs for sale, M. G. 11.3exvi1;-. ..11.1011i '1;;11.01')r!, , j4i, 0416 • IPrrrilr What Is HiTest Marathon Gasoline? • 'A. Motot fuel superior fa any otlia'r malte at a Sinfilar Price,' Not .any old gasoline, but a product that makes starttng 'eaSier, that • quieltens pick-up and perinitsgreater develppment than any' other , gasoline at an equally low price. A TESTED GASOLINE. The • most careful and exhanetive chemical and practical tests were made 'before we were willing to offer 1-1/-21E$11 MA,RATHON GASOLINE for sale. . These testa diselosed that its ready' vaporization made • starting easy, even in the coldest weather, • Spark plugs seldom fouled and that less carbon was depositettln cylinders.' Thorough combustion hePt this gasoline from leaking into the trank case' and power was increased enormously. COSTS • NO MORE THAN OTHERS vuith allits poirlts of superiority. I These are undisputed facts. Try it yourself and be convinced the Bettie as thousands of others throughout Ontario. • .-RED INDIAN MOTOR OIL is also in a alarm by itself, Costs no name than the inferior motor tails on the market. gOLENE COAL OIL (American), Tryit and note your clean lamp glasses, also it burrte the last di rop n your lainp. Entirely free fro rothe nauseeting odors when burned in your oil stove, Worth double the mice of others but sells at only two cents per gallon more. llawldns & Ui1ier • TELEPHONE 53 0 CHI-NAMEL STORE t. 11111110 14111, ,H111111111111111111 Iltai1illiE811111111e111111588111111011111:11111811111:1E1tie11111118111111101111111111111111E11111 11111111411811tlili,1811115Kr,4111111118110114,.. 10 C". COAL • THRESHING COAL, EGG COAL and CANNELL COAL Now on hand. - Car of Alberta Nut coal coming. E. WARD - 12-tf. Phone 155. • Phone 68. • OFFICE HOURS : 9.30 to 12 a.m. 2.00 to 5,30 Pah. 7.00 to 9.00 p.m,. • Wednesdays 9.30 to 12 a.m. 7.30 to, 9 pan. DRi W R. NIMMO Chiropractic Specialist, Specializing M Spinal,„Nervous and • Chronic Diseases. Normandie Bleck, Clinton, Ont. Fall Wheat For Seed I have a limited quantity of Golden Chaff fall wheat for seed. From registered stock, and clean. Loren. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, 18-00... ' Farm For Sale , • One hunched and 'forty-five acre farm adjoining the village. of Kippen. Fifty-five acres under cultivation, rest in grass. Good bush, creek with water all tie year round. Six - room frame house with cellar, sum- mer kitchen and wood -shed, good or- chard, twO tarns, 36256, one a bank barn, driving shed and stable 36250. TWO wells. This farm belongs to the estate of the late George Taylor and must be sold to wind up the estate, For particulars apply th Samuel Thompson, R. B. No. 1, Brucefield, Ontario, 16-tf. Farms For Sale or Rent Farm containing 891,1, acres, HI acres bush, lot 56 Maitland concession Goderich township. Good bank barn 54256, with good cement stables. Ce- ment silo, Pig Pen, driving shed, com- fortable house good orcheyd. Also north half of house, 36, Ilullett, on Base lime, containing 85% acres, with creek running through. Barn 36x56, good orchard. Will be sold together or separately. Apply to — Thos. K. Mair, Joseph street, Clinton. • 16-00. Farm For Sale • 100 acres, lot 10, concession 10, Hullett township. (beside Londesboro station,) Convenient for shipping produce, near church, school stores. Good land, well cultvated, bank barn with otabling beneath, frame lactase, good drilled well, creek running through farm, orchard. Apply on premises to Mrs. WM. Lee, Londep- bore, Phone 26-14 Blyth central. 13-7-p. House For Sale • Frame house on Albert street, Clin- ton, with one quarter of an acre gar- den with „fruit trees, for sale. Ap- ply to Mrs. The's. Lee, R 21. No. 2, Clinton; Phone 15 on 004, Clinton central. - 10•,--tf House For Sale 2-s001'y brick house on North street, in good repair, all conveniences, acre of land, fruit trees, etc. 'Good stable could be lased for different purposes. Also a 2 -acre lot near railway track. C. J. Wallis, Clinton. 81-00. TIMOTHY Are you sowing any Thnothsr this fall? We have some good • clean seed and are offering it very reasen- able. Free Cook Book • With every bag of Monarch Pastry ke.lottr you can get a Cook Book tree, Monarch is a snow white Pastry flour, smooth, velvety and Iree from lumps, milled from Ontario Wheat for use in baldng not containing yeast. Try a bag, it is wonderful. Bread Flour :purity, Five Roses, Maple Leagand Five Jewel. Everyone of them will make good bread. •' Poultru and Stook • Supplies A full line of Poultry and Steele Spec:_ nes end ttemediea. Grain Highest ptices tor \vilest, Bar. ley, Ottts, Buckwheat and Peaot Jettliiils & soft. -ratans, Mutat, 1tV*t0 1�,Itoirichwokii1411 Singer SeiringMachine. Family, Electric and D. R. Styles Also some seeoncl-hand machines, •good 'as new. Old machines taken as part psYmenti Easy Terms. It *ill pay You to look these over before puying .elsevvhere., REPAIRING AND PARTS 0R ALL MAKES OF 'MACHINES • EARL STEEP 1; 1), ' 3/217 1St •COAL NUT. STOVE It' EGG • ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • R. J. IVIILLER Orders taken at reside:ace. Florio UN AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in' Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaetion assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont.' Phone 18- 93. •--48-tf-1923 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and rest paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned.] Rooms over Heard's • barber shop. W. J. Jago. t-83-1:41 :stage) We are in the market for what, barley, oats, buckwheat • and peas. Offer highest prices for clean grain. Always on hand A complete line of Flonr,Erdit Shorts, Ground Corn, Oats and Bar- -ley, Calf Meal, Stock Foods, Herbag- emus Parina Chowders and Oatmeal. Also a complete line of Asphalt Roofing. We have the ,agency for Toronto Asphalt Roofing 'Co. They make nothing but quality roofing. Coine and see our roofing before buying, and you will find our prices right. J. A., FORD Sc. SON Phone 123 Flour' and Feed Merchants and Crain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses Sewing aehines Oil nd r pairs Sharpies Separators igatchford's Calf Meal Tankage E L. MITTELL, Clinton Store Vacated by J. E. Johnson CREAM WANTED1 The demand for our hutter is la- creaiiiag. Te supply this demand vte rotju1r4 more cream. We request you te ship as you cream. • We guarantee you the -Highest Market Prices,)accurate tests mut prompt 'service, Our firm is known to you and need no further recommend. . We pay all express charges fan- ish create cans and pay twice elkehl, wont Write tor co* •further informem sItikrosvn 4.ItARBIUM,, X44.1\11.01141