HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-9-13, Page 4Fall house leanersrwill fin ♦llfin d it to their 0 over our advantagetolo as w`> e are quoting .,apee>al prices for 30 days bereduced Steele must �' u tomake Christmas Go ds Good assortment of Window Shades, 'Curtain Cu t in Poles,and Room Mouldings. s. T. COOPER,. CLINTON wawa... LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE IS. BEING IMPROVED Eighty -pound steel .rails are being laid en the'-I•Iuron and Bruce section o the National Railways ,'between. Denfield .and Centralia, a distance of 16 miles. The road from Hyde Park to Denfield is already laid with the heavy rails, and the 'distance to Cen- tralia will be completed before cold weather sets in. Efforts will be made to lay the heavy steel as far ses Wingham before the fall of 1924. When, completed heavier locomotives and equipment will be able 'to run over. the line and it will be an additional outlet for the grain from Goderich. Goderich Goderich Industrial Fair was held last week,, The fine weather brought out a good browd.''and exhibits in the\ main building .consisting of fruits. garden truck, and flowers were, as good as anything ever shown. A feature in the hall was- "Made in-Goderich° exhibits, all the .manu- faeturing concerns,_ having their pro, ducts on view, this in itself 'being a specially. attraetive'feature. In the live stock the showing was up to the usual.... L'he races were the main attraction of the afternoons and were(mite up'to expectations. ' NEW BOOKS IN PUBLIC LIBRARY NON-FICTION: I3urgm,.iti7any Me- mories.. Thomas, The Print of my Remem- brance. ,Squire, Essays" at Large. JIendrick, Life and Letters of 'Wal- ter H. Paige. Kidd, Philosopher with- Nature. ,. Tieming, Drama of the Forest. Mills, Letters of a Radio. Engineer. Thdmson,' My Experiences' at Scot- land Yard. Jones, Old Memories. Barrie, Admirable Chriehton, Dear Brutus. Carpenter, Holy Land arid Syria. Morley, Where ;the ,Blue Begins. Churchill, The World Crisis. Mabey, While Shepherds Watched. Old English Ballads. Y, Oydssey of a Torpedoed Trails- Mort, Kipling, Trish Guards in Great. War. Ciodd, Childhood of •the World. iifgrthwick, Gold Hunters. Abbott, What Christianity Means to Keller, Story of My Life. Wyndham, Nineteen Hundreds. Wolff, Historic Paris. Brower;; Vocal Mastery.• 'Whittingham,, Palestine of. V To -day. Dillon, Inside Story of • the Peace Conference, Mallock, Memoirs of Life and Lit- erature. Motiey','Correspondence. Morley, Recollections. Wlhiting, Canada the Spellbinder. Symon, The Press and its Story. FICTION Chapin, •'A Stone in the Path. Scott, Mother Machree, Suing, Wintergreen. Stevenson, The Gloved. Hand. Kaye -Smith, Four Roads. Packard, Night Operator. Willoughby, Where the Sun Swings .. North. " Galsworthy, Forsyte Saga. Rairbank, Cortlendls of Washing tell &Ware.. Gregory, Bells of San Joan. Maxwell; A. Little More.. Footner, Fur Bringers, Lutz, Lo, Michael; Mystery of Mary and Findingof Jasper Holt, Parnol, Black Bartlemy's Treasure. Cooper, Sunny Duerow. Renshaw, Riddle of Mysterious • Lights, Weston, You Never Saw sueh a Girl. Kyne,: Long' Chance, Grecta Mystery of the Tlasty Ar- row. to hose Dawn, IttiEls, In Another Cirl's'Shoes. Binclloss, Girl From Kellers. Cooke, Oiucltet. ,Curwecd, Nomads of the North. Cooper, Sheila of Big Wreck Cove. Vhite,Fr'om the Valley of the Mis- sing. Bower, Rim 0' the World, ,Bassett, harbor Road, Henry, Options. Wodehouse, Damsel in Distress. Curwood, Isebol. IIuaeten, Lave to the Rescue, IVIcCideliebf, Viola' Gwyn. ' Conrad, Within the. Tides, and Reser T 7ricole, t lir lrbrbor. Lrneoin, IL, Red Seal ' Palley, ;Dim' L'atirern dams, From a IBennh in ourAquatra t'li',er, Aaalkoning. i'• e Doyle, His Last Bow. FIetcher, Ravensdene Cdurt. Baeheller, In the Days of Poor Binh- , and. Dawson, Vanishing Point. Hay, The Lucky Number. Ilarben, Hills : of Refuge. Hanehaw,-Riddle` of the Spinning Wheel.' Marshall, Pippin. Marshall; The Clinton Twins, Parrish, Comrades of,Peril, and My Lady of the South. Raine, A Daughter of the Dons. Rinehart, More `fish. •Richmond, Foursquare. Ruck, Disturbing Charm. Richards, Miss Jimmy. Vance; Dark .Mirror. •; White, On Tiptoe. Wells, The Luminous -Pace. Ogden, Them Came•1Violly. Also a number of iuvenile books. These books will be ready for circula- tion on Saturday; September 151h, WEIBSTER ARE -UNION AT LUCKNOW Mr, John Andrews' 'arid at Luck - now was the Beetle' of 'a iunique gather- ing on the afternoon of Monday, 'Sep-. tember 3rd, when. the Webster reun- ion picnic was held there. The large crowd of. two hundred and six people spent a most enjoyable afternoon; the older ones in renewing acquaintances; while the young members Of the com- pany played baseball and other Sanies. After a bountiful supper had been served, Mr. Thomas Webster, of London, addressed the gnthering• very aptly expressing the feeling of all present in having so pleasant a re- union`and following his euK estion it; was decided to have an annual re -un - Mn picnic at. Lueknow. A committee appointed to take ,charge of the ar- rangements for it consists of Thomas Webster;, London; Harvey Turner, Stanley; Harry McGee, Toronto; T. J. Webster, Seaforth, and Fred An- derson, George Andrews, W. T. Gardi- ner .and atrdiner-Ansi James Webster, Of Lnekaiow. Mr. D. Webster spoke of the early days when his father, Daniel Webster, carve sixty nine Years age to thebush and settled .on lot, 12, concesison 14 of Ashfield township. His uncle's fame ily came.dut from the old land atthe stone time. Of these sixteen pion- `eers,, only. three are now living, all of who'll were present on this occasion: Mrs. Daniel Webster and his sisters, Mrs. Anderson -and' Miss Eliz'vbeth Webster. The direct descendants nunnber two hundred and seventy-five. TABLET UNVEILED BY S. S. N0.9 EAST WAWANOSII A monument in memory of the teachers, parents, and pupils of S. S. No. 9, .East Wawanosh Was unveiled on Friday week.. At theiback of the tablet =arc rockets in which the names of past, 'present and future teachers will be placed. The first teacher in the year 1859, was Mie James Patterson. The teach- ers after him were: Archibald Walk- er, Patrick Breen, Matthew Hutchin- son, George Flutter, Joshua Tennant, John Houston, Jas. Newcombe, Archi- bald Macdonald, . The teachers who taught since 1872 in the present school in which' the tablet was tin - veiled, Were ; Jas. -Cummings 1874-75, 2 years; Herr Burgess, 1876-77 pt, 78, 2,/ years; T. A. Reid, pt. 1878-70- 80, 21/2 years; John Groves 1881, 1 year; Mass M. Linlclater, pt. 1882, V year; Jos. Armstrong, M. 1882-83-84, 21 years; Miss I3.annah Muir, sub, Tor four.month.s'in 1884; Miss McKim 1885, 1 year; Miss Jennie' Weir, 188G- 87,; 2 yews; Miss Maggie- Campbell, 1888-89.00, 3 years; bliss F. Morton, 191-02, 2 years; Miss Pheobe Dens- rnore, 1893, 1 year; Iliss Halliday, 18- 04.95, 2 ,years; L. 13: Duff, 1896-97-98- 09, 4 years; Miss Agnes Grieve 1900- 1-2, 3 years; Miss Alice Duff, 1903,.pt. 1904, 11/2 years, now Mrs, Aitken, tea- cher at .Bluevale; Miss Mable' Walsh, Pt, 1004, Ve year: Miss Elsie Clark, 1005.6, 2 ,years; Miss Linda .Milne, pt. 1907, i/ year; Miss •Squire, pt. 1907, pt. 1908, 1 you; Miss A. Lawrence, pt, 1908.9, pt. •1910 2 `years, Miss A. Rutherford, 1910-11-12-13, 3 years; Miss D. Salmouth pt. 1918-14, 14 years; Miss Wright, 8 months 491.5; Miss A.:ITetheci gton; 0 "months, '19- 15-16-17, 9-15 16-17,' 24K years; Miss Hargrove, 1018, 1 year; Miss Freda Coiling 1919 -20 2i, 3 years, saw Mrs. J. V Reines of 'Morris; Miss Annie A. lfesbitt, 19- 22-23 and engaged for 1924, years, or ince the o log 05 a s t old ye ,I school was erected there•1lgstve only „'been three seerotary tray liters, viz; Reitz, Currie fo�f]16 tvey2eai6r$,, vsafhrosMe cDnugearsI 'd4 Alde�x, sMI the preNelfefitifeeiMPWRinlied ,q g '1,6 dry ..e at Position now fes 28 years and is *till active. The present trustees are Mr, George Chairman, Mrs. Jos J', Kerr, Cliaed Carter; and John Ellett, ret- arVsince 1896, After the unveiling ceremonies, ads, dresses' were given by Mr, T. A, Reid, one; Of the pioneer teachers, who now resides in Hamilton; and Mrs. Oliver An�lerece Two former':pupils who spoke were W. A. Currie of Wingham anii JAs, Linlclater 4f Te seberry, lied, H "W,. Snell, A. H, Musgrove, Rev. C. I . Cragg and, J. • W. King, M.P., also gave addresses, ' A.musteal program and refreshments •bro`ugh't a happy af^ tertloon to a Clew, '111IE LOST LEADERS ; • Sir John Willison adds' his voice to the ishorus that surrounds 'the inter- locutor -Lord Atholstan. Leadership is being' demanded apparently on all hands. People don't earewhere they go 50 1og as they are led. They need leaders. King has failed and they are disgusted with ii3», hence they must say that all leaders haye failed, It wouldn't do to single him out so they include' the Opposition leader. No• one is antagonized if all leaders are put in the one class. That's tact and tactics. a My Lord Atholstan is a 'born in- triguer. He could have made treach- ery 'a career. I -1e has succeeded in that as .in everything else except in his attempts at fidelity and honor and candor. He helped elect Mackenzie King by exploiting a lie designed to tear the Montreel,district away from the Conservative party. That lie was that Mr.MVleighen proposed trans- ferring the railway headquarters a- way from Montreal to Toronto. He is not satisfied ,with the fruits' of his. victory., He would now assasinate. Mackenzie King but he wants' Mr Meighen to ,be, included. The one • knife' will do for both. The inference is that Quebec would go Conservative. now ;f Mr, Meighen were got out of the way. But Conservatives have not yet come_ to the conclusion that Mr. Meighen was wrong in the 'acts and policies that antagonized Quebec and are not prepares' to sacrifice b us to win the support of Lord. Atholetan and the Montreal district. They arc not disposed to penalize faithfulness and 'reward perfidy. Sir John WliIlison's voice is too good to join in the raucous chorus that chants the carmagn'ole.withLord Atholstan. Ile is too sound at. heart 'too honest in purpose, -too loyal to friends to feel et home in such com- pany. To a moment of pessismism, must we attribute his jeremiad a- boat the leadership of . Macdonald and Laurier. We know nothing'' that exalts the leadership of either men over the leadership of Hon. Arthur Meighen or Sir Robert Borden. Those two men carried Canada throa3'gh a period of stress incomparable in our hiabity. We have no' knowledge that either of those dead leaders could have done better. -:Kincardine Review, 5' FARMER WORKS ON FAITH' If other national groups of labor would work as the farmer does, there would be no economic; troubles, Al: bout one-third of the American people earn their livelihood on the farm,' and this great army of labor works on faith. , The farmer carries all the Tusks of weather, heat and cold, of food and drought, of storms, of insect Pests. and of plant and animal disease. 1;His. wages are not paid' .regularly. every week or every, month. • Instead lie must receive his compensation at ir- regular intervals, varying from' .three months to a year or more, depending upon the nature of the; trop. ' He must plant enough to make sure' that there will be food for all with the' dertainty that at the same time in un- usually favorable seasons the result may be a large surplus probably will cause lower prices than will cover the actual' cost.df• production. He must be willing to accept these prices with the best grace possible and adjust his living expenses to meet his reduced income, How different is the farmer's ser- vice to humanity from those groups who think only of themselves and how they can peodt the most at the ex- pense of the community at large and especially at the expense of the far- mer who is usually the goat. Tho farmer is sick and tired of la- bor disputes. IIe sees no reason why such disputes cannot bo, settled' in an orderly and lawful way without the interruption of service which costs him, and in fact all the rest of us, so •dearly. ---Millsboro (N. Dak.) Banner. 'FIRES IN ONTARIO A REAL MENACE TO PROGRESS Forest fires in Ontario during ,the Past slimmer haye destroyed five to tent times the Amount of •timber put tense by all the mills in the Previte,". declared RobeorosBlaek,; manager of the Canadian Fo'restry Aeseeiation, who was at the head of the lakes last, week arranging details of a'- three months' campaign in Novthere On tario in the interest of fire prevention. "At the present rate of waste the forests of Ontario will .be depleted in twenty years," said Mr. Black, "It will mean that scores of towns in the Province twill cease to exist as towns which are now dependent on the product of the forest :for exis- tence " A LITTLE SURPRISE The, patter of tiny feet was heard upstairs. Mats, Kintlerby raised her hand. "Hush;" she said. "The children are going to deliver their good -night message It always gives me a feeling of reverence to hear then•'• -they are sn Moab clearer the Creator than we are, Listenl» There was i, Monica of tense si- te ce, _ , Then—•,5Msnia!"; is rn .. the Jin" sgllge f in, a shrill ,whisper, "Willrc ,,.. � � bt; fsug r .: NaGiopal )ord in the CQunto arid --District 'The marirage took place at Sear forth ori Wednesday 41 last week of Loretto; Margaret, daughter of Mrs;' Catherine McCormick,;nnd 14r.'Vhom- as Healy. ''`,rho bride was forlserly" dietx'ict manager of the" Dell Tele- phone at, Seaforthe.4 Thefarm o£ Mn. Thos, Granby of Iiuilett'was ..'lrureed'oil "Wednesday night; otegetheR• -with part of this sea Son's erop and "seine live 'stock. ` Mt', Granby had been to the barn shortly before the fire was discovered with e, lane.niat s t a Was ;very careful r .ays ho . and has no idea how to account for the- fire. firs less is only partly covered by insurance, ' Exeter Iligh sclioel las a registra- tion of two hundred, twenty-five over last year, Another -teacher has been secured, the•statf now numbering six,, The Wingham Times suggests that the houses in that ;town should be numbered, for the convenience of Citi - tens and- strangers. The 'body of James' Overholt, who i o was was drowned in Goderich h1 rb r 0 , taken to the Bronson 'line cemetery, near Zurich, his :former home, for. burial last Thursday. Miss Bentley, matron of the Child- rens' Shelter, Goderich, is ill and is undergoing treatment in the Goderich hospital. Mr, E. H. Hill of Goderich has sold out his ,bond and insurance business to ,O, F. Carey anhi Son and iniends leaving; seen to spend' the winter at the Pacific 'Coast: 1Mr. Hill has tak- en an actiye.part in "the town's life dining his two -y'ear's sojourn and Goderich,, citizens are sorry to: have him leave. ' Mn. .C. A. R. Wilkinson of Ingersoll ..is-.thlt, new organist --of St .,George's church, .Godenieh succeeding Prof. Ander Lon "who goes'`to London. .'Ebenezer Fi§her, u;resident of Godes i ieh for -the past five .years but pre, ui.pus fo that a resident of Colborne township, died at his home on August 25th, . The,Iate Mr, Fisher was of an inventive turn of Miiid and he had many labor-saving devices of iron and steele He is survived;by five dough- tors 'and. (meson. ..• ; Miss Kata-'A Little, only "daughter. of 14Ir.'and-Mrs klenry Little of Wind- sor, formerly- of Gaderieh, was' mar-. ried,recently to. Mr. Stanley. Straehan. of Windsor. • ' Mr. A. Whiteside, .high constable, HensaIl, left last week with' Mrs. Whiteside for a trip to Chicago, `going by 'motor. foe intend spending a week or two with relatives and friends in the city. `l?ho death occurred at Hensel' ..of Mrs: Peter 'Douglas, formerly' Miss, 1Vlargaret . Irvine, at the age of .83.' Mrs. Douglas had been in declining health for- the past number of years, but previous' to that' was a, very strong and active woman. The funeral ser-. 'vice wars held at the home :sof her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Sparks, and was conducted by a fernier pastor of the deceased, the Reit.- Mr. Johnston of Luean, assisted by Rev. Mr. Lundy iof Kippen, and the remains were interr- ed in the family plot at,Bayfield. The deceased is surviyed by five sons and five daughters two of the .fai'tiily°hav: ing'died sone years ago, while Mr, D'oug'las predeceased his Wife some 12 years ago and three years after they had retired from farming and moved to the village ofBlake. George Doug. las: of Hensel' is one of the sons. i4lr. and"11'Irs. S. Par+,+ons of Exeter announce the engagerisent of their se- cond daughter, Corsina Olive, to Mr, William E. Gardiner, seri of Mr.. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner, also of Exeter; the marriage to 'take place in Sep- tember. Mr, and' Mrs: Gus Vanstone have removed from Coderie'h to Benmill'er and before their dbirarture from `the former town 'wove presented with -handsome remembrances from their fellow men:bere of Victoria street Me- thodist church, ' James IFI, Hamilton, .a pioneer ,of Blyth and a very highly,esteemed citi- zen, died last weele, being buried on Monday• week, The Places of bus iness were. closed ;on the -day of his funeral and.the'town.flag flew at hall Mast' while he .laY-in_ state. , Mr. 'Hamilton -came to Blyth in 1879 and during nearly all that time conducted a drug stove, ':IIe was -a Presbyter- ian and a Milson, • In 1882 he was united in marriage to Miss Effie MM (rowan of ;EWA "Wgwenosh, who die about siXteeii yce s ego. 040 daug"lt- ter, Mrs, R. 14I. Mac Kay, siii wives, Also two brothers, ;H1Yglr Ilamrllon o Seafdrtli aid T. M.ITamilton,,and ono. sister, Mrs. (Dr'.) Ilothanr .4f; traoss burg, Sask. r The cdurt room. at Goderich has been renovated acid redecorated,' men from Brussels doing the job. Pref. Andortin, who has been or- ganist of St, George's church, Coda rich tor some time .goes to Lendon this month to assume his duties as organist of St. James' church, Iie 'vrill continue his elass in Goderich. An auto accident'gecurfed about a mile, oast of Graehd Bend on the Cued, iten turd . late M ndaY welt Itweek, seemts hat, two cat's' were following• ono another and had turned put while meeting anothereaz driven by 'Mr. Glen Stelk, who is employed by Mr, • 1', O'ITara, near Mr. Cannel„ . Mr. Stent 'did not notice the 'second car in; which: were Mr. Andrew Turnbull and family and he pulled back pato the road and the ears collided. Mrs. Turnbull was cut about the head but was not seriously injured. While en- deavoring to clear ' -the, road of the wrecked cars another car driven by a Kitchener 'young Iady tame .and ran over Mr. Stelk badly fracturing one of his legs. The Senate of the University of Toronto awarded the second Edward Blake echolarship to A, R. Turnbull,' Seaforth Collegiate Institute. a HAY FEVER summer. Asthma Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to -your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ -MAR today. Most people feel better from the first dose. Your drugg st will refund your money if a $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- ' solutely b-'solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. 012 AZ .i a f;H Sold by J. '.II,, :3Tovey, Clinton, Ont. TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Spnday. Lvo Godc4ich .. 6.00 aim. 2.20 p,m,' Lve Clinton , 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m, the Seaforth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 pan. Lim Mitchell .. 7.04 am. 3.42 p.m. Air' Stratford .. 7.36 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Ain' Ifitchen, rr... 8.20 a,m. 5.20 p.rit Arr Guelphs . 8.45 A.M. 5.50 p.m. Arr Toronto 10.10 aan. 7,40 p.nii, It)uT'1IRNING ; Leave Toronto, 6.50 min.; 12,56 p,m,• and 610,.in. , • Parlor Cafe" ear Goderich ;to o- ionto' oh isiitsiing train, and Toronto to•Goderich 110 van: train. Parlor nutter ea '. irtt old tohfo roiitq an after ati''fit 7v :11 ( �I fF�tM, ybGl�r'1 t^(a; e 1,':' , ` ,.;`f Aii At'fltti Al it4, _, ,•c. ih Augustus McCarthy, 'son o1 Wil- liam McCarthy, of Ashfield 'township is dead, Laurie and Jack Bocarum, brothers, of Detroit, are seriously in- jured, and Allen Brindle of Godei`ich has less serious injuries as the re- sult of, an automobile accident on Saturday on the .Lake Shore • road. soirth,ol Bayfleli. The four young men were ,Doming up from Detroit fo'i''the week -end and when about six miles north of Grand Bend' the carr" got beyond control, swerved into the ditch and turned over. . McCarthy was almost' instantly killed. lit' was thirty years of age .and 'had been working at Detroit for,a'year. The others will likely recover. The funeral of Alexander W. ,Sto- bie, who for 57 years has been an esteemed -resident of Seaforthtook place on Saturday to the Maitland bank cemetery. The deceased was a member of the Methodist church and a curet, conscientious man, who was held in high esteem by the eommuity.. Re was chief of the -Sons of Scotland, an officer' in the Ancient Order of For- resters and a veteran of the Fenian raid. . Mr. ' Stobie was .a produce merchant in Seaforth for a number of years and after retii.'ingifrom that filled ,the position of market clerk until about a year ago, when ill health forced hien; torelinciuish his duties. Re later underwentan operation at, Wellesley Hospital,Toronto, but the relief was only temporary and he died from a complication 'of diseases. Re was twice mar7ied, his widow, one son and three daughters, surviving, William in Saerannento, Cal.; Mrs. F. Pasch, New W'estininster, l3. C.; Mrs. R. Boyce of Tuckersnith, and Miss Mao. Stobie of Detroit. SCHOOL FA R DA'l r8) Following is a' list of school fee dates for' 1023, in Huron county: Wroxeter Sept; 7tri, Elliot ;'eptonibet 19th.' Boll'xiye, Septo"tuber "1101. IllueVile Sept. 12th.: St.' Iielens, September 18th, ,. Ashfieldi: September 14th, .Carlow September 171)1. Clinton, September 18th, = Zurich September 19th. DashwoodSeptember '20th; Winchelsea September 21st. Porter's DillS p i b r 22 i to n e e nc. Wingham September 24th, 250e, Walton September 26th. Dublin September 271h. - Myth September 28th. . Varna October tat. Crediton October 2nd. Grand Bend October 3rd. Mit. ROBAR'J S TO REIVIAIN At a well attended meeting of the members in. Trinity church on Sun- day evening after service a resolution was unanimously passed asking the rector, the Rev. 'Mr. Roberta, to es- main in Mitchell and the Wardens waited on Mr, Roberts on Monday morning and' conveyed the expressions of the congregation, whereupon he accepted the appreciation and 'interest the officers and church members' had taken in him as their rector, and de= cided to decline the call he had re- ceived to become the rector of the 25c. ®ox. vl`itehell will he i'aoot'Vfpd £aetien by the coil +:'eOlTidll,uh4 oRt+- Wens in generel,- al iteh,iyll ,P}+dC1 att1: TO IiNVORCki THY; AWS 141MX'.l' ,. It is reported that the Attorney. General of Ontario has ,sent out in- atrlletionc to county eonstables to;in- silt ripen e ,more rigid enforcement of the= Motor "Vehicles AcG, haying spo- oie'1"reference to persons under 115 years of ago being allowed bo drive ears, Parents who permit •boys and. girls under 18 to drive their ears will de well to make note of th15, ToNiaHT. Tomorrow Alrirht 14RTablois stop sick headaehea 'roliovo biiloua attacks. tono and rogulato tho=eliminative organa. make you tool "Better Than Phis For livor Also Anglicamehurch at Blenheim. That Mr, Roberts has decided to remain in Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont.. India, including 'Buima, has an area ,half as Targe as that of the 'Un- ited States. •Its population is three tines as great, Made to Wear SURPRISE isspecialiyadated for use In hot watery It lathers freely but' lasts alorig time withoiltr trrumblina' or .break �. ,rax ..,>�_ IIIg • UP' A P ire'Hard' Soap'' enables Ca - Truck ,' .c on the Weekly riurcri se 1 Inaugurated by the Ford Motor Company an of Canada, i -Enrollment re- ceived. Come in and ask us for f 1. _l ey Bros. Clinton, :.:. l t itQ.ILD MOt0 ne tic yn'''� A v .A' C•,`•It Ale <<,lAi'