HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-9-13, Page 1are No. 2219 -45th Year raw £:NEVVS4IECORD ONTARIO, TJUR D:' Y. S PTiVI IEtErt 1t; it . g923 Is the honoured guest in hundreds of homes in Huron County. It could speak a word for your. !! business to every member of the family, weekly. Is your name in the advertising columns of r. THE 4OfVff PAS CLINTON MARKETS Wheat JSc, Oats 35e. Barley 50c, Eggs 20c. to 34e. Butter 30e." to 32c. Live Hogs $9,00 3 cents You can get at HelIyar's Jewelry Store a A GENUINE t l-1 0 Gold plated, with strop and blades. het `due Thezv are nullions of Auto Strop razors in use. The regalia Strop blades for stile at our .store Auto q9 Jeweller and Optician Phone 174w Residence 174J Sales Tax ,to be 6: percent on Counter Check Books Owing to the sales tax being in- creased to 6 per cent,, it will be to your advantage to call and place your order' for future delivery. ORDERS TAKEN NOW WILL BE AT THE OLD RATE The News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Our Motto Forll Y erg Man eur Fall and it inter vercoats Our range of Overcoats s;" is at its best. So come in and makei your � selection'while we haveour size y in the styleyou prefer. reffer If you don't want t it now we will hold it until nt l � you require it. From 16.50 MEN'S - SUITS and Extra Trousers We are showing some m exceptional values in Men's Suits with extra trousers. Sizes 34 to 46 at 25 and $30 THEMODAISH CLOTHING Cll. SUNDAY DECORATION PAY Sunday last was decoration day for the :Veteransethe Qdcl Fellows and the Orangemen of Clinton and e large turnout ..of all three, together with hundreds of citizens of town and vicin_;. ity took part in or witnessed the cet•e- mony, The three organizations met in their several c rooms: and marched to the postern/ie. square, :headed by the lail'tio band in uniform, At the square they divided, marching in signle file around the square and meeting under the niemerial tablelt in the front of the nos toli2c e. Col; of Com was as i I2 command of the veterans who in civilian clothes but wearing their de- cimations • and rib -bees. were were in ad- vance, and when they reached the tablet Co). Combe, accompainiec] by Mr. David Cantelon advanced,- the former bearing a handspme wreath of purple and white asters. This he handed to Mr. Cantelon, whose'two sons are represented 'on the tablet, who placed ]i below the tablet, and, while a' lute ads were bowed or: bared P`. IVluteh sounded the : "Last Post. Col, Confbe 'then spoke .briefly, He spoke of the splendid' freedom in which Canadians live and said ,that the young men represented 'ay the names on the tablet just reverently decorated had died that this freedom might be retained. I3e recalled the words •of'the Roman Centerline to .St, Paul when he claimed Roman citizen- ship, "With a great sum obtained I this freedom" "At a great price," declared Col: Combe, the citizens of Clinton have their freedom today, the price of the lives of many of the best, men of the land," For this reason,, the speaker, thought we, should, prize our privileges and hon- our -the memory of those whose lives had been laid "down indefence of those things we hold -dear. After a selection from the band the procession reversed and marched to the 'cemetery, followed'1by hundreds of people in -cars, vehicles and afoot. Arrived there a program was gone through, the Rev: A. Macfarlane of Bayfield acting as ehau an reading•a scripture lesson and leading in pray- er. A couple of hymns 'were sung, the people being supplied with printed programs containing the hymns. Then the address was given by the Rev. A. A. Holmes, pastor of Wesley church; who spoke of the debt we owe to those who went overseas to stem.the power of the enemy and of the bene- fit 'to the living ofa reverent re= membranae of -the dead; as shown by the gathering of the day. At the conclusion of the address time was given for the different societies .to decorate the graves of their dead; af- ter which they formed in procession and marched back to -town. • The following names appear, on the tablet: I{filled inaction: Privates Bert Blacker, S. 11 Brown, Homer Cente- l(); D. A. Cantelon, M. ale i Newman Clufi',Sej., M, Draper, 1VI.M., Privates Frank -Fair, A, L. Fisher, Frank For- ester, es et A , A. B. Puniss r. C.:� r r , G ea is A Id. Grant, W, S. 'Grant, 0. H.Hain hent, F. B. Hill,' Lieut. Will. Hall, J. C Lockwood, Major W.13. M'eTagga'rt D.S.O., Carat. C. K. Macphereon, Lt. J. jlt: Mair, Privates Win.' Manning,. W. E. Morgan, Austin Nedige , 'Sej C. 13. ,Sewell, Privates J. Usher, Wen. Seaward, Win: Walker,.: Richard Wal ton, Jr.: Died: Lieut. Ray Cantelon, HAD RIBS BROIK:E,N Mr, Robert Fitzsimons - is laid up these days with atcouple of broken ribs, the result of the playfulness of a hoose he was deriding -He had his horse, the one which delivers steak, and chops to the carious customers of the firm in town, 012 a halted when the animal got frisky and kicking out caught Marg Fitzsimons in ,the ribs. It was fortunate the. ambient :did not result more seriouslyand it is hoped the patient will be soon bo his own main. again. A -SUGGESTION Onehi t nb the would like to sug- gest to the town council is that the part of the cemetery Ictidwn as, "Tie Potter's Field" might be'kepta little neater. The grass, at least, ° might be cut, the stones might be set eip and wooden starkers might be placed' at the graves which have none. 'Twould add much • to the appear avec"' of the place and would reflect credit upon the town. Some way may be worked out for this to 1?e dope, so marked an improvement has been made in the appearance of the ceme- tery that it rather seems a pity that' this blotch should belea to mar its beauty, ROBISON-MCCOOL • The marriage took place at the parsonage of the Metropolitan church Toronto, on Tuesday of last weck of Cora Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Annie McCool of Clinton, to Mi. W. T. Robi- son' of Auburn, the Rev. Dr. Williams, pastor of the . Metropolitan church, performing •the ceremony. The young couple were unattended. The ,bride Wore a•handsome suit of. navy blue nicotine with a pretty grey hat. The bade .was the -recipient of "a cabinet of silver from the staff of the head head office of the ,Sterling Bank, Tor- onto, where ,she has been employed, and of a miscellaneous .shower :from the girls of Barbara house, just pri- or to her marriage, After a •honeymoon trip to Niagara falls Mr, and• -Mrs, Robison returned on Saturday to Auburn, where they will reside. .. They have the good wishes•of many fziends•for a happy future, AMONG THE 'CI-IURCHES• The Rev. D;- N McCanius was glee ted secretaryetreasurer of the Landon District Methodist Mintstertal Asso- elation at the first fall meeting held last week. The Association meets monthly in London. The president is the Rev, H. B. Parnaby, Ph., B., of Belmont, who is the -correspondent of. The Guardian for London Conference, Ontario' Street Church The League will have a corn toast on the river fiats, on Monday evening. next. All League members are in- vited'to begat'the church at seven -o'- clock sharp. • Wesley Church,: • The Rev J. J. Durant of Verrill will preach morning and evening on Sun- day the pastor taking anniversary services at Varna. The -Rev. 3. E. IIogg addressed the ung People's League' on Monday ening, delivering an inspiring and aetieal address. .Miss Edna Wase ve an instrumental during the ev- ng. Mr. Corless presided. The ung people intend having a weiner st next Monday evening. Theladies; purpose holding a ba- r and riot supper on the afternoon evening of Thursday,' November b. Yo ev pr ga Privates John Hall, Edgar Pattison, eni H. Tyeord, Private_ Wicks.' yo roe car and 29t The names of the Odd 'Fellows Whose graves were decorated were: W. H. Simpson, Ii. B. Ker, Dr, Thomp- son, C. C. Ranee, J. Hunter, E. Schoenhals, 11.,Steep, J. Calander, J. Biddleeombe, S. Deering, A. H. Man - Meg, T. Walker, 1, Rattenbury,:,Ed.. Grigg, W. Foster, J. Smith, R. Stone- man, R. Heywood, R. Newmarch, R •ICettnedy, T. Jackson, T. Cottle, J. Muir, W. Poster, > 17. Pattison, H. Da- vies, M. Dowzer, A, Barge, T. Wheat- ley, W. Mennen, S. Wilson, M. Draper.' There were over seventy Orangemen's g's ayes but we were unable to get the list in time for publication. iti • thew Willis' Church The monthly meeting of the W;M.S. will be held at the Monte of Mrs, Jas. Scott, on Thursday, September twen- tieth: The study topic, "The Church and its Field in Nation -Building,' will be taken by Mrs. J. B. Lindsay, Current Events by Mrs. Gunn, Next ' Sunday the minister's subject be:!ntorning, "The Seed Grain o World' Evening, "Some thought he ;.earthquake." T he Mission Band, will meet o ndy evening .at seven o'clock, when Dl', Struthers, will give a talk on "Horne Life in kChina,° and.. his Tittle daughters, Misses Muriel and Elinor, will sing in Chinese' wearing Cliinosec costumes. St. Paul's Church Many -people, not connected with t any of the societies mentioned, tools the" opportunity of bringing flowers Mo for tho graves of loved ones; and the graves not deaorated were fewer, per- haps, than those which bore fresh flowers. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED BILL' HAD ACCIDENT. 1, ane Mrs, W. H. 'Cole of ii Base lino announce the engegemei of their second daughter, Irene Wir nifres, to Me. I(earwood : Wellingto White of Whitehall, Ont., the ma ri. ' .t etake tree g toplace this- 171017th MISSIONARIES SAFE A cable has been received from Mis Hawkins of Hamilton, sister of M2'• W. Hawkins of town, who is in Jai pan, advising' of her -surety. Defln ite word has been received in Tor onto of the safety f y a the several sionaries in that stricken t s c ta)2 laird. WON PRIZES Al LONDON Messrs. George' bale and Son , o Hullett took first prize for tree mare in the heavy draft class secon for iilly'and second, for foal aud.se gond for two-year-old Clydesdale sta] lion. at Western Fair and John Deck- er of Zurich cleaned up about all the prize's in the ,Standard Bred horses., PUBLIC Lle �LIBRAIiY` Commencing, Sept. 15th, the Pub- li,e Library will resume the usual l ong- el- hours. The Wednesday half holi- day will be discontinued and the child- t,�en's story hour' will again be taken up on Saturday from two .to three. The parents are requested to kited= ly co-operate' with the 'Librarian fn this and remind their childen: ` A FAREWELL. GATHERING THE PEOPLES' P�PEB lt; Master Bill Jackson is still laiclup it with ='.a lane foot and ,lies not been a :able to go to school since the opening n Bill; was helping a fariner to drive r. some cattle to the station a week ago �3 n tarda, when he stepped on a rusty nail, ,getting an ugly wound in his heel, 'which has scent him a semi -in- s ever sinee. s T, LADIES' TOTJR.NEY YESTERDAY The local lady' bowlers had a doublbs toit.rnanient yesterday afternoon,; the enz e being S T two e t t s an saucers p d ucer S ea- nated b Mrs. Agnew. w of Vancouver, when she was line in the summer, and 'two pairs of silk' hose, donated by the men's .chub. Mrs. Bi'ydone d and Mrs. J. E, Hovey won the china- ' ware, Mrs. MtMumei-0e and Mrs. Snaith the ^silk hose. TIIE FIELD OF SPORT e Winghtun baseball team defeated Leman at Lucan on Saturday after - 'noon an 'n the 7 e first " of the home -and - home semi-final senior N.W.B.A. ser- ies by e score of 7 to 1. The .return genie will be played at Winghani Thursday, (today). The winner to meet either Owen Sound or Fleshei'- The members of Miss Bennett's class{in St. Paul's Sunday school met et the Motile of Miss Margaret' Cud - more on Friday evening and present- ed Miss,Mildred Holloway with a lit- tle parting gift, prior to her -depar- ture to Ford City, where the family will reside in future. The- young 'people: had a most enjoyable time to- gether, only regretting that' their cir- cle was being broken, A CURIOUS HAPPENING A curioas' accident happened one day last week, one evening rather, when a passing auto picked up a stone and,; taking sure aim, flung it tifrough the plate glass window of Sheppard's grocery;. store: Win- dow insurance would seen to be a very -necessary thing when even the passing motors cannot be trusted not to take a fling at .them. Fortunately Mr.: Sheppard had his window insured. THE PRESBYTERY • The'Presbytery of Huron. held its regular meeting ill Hensall' on Tues day last. There was an almost full; attendance. Rev. F. II. Larkin, D.D.; Seaforth,. was elected moderator for ^,the ensuing six months, °-There are now no vacancies in :the Presbytery, • Mr. Maxwell, a student of Ibnox College, who has given very acceptable supply to Leaburn-and Um ion :for the. summer, will continue to minister to that;charge for the will - Mr. A. E. Armstrong of Toronto was present t:e resentin • the ho Gener- al G al•.Board and addressed the court- in the interest of the General Assembly's Budget. Plans were made whereby we hope to overtake our responsibil7_" �tyg' -The commissioners. to the .General ASsetnbly in reporting all made men- tion of their privilege in attending what' they considered to be a momen- tous Assembly on account of the vote, o eC n lurch Union.' -All the cori�u2is- sioners except one elder, 'voted for union. In the afternoon. the Presbytery met with .'the W.IVI.S. when it was their' privilege to listen to a very intereste ing sand instructive address by Dr. Struthers on his work it North`'Hon- ant' China. AUGUST FINANCIAL REPORT The financial report, leresented at last, meeting of. Clinton Council. ,Street Account Pay sheet . ...$1045,10 A, Cantelon, repair. sidewalks 24.00 s A. McCartney, 170 ft, hemlock g 7.65 . S. J. Andrews, tile .', 75.04 s Clinton II, & F. Co., tools : 3.42 ,J. Sehoenhalls, 'belting .660 u E. Ward, 6070 ibs..coal ... 36.71 Electric Light Account Street lighting for August. , , 143.25 Property Aceount P. U. Coln., lighting, hall and lamps., The cemetery is looking very nice, indeed. Probably Ylevezi•Iooleed bet - tee. The new gates and Xebec are a decided improvement. The gates, pree eented.bY the Women's Institute and' erected this summer, hre quite hand,_ seine and imposing, They add dig- nity to the spot and Clinton owes theW. I, sotttething in gratitude for this gift. The fence, :erected by the town council Is vet neat Y tied appro- priate. It i,,r; to be hoped that next year it Will be extended elong the full width ;01 ,the cemetery frontage, A goodly ntnnber of ladies met in the school room on Tuesday afternoon to hear Mrs, (Dr.) .Struthers tell of Missionary work in the Province of Ronan, China.• .In opening the nteethig Psalm 46 read and prayers offered for the ereas in ,Japan and for the Mie- at'iee there. After the W. A. taxies' reports were given, a gen- s. offering ,was taken and the I) "The Morning; Light is Break - Wee sung, Then the meeting tied with closo attention to a deepe teresting address by 'Mrs, Stem- , who told of the extreme never. ,the masses of people, refueling ally to the •latest :familia period, eeolte of relief measures anti how were applied, and . ` c rifted, initn tl y s of:) eager desire on the part'of est women and girls for ipso"ua n reading and kreowledga or (loci, whom they were constantly h1, their holt) had conte. Mis, hers offered ire , i cr a 1 1 a a the can- on e h o ei ad dt bas. A I3C )`,.. a.t Y of "thanks to the speaker was 0 try Mrs. Combo and car7'ted by riding vote, n Was eerved 'by 35 es llawdett, Cotlttter and Mrs, Combe, was sufi slbi7 score erou Itym liste ly in There was a large number of 1)00 titers pre present, hundr'ede of cars and ty of other vehicles being parked along the Speei road outside the cemetery and many She citizens,'besides the members of. the they thr' , c.e societies ) C monocle, a ed, wanted out, It case is the day that annoy take toe visit Chin the cosnotery. Sonic however, whe Boit 1 Would have lilted to be present wore ,i`rotn prevented 'because the hour interfered 'tang. with the restular Sunda school hour,` Strut Sunday might It n li , e ) i b , oss bid ndU clinic, g a hei. c zst I gar to Y avoid vo d this. Had the decoration day veto been held `two weeks 'earlier., when the drove Sutitiay schools ivere )ncetiiig in the a sta tnosning. this clashing wattld have . ' 'le been avoided, Doherty Pianos, lumberand labor 80 I'Iuron Spec, Cast, Co, w,. bas., 21,08 Clinton H. & F, Co., office Alen. 48.49 Clinton 1. & F. Co., supplies 74.37 A. ,Cantelon; vault and work 201.00 L. Stong, sundries ., .. 2.38 Pay: Sheet 2,30 -Cemetery Account R. Hunter, salary for August 71.43 Pay sheet ... ., 27.25 Paris Account • Pay sheet . 7,40 Clinton II. &E. 0o,, , 2.17 D. E. Closet Account J. Steep, salary, for August .. : 70.00 Grants Account P. 1). tCont. light Cor hospital 7,00 Printieg Account W. H: Year & Sen .. ... , . 11,73 Stationary oo nt Ac t, • Mttn, Wot;ld, Maple :forms . 1,07 Brown Bros., office supplies . 3,80 ' Incidental Atco2int Belt Telephone Co,, rcpt.., C. N. Telegraph Co:, .:.. , . , .. 1„3 C. N'. Railways, rent df W.S. situ 5.00 .Salaries Ancottni; L, Stunt`', salary for Aug„ , 53,20 E, Grealis, salaTaery cal )t fol' 5 Aug,,. 41,67 1 L. Siong, ntat 1t t settles s 1t1,S0 hall relit 20.00 Statttte labor Dog tam 2,00 R. ittnitet, cafe in perpetuity 25,0 Week, 82,7a1 Both hurlers pitched good ball, Johnston striking out 'six, while Grieves whiffed five, Grieves aided his awn defeat . with two bad mimes on return throws- from the outfield, bout of which were costly. Geddes' of Wingliatit furnished the feature lit the way of a homer in the soven±'it. • One runner was on at the time, and Geddes "poled ,the ball out of the grounds. Score. by innings: R. H. E. Wingham 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 1--7 11 1 Lucan.,.. 00001000'0--1 6 .4 Batteries—+Morden and Johnston; Dundee and Grieves: • Umpires—Stewart Robson' of Ail- sa Craig and Kemp of Listowel. LITTLE LOCALS The Clutton schgo1 fair will- held on Tuesday next. Mr, -Guy Jones -has bought Mrs, Hudson's House on Isaac street. The Clinton Hospital board grate- fully acknowledges the following•, do- nations:: Mrs. Kate Sheppard $5.00, Miss Cowing. $2'.00. Clinton Orangemen are to have a visit tomorrow evening, (Friday)` from a representative of the - Grand Lodge. Members are invited to ,be present.. Wilbin Welsh has purchased; Mr. A. C tdmore's house an James street and IVIr; Cudinore has purchased Mi W. J. Tanblyn's house on Princess street, The partial eclipse 'of the sun on Monday was quite visible and many Watched it .through ` smoked glass. Somewhat less than one fourth was covered, -when at its height. An ,outer, almost a total eclipse, will take 'Place ina p January. 3• The Wesley church senior and jun- ior C.G.LT. clubs met for: their first autumn gathering on Tuesday 'even- ing• and after a short business meet- ing the leaders, -Miss Stone and Miss Ward, took the girls to the picture show to see Ralph Connor's "Foreign= e1' Some fine tomatoes are being exhib- ited in the window' of W. Jenkins & Son, one speeimen weighing 2i lbs. They grew in Mr, Jenkins' own gar- den, which is proof that they grow more in ' ors than flowers there, although they have some beautiful specimens of the latter, too, People You Know Miss Rena Pickett is holidaying with friends in Detroit.' Mr. Haebld'Pickett spent a :few days at the Canadian National at Toron- to last. weeic, Mr. and Mrs, Debbie, and family of. Stratford spent: Sunday; asthe guests Of Mr. andMrs. Frank Lay - 'ton, Miss Jean McMsrehie has returned to ,Toronto and will tesuute her Un- iversity worst as soon as 'Varsity .opens. Mr. Ii. Tlart of Medulla, N.Y,, :a Tee- nier citizen of: Clinton, has been visiting 10 the town and vicinity cluting the past week. Mtn Fred L. Carruth eaturned to De- troit last week after' visiting his mother and sister; Mrs'. Carrutii and Mrs. tlacicett of Stapleton, Loidesboro 1V/re, M. Mains and Miss Lizzie re. turned oh Monday after a pleasant holiday in Chicago. Mr. and. Mrs. Jae, McCool Spent a. few .days this week with friends in Woodstock. )1V1e. Wm. Radford 'of Fordwioly companies by his mother, Mrs. Rad- ford of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr: John Radford. Mrs, Keding, accompanied by her daughter; Mrs. Wilson and 'babe of Loniion, visited at :Mrs, S. Woodman's daiswee k. Nlr, Will Campbell spent a few days the past Week at Toronto Ex- hibition. liibition. 1Vfiss Cox of Milton visitocl'at the sr loxiaf 0 Mrs. Gavin Y7 7 Iannit 022. ' Miss Ca bag ac not been. Lonc , le'G sbp 1 x snc� G her lob a - z bzot]cNv a 2 1 aw, get Mr. Hamil- ton of Milton, was paster of Mara, chinch. Rev. ,lea. Abe7y,atsri bit Iohert l'Lerris, representative eider, attended the Meeting of the Pthebeteaw in Ilea«. sail on Tuesday. Mr, and Mee. Jas: Fairservice have moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. Mt'. Jas. Cartwright, and expect to be settled in a couple of weeks. Mrs Jas. Abery, airs .Jas. ' Canine bell and d Mi. ss Belle Scott, attended the W.MS Preshyterial in Heusall on Tuesday, Mrs, Wm. Brunsdon, who has been visiting her son in Blyth for the past couple of weeks is spending a few, days with -her daughter, MPS. 11. Vodden, 113c people thie vicinity -meth in- deed- deed shocked to liege on Tuesday of 1 e Iasi week that,Lieut. Lieut. D. Roy Craw- ford had passed away alt the age of 31 years. "Pat,” as he wale kn own to all his friends, had been in poor health for some time; but when he had an attack of trench fever, his heart, could not stand the strain and pneumonia set in a few days before he died.. Lieut: Crawford was , the' son of Me. and Mrs. George Craw- ford and since his return from over seasadbeen,' h ontho farm about three miles from Londesboro. In 1010 he enlisted in the 16lst as a private,encl; went overseas with that battalion, later transferring to the artillery. He saw severe service in France and it was from the effects of artillery; firing and trench fever that his heart was in suet a weakened condition. When he returned from France he "was'eolour sergeant and since then attended the inilitat'Y camp in London eaoh' year, where he got bis commis- sion. A military funeral was held from his late residence on Thursday afternoon to the Union cemetery. The pallbearers were all "pals" overseas, and the beautiful floral tributes .show- ed the respect in which he was held. Mr, and Mre...John Henderson, of Blenham, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Ainslie of Leantingten and Mrs. (Rev. Dr,) Medd of Wheatley motored to Lon desboro last week and were the guests of Mrs, Elsley and Mrs. Tant'blyn. Mr. Wen, Hiles and wife and Mr. and 'Mrs. J. G. Medd of Clinton were guests of Mrs. Tamblyn last Wednes- day. Mrs, 'J, N ,Campbell of Westfield'. and Mrs. John Hiles of London are spondizig a week with their sisters, Mrs, Elsley.and Mrs, Tamblyn. This. makes a very happy reunion of six sisters. a )1VIr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and Master Gladiooi spent Sunday at the hone of James Elsley. Saeu. fiield Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mcfai Mr.en and family, who spent the past week with Mrs,.McLareii's mother, Mee. Stirling, left on Sunday last for their home at Port Elgin. Quite •a number from the village took in the fair at London this week. Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Lawson and family' of Stratford spentthe week. etid at their summei.' residence in Lakeside. A meeting' of the 'clergymen and laymen of. the Methodist church, Goderieh District, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 19th, in ..' the Methodist church, Bayfield. The following guests registered at the Ritz Rouse the past week: W. R. Thornton and wife, Mrs. D. Phillips, Mt's, Johnston,: Mr.: and Mrs. E. Wheeler, Miss Dolly Wheeler, Charles Wheeieie Miss M. Joyce, Miss Helm• Joyce, Mr. David Stout,: Edwin Ste - Yens" and wife, Detroit; Th L. Van stone and wife, L. Ecktnier, Mr:. Schenk, Alex. Robertson, Mrs. Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Robertson, Me, and ,Mrs. F, G. Scz'imigeour; G, Dunning ten, J. ; C. Southern, . Mrs. Southern,. and daughters, the Misses' Southam, Mr. and Mrs, the Lloyd, Mr, and Mrs. George Manion and family, Mre and Mrs, White and family, Seratfordg Mr, and Mrs. A. Shark, Bridgeport. Mee. W. J. McLeod' and slaughter' spent the nib, week with friends alt St. Cabltatinos, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sturgeon left last. week for Alvinstonto spend the win- ter. . Don't forget the Fall Fair at Bay- field September 25th and 20h. Great' exhibits, good prizes. The Ztteeth' Jubilee Band' will furtdsh the music' for the day, Rev, A. Macfarlane occupied the, pulpit J p a;f Wfiilis church, Clutton, on Sunday last, the Rev. J. TJ, Hogg con- ducting anniversary services in St. - Andrew s t..:Andrew's church here. Mr. and Mrs. Goorge Fisher and three children of Waterloo, are the guests of Mi, and Mrs.. F. A. Ed-, wards, Mr. W. 3. Stittsort spent a few (Nye at Toronto Fair halt week, Mrs. Partridge and daughter, Miss Kathleen, rind .Miss Drew of London' ;{7G 1 nt the Bash week at their summer residnee in Lake Side. Mrs, Part- Midge eetmh7ed hone on Monday while the latter Will remain.for a week. Messrs. Wilber, and Frank Erwin of I£itchener spent the week -end at their home. VarreAak The Methodists of this village 'wilt celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of'` the founding of their cliiirch on Sun. day next, when two services will Se held, at eleven 1.m, and seven pmt,, the Bev. A. A. XI,ohnes,pastor of Wesley elturclt, Clinten, being tho special preacher, All friettds of tlib cong'r'egation are eeed]ally invited is. be]ee Satt on this historic z occas on. Ait .' 1 Lt57Cfll hXt 7 rit L a i2inet t ill l W be gVw k en on Moitdav evot23trg, When alae' (Yrcrhton nuartoi.te and the Varet Ochettrs wi31 ;furnish the program. with the hell) of some addresses, and' it is hotted there will be 0geed' teen,.