HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-30, Page 8i3eauty. is only slain 'deep— Keep the Skin clean, fresh and beautiful with Lifebuoy. The smooth creamy lather of Lifebuoy wakens up the skin. Lifebuoy makes soft white hands - Fresh, wholesome bodies. Lifebuoy's,health pdour is delightful. Whip• -Poor -Will. , We traveled through the soundless night And breathed the fragrant June, Tumultuous fragrance, flooded blight With an umvaning moon;: "Till from the whitened field the wood hose dark along the hill,-- Andrtherei, with -sudden joy we stood To hear thee, whip -poor -will! O ieircsa 0 Wonder! long and high Thy measured question calls! I marvel, till thy perfect err Almost too perfect falls. -John Erskine. SIGHTS AT EXHIBITION Sec: Miles 'properly mounted with• Watson Sights, Jr Sports Building, or tend for Catologue. Watson sum Siuht Co., 884 -Victoria St., Toronto ai,:, .• QUICK. CHOCOLATE MID TAPIOCA WINDINGS Two of a dozen "Quick!' Desserts . bolidions Nourishing, Prepared in a rninate Add milk -to the contents of a package of INVINC- IBLE Quick Pudding. Boil for a minute. Pout' in a mould to cool—and your dessert is -ready.' At all Grocers Insist on f*fcLAREN'S'INVINCIBLE Made by MCLARENS LIMITED, Lampton and 'Winnipeg. 18 Telegraphing Fingerprints. War on the criminal world goes' on unceasingly and the forces of lav, and order leave valuable aids" in the radio and telegraph. . At, the recent pollee e con nder in, New York a Danish delegate, a woman, even offered a'87E- 1801 of telegraphing or: cabling thesue- netted parson's fingerprints- Her plan will be in universal use, shortly and should do moth toward Capturing fugi- tives:. from justice who escape the country where their crlmeS are com- mitter. Still another step forward ie the per- fection of an invention by an Italian criminologist, Signor Ellero, by means of which the actual photograph Of the man or woman wanted,: is broadcast by telegraph. The'-Ellero system is so_ simple that the wonder of it rests IR the fact it was not thought out years .ago. An ordinary, standard photographic frame is marked' into ninety squarest` each one numbered., Each shading in the photograph has its number and the suspected person's features are thus transferred into a numerical code. The receiver by means of his index chart can thus' reconstruct the actual picture of the orim'inal by using the numbers in the 'order in which they are sent. It $s easy to see there is no oouipllcated Seeding process such ;as is used in the Berlin method of tele. graphing photographs' and that the re- sa1taitt silence of error is reduced to a minimum. Noris it necessary to rely on any. chemicals. . or an hyper- sensitlie plates affected by the elec- tric currents that record the lights and shadows of the photograph. Reports.of the Ellero system of code numbers. say that the system is easily learned and that :some police officials even' have mastered it in one lesson, Sunday School' Teacher: "Now, children, what • is false doctrine?", Bright Boy:' "Please miss, bad medi- cine." �tiRiN EYES SUN,WYND DUST &CINDERS .IIESONHENI,Eb 85058 8Y bRU0b15rS 6.OPXECiANS WWnlre roc raga 1318 CA5E'booa e9Valtl. eo,eitIOW ,UL( 3,19:".'. v eirese11 9 U 11 Only a few can make a per, feet drive -but there's satis, faction equal to it for all of us in an ice.cold glass or bottle of this bevetage. n, 99 54 XIOLA COM?A"i 'hwy Wtttaloeitl.VeeLe,,V6r 1915 What's a I3ey rigout? A''llee Stout? Ile enjoys a walk through the woode note time he dose the exeleorneets' of the City streets. He learns the facto about the winds, the stere, ,the trees, .and all Hying, things; and `be0ornes "master ,of him self^ to the open, A, Scout can tie a knot that will hold, Tse can swim, he can eatg1' a tent, he can mend a tear in hie trousers, he can tell you what weeds are pelsen- vas :and what are nota If living near ocean, lake or river, he can reef a sail or pull an oar. A Scout does not run away when an accident occurs. If a person has been cut he HESS 1115 first aid irhOw1etlge In stopping the flow of blood; if a'pere eon has been burned he knows just how to alleviate the suffering; if any- one should be dragged from the water unconscious a Scout at 01100 sats to work to restore respiration and circu- I•atiate A Scout 10 kind to everything that lives.. He: prides hlmsoelf upon doing a "good turn" every day for which he, of course, will not accept a tip. A Secret promises to do his duty to God and the King. To obey the Scout Law, and to help other; people at all timest? Axel In practice he- does his best to keep himself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. s11LuPri}V111s B)ItiMUA An' Inberitedi Tendency to 'Anaemia May be Overcome, Select people Have a.tendemt+yt0 be oolne„thln'b)'ooded just its others have en inherited tendency to rlueumatisan, gr to ne1')OUs' MOOrIlels, 07ie-condl- lien in • which 't148 blood becomes 60 thin that the whole body 898000-8 00)1095 011 s0 grlld189117' and stealthily that eeyono-with„a natural eispC8ltese 1'11 that direction shouidwatch'the symp- toms cauefcile. Rloo;llesenesay or. ,aniuen8!a, es.- the meelc411 tenni IS, can be corrected ratich nese•easily in the earlier stages:than later, aft begins with aAired `-feeling, that restdoes not ovel'come, the complexion ' becomes pale, and breathleosnese on alight ex - melon, dish as going up steers, is no- tieed, Dr, W1)lianie' Blink Ribs are a borne remedy that lios been most successful in the eroatment ''of diseases caused by thin blood. With pure ,air . and wholesome food these blood -making pills afford tile correct treatmentwhem the symptoms described are noticed. You can get 'th'ese pills through any dealer in nasdiane or by mail, post- paid,. at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,; B4•ocicvtlle, Ont. Any boy twelve yearns ,of age or over may become a ,Scout by Joining a troop that has already been started. In care there' is no troop in This neigh- borhood, or if for other reasons it is advisable to organize a new troop, this may be dpne by the gang or the united effort .of eight - or more boys. In all cases the consent of the parent or guardian )rust be shown on; the en rollment blank. Any boy who Is in: terested should seek the heili” of the Scoutmaster of his neighborhood; or personally • apply at the Local Scout Headquarters'. Inform yourself fully. The Boy Scout, Association publishes the "Boy Scout handbook for Canada" and the "Wolf Cub Handbook" for the Junior' Scout movement, Mogether with many other excellent books, a list of which can be obtained from the Assistant Provincial Coinmissioner, Sherbourne and Bloor Streets, Toronto. Lord Byng of Vimy, G.C,B„ P.C., etc., ,Governor-General of Cana- da, le the Chief, Scout for Canada,. and Dr. ha. W. Robertson;, is the Chief Commiesiener for the. Do - Singing is a Type of Play. To those who are acquainted with what hes been done to make singing a real joy in people's lives both on this continent and in England, the name of William L. Tombias Is familiar— In the last address the writer heard him de - live, Mr. Tontine refe,rref to singing fromthe play standpoint. Ile said, "Play is an important part of life, The man who has never played is stiff and angular, not to say crabbed. "Nature uses the joy-misers/time of play to assemble certain parts and powers'in us, to blend them in unity and then deplpy them to advantage. Thee we are made fit for the activities of work -a -day lade, 'Me boys play their arms and legs in football, the lit- tle girls play mothering their dolls, and all of then plfty their minds in storybooks, "IIut as We grow up*we turn too ex - elusively to physical play; to feateof strength and agility -things. In which we are excelled by the lower animal's.. Whereas there le equal and even great- er content in the play of our'. higher powers. "Song, in a way, is this kind of play. By means of song all our powers may be brought into use First, the soul by means of the breath, unifies the body, mind and heart powers. and joins them. to Itself. But that is not alt; there must be also, the master - farce spirit -which is our innermost being—for without it there can never be fullness of Eire" Fineness of Platinum. Plptinnin wire has been drawn so fine that 30,000 pieces of it placed side by sicte woelcl not cover more:than an inch, while 180 pores bound to- gether would be necessary to foirni, a tluead as thick as a. filament of raw silk, Ask for Minaret's and tale no other, "Sins of omission?" repeated young Oswald . on being . asked what they were., "Why, they :ire ,the sills we have; :forgotten to do 1" Corrugated Galva`n:ized Steel Roofing Direct from Manufacturers to Consumer WRITE FOR PRICES W. 7E. DILLON CO., Limited 189 ;- 191 George, St. • Toronto •m�sitir•■'latoneer nog gensedtei., Iron,, en DOG DISEASES and. flow 10 ip'Pno Mali,,) Ifren 86 acv tire.% Sy the Author. tt dlny *lover da;, rain. )Z5 wear 14e. Scrdar ere, 'Vnrlt �TI1 E OLD., RELIABLE Minerd's:gets at the moot of the 1roeble, Slope inflamma,tton, cleaitens pain, EASY TRICKS No, 41 Mind .Reading Made Easy 7Z 3 — 3 cU41_t11 627 -, Ay/1A)) cL 3 956 --eti.i2e, ova, out 3+9121 16-12.,=G tale, Vu.Lr4rn Crt-6SbQ,ct, 61Lt, Ask a friend to write, without letting' you see what he writes, a number composed of three different digits. Ask him to reverse the+.'. digits, making a number. which 1s either greater or smaller than the number he first wrote. Ask him to • subtract the smaller number from , the larger, " He now has, you will explain, a number '8111019 Is either larger or smaller than the` Arlt number he wrote :and which you cannot pos- sibly know. Ask.him to draW his pencil through .any' of the digits In this number ' (excepting a cipher) and to " tell you the digits he did NOT Cross, out. Immediately you will tell him which number he crossed out. This. is another 'trick which utilizes the peculiar powers of the digit 9. To discover the number crossed out, mentally add the numbers he, gives you and subtract from the nearest multiple of 9. > The remainder is the number your friend crossed out. Make certain that the number flirt written Is composed of three • different digits. The trick will not work, for example, if he writes 666 or 101. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, is, a scrapbook.) There is a C4Araldn Where the Bee Balm Burns, nese is Ii ear(ie19 where the be bad hurtle Like the last om1ber9 of 'the suns fires, Where sunbeamn Till the scarlet eop,i 581'114 And 50 5411iro larkspur lift tht sleet -ter spires,. Realizing a Dream. A London inventorhas contl'ived, an artificial throat for organ pipes that so regulates the currents of. air as to make smartie that resemblethe vowel sou11ds of human speech. To repro- duce the Inman voice on the pipe or- gan has long been a dream of .musi clans; the new invention is said al- most to realize it, Keep Mlnard's Liniment 1n the house. "The most important thing .in life is 4or man to unite withman; and the worst thing in life is to go apart from, one another." -Leo Tolstoi. • ,WHEN IN TORONTO VISIT. THE Royal ,Ontario Museum 203 Moor St. Molt, Near AVeoua 0084. Largest permanent exhibition 10 " Onbada, Archaeology, Geology, Mineralogy, Pnlauonlology. Zoology. open dolly, 10 a M, to 0 8,891,; Snndoy, 2 to 0 p.m, moor, Dap, and Church cors. Attractive Proposition For man with all: round week'," newspaper experience and $480 or $600, Apply. Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co:, L.td., 73 Adelaide Street West- OiiIIIP Ke1seyl (eafinb 5o. ? MM Heating The Kelsey warm air gen. erator will heat every room in your house, itis easy to operate and costs less for fuel than any other heating method. Heats both Small and large houses with equal satisfaction wad's POP PARTICULARS CANADA FOUNDRIES aroealNGS OMIT. dAb?tS 5iriART PLANT BROCKVILLE ON'f+, Petunias pril'plc as the path's of s)e C'lutttr with perishes bright as b' terilles Where le the spr1115 the Eeelish v lets creep - ,, And star the garden with all 821150 Oy05.. No rosemary for remembrance aro°, here, And y'et' Rot One gay blossom c forget A little lad who one long distant ye Romped in these ways, amid mignee ette, A man, Ile sometimes wanders h fig en Half carelessly, yet with a ear tread, Little he knows what sharp exqufi pain Irbo flowers feel as ho bends ab a bed. Often they weep . for him tho 1 night through, Through' In the man they find flaw nor lack: The' one who tends them calla' ti teardrops "dew,"' Nor knows they mourn a child comes not back. h11lzabeth Seall SAVE - THI CHIR Mothers who keep a box of Ba Own Tablets In the hlausl8may that the lives of their little ants reasonable' safe during the hot we er. Stomach troubles, cholera In tum and diarrhoea' ' carry off thous- of little ones every summer, in n oases because the mother does have a tate medicine at .hand to promptly. leaby'•e Own Tablets rel these troubles, or if given occasio ly to the well eh11d will 'prevent t coming on,; . The ,Tab)ete are g teed by government analyst to be solutoly harmless even to tble.n born babe. They; are especially .g tin -summer because they regulate bowels and keep the stomachsaw and pure. They are sold by meds dealers' or by mail at 260' a box The Dr Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. Happiness wants 'company, but ery is merely looking for an audie Mtnard's Liniment Heals Cuts. The less strenuous a man's job, more time he has to get fed up, wit. Classified Advertisement 008055r080ENTS WANTED. 9ELL1QENT PERSONS: 20510 SEXES. E '171g money In Spero t,nlo es 50001550 o pondents, Out treatise contains all neocesarl formation for you to begin Hark at onto, Se for. 4005. "Nowspepar' Corrospbnd0ac0," Name Distributing .Agency,: 1085,1on, Ont, S1LVE18 FOXES—NOTES 2011011 Mr D (Booklet), Nine Years' experience t loxes, 05 cents. pr, neadan, Truro, Nora GENTS OPPORTCNITY, REAL )Lim sell.: easily, Send ton cents` 700 full se nl0 proposition, liberal ebmmisalon,. norotby Nut Co,,. Linden, Building, Efontreal. WASHINGTON: HAND 'PRESS. E. HAVE AN ENQUIRY FOE I. WAS TON Road Prete that Hill : take a p' f columns.. long. Wilson Publishing Co.. Adelaide 86 w„ Toronto, ra nd SZ "Swat the fly" is a goad lions hold phrase but "Slay it wit Sapho" is better. -Ilse Sap1 Liquid in kitchen, dieing 'root pantry and inyour closets. Plies spread disease—even bri: daxth into the hone. Flies in mean typhoid. Sapho prevents, Sapho kills flies, mosquito+ moues, bed bugs, roaches a other household Pests but HARMLESS to HOMANS 1; ANIMALS. 8 oz. bottles with mouth blow 40 cents. Complete outfit 'containing bottle with hand sprayer $1. All drug, hardware and depa mental stores carry Sapho. Sapho Powder is equally oi' five. Useful in killing pai'asi on eattla ohielrens, pets end ) burning to 51(1 , the house mosquitoes,. • I1ENNEDY MANUFACTURING COMPA1 536 Henri Julien Avenue MONTREAL slay it wit ShoePo ishes l$SUE NO. 3 r5