HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-30, Page 7cijJAt,ONon
Tile W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest --Apert s the Beet
1 Ilu unnuxn 11111%,
-.,.,,:uuulrl i161
Mies Minnie Ker of Brantford was,
an town.last week,
Mi. and ?ars. C. Stewart of (Seaforth
visited Mr. and Mrs, JamesFlynn
on Monday,
Misses. -Barry and Agnes Combe left.
;Saturday to visit with Mrs. E. M.
McLean of Walkervilie.
„Mr. and Mre. James Scott and Miss
Je n -cued" Mrs. Adams of'Windsor
,e -ate -camping at Bayfield.
Miss Olive Harland returned to Tor-
onto on Monday after' a `month's
holiday with friends in town.
Misses Agnes Walker and L. Potter
motored to Clifford and spent the
week -end with friends.
Miss Marion Harland left on Satur-
day for her home in Toronto;after
a visit of ,several. weeks in •Clinton.`
Miss Gertrude`"Wallis leaves next
week for Midland, where she will
teach during the next school term.
Mr. , and Mrs., Sheppard of London
spent the week -end as the guests•,
of the latter''s mother,- Mrs., J. Li-,
vermore, sen.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph,Emos and child-
ren of St.,Thontas spent the week -
•wend as the guests el Mr,' and Mrs;
Janes Flynn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey, spent the
week -end as "the guests •of Dr. and
Mrs. Gandier at their summer home
at Southampton. -
' Mrs. McLean and Miss Maud LiveP-
snore of Toronto visited the: for-
iner's mother, Mrs. Livermore self.,.
of town, last week.:
Mrs. Joseph Tromblek and children of
tltuftalo have been the guests of Mr.
• and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Maple st.,
(luring the past week. •
Mee and ,Mrs. Harry Crump of Chat
hast were recent visitors with M.
and Mrs- James Flynn. Mrs. Crump
was forrnerly Miss Margaret Con
Rev: J. F. Parke ofSouthampton vis-
ited in Clinton over the week -end
with his sisters, Mrs. S.C1uft of
town and lVlrs. Elliott of Goderich
township. '•
Mr. and sMrs. F, W. Holloway' and
Misses Mildred and Irene returned
Monday -after a ten days' visit,' with'
Rev; '8, E. and Mrs. McI{egney at
Ford City. • to
Rev. W. W. Wylie and Mrs. Wylie and
Misses Jean and Date of Ailsa
Craig spent a few : hours one day
last weeds with Mr, and Mrs. Penne-
baker of town. They were motor-
ing to Lucknow.
Mr. J. H. Lowery, who eani .down
from North Bay on account of the
illness and suhsequbntdeath;of his
another, spent the week -end. with
Hohnesvia'e friends and left the be
ginning' of the week for his home..
Mr. J. W. Treleaven leaves 9 to-
day for Timmins, where he has
aeeepted the principalship of the
new, Collegiate, Mrs. Treleaven
and Mies Norn a will follow as soon
.as a suitable residenee is procured.
Mr. and Mrs, John Henry of London,
formerly of Clinton, and their son,
:Dr. Sebert Henry, and Miss Char-
lotte Henry motored up . and ,spent
the week, -end as the,guosts of the
former's brother, Mi. W, T. Henry
of tow.
Mr. Thomas Watts motored up from
,Oshawa on Saturday apdspent the
week -end in town. Mrs: Watts;
and children, who had been visiting
'the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ii:
Pennebaker, for a couple of Weeks;
returned home with- him.
Reeve -Erwin of Bayfield was in town
on Tuesday. He brought his bro-
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George Erwin of Prince Albert,
(Sask., in in order to catch the train.
They have -been visiting their bro-
thers, Clerk It W. and Reeve .A. E.
Erwin of Bayfield, for a week or so
and were leaving on their return
journey to the west.
Mt. and Mrs, R. E. Manning and.
daughter, 'Miss Helen; Mr. and Mrs,
A, '0. Pattison and grandoon, Mas-
ter Edgar Maguire, Mrs. Weir of
Detroit and Miss Mary Matheson
of .Goderich returned Friday even-
ing after o most enjoyable trip to
Michipocoten, on Lake . Superior.
They took the Georgian Bay route,
' sailing from Owen (Sound.
Mr and Mrs. - Gorden: Ouninghame
and family returned Saturday ev-
erting front a very enjoyable eafnp-
ing" trip up through Huron, Gxey
and Bruce, having journeyed up the
r13ruce Peninsula to Tobormory,
They visited Owen Sound, Wiorton
end Lion's "Head, as well as the
smaller places but their idea was
to Soo the formation of the country
Mid if possible do some fishing,
They enjoyed the trip very much
but the weather was none too fav-
or'al?le for fishing ,when in the iisli
region. They slept in a tart ev-
ery night dueling the week of their
ahsenc5"'and only had one or two
steals in hotels, Thoth -ca3lping
refits are gi'dwing its favor in Can -
oda add the united States.
GUST 3001, 7.523
Mang Specials Coin, for Your Dollar on
To the first customer with a $5.00 order'(cash)
we will give FREE one picnic roll or smoked
(Straight order of groceries,)
1014 lbs. of granulated Sugar for ....;1.1.00
'21 Hass of Lenox Snap , , . , , .. 1„00
0 lbs. Seedless, Raisins . 1.00
24 lbs. Roiled. Oats'. . .. .. ..1.00
51/ IUs, of 'Shortening .. , 1.00
5 pounds of Lard • 1,00
2 large tins of Salmon,: .
17 tins of Sardines
13 Jelly Powders ,
3Soap -deals, regular .55c„ for . ,
3 bottles Salad Dressing
0 tins Tomatoes , .
10 small tins of Tomatoes .
10 small ties, of corn ... .
12 packcages'f Quaker Corn. Flakes., ....
6, 21 ounce bars of Soap ,
10 tins Aylmer vegetable acid Tomato soup
4 -tins Pork.and Beans, large 'size .
25' rolls toilet paper
12 bars toilet Soap ,
5 lbs, of Princess -Soap -Flakes
Many other DOLLAR bargains on sale for this day
Special Price on Sugar by the Bag,'
Ask us to .explain our new system of allowing you
trade price (one cent per dozen more than cash) on
your egg -grading certificate from ' Gunn, Langlois.
Cash & Cirri O'Neil
'2 Deliveries • •
People You Know
Mrs. Will Tebbutt of Goderich is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs:'0 L. Paisley.
Mr, N W. Trewartha, MPP., is on a
trip to Toronto and Montreal this
Mrs. Wright and ciaughter•of Darrow
have been visiting friends in Clin-
fon this week. •
Mre. 0. L. Paisley and son, Elmer are
spending the week with friends in
London and St. Thomas.
Mr. Bruce' Smith of Woodstock and
Miss Gene '"Smith of Toronto are
visiting at Mr. 0. W. Potter's.
Mr. Jack and Miss Fanny Kemp of
Mitchell 'visited this week at the
home of Mr, and .Mrs. 0. W. Pot-
Rev: H. L. Smith and. Messrs. Harry
and Stanley Smith of Wiarton
spent a few clays at kr. 0. W. Pot-
ter's this week.
Miss Ruby Potter, R.N., returned on
Tuesday :to. Providence R. I., after
spendinga month with.her°parents,
Mr. and .Mrs. 0. W; Potters
Mr. •Audrey Arntsta•ong, who =em-
panelled his mother over from On-
tario, California, left the end of
the week to visit in Philadelphia
and New York hpfore returning to
his home in Ontario.
Me. and Mrs.. Chas. McKinnon and
Miss Kathleen, who have been sons-
niering at Bayfield and have spent
the past week or so^with the lady's
mother, . Mrs. Eliza Johnston of
town, left Tuesday for their home
in Dunnville.
Mrs. Davies who has been spending
the past month with her 'daughter
in Detroit, returned Tuesday. Her
son-in-law; Mr. 'Harry Marsh
brought her home by motor ear,
going' oh to Auburn to attend the,
wedding of his brother, .'Mr. Bert.
Marsh, yesterday.
Miss, Gwen Holmes, who has been
visiting her parents, the Rev, A. A.
and Mrs. Holmes at Wesley par-
sonage the past week or so, return..
ed on Monday to resume her duties.
at Toeonter General' Hospital. She
-wee accompanied ;:by her friend,
Miss Fee -itch, who bad been visiting
' with het :here.
• Varna
A quiet wedding was solemnized.
in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on
Tuesday, August 21st, by .the Rev,
Denny Bright, when Edna A. Beatty
of Toronto, was united in marriage
to Wm. A. Me1Sonald of Goderich tp..
The bride was gowned in grey geor-
gette with a corsage bouquet of roses
and, wore a black velvet "bat with .sil-
ver, trimming. The bride's marry
friends join in wishing hes happiness
in her married life..
Stanlep Township
,Mrs, W. J. Sims, a well-known resi-
dent of tllyth died last week at a Lon-
don hospital. The late Mrs. Situs
was Bern at Auburn fifty years ago,
hermaiden; name being Minnie
A. 'Graham. The family later moved
to Stanley township, In 1899 she'
was united In marriage to Me. W. 1,
Sims of Blyth. She ie survived by.
her husband and a family of three,
Miss Carrie Situs of Toronto, Mrs,
Lorne Dale of Winghain and Jaines
8332 at home. A. sister, Mile Jas,
A. Broadfoot of Seeforth and three
brothers, Messrs John and Goldie
Graham cf Stanley and Dr, Melvin
Graham of llonoke; Albeeta, also sure
;vive, irrternteitt woe made in Union
Cemetery Blyth.
ce Cream Season
Is, Mere
in Bricks or Bulk
always in season we have
kinds at all prices.
Confectionary. and Restaurant
` "We aim to please.".
Me, J...R. Holmes has gone.ivest on
a business trip.
Miss Jennie Holmes of Clinton is
spending a few weeks with her. cousin
Miss D A. Holmes.
-Me. J. 1I. Lowery of North Bay
spent the week -end (as the guest of
his sisters -in law, the Misses Proctor.
Mr. Lowery came down to be with has
mother during her Last illness,
Me. and Mrs. Logue and Son, Ray-
mond, of; Cleveland; Ohio, are visit-
ing with Mr. 'and Mrs. Win, Mulhol-
land:, „.
The Sunday ;school of the Methodist
church will picnic on Labor, Day in
Mr. W. H. Lobb's grove on the Bay-
field road.
School opens on Tuesday next for
the fall' term.
Mrs. H. McLaren and :family of
Port Elginare the guests of Inc mo-
ther, Mrs. W. Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Erwin, who
have spent the past few weeks in the
village, left this week for their home'
at Prince ,Albert, Sisk.
The following registered at the
Ritz House the past week: Mrs. T.
C. Riley and daughters, Miss Riley,
and Miss Lillian' Riley, Flint, Mich,,
and Miss Alice Marks Cineinatti; Mis-
ses E. M. Woodman and F. M. Wood-
man, London; Mr. and Mrs, J. D.
Monteith and family and Miss Dow
of .Stratford; Miss •Mary Philips, De.
At the Commercial lIatel: W.
Graham, London; N. Newman, and
Miss Fannie Newman, Detroit,
Meesrs. Wilber and Frank Erwin
of .Kitchener spent: the week -end at
their home in the village.
, Mr. and 'Mrs, E. A. Sauder and far
inily and :maid, who spent the past
two months at their summer home on
Main street, left this week for their
home at liiitchener.
Rev. 0, 3, Moorhouse of (Clinton oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church on Sunday anorning last, when
the sacrament of the Lord's supper
was edreinistored.
The death occurred at Bayfield on
Tuesday of last week of Jean McKitl,
widow 0± the late 1'. J. Moorehouse,
ie her seventy-eighth year. The fu.,
neral took place on Thursday after-
noon frons the home of her eon -in-law
Capt. J. Il, 'Ferguson, interment being
shade i3 'Hayfield cemetery.
The oweeu of ever 'radio eeeeivfr.
set in (;.meat Britain must pay $2.2()
a Ycat" lieenee fee,
Brighten Up Your dame
with the_ Celebrated
We have a Iarge stock- in all colors, from $2.00 per gallon up.
Good supply of first quality rope and harvest tools of all kinds.
We are here with a large stock of Preserving 'Kettles, Granite
and Ahuninum and we are offering' special prices on Kitchell Cabinets
to make things easy and save many a step all the year round.
Enjoy the k'resh Air
Get your sun -stop Shades, Hammocks, Hammo Couches'and•ver-
andah Fut•nituro at the.
,Clint®u Hardware and Furniture Co.
Furniture Phone; 104 Hardware 19
How Lollg Will it Last?
When customers demand to know how, long the washing machine
will last, the dealer is sometimes up against it to answer. them. It
is, of course, g'eneraily easy to evade the question, or to say that you
have seen a machine running for eight or ten years with no sign of
breakdown, and so 00.
The fact is, however, that a good machine will last an extraordin-
ary length of time, with proper caw. There is a definite .kliowledge
of a 'washer that operated for over 00000 hours, as a demenstrating
machine How long a use in the home would that represent?
Well, of ,course, it would not have the same care in the home, but
just for thesake of comparison, let us figure .it. out. Shy it was
used an average of six 'tours a week, That makes 1500 weeks, or
something over 28 years. In practice this figure would not be reach-
ed, but it shows that one need not worry about the machine wearing
Countless electric hons have been ::sold because Electrical men
have faith in them and communicate' their enthusiasm to customers.
When 'we acquire as great a belief in tlio washing machine as .we
have in the iron a great many more electric, washing' machines will
be used.
If the men had to do the washing wewould not be able to supply
the demand for machines,
YD' O SHOP Clinton
Me. S. M, Sanders has purchased
the Exeter and Hensel' branches of
the Jackson Mfg. Co. Several weeks
ago the Jackson Mfg. Co, prude an as-
signment•and since that time the fro -
toles have been closed down. Ex-
citer :factory is located in Mr, S. M.
Saunt'er's,- building, aird at a meeting
of the creditors on Saturday, Mfr
Sandoi"s' tender for 1110 Exeter and
Hensal' branches was aolopted. Wo
elid e:gelid that no tondei was re-
ecivod 3or• either the mein branch at
011sitee or the Godeeioh heaneh, The
Exeter and Howell bealichee will be
Ye -opened 35 soon as re -adjustments:
can be made and the markets re-es-
tablished which will, take a few days..
There will be little cm no ebange
the ma/gigot-lent. Mr, Davis will'
have charge at 5arteter and Mr. Good -
Win at Honsall and Me, Jackson, of
Clinton, will look after the buying and
soiling end.
The reopening of Thema feetories
will nlean much to both Exam' and
Hensel' as they give voiy excellent
employment to finite a number of
young wanton, --Exeter Tinos,
Light frosts were reported ;front:
urich looislity last"week. •