The Clinton News Record, 1923-8-23, Page 7Dissolve in ,boiling water Use enough 'to get a big lasting suds Big lasting suds—one secret of Rinso's amaz- ing power to dissolve dirt. "If you don't get lasting suds, you have not used enough Rinse. Soak: an hour or more ou6atir;phl if you wxaft-� ,(Colored cloth. only half an hour) After 'soaking, only the most soiled clothes need a light rubbing with dry Rinse. Your clothes don't need . boiling if you use Rinsch, But if you like to boil your white cottons, use enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like.. Rfnso Is :made by the largest soap makers in the world to do the family wash as easily and safely as LUX does fine things LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO R302 x . • • Tattooing in red and blue complete- ly 'covered the baldhead of a man who appeared in a London police court recently. Ask for Minard'8 and take no. other. Classified Advertisements luar AN2tin-8A1BITI0t'3 ALAN en' "WOMAN to distribute wimples sad take orders for Ngh' Class 'household specialty. :No risk. B/E!monoy. Honest. proposition.Luous .Products • Co.. Dept, 7. nonUltnn. 00L - - Sir.Vlllt FOXES-NOTE8 IPROhr. IOY DIdEY IBoOklet). .Nine years' experience ranching foxes. .25 cents, Dr. /Sandnn, Truro, Nora Scott*. GENTS OPI'enTDNITY,. atDAL aMI11'..NETS, sell easily..' -Stand ten cents tOr Lull; samples. quoprOposit108. Hberal commission. -Do5OW7 noir Net;.Co., ,rosea, Building.. OfontreaL WASHINGTON HAND P1E88.' 11 HAVE AN SNOWILY DOE A W88108100.' r i " TON nand Press that 11X1 take 2 Pages of columns, long. Wilson Publishing • Co.. Ltd„ 18 Adelaide St,: W;. Toronto.. _ --and then he buries his sting In your nese The pestiferous MOSQUITO works 24 hours a day and your sleeping hours are hie busiest. ala!' 1111100 E01h0," Ones Or two puffs with 8 Sabato nulb Sprayer,. and Iso Eve to twenty, minutes ovary inosaolto. is dead. Or burn' a 11Lno Ds your itedr00m, 1f you prefer. Arid Dopho slays Mos, roaches, ante and 5180 7001,. as -.8012 Use it efety)Wore, Spray it over the [babas table—in the httchm-11 a absolutely harmless on food and -NON-P0I80NOU8 to humans or animals. Sapho Powder 25 cents, 50 cents and •$1,25. Sapho _Bulb Sprayer $1:00. If you 'haven't tried Sapho g -et a Sapho Puffer for 18 cents.. See special .alter Ask for Sapho Liquid for moths. Spray it 0ttyour closets and on furniture for complete. protection. Kennedy Manufacturing Co. 686 Henri Julien St. Montreal POWDERDER ilis e uebey, Co.. 32ontrmt. eery Itdtrko q Plesne endego Ilcnri n eWnPon kitling prods. Sotto O Rnn°6and h8O8turo ID•R). hwne. With The Boyi GNI Scouting' and 'the Kfwanis Club, "If a man can write a better bo preach abetter sermon, or make al) ter :-m0n8e trap -than his: neighbo though he bend his, house in the woad the world will make wheaten path• WS, door." ' Literary men have been having. groat squabble over the author of th mouse trap quotation, eienee. credit do Elbert Hubbard. But he has be eliminated as he did not -begin to wri until after, the quotation had becom famous.. Thos Emerson's works were looked to, But no -comfort has, been foun there, But who -cares who wrote it? ,It 11 the Boy Scouts'. That is the only r son -it appears in.our thoughts to -day Business men are peculiar duck To say that they are egotistical Is put ting ft eo mildly as' to be eolnplimen tory. ' They have :such confldenee 1 their own powers tliat one cannot in terest 'them' in a. proposition .whtc does not entail miraculous abcomplish went. They really believe that th canwork mdraclea. So when a' gang of fellows goes par ading by bearing their miracles wit them, the Remands Club blinks it eyes, stares; -wonder's, and then;, as 1 seized by one •common impulse, fall in behind to. do what It can, as, tickle as -e. boy carrying water fortheele phant at a Of PODS. It's hard to fool men. But you can' fool boys at all. And when men real Ise the work of the' -Boy Scouts; they are not being fooled. Neither are th boys who compose the Boy Scouts, They get training mentally, physical_ 1y, and, If there ate any other ways. they get that too -real downright valuable stuff, that makes men' out of them. And they like le just as boyi. wilt entered the army liked the in- tensive training that 'was handed out to them by their superior 0111oers .I : The Scouts have made good In spite of the ridionle which 'vas heaped upon tiler Only a few years ago when tbeir elders, first' heard of thein. The police and the rest of u0 laughed' at the idea of having Boy Scouts help handle big crowds. But now' Why, they are the first ones we turn to when something big and difficult 18 to be done, That Is the i�ee,son why the Kiwanis Club is for the Boy Scouts. Their lives are open books by virtue of the 1 honesty which they are taught.. They preach better sermons than the rest of us usually hear—right in the lives 1 boo et - r, s,: to a is it. en. to e a is ea_. s, n h eY h s d Master Georges Delrue, and, the Canadian Pacific S,$, Mlnnedosa, on This little fellow Is not much on size' voyage unaccomDaelecl. Its has just or weight; but he Is a recorder -holder; I passed the 80cond nillestone' Mr, nevertheless, Ile was one of the moat / Georges Dolrue is his name, He has distinguished paseenge1's 'aboard the Ispent most of his young- life with his Canadian Peetfle -liner M%lnnedosa on t grand -parents . in Tourcoln, a' small ilei' last westward ° voyage, and he town on the border lino of Belgium and holds the record of -•being the youngest I Pratte°. Ile took the journey that he passenger to make the traneAtlantie' might join his parents and take up • which he Journeyed from. Antwerp. permanent resddenee at St, John's, P.Q. While :he was traveliing "unac- companied," Georges was not for one moment uncared fee, and altheegl he objected to the Minnedasa to the full- est possible 'extent for the first 24 hours, after this period he found that the ship was merely a huge playground with everyone his friend, HEALTH EDUCATION BY DB.. J. J. IVIIDDLETON. provincial Board of Health, Ontario • Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health inst• ters through this calumet. Address him at HVedina douse. Bpidiry Crescenk, Toronto. A great menace to the public health presents itself in the 'slip -shod way some vendor- have in serving ice cream and soft drinks, A rinse through cold water is sometimes prac- tically all that the utensils get. Vari- ous s investigat3bns have :shown that the ordinary methods of washing soda water glasses and ice cream dishes neither clean es nor; sterilizes them. Contagious disease germs could thus be transmitted from mouth to mouth. The following disinfectants recom- mended by certain boards of health, for the 'cleansing' of soda water glasses and other drinkingand eating' utensils: Solution No. 1. Chlorinated lime, 12 ozs. avoirdupois, sodium • carbonate, 3'11 ozs. and 66 grains avoirdupois. Water to make 50 fluid ounces, Grind the chlorinated lime in a mortar with` 20 fluidounces of water until a thick) paste is made. Transfer the paste to! a gallon bottle, washing it from the) mortar with 14 fluid dunces of water. The chlorinated lime must be of full' strength, Dissolve ,the sodium car-!. bonate in 17 ounces of hot water. Add the soda solution to thelime solution in the bottle. Shake.'thoroughly. If the mixture becomes gelatinous, set the bottle in warm water until the gelatin has dissolved. • Strain through wet muslin until liquid becomes clear. Wash with successive portions of warm- water until the amount of the solution' totals 50 fluid ounces. Solution No. 2. hydrochloric acid, 3 fluid mum da, apothecaries' measure. Water 29 fluid ounces. Mix and 'stir well, To one gallon of water, add 11-5 fluid ounces of solution No. 1. When ready to use, add one fluid ounce of No. 2, to the above mixture. This makes a solution which is'prac- tically : neutral ' and which contains 2.31 per cent. free chlorine. The best method of', disinfecting a soda water glass with the above de- scribed solution is to first 'rinse it with warm water; next, with the solu- tion and, finally,: wash off the solution with clear, clean, cold water. To wash eating utensils first clean ofp the grease and dirt with soap and hot water, Rinse. Putin disinfec- tant, ;Rinse with clean, clear,` cold water. the.presldent•of the Kiwanis' Club of Toledo, O. • The late President Warren G. Bard ing of the United States of America was Honorary Vice -President of the Bay Scouts of. America, and took a' very keen interest in the development of Scouting throughout the Republic:. This lie showed, in a very. practical way shortly before; his last illness by offering to present a special Wainer to every Local Council and Troop in the country which either Increased its membership 25% during 1923, or rain.. tabled, a previously reached 100% membership. PAS PAGES AND WORN 'OUT NERVES Due Solely- to Weak, Watery Blood—A Tonic is Needed. Anaemia — literally impoverished e blood—comes on se, stealthily that it is often well advanced before its pees.. eine is recognized.: Feelings of fatigue ,abs disconifbrt are the earliest mane feetatiens of the trouble and these are seldom taken seriously, Gradually snia11 tasks become an effort and ex_ ertien causes` the heart to palpitate violently. The co.mplexien becomes sallow or pale and there is loss of weight. The nerves,' grow Weak and the victim displays, irritability under slight provocation and is' extremely sensitive to noise. The appetite Is fickle and -indigestion often fellows. A condition of anaemia balls for a }table, one that will enrich the blood , and strengthen the nerves, and for this purpose there is nothing can equal Dr Williams' Plnk Pills. These pille give the blood ell those missing ele.. meets• necessary to give strength to the nerves, color to the cheeks, and nourishmenttc starved organs and tis- sues, Miss Margaret J: Fraser, RR. 2, Thessalbn, Ont„ has proved the yahoo of .this treatiuent. She says:''"1 was very ,Pale, and weak. My blood was poor' and 1 was very. nervous. I lost my appetite, iaiy feet arid ankles were swollen and 1 ,vas fn a very miserable condition. A friend advised fns to try Dr. Williams' Pinar Pills and I got two boxes, and found before they were fieighed time they were helping mo. 1 continuo[ tate pills ,until I had taken a !Jail 'dozen ilexes, With the result that i rine now enjoying the best of health, all sympttolnshaving disappeared, t feel confident that what Dr, Williams' Pink Pills did foe 1110 they will de for 'others, If given a fair tlzal" Toe 08.11 get these, pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 dente a box from, The Dr, 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, • which they lead, They make better mouse trap§ than the rest of ne, and they can 'outdo . tis in. the rest of the fundamentals, They ': build thelr Houses In the woods—and our happiest hours are spent In our pilgelmagee to Omni. • They have done much. They have dared nzticb, They have done that w111oi1 was, assigned thein, Worthy of ogleeonfideinco! Not worthy of our confidence? Who then is worthy of 0111 cbnfltlence?"—Froin an address by ss int Mustard det that tnot only Did y Ut Oise, zest and flavordigestioil7 ut hiss ti Mates ecause it 1 r tatt it h ds nourishment to foods, rr /IlritIS J;45 . v um, HugerBfirone'cr In Munich. A now barometer, larger than the ordinary city hall clock, has been Inw stalled It) the tower of the Gorman Mita/Mut at Munich. Whore the le 1n. on tc eleelt Noe the barometer has a largo figura 71. 'When the atrnospherio pressure is normal the Hund, of rho }}ai�axwmoter 1e at 71„ pair weather 1m, Indicated by moving the hand to the right of 71 and bald Weather by Moving jt to the lett. EASY' TRICKS No, 46 A• Card Mystery No season of the year is' so, danger- ous to the life of little ones'as'Is the summer. The excess4ve heat throws the little 54om111211 out of order, so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realises he Is i11. Summer lei the season, when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentery and colic are most prevalent, Any of these troubles may prove deadly f1 not promptly treated. Diming the sum- mer mother's best friend is 'Babe's. Own Tablets, They regulate .the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are: sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Dents 'a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, • His Flute Was Better Than a Gun. When John Jacob Astor, the founder, of the Astor 'fortune used to go into the forests to trade with the Indians, for furs he did net carry a gun. -Ile tooka flute with him and played on it, which pleased the Indianse and won him their confidence and friendship. When you are'trying to make friends never carry a gun with you, Always; take a flute,—the flute of courtesy, kindness, and good will. 'Boon to Housewives. A new household) convenience " le 'et portable metal 'cabinet ditto which; dust can be emptied from mops' without any of it.flying back Seto a room. mineral's Liniment Heals Cuts. Although butter front New Zealand has to travel about 14,000 miles, it reaches the British consumer in per- fect condition,,. non SALE. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Depress Money Order.' Five Doliars costs' three cents. Music broadcast by wireless from Glasgow was heard by miners 380 feet below ground, at a distance of fteenile from m s f 1 the city - re Inard's ity.MInard's Liniment for. Dandruff. The first leder ever typed was writ - en in 1830. It contained only 150 words, and is said to have taken more ,hail four hours to type. This Is a trick with the jolter fl which will be found in every cone p ete pack,of playing cards. The joker Is shown and is placed 1 on the, top of the pack. The magic. Ian ask% whether his 'spectators It would like to have It placed near the top of the pack, near the bottom or in the middle. Whatever the choice, he takes the joker and places n it where he is told. lie1 P Roan. .the cards behind his back for an Instant midthenbrings them out, He snaps 111s fingers, D Ease a magic' word and the joker appears on the top of the pack. This is how it :is done. When he shows the joker he holds 18 it so arra aced Galvanized • Steel Roofing irect from Manufacturers to Consumer WRITE FOR PRICBS W. E. DILLON CO., Llanited 9 - 191 George St, Toronto that the presence of another card, behind the- joker, is not ob•. servod, This Is (10118 by holding the cards so that they, curve slightle, the convex sidee• toward` the midi. ecce. Ile places. the two cards (0p. llarently only. one) on the top 01 the pack. Tloo card he tales off the top and places Snylvhere:desired ie the pack the audfence,believes to be the joker. Iteally, It is the other card. The joker stays on tile top of the pack. for the finish of the trick (Clip this out aoul paste it, with other o/ the series, i10 10 scrapbook.) Poland's Loss In Young Men. • Poland's greatest loss' of recent years' has, been, ,'not in devastated regions,. but in young mon, '.Tli0ootore physical. e'1111cation was stressed at It recent nieeting of schoolmasCers, and the government wee urged to allot more money for the beecling of playgrounds' and otherwise to aasdstin the building up of Polish youths. School Gardens, In the rulaI dietrfots of Sweden a garden is, attached to every eehool. hero the children receive praetioai instruction in the enitleation"ef"prahnee herbs; flowers and fruits: Aspatagei is believed to be the old- est known plant used for 'food, C LY t-1 EA 'Tt Mlnord's counteracts, ! I t it o inflamfliation, eases and heals the shin: .A. lie is the greatest homage paid to truth. - Keep Minard's Linhnent In the house, White specks on young evergreens? Dose frequently with strong soapsuds, bap/NEYOu CassnotBay New [Eyes ao « �i r Bol you can ?ramie a Y<stff 1;_ etean,fleollhyCsndiiloa OU) EY 5 Muds° Eye Reenedq Night and Morning." Beep your Eyes Clean, Clear and 141malthy, Write for Free Eye Care Book,. diadeo era comedy Go„ 0 Lae9 ebdo.51astl, cbacuma ALlerletl', Plances Dog nomadism Boo:. on DOG DISEASES and Bow to L'_en Mulled Free to any Ad - dream, by the Author. Ig, Cls GIover Co.,3u 125 W 6 West tdt., Street Now York, TU A, Attractive Proposition For man with all round weekly newspaper experience: and $400 or $500. Apply Box 24, Weems Publishing Co., Ltd, 72 Adelaide Street West MATCHES First in Safety First in Convenience First In Economy OVERYWH R8 IN CANADA ASIS FOR EDD 'a 11f4T Don't wait for someone to be in pain to get Kendall's Spavin Treatmentin the house. For all external hurts and pains -for all muscular troubles. Kendall's Spavin Treatment makes good. E5NA550N,ilt. Disk Decemberetk,1911 'please mend me on *cryorlon TREATISE ON 105 HORSE I l of mud your Kendall's 8pavbt Once for ova eleven yearsn d found ll oho of the best lint mnmt nave evero,edtorailkbadeoteoren. Wiped, u, 208,021,"., - Get a bathe alyour druggist '3 today. Regular ,{nrHorse Treatment—Reffnedfori-lumen use. DR. B. J. KENDALLc08IPANY, Enoeburd Fells, Vt., U.S.A. 7x N Have Suaatnterii$eat This Minter `t AWarm house and a cool, cellar day arid night the,tvin- terthrough:And asaving in Your coal hills offromzgi esoz A KELSEY - WARM Ail, GENERATOR In your cellar, will ensure this, The Kelsbyisthe triostefficient 7 and economical system of �/ home heating ever .devised and will heat the smallest cottapropegrelyortleandhee-oll'loehfully':stlnansioo / MAYWE SENO 10U PARTICULARS? CANADA FOUNDi#lESS FORGINGS ' 11M,15D JAMES SMART PLANT BROCKCVILLE ONT. F tM ?"hi�i'.rlYul.4Yi4 ',A 1+r tLN!i rz ..iy:"4 isstUE UNLESS you see the name are not getting A Accept only an "unbroken pac Aspirin," which contains dircctio pilysiciails during 22 yew z'' and Colds Headache Toothache Neuralgia Earache ' Lumbago Randy "llaytl' boxes of 12 tablets—Aldo 40,frIl Is the trade (#o,lofnrnli Irl NM ao0tloaoldentor of 19h110Y'llrorld, whflo it Is av ltihnutaeturo, Lb 00914E lith lluhllo epb1oinl lath ant to sumrnsatt with their metal mei) 011