HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-16, Page 7EAS TIzS No, fill Pick Them Up A seventy -Jive pound fish traveled 1000 miles from Hudson Bay to meet fate in Canadian Interior, TIAs seventy-five pound sturgeon traveled one thousand fades from a Hudson Bay through rivers and takes in Manitoba,,Saekatchewan, and Alberta, Canada, and -'was caught recently in the Saskatchewan River hear Edmonton, by Edward Stevenson. The gigantic shark -like fish was 6pe feel in length and had a tail spread of 9inches, The fish was caught by using part of a seekeras bait and was landed, after much careful playing on a line which ordinarily' would not suppo ti more 'than. 60 pounds of dead weight. When- Mr. Stevenson had tired the! fish. out, he dased into the water, seized it by; the tail, and dragged it: ashore. HEALTH EDUCATION - BY DR. J. J. MJDDLLETON Provincial Board of Health,' Ontario Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer tore through this column. questionsiatest naPublicHealth mar Crescent, Toronto. Address hint at B17adina House, gp»tdiy fn the hope of bringing hom people in outlying districts a edge of the dev rotating effects venereal disease and the' need f more sane and healthy life,' Mrs. melfne' Pankhurst, the noted Eng suffragette and propagandist omen,' V ateg for Wen,' i' s starting on a months lecture tour in, the northern' part of the the-Aus- picesProvince •under '; of the Ontario Social Hygiene Council. 'Accompanying Mrs. Pank- hurst will be .Mrs. R, A. Kennedy, President of. the ' Ottawa -Women's Club, and Miss Estelle- Hewson, Pro vincial- Secretary of the Ontario So- cial Hygiene: Council. Mrs.: 'Pank- burst js how a resident of, Toronto and. is throvytragg her'whoie_activities into; the cause of social betterment and the raising of the moral standard. among both men and women, The North e to. Country is'duo for'•a loud awakening imoevI-1, regarding matters of public`, health. of , Over fifteen hundred miles of territory or a:between Toronto and. Sault Ste. Marie Rime will be covered, Manitoulin Island will fish I;be visited'and the three missionaries for x will ho18 meetings in thirty towns Ise- sides distributing much literature on Social Hygiene and Public Health, along the way. The party will leave Toronto on the 16th of July and their itinerary includes Aurora, New- market, Barrie, Orillia;' Washago, Severn Bridge, Gravenhurst, Bala,. Bracebridge, Rosseau, Parry Sound, Huntsville, Elmvale, ,Burk's Palle,' Magnetawan, Sandridge Powassan, Callender, Sturgeon Palls,' Sudbury, Copper ,Cliff, Whitefislh,'.Little Cur- rent, Espanola, Blind River, Minde- moya, •Thessalon Bruce'.Mines, Mc- Lennan- and Sault 'Ste, Marie. aro former Y,M.C.A, "boys' work mon. One provincial secretary retired from the Presbyterian ministry 'to .enter Scout work. Others were engaged in Various' professional 'aid {n'ez'c»ntlle, pursuits, ': Were Scouting military there is doubt but that the organization Woe be subsidised by the: Mltitta Dep moat and grants made to local troo ter uniforms, officers' pay, camp, e in the sante: manner as they are ma to the Cadets, But }lids ,la far fro the case. Every local troop • not on pays its own way, but most oe the do• a 'whole lot to raise even mo funds ' help- el to maintain main t he s�ervlc of Provincial. Headrivartera, With th oxoeption of two salaried men at Pr vincial Headqual•tera and four otlle who act as Local Seere,taxies In four of the Iargest centres of population, the nearly 1;000 Scoutmasters; Atelst- ant Scoutni'aa�ters and 'ocher adult of - 'flaws in'the'movement in Ol>.tarlo_are volunteers, their only "pay'' being tih sa.tis'faction Which coulee froth ltnow Mg they are doing a wont which, 1 Jlelping to make better Canada's boy 'hood. The only finennoial 'es,sdetanc which Spouting in Ontario `receive from_ Government sources ie, not military grant at alt, but. a small gran from the Department of Eduoatio which covers roughly about one-sixt of the animal Midget of the Provincial Connell. Scouting Is not military, Scouts ar t 'trained to kill anything- excep their own wrong impulses. The ou1 afmm�lnition which Scents 11se are tale brain, the body and soul, furnished to them in uestin•tet1, aneasere by God, the Great Commissary, Tllee° they aro taught to use methodically and gloriously for their own welfare anti that of their fellow -citizens, The Natur cience Girl. no 1d art. ps. to., de m• ing.lhe3orethhe eyes, weak back, vertigo, ly wakefulness caused by' inability to m atop thinking and unrefreehhig sleep. re The cause"oY the trouble bre may es drain on the system, or 'it may be e mental or physical overwork, some- o- times nsufielent nutrition .due to ra digestive disturbance. If you' - have any or all oY these syntpteins try buileelhg up the blood with De. Williams'. Pink, Pills, and as' the.new blood courses through your veins, there should be an hhcre se in' e your appetite, a better digestion and - soon a renewal of strength olid vlgc•r. S You can get these: pills through any. eet1ler in medicine -ot• by nine, post- e paid; et 50c a box from Tthe Dr. Wil -g. s Hams' Medicine Co',, Brockville, Ont. a n How Old is the Ocean? 1> This is : not a 1923 variatio,n•-on SYIIPTOx S ' OF ' D'EBILITY How to: Tell Whether Your Blood od Need Revitalizing, Tho synlptonisl of general debility "vary according to the cause,, but weak- ness is always present, a tendency to perspire and fatigue ee.sily,; ringing in 1aers, sometimes` black spats pass - 110 FIow old is Ann? lint e, Problem In geology w'111ch attacks :Sp1Oniative' o 6�Cientists, t Tho very 'briniuesa-of the briny deep y is flee feature that is used in ,the com- putation, Common s�a1te-such as givers the sea its bad taste -as everyone, knows, is ;con1po5ed -Of two chemical elements, sodium and chlorine; Now, sodium convenlen4ly differs from most other things which get dissolved. in 1 the sea water in that tittle or none of !it 10 precipitated or dropped to the bottom xlonee If we know how much sositlm the, elvers of the world anuuo,lly d•is charge and how much sodium there now in the Ocean, it is. a simple e 1- enlatlon 1>a determine how Ia1>g it, has talion for the rivers, to have'brouglbt drowse all this sodium-.nd: Sodium 111 Ocean -=Ago of Ocalm Annual Sodium In Rivera, Now, tdter<i are something aver faun- toof trtilttmz 101111 do ineiade tons •o1 aad,ium at present In the ocean, and, the rlVoios aro dilimpiih'g ,it in at • the ratite of ovoi' 168,000,00e tons annually, 21 we do the a1•ithenitic wo find that trio age 'cameo out about 80,000;000 yeul'p. A number of eorreettone, catch as these worked out, by Dr, F, W; Diorite, of the hutted States Geological Survey, sauould tto tvhplded to 13115 flaws, but when all 'are Malde the total remains' between 70,000400 and '100,000,000 years, The lowest of' God's creatures Fins being not in vain, But f111s the niche assigned it According to His plan; 4Ve may net know the reason 'Why life to it was given, But HIe wild it' created May have for it its Ihoevon, Trio 'health of mind and body, The wealth of soul and song Are found 14 f141d and Sorest, The 1lving things among; Not In the mese of fashion- Socfoty's. gay whiny - but out with Nature's goddess, The Natural Solcuoe Girl. Jared .Barbi to Trousers Were first Issued to British laantry ,just a century aim i before at soldiers 'wore breeches. MJnsrd's Liniment for Uou3hs a 0010 It Is not by bemoaning ono's fat's, or being discontented with one's lot that ovj_ is ave o�1rico or A wl'ong rot igltt.,,,4ir 11erkol0 Sheffield, You can be re of it Ki 'VVI -ten you're hot and thirsty-- 'Tills hirsty--'11 .. bei nage-- ice cold• -a blend of pure Bridger, i; Itlt flavors and other cihniLest products from nature, -is re d fe. a bottle which is themost ea :i azy pecleefe that cart be luade, v nxipa from our Abs elutelysaititary:., I Inez., where every bottle is sterilized. Ready at hundreds of places. Euy it by th 31133313 and keep a few bottles cn ice at home. :. Delicious and: Refreshing THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, V'ancosiver iteetfteleeleelexe C.le sifedAdvertisement,. 't7 ;13, A3mITIots MAN OR WOMAN,�'r' to distribute sample,"and take orders lot, highclaps, huueeliold specialty, No r143. Rlp•: money. noneel• proposition,. Luaus I'rodunts Co„ Dept. 7. .-ITatnllton, Ont.: ILl'Jl13 FOlrO NOTns imam MY DIARY: 9 (Booklet).. :. Nine years' `erp donee .ranching loses," .,E cents. br. Randall. Truro,' Noes neotla• GENTS OL'PORTENIT3, 33E.11, BAIR NETS, , no11 ,aril-. end ten cents for Pull: anmplea. tn. '0.-;-, itlon, lib nL cpmmloslc31. 1)arothy 310150 Llndeay.Eulk13333 '3fontr0al.• WASNI RATON RAND: PRESS.• X117'- IrA%'E AN }NQ1JI13Y: F011 1 WA6!INe. *,►' TON fiend Preis .alai molal take t pages 01 1.columalds ,' long. ,ti'113033 hRId1333tu , Co„ Ltd„ 13 Ldeiatw.," 1b,nato, A '. transatlantic liner having a horsepower of 100,000, burns-, 5,700 tons:ox liquid fuel in a single crossing. V r� rJ V. fOR-�YOOUR Ea Cleanses and Bc,g 'ides NVrlfo Free THE c0.._ or Free oO1CQL1le .y-ig r AmeMoa'a monger Dow. Reruediaa - BooL, on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed 3ralled P'regg'�toany Ad. dross by the Author. K. lay. Glover Co., Ina, 129 west 24th street New York. U,8.A. Attractive Proposition Forman with all round weela, newspaper :experience and 4400. or 4600, Apply Box 24. 'pp'iiaoa Publishing Coe Ltd.. 73 Adelaide Street West. with. PH Rid year house of filth - carrying., dleoause-breed_ Ing Tiles; ilo free from buzzing mosquitoes that,make your - sleeping hours trderable. Deal death to ants, roaches alixl beetle's. eaphu 'I odor exterminates .Sr those nests, nut 14 No11,(O1SONOES and 15An3,113103 to Dman, Tin handy' eaphu Bulb eprbye' pmts the noydet'' into Lha sit 3dnta4 ail an., and moannitoo, 1n ars tb twenty minutti. Your drug.ist, ' hardware°,30333 or dopettmu,t,i. tiara can F.311)ly Tan' til Sapho Bulbraver at' g�Ao, Sapho Powdor in 26 and 60 nand 41,26 Lana, T r y the' readysto-use Sapho Puffer, 15 cents, and be,:eanvfnced,. Sapho• Liquid sprayed in ciooetn and.01r efothi)e, fuurniktre and draperies killsmoths, prevents deetruceion and even keeps 1notlte away. 1Ei<iNEDY ic ?ANiYI+ AC - TURING CO: 856 Henri. Julien at,, Montreal 3.Cla SCOUTINCa NOT MILITARY A Universal Disarmament Commit- tee which recently staged a ''No More War" demonstration in . Toronto, charged the Boy- Scents' Association with fostering war and mili'tariem 111. the mends of the boys in its member- ship. A detailed reply to thin charge was made in the Toronto press by Assistant Proavinoial Ctomanissdoner Prank C. Irwin, The Scout uniform; the wrote, le no more militaelsttc than Isa'fl roman's, and is, in fact, one of the, desmocratie features of the ]Soy Scout movement, It was further point- ed out that military maneuvers and riflo drills' have n11 place in the. Scout aaheme of tra,teing, the whole object of which is to trate boys to nee to the Lull their mental and physical endow There are several other things which Mr. laWidi might have pointed out in this -connection. If Scouting were"a military organization, We would :natur. ally .expect to find its, higher councils tilled with military officers, -This is by -no means the caee.:'Take the Pro.. Imetal Couuchl for' Ontario; torin-. stance, This body hast full control ()f- ilm operations of the Boy Soout,Move,- iment throughout the 'lprovinca and exercises its ;unctions through an exectrave committee of twenty-nine members: Of the twenty-nine four have titles which would suggeslt that they a: e Int-lltaly people, But the one "Captain Is a retired merchantship oom:mander One of the "Lt, -Colonel's" holds his title, afe au Honor• and is far better known as cue of the leaders in the Canadian Red• .Cross' the B for e ids, militia work. The other two are active leaders. In 10c211 militia work: Two out of twenty-nine 1- Nor are the members, of the execs.' tive staffs of the Don`tinion, provincial and local councils In their positions becalme'of their Military attainments. Mostof there were overseas or served in various pa.trlotic capacities, during the' Great 'War. as did members of the, staffs' of aleeether organizations and institutions" but only,one of them tae at any' time been a professional mill- taryman, Prior to their entry into, Scouting ozie WAS a professor ,of en- gineering In the University of Toronto and later of the University :of New Brunewic c Aliothee- was and still is a prominent' writer of books and stories for boys, Another, was: en- gaged In boys':, work .under' the -Sat. vat:ion Army 'banner, At least three Delicious Desserts. easily made with R'sllcil�liil is agi QUICK PUDDINGS AND CUSTARDS Savo time, trouble and l 101107. , Jifst add inmc to content( Of package, ell fez' a min the -•and OerVe, col,ally doliclouii, riot or. d.,' Paddindei C/l000late, Cssesaat,'la,¢Jooa Custards Lentos, Pa'N1Ja, Arrowroot,: .Nlttutog, Pablo; Plain At dill Groom's. nfeLAREN'r1JtvFt' o SCIS 'mid, by MsL411ii1i,7S Mprjtb,':. Hat&1 toll tied Whin14 4,11. adult sOn-11011 has hoes knoWlt to eat 13orty-foto= salmon in n. days I1llsard's I.jnllnent used b P Put three coins 1n a rov on the tal?le. Ptak op' the Bret elle, ceentt,ig 1 i>` "one," Pick utee escond, (Reim .".e 'two!', ;Pick 'yip the third- line counting "three," Pet down sone,: counting "tome' •Put-down another, copnting "five" pet down the last, counting "six" Pick up one, count Ing "seven," and 'another, counting eight," Push the one, which ra- n -mini on the table to one -'side," counting "nine,' put down one, counting "teu' and the -last, count- ing''televen:" ' Apparently yon have miscounted so that four times three appeal' to make eleven. The persons who are watching. -you w111, of couPse, ob• serve tho miscount and some one Will at once declare: "That'p easy 1 can 'do that," Scoop up the coins and put them to his -band, Full of confidence::he xyiibgo ahead': with the trick. When he reaches "nixie': in hiacount,''hew- ever, he will discover that the trick isnot so easy as It seemed. WhethSr he. gels any fun out .of it or not, you' are sure: of some amusement out , of his, unsuccessful' efforts': to miscount. • The trick is very aimpie, All that you need to remember' l that the coins must` be on the table at the beginning of the trick: By placing the` coins in his hand, you influ- enced him to start the count Meer- rcotly and so' made his failure al- most- Inevitable, (Clip this out and . paste it, withother of the series, in a scrapbook.) i • GUARD BABY'S B EALTE! IY THE SUiiJl l+;Il Them eumer"monthe, are the most dangerous to.ohtldren. The complaints of that season, •WMch'are' C110121.2.fn. fantune polio, ,diarrhoea and dysentery, come on so quickly, that often a little' one is(- beyond aid before the:moth er realizes he ie i11 . The nvot ler Meat be on her auard.toe prevent these trout.' les, or if tlhey do come o0 suddenly to banish' them. No other inedleine le"of such did to' mothers) during,hot wea:.: ther as ' Bwby's Own Tablets, They regolite.-the stomach and bowels, and are absolutely safe- Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box: from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Bnociryilae, Ont. A Gloomy Outlook. Bug r Whet. so- gIoon}y, . Amos'? Amos Skeeto;' The girls are going to wear heavy sport hose all sunnier Minard'a Liniment for Corns and Warts Don't 'over-provethat.` politeness costs nothing by refraining from say- ing "Thank you.' EDDY'S 3'1A6 CHES' `atwi2g8 $ael y he hiousewife £VERYWttER1 IN CANADA ASR FOR Y'fl1iM alt rams. • { Nave you shined your sloes latd'aJ7 Kelsey-Ilea,'iui" 8.41?ight }ieatf,i8 The Kelsey warm siren. erctor will heat every room in your houso.'It is, erisy to operate and coots less•for (11301 thon shy other boptina method. Floats both °tell and lar o houses with Squat setisftic ion 1NRITC r6tt P1RT)C:,;Ase GA11A0A1313 X,raRFutonNg9 LIMITKIS ttA'MI S,SMART PLANT tfineavat4 Orli 16i8tjl;. No. I or pac T@f a Ya fin. crsturraatgarssaraggraggraggesse The ancients knew and probably made use of the magnifying power of glass ,globules. MI..ard's Liniment for stale everywhere Most bees lead a solitary; and not a social communal life lilte that of the honeybee and bumblebee: MONEY ORDERS, ` The safe way to send money by mall le by ,Dominion Express IVIouey Order, The only known: copy of the, first Protestant•Bible printed in Latin was given 'to 'the public library of Cam- bridge, Masa, recently by an anony- mous friend: Save Your Haik' Rub the scalp four. timess•a gweek witli Minard's. Harmless, purely vegetable. Infants' and Children's Regulator, formula on every label. Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-aleobolle, JIS. WINSLOWS SYRUP The Infant' and Children'. Rejtolator Children growhealthy and free trent colic;. diarrhoea, •flabuleney.' constipation -and -other trouble If • given it et teething time. Sate, pleasant-alwayebringd re. nerka1110and'gratifylag results.' At All Druggists Keep Kendall's always -.in the barn. i A strained, muscle, a sprung tendon; a jolt or a knock demands immediate attention. A few hours' delay will result in a long lameness -.perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall's Spavin Treatment has saved more horseflesh than all the other known remedies. Under the name' of Kendall's Spavin Coro, ' it is the forty.year-old standby of horsemen, farmers and veterinarians: Get a botile,of Kendail'e today. Ask, loo, for 16a Free Book or wrilefor it to DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY ENOSHURG FALLS, Vt,, U.S.A. 4 Ir you Own, askf6Mr G�fl C M4 ( rasp lalmtf Mrs. J o Sampson Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Scalp 13" "I was troubled for years wlth.a dry scalp and dandruff. There were .t# - small scales on my scaip,and it,itch'ed and burned a greatdeal. My' hair was very dry and lifeless, and fell out when I combed It. I be- ganusingCnticura Soap and Ointment and after a' few applications could' eee'an 'imc provement. I continued using, them and in three months was headed,". (Signed) Mrs. j. W. Sampson, 4705. 32nd Ave: S , Seattle, Wash. Keep your skin clear by using Cuti.. sura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for everyday toilet purposes. ;Touch' pimples and itching,: if any, with Cuticura Ointment; bathe with Cut1- cura'Soap.and hot water. Dry and dust lightly with Cuticura Talcum, a powder of faeclnating fragrance. semp t g eLPcep by g iI.Add spa" and Ltm•tad ee482,4M1 ew.Monts a."Bold every- where. Sos " ti,aand oo;8�"Cutsura3onp shaves wtthovrlmva PUTS HEALTH Yg AND VI .. . INTO WO ;E So Says Mrs. MacPherson of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Brantford, Ontario, -"I was always tired and the least exertion would put me out fm a day or two. I had d pressing pain on the top of my head, pain in the nape of my neck, and when; I stooped over X could not get up with. out help,:because of pain in my back,- 1 did not sleep well and was nervone at the least noise. 1 keep house, but'I was such awreck that / could not sweep the floor nor wash the' dishes without ly- ing down afterwards, A friend living near me told me What Lydia E. ; Pink. ham'sVegetabl Clompoundhaddonefo her a J� so panni take it. Wthe firs 'With �y bottle felt br - Lex and got so:X realer wash d3ehes and Sweep wthout having' to lie: down. Later I became regttlar again in Monthly terms. 1 havetaken tStt bottles all told and am now all better. X cap truly say that your wonderful medicine cannot be beatt;q for putting health and vim into a wo. man." -Mrs. JAMES H. MACPHERSON, 809 Greenwich St, Brantford, Ont, If you are suffering from a displace. meat, irregularities, backache, or any other form of female weakness write to the Lysiia 511. Pinithani'Medicine Co.,Cob- hobos gPrivate for Lydia E. Pin1t_ r vate Text -Book upon ."All. relents Peculiar to Women:" '0 UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you .are not getting Aspirin at ail Accept only an "unbroken package of "Bayer 'Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions anti dose worked tint by ± physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lunibag( Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 11 tablets --Also bottles of 29 and 110-' D ilgglatti. Arol'irio 1e the trade vatic irrntgig{{,,orad 1),' C„,nndn) of nose 73'03 nye of tloft;V• "Pet11Aoldantor or ee 313 '11oaats, Wirfle 1t la 1aN1 1cntYl1vn thaat Asp in in3ans ,0,350 tMn,'ntlfarttlra, to ilw ittt the pnb'iia agnitri imitation; s-zar3'1 dfr1atcyar Company 37131 b'a” htalnped with tsar, XS139ka1 trade Enorlc, ins 'Siaydlr rJrban"