HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-16, Page 20, '» IKCTAOGART
A general BealkitiC •Resteeee tranaact.
ed. Notes PlatIOuntecl; Pits Issued.
loterast AlloWed en DePoelts, Sale
leotea Purclieeta.
Notary, Putdie, elonveyaecer.
Flnanelal, Real leetate and Fire In.
Tirane° Agent.. Repreeenting le Fire
urance compaeleti.
Division Court bffiee, Clinton.
E3arrist0r, oiicltor, Notary Public, etc.
• 1)R. J. C. GANDIER
Office lioure:-1.30 p 3.30 lune 7,30
to 9.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m,
Other hour a 'by appoltitment,enly,
Office and Reeidence — Victoria $t.
Is resuming priietise at his residence,
Office Hours: -9 to 10 tem. ard'1 to Z
Pan, Sundays, 1 to 2. p.m., tor con:
Office Hours
1,30, to 3.20 p.m. 7.30 to 9..00 p.m.
Sundays 1,00 to 2.00 p.m.
Other hour.by appointment. •
e. •
Office, .218W . Residence, 2183
Office and Residence:
. Huron Street I. Clinton, onto.
Phone 09
(Formerly occuaied. by the lafas Dr,
C. W. Thompson).
I)r. A. Newton Brady Bayfield
. Sundays 1 to 2 pan.
Graduate Dublin Unlyereitya Ireland.
Late E:ctein AsMetan.t Master, Ro-
tuhda-lloepital for Women and Chil-
dren, Dublin. • ,
Office at residence /lately occupied
by, Mrs. Poisons,
Hours 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 'p.m.
Graduate Royal Coilege of Dentaa Sur.
geons and Toronto OniversitY
BUS Wilco bourn at .‘ayfield in old
Post elffice Building, Monday, Wed-
nesday, Friday „tura Satuaday from .1:
to 5.30. p,m.
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commis.
stoner, etc.
Liceoried Auctioneer for the county
of Hurom
Correspondence promptlY answered.
'Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203.
,Chargee Moderate and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. •
Clinton, Ont. ,
General Fire and Life In,surance:tiagent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
' Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana-
da 'Trust Bonds. Appointmenta made
to 'tneet parties at Brucefield, Varna
and Bayteld. 'Phone 57. .
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Jamea) Conaway, Goderich;
Vice., james Evans, Beachwood; Sec. -
Treasurer, Thos. IL Hays, Seriforth.
Directors: George McCartney, _.sea.
forth; D, F. McGregor, Seaforth; 3.
'Grieve, Walton; Win. Ring, $eaforth;
11. McEwen, Clinton: Robert Ferries,
Harlock; John Benneweir,Brodleagen;
.Tas. Connolly, 'Goaerich.
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton;
Teo, Goderich; Ed, Hinchray, See.
forth; W. Chesney, Eganoedville;
G, Jartuuth, Bro,dhagen.
Any money to be oaid in may be
paid to Moorish Clothing Co, Clinton.
or at (Rat's Grocery, coderich.
Parties desiring •to affect lesurance
,or transeet other Mistress will ho
promptly attended to oe application th
gay of the aboire officers'addressed to'
their respective eost olnee Louse
inspected by the Dieector who lives
neareet the scene. -
„ Terms, of Subscription -.,2,o per year,
In advance, to Canadlen addresses;
$2:50 -to the U.S., or Other foreign
countrieS, No paper diseontinued
all arrears ire pale' unless at
athe option of the . publisher. - The
,date to` which every 'subneription tg
„paid Is denoted en tho .
Adve.ralsinii Retes—Tranzient shiver.
aeseiaents, 10. cents per nonpareil
Aloe tor first Ansortiou and 6 cents
'pee line tor each subsequent hums
Small advertisements not to
..',exceod one inch, snob as ."Lost,"
"Strayed)" or "Stolen," ete., inserted
• 'Orme for 35 ceete, each, Anima.
quent insertion 16 cents.
Communtestioni intended for pub*
cation must, as a guarantee of good
• faith, be accoMpailied by the name of
the, writer.
•6, Ea C24RIC.
Proprietor, • Editeet
Some Women Must Not Pray.
etene parte of the world the
Wanton, are net (Wen allowed, iway.
teat:ate Hindu congeagatione deny
their Winnen Hite privilege, and &maim
the AMU ofrJapost vrennen ceft Pray
oniy Vele, saae eeeta 41.41 the, ilOPIrtiCS
of \toh* hutbands.
have made .laige bone A d flee} le
Address commtinloations to Aororiorolet, 73 Adelaide StaWest, Toronto
Rot daye and gultay nights bring the sodium fforide tie above, it
their OW n problein to the poultryman, eometimes used as a dip. This re -
whether he be casoerating on a confiner- quires more labor, but is a thorou
mai <Seale or managing a /arra flock. method of cleaning up a ilock..A. vval
'I'he birds ieetiire clitrerent.care and ettnny days should be eheaeri end the
different feeding during the hot deye, work done during iniddey to give the
The old bens must be kept on the Job birds a Chance to get dried off before,
end the Pima atoek will have to be going to r°6st. Thi l'act'ic6 is rapid -
given every eacouragernent If they are ly becoming more common amoeg
to do their 'best next fall and winter poultrymen as they are Overcoming a
when prices begin to come up. Much fear of wetting the birth. ,
hes been eaid a winter earbet win- Beach and Freehorn give the follew-
ter catele much more difficult if your ing directions for making the dip:
stook goes'into winter quarters weak- "The solution ehould be Prepared in A
cried by summer neglect. wooden containea, avoiding contact
with galvanized iron. The, ordirmaY
• This is the, time of year to got rid /veeden weeh tub ie °Iteellent for till°
of the eun hen, Culling can be done purpose.- thle ounce °f e°r•emereiaual
at any time, but the amateur will and eedjuln &ride' or 'twet.thirde of
less trouble at this time of year. "The ounce' of the chemically pure salts
spi,rit of spring, with ith flush sea8an ehold be dissOlved in each gallon of
foe eggs has passed rapdlly into sum- tepid water. The best method for
mer slumps, summer emus pu,y be dipping the birds.is to hold them with
calmed, by two-- faetor.,. First, paao the left hand by both wings.': They
feeding, and secondly, the inability of are then placed feet feremost in the
the individual hen to stand the strain; waern dip and submerged until only
In other words, 'the constitutionally the head remains above the eurfaee*
weak, the .mentaliy disinclined and The Y should be held in this position
PhYsicallY Unfit, should be doomed to for twenty or twenty-five sec°nds'
slaughters- Time and space will not
Permit an exteneive, article at this
time on culling., A few of the high
points might be enumerated. The big
beefy hen with the chuckle head, yel-
low shanks, new plumage and a mass
of hard fat stored in the egg sack
region should be'given carfare to mar-
ket. Small, nndersized, crow -headed,
round -bodied types showing lack of
vitality and vigor should also be let
go. Keep an eye on the busy, indus-
trious biddy who singe all day and
weals no yellow pigment in her
shanks. 'She is.,a • most docile and cold ways of winter. The hen no long -
friendly individual, alwaye looking for, er requires an abundance of heating
something t� eat. Her plumage May' food. There must be suPplied in quan-
tities aufficient, however, to maintain
body weight. She does require, howa
ever, a liberal feed of meal and ani-
mal protein to keep up production..
If the houses are-ivarm, put the
mash hoppers out in the shade Where
tip hens will consume more. The
standard mash mixture.' is used thr
summer feeding, consistirig of equal
parte ground oats, ground ,corn, bran,
middlings; and meat scrap. Sour milk
or butthrmilk may,be used to replace
efit aeriveble from innahm STOW-
ing on the form lies iargelY in bring-
ing the leint) erop to early matority,
I fled that this can only be done by
giving the lernbe the beat of eere after
being weaned. Lembe that have been
well nerd during the euckling period
1 ri 4 t -
velopment and collie to the weanitlfa
. - ,
trine prepared to shift for themselves.
Lamhs es soon as eeparated from
is tOir Mothere slieuld be provided with
A reader of a thoughtful turi
Would like a little light upon the ger
theory of disease, If ,germa are 8
Vell deadly, fInd if they multiply e
fast, how ie the human race Save aly
frem extermination, she asks. Sh
• To is n Starl
To kill thiealee: Poln orm-belf to
one teaspeoriful of eaestle eoda la put
on the heart of a tidetle, it will evithee,
It 1v)ao 2nmbwtoR d the reote will dio
tb re oolstoh roc!Iti°z f 1yoeJ,liegme°Si titfner,c7e,e ir:Oiti 1:0Es
o o blower rein fea two or three TninOtee,
d to forge ieto the silo, before going
e into it. The danger is due to gee
would also like to know what ceacmo
.., tender., palatable pasture. This soinas eense telle us to do about germe.
gi time a is quite diffieelt M provide as The fact of the matter is that dis
en drouth invariably 'prevelle through- (Mee germs, dangerous though the
out the eountry at this .eeasom Then, •are, do not have everything their oWi
. too, a great ratinY farra;:; are not Well way. They are not very long lived
ferieed so t t "Is They cannot exist unless the), find
available can be utilized to the best euitable soil, They mud have proper
ledvantage, , degreee of temperature and moisture.
The flock owner must keep looking They are blasted by the breezes of the
ahead M order to meet conditiens of atmosphere and withered by the bright
the season and provide the eseential rays of the sun, If every single tlia-
pasture the flock requires at all times ease germ proved fatal to every ]05
of the yi'ar. Where the fields are well son attacked the reeult would be a
feneed eecond-growth, clover and June ly end to the human race But
grass meadow pestnre is available it disease gerins must attack M force to
makes the finest Itind of feed for the be effective, they must find •a non -
developing of the lambs. Being see- resistant eoil, and even then 'the
end growth, tender a,nd nutritious, the mart body will generally destroy them
Iambs make splendid gaowth, after a resistanee that we speak of
,.,. I find 'tea good practice to chertge as an "illness."
the pasture for the lambs as frequent- I think it ie safe to make the broad
ly as possible as it not only'gives the statement that germs from the body
lambs a change of feed, hot I think of a person in health will do no harm
light grain ration of oat, corn and gentle that are capable, under certain
the pasture eupply cambe kept up for to other persons. It is true that e_ab',eunt
wheat bran is necessary in order to copditione, oe creating
a longer Imigth of time. Feedirig, a a healthy person carri,es constantly
belance up the pasture mid to induce while the body is in health they lack
rapid bone and flesh development. ' 1 -
There is one great exception, an
that is in the bodies of persons who
are "disease earriers." These "car-
Aleamportant paragraph in the re- riera" are those who had hed a dis-
view ef the preeent situation of the ease, sdch as typhoid fever or eiph..
cattle trade by the Markets Intelli- theria heve recovered from it so that,
rence $eresee of the Dominion ..Live they are immune to its germs, but for
Stock Branch reads: "The strongest some reason still harbor the live germs
demand on the market is fez neat in their bodies, and are capable of
passing them on to other persons in
such a way as to transmit the disease.
. I do not think.that harmful carriers
are so very numerous, but there are
enough so that I feel sure 'that all
persons employed in dairies, in baker-
ies, in restaurants, or in the produc-
tion or preparation of any food sup-
plies should be regidly questioned as
a good outlet overseas and strengthen.'
ing United States markets on choice
and good heavSrweights such cattle
may be depended upon to strike good
levels. The excellent,eondition of pas-
tures, the good -prospects for grain,
hay, and fodder crops should suggest
a policy of operation in which full
finish and a judicious carry-over are
the main issues. There is nothing in
the general situation to negative. the
belief that the beef market ie well on
Is cana'ed ferinentieg corn, Some-
times people are killed by the 'gas.
• Cut second -crop eed Mover, -pile it
y and don't, thresh it. After You plow
ydar wheat ground, take this clovera,
and cover! the bottom of yamr epreader,'
. .
yosa '1`101-,1 TO CULL.
while the feathers are ruffled to per.
snit_penetration of the liquid. Just
before removal the head „,should be
ducked under the eurface. Hold 'the
birds above the tub for a fevr minutes
to allow them to drain, One hundred
birds will use up approximately five
gallons of dip on which basis material
should be available at the start of the
operation M keep the dip replenished.
During the long warm days our ra-
tion can' be, changed quite matezially
from the one used during the short
be dry and hard, and possibly broken,
but she will be ont-doing her more
"dressed np" sister of leisure. Note
when you handle her, the spread in
the egg sack region, indicating ovarian
activity. The deep, long ribs, the
long, broad, level back, the clean-cut
head, and the hard, close plumage.
These are all 'earmarks of heavy pro-
duction and "laying type."
Conditions in the laying -house are
apt to beconie very bad in summer. A 'bird
one-half of the meat scrap. The
birth snake excellent use of such dairy
hot, stuffy house, odoriferous with the
gases from heated manure, and in by -produces.
every chink and crack a nest of mites
is not at all conducive'to health and
It may be difficult to ventilate
some houses properly to manitain a seven pounds per day to one.hundred
sweet-smelling condition, but frequent hens at this time of year. _This will
cleaning will aid greatly in maintain- tend to -increase the amount of mash
mg a healthy atmosphere. In most consumed. A mois mash fed at noon
houses adequate slimmer 6ntilation will also tend to increase mash con -
can be secured by keeping all windows eumption and aid in holding produc-
wide open and if windows are opened tion up. '
under the dropping board on the Do ribt forget green feed. So often
north side will aid materially in keep- when the hens are out we neglect the
ing the house cool and provide air ch.- green feed. If they have access to a
culation. Care must be taken to have good alfalfa pasture or some green
all openings covered with wire Ret- annuals as rape or oats, they will fare
ting to protect against skunks, wea- very well. However, during midsum-
sels, etc. This precaution will also mer the green supply from grass mins
aid materially in preventing infesta- low and it will pay you to 'find some
tions of mites by keeping the spar- supplementary greens. Sprouted oats
rows out. Sparrows usually harbor are excellent and San' easily be grown
andmarry mites and if allowed M fre- in summer. Rape makes a good suns-
quent the poultry house and build mer feed, but must be fed in small
nests they are sure to be a source of quantities as it•is very apt to cause_
vermin. They also devlop a mania "green" or "dark" yolks, Chinese cab
for visiting mash hoppers and feed bage sown about August 1 makes ex -
bins. In this way they will materially cellent greens for fall feeding. Give
reduce profits and are very apt to be hens in confinement a feed of greens
carriers of -disease erganisms from the first thing in 'the morning and
Infected flocks and yards. " again in the forenoon, and also in the
Mites and lice reduce the vitality of afternoon during the hot weather,
stock and interfere with production. They enjoy salads for summer rations
These two common pests vary in their Just, as much as we do.
habits and must be dealt with accord- puling nildsurnm" tin') water sap"
iney. mites live in. cracks aria creve ply becomes warm and stale. You will
ices, about the neats, roosts and drop- be repaid for the trouble of frequently
ping boards, attacking the hen during changing the water. ICeeP the Pans
the night while she is on the roost or clean, and particularly when milk is
during the day while she is On the
nest. Mites may be detected by the
chaaacteristic "pepper and salt" ap-
pearance on the roosts and about the
cracks and chinks. This is caused by
excreta from the Paiasites. They are
described as both gray and red mites.
In reality, however, the gray mite is
usually the same animal before break-
ast After his ineal of good hen's Fair .Tennie takes the Milking-eail,
And to the meadow trips along,
blood he takes on'n reddened anneal,- The sunbeams slant across the vale,
Etna° due M the blood in the body. A And sweetly rings her merry son,.
characteristic odor accompanies bad
infestation and one can soon fear)) to The meadows with white "daisies
recognize them and detect their pres- glisten,
once in that way. Using louse killer The crieket stops hie chirp to listen;
oh the birds will have but little effect As o'er the fields-. her sweet. voice
or) mites, They can be readily con- rings,
trolled, however, • by using a good And high upon an elm teee bough
insecticide on the roosts, nesM, drop- A robin gaily sings..
ping board, etc. The writer has loond
ste oil from the crank case of the Richard hears 'the sweet voice call,
tomobile or tractor to be 'a very And sees the cows Slowly moving
efficient and inexpensive mite control, toward her,
Everyone has some at' hand or ea, No call for him, but yet he goes,
secure it from a local garage f a For twilight is the time to woo"her.
The„grain mixture may' be slightly
changed, reducing the quantity of corn
in favor of a little more, wheat. The
quantity can be anaMriallY reduced.
We usually recommend feeding about
being fed. Foul drinking dishes are
not conducive ,to good health and the
birds will drinlc more water if it is
clean and cool. Rementher, eggs are
65.9 per cent. water.
Live Stock Markets.
weight stock of good killing quality,
and this condition may be clepend)d
upon to continue during hot:Weather.
Heavy supplies of soggy grassers will
beeak the market (laution in liqui-
ddion with. particular attention to
season conditions, is strongly advised.
Midsummer demand is mostly for
small meats, but, in view of searcity,
to their previous illnesses and a physi-
cal examination made to determine
their safety to the public.
Just as the human body in health is
perfectly safe to others, the same body
in contagious illness is actively clans,
gerous to others. The germs that rest
in the mouth and throat harmlessly
during health become- active for evil
when health has given way to ilinese.
Most of the spread -of ,contagious dis-
ease comes from a well person coming
the road. to recovery. The usual in contact with one who is ill with the
autumn' depression is of course inevit-
'able but the degree of it depends en- I will sum the matter up by saying:
tirel'y on the general policy pursued. Don't bother about germs so long as
Those who take note, as to seasonal you are in good 'health. In case of
conditions of markets will probably illness quarantine yourself until you
benefit." know that you cannot spread coil -
Relative to hog prospects the re- tagion. Avoid actual contact with .per -
viewer has this to say: "Our latest sons wife show symptom's of contagi-
cable advices from Great l3ritain are sus disease. That's all you can do.
-in more optimistic tone than early in Don't worry—Dr. C. 1-1.1errigo.
the month (june), and Impes are en-
anreshaadrpvirseeda'61ttio°1i7e°tPit.hiceeis; N.„„,,o" 104 Winter
hPteorrgotsdaujinneeerdgs000fal finish and.to sell subject Wheat.
to, official grading,. which will give The 0. A. C. NO. 104 variety of
them the benefit on -select stoelt. The winter wheat originated at the Agri -
majority Of the Canadian packers are cultural College by crossing, the Daw-
now purchasing on the basis of the son's Golden Chaff and the Bulgarian
new standards, and.producers should varieties and has made the highest
see to it that their hogs are so bought reccusd of five leading varieties tested
at country points." on one hundred and twenty-eight
As to sheep, a short supply led th farms throughout'Onthrio. Not only
the market holding up well, and on is it a' high yielder, but from equal
Eastern ina.rkets at the end of June, quantities of flour it has produced
the average price was well above that more bread than the Dawson's. Golden
for the corresponding month last year. Chaff. It is interesting to knew also
Western prices, however, were not as that it has been more hardy even
strong, but supplies. were generally so than' the Dawson's Golden Chaff and
meagre as M prohibit the establishing almost as stiff in tho straw and seems
of st market. Heavy sheep were some- to be less suseeptible to smut.
what hard to move: Choice lambs a-
vaeighing not above 75a lbs. are the Let us improve our community by
choice of the market and good prices `substituting self-starters for cranks.
are forthcoming for such stock; From The Ontario Depdrtrnent of Agri -
eighteen to twenty dollars per hurl.- culture is providing a motor truck to
dred pounds wee no uncommon price tour certain rural districts and de.
forchoice lambs during June. Light mastratie water supply systems,
stock is always preferred, especially plumbing equipment, and installation
in -hot weather. methods. The exhibits include an air
a --------e pressure water system and kitchen
By adding green stuff, fruit and and bathroom fixtures for the farm
dairy products to our food, we will &welling. One day is spent in each
combust the other things we eat, str
furnish .plenty of spark to fully
localityation Svisited,
ilveechtuirne'sthaenadf afternoon.
A Twilight Pastoral.
small sum. The roosts, nests and
dropping boards 'should be thoroughly
painted, with this oil. Kerosene will
have a killing effect but evaporatee
very quickly and has to be applied
more ofMn. There are 00 the market
many wood preservers, coal tar by-
products and other patent prepara-
tions which may be used with equal
, So Richard leans upon the ,bars,
i And wooeth Jennie till the stars
Shine through the haze the twilight
And still upon the elm tree bough
The robin gaily sings.
'—E. II. Pitcher.
Body lice can best be controlled by
treating 'with elodium floride. This ie
most easily applied dry. There are
two co/inner) methods of using it in
the peX'Vder amain. •
Live Stock Slaughterings
and Sales.
In inspected elaughterings this year,
the Dominion Live Stock Breech re:.
porte a decrease 'in both ealyee and
The Pinch 'Method—The bird is' sheep conmered With last year, the
held by the legs and pinches of the totals being 137;859 calves compared
powder dusted into the feathemabouts with 173,721, and 97,792 sheep corn -
the vent, in the loose fluff feathers' pared with 101,227. 'Cattle slaughter -
arid along the'body feathers extending ings show an increase of 22,694 arid.
from the thigh forward, ' hogs of 152,259; the tti b' 222,
The Shaker Method --This is shad-, 689 cattle to 199,955, and 1,092,644
ler to the pinch method except that a hog a to 040,205. •
ean having a per.forated top Is used in Sitlee .at, pubhe etock yards 'diving
place of using pinches. This nequires''the first six months of this 'Year, Shot+,
ihndll more material' and corieeqitently an incyeaee about 50,000 cattle and"
It le freqttettly diluted with s» fine approximately of 100,000 hogs emn'
sebetanee such at floOr or &Were of paeed with lett year. Calvo e ;hewed
sulphur, I a dcoacaSe of ewe) 11,000 and eheep
' Dip IVIethod—le addition to using and lambS of 12,000,
Choosing the Right School -Preacher
By Margaret Conn Rhoads
Rural school boards and farm par
ents are just beginning to realize the
need of employing rural -minded schoo
teachers to teach the children who at-
tend the consolidated schools. By
"rural -minded" teechers we mean men
and women who haye farda, interests
most at heart. men and women Who
heve been reared onfarms themseayes
and who see a futuye for the pupils
who stay on the farm.
It is hard for the town or city -
Veined inan or Woman to sense the
'romance in farm life; to .understand
the opportunities it Offers for a 811C-
cessful and useful etireer or to visual-
ize a future in euch`quiet surround-
ings. 'Too often these city -trained
teachers jail unconsciously, perhaps)
Ileac' up to their pupils' eyes the glow-
ing opportunitiee of the city'. They
are entirely lacking in rural minded-
ness, because it is net a part of their
' In all the daily teaching hi the
111111 districts, there should be a note
of 1021010,r to, life on the feta). les-
sons along many, lines ean be taught
with direct reference to use in e rural
N,o city -bred man or wonian can
really assume the foam attitude, ne
matter how desirous he or sho may be
of instructihg the pupils in the pre-
ecribecl leseoas of the school. There-
fore', all boards selecting thachers for
aural echools should endeavor to se -
Met teachers havieg a love for. farm
life; who have themselves been reared
oe frame arid who can instil into the
minds of a larger percentage of their
ptipile 'al desire to continue -aural
life. '
Such teechers can beeorne gteat face
tors in keepitg' beye end girls CCM,
tented in the rureladistriete and can
direct their education toward -the lines
:of success. When these children are .
11 taught the value' to their community
1, of the feiMmr-business man; of the'
! rural community eentre; of , crope
scientifically raised; and ef the chal-
!lenge it offers to te young 51100 01' wo-
' man to take the ground Mid make 0E
it a productive place that feeds arid
clothes its people and promotes Lim
F.,Icheme of life, then we shall be train-
ing our children to love the life that
is open to them andto choose ahe faem
as their abiding place.
The child who livee on ao average
farm until he is through high school,
has much of his real farm khowledee
learned. From the time he is old
enough to throw Corn to tam chickensa
to tim time he takes charge of the
with it. Fill the epreader with ma-
nure and scatter it oil the whet
ground, then diek and barrow it
This gives you a mighty good stand'
of clover, the next year, I
To kill trees use this formula) One
pound of arsenic, one pound of was00
ing soda, one-half pound of whiting,
and four gallons of water, Dissolve
the soda in a, little water, 'Intim a
paste of the a -Am -de by adding a little'
water, then add the arsenic paste M
the water containing the soda, stirring
all the Hine. Boil thie iniXture for
half an hour, and be careful not to
inhale the fumes, for they ere poison -1
ous. Better do the 'boiling' out -of -,1
doors, After boiling, remove from the' I
fire, and add the rest of the° water,'
with which the whiting haa been MiX-
ed. 1Vialte a girdle around the tree,
hacking downward and leaving the
chips in place to foam a frill. Pour
a pint of sces of the arsenic solution
Into the cute. If Ihe tree is small,
cut it low and swab the stump with
the arsenic solution, and this avill pre-
vent suckering. We repeat, do not
inhale the fumes of boiling arsenic. "
Pertilieing flowers: When '-the
plants came into bud give an occa-
sional application of liquid manure,
using 0 long -nosed watering can with-
out the sprinkler. At buckling time the
plants will have used a part of the
nourishment in the spring dressing,
and the use of liquid manure brings
food in a quickly available form at a
time when it is most needed. Appli-
cations may be made once a week. The
liquid should be the color of weak tea
and is applied at a distance of, from
two to five inches 'from each plant,
according to size. IVet the soil thor-
Rations for Heavy Milk
The opinion too often held that one
cannot afford to feed a heavy grain
ration to milking cows Is rapidly
changing. Experience is 'teaching
that low feeding is wasteful and a
generous ration profitable. To try to
make ones grain supply !min out by
reducing the ration is like withholding
water- from- a thirsty plant.
The Record of Performance work
with dairy cows has taught useful
lessonei on gauging the ration. The
desire to make records at any cost
has taught that a good cow een be
trusted to judge of the qoantity of a
well balanced ration that may be
eaten with profit.
At the Lacombe, Alberta, Experi-
mental' Statthn during the year 10224
ten Holstein -Friesian cows qualified
in the Record of Performance with
Home Ei
"The Child's First School i
Bad Habits of Chil
At a summer resort recently 2 Met
a pretty and charming young woman,
who attracted my attention because of
her hands. Ona was very slender with
tapering fingers and small knuckles.
The other -was larger, with large
knuckles. I often wondered what
caused such rnis-mates.
One day we were chatting- on the,
beach, when a child strolled by, biting'
and sucking her small hand. "Come
here, dear," cailed my newly -found
friend. The Child shuffled toward vs,
and my friend said, "Please !don't
abuse those pretty little hands like
that. Go and play with your sand
shovel and bucket instead."
After the child had left us, miss
Billie; as, her friends called her, told
ine about her hands. "When I was
a ,child I had the dreadful habit of
sucking and biting my hands. I kept it
up for years. Sometimes they would
become red and chapped. My right
one was- usually the vietim, I lived
with a busy aunt, who dicl not seem, to
notice the habit, You see the result,"
and slm laid her hands on her lap,
"They, do ncq.look as if they were even
I know a woman who is now a
grandmother, who has bitten her nails
since she was a small eirinth, hends
are hideous.Besides she looks rather
foolish now, with her white hair,
gnawing at her nails when she bo.
comes excited or very mecls interested
in something.
I live next door to a young girl who
would be really beautiful if it were
not for the fact that, when she wee a
child; she had acquired tam habit of
wrinkling her Sorehead. Now, as a
girl of nineteen, she has deep wrinkles
Which greatly lima' the otherwise beau-
tiful face.
"north forty," he has learned inueli of -
the habits of animal's, of the growing
of crops, of the velim of land teateity
and of the irnpoetance of farm ee-
cOunts. Why then should the farm
school board bring in a facto). that
Ofttinies lessens the value of the very
thing the foam pmente want instilled
into \their children's Minds, by petting
them in charge of teachers whose
training and idese are entirely foreign:
to the conditions aroend them.
Each year, young men arid women
s're going out from our consolidated
schools to lm trained in school teach.
in. Letale encletiVor to have many of
them return to the, fern' dietticts to
teach,, where they can give to their
pupils not alone a necessary fund of
book knowledge, but also a Itnotele.dp,•e
of tho importance ancl the opportun-
ities 10 nuetil life.a-We need teachers
Who can direct the attention of tho
pupil toward advantages whish may
bo bio,
Reed Therm Atwell*
Storiee of Sueeeee
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