The Clinton News Record, 1923-8-9, Page 84 1 e.$tt#ntnQ Mf ev:eniaegs end$ 'o' epair ng on watches, clocks and jewelery] °HINSON. ' Next Hovey's Drag Store Make ''ollr House Home itb Attractive ALL PAPER The W..D: Falx 0i Often the Cheapest—Always the Dept ammer ; e of Tit Footwear ' the family needs for nice cool white their original price. The season for its best,and with prices so low, no one mfort of a pair of white shoes. le following cleaning lines:— to $4,00 high top White Canvas 69c. pr. ords, to clear . .. , ....: 89c. pr, leather or rubber soless to clear98c. pr. d to clear, so 'cone in and look then ' - :iii!• = w"�.A+ �Iw`aQ1a, eP1 Bros. BONE 25. MORE IRITSLNESS & Shipley NEEDS FOR THE PICNIC SEASON non,• Dotted Meats, Boiled Ham and r, Peanutbutter,' Maple Butter, iz & ,Snidei''s Catsup, Prepared French Pineapple, Menesetung Plums, White Pure Jams.•of all kinds, Fresli Bane- rnd Welch's Grape Juice. POTATOES cers Prone 125 vu, d Inquire pedal Indigo Rliue Suits at SOO forbidden, but you may e tip from us, IS "A 'WINNER Etc Herman agnagosisecnunfontaaaneggsvgasea V6lits e irq- j 4rtamel I • l�l+iml n , eautiful and durable; but also the eoon- rded yet priceless treasurers that can le, mean's of a ,brush and A eau of 'Vi%• Il you flif ,the wonderful work that can 'mel. PerdU.e ;tY.,ar t1C.A.i,• PI,UMI tclG NER, Electrician zs, ttodhs, Ircln,s, FaII and 0thoir opilhnccs 15 nir 1 p IIUuIIu ea nut 11.114, Mr. Wilson is visiting in Chatham.. Miss Helen Grigg is visiting in¢De-• trait, Mrs, H. R, Sharpe is back from South_' umpton, - Mr. Jago spent the week -end in Mitchell. Miss Jean Chidley is in Clinton for her holidays. • Miss Irwin: of town has left for .Smoky Lake, Alberta.. Miss Perkins. from Perieh is visiting Miss Winnie Thompson. • Miss Eleanor McKenzie is visiting in Port Huron and Detroit. hllr. George McTaggart is spending his holidays in Bayfield. Mr, Freddie Elliot is home from Owen Sound for about a month. • • Mr, Earl O'Neil left on, Monday for a short visit to Southampton. Mrs. II. B. Combe is, in Mitchell at- tending the QMdiBoys' Reunion,. -`c Mrs. Cranston is ` staying wall her 'parents, Mr and Mrs. Torrance. Mr. H. R. Sharpe of the Molsons Bank spent the week -end in .Southampton. Miss AVinnifred MacMillan; of, Toron- to is visiting with Dr.. and. Mrs, Gunn. Mr. and Mr.s- McCulloch are visiting Mrs. .Mo0ulloch's• brother, Mr. Bert Fi errrlin. Mr. Clarence Shepherd of the Ma- sons' Bank staff , has gone on his holidays. Mr. O'Neil and 'Miss Jess O'Neil have left for their summer cottage- at;. Southampton. Miss Eileen Atkinson ancj Miss Ethel MacDougal are .-visiting in London and Ingersoll. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brydone left on Friday morning for a trip through eastern Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew of (Stratford were in 'Clinton over the holiday and week -end. M,i'and Mrs. FI. J. Manning and fam- ily, of Walton, spent the holiday in Clinton with relatives. Mr. and, Mrs..Norrnan Kennedy and family motored to. Port - Huron. ' They returned on Monday evening; Miss Marjorie -Beaton has returned from a very delightful visit in Brantford and ,Hamilton,: Mrs. Thompson and two little child- ren, Irene and Dorothy, were visit- sig Mr. and .Mrs; W. Dodds, Mr. Edward Carter and daughter, 1 -Elizabeth, are spending three weeks at Toronto, Whitby, alid Oxbridge.: Master 'Benson :Corless has returned from .,a three weeks visit with his uncle,,' M. E. J. _ Colduhoun, Science Mr, "ands Mrs. ,Frank Leighton; Mr. and Mrs. Antos., Townsend,Mrs. F. Walters, spent Sunday with friends in Gorrie. Miss McLeod, former ,Science teacher at the 0,0.1.,' paid a, flying 'Visit to • Mr and i'lil'rs, J. W. Treleaven on Friday last. Mr. Ernest Bradshaw, :from Detroit, visited his sister, Mrs. Lawrence .Stevenson, returning to the city last. Monday, Mr. and Mss. William King of. ton are visitinein town. Mr. Ring iS on the staff of The Hamilton Herald; just now, Mr. and Mrs, J. Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs McLennan were guests of Mr;, -and Mrs, George "P. Sutherland, St. Marys, n Sunday. i b Mr. and Mrs. A. Neilaps, My. and Mrs N. Kennedy and Master :fain visited withPetrolik. and Port Huron 'friends during the holiday. . Miss Sadie Anderson has `been visit- ing in town for some weeks. She returned to Forrest en Friday, 'ac. eolnpanied'by Miss Rath Hale. Mr, Chas,'Leightou•and Miss Irene of Hamilton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. • Frank Leighton and other relatives in this vicinity. , Mr. Arthur Cook left on Friday, io visit his son; W.11, Cook and other friends. They expect to take., a trip yup the lakes and visit at' 'Depot Harbour. .. Mr. and 1VIrs. Dunbar of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs, Dunbar, Sr., of Lon- don Visite() at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Barnett on 1Qonday 'civic holiday. Mr, and - Mrs. Edward Income and Miss Vita a£ Toronto accompanied « byMrs. I,e > Stone; one roisited at the home of Mrs. Robert -Pearson, the latter part of last week Mrs. A. J, Cheesebrough and Miss Ruth Q"heesebrough, of Detroit, :trio - 'titer and sister of Mrs. Elton Ra - cell, are spending the month of Au- gust at the ]attar's hole. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moore, Mr. and 'Mrs. • A., J; Moore and daughter, Ruth, Mi', and Mrs, Franklin Moore and •son, Kenneth and Mrs. Sem Shiiipey of Rnnsoneville, N.Y,; Mts. Delia Shippey of Y•oangstown, N.Y. Mr, and Mrs.•Earl 1:. Moore of Ni- atdara Falls, N.Y.; and Mr, and Mrs Foster Htutchinnon of Chieage, 111, sdl motored to •Clinton and were the j uasl;a of their iuunt MTS. 001110101M >sn<l' Other friends. Peaches Oranges usk Melon L. M Bons and: Tomatoes rape Fruit --- Speeials for Ural :ilot Wcather �. old::Meats--Gun' 's Roast Pork per ib New English Ham Jellied Veal per lb Minute Meal Sausage per lb 60c 40c 40c 30c,` Specials for Ooolcr Wcatlier` Fresh salmon trout per ib Campbell's soups, all kinds, each Pork and beans, small size, Clark's Large size Aylmer, large size Weiners, per lb 20c 15c 1Oc 25c 24c 20c Cream Cheese --Kraft Maple Leaf breakfast Bacon Special in granulated sugar • by the bag 10 lbs for. $1.15 Cash & Carry. 2 Deliveries 'hone 48 Brucefied. • 1VIr. and Mrs. Petrie of Toronto and Misses Ann'iibel and 'Violet • Petrie spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Moodie... 'Mrs. J, Jamieson of our village at- tend the Chesney-Habkirk wedding in Seaforth last 'week. Miss Jessie'•Tough is visiting friends in the village and vicinity. stanleg Township Mr, and "qrs. Paul "Cleave of the Sauble line was the guest of Mr. and Dirs. John Scotchmer on Sunday last. Mi. and Mrs, Len..IVlcGee of Gode- rich township visited at the home of the former's•uncle, Mr. Peter McGee en Sunday last. Don't forget the Bayfield churches anniversary services, Presbyterian on August 12th at 11 ami, and 7.30 pan. Methoclist on August' 1911,. at 11 a.rn. and''`7.30 p.m... ' The Ladies' Aid of, the 'Methodist church held^' their 'regular. monthly meeting at the, home of Mrs,. John Watson of the'Sauble line Mr. Rdy s$cotcluner• had the mis- fortune to strip the gear of his car while.. going to the Ford Picnic at Granit Bend on Wednesday last.' ; ` RRafiepd• M'is. Wallace Johnston and Mr. J. Spencer who have spent a few weeks in tli9 village left last week for their hom'kr at 'Corrine .Sack: They were acc iIt panied by their parents, Mr. ind':Mrs. Benjamin• Ii yencer who will make/their home in the future in Cor- mne Meieis, Art' 'label, Norman Hsgan and Frank Erwin et Kitchener slieiiti. the Week -end in the tillage. Mi?., Orval Weston and wife and fang `,y of Detroit arethe guests of his l3;airents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Weston. 1 DIPS and Mrs, Archie Agnew and lamdly of Detroit were the guests of I Mr A.$ news parents, Mr, and Mrs. H ii a iw d esto e ays last weep- and s on ,Friday accompanied by Mtn and Mrb;Weston they motored to Orange-. villeind spent the week -end. Mia John Mitchell of London sport a few. days with his cousin, Mr. F. A. Eclwayds, this week. Guests at the Commercial; 0.. Kid- der, D. Brown, New York; L. O. ':Too Ise(' and 'Eula t-losket, Howell, Mich:;: Mabel Welsh, Ella Heard, C. E. Gray Detroit; Martha Watson, . Lansing, Mieh;', J. E. Chandler; :Stratford; 00 W. Sweet, H. M. Colbert, 0, Debkens London, G. W. Willis, Mount AIbert; Norman Iirowp and family; D. W. Geigel;, New Hamburg; C. E. Gies, fir odhagen; W. Bud Richards, Miama Flor iiia, • the following are guests at the Al- bion D. F. Carr ,and wife af. Gaines - vine. 'Texas; Win. Ilodgart, Exeter; H. 0,';Gollainore, London, Mrs: Frost and ehildr of ondon is the guest of Mrs. J, Pease on Main street.: 'The: :following registered at the Ritz .11onset 3, W. Grieson, ,Mrs. Mountjoy, Misses B. and di, B. Mounts ley, Miss Burn and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon, J. M. Kipp, ID. C. Kipp of London; Mr, and Mrs, S. Johnston, Misses Grace and Florence Geldart, F, 0, Baker and wife of Toronto; Mrs. Sarah Drying, Mrs, E, M, Loarnian, Bit; and Mrs. R, J. Moffatt and Bon, Mk. D A: Pegnegnat and daugirtor, Bt, and Mrs:.1.. Pegnegnat and child, "ATP, and Mi's,Albert W, Ldoyil, harry :Langan of Stratford: Jack Barrie, and Harold Maitland of Sarnia; Mrs, Hoknnesvllle Mr. John Mulholland metered over from Detroit last week to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Mulholland, Mrs, Charles Gibson and children of Detroit are visiting the `fernier's parents, Ma. and Mrs. Mulholland, Mr. Blackwell of Galt, and Mi: TrMore,of Mitchell' were callers at the hone of Mr, Mulholland last Week. Mr. Coates of Paris, and Mr. James Mulholland of Mitchell were also cal- lers at the home of Wm. Mulholland.. Klippen Mi•. Wni; Fasken, 01.1T station agent is away On his annual , holiday, .trip and is visiting' a brother in B.C. Mr. J, Lewis of Lucan is in. charge of the station during Mr.• Fasken's absence. Mfrs. Alex. McKenzie is at present visiting her daughters in Toronto. TIev, Mr. Abery of Londesboro con- ducted onducted the 'services in St. Andrews'• church last Sabbath.' Threshing is the ardor of the. day. Mt' now and reports say that' the 1 yield is ,good though we cannot say the same of the prices, as 90e. wheat 'does not mean Ior•tine to the farmer. VI?e understand that Mr. Wit. -An- derson of the village has secured the contract for carrying the rural mail over the route now covered by 'Mr James McClyniont, • Auburn Mrs. McBride of Carlow isvisiting friends here. ' Mrs, Edgar 'Anson and Bernice are visiting in Seaforth, Miss E. Traylor of Blyth is visiting Mrs. F. Ribbert. Miss M. Robertson of Niagara Falls IS spending her holidays with the Misses Blair'.' ' • Miss Jean Laidlaw. n dl w. of Blyth is vis- iting her brother, Mr. Jas. Laidlaw, Mrs. Finch of •Stratford spent the week -end with her another; Mrs. Law- son: Rev, P. and Mrs. Baines left on Tuesday to spend their vacation with Dr. Bagshaw of Hamilton, •Rev. and Mrs. Alp are away on their vacation. "'The Women's Institute are holding a committee picnic en Wednesclay, August 15th. Ice Cream Season Is Here TRY OUR LCE .CREAM', In. Bricks dor Bulk Candy Candy is- always in season we have all kinds at •all prises. • • lNDOi 1P'` George Phaoniz, and lloy W. Phoenix 3;onfeetio$rai^Y end Restaurant Saginaw, M1oh., M, D, Si.arirroal, and I 31 Spur of 'Pt -stroke. . "e I. to please." Brighten Bll.�mep Yo�� with the Celebrated SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS We have a large stock in all colors from $2.00 per gallon up. Good supply .of first duality rope and harvest tools of all kinds, We are Hero with,' a large stock of Preserving Fettles, Granite and Aluminum and we are offering special prices on Kitchen Cabinets to make things easy and•save many' a step all the year round, njag -the Fresh Air Get your sun -stop Shades, Hammocks, Hamino 'Couches andah Furniture at ,the d Clinton Hardware and Furniture. � THE, STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardiva•ie 19 Electr!cally Cooked Food Unquestionably The Rest To 'retain all the goodness and na- tural flavour, cools it electrically—an almost unbelievable difference in fla- vor, • For example, take a roast 0' beef cut it in hall, cools ono portion in the ordinary way ,and the other in the Electrict Range. Thelattercr will be savory, rieli' in its natural Juices, tender, appetizing from its outside to the very :centre, and far superior to that cooked by any other nreane. It is not difficult to under-- .stand nder-.stand why. The air tight oven of the Electric Range permits you to.' retain in 'every ounce of a small or ei'ge roast .the savoriness generally, 1'091 when cooked 'by ordinary fine- thods. 'this is only one of the many instances where electrically -cooked foods are superior; USIA Y'O11R OWN UTILITY- Ir PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Clinton McKillop Township Iiarvost threshing is the Order of the day, Fall wheat is not as good a •sample as last year.. Mr. -Fletcher Townsend of '7°oronte visited his sister, Vire. F. Coleman Saturday last. Mr, Joseph Daymond has engaged Mr, J. Kennedy as his assistant help- er for the threshing •season, - Mr, Wesley Agar has purchased a Motorcycle and it engaged with Mr. T, Richardson of Bruceflld for the threshing season, Quito a number from Roxboro rut.• banded the dance in Tuckers/Mil.1s at 139', lb. CColmin's Thursday evening• last and all report' a good time. Mr. John Bowes is able to wort gain after a bad attack of Asthm Countg News Blyth planing mill, owned by Floody was 'completely destroyer fire on'Tuesday afternoon. The 1i wind blowing at the time made work very hard for the firemen ]'.tile Was sited. IT PAYS TO .ADVERTISE IN THE CI,,INTON Nk1WS 31ID 101-