The Clinton News Record, 1923-8-9, Page 4W Monarch Glow " r sweaters. hall �AAae to 0 p,'112. noon during August discontinued Dl 'No loss of -flavor, e to clean, Ask for" oats of pearly grey�enamel'Y three coats, light lyl_ue anal< ,tat Ware, three coats, pure Blueedging . dC{S Ce. of Canada s Limited ' Winnipeg r Calgary,:.' 1st cOssaR II I7R1i,; COMPANY t WI%INS & 3IILLELL "• ears'Ford passed test re- ve heir and car is a of this. ice lower e. the Thrift 5e. r,tl• e8. Oflla cn ADA, LSMMTCD Into 5323 Mete MirtraGtV iExperimeutal Perms Note) Sheep, more than any other class of fern) animals; are benefited by fre- quent changes of pasture. When kept on one pasture contiuuous:y they graze certain portions very elosely; but the 'parts grazed should have a chance to 'recover. The sam`s' amount of pasture will alive raxuch better re- sults when divided into two or ntoa'e fields; and grazed bltcrnately. Quick, uninterrupted growth I: am birth to marketing' Ss abeolutely ne- eessair+y for well finished profitable lambs. l3reedingg stock, 'whether ' ewes or ram lambs, should be kept grow- ing, While the pastures are good and the ewes are milking well the lambs may thrive without any other food, although larger gains are now - sible when grain is fed. .Grain never gives' such returns as .when fed to young growing animals. In the lat- ter Part of July, However the pas- tures lose their early: palatability and the ewes begin to dry up. unless there is abundant range at this,tinne there is danger of the lambs' being under -nourished.. , Green feed in the' form of pasture or as a soiling crop, and grain will give good returns if fed at this time. Owing to labor post pasturing is the only practical way to feed clover :aftermath. Oats and Peas or rape make excellent summer pasture. While rape 'is good feed,. sheep should not be 'closely confined on rape alone ibut show-ld have the run of a grass pasture. A. ideal arrange ,went s to have the rape field adjacent to some pasture, and arrange the gate so that the lambs ,can go from the rape -to -the pasture at wil. If grain is fed 'before the lambs aye weaned it Should be .fed in a lamb creep. This creep should be constructed so that the lambs can enter; but the mothers are prevented owing to the limited size of - the opening. Grain fed' to the lambs will givebetter results than if fed to the entire flock, March aiid April lambs should ,be weandd and .put on fresh. nutritive pasture early in August.: When the lambs are weaned early and put on clean ;ground it lessens the danger of their becoming infested 'with intetpial parasites. ,' At this time the ram ,lambs' should be separated from the ewe lambs and wethers. All t'uncas- trated male lambs not intended . for breeding purposes should he disposed of at Once., After August, bucks de, velope an odor and strong taste. This spoils the appetite for lamb, and de- creases consumption. As a result the market; becomes glutted and the, ,prices, fall. , This can ilie avoided ,by castrating all market ram lambs` in the spring or by selling the buck's ear- ly in .•the -summer, Theram lambs intended for breeding purposes should' be put' on a`:E:esle `separate pasture,, eitheij Clover aftermth, oats and peas ' ot,`.rape, and .given one half pound of graip,'per day. - Therewe lambsand w;ethers may be given the sante treat- ment: 'At .the Fredericton Station it ha's been'+found practical • to wean_; Iambs as ,elr1y as July 15, by putting , the Iannb°$ on rape with aceess.to- the ,pas- ture.' On July 15, 1922, a mixed lot of ;Sh'ropshire and Cheviot Iambs were • end and put on rape. These Iambs idzade an average daily gain of .407, pounds for'+the next thirty days, as ,gempitred with average daily gainsof .240 pounds made by'a lot of lambs of similar 'lar character which' were ;left at pasture with their : dams. The ladi)ti's on pasture with, dams were • ybeaned on August, 14, and given the sameltreatmen as the lambs weaned on July 15, Ina.;thirty-one day periolll"beginning Aug[tst 14 the ea$iy weanedewe lambs and"wetheis,gained an average of .373 pounds per day_as compared with average .daily gains of .241 pounds made' by the lambs weaned do August 14, In all calces, .the early weaned. Jamba made the duost, satisfactory gall's., Owing, to the lgnger rest the darns of the early weaned lhmbs were -in better shape for the fall breeding season. JOHN MACKIJNZIE, Assistant to Superintendent, Experimental Station, Fredericton, N.B. W13 SIIOULD. BE MORE MODEST The 1iamilton man was spealcinge "I 'de not believe in all 'this `boost business'," he said, "There is too much brag about it. Especially I' de not believe in running down other cities, other pants of the country," It is making claims to excellence that do not need to be made, and failure to recognize which is the country's loss not. ours. We should not do it. It is not modest and is likely to a- rouse jealousy But I Will say this much ;for Hamilton. Whercever you 'go from here it is worse." Ctiattok 9,�(4'S 50,000 IIARYRSTE11S WANTVD More harvesters than ever will be heeded' this year, in Western Canada,' ou account (if the`bunipei' crop. Special trains will be run by :the • Canadian Pacific Railway, which is advertising the usual low rate of $15 to Winni- peg', plus a half -cent per mile beyond to destination in Manitivba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta, Returning fare will he $2.5 Winnipeg, ,plus half acent per mile from starting point. Going dates are August 13, 15, 22 and 24, •aecerding i'o .the territory in 'On- tario, On the lunch ears food and refreshments may be obtained at rdn•' senabie prices; ,Special ears will be provided for ladies, ; cliilGiiren (frill fare) and their esceets. , First spo. cial train will leave Toronto on eaeli date at 10 amt„ and last • special • at 10.30 p.m., on each date, Full information may be secured from any 'Canadian Pacific ticket Co . nto ;News A very sad fatality of the past week was the sudden death in Seaiforth last Wednesday o£ Aldeen Dungey. She had been 'ill for some time past with. heart trouble, lbet. was so far\reeover ell that she -Was a:llotved to attend a picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday af. ternoon, Shortly 'before retiring she was seized with violent heart spasms and died the following morning. Al- deer was just eighteen, a very popu- lar girt and a favorite with everyone. Mr. ,and Mrs, Dungey have the sin- cere sympathy of the entire neighbor- hood, MUSKOK.A LAKES Already vaeationists are tiff to the land of gleaming lakes—Muskoka., the cvcr -beautiful with it cool green for- ests, sparkling lakes- and shadowy, winding rivers. This sunnier wonderland is famous the entire continet over and year after year: the tired, city dweller,€rolt all .parts of : Cali da and the United States come to itand find healthy re-; creation and enjoyment. It is so,. close to the commercial 'centres that even those with the briefest vacation time at their dispasalmay enjoy its delights.. ' A fleet', of eight modern ateaanors' offers glorious water trips - to all points oh`Lakest"Rosse'au, Muskelta andJoseph.,, There is every oppor- tunity for motor -boating, and the ca_ nee' trips` are inexhaustible. The bathing and fishin; is unexcelled and there is hotel accommodation to suit every taste and every purse. There is the gdy:"fashionable hotel, with its golf -course, tennis, bowling,' glorious week-eud,•,dances, regattas, just.the place for those Who need ',livening -UP a ,bit, While' for thosewho =a`re tired, of :the social: whirbthere is. - the quieter hotel and '.boarding=house offering'. just as enticing out -door sports,, butwherel,tyou may live as quietly as you pease.. Canadian National Railways make `direct co'nnectio4 ;;with th$ - lake steamers at Muskoka. Wharf,' Bala. Park and Lake Josepls stations: , Asir any i? -edge t, £or •,khterature and infor`matlon: <i August h HAY FEVs R Summer,.:Asthtna -,:Will spoii:,your . snipncer and maks your company distressing to your .friends tilsless you get.rdlief,. Get a box of RAZ -MAH today. Most people feel better from the -first dose. Your druggist will refund your money if a $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- selutelyharmless t Generous `sample- fbr 4c' in' "stamp0s Templetons, To.. ronte Rig ' RAZ_. M A H Sold : by .3.,.E..,Hovey, Clinton, Ont. 'L\1LURSDA1, A17tYt7S7' f1thJ [023 ur Provinces by ' t e ea Pew countries in the world offer a greater variety of scenery or,.better travelling facilities -than the Dominion of Canada, Cana- dians, if for no ether reason than the improvement of their general education, should, see 'and know Canada first, white the globe- trotter will also •find-nrucli to in- terest him. Varied and easily ac- cessible are the diversions for the shmmer tourist in the Mai•itiine Provinces: New Brunswick, :.nova Scotia and Prince Erjwai-d .island, Here one gets the salt tang of the sea as well as the ozone 'of ,moun tains, moor and lake. The climate is ideal. Every` opportunity •for boating, bathing and fishing is: afforded, Golf .is a .popular sport' and good hotel accommodation ' is plentiful, The > rugged ' south shore of Nova Scotia offers a choice he- &ween fashionable sea -side resorts and quiet. little ;fishing' villages. The Bras "d'Or Lalces . of Cape Breton•are almost an exact replica of the famous English Lake Dis- trict. Prince; Edward Island is an idyllic garden where the "best, of. surf bathing, boating and fishing are ,avahable, New Brunswick forests are,011ed with game, her rivers teem with fish, and delight-, 'fel summering` spots ,line Fundy's shore and' the Baie . de Clialeur. Canadian National ,RatLways op- ,' crate a .network of lines. serving the 'choicest parts of these: Mari- time Provinces: 0"MCAT NI. miid,`vegttablo Tenattvo to relieve Conetiphtton and Sli[ auenoes and keep the digestive dad,' eliminative functions normal .oma 7Jsedfor mer 224155. / rFo- ... oydars a, T -YAB �earc>v43 3 � ka aQs Chips off he okrittide t M JUNIORSS- Little, Me Otfc•third the rage - ler dote. Idede of o a at a indradionto, then candy coated. Par children' and aduita. RIPE, iaati59. "Fare Retuznitig --$2Il;frrnt t iBt'liPEL. ' teat per miie stafiiiag Mal to TE/3iflrl"4'SRY a Ontario. Sinit6'a Crane to and including'.Coimnto ea X,ekq Ontario Shore X.Ina eloclocete,bore, Lino. Kingetoe to ttoafretk Junction, intimater,. . . oat Toronta•SudbU p dfiroet linen s 15ranoel to Porkittlai,liealtan.i litakkctroh, to neheioeteom leetative, es Smith and Went of Toronto to std iaclbalss Hamilton and Wlodeor. Ont. dt1 oweti Sound, Walkerton, Ohm M mile vtioitwa tc, .doral. etowts 0odctkb, Pbttatiters11 slut Se. 2komas ate Td*S Wand North td netted, feett kliI s mom incus c.i end ltatreshmssti st riwiiee rtIrdrOlti JA(BCYi{YtxliYh M �+1'•k terra "'2. Sold 'b J. E. Rovey, Clinton, Ont. TRAIN SERVICE. TO T0130NT0 Daily Except Sixuday. Lve Goderich , . 6,00 am. 2.20 p.m. Lve 'Clinton .... 6.25 min. 2152 pan. Lve Seaforth 0.41 am. 3.12 LVO Mitchell' ',. "/,04 a.m. 3.42 pun. Arr Stratford .. 7.80 a.m. 4.10 pan. Art Nitehen ae, .. 8.20 amt. 5,20 p,m. Art Guelph .. , 8,45 min. 5,50 p.m.. A: r 'Toronto ... 10.10 a.m. 7.40 p,m, RETURNING Leave Toronto 6,50 a.m ; 12.55 pait and 6.10 p,m. Parlor Cato 'ear Goderich to To, rent Oh morning train} and Toronto to Coderich G„LO mm. train; Parlor Buret. car Stratford to To - redo on afternoon thein 0.E, Horning, ,11 P A , G T,Y[. System Johli tnnnsfor,l & , Sue, Shonie`,65r t ptown Agentn, �COUllf3 UNITED CREDITORS' ASS('C'IIATI,ON ,As is ante offer the following Judgements, Notesand Accounts ,'for ,sale ''tothe highest ,bidder reserving'• the' right to reject any or all ibids, Debtors will be allowed ten days in which to bid in their accounts. Armstrong, W,3 429 Dougall; Windsor Judg.$15.80 Muratsky, E. ..35 Park st., Kitchener, Acct.. , 8i50 Carr, Herbert , .Schomberg, Subscription,., 18.75 Mettler, Kral 0 Caroline st Stratford, Acct.., 6,20 Fortner; J.. Kitchener, •.Account 21.78, Ober, J R. R. No. 3, ',Kitchener,. ' Paint, 9.75 'Hoch, Wm , . Kitchener- . .. Gas, :Oven, 5.50 Poll, Milton 48 St 7George at , Kitchener Haines, Win, Lambton Mills ..Clothing ,i$'.00 Chiropractic Adz, and Int °16.24 Inder, W.- .. Maple st,, Preston ..Account : 8.55 Pannab{�her $. .T , 11 Maurice 'st;r', tcki ; Md. 10.87 Johnston, Mrs. Percy,.. Goderich,.. Dental7.00 Root, Mrs. 1;f; A., 522 Well., Preston,'Acet,,.. 3.50 Kay, Dave ....Goderich, , .Dental , 3.00, Sawyer, Mr:, .. utlington P O.; Groceries.'. 19.14 Kittle, Mrs. I -I. 561 Guelph st„ Preston, At.., 10.68 Stone, ` James,.... 'Petrolia ., . • Acct.,,';..'.: 3.60 Martin, Mrs. Beatrice, ,Tottenham,, ,Clothing 5.50 Sci\ward, Mrs. A. 109 Elgin, hitchner :Aeet., 7.50 McDonald, Mrs. John, Elgin'Av., Goderich, Den. 8.00 ;. Sims, .Ernest 289 We Mill ,st., Brant., Mdse,, -12.50: May, Mrs. Jas:, Mill se.,'Orangeville, Mdse, . 24.60 . Webb, ,Fred, .... Norwood ....Aeet., „ .,.$55.55 McCinre, Geo., 216 Church st„ Weston, feed i '. 6 65., : Watson; Liddie, 995 Harnilton, Preston, MVIdse., ' 8.50 Murray, G. A., R. R. 4, .Milton,.. Mdse., 127.84'' Whitelaw, Alex.; '...,Preston, ; ; . Aeot;t .... 12.50 All above accounts are legally,negotia'bie and will not be advertised 'further,,upon settlementof same. Unted Creditors Association will receive written bids for the above, named accounts. Theseaccounts are guaranteed (by creditors) undisputed, correct and just Creditor's do not guarantee ,claims subject to statu- tory tatu tory or technical .defences of laws' of, limitations. Alt eommunicakions should be addressed to United Creditors Association, Room 209,--116 Yonge se.,: Toronto, Ontario. " ARE YOU AN HONEST MAN If through sickness," unemployment or other unfortunate circumstances you, are unable to pay ac-:. counts: you owe any el our members. Show; that. you are honest, -by seeing your oredi�tor at once and explain the circumstances. Make even a small cash payment and a definite; ,promise to pay the balance later. Also show your appreciation by giving your creditor all the cash business you can give him. Always' remember yotir Creditor when credit was extended acted as your "Banker " Why 2,. Because he let you have goods which lie had to 1pay for. Weare collecting an average of 80 per cent. of the accounts held as dead wood on the books of our clients. • INSURE ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS 7 The United !Creditors' Association representative will gladly explain aII features of insuring your nom- inal loss and'our guaranteed collection of all your bad accot nts—howver bad they inay be. . USE Col( nisi $Ieepilig Cars iA,vi UNION STATI'Oili, TORONTO . AND U LU WEST AUGUST 15th Lunch Counter Cars 12.30 � X10.50 pure.