HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-2, Page 7lfyou ro_ your own. ask for RI LEM' MGM 0020 total) .. er st ut as Ior "Arinored'Glass." "lt1s said that a fortune awaits the individual who- shall' invent a flexible, unbreakable glass. "Armored glass,' so called because It contains a netting of galvanized wire and is not easily broken into small pieces, is too heavy rand toonearly opaque for most uses. There 1s a glass of comparatively re 'cent"invention called "three ply," Al - ',though though itis neither flexible no • un- breakable, it has certain advantages over other kinds. It is composed of two panes of glass with a: thin sheet of transparent celluloid pressed be- tween them and nhndeto adhere by hydraulic pressure. Itis said that a blod' hard enough •to shatter ordinary glass and to drive the pieces tor some distance merely cracks the three ply W ,+> The Boy Scouts ---thousands of them –care at -camp. Their camps are seat tet=ed all - ever Ontario. Bolnethm9's just ohttrAde their Pt Date :cities,' and sernetimes,,as,rnuclt oo a handled tulles alvay Siena; camps are on the shores of the Great Lake,, others on numer- ous little.11tikes, while ottll othoes' nestle alongside windiing Jivers, But Wherever they are the boys are haying' a great big time in the open, living. close to Nature, putting into practice many of the things they have learned during the long Winter and Spring months in their town headquarters, and 'learning many new things which can only be properly learned in the great big out-of-doors. • The Boy Scouts of, America g•aineit new, members' to the number of 80,204 between December 31st; 1921. and Tuly 1st, 1923, the total membership at the latter date standing. at. 612.911. There ars '' now more Scouts, and Scout of ficials in the United "States than there are in all other countries combined. During a recent campaign. or "round: • up" tor increased membership Interest Was greatly-'stiniulated by President. Harding's offer to present silk parade flag streamers' to local cannons, and troops making a 25% gain. Hundreds of these Streamers were awarded: Sympathy Pup—"Poor fellow; he must have flea too. Ice's all covered' with bltea l'" A man's -producing years are only twenty-five or thirty tit most on the average, and so no,time.can be wasted lost, or spent to poor ,purpose.' MI-,ard'e Liniment tor' sale everywhere edge It !. —, ROACHES TS — BEETLES prayer $1.00 0 Powder) ` r orate and lnerea,c d-alrying aroma. :I0p110 ruination. Wonderful on 'Dau try for Iloc or s,.Imals or birds:' hien book 1f dissatlslled, ER IN !TINS, 25e, 50c, $1.25. PUFFERS; 15c. esn't stock Sapho -Bulb Spray 2.2te, sending his note. MANUFAOTUF8INa CO. rl Julien Ave., Montreal 'rite for alrotdnr td' loaners Sales Co., 24 Adolnldo St. E., Toronto - 1111 rvo , a5115v Union 18th Canoe Lock VISTTOILS to Sault Ste. Marie during .Discovery Week, August 4th to llth, will ne doubt Ohd time to visit the first lock built in North America. I3uilt by the North'Weat Funk',ornpany In 1797, this interesting relic of the pioneer days was restored by F. 11. CIergue in 1890. The original was used tryy the fur traders to step down .their canoes and batteaux at the rapids where the fall is 20 feet, ' Diseoveiy week tato commemorate the 800th anniversary of the Sault by Etienne Brute and Grenolle, " Ojibway Indians will playi'Iiawatha on two afternoons, General'Sir Arthur Currie, will unveil a memorial cairn to the discoverers and a program of gaiety for the whole week has been arranged - which will.attract visitors to this old part of Canada front all over the continent: Twenty .Ontario. Scout ofilcers took the course given at tho 8th Canadian. Cillwell .Camp at Ebor Park Parm, H'EA`LT: ED[JCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board or Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on -Public Health mat, tern through this column: Address him at Spadini House, Saunas Crescent, Toronto. Brantford, July 4th to 13th•, The camp was in charge of Assistant Pro- vincial Commissioner Frank ,C. Irwin: of Toronto, .assisted 'by Scoutmaster Rev. S. A. Macdonell of Stratford, Field Secretary Earle H. Davison of Ontario Headquarters and Mold Secre- tary Edgar T. Tones of Dominion Head- quarters. Field ead-quarters..'Field -Secretary Harry Lis- ter `of Dominion Headquarters, 'offici- ated as Camp Quartermaster. Tho camp course' covered all bran- ches. of Scout work, particular stress being placed on ,such outdoor 'subjects' as Camperaft, Pioneer and Bridge - building Work, Nature Craft, Scouting Games and Pathfinding. One of the "high spots" of-tdhocotnse was the'day on forestry, work which was in charge of Mr. Arthur E. Richardson, M,A„ M.F., of the Ontario Forestry, Branch.', The Bridge Building, work was' in charge cif Mr, Roger' Lee,a prominent engineer bf Brantford; Ontario. Every man in -the course partici- pated in the big 14 -mile hike which lasted over 24 hours. This ware, Con- ducted in the foam., of a game, each patrol womleing to achieve as certain Objective, but to dao, so without being observed or intercepted by,memberc of the other three patrols. Daring the p {t g /'1 game each jPatrcl prepared at least UNREFR HIN.G `LA EP three meals and spent the night of the UNREFRESH iWgSYYY UJ 3.)n,ca hike in the open. ' 35-LI3, GAIN MADE BY MRS, ROBERGE • 01'00 gained tl}iy$y-lIvo Iiound3 'byi taking Tanlaeo: anti just think it's the greatest medicine la tie world," de- clared ilio. Cai^ol'lne 1V/beige, highly; esteemed roside)it of 224. Prince Edon- and St, Quebec. • "Tier the past two years I suffered from a bad c so of hhdle'OStlon, I had ne appetite at ;ill7•, toy stomach wa', whway sour and I ;had, a bad tate 10. my mouth all the time, Nothing I ale. would agree with ate, and I wast 000 'weal r and dizzy all the thee' -6 :43 seemed; - that I had" no enorgY a>t hill, "Welly Tanta() wce the first nherltol that did ole any good, and' It surely: has been wonderful fur me. I am eating as much noannybody, everything digests perfectly, poser suffer frons sour stomach any - More, and my strength and energy have conte bites[ DO completely I just Leel fine In every way, Taaulao is simply grand."• : Tented Is for sale by all good drums gists. Accept no substitute, Over 87 -million bottles 45o1d, "When,; a child dies from diphtheria, and with the' use of antitoxin the someone is always 'to :blame, either child's life, was rayed. the -,parents or the physician."' This Education of the public in this mat - statement was made by` one of the ter is of vital importance. It cannot Medical Officers of Health • during a be longer delayed if child mortality discussion on diphtheria at the recent from _diphtheria 'is to be„ reduced. meeting of the Ontario Health Ofii Every sore throat is possibly danger- cers' Association. ous—it may be diphtheria and it may Several reasons were given for the not. Only the physician can decide high mei-Lela y from diphtheria, one which is serious and which is not, dor of which was the lack of kilowledge.on the physician has scientific training the part of the public to diagnose the. and means'. at his personal disposal to disease.' The public must :be,educated t'Make an early.diagnosis,where other people would not be certain what the ailment was. , A remarkalbe graphic summary of the number of deaths occurring per 100 cases, according -to each successive day's delay in. g1ying- antitoxin, `has been prepared in Philadelphia, and practically the same ratio prevails in Ontario. The.nttmber of deaths per 100 when the antitoxin was given the first day of the disease is 1.1; given the second day. 5.0 third „day ,f1.8; 'iourth',day 7.7,,'fifth ':.day 9.2; sixth day 9.3; seventh and later days 11.4. It can thus be seen at a glance that eyery hour is precious In the adminis- tration of antitoxin, so when little children "develop sore throat nothing should be allowed to prevent the par- ent or guardian fr•om calling in a doe Tanta() Vegetable Pills. are Nature's ovrn remedy for constipation. For 655,10 everywhere. , ,Frexach Court Ruling After 50 Years. After considering the question for fifty-one years, the French courts have Anally ruled -that wife -beating ie not legalized, lu France. A`domestic quarrel in May, 1872, re- sulted in a beating for a Parisian wo-.i man who immediately ledged 'a con- . plaint with the authorities at Cham- lled•y. -If the husband who did the beating .we00 nonv alive:he might 1n principle face a jail term. BoGlii lits- gents, are dead, however, but the Su prenhe Court'of France ground out the decision just the' same. so that they will realize the danger of a "sore;' throat" which might be a, mild -case, of diphtheria, and also the means of spreading 'the disease throughout the community. An ex- ample alibis kind was given by one of the M,O:H's. He was called to a house as the mother thought that one of the children -had croup, but on ex- amination the boy was found to be suffering from a severe attack of diph- theria. The boy' died the next day. There were two other children iii the faintly,; - aad on examination it was found that the older, boy was recover- ing from a mild attack of diphtheria without the family knowing he had even, had It, while the little girl aged two years who looked very pale and ill was also suffering•, from diphtheria. This' case, however; was taken in time tor at, the earliest possible moment. • Visotora to the Training 'Camp`in- eluded' several .nfen, who had gone through similar courses at other camps Vice -Presidents Bertram and Shuttle- worth of the Provincial _Council and Scouts and. Scent Officers t;i'om`Simcoe, Woodstock,. Hamilton, Brantford, Stratford, Galt, Welland and Windsor., An interesting ceremony. took place' at Pres•cottaregeautly when -a Wald Cub. flag donated by'Mr. Thomas Leigh of Marchmont Home, 7averpbol, England, was presented to the 1st 'Prescott Pack of Wolf' Cube. The flag was re- ceived' by the Cubs standing at the salute. Rev, Canon H. B. Patton ad- dressed the Cubs, mentioning that Mr. Leigh's naive was well knownfii Pres- cott through the marriage of his sister, Alis Ada Leigh (known like: her father for, splendid philanthropic works) to the late Archbishop Lewis. Costly Sugars Due to Ex- cessive Care. If You Are Tired Out When You There are, incredible as it may seem, sugars, that cost. from $75 to 3375 a pound. .g1here are sugars for which such prices are asked, and which peo- ple buy. The most expensive of.them is called dulcitgl, and •brings, 3375 a pound. By comparison. the other sugars seem cheap. " Mannose,' for example; costs only $140 a pound.' Mannose Is made fromtime scraps 'that are left over in the mnaking of vegetable ivory bllttolls. -Another sugar, mannite, is made - from manna, the nutritive gum with which, the children of Israel. were fed in the ,Wldernees. TIan'na formes in little flattens mcdlel which the wind blows into .the air and carriesto the :ground„ sumo distance away. _ It has the delicate taste of a sweet wafer. Still another Of the Sugars,: palled xylose; is made from corncobs, and is priced at 3120m, pound. The costliness of these 011gans is the result of the excessive care that must be exereis,ed".in malting them, for the presencehn them of any impurity or of any other ki>;d of sugar unfits tlietiz 'Sot' the important uses to wiidclt they are put. Every bacteriological laboratory has them. One Is par'ticulsarlytiseful:fn de- tecting typhoid; : ,the organisdns that cause the disease are so fond of it that they Pounce upon it at once,'siod there .multiply so fast that their pnesetiee 15 easily detected. Otli•ers art, Invaluable in detecting cholera germs, CHOLERA INFA TUM Arise in the Morning Read- This. ' The .woman who is tired ,out, who -aches all over when she arises, in the morning, who feels' depressed most of the time, needs just the help' that Dr. Williams' Pinot Pills can give her — new blood and strong nerves. The number of ,disorders ;that are -caused by thin blood is amazing end most weniesr are- careless .about the loditlen'of their blood. Quickly the nerves are affected and the patient be- comes irritable, worries over trifles, does'not sleep as well as formerly and is not refreshed by rest, „There may be stomach trouble and hes" Thio is'a condition that calls for 'Dr. I Williams' Pink Pills,' Give Dr. Williams' Pinit Pills a fair,) trial and the first sign of new life will s be noticed in your appetite. You will be hungry, by, meal , time. As the blood becomes enriched it Seeds and soothes the irritated nerves, sleep be comes seumder and more refreshing, your worries become less, your work lighter. These aro some of the things that` these tonic pills do. Try them 100 any trouble causer by thin blood. . You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 'cents a box from, The Dr. Willia:ins' Medi- cine.Co., Brock011e; Ont. Cholera InfanMin is one of the fatal o1linonts of childhood. It 18 a trouble that Comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months, and unless prompt action is, taken tlie`little ono may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Owns Tablets are 011 ideal medicine in ward- ing oft thle,troubio•, .'They regulate the befogs and sweeten the stomach and tine prevent all, the dreaded summer complaints. They are an absolutely safe modlcine, being gniarentoed by a government analyst to oosutaiu. no lapiates or =tootles Or other harmful drugs, They cannnt;,possilhly bio Harm: —they always do good, The Tablets ate sold by medicine dealers or by iiiail t file a belt from The Dr, Wil- gams' Modi0fne Co I4roekville, Ont.. IYitnard'E Liairn00b for Coughs 8L Colds. The- happy mean is between too great contentment' and too great am- bition. m u Deeps EYES Cledr, Bright on Beutittfyl Write Maitre Co.,Chicogo,forEyetutot nate' Biped Game Scarce "They're hunting lions in Central 'Africa with automobileeo" Is •the supply of pedestrians getting low?" EASY TRICKS No, 37 One You Can't Do This puzzle or trick. is Intended primarily for the confusion of that' friendwhoprides himself upon ills ability- es a puzzle solyelr. You may, yourself, got some fun but_ of trying to prove that what ie • said stbdut this trici5 puezlo Is not true. Tho diagiaiu A 9s composed of 16 lines. For your 'guidance they are numbered in the diagram but you need" not ohuulber them in the dia, - gram' yeti draw for your friend. The idea le to draw one dentin maty lino Whibh will cross each of the sixteen lines once and once only. It doesh'taseenh to be a ilii fleult lir'obiem", B shows a solution that some at first glance to be corn root, A 914ser examination •wilt show' that the 111te fails to cross` lino number, 10, You tuay try as long ail you like, but you will lie unable to cross ail of the 16 lines, Until you have triad 8evoral -Ulnas, however, you will not realize hdw faselntithtg la 'thlq pttzzlo c'tvhidh cannot bo solved," (CZII) arts out ' and i)asde it, tear raster of the series, in. a scrapbook.) MlnartrieLinimcn=,Yor, Carr and Marta ' The Poor Fellow. - Twd Irish women wer1: disewssdng a d accident, One asked the other 1x any :refire In the terrible crash. She replied: ' "Shure, .twin v -slam 01talians and wan Iasisbman "Wluereupon Mrs. Dooley wrtIlt a long sigh, came back with, "0, the pore feller." Venus is: in about the same state of development that thoworld was one hundred million to a thousand million years ago. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by. Dominion Express Maney .Order. Five Dollars- coats- three cents. Someone says that- Opportunity grabs us. 'D., is the other way ‘around. We must be ready to grab Oppor- tunity. Mlnard'a' Liniment eseS by Physicians. The eye doctor learns never to judge by appearances, for while the cross-eyed man may • be straight, he never looks that way. A 000EATI55 TtlE.iIOASE dot thio book!- You cannot afford to de without it, It costs you nothmgl -C . ../F1own horses; it eau save you huhdrodo 1,000, Tia troatiso orrourdruh ist.o. yoursfar thonek``lug cyonedruggl00'e, -b000toroCo'I,I11s1O th tiwInttoodo abouutG .anshoeing, etoeing—end Ln tytrlea uud proven heron-to:1'o ro 00510, Ask your dreggiot for dopy of."A Treatise on the Homo" or writd-u, dlro,E-. le Dr. 0..1. KENDALL CO., Enooburs Fella, Vt: GIRLSbora it `your dance' to 585 thio 30 n J load 101(0dt 955,110 Oo1d 0510d 55'115s:5 11,05;011.- 155te70, 001 excel- lent timrl caper ondranteed 211 Yenta, 30808, 1109 00011100 Eta a foo h5ure'of 3001 thou, Sena y0nr 'moo lintnedlnt,ls fer'Yull dOtnll,s, cnssotat reinitiate Co. Copt, 105, 572 Pr Runlet AV...,tloW Y,rb, U SORE SFIODULD IRS OPT I -I ORS S P 1' !rt rd +s n 01101110 110,00 001'0 uhnuldnr,, lo saddld. tan 081 011 ,prAine n,nd t)rili005 UNLESS you see the narr are not gettin Accept only an `/Unbroken p, Aspirin," which contains direr physicians during 22 years al Colds Heada Toothache • Neura Earache Lamb: Bandy "liayar" boties of 113 tatiblets-- Asnlrbr ln'the Lrndb mark treli1aterod Itis eceilenhlbOtnr 50 8011071100511, White 9 numilfaotrsre to tosist the rmbli4 nit lntll 'iVtti b0 0010,55Od wltiiknelt. senp0al tra,