HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-2, Page 2G, D, hIcTACID•AR,T • Al. 1), 1VIcT4GGABT . • leTAGGART BROS. BANKERS general-Daithing Isuetneiss transact. Notes Discounted, Drafts lesued. Wrest Allowed ou Deposits, Pale use peecieteed.. 1-1. T. RANCE ,pietary Public; conveyancer, , , nencial Peal algtete Eind ranee Agent, llenreeenting 14 Piro alliance eompaniee, ' *Division Court Office, Clinton. W. BRYD:)NE ofrIeter, Solicitor, Notary Fublic., etc. Mace'. LOAN BLOCK • CLINTON • DR.. J. C. GANDIER ace flour -1.'30 to 3.30 P.111.. 1.30 a 9.00 p.ni, Sundays, 12.30 to 1,30 p.m. Other holies by appointment only, iffice and Residence — Victoria Bt. DR..S Hayfield, in the hive during the , months -of Addreeti communications to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto TiIE FIRST STEP TOWARDS THE ent in, the field as email reddish or CROP OF 1924, "mullet' discoleeatioas on the leaf, It may appear to be a little too but with the progress of the dieease early to begin thinking td next year'e these ciecular spots 'rapidly enlarge, honey crop but the successful bee- tile central portion becomes groyieh in keeper knowa that the euceese o pexti color, while the remainder of the spot 'Y' s crop- depends ipon the pre- ehades through a Teddiels broWn to ,paretions mode for it and the time the margin, which remains purple. they ave made. A saccessful eesison This to e very striking leaf spot,. Oe- clepande to a large extent upon good caelonally these cieeular spots fall out, wintering. Good wintering" dePerids giving the leaf a shot -hole aPpearance. upon three things, namely: colonies On severely affected leaves these well filled -with young beee, an, Edam. epotseinay coalesce to such an extent dance of wholesome stores and a e- that irregular blotches •practically cover the etire surface of the leaflet. Similar lesione also occur on the,other simeeptible parts of the plant. Another leaf spot, perhaps not $o cominen in some districts, is the so- called leaf scorch, The leaf notch, In the early spring "appeare as small irregular purple blotehee not unlike the early stages of- leaf spot. Later these spots enlarge and coalesce much the earne" as in the case of leaf spot, forming irregular blotchee which 'often cover the entire.surface of the leaflets. The central portion of , the spot, or blotch, however, remains dark in coler, and this characteristic gives us a ready means of distingung these two:leaf sPot diseases. As this disease progresses all the leaven of a plant take. on a dry, burned appear - once. Lesions occucr not• only on the leayes, but also on the .petiole and fruit pedicel, where frequently sunken quate protection frora the varying •outside temperatures during the wins • ter and 'early spring. , ' The first thing then is to get col- onies well filled with young bees and to get them, before the winter sets in, This means that we must have b duced between thti laglIthS the °es pro of July and October and in order to 6 resuming practise ut 41.5 residence., doethis, we; must have, a prolific qtmen )fnce Houre:--O to 10 stm, and 1 to 2 'A.ugust arid1111. Septerrther. The first sundeys. 1 to 2 ,p,111., for con- step, therefore, in produciag a crop antatlend • of .1oneY in 1-924 is t° -..see that every R. S.. BROWN, L.TVLC.C. colony is headed with a good, prolific , queen. during latthr Part of Jul)/ - Oifice Hours Or the first week in. Aiigust. A good -30 to 3.30 Tim. 7.80 to 9.00 -9011.• second year queen will often produce undays 1.00 to2,00 p.m. the required number of bees in the Other hours by.appointineet. fall but else is very likely to get -lost • . Phones • during the winter Or fail the follow- plished may be gained from state,- . , flice, 218W ilesulsence, 2187 ing spring. A young queen reared • • . ,14‘.0V "HOSPITAL': sP,OH KITCHENEft' - , , . 040 - The contract for "the neiv ,StaMatsde, Hospital to be erected in Kitchen.er this year, has ,ben awarded, Tho new hoeintal will baye a capacity for 100 patients and Will be „equipped witlathe.nresit modern hespital. appeiancees The Sisters, of St.,' Jeseph. are „erecitina'the building.' ,•. " .• , . . , . erease iia the number' -of nailch 'dews. in POULTRY '' , il 4 es Ca ha nada frorn .Cenfederation to 1922 Per year, and the tendency is more ite- been te disin'feet Y°ur houses' Paint .youa perches and protect your birds against body parasites, especially the body louse'and the red mite summer', EVEN AS YOU AND L le a ClangernuS time for these pe5004 TheY seem to thrive in warm weather,I multiplying rapidly. So It is an ex-' 33Y PAHTI' BARKER' cellent plan to handle some. of your., stoo ne day -at the edge of a frequellilY, examine the sltin he., Pond watching a number of frogs that e been at the average rate 02 4,793• No matter how careful you have centiated at the prehent time sn the determination to make • Canada one of the world's forernOst dairy coun- tries. ses • Teaching Milk .Facts. Society's need for a better under- standing of the' vital • place that milk holds in. the diet of growing Children willareceive the broadest recognition at the World's •Dairy Congress of 1923. The United Statee had been making aa organized effort to improve the health of its school children by a wiser use Of milk end milk products. Some idea Of what is being aceom- THE CHILDREN'S Wionijn More 411d r Better Blood To be ettoxig, well, equal to demands of home eoeiety, aide 00 01191it 'ie 'fad peoveri iholsaigis, Of gratefld lettere that Ifood'e Salta- POPO. le remind:ably beneficial to young oe older women, seeSt conneeri allinents of W0411011 drein and 'wealeon the syetein and sometimes ,reeillt an anemia ner- vouh wealcnesS, general, break-40,NA, . Ileod's'SarsaPtirillagivee the blood' 00000 -vitality and:bettor eolor, inakee etronger iierite And emiteib'atee 00 the length And'eajoymeat of iiffh Staciung SAlage. 10 10 quite possible to have silage of the best quality, even though you have no silo. The last tWo ocaeons we have stacked our -fodder corn green, as soon , after „being cut as possilales and we are very enthusiastic about the res sults. Many fatmere are continually coming here to seo oar silage stitek and to eels about our method. . We balk' a stack about tvventy feet square and try to- leeep it perfectly • FIGUR straight and even on the Sides and Ilat low the vent aad around the abdomen; were sunning themselves, • Though to see if,there are any signs of body, they Seemed lazy, but few of the flies lice or louse 'eggs. If you find even a, and mosquitoes that came within trace of these paraeites, ie .a -good reach eseaped ,the lightning -like snap plan to go over your birds with sortie' of their jaws. good louse treatment. Suddenly attracted by the :sound of • on top. We commeece stacking 1.18 soon aS WO get enough cut and stack , it befeee it dries out, The silage in our stack seems to be sweeter than some that is in a silo. There is only about a foot at the bottom of our stack,' that is sour. • The first year we used an overshot hay stacker to elevate the bundles with after it got higher" than a rack, and last year we made a platform imith timbers and planks on top of a deep wagon box, Next year we intend • There is probably nothing hettee, voices among ' the willows .that to build, an inclined elevator with an • on and dis- endless •apron or chain with slag, tEhiathne. ret,thof trinafloillpowaliht. igelerrioeithobdinsei.,1, beroouviFiirdyeedenal:anegu,emdIbriwr afolik,foeg,dboys lag. They idea in mind is to overcome the heavy who were to,be run with a small gas engine, The . mehts made in the last report'of,the ointment or mercuric ointment we wete .using 'eliort poles upon the end work of pitching the coin un es p dating the latter part of ;June orsJuly e California Dairy Council one of the into the down and base of the feathers f which were linos terminating in a on a .high stack. is the most dependable far she is not most active state organizatione en- just below the• vent, or else dust tide. DR. PERCIVAL' HEARN Dille° mid Residence: aton 'Street •• • Clinton,' Oat. eoemerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). r. A. Newton -Brady Bayfield naduate Dublin UniversitY, Ireland. ate -Extern "Assistant Master, Re- rida Hoepital for Women and Chil-- ems, Dublin. •de 'ffice at residence.. lately occupied y. Mrs. ParSons, • lours 9 to 10 min., , to 7 pari. u'adays 1 to 2 Pam ' " C. S. ATKINSON raduate Royal College c.4 Dental Sur. geons and Toronto UutversitY DENTAL- SURGEON ' las office hours at Baylleld In old est office Building, Mdilday,. Weds eeclay, Friday and Saturdtly from. 1 lesions are formed which girdle and sometimes kill these parts. As a result of the .attack of both, impaired arid the vitality of the plasnt gig or . grapp e. , The fiest year we put about twelve A few public schools had milk serv- - same section with sodium fluoride. If • g pp e was made by bind- acres of drilled corn into the stack. gaged in 'this work. „'' • comparatively young and prolific the you want to do it with the least dm - next spring, the two seasons of .the children got ofebright reel flannel. It ,was at once ception of about A foot on the sides ' Every.beekeeper shoo' id exam the plant is enough milk at home: The Council's Everi more reZsalent in the hot evident to me that should a frog swal.1 and tOm :. , '. : '4 .. colonies during the latter part of July ine his the leaves are so a cote plants die. s In any Case e ., milksnrvey showed %that, of 130,968 weather ale t le red Mites, those little lbw one of these hooks his fatewould i his not nearly's° big, a taslr to feed and destioy all queens that show the weakened and the next Year's LioPbe sealed; and there would.be one less' from the'stacic,:as I thought' it Woeld least signs of filing, repleeing ,th' suffers gm a consequence. When the children, dwelling in 8 principal citiee, 'bloodsucking Tascald that live in the • help destroy the mosquitoes and I be. After We get 'down a few feet with young queens that are prolific. fruit pedicles are affected the bee- 54,283 received no milk at home. cracks and crevices of the droppings to el in their larvae. • the buadles doine oui -the -way they ries never mature, bute,bee'orne seedy while 42,940 received not Inot4 than boards during the a,,,, and tray pin ) a ay. Toaday, Old that . 0 queensare stillproducing a end werthsese. s , . one glass (half- ' t d hordes on the bird's bodyt night to 4 — i As, concealed by the willows I , Were put in. We out our stack in sec - maximum amount of brohd can be left watched, one of the urchins caught a' tions as we feed from it, and cover the These "diseases are rapidly sPread there is searcelY, a city of size, in suck the blood and irritate and pester. ,and replaced later in, the season by . . • id, snd excl ' 'excitedly' t- ith h t b dl Th le younger queens. during the. growing season by ',the --e -tate of CaliforniaCalifo,enia that. d.oe.s not the hen... Fortunate' it is that these large frog, aiming , , eu w ay or oat an es. e stac tit the size of it, reached in one of his will retain enough heat all winter to lA -good system of requeening the spores which are developed on the have some,sort of milk service in the little . fellows cannot travel over colonies is one that is combined with lesions of the affected partsisand are Public .schools. In Sim -Franscisco, greasy surfaces. All we hEive to do to pockets for his ontrol them is to paint the perches, intended to remove 'the hind legs of inches on the face that has been cut. knifee with which he prevent freezing, excepting `a few swarm' control, measures, that is in: wind borne from diseased to healthy 10,300 • half-pint bottles , are pur.. c eiddboe:naodt ocpotnetdenwdhtairetitthiiss paossestlibi Tie • time treatment. is applied ,, to control in the patch. This aeceunt,s 2 or— the lauriochoieshaevery day. One Berkeley ,paint- or a penetrating tar paint. I ss , v ainly struggling against what I shoWu troduchig the yOung queen at the same plants, thus setting up new infeetion chased by the children at tho school perch supports and nests with a waky the unlucky amphibian. s .•. "' a . ° ted s rEiyings in badly diseased 1919. To -day, every school in Berk- ainted on the erches assiuld do' the ' . P . . , P ,.. preach of certain 'death, the frog waY , must have seemed to him the ap- to build .a. modern Sile. But in this necessity threughout the summer of eh d milk seryice in the fall of We -used to think that kerosene swanning During the ni in' fl vs the small farmer and beginner froni clover, when swarming is most rePea P • • • This " ra 1 • ing together three ordinary fish-hoolcs We fed the last of it the. first art only prolific during the fall but she is these fungal diseases, the foliage is turbanee of the birds do it while they year when :brood production connts. h°t° .15Pon each of the hooks there had of June We did net find a bit of greatly Weakened. In severe c van. its, wor.k late In 1019; but the . the perches night,looking been p 11' iece mold. in the whole stack with the ex- edeto the pupils when the 'Council be- ff d that the idea,prevailed that thetheni over using e dim as ig CHARLES B. HALE a!lveYancer, Notary Public, „Commie. aloner, etc; ' DAL • ESTATE) AND INSURANCE tIRON STREET , ',CLINTON , GEORGE ,ELLIOTT censed Auctioneer '.•or the County, Correspondence promptly answered. rumediate arrangements can be made Or „Sales Dateat The News -Record, Hilton, or by calling Phone 2032. haiges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Contra—These 'WO diseases are Last year the people •of the State reach all of the mites and it eva closed, and opened his golden eyes, and can have a nice esuiplY., of succulent intense and. the colonies have larvae patches. • _ , , trick, but it does not, foi' it does not feed for his Stacie evert though he can't eley has such service in queen cups, remove the old queen h • tions consumed 13 500 000 11 ' Per- the blood from his lacerated lips flow - remove alrqueen cells and introduce I Horrified at the cruelty of the child, B.. R. iilqpiNs pnt," eneral Fire and Life Insurance. 'Agent or Hartford WiadstOrm, Live Stock, atomobile and Sightless and Accident nsurance. Huron and Erie and Cana - a' Trust Bonds., Appointments made' • Meet 'parties at Brucefield, Varna pd Bayfield. 'Phone 57. ' • ga 0118 ates quickly. .Sin3T of the so-called ed. over the grimy hand of his cap- afford, a silo.-e-Williant vriltriterillte.hde bzi.8tt esy ame iyiStomsopof operations. More than in' anY'previoue year. The perch paints are excellent to Use for • from the hive and destroy all queen ' leaf spot or leaf- scorch (small purple cells present. Nine days later again discoloratione) have been noted in the a young laying toseen. By this Method thswarming is controlled and the patch, spray immediately with a 4-4- colonies are requeened at the right 40 Bordeaux mixture. It will be gee - e and time. If the old queen is prolifiorally necessary to _ continue these ,c increase is desired a fraine or two -of sprayings every two or three weeks during the season. The following sea - eller and placed in a new hive. This sons, spray , with the "same mixture emerging brood may he removed with before the blossoms Open, and again after the fruit is picked. To obtain good yields from a strawberry patch, the leaves must be kept free from these two diseases, and If the above spray calendar is carried out faith- fully, a good, clean strawberry patch will result. Generally after the sec- ond crop the plants aee plowed under. When setting out a new patch, never use plants which show symp- toms of either of these diseases. • A new patch should be, sprayed every two or three weeks during the first season. The -following seasons two sprays only should be necessary, one before the blOssorns open, the other after the fruit has been picked.—G. *H. Berkeley, Dotrdnion Laboratory of Plant Pathology, St. Catharines, Ont. nucleus can be built up into a strong colony by fall when the old queen can be replaced by a young one.—C, B. Gooclerhain, Dominion Apiarist. STRAWBERRY LEA -E SPOTS, aPerhaps the most common of the strawberry diseases is the so-called leaf spot. In this district this disease is generally found wherever straw: berried -are grown. In some localities very little -damage is done to the crop, but in others whole plantations have been completely destroyed. A's with all other fungal diseases, the severity or the attack depends th 'a large ex- tent on the vagaries of the ,weather • The Leaf Spot first becomes appar- per capita consumption increased ' thisspurpose.- from 17,4„., gallons in 1921 to 22 gal- •The summer months are generally I stepped forward and grasped the Ions in 1922; while the per Capitcon- considered rather a slack tune on the wriat'of the hand that held the knife. sumption of butter increased from- 22 poultry farm but to the energetic, "Don't you know that is very cruel?" a' to 2214 pounds in the same period. ambitious poultry raiser, there is lots I an e . already shows the effects of -the_ use to do—repairing the plant; painting "Awl." exclaimed- the lad, -"frogs The health of the rising generation the buildings, putting •the roofs in ain't got no feelirds." of this better diet. shape, mending fences and gates, set- • I pointed to the blood that stained a. The McKillop Mutual Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont., DIRECTORY: resident, James Condolly, Godersce; rico., James Evans, Beachwood; Sec.- reasurer, Thos. El. Hays, Seafor(h, Directors: George McCartney, sea. orth;• D. F. McGregor, Seafortla; J. G. inyye, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; 1," mohlwen, Clinton; Robert Perries, arlock; John Benneweir,Brodhagen; as. Connolly, Goderieb. Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W. so, Goderich; Bd. Hinchray, Sea. orth; W. Chesney, Egmondvillo; , Jarmuth, Brodhagen, Any money to be paid In may be aid to Moorish Clothing Co,, 01311t0II, •r at Cutt's Grocery, Goderieh. Patties de-eiring to affect Insurance 1.1 ausact other busineqs will be omptl) attended to On aPPlicatton to O y of the thoVe officers addressed to tespective post 01E6... L081306 nepected by the Direet____or earaOl st e scene- " • CLlii i NEWS-RECOPD CILINTON, ONTARIO errns of Subscription -L-42,00 per year, In advance, to Canadian addresses; -12,50-te the 31..8. or other foreign countries. No paper .tliscontintied untir-all, arrears are paid' unlesa the' option of the publisher. Tho , date to which every subscription le ' paid is denoted on. the label. dvertialrig, Rates—'rrarMient tiSsments, 10 cents per nonpareil line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line ,fer each subsequent inner - Coil. Small adVertlsements not to eseee'd ono Inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolon,' etC,, inserted :imoci for 35 cone, and each sigma. 4ischit insertibn 15 eente, ' ommunioatione Intended for publi- ation milst, to a guarantee of good With, be aceornpablett UST the name of lie 'writer. 51. HALV, cLuutx, rroprietor. • EOM\ , The best Way to get iesulte frond our labor in these daye (4 labor bortrige is to do things right, even f it ter,Vass a little More time to do bonn that wine. Only the female pahn tree bear &Oh, The Dairy Indu sill of Conada In the year 1922 the production of dairy products in Canada accounted for an income of 3260,618,000, consti- tuting the secoad, largest item of Do- minion agricultural revenue, being, subservient only to the returns from tlie field crops of the country. In the year 1910, when statistics of value were first compiled, the value of the dairy products of Canada was $30,- 483,644, the figures of 1922 showing an -increase of over seven, hundred per cent. for the twelve-year period. Be- tween these' two years lies the his- tory of a rapid ,and sensational ascent to dairy eminence. , Every 'province ,of Canada engages extensively in dnitying, as is evident from a division of the Dominion total. Of this value Prince Edward Teland accoented fpr $1,800,000; NOVO Sco- `tion• for $4,400,000; New Brunswick for. $2,000,000; Quebec for 304,000,- 000; Ontario, 3132,000,000; Manitoba, $18,,500,000; Saskatchewan, $9,800,- 000; Alberta, $14,600,000; and British Columbia, $8,900,000, It is of comparatively recent date since Canada turned het attention seeioasly to dairying. .:Whilst thein- dustry on a high standard' hae long been established in the East, no spe- honor to be wrested away from her. .•••• A Quebec cow' later made a nem, offia cial world record for -combined butter and milk production. , -Even this was notaillovved to stand, and in the early -months of 1923 a -British Coltirnbia cow surpassed all world butter' pro- duction records and is still the world's champion cow.. . In the consideration of Canada's youth as a dairy country such achieve- ments are commendable, and already the high type of Canadian dairy cat- tle has attracted wide atthntion and Made these anireals pieta and ex- tensive...demand. Each year prime Canadien dairy cattle are distributed all ovee the American continent and shipmeats have been made to the ,British Isles and the European con- tinent. Australian buyers have se- cured animals for their herds in On- tario and aniniels from the same pros,' Mee have gone to japan. Shipments have -boon made from V-ancouver to Peru, West Indies and the Hawaiian Islands. HIGH QUALiTY BUTTER PRODUCTION. 'Phe production of such superior d f Soldering.• tieg broken window lights, plowing the child's hands. - and seeoing the •yards to summer "A frog," I said, "has a heart and Instea o.., When you have a lealc in your steel greens or to permanent sod, market- nerves, and in its body the blood flows watering tanks, feed troughs or diP- ing the surplus cockerels from the late even as in yours and mine. And when Pin•g vats and -haven't ge°4,1uck tieing hatched pullets, and '.a.... 4, no -better hurt he suffers pain 10 we do." ' golder, try this:. .` . time of the year to hunt lap a better Then after glancing at the swollen Take a small piece a lead. Babbitt market for your eggs. blotches on the bare legs of the boy, metal or solder—the lead out of 'a .22- •. I continued: • , calibre rifle shell will do. Cut this so • that you can put it through tho hole, - DAIRY 'Come with me and let me show you how much more nseful live frogs iron againet one side msd hit the other wholesome milk, , 1Vluch of the dirt way to where other frogs sat sunning ress. themnelves undisturbed. f thought to act as barrier P g Too inany of us allnw our oldsto 0113' nay: Core „t:Ion°,°fraellYkiv's! Ph' 0. lta's" • letting it stick out about an eighth of Cleanliness is the most Important aro than dead ones." And- I led the, , an inch ons_each side. Now hold an factor in the production. of clean, side of the lead plug with a hammer and filth that gets into milk and -pro- In the shade mosquitoes were hum-, until both sides are riveted smoothly. duces deterioratidn comes from ime ming, bu• t a frog fully as large as the, This will stop the leak and it won't roper methods of handling arter be- , one the boy still held in his hand Was times does. You can alSo mend all the 'llovievern' bruShing. off the leose within his reach.. . catching such of the insects as came 'come off as the best sOldering some- ng drawn, leaky pots, pans or buckets `around the dirt and &1st about the flanks and As kept on explaining, a light of . house by this simple method. udder and wiping, the udder with a under'standing came into the eyes of , • dry cloth materially assists in lessen- the boy as he scratched absently at a A Labor -Saving Brush. ing the danger of dirt getting into the mosquito bite upon his leg. Then care - A wire brush with' straight or'eurv- milk at milking. Cows during the fully he removed the hook from the ed handle can be made very useful summer Seaeon, if stabled at night hp of the frog he held and set it down about the farm in cleaning hardened or confined to a yard, become more or in the soft ooze at the edge of the mud Or dirt from plows or other irn- less dirty ab,eut their rear quarters and shbald be thoroughly cleaned be- fore being milked. I milk my cows in a; clean, sanitary stable.. I spray the cows'before milk- ing. I tie their tails so they, cannot switch dirt into the milk while minc- ing. .I' do not, allow feeding to be • done at milking time. I remove the -milk from the stable as soon as drawn. plernents preparatory to putting, them "Awl Come on, kids," he yelled, away. It is also useful in cleaning "let's go and play at something else." caked mud or accumulations of curt -.....—e---..._ , mixed with grease froin the chassis of Drilling Through Masonry.' ' the farm truck, the tractor and the . running gear or other farra machines, On one occasion it was necessary to especially prior to repainting them, drill a hole through a Solid concrete' floor. The floor of the porch was of Carelessness and neglect are the concrete and the hole was to allow world's greatest wasters of 'human a drain from the refrigerator. energy. The hole was to be half an inch hi, •diameter, and with a length of tool stool the first two or three inches weee quickly cut: Then the dust which ac - stimulated began to interfere with the. ection of the bit and, worst of all, 111010 was nothing at hand with which to remove this clust, Irlotne Education ,,The ChIldis First School is the Fainily"—Froebel." The Chilol Who 'Zeal:is:Too •Pkilisich --L.'BY-,PVIarion Brolvu.fieid . — . , , . . . i The modern . ehild. rei.de, more than plhylne; outdoors has becoule vo ever before, Children .;,ors. , the way to tarY, , , , e be expensive, Cleve,r :mothers r.8e, Outdoor amusement' does not school, mueic loseens, .c'n: the den s t ' carry fiction to read during eveiy lun- need de- occupied minute, Ever? .children who dislike to stedy--' hecatise it is eonie- thirig they Must do as. well as some- - cattle is only One of the phasee of the thing.dunintexesting, rea every industry, The 'batter product, under spare Minute, They are the despair of careful' nianiefactinai and skilful grad- parents, and teaches's, ',because thrill- cial 'marls was made in achievement, ing and packing, is as 'corresponding- th is Only a ew years since the ly high. These qualities have eamly extended the demand for it, and now e, take the precious time and 10vi'clst that should be USed t • West diverted its attentibn from the exclusive raising of cattle and wheat, on a large scale, to the gentler phases of raising dair3r cattle. It is impossible, however, to over- look the part the :Western provinces have played in raising Canada to the eminent position she occupies to -d4 in the, dairy industry, and the signifis cant development of the dairy indus- try there, The pace set wobld seem to have adMinistered a Stimulus to the entire sentry., 111101! DEAL ACHIEVEMENT sat 1918. The first. real achleYement in the. production a a high type o f dairy cattle In which the DonniniOri wae 90 Win such ramose Was when the Pee(i- Imo of Alberta deneloped the chant - plea milch cow of the British Empire In the shape of Rosalind of Old Bas. inp; 1918. This showed other prov- inces what notild demi and spUrecd them to eMulation; In 1020, Ontario produced a world champion milker, Bella Pontiac, and eineO that time C,Ansida htte gone on improving het stock Ana. neVer peel -rated the fitst o Canadian butter is peeetrating inte many countries of the world 2 vent failure in school! Which have for eenturies been eminent The most nommen type is the child y. Between the who, a little delicate, develops into a yanearagv.p118.a6ggetvoldi 1,1857,02,07,,,,,or,00,0deipoeuxnpdosrteodl book worm. Ill health causes tide child to feel dieinclined. to essert'ion in the dairy incluste butter aeorth 32,760,000 per year, un d and 'reeding is easy entertainment', by the period seee_1002 was exporting Of cetiret the more he reads, the less 20 168 000 pounds worth 33,906,000. he 'eels like I'laYi''g' Reading thus constantly eeacte . against his heolth, AS reading is enjoyed as a diver- sion rather ,than as study, this shouldl be borne in mind when trying to break the hobbit. Too often parents will slay, "Don't read this fine day. maica, Trinidad, China Cuba, France, Run OUtdooTS 'and play!" But. if thete licmg Kong, Newfoundland, et. pierve " tl 'n to play" outdoore, other and Miquelon, arid other conntries, th,an to, 11,301t° up some imaginarY In the now,trend eXhibited in tecent PlaYMate in a Yard that seeins eorn- only set out to make li meese hi thel lt.ibail:tallyi,nigi counter attraOtion for an tn'the yeat 1022, Canada's butter ex- ports amounted to 21,994,678 pounds valued at $8,243448. This went to the. 'United Kingdom, • the United States' Belgium, Bermuda, British Guiana Honduras, Barbadoe, Ja- vise errands that requite a Walt(, no child liltesato take a ;walk just for, t the. sake bf, walking. Shopping of all kinds, can be done by children who need exorcise the fresh air. Both boys and girls cnn bo p1!ovided wlth outdoor occupation;- raising, flowers, vegetables, chickens, rabbits and vari- ou, o p d Th will be more enthusiastic if there ss ,clefinite 151113, 1 for instance to cheer up the sick or , Finally an idea was bit upon which /was a pleasant surprise eot an experi- ment. A small length of copper tub- ing was cut off and a sheet of paper slipped over one end. This was thrust 01 into the hole, and by blowing through Ole upper end the dust was quickly re- moved, The paper over the pipe pee. vented the dust f rom flying up into one's face. Thin saine jdea will work equally 9e11 133 other places. • The f armer should no more think of keeping a serula cow than • the manufacturer would a machine which g d d Children too enjoy fin- le giving only half the normal pro- ancial profit f rom a garden. They • should be encouraged to market their produce among. strangers to test their initiative and courtesy. The family grocer and restanrants may becothe ,regelar customers. One boy develop-, I dcl a little nursery business special- izing With pine trees he. hall studied about in school,. Another outdoor ocs cupatioh that hreught profit was gathering water cress in a brook and selling it to Ei railway dining ear, Yming children need to have Out - dodo. occupation that is purely enter,. tabling,' A svving, teeter-totter and a sand pile ate afriong these, Both croquet and tennis courts min be laid out by amateurs. Plants and animals. should be ob- , eerved. Oonteets to name the nnist birds or consinon weeds furnish lanai- s I tilt°, Small bicyele altd 00 011055 SY0' , just as necessary Tor girls 05 201' their e brOtheeS, and nearly an ciiiidron .1030 s on otitdoor "gyni". years Caned, may be 031113 havel moarace by daily association, it is daily inalvitxy. It is only ol 'late, ,rho ealy real care 18 to .prevido 801no fairy or fldvorltUre etoty bo °5tablishba at'a;;'117wiliadvelc'ye()111131eth90('' o'll'tc'lotouir reading°e°11,PL' et9tirla'r1s1b3 eas8peeclilajl°17y Western provineee and the cettle and "..'-ue yours that claley beat, -fertile to add a small dairy tee counter ettiaction needs to b ti than later whet herd to thole establithinent. Tho marc iaseina ug cluction. 414 Constipation,! tho bans of old ago , is notto,be eared by bereft purga- tives; they rather, • aggravate the trouble. For a frpntle, bat aura' %irony., aim Chambhrlain!s Stomach and Liver Tablets. ThoY stir up the liver, tone the nerves and freshen the stomach and bowels just like -an' internal bath, . recrossonesesarms=n1,,,cicsaaccema.„ 9-31 .issd Woman's best. friend. From 'girlhood to old age, these tittle red. health re- • etorers aro an unfailing guide to an active liver and o clean, healthy, normal etemach. Take a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at night and the sour stomach and fer- mentation, and the - headache, li or e all 5000 01' morning. All druggists, 31c., or by mail from Chaislistl.ila Medicine comma, Towle 12 TIME TABLE Traine will arrive at and •depart from, Clinton as' follows: f3uffalo arid Qodor:oh Div, Going Easte depart . 9272552 pa:mrn: Going West , ar. 11.10 ,am. London, Huron a B MCC Div. Going South, ar. 0,23 clp. 4.23 a.ni. 0 o.r. 10.04 p.m, " ar, 9.08 04.5,115 p.m. Go.ing deilart 6.50 p.m. ' 11,05, 11.18 a m 14 13 'Oat thobo sons lave Soso, roe CPO 100' In Your ori ceas al.,. eau 5500 194033' rges,tor the•searo solilag01350 %need Bev Palawan, Waatover your oxperIoneo has boee.,.'W1110e1330 781*row la drag novj.,WhOOlOr Or 604 yeti SIM you 0a01 got finaWor thlo qutatloat Are you onbitiotta to own 00,000' a *0,4 T1011 gti; in touoh wIth me at oncal X will ereVe tb you without out or obligation that' veti can oastir becotno a Star Veeman,5 pill elfow you WAY fito Bolen -nal -main Training aa 1,05 battlement Service of the 34. S. T. A, v111114 you fo quick 14UCCOO401 6011105. $1 0 000 A Year Sellinv Secrets 910 Mora, 3 Sinr Salonsanalds 69 toofett lw 17, 14. 1 7. A, ions m0,t10 000.1h111., ol.otd nSgisight, 1,4vo bailed 140 Mee tho ,00de ar Ond id pny 0,4 .l.e.tley JO, 0,1 loka nowlaw, ' ranter %.drat roe I01,1,4,01,,,,idoti„s in a, 0011800/40,5 priors >ou to name. net 0/01 1110,. tit4O1O6a SAOSZ3011' Tr41631.15.170 A6 6061atiOn to, Ont.