HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-8-2, Page 1No. 2213 43t Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 211(1;1923 AUGUST s, CIYIC j will be a big day in Clinton-- Sports Day in aid ,of the Hospital t of U 'ul F' -cgranSports CLINTON MAI-IEETS 1Wlieat 90c, Oats S 50c. Barley 60e. Butter ape, Eggs 20c. to 25e. Live Hogs $8. She 9hing J kat elighi The bride can be found in our store, in great variety,, We have the GIFTS THAT LAST SILVER PLATED, WARE; CUT GLASS,: CHINAAND 'CLOCKS You should see our Engagemen and Welding Rings, put ups= are complete etches: and z e eor e m i ncae ,{ n p • YeIiqar.' Jeweller and Optician Phone 174w Residence 174J Sales Tax to be 6 per cent or Counter Check Books s *wing to the sales tax being in- creased to 6 leer cent,, it wih,•+be to your advantage: to call and place your order for future, delivery, ORDERS-TA1tEN NOW! WILL BE AT THE , OLD RATE The News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Our Motto Owismommimil For Ever an 35 only Mei s Suits in broken lines and , - sizes no two alike. Your our choice entire a of the lot for 15.00 Former price $20 to $22 THE HOME PAPER and MAY.;;'G0 `.CO `1'IMMINS '. `We understand -that Principal J W. Treleaven is considering' a very tempting' offee from Timmins, HANDS IN RESIGNATION Me. s: T, Cooper who has acted as telegraph agent for a . number of years, finds that owing, to the pres- sure'I 1 1 other ess he 0 0 e us is of able b n bo n a to continue and'' has sent hie resigna- tion to the Company Representative. As yet, it has' not been decided. to wbom the agency will go, DROWNING AT GODERICII A sad accident beppened at the dock in Goderich on Tuesday after- noon when little .Chester McDonald, the 7-year-pld son 'of Mx. and Mrs, Mac. McDonald; Warren street was drowned. The lad' had been playing about on the south' pier, his father le hit ft n in the boat while he went into "a store -room, and when he returned` the- lad Ives not to he seen. The body was°°recover'ed sometime after- wards. AMUSEMENT TAX WITHDRAWN , The 'Amusement tax has been withe drawn on all the +Chautauqua tickets' so all thse who have purchased thele Chaut"auquas tickets may have their amusement tax refunded if they ape ply, to the person they bought the ticket from, THE CIIAUTAUQUA The advance man for the Dominion Chautauqua is in town and has made the following announcement to the local 'committee. As added at- traction for children there will be a free story hour every ironing at ten o'clock. This will be in charge of Miss .Dorothy Dagley a graduate of the Columbia` schoolofExpression of Chicago this; is . an entirely new fea- ture of .itlhey Chautauqua in ,Clinton and it is to be hoped it will be suc- cessful, The bureau has sent word that b'Ir. Elevood Tewksbury Bailey will lecture on the first `right of the Chautauqua instead of Dr.: Welwyn Evans, MT. Evans is leaving this Circuit to ful- fill 'a six weeks engagement with In- dependent Chautaugpas. The bureau has..' been fortunate lei its choice of Mr:. Bailey who will give his worth while' lecture "All Aboard." LITTLE LOCALS Wingham and Goderich ball teams play ib C1intoi on August 6th. The. 4th annual Ford picnic was held at. Grand Bend on Wednesday. The Baptist Sunday school picnic 'was held on Wednesday at Bayfield. Mr. and Mee. Melvin Schoenhals are, moving into Mrs, Tor; "Johnson's house, • It is not certain whether the La- crosse team will go to Mitchell on Wednesday or not, The •Clinton Kilty band went to Goderich on Wednesday -to play at the Goderich races. • • Mr, and Mee. Wiseman and Mr, and MIs. George McLennan spent a meet •enjoyable Sunday in St. Marys. The Clinton Junior baseball, team ploy the 'Exeter; team on'. August .6th at 0.80 ran. 'Good luck to theme The Hawaian Novelty Orchestra will furnish the music at the Bayfield Pavilion 'on Saturday evening, Au- gust 4th. Mr, To en h FF who o i s wortci ng for. Mr. Durnin,-has moved hie family here, occupying Mrs. Cook's house on Vine- gar Hill, Golfing is now -in full swing many of our sporty citizens journeying to the Seaforth links, to enjoy a game each afternoon, Do you recognize Main street, now that it has been so gayly decorated with flags, etc? Also, observe the tasty decorations on, the side -walks! Are you all ready for Chautauqua? - We hear from relialblc sources that this 'year's 'Chautauqua . will surpass any that we've had in former years. Mr. Silas +Mcl+alls, who was at one thee'' a member of of the staff' 01 the :Nelsons BanIt here, has been promot- ed from the' Centralia branch eo Belle- ville. • fWe are very much grieved to report that Miss Jean Ford has been confined` to lies• holne for the past few days. :We hope that it won't be long :before she's able to be out again: Dr. Hearn ie getting the porches of hie dwelling: ; straightened' up, the brick pillars having warped. It will •make ars improvement in the appear- . ice of his handsome residence. A great many'; ofthe townspeople attended the garden party at Auburn ou Tuesday. Among those present were Mr. and M1',s. N, W. Trewartha and Mr. and Mrs..A. J. Morrish, Have you noticed the numzber of cars which go to Bayfield on ,the nights that the '<Pav" is open Tor dancing? The enthusiastic young dancers report a splendid orchestra and an excellent: door. For what more, pray, could one ask? Mrs.' David Campbell' of Toronto (nee Laura Tim), whose husband was shot by thebandits was'a niece of the late Mis, W. S. `Harland: Mrs, Camp- bell's mother, Mrs, Robert Tim died last September. She was a sistor••of the late Mrs. W. S. Harland. The results of the hhddie School examinations have not yet arrived. We hope, however, that we will not Have to keep the pupils in suspense very much longer as they should be ealong any tune now. Cheer up!, Pupils, the worst 18 yet to come! Hoe you noticed the splendid ar- ray el prizes for the differentevents on 'Clinton's .Big Day, which, are most effectively displayed in the win- dow ef' the new Hydro Shop? Ie Yoe haven't seen them as yet we ad- vise yoti t0 do so. One ,glance at that window ought to inspire into the heat'ts of even the mote indolent and oast' -going oC AS all a desperate de- termination to win 0110 or more of those events or,, ,,,,,1 We hope for store than one reason that you are sticeeesful, ER HURON OFFICERS n MEET ' s A. meeting el .the Iluron 'officers was held in Goderich on Wednesday, at Mennesetung Canoe Chub,' The • meeting was for the purpose of a general reorganization of the officers and to arrange for local training at headquarter points. Arrangements were made for training to take place clueing the • month of September. Among the officers •present were Brig, General 'King, from London; Lieut Colonel Dunlop, Meese' R. A. Slpan, Major F. A. Sturdy, MajorEarl O''Netli M.C,; L euf). Colonel Slia+w and Captain Goldthorpe.. SOME OLD HOMES IN CLINTON Have you ever stopped to consider the number of families who. hohave v oc- cupied the same home for a great many years? There 'are many such 'homes in Clinton end we are giving a few instances of them below. In the. year 1830' the late` Henry Ransford 'befit his horde on the Hay- field 'river near .Stapleton, : This house has been the' home of .sone member of the elanaford family ever since, the present odcapant being Mr. John Ransford. It is a typical old English home. :The house' of Mr. John Gibbings was built by his father, the Iate Jonas Gi+bbing's, one of the early pioneers, and this borne has !been occupied by the Gibbings'°family ever since. The house of the'Pfisses"Bay was built iby their father!, the late Andrew Bay, who was the county engineer for many years alterthe county of Huron became a separate county. Perhaps the oldest public 'building in Clinton "which has been used con- tinuously is the ,St, Paul's Anglican Church. This was built in 1858,.par- tially destroyed in 1864 and rebuilt in 'that : year. IT WAS A NOVEL EXPERIENCE 1 A Mr. Kerr from Virginia was a visi- toe in town last week. Although it is over forty years since Mr. Kerr was in Clinton last,, he remembers one incident that happened while here quite plainly. It seems that he was a young lad living near Brussels and it so, happened that one of his neigh- bours had married' a'young ,girl whose home was in Goderich township. Now the parents of this young wife de, sided to give the happy young'cou- ple the ever welcome present of a cow., Calling on young'Kerr for help they offered hint the munificent sum.oe one. dollar to . chive the cow ,.from Gode- rich ode rich township ;to Brussels. Young Kerr deoided • that thiswould indeed make a nice little walk, ,eo the next meaning, he started out on foot brave- ly leading the cow, deciding to go to Brusselsi v a Wingham and led Clinton. For the first ; two br three miles things went along splendidly, the cow dragging Mi. Ketx along a r at a td P rate. The next few' miles were not so enjoyable, as Mr. ;I{err had to urge the cow. At the outskirts of Clinton he..per ceived a piece of car- pet left, out; to air by some careful and 'thrifty housewife. Tie appro- priated this, made a paddle of it and rode the cow to Windham, bad a rest, re -mounted and reached 'Brus- -sets in record time. AMONG THE CHURCHES The union services of the Presby- terian and Wesley churches will be held in the Wesley church, text Suns day morning. Rev. Mr; Holmes will preach on "Is the Young; Mate Safe?" The services will be hold in the Pres- byterian church in the evening, the subject of . the sermon being "The Preacher's Matchless Theme." Ev- erybody is welcome- Rev- Mr, Holmes' terns expires next Sunday, and Mr.' Hogg will ,preach again the Sunday ,following. Last Sunday morning at the Wesley church, Dr. 'Chowen, the new Superintendent" of the Wesley' Methodist ,Sunday school, drew atten- tion to the fact that •moth attention. should be paid to the League of Na- tions among the churches, Mr. Hoboes sermon was very aptly chosen under the headed "What the 'Church should Teach the Nation" Ontario Street Church On Tuesday afternoon a thimble tea was hold on the lawns of the Ontario street parsonage, under the auspices of the Missionary Society, The tea was a great success, there being •a crowd of between forty and fifty present and a very enjoyable af- ternoon was spent, the minister and his wife :being very efficient at en- tertaining. Sewing and quilting was done for the coating bazaar, and"re- freshments of bread and butter and tea and cake were served, St. Paul's Church Mi'. W. H. Roberts of Mitchell, conducted the services at St. Paul's church last Sunday, dttrhig Rev. 0. L. Rilltey's absence. Rev, J. A, Bloodswor•tlr will `take the services during August. Itev. Mr. Bill ey, who is canvassing for tltc Femme' Movement is ,liaving splendid success, In two weeks he visited fifty-two towns or eitiee ouch as Listowel', Teiteliencr, I'reeten Springs, Mitchell Stratford and SL- AM/es. ivies. Biltsey aecoutiltedeci him for two weeks iitnrning on Sat- ladaynight CHAUTAVQUA PROCRA1S HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING seA meeting of the.Ilospitel board is being held on Tlnirsday at three u'- elock. It is hoped that all th4 mein - bens will be prgsent as they intend to arrange for the deeoratinns'for their float on Monday. IMPORTING ALBERTA COAT, Mr. Thomas Cook, and Mr, F. W. Johnston, have ser,ured a supply of Alberta coal, and are selling it to the different dealers. They have receiv- ed orders from, many outlying points. The coal is not here yet gni; it is ex- pected shortly, HAVE YOU GOT YOURS YET ? Mrs. ,Chas. 'Barthel and Mr. Ar1n- strong o1 town have gotten .a water system installed in their houses. T,lie town is pretty well supplied wins wa- ter, now. But there are still a few residents that have no waterworks in their homes, and the Connnassion, would like to supply them as there Th a plentiful supply of water now, FAVOURS+SOHOOL NURSES Sn conversata with. Dr.. Gaudier the other day, he made the foilowdng. ,'etaement to the News -Record: "It has been reported to me by n embaars of the school .board teat 1 have been quoted as not being in sym pathy with the work of the school nurse. This has evidently occurred through misunderstanding." While. there' may + be e difference' in diagnosis in a few cases, that does not on any way reflect on the efficiency of r the nurse, a` If she detects disease and reports it her work is efficient, and thisshe has done, I am glad to have this opportunity of expressing my full sympathy with, and ,apprecia- tion of school nurses in general .and our own nurse in particular." BASEBALL IS BOOMING ! On Monday afternoon last, -the Clin- ton baseball teamwose. its sixth con- secutive vieeery, by defeating Mitchell to the tune 1 f 3-1. It was -a very good game and •quite well attended. Clinton has it snappy ball team this year and we think the many fans in Clinton should give them every sup- - Mitchell went to bat. first, Romberg snaking first base, Brooks 'struck out; McCurdy: walked getting home quite. safely malting Mitchell's one and only run for the game: (Chas. Hovey started the ball rolling Tor Clinton, although he had the mss fortune to get out at first base. Ness bitt ,Cook struck ,out, nobly .followed by Frank.Mutch'• -At the end of the first innings the . score stood 1-0 for Mitchell. - However, we can well' of-. ford Mitchell that one little run be- cause in the third inning +Glias. Ho vey made a three base hit and Can- telon got a run, In the fourth inning 'Frank Mutch gota run and Joe Hie'- gins managed to reach third base. In the fifth inning Cantelon got a- nother run.' In the sixth McTaggart Walked and got to third base. .After` that nothing very exciting' happened until Weldy Hovey managed to reach th•ed base iClinton's ' z n Cli to le n s las inning. We are certainly very glad...to ve- toed another victory far CIi zt n's suc- cessful u -cessful ball team, 'and we quite con- fidently expect to record "many more of•them before the ;baseball season is. over, Pollewing'is the line imp: .Clinto15--.C. Hovey, c.;N. 'Cools, s.s; F.:Ilutch, e:fe W. -Hovey, 1b.; J. Hig- gins, 2b-; F. McTaggart, p.; Liver- more, 1.1.; F. Cantelon, 3b.; 3. Match, r.f. Mitchell- Itomlinrg, r;f.; Brooks, 3bse McCurdy, p.; Patsy, I.f.; Snider, c.f.; McHenry, s.s; Moore, c,; :Thome :Sam 2b„ Davidson, ib, DEATH 4F MR. WI)LKIN The death of Mr. Alfred "Wilkin occurred on Sunday morning last, af- ter a long and trying illness, +i\ir, Wilkin was born in Essex, England.: He lived near Constance for a num- bee of years, and then moved to the, Western: States, making Ms home at Sheldon, North Dakota, While there he inarried'Jane Willson, who died,in 1911. He 'returned to Canada mak- Mg' his home in Londesboro for a few years, and then came to` ,Clinton, where he'has lived for some 25 years. Being a Omen -Lake'. by trade he work- ed for Mr. Fred Jackson for a nun' bee of years, and et few ,years ago went into 1 -easiness for himself. Some seven years eco he married kiss Teb- butt of Holmesville. 1bIs, Wilkie was a kindly ante gen- ial man and had a large circle of friends. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and six children, four girls and • two boys, Hie children are Mrs. Rebt. •McCoy of London,' Karl Wilkin of the Molsons Bank, London, Miss Idaeand Miss Laura of Detroit, Mrs..7arees Kennedy. of De - trait and Lloyd of the +Molsons hank, Thedford. In religion Mr, Wilkin was a Metho- dist; and attended the Wesley Melte., dist church... In politics he was a Liberal ho las also a moinbbe• df the ; Canadian Order of Foerestcrs. The le/toted service was held at •the residence, Ontario street, on Tues- day last, the services being conducted by the Rev. Mr, Holmes, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Snowdon. The pail - bearers were: Mr. John Dei-ey, Wes ley Moore, Ilit'am Hill, S. Morrell, George McLennan and Thomas Hawn ]tins: 4+ * to & , Mrs. Wiilltfn, and family, through. the mod sem of this 'papa; wise' to express thou= heartfelt alrpreeintien, l'or the kindly' eympatity shown by the neighbours and friends dung the lengthy 'Threes and sibsequeet death Of the laic 'Ido'. Alfred Wilkie, - si ast'Saturday, three rinks of lad bowlers came up from Stratford 1o the purpose of engegin; 'our dashes i a i'riendly contest. They day was idea asweealsothe score, as the Clinton ladies were up'tweety-six' points, Two games 'were played mbefpre tea and one • after'. The following is tlse. score: ,.,:4l eople You KnowKnowt LADIES BOWLING 'I'OU1INAMENr J Y Master Elliott Hardie' iso visiting a I' russ. IB •ls. n e tl mw. Brooks, from Mitchell is a tis' Flret Round Stratford 'Clinton Mis, Farquharson 1 zson 9 -,Miss 7Iaws4ii 11 Mrs, Howie 2 -, Mrs. F. Hovey 19 Mee. Neil 12 Mrs, Brydon 10 Second Round - Mrs, Farquharson 1 ---'Mrs: Brydone 14 Mrs. -Howie 8 — Miss Howson 12 Mrs. Neil 17 Mrs. F. Hoyey 2 Third Round Mts. Farquharson 10—Mrs. Hovey 5 Mrs. Howie 12. ,Mrs, Brydoiie 9 Mrs. Neil 6 — Miss Howson 18 Clinton up twenty-six points' ; At the conclusion of the second round dainty refreshments were serv- ed. The ladies are very grateful to the men for fixing 'up a partori the club house for .their own use. The club house was gaily decorated with bunting' arid' flags and the grounds looked -lovely. ;Congratulation are due the Clinton ladies for their spier'. _did victory, Hagtlelrt Mrs. Mitchell.' and son Mr. Barry Mitchell of Lobo''Were the' guests of the former's nephew," Mr. F, A. Ed- wards over Tuesday. Rev. R. H. Gairdner and daughter, of Lorraine, Ohio, are the guests of his brother, John Gairdner. Wilber and Frank Erwin of Kitche- ner spent the week -end at their home in the ' village. Messrs. F. Hamilton, J. Bowera, F. Walker and H. Thant of Stratford are camping on the Lake side south•of the village, Lawrence:•and Fred Powlie of Lon- don spent the week -end at their homes in the village. Bey. E. A. Shaw wife and daughter, Miss Joy Shaw of Aylmer were the guests of Me. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards the past week, `` Mrs. W. E. Buchan and daughters, Misses Marvel- and Dorothy Buchan of Lethbridge, Alta., are visiting Mrs. Buchan's sister-in-law, Mrs. (Dr). Woods. Messrs, Art Sander, Art Kabel of Kitchener and :Stanley Davit of .Wa- terloo were the guests of the for- mer's. brther, E, A. +Bauder, over the week -end at his sunnier .home on Main street. Ghosts at the Albion are: Mr. and Mrs. John Cardno and family, Nel- son and ,Sandy. Cardno and Miss Mar. garet Cardno of +Seaforth, Miss Reta Tippet of London is the guest of her sister, Mrs, John Pease, Mrs George Erwin Prnee Al- bert yin of ,i - 1 bert Is the guest ofher sister, Mrs., Bailey. Y Mee.' Parinkson of Detroit is visit- ing friends in the village. The foliowng registered' at the Commercial: Jack Richards and Carl Lohse, Detroit; C. liidd, B. Brown, New York; C. F. Jackson, C. C. Elite, Fiarvey Arndt, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. White, St. Therms; Misses N, Barrett London and D. Utting, Toronto; Rev. Abrey, Londesboro; Me. ,and :Mrs. Al- fred J. Doke and daughter:•, Miss Ora Dols", St. Thomas; Mrs.' G. Gillies, Toronto; G. B. Reynolds, Sandwich; Kathleen Reynolds, Cella 'Moore and .Mrs. Reynolds, ,London. The following are guests at the Ritz House. Miss Wilson and W. W. Ament, Seaforth; Miss Carter, Kitchener; F. -Wright, Mrs. A, Hamilton and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Vie, Fraser and son of Stratford; Arthur Ford, Lon- (1001' on-(100; Edwin Motif, Tonawanda, N.'Y• y Edna Gildart, Stratford; C. S. Mal- late, Toronto; Mr's, A. Mandelslolt and son, Mr, E. Maudelsloh, Kicbener. St. Andrew's church, Bayfield are having anniversary services: on Au- gust 12th, Rev, Victor C. Mooney of Port 'Elgin will conduct, the ser- vices. 1Bayfrelcl Methodist ehurcb intend holding their usual anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, August 19th at 11 a.m., and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Mill - son of Brownsville will speak at both services. ;Mr, S. Lovell and his Brother, Mrs, Here and her song George, Mr- and Mrs. W, Robinson,. William, Jim and Mary Robinson, all of London, and Mrs and Mrs. B. Ilbustont, and daugh- ter•` Beatrice, had a 'pienie last Satur•- day, on Mr. S. Houston's grove, Lake- view . Vann. Holmes'vil7le Mr. J.R. Holmes left on Saturday day. 'With his nephew, Mr. Dudley Holmes of Wingham, on a meter trip to Brantford, Hamilton and Niagara Fails, 1Viiss Jennie Holmes of Clinton is spending a few days as the guest ot. her cousin, MISS D. A. Tlohnos, Mire. :Shaver of Ancasster, Tier daughters; Mrs. Woods of-Onadego and Mrs. Kelly and tier 8011, Mi", Cor. tlaif Felly o1 TTaittiltori, a niece, Miss 'Harris of Hamilton, and a gt'arui- daughter, Miss Lilly TIowell of Ona- dago, called on Miss Hol>„n'es on Sat- ttrday ori their wayto Visit:frietttis at TYungaunon. Mee, W, T'ickard of ISolmesville the guest of Mrs, S. 1' Waltee. Miss Mazy Macintosh went to Strat- ford on Monday, Miss Rudd is visiting for two weeks at Go Home Bay. Mr, Ernie Walton is at s»resent en- joying his holidays. Mrs, Ireland and Master Harry are visiting Toronto "friends, bir. and Mrs, :Summers of Bay City are' visiting Mrs. Perdue. Messrs. Bill' Hovey and Hot Mc-ashall aro camping at Bayfield. Miss Hattie Courtice visiting i her mother, Mrs,' H, Twyford, Mrs, Bryan was the guest of Mrs. ack `oea MrsL: SperCreelingfofr •sClevelanveralddmys, visiting her grandmother, Mrs: Walsh.. Mr, Stanley Shabbrook left on Wed- nesday afternoon for Exeter, err. Leslie Hanley is the guest of Mr. Thos, Cools until next week,. Missi Vzo a Cook " paid a flying visit to Grand Bend ,Wednesday. Miss Mary Brarefield leaves at the end of the week for: Toronto. Miss '•Ethel -Holmes, of Wesley' Par- sonage, isvisiting, at Wroxeter, Mx .George Elliott of Pontiac. Mich., is, spending his holidays at -hornet. Miss Teotsie Reynolds of Ilullett is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas, Flynn. Mrs. H. Fitzsimons has returned from a two weeks' visit at Stafla. Miss Mary'Bramfieid and her mother spent the week -end in Grand Bend..' Miss Mary and Master .John Taylor of .:Toronto are visiting Mrs. W. Taylor. , Misses Nora''bne Lily Kennedy leave on Saturday to spend twoweeks. in - Detroit. Misses Vera' and Reta Rome -of -Ex- titer visited Mrs, Atkinson during :. the week. Mr. Egan of the Royal Bank staff is spending his holidays at his .home in London. ,Miss Mary Chidiey has returned home from a very pleasant visit in Go- , -Tome - Bay, Mr. Harry Bali was the -guest of the +Rev. Mr, Anderson of Forest, over the week -end. Miss Einem Higgins is taking Miss (Rudd's place in the Clinton -Library for two weeks. Mrs,. Wall •Collyer returned to Toronto tion Saturday aftervisiting her niece ,laiiss. Jean Miller. - Miss Ethel McDougal of Hensel! vis_ 'ted her cousin, Miss Aileen Atkin son this week. ' Mis' Harold, otherwise known as "Tubby" Lawson is having his 'holi days at present. Mr and Mrs, Thos. McDonald from London are vsiting at the home of Mr. John Moffat. Dr. Nimmlo, accompanied by Master Stewart Marion,- motored to Or- angeville on Monday. Miss Vera' Dodds returned home from her holidays in London and reports - a most delightful visit, Chester Johnson from Windsor is vis- iting his mother, Wrs. Johnson on lRattenbury street, west. Miss Ferrol i ... ggnsfs enjoying n weelcs holidays hi 'Seaf etch led other neighbouzing, towns. - Misses Lida owns.Misses-Lida and Mildred Livermore, of St.' Catharines are visiting theist: mother; Mrs, ,Sam .Castle, Mr. and Mis, Howard Parteou of Tore' onto are visiting ,Mr. and Mrs, 'G E. Saville and other friends. Miss-EIinor Renip has been visiting her uncle, Mr. John Rath of Dui' dalk during the last few days;'' Mr. Vincent of the Clinton Knitting Factory has returned from his holi- days which he spent in fishing. Mi', and Mrs. Frank Olver and Miss !Bertha Miser of Toronto visited Mr. ,and Ms. G. E.'.Saville last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wheeler of London, and their daughter, Grace, are tite guests of MT, and Mrs, Arthur Ste - vermeil. ` The Rev. l', A. Broad:foot of South (China was a guest at the home of -' his aunt, Mrs: W. G. Eroadfoot for a while, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Johnson of Ste. Catharines «are visiting ,Mrs. l obit- son's mother and father-+1tlr: and eters, Lovett. Little Miss Marion Andrew ;weenie -. panted by her mother left on Twee day for ,their summer home isi Grand Bend. Mr. and IYlrs, Wine, Ward of Exeter visited„at the home of the latter's cousin, Mrs, W. S. Downs the first' of the week. Miss Marion MacDougaI ” has been suffering an `enforced holiday from the stale of the Royal Bank, 'with ' an attack of tonsilitis, Tele. N. W, Treevaetha, IiI.P,P,, was, at Guelph, Wednesday to witness the:, laying of the Corner Stone for the new Memorisl' ITa11 at Guelph., Mr, Latina Gleason, wito Tias been tate guest of Mrs, A, J, MoMurray for the pttst three weeks hos returmed to Mitchell to attend the Old' Boy? a'atinian, Me., and Mrs. Ray Rumbell of Lon- don, and Master Jack who have , been visiting the- foemer's mother: for the peg week, returned on Wednesday, aeeempat sed by Mile Rurtiball sr. Rev. W, 0, Richardson; wife and fa- emily of Deser•onto, also Mrs, Herdt, Delman and her tWo little ,girls 'of Saskatchewan visited with titoli< oousin, Miss Richardson of toe the asst; week: .Miss Elizabeth Robaets'hes been:theb guest of Miss :Charlotte Gilkey foe the last few days. Mrs, leilkov, Miss Charlotte end .'M'rs. Nieltole spent a very pleasant day in Ben. mince, on Wedfieiday, M