The Clinton News Record, 1923-6-21, Page 7*tip
Quaily is the
of p!mtinction.
lie Gift Of The Ogds
Amazing Altitudes Attained by Birds
Since Wan WO% 40 flying the'nitterel.' ,dronemere wittenteg the ' stars at
, BY PEtt‘,RL FOLE•k. Jet Inie collie ieto pegsaeeien d a good 1' this time • of the,' year, Or dinieg the
deaf of knowledge a bout. I he flight ef itu Whin Migration, frequentlY ' nO Ur. e
birdie says aii Ineglislettew'epaper. anY, dote VO.Uiing Rere00 'tle 41431(1'0.
, , .
. „, •'1 °aregit waee Stated that eo larit isien'.1`liese, r1p1o1P:atin,F u 4. v,d
r rose o 1(444(4181 height than 700 ine although it (413344343,e to "hen.
As David looke,d into the 344(431' eYes "This romn thousands. of YearS old," 1 aeroplane flylug at over 2,000ft, seine '
and listened to the pent-aP thoughts I.e 'explained, -
.1, I:1411ot not lqng (tgo en o,heerver in an. 41414faytotlilielesillleeietli,ellst/altt w18,011.0C'i):Ilibely€1, tit;: tg;41,1.:
CHAPI`EB y1!,.---(eQnt'd,) . sive fIc•.0 'of his, guest; well Pleasedi.,
rollMg out -from one, Who a, fetv' nto- .you leelonged to iny_i:tunf3-,tis anee., o
".Ev?IrYthLag b° •t°1'.?. tee a lark d'rwn nest lqe Ina- We , hey° careful • estimatee fl'OM
inepte befere. had ell the egeotr-fwee the Lmpero.r.•WIItioVeln,f,:e. i., d ,a1 mr , , , _ _ ,, trained observeee eliewIng that some
of it 'Women of the world, . he 14;11113f r"I litivve tibavieyea..,,iliteveleit.wrot,1 , ' Welle'rnieral.114n., 'me" 4311`11 ri"''' t° I of these birds aCtually fiy it 'the al'
,. V00111. far greeter ectighestitan they do' he any meee 1,,e,,,e1,4see eeegei of ereeeeee, or
. experienced the pleasurable ,thrill 0, 1.\ ana . oy,
in 34$ meeting at Mist an .4 4o . ter his that ,43113,1(5081431in' bet1Uty, and luxury other time. .....'wallowS 'epr Inetenee ' ,
'Qatality for 31 year. .11itherto ennui, hie Veorld.weariness, anything I have ever 1i0311. YOU )CQQP which, m-1100 iiereeideeeeeseidom fly at
' - ` ' ' three mile'e above thIe 4331t11 ((((2
, •
(Copyright) ,
But their tete-e-tete wee over all it closed 01), ofecourse?. You do not, a 'greater beight„ than:400ft., else) The reas" (21141111418 4430034.40
Just Try It. ,too soon, As footsteps came alone' e
I hall D vid wes 'eurprised at the light-
.' • ° , ning, cube nge hie companion. Tic
inetent she wes the calm hostese
anunation died from her fate ant n
with duties to perform, , IIe decided
it wasn't deceit. indeed, it. puzzled
him" to fathom the reaSone Dua .na-
tures he had heard and read of, hut high -bred Las e,inti.
this was his nearest personal al?- . As he stood in the' midst ef ,these ed wren 'e„,.e. . -1 • , , °I
preach to anything, ofthe kind, amPlee seenhols of an aeons -old civilization, e,„ .4, . ,.. li 5t 131 monate en,1•1',
ee,onelered if it were a mere faneY that David .could not lielP, hat- Ponder en 'w-i-th"a'ler tlie.:1'; o41
, . . ,.• - •-• . the East ancl West were fighting; fey 'this country, with its- teeming.millions an otniee, apiece, end if ,you start .ono
but few cliengegt and chances are tatea supremacy in thY AViM0111C and Lab.- who. Were, yet rivettecl. in the footsteps
t in thio mortal life, and irpon,her shoed- einating, find of his; ' • ,'
. ' ' of their ancesters• What would. hap; Of theSe•daInty little' creeture's from its
e ders usually falls a big' part' of ,the I After Weng Toy. had Made -arl1Ple pen, .he wondere.d, when the fetters haunt in a the tree its wavering alglit
0 burden, , , apologies for his delay, the:three ,Pro- were. broken and. they were forced to Seems , enable ' to •caery it acroese a'
, •'
e - But , if her work is hard so Is her ceeded to the dining -room, . nn,et he nw world, the West, which 133 single field; ' Yet these midgeta, When
was an infant' in , years',inigrating, crose the North Sea' in ene
rewarq great, fee., even ee° e'e,e. is mere ,arts of the 1112113d11113 13 .cooks bad -pre,-, compaeleon,
evided a feast fit 'for kingee This WaS and harbored °barbarians when China night' flying at 'a height' of at le-tst
..- own mar e an a nian •••• _while ayi s lre experience ufechning in lolled in lux'OrY' : • • ,1,000;1, above the sea.. ' II 'I.
cliangea are in"PrOgress, sheereallY 18 'a Chinese home. 1 He had'Ireaed,' bow- As the door Of' the ir ' h
more appreciittiv,e° of them when ° they 'ever „ that it .was customer 3' in" _Chita, closed .on them; Weng .toypaused
Are' cempleted.'. She .fairly. revels .in and a., sign °of good 'bredireg, - to -extol ° "There lir Something' 1,am going to '
the :fresh: Wellpaper anci °new:Paint the food to the .highest point, while shoW 'Yea, 'Captiein' Marsden, .that no . .
and s'ean'fOrgeta the discomfort she; the host did. the reverse...., The deli, foreigner , 'has yet; .iaia ' oyoo on
make use of it? . 4,00041,, 01 sta.,. 7, a' De e, inunense heights,seems to betliat they,
private roorne. Nothing. in all ,,,, China 1101'130(0 A,414).0rnilii, il.p0rlateo tWye aPou'reolp8; eerilillg •
b Pine met t.
"My niece ie the. only one privileged u)a. aak
to come here. ,Thie is one of hee own • . •
too good for my child.",
TIte'.,notc of earnest solemnity in MI iminenee flight' of swallows at a
the last -statement .forg,ed a true link height,estiinated 4,2•001.1..,
.of eeteein in David's.. mind for" .this But the swallow (43- 01141-04 our etrong.
, d t -
rise 11 Mil they, had „a. aurrent of. air
faveraide to their bight, a wilid which
will- carry ,theni ill the „de'aired
lion, For 1143 1.11.11y1,.11,0W01(01',,l/owetful-
ly built,, could carry eel eelliklit oi sal"
orate liniultud 'Miles, -111 the -teeth of a
Wele of wind", .
'Iliere is, , ouzel°. foe the,
naturaliet, At 15,00041. the,eir •fs, yery
111111, falld 01143 IS U111/0A to wonder itOw-
t.t.ean,susiain e email hied gocustointhr,
to the 111(1311, (teaser ittinotiphei•ci neatIer
the•eartli's surface.
Birds ttett usually •, fly at great.
ileiglite, such. as the cond.or South
am:erica, are, saeciallY bailt for, tlie
purpOSe. Their -wing ,exPa,nse." Jo enel'-
hag .enddred when OverYthing-le 11 p., chills' 'first' edurs. of 'fruit' an* lints, inest Prized ,POSS'ession of -MY house
Bowed by gela., tiriona birds', nest and one which 1 know ;yen., will ap-
fed order;'and slie"is blissfully .aware-' 1.-n
soup p worked ,his enthusiasm up to a preciate." '
that, eyeeythingealsa is as clean 114 fine pitch,, nor did -it require any ef- David expressed his keen pleaaare
Clean ean be. Chaos. 'can be forgotten, fort to ,e'ulogize on, the shark's fins at the offer, 'but 'added it' mnet'surelY
when 'order soon 'follows. -- ' which. followe&-' ' Indeed, David. had 'be one, of , the .seven ewouders of the
• ' trylpg -.for ,Wetirne in a dismantled liad,o idea ,food could he,," raised, fi3O World if 'it eenldstli,Tasse . what he
liaise, with, nothing 'where it should far above the commonplace' of life, but had already seen. , ,.
'be, and everYthing in vieW ,that- shOuld then :never )fore 'had Ile' had such' a . They 'Passed .through several cc/urt-
charming hoStss,". who' : caisidered ': it yards, each vying , with t.he other in
rid be, makes One think the 11101'Q seri:
an unavoidable'courtesy to taste from beauty. „The air 'seemed to grow more,
ouely, of the unrest:and disorder from his dishatintervals, a zustoni .he and More 'fragrant.' Eenntaine feill In
which the whole World is suffering. 'thoughtquite charming., - Wertg Toy, cdol rhythmical, 'splasheS'andete-mple
Will rest and f,peace ever' come aftel' how,evere although his dinner and bells chimed SoftlY-inIItheiiight breeze.
the present, Chadic, condctiens't e , manner ef serving it were truly Chi- Truly it was at world by „itself—a
. Our .counnon sense'tells',1,1s, ,•in, ans- neser.adid not follow. the denunciatory world loaded with years and enchant-
wer to that question, .that until, men enstoni of :his uouri-trY.' Instead,i, he ment.. ...After f011awing. a 'winding
can think,less. of themselves and' mbre faided skilifullY ',a friendly•''and de- path bordered With "flowering •buShes
they came -tipona",temp e rising seee
of others, no 'Fee peace 'will prevail. Although David • decide' 0. thtet,' that enely" like a saintly sentinel guarding
1(70 country' as yet, has actually found
. .e,v,ening was the real bend ire the -turn- the past, 41110 pagoda 'roof 'shimmering , Oat() Him'.
itself...,,rioe,MeeeisewhollY,,,,, t, pee,ade, with 'Mg point. in hie life, hp couldn't deter- in the moonlight: - 9fir. Seadhunter—"No, Gloria, it's
itself. „ .. , - , . mine; which was the. More" captivating ' At .their approach, two • servants, not Your fortune that attracts me. I
one another, :rimy.. effect .a world's bled '' 91, so .ispontaneously " In • the trated the ground. Wang .. m,... h,
ii 'for. yourself alone,"
TiMeaanda better understanding,.,of —the. girl Whose confidences had hnh- standing on guard iait the &mi... prose; 1,,,,, .y,
maSe-cleaning.—D011y Wayne. - • uraWing"'r°°n?i,°.r° the :'Yeullg hosthss, Toy ((edet them, and David ' rs' 'riPPieWed-Multirex—"FredIdY'
demure. yet, dignified, whose. laugh.had follOwed, .-It eves all „-rather weird. deft think. PeeauSe I'm a grass wiclow
, .. simmered into a smile and whose,long what did it maa.„, he wondered that I'm .as green its.,the terma.sug-
you !art!, I vals to let .him glimpse the glowmg of a temple? Surely thek did net fear ' ---':"-----
"Oh, 'don't let that trotifide
Do Not Grass.
Many people hav.e.been •startled by
thEi annotiacement thatit dangereus to
, well-known dile', te -has been un-
,dergoing merlical tread -tient for .seVer.
al ‚months, and has had two oeeratioes
on° a my aterious swell ing ih a .gland.
meesTER YOUR MOODl. lashes were lifted, at but rare inter- -el t th- ht goets
only . one eel , rriother's enood, sr', She, al- 1 After dinner Tu I-Iee alipped'awaY. 'smiled 'at the 'iriemigrifity 'of the ' - ' "
' The Blue -Gum Tree. -
. .. .oe the safety 0 their gods. David .
V.arys ,:gete- ,that. wh-enaanything goes . David discuSSed Withliis host -absent, thOught, ,the,neceesity. fore humane to . IldiatlY'l)ec'P'1° w"der' where eticatYP-
the -least bit wrong." . ' - • i ' • •
mindedly but . at . least -inte igen
obt mO.'," 'd 'from I
es r m. It .1 e
•••••'•Thus -aid, c,.... daiiiiiyi,':p-eak td,. a the'world topics° of ,tne day. . Be. SOOT, Inside tb entre ce twb rnore eeeree the etittalimtus; or '151.11e-g.uin tree, 'of
. , :. ,.., _ . , , ,. , pro ec e sym o s o their' deities. • , ° - . , -
efriend Who Was Stopping . With the :diecogere,d. here- was ' aPother° "rare bowed -LI "I '-!' t th ' - ' '-'d -I Which; there are (me hundred° ancl•twen.
family for a feW" days, and •Who Was curio o 4. ep wit which fate The temple was but dimly Jighted tY varieties in• Australia, Theetrees
much perturhed-by.the silent air Of thai..Ltii.ifa-Vored him. , Ile, Was enchanted as tleey entered, Mit rainiest iminedie are evergreen, arid g,row -to tremenl-
MartYrdom Whiiehi7 was 'WOrfi by her ll ..
pect and tolerance ofethe onmions c,„
tip mandaain's wide ,view?;,,,his: ately- a soft' glOW Permeated .the place ohs hefghts i ' '
- i . - • -
of others. the" diffidebee- bute: wh -"'
an fOrniatieva, ef servants around a huge
avid became awate 0 alaarcular . Probably the first. eucalyptus tree's
im o ted "tit° A ic ' t'll '''' pended. there la talle'in Prance of 're-
ing in Alameda, Celifornia, the home 'viving the industry. Apart from etoclie
idol„ in -the centre' of the terrible. He
what there waS'abOnt this'Pagaii reli- of 131shop ;William .„TaY,1„ore.Whee 'pee . 1.1105, the silk .1f3 ',0.. necessity . to. thd
Wate , .. em.. curious y, ,evon ermg ,
gion 'to, ,calVforth,„such, devoutness, hishoP went te Australia lee was 'makers of theodolites and other sur -
and eVidently :reidefighte worship was struck with the heauty of.these,trees, veying ,instriimente. 'In thege Metre- .,,,,,,,,
OuiteeensteenarY, At leaSt,'-the -man:. and tii 1849 he 'sent. smile seeds home inenta,- two lines of spideeresilk cross ''''-',"`e " "
darin showed no sureirise. But were to his wife, who planted them in her tile centre. of the'glatis° at iegibt angles. , e .
they 1,,,41,
after all'? he asged greonlionSet ' , .-- ,. Fennel:17.010re Waa a fdctorY in gi3O VOA'01.1100`.. . • . • .
,himself., Their -attitude wee by no ; • ' - ' , • . ' . • . . i " 1 ,, •• -,' . ..
When the young trees ,were eighteen - South,- of , Fiance
After Eot...y georl
In w,ox,14; o
play, 14 Wives
the poise pa
steadilie59 114a1
mean suoce4s..
It helps 411(01°441On..
et9aefee .114e0P'"
IXtpl ,,Ibe .11111.011p0.' vacs/
and reeds04 the thireelll
nettsekes eellaecedl
and. land the
fteirVes ettl case. 34
Any of the tollowing Daily be had free
ou the ., '
Publications Branch
Departmehtof ikgricpitprq,'
,41.1 ilLua,sh, epis8,,d, Ili i: rse:, it: .1.07..),;1:,lif cc za.iiiiicep.(iii i.,ip.u,./st.,,,ini..ilociinai edy,.co,.iotis5g1 :9 i , A,i.eca' if ,a Canada
Itwat/7.g, a.:"I',C,'erdnaC-enada. r
dug $. noiatlen 401, 0,entrel eind Eastau
. " . . . .
itnractilleed iebarsoelig.rabe,neitit;:beil'iel,toe7i:isleetil'E-g ,Potato; Tile; Ito ..CultiVatiou and Vaa,le
grate while playlitg'gaines, a coalmen • tied, • •
pingraegtric;3a0mnieuelglitveypeo0i11.1trannellei. t.l li,)nayeahselev: i,.Tht: .A.;11e:Yiellier Hog Cabfie ,,,, ,,
' ' - 'te Tel ne d'' g of Sheee '
' -FdrmerlY 'this :inipleapant°"„dieease IwCeloylting •Dalry. Berd. Records, _
and therAies, fire.ilangen
'Was kro,wn. a's ..4,votiden -tongue" or.(4(42443f and 'How, to tee 91111c.
„big ja,,,,r,„. owing to the ,targ,o syie' -Ile...I:W.1Y and-HOw to USe _dettage" Cheese, °
oinrg:itwiehlitchedev!lop u•ir the t.ougite,,n3aw I, WTpiallenekttevr'ilri‘Kligl..0egerp,I:ier:ed.6.utrtelett,erty°09'NeilI hou.a.' ,sn' ec.Ii."Q.,0..autsey,' '
' AotliioniYoeSis '-is a chronic infiam- -simple 'methods foe the Storage of lee.
caiescl liy° aefuhges, Which: in tbe caee ueliclth Yeur Ctmilnercial Crattle' I."
neetery disease producing puS, arid is. ,...
of,d, "man.attacks, tlie•JeWatiel," neck, eh- . peeereefateligeteitet,n'edr'eCattitotelliisg:Leaulb ,Qa7116.193.:I,:
tering through, diseased, teeth or ton:. ,
eus for Wintering and 'Winter Eat.
sits.' A'sovete :10c1 I iiifeetiOn.,18 set up, Fe
barrow§ iee„.,,,,ay; tete eel, tes_ . thiline.Of Beef Cattle in Eastern'
siles,.illato.rtill,gaiwliat it il'all'er8'es' end: New Viiieties,aad SelecHmis ciii Grain,
as muscle's, , ,
time., Bones areepenetrated as .easily The: 11:7 IV:9gc6I`ble8 Act' 102'2-': I"
elluteteation, CoMmenitY, ,Work in Dun.. '
stopping :at, nOthing. unless treated 4n, ,
' , ,das ..0 pan ty, -,, ' . „.
The :Winter 'Finishing of. Steers . in
I. P' er- Stockings. ' i .gs. .' "Rel'etVeersttectrintl?eueDbievaiSlon-be portieulture,
Although 'the eriannf,aCture o. stock- ° Dominion.' Exp.erienentel•Farms, 19e1..
Inge from spider -Silk ' lies' been':Siis, Report of "the peuitek. Div is ion, Dante-
' ion,Eiperimentel.Parhisel,921,"
IleiStuf cici ..4.1,,itihibie publicgtions.
diestess. - Generallk eneoking, the lady
cheery„, pleasant sliteracte4. but
she leleveleped moods when ..'she" was
YoUng, and' let timm hold
Now , unless, we pick ourselves up
out of any unpleasant x•ut -such as
indulging ia can upset
rk,w1)::?1 household, ,wd, are) pretty I sure
ate: thrOugli 'life' a-rniSerei to otr-:
. If' We are going to collect moods let
them be gooctionegii Because after one
gets moods ,of any type thdy are apt
'to turn out like- the ",olth, man, ofl the
'sea." Hard Ito:shake off,' they "get"
you very soon you, have "got"
thein. ' -
'Sulking and being morose, answer-
ing others shortly, or not Miseverinir
thein at nlleife.'*F don't tegE bee -lined, ff
aoadSaany.`;ga`eat, satis-
faction, and even, if .the did, what
iight have ,you dr I or „anyone to sat.
isfy ourselves at the expense of -those
others who are fdrced (101110 -111
ontact, with its. • ,* -a.
F'erliaps' the -most distaessing type
of mood is that which folks acquire,.
and, ,yet won't let: others know 'vel'ey
they are moody.
I A 'friend of mine has 'had a ser-
vant for many years. As a• worker
she" is a treasure,: but her moodS at
tihies, cast ea gloorn'eiver the, house.,
One day "the mistress, seeing Annie
with' a whole 'heal, of peas,' to shell;
sat dowri baside- her "in 'the kitchen
*Fed, the -firmnese, -with° which e'lle
voiced his, ewn„convietions,° letting it
be seen, howevereo they_were leashed
and not allowed to ,run wild. .
When elevenethirty came. and etill
TU. Hee had net reappeared, David,
successfullY hiding his` ": disappoint,
ment, rose to take his deParture.
'The mandarin looked, at him in stir -
prise. --"Is it neeeSsary, that yeti cut
short your visit, ,Captain Marsden?"
he. enquired. -Upon'° learning that his
guest had no paramount season for
departing at , esyly _ an hour as
elevenithirty, Weng Toy settled hack
in his chait and motioned DaVid 'to
do the same., David discovered his hest had done
some extensive travelling, and as he
himself had covered not an 03101(4(111443
cant part of the world's. territory,
they compared some very interesting
notes. From the ,arts ,of Rome they
wandered to:the antiquities of Egypt,
thence 6:the 3ungles 'of Africa.
. You Mniddilbtedly hake 'a valuable
asiortnient , of souvenirs of your
travels, Mr. Weng Toy?"'
and lent a hand .
lininediatelk•the•egirl, get. Sullen and
, - . and while' deprecating in. true Chinese
looked :glinn. r W,hen spoken 'she 'fashion Ids'. limited , possessioeS, at
barely anSwered. , ft was not Until n once proceeded to ,gratify his guest's
. day or so afterwards that her Mils, curcesaty.„
tress knew, "what' ,bed,' caused' the ' 'lThe..scent of floyeers, filled ihe.'eum-
itrouhle. - --------4 ' .. ': . me' r 'night aita'as David Cros,sedeethe
' "It seemed' •as though you thought. compound' with his host, .A. full moon
slielling. peas to-o-laiy work- for me, Sailrledi in the sky, bathing the eolart-
a lave radiance. 'Tin stone
could atart, „craw:dug 4gitin,,,,. va8,'8hIe ',,r7.,,:fge'le'l 'glismelred 'White:oval-Water-
and. wanted to get -them done, o
, . , tans .trtat splashed, end. cooled' the 0 t -
explanation., Thee Servant was really iriosphere. Dotted here and there were
hurt': ,If she had saidathie at the thne, rock gardenS freni, which 'the flowers
things could Iniv,e been ptit ;right. glowed •,sOftly , and "drowsily in the.
" I ''. - "•*" ' . • "1 night. breeze. ; Monntains of peonies
"Yes,, net a meat collection at all.
They"are a little step frem here in a
back 'compartment of the compound,
If' you would 'care. to see them, how-
ever." - °'
Interrupting him David assured the
would • 1 '
mandarin that while it give inn
no small pleasulie to have old memor-
ies revived, he WOuld-sinuch. prefer, if
his 'hOst would so humor hirra t'o see
the treasures of China, of which he.
had heard his palace wee a veritable
storehouse, ,
Weeg Toy's manner 'showed he, was
not a' little pleased at the ,request,
mil oatarire'sveniiyeanyter. fBule, -i.,,d,Soosl.eirmhen;zirtt5Wiipasw, beure_t inches high,' they .were,. tranepiantee 'weyee epider-eillt eteckings an,d, - other, irt.-1..,:., .,. , 1 jr.,0...,411., o ca......t .....
'facing :the 'door 'andhad "been when ,mitalde. 'After, two yoara, they were triaaS Were...maae, , failed Ian up, .. . ,. 3.
their." maSte'r . entered for -. no- ..inove- aboat five feet ;high an‘ctaloing.,extreme., count' efathe.difficulties.i.W1.110 Elttend ' (No postago a oaleled/-
mentf had they made'exUept,etO .p-4.0§.. ly Well. -, i.„ , ;,.., .,„,, . ,:a.,, apider,farming, on e laege,eeme„
formed, a' singlee file on. eaeli,,side,df inilidIe..1.1:Aseand,give io,theiraaehm:s, .otherwise' they :light 'mid devaur each;
trate.' theniselvel'. at the mandarws The bishop avaa requested ,ia send- 'SPidere•,.mennat .3)131' ntnned. Ire °Illr'j •
approtieh.,,i ' Rjaing.' en illass'e. they ..noW dlorPe Peede, , which,. Mrs., Tey•llee 140- chickens, but require plenty of yoom,
the idol-, old ,Weng Toy fell into step explaining their' ine"rpa'.'. " , other. .' Also many ,attendanis. al 0 re -
with lids guestn
aktogr thea
ethey p- ' 'IF . , . . ,
.. a „ a Theawaed, is. particularly hard, and mitred, to feed [tit,'" tend theme
l sense of.:the ',Mystic erept oive‘iien .a
11 ; oiled fee,. ''47b,6 method einol.0Yed .9,),:. g,eiting
David as ho stood. befell° ' the statue. 'fu
D1 c '' .ia., '•rniture. - . . ,.
i When a eucalYptuelree -.., is the °silk from the, eldder retluire,e ne14111011.The soft light' frOm the .candlea- the' out even:to,the,grOund, it will send out' 'tiine awl mire. First, tile7astenialied
,aaonia,i of ' burning, ..eense, ,andd, new shoots and, grew. again. , -
niello,W chimeS of the teinple bells. as - - ' ' ',"a;i--.--i'-=.7. -, .
the night breeze sway.ed. thema . all ., A Few -Stitches.
tended to efiveliapiliim, With -a sense...of aa, ' , ' - . , a., . . ,,,.
the Unreal, the aupernatural. `Iii the '''"St.lthIll Stitch!.. Stitchr• wrote.
shadowy temple the image, might have Thomas Hoc:el in the Song d the Shiet,
been n reineaenated. Spirit, 'so laelike danithe woman in 1115 poem have work,
did- it apnear. The delicate eoltiriiingS ed. harder than the one who with her
showed the features up "in, startling bright needle 'took more than twenty
relief. ,This was. no dull, stoid-fo.ced , thkmiatiil stitches in a "plain" slOrt fot
The tranquil, expression led i'her giandrather?" ,l-lone'S Every Day.
David's thoughts to theiNtizMaenei,, ;Md. -. -, • . , -. - -
Li 001t, a very oid :volume, ,gives '11.if3'
it indeed seemed. that, the Christ was
'in that: Chinese temPle, tolerant, arid .itellidlied ','-eemult of 'lel' :work''
pit..1=i;thr t1,3,14,1er, four riana's ..,,.....8.f -i
patient Witha bliadfelded, wo,rld. A 1000 114(1
feeling,-,Q.11110St. , 71. ,Gonvicstigt ,sweart natioiaoaa eel seine ,et (emote ..., 450 Q . MarY;-"Sure, and -r did Wash Jr oa
' .
over:11- avid that if he. but knelt theae. itellini‘ii,i45..4:Fill7li,:tilla:1,ti.ig...74,, ,ii., . 7,2,1,, . ,......• 11../s13 , out
1.1:fid jet; lubaii'411111, stolx0ausg" 4erte i'eoviettolduildortolte
for ie brief moment; some Wonderful
'blessing would ,fall on him, f30333 the. .neteeet'elos '''''..''' its ' e ' clean, the eoutside so those curious,
•eeleete4 ale, ., -,,,.,..,.,.. '' . ..... MI 4 '
Gatlmlita • qatmes ....,..,.............,, 140 "
50,0M0 oi1 fallatimml• ------------------1.45 ..1
atitehM4 phodlicr,,,015501 '. 1,880 '
1fe11111Ingth 0Qms10474111 ‘ ::,.....,. ----------------------------
53441114..... ...,. ,151,.
8,11t,,g;fil jleavea and' almacta ...,, 5,010 "
Taping OtC aloimea .....,..... .. - . ..,, 1,321
spider,is tossed from leandeto Ian .
its anxiety (10 4121411- a thread of sillts in
ardor :to eseepe tby, dropeing.., A -kind.
By, the. thee the sr -d86 has. loviered
.wotinI .wdiedret-Fgdatetelear,liiiipdftphieresiisik' :useed, by a
. .
itaelf by saveral' hundred Yea :of Silk
.. . . .
aollitow,e d t o reach .tlie'.ground and
• - reMained alpft„r.nore 'than eight,hpurs ,
_One Side 'Only. • and' a 'half in ..reri:adroplanC With -the
MistressaTIlarY; Why' ' didn't 'you mete:: stopped' recdretly.. toOk. the air
Wash that window?" : , " • . e in, a.'glider' nroPelled by a eevenhorse-
•pcieVer , inOtoe: I• and "IleW and 'landed, '
without the ard'of a avinil. The mo-
terized glider that he . used can make a
more than 'a himdred miles' cm a gal.
children next -domi.dbultIn t leak in. len- ef : a,dihi6i, :- i ,, i- .•
Very 'Appropriate,
let Fish—"Did. Johnny Ilasa sing at
the maisic'el?" .
2nd rieh--"Yes, he' sang roeltedi`in
the cradle Of the cleepl"
2 '
aTheaFrench aviator who in January
rose like eager, .1 am -mg heralders,,
beckoning the world-weaay to pause
Mid rest. After 'all the tumult of the
past, three • yeaes no wonder- David
inained it the Garden of Peace.
,What .a. woaderful, perfect set -
'tine' he exclaimed, and then stopped.
For 58 moment he had fancied himself
wallting here, a small hand reefing in
his and blue eyes returning shyly his
adoring tlances. lie sighed. His life
had .been, and would continue to be,
too incongruous for such happinese.
The' cold 'hahd of Fate would forever
bar the Way, for love as madly as'he
evould, he couldmever marry a Chinese
maiden. Such an act on his part
would be like ,taking 030 04 41113 glow-
ing peonted , before him and braising
its life out. No, he would behave sane,-
ly and rationally, accompany his 'host,
admire the treaaures a China, and
say g00d-1171 to the place forever. In
all fairness he nmst turn back 'at tne
. They lad acme to a dividing wall,
Weng Toy pushed open a moon gate
end they entered another eon rteened
equally as beeutiful. The , mandarin
led, the way into ale of the many
entail buildings, comprising his estate.
Inside "David stood beWilderect 'The
oriental mplendor of the piece dazzled
him, Draperies and . litinginge and
Wondeiaful carved furniture, ,t,t)pcEtie
ing toe exquisite for human uae, stira
rounded him. Ebony couches, made
luxuriant with broaaded „eushions,
Patteim 8613 is here 'sliewn, 1.1 443
cut in 4 Sizes: 4, 6, 8 and 10 yoars.
A 6 year 5450 1(4(1441144.00 15/3 yarda of 8.6 -
inch material,
Pongee, taffetrt, repp, PeP1111, ging-
ham, kindergarten cloth, peapale,
lawn and caash are attatietive for this
model. „Stitching, onibeoidery or braid
forms 11 Suitahle "(laceration;
rattera te any addliesS on
receipt of Ilk 117 silver or stamps's tar
the Wilson Pabliabing COnipany, 18
Weat Adelaide St., Toronto,
slender, upraised hand. ,
be coutihued.)
Motor Cultivation:
, A mew motoicoporated cultivator in-
tended for gardeners or tipit:As cau be
tined between' rows of plants only a
foot, apart.
wateastroWn abotit the ,a,p4tagaatiina,
cn:tew co d 'clittir4.41410.
410411344 on which ;the anibleivia
Chiha'Wdre dtillYtoiderairiti Prir'ea
Med& the, Pla'ee
the abode of pairieee.. ,
',1,he Mandarin wo.1.3kki. tlsoox
..116 seams . , ..... „ 815
5111M4 .44113 000000 .... .. . . , . 421 Q
.11emmI0011 tho bottom ........... 1,10.1
910 20,,,40,t1451,10
,.,..."--7.--i--›. ',-7-04--,
`-'Ij...2',-----.-"-7'. ,----=,---------
-.S.' .......7--
l'I'''.41L,-21.1'..----.-_____,..„-.,_ . ...kf::L.,. ........„,
. . . . . . . . . - • , ., , Ala , o' 7 i
.6, —
..".-",''-'mr.-- --77:::;".-'-•.-%>'''-':,
...---"...--"'----1.- ----..
... ,;,„, ,,,....,,,,,,,.I.'ol•'"--I-'''r.,.,,.:.,'"'"f.r:-:',.••-''''-'-",„.'"--'-'*':'-'"
le ea
The Sun and nig Fami
R3i 'SY... R. Stoke6, F.R:A.S.
To the d \veller on this earth 1110 S1.111 our coelfields 1 feeens the clethils • by ,
le the most magnifieent, as well as the 2 conderaing niciature ileum 0051(115 141141,
moat Important, obJedain themnivorse, layers; and naases resultitig
It is the largest body in the solar the waves -which aerS,te .tlie oceans.,
system-,largea filen/all the Plan e'ts pit Itis 'Pee sun „which, malees the earth
tag,ether. -This', is necessaaY aceoading spin dace in -twenty.feur hours; giving
to :the .powey called file Law of At.; tts night and Mai-, The 3(101, 01101(4118 the .
traction or Gravitation. a • . 'earth La travel:2011nd it ar the rate of
mi, io 1, ans., oNi, ng; o
laver'y atom -of, matter dtawS to I taeif a., •
tilt of .the earth., givei tie spring; sum- °
$vdry, ether atom, and larger the'
mar, autumn, and winter; ,
hotly ateme the greet.tee the attract,
lrig power, ; order that the sun, may To 'is tlle.elin and luorin lial(4lear al-'' -
most the same 'size, but .the diameter
attract to itself every one of 1110 p14311' most
the snn- is 8(1(4,500veliereae
els: ft is tiepossarY that It 5)40581(4be
, the sliameter or the, earth is 8,000,5331150laeger than ell 02 11118171 pat. 'together,
and 'that of the 1110(111 .
'The sun oceeptes '110 centre of 'the'
If .the sun (88180 greet, 14011031 bane
seder system 4341(1is the' mainSpring of 4301118 he
plan,et movements.; .by reason and the ein'th mid 140011
oi'."tS.ittractl oor. r.avitafianai tan
in Alo c, entre, of e, in thei,r re.
the•eiinele ere kept gin. 'their properltIve posiions, themoon,could con:atiw,..t111110:t0 eirale round the, earth.inside
flit) sun ana leaVenty of 150
1(1 to
- 11431114411 10 gYrsateerlrtYsItiaInfn' 1)'situ
?.'cl'ell'e great .I .11 ohl about. 3. 00,0' 00. globeS'001-li
. M, spare.. The sun is se lurelense that it
discovery by Sir Isaac Newtonis etill th,eIzO 4321110oarlh1fa
a my,slAry of Naletect What it is,; 11141 alyly
M01111, 71734.11 lob aets, or why quell 11 - 1 e 1
I m a.J116t r61.10111114,1 0( a t;aavneri nlght, 41,
18 112t0d'15len111' wils, all, :are flues' if °such Joarney were poseible, talcs
tiohe td. wheelie •.„ye, .heye ene answers, I shout 160 days to reach the mcon, but
knows; 1'110 Years 12reach the sun: '
What it dee 044147, 50114,011104
While 'the sun ie 93,600,060 Miles
away, the moon is „only 240,000 inilee
dietnett; . • •
What, "Kuehl, baimen if the sun 380111.
6110111(1.11, once be 111,;u1ved ,
4111 Unending might, aad, very „loon, in
eternal frost. . All aea1 and,
would, be .freaen, aud all lite ori the
groaatatien. The sun is a, great bell earth would SpeetlIfy come to an, ead,
of tire, tied the part of its surfece that. raw 434, 114,5 O4100402150 made by as.
113 viaible to 1111 consista of:elands 01 114' tronetriera 1336 inertisarmleing than
caltdeaceiit metallib vapor, Its ,sini, that of tile 511408 111111011 throaghthe
face Pee() led that, iron, nielte1, collper, celestial apitocs. Vollowerl - its
Mid tin are present fe, a gaseous s.tate. 11Q,IJntids,.6,0i1101, waa
.511110 twit. 51451.51 -all anima meteoric 01081(11111 -11 le peer rushing
nittl :Cegetteble life 011 tenetli; givee col, oftwarde ' theedell Simee at 'a rate .
Or to floevere.; etored 4131 heat in 300,000 Unflee 41 drie,
what it is, ,rio..oac, knows, , le c
raid, to-eay May live' te 'see 018 see -
ret revealed, and .l.,i43,f.bp44lghl by many
that it will be on, the lines of magnet-
'Hie Solar system coneists ef the 111..11'
and the beavonly.bedie5 that move
rbunet' 14, anal aro ,c,outicilleal, by its