HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-6-14, Page 7an - res g in ion. ing dip - ter. live size• fore to Li be ad- n- ? What ,ing per- ) tt Coll• lawyers swwhthed! it Ir Ir.now," Site agaiwmeturned to her otig111ah poaltiOn,- dragging the, fly be• hind her, brut In,,doin.g,so :site took an ,8t, Oahu „indirect ''rolitie and, pacing, too male, ..gave 'his t iili .legs several' addltlioiial' noun( of yanks apparently to apprise hinr of ler' required good fortune In also securing. prey- an act that iately'ot Might the-woman'sthe-woman'slast:word ;°rl�1etfid to be Concerning School, When school doors all Ontario close for the' eurn• n3e vocation In a' few weeks tine they, will dose forever for many boys, tots of bcyo,'because off familycircumstancesstances and other Tea - Sons, ;}lust drop out, ;lViany othelo however, will drop out for no other reason than V"at they have reached the age when the law does• not require their further attendance and they a good chance to get a delivery boy's job at the corner grocel'y.''' If P,ey (0111, -Scoutlnastere can do n great deal in the way of encouraging boys to remain at school, A. little quiet tali with the•teAew Wh'o wants to: drop out may influence him to, go back'tn Sopdgmber, for another year, ,or.,,to finish hie High Se:oo1 troupe, or even to •go on for a college course. There are lots of arguments which de, not need.to= be detailed here. But the roam one is: that Canada need's "trained Alen, e nd all she can get of ,them. The train- ed -man stands abetter chance 'every time as, compared with the unskilled w'orit:er. In. aamp, this eunim,er,' talk. the school question through' With your:. old. er boys: have -t t om 'face the ie-sues''In• O 010 d.lvi'th`fulLknowledge, And en- courage them to decide to -be -in their placesiwh'en' the school bell''i'ings^.again at the close of ,the long vacation. The Maxlmum` Goal -Via' Camping. Scouting would not ''be Scouting without camping, In fact, camping may be considered the very founda- tion and bacicbone of the whole Scout- ing .plan. Bat one' might ask, "How, about titeLaws and the Promise and the tnaral` standards and' principles that Scouts, are supposed to, betaught? .Ab, there is the point: These are implant- ed in the heart• of the boy .and'Made part of .11,11, life' not by preaching or hr teacing ,theoretically. Damping life with all its,-•gleat "Versity'of action arid attraction, is let only -the primal inspiration for Ilving the 'Moral cede, but' its greatest singlett test. The boy learner thait is through his work and play and study an1P all activities' that the Laws must be lived up to. ; It is, the bby who "wears 'Well" that is developing the stronger char- -actor. There is no greater, tent of "gearing' than camiping..�- The ,very fundamental principles of ciiizensllip training are the very ones that.are at the bottom'01 'successful camping, namely:' unselfish service, or. In the motto of the Three Musketeers "One for all--a11`To2 one,", Then comes the real, deepest lier- meating. anfluenCe of camp life -the It love of nature. is'.getting away from the deteriorating Influences of our Modern over -civilization, from material things and routine Irving ,out in the open to, become acquainted with the real, the true, the beautiful, that works n its own quiet automatic influence o the die of any responsive human be - 005. ` - Cut among the bit things;; the herafhts that gleamrafar, A fellow gets to wonder/a' what means each' distant star.;; IIe may not, get the answer, but some- how' every night, He feels among" the big. things that everything's all right sculling Mr. Spider's Leg. The.domestic spider has domestic difficulties. For example; his wife will not sways let Min eat ,in. peace;; she mlust,pui1 his leg. And why? . Merely because he has .a fly and won't share iti -Mr. William M. Savin, writing in Natural IIi .dory, gives this rather amusing. account of Mr. and Mrs.' Spider et home: • One stminle,r'se day at uaghtfa41'I found a male'domestic spider- on the 'web of'a.fetnalie and placed a fly close to them.:. 1}oth: 'rtisdiedlor•it; but at the - male happened:to, be Atte nearer he. swathed it and proceeded to devour it The' female seemed to be greatly an- uoyed•and pulledat his hind legs: fol• some fifteen Minutes while- he fought' ,her ole as best be could witleou.t°,tuna ing to 'face her, feasting ashe fought. She then becauie- esigned and return- ed to her former position several inch-, es drool Ilial, When .i placed another fly 4nthe Web the female pronlptly':r'gn to 1t and 1a Six Rules f oorpreventioll f Fires. ria, Iran 1, Matches., -Be sure your Snatch is. Ing fo anti, out, Break it do two before ronu,tly nt• yon,throw it away. ;IC co. 2, Tobacce.-Throw pipe ;ashes said, Cigar 'ar cig rette „Starnes in the dust, of, the head and stamp or pinch, out the 611110 fire be/fere, leaving tlrenl. Don't throav them into brush, leaves, br needles. 8, Making, (,slop: Trolls a small Camp fire Build it in the open, not against, a tree or log; or near brush.' )1'1C -. -: Scnyape away the ,trash from all around' It. 4. Leaving Camlp.-Never lest o a' campfire, even for a short trine, with,. out quenching it with water. or earth. 5, Bondirce. --Nevem build bomiirell'Yn' Windy weather or wlbea'e`theTte 451 the slightest ' danger of tho4'i' .escaping front centred, DaL'I mIrind 111,5511 dlaorger them you treed, 8, 1blgiltd1ig i 1re5,-If you find e' are, try to pttt it out, If you can't, get word of it tb the ivoare,n,t fire manger at oime, Keep 1t4 touch with, the raagers1 1.60 Well conducted business enterprise 1,25 • bannot fail to return a profit, but 1,65 profit moot, and inevitably will, come as a reward Ter; good Service.; But. bus£nehs prospers only as it serves,- Henry erves, Hen1•y Vold, inord s I,Itllmenk skj by t hyalslann, / for Our 'Hoe 3,25 a,80 3.05 3.80 1,40 r Ar IN' ray JOIN Is .An indleation• That the dead is Thin and Watery. The first Sign of rheutnatis'nl ie fro quoatly a pain and swelling of one of the joints, it ails is not treatcd through the blood wllicit i the,soatof tre dIeoase, 'the poison. Slneado,,,aifect- ing,' ether joints ancl'tlssues-sonlo- times rheumatism rlttaolre the heart and: is fatal A remedy 'Nat hae''corrected many oases„ of rhelimatte= is Dr. W111,falusl PinkPills, ,These pins enrich and Purify the blod s'o that the lioisonone rheumatic matter is driven out of tiro system as nature intended Miss �'Ger. tie Denne,•Wasllago, Ont.; was attack- ed with rheumatism and found relief through Dr, Williams? Pink Pillp( She says;,-,-. Abent q year ago I was at- tacked by rheumatism, and for two weeles was confined to'�my bed. The trouble woe': so, pahufuli,'affectlang, the joints of my limbs so €lint „could not stand' alone- 'Mother`iad a box of Dr. Wlllianis' Pink Pills in?the 9upii e and thought thdyAuligilt help mo, I began taking them, and when I had taken these pills got a further supply; with the result that the rheumatism, vanish- ed and I was a well girl. I inla„y- add that my norther and:t-goof my. sisters,' have also used the pi11er1oa'varlbua'all; 'nie1ts'.wit'hi equal success, and now we are never 'without them,. in the house." I1 you aro suffering from any'con- ditio'n due to poor, watery blood, or Weak nerves, begin taking Dr. "Wil- liams' Plnlc. Pills now,; -and, nbte'how your strength and health will. improve. Fou can get these; pills through any dealer in medicine, pr 'by mail, at 110 cents a Vox. from The Dr, Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EASY . TRICKS No. 30 Twenty Little Circles o lZ" 10h 0 0 6.;'- 00' 0 9', , 010 012t 10014' 010 0.17, O 18 050, You'll' treed a blackhdard; .a slate or soinethlag else, upon which you,, can write with" chalk. Make, 20 little circles; numbering each as in the illustration. ' The problem is to rub out, all of the circles in five rubs. That is 'easy. It ,becomes a little more ' difficult when you learn that you must; rub out at each rub a group of circles. ending witb,:one. that Is numbered with an odd number. - To -make it a ,little harder, it is necessary t0 rub out an even number of circles each` time:. Tlie' secret (that psually does - not' .occur to the. person to whom. you''present the problem) is it can. ,.be, done ,by'beginning at. the -bot- tom.: Bub out 20, 19, 18 and 17 - at the first . rub,. 16, 16, 14 and -tit at the second and so on. (Clip this out and 'paste It, faith others of the soles,. in a Scrap: book.) Weeds Is Adjustable to Width of Row. An adjustable weeder and, cultivator is composed of teeth fastened to an ex= Minding frame. It may'; be set to, 000ltl vete rows up to 14, inches in width: Owing to the V-shape oft the cutting blades, this -cut weeds, are forced in=. ward to the; • Middle of the row. The tool is lightand easily handled, Mi,tard's Liniment for.sals everywhere ."Can't you make 15 or. 20 words out of that, Helen?" said-I1Srs, Newich as her daughter was writing a telegram. "I don't want the clerk to think was can't afford more than 10 words." y' MONEY ORDERS, Send a Donrinlons Express Money Order: Tbeyrua-e payable everywhere, The 'rnan who• knm ows:'so'nch,.that no oil0 0013 tell him anything does not, FACE 'SORE ,FROM. SHAVING e11u10 `Ilia 1 e arta-rt if wlni 11{Vcot 011 of ,trcam and annly on e n 0,r. 10,13 11)0010), 111110,1100.& 0happpll 0I ln, "Ids -7 -"yes, after the dentist dace motile anesthetic I,knew no Moro." She -"you knew "no less either, surely," .. - Moving from• An Old House. When it has come and gone -that rant Dread Day- When, after -feverish Weeks of aching knees: And fruitless' seeidng for a moment's eas0, The final fatal van has rolled away; When, 1n the flower -sleds, once trim • and gay, Pale scraps of -paper flutteraiinlessly, A:nd'st"ray, untidyetraws lie carelessly Just as they fell from some intrusive dray; When, in a word, the Great Remove is done; Like mourners round a corpse, we gently speak; Ignore the fact that every floor was And say, The garden had a fine rich loam;. And; seeing it stand vacant in t1 e sun, Mourn for the dear House that, once was home. -Westminster Gazette. BABY'S OWN TABLETS iFL:11719ir;RE'1ED1T. When the -baby Is iliiwhen he 1s 'constipated, ;has 'indigestion; ''colds; colic or simple fever' or anyof, the other many 111,11100.' ills. of little ones- the mother will find Baby's Own. Tab- lets an excellent remedy-, They regu- late , the stomach and bowels, thus banishing the cause of .lost of tbe,ll1a of childhood_ Concerning them .Mrs: }7. D: Dummy; Thundder, River,' Que., says: -"My baby was agreat •sufferer from colic'and cried continually,,.I be.,. gan" giving him .Baby's 0wvn Tablets, and the. relief- was wonderful. I now aiways. keep' •a supply' of •the Tablets in the house." • Tbe-Tab'ets are Sold lay „medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams', Medicine Co., BroeIcy1ile, Ont,; .Don't rest on your laurels; they're fine on' your forehead, but they make a poor mattress, Minard's Liniment for Corns and Warts If you have only ambition and no energy, you will get about as far as a Iocontoti've-without steam. amp Night aeel IItot'ain Kamp Heosa;Glean,Efaaltt Iree, FItch, Smart they. S if Irritated,In- TUU OULflamei oiGranlated, useMurineoften: Soothes;ltcrceah,si Safeior In anter Adult. At all Druggists. Write forireeraeElook, 61erIeaEyo5 m,dyCo. ChIc.ss Cutict ra ,Talcum Soothes Aid Coors After a., warm'beth with Codeine. Soap there; ill nothing more. refresh- ing ,for baby's tender ekiri than Cuticura Talcums. If his akin is red,. rough - or irritated; 'anoint witlr Cuti- curd Ointment to soothe _and 'heal. -31hey,are-ideal.for all toilet uses. Sopp25c, Obnlmentt15 ani 5ae.'ta cnsl25c. " Sold ;thrqugheuttheDo inion.Canadianllepott of L m „Limited, 344.St• Peal St., W., Montrool. Cnticii'ra Sonp nhatiea WltLtiot mug. a-' nil How Backache and Periodic Pains Yield to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound MATCHES East W -West EDDYt.:p Best LOOK FOR Tilli NAME: ON TILE Op)( Leslie, Sask.-"-For about a year X was troubled with a distressing down bearing pain before and during the pe- riods, and from terrible headaches and backache. I hated to go to a doctor - and aa I knew several women who had talteh Lydia E. "'inkhorn's. Vegetables Compound with good, results, I finally bought some and tools' four bottles of it I certainly do recommend it to every woman with troubles like' mine. 'I feel fine now and hope to be able to keen. yur medicine on hand ht all times, as no 'woman ought to be without it in the house."-•- Mrs: 0Son it. A. ANDERSON; Box 111, Leslie,; Sask. Mrs. Kelsey Adds Her Testimony Copenhagen, N. 1'• - "I read your: advertisement in the papers and my husband induced me to take Lydia ,.. Pia lcham's Vegetable CloalapornirI ,to get relief from pains and weakness, i:was so weak that .2 could Yiotwalk at times.- Now imes.Now I can do my housework and help my husband outdoors, too I amwillit . Cor yon to ptibllah this latter if;;yyou think" it will help others."- Mrs flann5tt I(rotsvir, R.I0 13., Copenhagen, N,'Y. Sick and ailing ,woolen overytybere i11 the Dominion should try Lydia Pinkham'e Vegatabie Compound before they give up hope of recovery, 0,, PRICE >OF ;A HOME SPENT IN VAIN Mrs. Logue States Homey Failed to' Buy 'flealtht But Malec Restored 11. "I bless the day I started on the Tan - lac treatment, for it-completoly ended my troubles, ;which, had kept me in misery ever since 'I caano hero from Scotland ,..eleven Years ago,"' Is the grateful 'staiement' of 'Mrs,., Emily Logue 129 N, Park St„ Hamilton, On tp.'rio, "At times indigestion, gags bloating Pini heartpalpitationtortured m'e till 0, thought it would drive me 111mtio. My appetite was so poor I scarcely ate enough to keep going, and I grow 60 weak and worn out I had to let 105 housework go. My head ached till 1 thought it would split I had fearful dizzy aliens, -and couldn't get o goon night's- sleep, - "I spent enough, money on medicine to buy a home, but nothing Helped no until I started on Tanlao, I now have a splendid appetite, my digestion is perfect; and 1 always feel strong and well, for Tanlac 11x0 built me up to rb- btiot health and i will always praise Tanlao' is for sale •by all good drug- gists, Accept no substitaste+. Over 27. million bottles: sold. 'raanlao Vegetable Pills are natures Ow'n remedy for constipation, For sale everywhere. Waiting for something to turn up and turning something sup_ while you wait marks the difference between a dreamer nits a schemer.'' r.• 051. "Eastlake" Gaylen laed Coppor.bsarine' "(Metallic" ,Shingles;( Fire, Lightning, Rust and Storm Proof - • Metalllo Roofs shed cloan Rain Water - Send Pasta! Card, for Faller "'E" The flfetaliic R®offte,ig-Co. " - Limped "-;+ 404 11.94 King St. W., Toronto Cle►asified Advertia>"Trirfrltln,. i, 'v'vont!1"00:1 015 PAN 0li3 t0 0y Ttotf332i '00101 and ow0)0001 110v1(4 500'1 WgettsVit+ 011001. At mll0yraerut, 1-turltary 400 194(950 t yiis ing.;, 'Volta Auto 'n1,441410, co„'„ij100lstu:.110, Az;'1h;,p 1+'nAtALI1 0.11.101;14,) 00'WatE18•trk)Xl Y.elolu n, 1,'°'n. gingLt�j911, Aptly 8111104Mu,ufnotes9og 09g.,0 TA l„ LtdattaIOrd,. Ontario; 1 When giving gifts to the needy: keep In mind those whom Clod his not blessed'with speech. A horse blanket "er horse feed may be O:' triple gift, blessing the horse, the owner, and the 511)50.. E>nabroidery` Crochet, Fancy Needle Workers We sell your good.] on eonligament. Send :a stamp for' reply, •Lingerle and Specialty Shop 120 Danforth Avenue Toronto b.tuerjoa'. Pioneer Dog -Beulodiep Bozik en DOG DISEASES and How to Pitied Mailed O'rep to any Ad.: 41'00 by the. Author. I# 01ay ntonar co„ Ino 128 West 94th street ,.'.10ew Xuric' :'11 S„A: dot 01010 took(' You cannot 0000.) to ' to without' t it It cote 10u nothing] If: 47,11,00 ya,t e11l 1 ,1000, It can taro you huodrode m - The bo h front]., 0 16 1, 0 bomb" -la YOure fortbo 0000(,Y.layout.' drvgglnt'a. - Tholiom malt about letn.Zeto dl0o 000 -1,0511o0000100 (bon lytatto eV ab ort tiora--wIthellutluora ou brooding,vvelots and iii el o f oeing-u d 000000750010004, proroneurvomairaromodleh. Ask yourd >,ylsb for a oo yof '•A Treatise Oh Ghettoes' or write .0 01x0,5 12 Dr 9.J. KENDALL CO., Enosbt 1st Tall,,-Vt. U.S.A..'. om@ IT ' 4411 lifiir -. ERtgi l�-ifll a The Largest Hegel int tine British Empire TRAVELLERS who know the world an,d what is best therein appreciate the high standard of service which the Mount Royal Hotel. supplies, Large airy rooms overlook the famous mountain to the north and the majestic St, Lawrence to the south, A famous cuisine 'serves a variety of -restaurants, from the ggreat niiin dinitia roommto the Grill Room, the Cafeteria, and, from June to September, the cool, tuxurious Roof Garden. Your stay will be a continuous pleasure.. MONTREAL VERNON G. CARDY - Manager Direction: UNITED a4OTPL0 COMPANY. OF ,AMERICA UNLESS you see the name "13ayer" on tablets, you' are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only anunijrdken package" of "Bayer 'Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and -dose ,worked out by physicians ,during 2years andproved safe by millions- for, Colds Headache Rheum,alithn 'Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago , Pain, Parr Bandy"Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets --Also betties of 24 and 100-4)11104C Aapff•tn re the was matte (rochrterr l I0 Ornada) or Bayer ntenntddnure trf't.Ietre- eeetbee lllontef of WittYlle0Clel, whsle It ie Wen linol4Ft f.1t81 8095010 YhU0110 3)' IYAnknp 1eture, 16 h0elhr, Ilse phbtld Age in et reltall'ooa, 0it5 'rsablatfl 11 ppm 05" will. he ate:sw withc tlrolfp Letts al Lr1115 1000 q the :Haver. Oteeta'