HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-6-14, Page 1Vo.' 0206-45th'Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, )1923 ruE NESRECORQ Is the honoured guest in hundreds of homes in. �furon,County. It. could' speak a word for your business to every' member of the family, weekly. Is your name in the advertising .columns 7I,NTON MARKETS. Wheat ele 5 36uckwhoat, -75c; Oats 50e• Barley 60e• Eggs 22c to 23e, Butter, 25c to 28e. Live 'legs, $3,00 GOING TO LONDON J ,'Mr,'A. Andeeton, who seas been SIR S. WILLISON '0 SPEAK it John Willison, one oi' ` Can- Or�;'AlnSt'Uf St. George's church, Code- „'� •,. , Can- ticle and has had a class "it Clinton adar•s 'best known public, men, and an orator of acknowledged ability, will Ler , some time, hasn just re- meetings the' -town ceived the appointment of organist address a public # S at St. James' : church, London, hall on Tuesday evening`ne]tt, June ceeciOS • :Profeeeor `: Willgooec, 19th, in the interests: of the Lib.- and ib. ane principal re ry ' • 1 the London Consei'va- Conservative 'candidates: of Centre foroficipa ofin at eight tory of Music .Prof: Andoa:ton'talces and: South Huron.. Meeting one#,h e` " is•n v position in. September. o'cicick. Everybody welcome. BOWLERS AT EXETER G. D, Roberton and Dr, Axon .and Murray and Jack McEwan nide` tip a pair of doubles who took part in ' the annual 'Scotch Doubles Tourna- ment at Exeter yesterday. They had a pleasant day but didn't bring home any prizes. Tjie'competition was keen, sixty pairs having entered. 1ke fliting4 5hat ht The bride can be found in our store, in great variety We he GIFTS THAT LAST - ohave t ,.SILVER PLATED . WARE, CUT GLASS, , CHINA AND CLOCKS'• ' You should see. our En�'ag'emant and Wedding S Rings, put .up in a case and are complete matches. • Jeweller -and- Optician 0 11 .r Phone 174w -Residence 174J Ii Making Money Grow )RHAPS there are many things you would,likento buy—butIL you ou culnot afford them now. Why not shove up fol; them? . There is much personal satisfaction to be found in sav- ing money—olie,dollars grows .totwo—in a. short time,it'.is five -,then ten and so on—but if you are savingtor a defin- rte abject,: you should open a bank account. Whilst the money is always there for youwhen you need it, there is less temptation' to spend small' sums -it grows quicker and -is safe from loss,.'. You will find our Managers and taff, willing tohelp you• �� Oa• CYAL BANK i. !�-vt p D71 A, E. FANNING s e CLINTON BRANCH. MANAGER. 238 Our Motto For Ever; Man - 6 n 66 ather st Aa JuAe - l.7th 99 i. well as know that Father, as Did_ you J h "Day"? Mother, • t Wade widely regio -. beeo has Mother's 9 c ,'P Day . Not and wr�A • not ' Father's s D nixed o y b ant rather t leer with spirit of rivalry, hiany p practically �• all, Dad is teat Haat. � aftery the ideap ."good old scout who deserves �lwasa he mute reco aaatron Barn.usually gets. ci;Yina1 vwg,+.,�,n.••. .. "Father's 9F or dad on Father s Day" At�e# y gift. acknowledged e'ack th Call• and see our new line e ties in of r Knitted Fabrics nd and Wool, Silk,Silk a HEh10flflI5H CLOTHING CO. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED, Mr, end Mrs D. , G• ' Anderson, 1! airy iew crescent, Toronto, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys, to Dr, A. F'• Cooper, on of Mr. Mrs. George A. Cooper of Goderich -township,, the marriage to take place quietly on June 26th• ANEW DOCTOR Ma FosterCopp, Y oungest son of g Mr. and Mrs. J. Copp of town, grad- uated in medicine this year from the Toronto University, receiving iris de- gree last Friday. Mr. Copp has been associated, with Dr. Bantieg, the dis- coverer of Insulin, the new cure for diabetes, during the past year and may -continue with him, ; although that is not yet decided upon. In the,. men -aline 1}e will make a -;short visit. to his home in town. Congratulations -are extended to this young student who has succeeded in completing his earlyan course at so . long -medical age. A PARTING GIFT' AIt i the e 1na cr meeting in Wes- ley - ley -church yesterday evening Mr•'R. E. Manning called the meeting to order, asked the pastor, Rev. D. N. 1VIcCamus, and ' Mrs. McCamus to come to the platform, and, on behalf'. of the Ladies' Aid and board, read them an ;'address of appreciation` and Mies. Cooper and Mr. Tyndall presented then with a pair of upholstered rat- tan chairs to help furnish the living room of their new home in London. Each' replied very feelingly and sev- eral others spoke, of the -pleasant re- lationships of the past four years and expressing good wishes for the fut-. use, bar. McCamus having super- annuated bile family will locate in London, where they: have purchased a . residerice, and will go down 'next week to take possession of same. LITTLE LOCALS Mr, Ezra Pickard is laid up this week with - blood -poisoning in his haled. Mr. Howard of Seaforth has se- cured the contract of re -decorating the town hall. Tarvia is' beings applied to `-the streets ;•this Week, consequently we, are a bit mussed up. The Girl's ,Auxiliary' have decided to hold-: their Community picnic?on.. Wednesday, June 27th• s. The London Thistle Bdwling Club holds ,its annual Scotch Doubles on Wednesday and Thursday next. ' " ;Principal Slomah of , Blyth Public 'School entertained the pupils of his class to a picnic at Bayfield on Mon- day. ---Blyth ,Standard. The Ontario street Ladies' Aid Pres- ented their play "Strictly' Business at Constance on Tuesday evening last .to a large house. • A number took in` the excursion on. the Greyhound •en Monday evening. 'The Clinton Kiltie Band furnished the n]nsic for the occasion.. Miss Emma Davis has been sup- plying as organist in Wallis church the past few weeks, owing to the 'ilk nese of Mrs. MoMurehie. • THE I1OM PAP Of .THE PEuPLEPAPEa- GOMES TO CLINTON The Wroxeter 'News'. has the fol- loWing to sayof the pastor recently appointed to Wesley church, Clinton,' and'who' commencos his ministry here in July: "The stationing 'committee has stationed Rev. Mr. Holmes at Clinton, During his pastorate the Rev gentle - Man and his 'fancily have,„made a 12oet of friends who, though"sorry to see him go, wish' frim every blessing in his new field of: labor."" IlI I- .HONOR WOMAN lILCLIVI;S G I Di'. Helen McMurcy h of Toronto, who on. Friday received,the honorary, degree of Doctor'. of Medicine hole' the Toronto University, the first Wo- man• to be "so- honoured, is a cousin of Mr. ,T McTYiurehie dud Mrs. W. Bry-' done of town, although the difference branches of 'the.', family; make a slight difference' in the spelling and Prouunciatmoi of their family Y name. DIMcMnrchY who has been practis- ing Practising medicine for severalyears, has greatly interested'. herself in: diseases of women and dliildreh and with the mentally defective. She has been for time the ealth member of h h some a board of the Dominion, givingher time almost entirely to work amongst mentally erefectivo children. Mies Marjorie McMurchy - well-known woman journalist; Toronto, is a 'sis ter. - DOING A GREAT W(ORK PluruRE', Scorne June 'Weddings of • Interest' to The picture :- show, "Sniilin' a► Through," put on under' the auspices of the Women's Institute on Wednes- day •and Thursday evenings of last ac weck, was veli patronised each ev- ening and the ladies will have a nice little sunt from the proceeds toadd to their` treasury. (Miss Marion Gib- bings sang the solo' "Sinilin' T,hsougii" each evening of the pefovm- lance, adding,lhuch to the entertain- ment. ,, The Cleveland News of recent date carries: a story of a gilt of $50,000 by nineteen wealthy people to start•• a fund of $2,500,000 for 'the building and equipping of new maternity and that c t . i` babies' hospitals in y ,This endowment"- says The News "contributed to the proposed Matern- ity hospital, was awarded in reeogni- tion,of the work oflVliss'Calvina Mac- Donald, superintendent of the present Maternity hospital, 3735' Cedar Ave,, since 1914. Announcement of the gift was made at a luncheon meeting' of 400 campaign workers in Chamber of Commerce atiditorinn 1. Miss Mac- Donald; .in whose honor the nursery will be dedicated, has given herself night and day since November. 1914, to building up in Cleveland scientific service for mothers and babies. Uri-. der her administration death rates for mothers. and 'babies have been ap- preciably'reduced and hundreds of doctprs and nurses trained for prac- tise in raytise'in obstetrics." ' ' Miss. MacDonalcl,ewlio seems to have,: fdspd.` her wozlc,;;and „a worth while one it is, is-a,native of Clinton and spent her childhood' and..early glee- hood;•here. She has many -friends in Clinton and vicinity who are watching hercareerwith interest and pride. The local health board Made an in-, spection of the town on Monday. Did you see them? Its up to the'citizens to see that everything isin order. Mrs, G. E. Saville entertained a number of her friends to tea on Tues- day afternoon 'in:honour- of, lei guest, Mrs. G. E. Stotts- of Detroit. Dr. Shaw gave a report at the ]meeting of - -the Huron' Medical As- sociation at Sea1orth on Wednesday of last week, of his visit to the In- sulin- Clinics in Toronto. The :following: citizens have been inrproving'their residences by the ad- dition of a new verandah: Mr. G. D. Roberton, W. Tiplady, H. Cook, Mrs. 1VIclvor.and II. Plumsteel. The^:Lower School examinations. started on Tuesday morning. ' Dr. Field is the e)atniner hero'; Principal Treleaven isin charge at Sea'forth and Mgr:; A. F. Johns at Blyth. Mr. W. M, Aiken has Moved' his harness making shop from the stand beside Hellyar's jeweler•ystore 'to the stove recently purchased ' -at the cor- ner of Rattenbury and Albeit streets, The Junior Farmers's' Associations " andthe Junior' W'ometis' Institutes o1: Huron will have an excursion to Guelph 011 Wedltesday of next week. Any one interested should consult, District: Representative Stcthers. Messrs. Scrimgeour and McCaul, Mgr,. ,and Supt. respectively of the McLngatt Furniture Co„- 5ttat , feed- viewng M Were in town, a few days .ago inter- viewing r, W. S. Downs cornier,- tion with a' contract :for carved orna- ments. June Lith is "Father's Day.” what sort of a bouquet are ,you going to hand dad on that date? "Dad" is not a bad old 'chap, you 'know, all things 2 t + nsi crrod. if 11e d ichr t expire Iron0 d z shock, a bit of attention might be good foil' him. AMONG THE 'CFIUROHES The General Assembly, of the Pres- byterien church, he session at Port Arthun;, on Tuesday ,by a vote 426' to 129 decided 'to proceed" with union with the. Methodist and Congregation- al Churches of Canada,' The minority has issued a statement to the effect that the ' Presbyterian Church will be continued. NEW RESIDENTS' COMING, weekand Mrs. -J, B, Levis are this moving �• into their new horse on Joseph street which is equlped with all modern conveniences and is one of the cosiest residences in town. Mr. John ,McKinley; ex -reeve of Stanley, who bought the property en Isaac street from Mr,' Levis, is 'renovat- ing the house and will move in from the Goshen line about the last of the month. Mi. and. M s: MeRiniey will be very welcome citizens. DIED SUDDENLY Word has been received in town +h •eu '- the death,whu occ t this week of red in Regina last. Thursday, of Mr. Bert Dayment, formerly of. Clinton. Mr, Dayment died soddenly, in Re- gina. His remains were taken to Bois-. sevaine, Man., • where other members, of the family reside, for intern -lent. At- time of wittng, particulars are not to;, hand. Mr. Dayment leaize ed .the printing trade in 'The Mews - Record office and at the time of his dead] -was on the ,staff of the Regina Leader: .. Ontario street Rey. S. Anderson will preach at both services on.Sunday, in the morn- ing giving a synopsis of an address delivered at " Conference by the Rev, Mr. Shannon. e e church S e Y The Pastor,` the Rev. D. N. Mc - W1 Camus,- will . conclude„his . four-year pastorate on Sunday, preaching morning •and eyening, . The -League Meeting ole Monday evening .was well -attended, Mr. ' M. T. Corless was in charge and a study was made of the life of Billy ..,Sun day.. The next.,lneeting' will be en July 9t11, when the C. G. I. T, will give a missionary program. Willis Church Next Sunday the pastor's sub- jects will .he:. Morning:. "The 'Sac- raments.” Evening: "Divine Die - content." The Mission' Band will hold its ,monthly meeting on Monday at 7 o'clock in the lecture room. T.ife missionary talk will be illustrated by lantern views. f, the ' Wo- n meeting o The June Wo- men's Missionary' Society will be • held on Thursday, June, 21st, at 8 o'clock at the hone of Mrs. Ad t' of Stanley. . on' the 4 y Ad, -- am Stewart, , 1m St. Pals1's church The rector's subects next Sunday well be; Morning "Ruth's Constancy" EveningIIannah's Vow." The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. was held last Tuesday in the Parish Hall. The eepor t of the Diocesan meeting, held . ing London recently, was presented by the, President, Mrs. C. Llewellyn Bilkey. It was decided that the July and August meetings should take the form of.,layvn somal.s ,. The Teight Rev., David Williams, Bishop' of Huron, will administer the rite oi. confirmation in St. Paul's church on Monday, June 18th at 8 TIIE HIGH ART• - The following- item taken from a recent:?sure of s -The Highland Times, published at Inverness; Scotland; re - fere to the week; of Mr. George Camp- bell, father of Mrs. Lorne Deeves of Clinton, who follows the perilous but time-honoured trade of a Steeple' Jacic: ' "Not until Mr; Kppen's stsi:ff com- menced operations on the town steeple did be- people of Inverness realize what: an'inestimable boon is the pave- ment. Here at least is safety,' Ole Civic 'heroes,' who promised to. climb, the town steeple, have remained on the pavement, Their high talk has evaporated, Everyone thought as much. Itis fitting,thet in the repair or'a Highland steeple we should have. a Highland Steeple, Jack, Mr. George Campbell, who is in the employ= of Mr. Kippen, is reputed to be the old- est steeple jack on active service in. Great Britian, if not ` in the world. Mr.:Gampbell is a Glasgow man and• the ease, With which the executes his perilous work has been the admiration' of the pavement spectators.`. While engaged in painting the steeple the steeple jacks discovered the other day, a short but interesting' inscription, high .i p on the structure; bearing a- mong other details the name -of the Chief Magistrate at the time of er- ection, 1791. DIED SUDDENLY IN MICH. _elle revising offlcers went over the voters' list in •Clinton on Friday, strik- ing off about thirty names of those who were dead on removed from town and adding about; one hundred new navies, new residents or young people who have come„ of age since' the list was prepared, p an. iThe annual garden pani•ty under the auspices of the Ladies Guild will be held on the Rectory grounds on Thursday evening next. Sunday June 24th will be "Flower Sunday!° At the lnornting Aervice the children of the Slinllay school Will present their "flowers,'- which will sick the limn the .rc of ,ata i o distributed d i g ravish' and in the hospital. will The Dc utcry of Huron w 11 hof d a picnic at Menesetung Park on Fri- day, Juno 29th, eves -Record Readers MILLER—COLCLCUGH SMITII—PA:RICER A pretty wedding took place at reit: wedding was solemziziecl Y AP y b. oe Saturday at the Rectory; Bayfield, the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Charles one o'clock •p, ni, when their: young- est daughter, Anna Beulah, was un- ited in the holy bonds of matsinlony to Leonard B, Smith, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Smith, -203 East street, Lon- don,Colelough Rev. B. Colelou •h officiate ing, The bride, who was given in mar - The bride looked very smart in her is byher is +e father, wore an`ivory sat . l suit of navy blue ,with blue hat, The bridalcoitple were unattended, when Emma B,, daughter of Mr. and Parker Bayfield, on Juno 60, at Mrs, Joseph Colelough, was united in. marriage with Mr, Cecil Millen, soh of 'Mk. and Mrs.' George Miller, all of Goderich township: ' The ceremony was performed by the .Rev. Bag' Colclough, rector of Trinity church, Hayfield, cousin of the bride. Mr. sand Mrs. Miller left the same afternoon on .a motor trip to Paris-. hill,'Sartiia and other .points. On their return they will reside on the bride., g zoonin iar] on the ninth h concession The .Calumet, (Mich.). Nevi's Of juries 4th has the : following' account of the death of a former Clinton boy, son of the lateRussell Read. He will be reinembeaed by Instny - in Clinton and vicinity and also by many readers in 'other parts of the Province and other: provinces,'who weres brought up member of the old m m here• He was a e b "Dattntless" Irecrosse team of Clinton and tools a keen interest , in;. rifle shooting;, being a member of the old rifle club. - He is survived, Besides his wife and daughters, by two broth- ers,'arvey ;of Vancouver,. and Allen of Montreal, and two. 'sisters, Mrs. Speneerof Ottawa and Mrs.'. Cal:- lender al-lender of Montreal. The late Mrs: W. J; Harland of Guelph formerly of Clinton, .was also a sister:. "R. Harry Read, well' known Red' Jacket- druggist and prominent Calu- met business -man died suddenly at his home, 159 Woodland avenue, Larium,'Sii day morning. Ivn Read was seized ei th the fatal attack while in his garclenaboet 8'o'4 -lock. "Hp re- turned to the house and -medical aid was. sulnnioned, Ifo died two hours later; Mr. Read was born in Clinton, Ontario, fifty Years ago and came to Calumet in -1893. ile was first ent» ployed at the MacDonald clrtig ,atom O1 and later as pharmacist at rho seri drug store and the C. Sa H. hos- pital. 'Eighteen years ago he and Frank, Vas -Winder estabiihthed a' chug store at the cornet of -Scott and Fifth streets. Three ,yearn; ago Mr. Vaistbinder moved to lower Michigan and Mr. Read tools over: the business as the Read drug store at Fifth and Oak. The widow and two daughter's, Mar- ion and Frances, survive. News of Mr. Read's .unexpected, death aanie as a shock to his many friends in Celunlot end the copiiot country. He had been ailing for a io mm�bcr of tears but his condition onwas not l'e arded as serious and the con- tinued active in the management of his bud/toss. Me. Read was known for his con- genial, personality and dining his thirty vesiOresidence here had won a wide circle of friends. He was a lover of he outdoors and was one or the district's most active sportsmen. Fraternally Mr. Read was a mem- ber of Calumet lodge la, & A. M., Cal- imtet chapter R,, A. M. and Montrose eomnlandcry,: 'Che fuheral will be held Veechicsdey. afternoon 121 o'elock from the rOsi- donee loon rese Conntlatndely•will be in charge and, interment will be Made in; ;Cake -View," in dress with tulle veil banded by a wreath of. lilies of the valley` and car- ried a .bouquet of Ophelia roses. She was attended by her sister, -Miss Louise Parker who was 'gowned in peach colored georgette crepe and wore a white georgette crepe of Gochrieh township. and 'carried American beauty,. roses. Congratulations and good wishes The groom's brother, Mr. Fred Smith are extended for a 'happy, journey of Detroit, Mich,, was the beet man. through life together, SWANTZ—MpUNG - The .marriage: took place at the home of the bride in 'Colborne town- ship at six deloek on 'Monday even- ing of Miss Reta E,, daughter of Mr. eilrs. Alexander' Young' and Fred.• crick Arnold Swantz, son of Mr. and Mrs. John•Sw, ntz of Godeineh ship.Only e i s ,town-, the' i diate iiembei� of lie ' lift .. Y two ...families tiVere'preseiit at the cere- mony. The Rev. W. R. Alp, pastor of the.. Aulnern :Ei;esl?Yterian church, The ;bride e,enn. Te ' ec •.rho c r z o rfot m e ] 1 Y P i ar- white and c 'ly d in attire was 'dainti -ried a bouquet of pink roses .The couple were unattended. At the coni- eltielon of tlie.ceeemony and when the bride and bridegroom had received the congratulations of ..the assembled .guests, the wedding; feast was par- taken of. The evening was : then pleasantly,'spent in music, etc: Mr. and Mrs.`.Swantz . went to Detroit, on the Greyhound on a little honey- moon journey and: on their return will take tip their residence on the 'bride-. groom's farm on the Huron road, Goderich township. The young people have the good wishes; of'a large circle of.. friends for a happy and prosperous wedded life. u 'when congratulations and gaocl wishes had ad been e7ctended to .the happy couple the infant son' of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Parker was :baptized. After this' ceremony the guests, num bering :aiiout' twenty-five, repaired A to the dining, room, where a dainty- lutieheon was ` served, =The table. was prettily decorated with' pink roses, .lily or the valley and white narcissi: Smith lett on the e Mr and Mrs. Sn tl 1 f 4.30 train for 'their home ;in London, the bride travelling in a navy tric-. otine suit, grey bat and gloves, and shoes.' ` bidet. suede - The gifts s were n a iY ,and beauti- ful, i- ful, showing the esteem in which the young couple are held. 'They have the good wishes of their many .friends for a happy fat WEA11RING !! McNAUGI4.TON .A. vary pretty wedding took place-, at the home of. Mr. and Mr's. John McNaughton of Turnberry townshjp :atnoon. Saturday, when their young -- est dattghtei•, LIl• WA}siznited in mar- riage to Mr. Arthur B. Wearring of ,Wroxeter. ri'he eerenriony was per- formed .by:the Rev. Mr. Ferguson in the presence of a few relatives and friends. The bride, who was given a- way , way, by: her _ father, was 'becomingly. gownedin gray canton crepe, Her. niece, Miss L. Aikenhead of London, was a charming little flower girl. After the wedding luncheon the young couple left by car` for. Cantigton, the bride travelling in a gown of navy silk, blue hat and light coat. On their return Mr. and Mrs,' Wearying'. will reside in Howick'totiintship. A NEW PART OF SPEECH A little Goderich township girl, who started to school at Laster, has been taking in' a little more, perhaps, than she was expected to do. The other evening she carte home from school and shortly afterwards she was heard to ' say to herself several ' times: "Bounce' the ball high, 'bounce the ball,high" Then turning to liet mother she asked, "What's the rhea barb Of that, Mamma?" Ole -mother tried to keen -a straight face while she answered that she did not quite know and later the little girl said; "Oh, I'. guess it is adverb, I mean." We predict that this little 'girl will ivake a brilliant student. HOWEES—LIVERMORE On Saturday a 'very quiet "`wed- ding was solemnized at the College street Methodist parsonage, Toronto, by Rev. Dr. Young, when Maple, youngest daughter ,of Mr.' Harry Livermore of Upland, Calif., formerly of Clinton, was united in marriage to Mr. George Nelson Howes, of Harris - ton. The bride looked lovely 'in a pearl gray French - beaded Canton ' crepe frock'"with shoes and hat to match, and shower bouquet of sweet- heart roses and lily of the valley, After a reception at th '.home -e file bride's, lister, Mrs. G. L. Chapman, the happy, couple left for Detroit and other points. On their return they will reside at Harriston. COMING' HOME FROM JAPAN Miss Jessie O'Neil who, has -beer} teaching ' in' Japan during' the past year, • sailed foz' home last week. '3M comes by`'Honolula and will visit in the Provinces of the west on her way home. Miss ,O'Neil has accepted a position on the staff of the ,I ibchene' Collegiate for the text school terns. Miss Sybil Courtice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Cour.tice of town, who is engaged` in missionary•work in Japan, is coming home on furlough this summer. She sails forth .Japan today and cones by tray of San Fran eisco, She wili visit. Miss McLeod of Long Beach, a:fellow-missionary, on nor why home but is expected in the course of a few weeks, LADIES' DOUBLE'S The bowiieg season, in so far as the ladies are condortied, was opened on Monday afternoon by a doubles rinks, ti tournament of threeinncs,`at w] c,h. the pei•eident, Mrs,' Sharp, and the vise -president, Mis. Axons, gave the prizes, bowl nets. Mrs. Agnew's rinkwon first prize and Miss Ho'iw- soh's second, Below is the Score, each rink playing three games:, • Mee. Roberton arid Mrs. Sharp, skip, minus 11. . J. I7, . Miss Robertson anrd Miss. el Mrs Hov- ey, ship, plus Mfrs, i'air, Mrs. Axon, skip, minus 8, Mess, Zaple, Mrs. Beydone, .skip, pg 1.2. Vrs, T, TaCisOi, Mrs AgnLw, r slci 1i , Mrs Graugee, bliss pitta 7. •3 MR. ALEXANDER 'SINCLA IR who for the past two years has been mathematical master. on ' the staff of the Clinton Institute anti Who la`s resigned to take a similar position on the staff of the Kitchener Collegiate. Mr, •Sinclair leaves town this afternoon, and will be married ire. Toronto next week ,Ped)pie You s su 'w' Mr,' and Mrs. J, B, Levis are in Lon- don today. Miss Agees Cowing of Innerlcip has been visiting relatives in town the past 'week. Rey. Fr. : Gaffney was , at Dublin on .Sundayassisting -at the holy Name Rally held there on• that day. 111r. and Mi's."W. S. Downs and child- eon. hildron were visitor's at the honte id! Mr, Edgerton Roe, near Walton, ; last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. 'Hogg of Pontiac, Mich., are guests of the lermer's brother, the Rey, J. E. Hogg, at the : Manse. Mrs. Elliott and little daugher,"'Mies Katherine, of Toronto are visiting, the lady's parents,,. Mi:, and Mrs. J, B, Lindsay: Mrs. T. II. -Cook returned last week from -California, where she spent the. past fewmonths with her daughter, Mrs, Hewson. Mrs, ( (Rev,) Donald MacLeod and two children of Montreal are ins. n iting ,,the lady's parents, Mr. anti .Mrs. Ralph Tipladyof own, Rev. Ernest Parker, Mr. and 1VIrs, S .Aitken and Mrs, IL Pennebaker' attended the Walkerton :Baptist As- sociation meotiiig ill Walkeitoiri' 1 1 51 WOO C4 Mi'. Alex, McIntyre has resigned hid position with the Clinton I{nitting to ill -health Col/limey,pahy, owingand intends taking a trip west, to Vie« it, his sister; Mrs. Frank Sloman,' Mullett Township '1Vliss MarySnell has gone of a trip oWson, skill, to the west will probably be e'b• sennas coupleor months or so,