HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-5-31, Page 8g ion\iG ,JEWELLRY STO
'+ eddi<ng iPresents
For the Jilune Bride
Select your Presents at this Store.
We have e .good assortment in
lite. Ete
Come, here for your Engagement and Wedding Rings
,ieweller and 'Optician Next Hovey's Drug Stott '
waraammtimam, am
• ole .n s
These are the cleanest, most sanitary floor coverings you can
buy and at the same time the greatest values
Now is the time, while you are busy house-cleaning, to replace
hat old germ gathering carpet or rug with a new modern Rug of
Linoleum or Congoleum.
/During May we are. offering some extra low prices. on these
lines and you -will find it will mean dollars saved if you get, our
prices before buying. )
. ` See our New Curtain Nets and Scrims, they are wonderful val-
ues—prices: from 18ets. up.
Plurnsteei- Bros...,:
-sic • Shipley
�ui�,trell y
- - Pineapples
• The Pineapple Season is now at its peak—Choice Pines now on hand
Choice' Quality Dairy Butter and fresh Eggs Bought and Sold
Jarnszand TVlartnalacles, Primes,: Raisins (seeded& seedless) & Currants
Choice Cooked Harris, Breakfast and Back Bacons, Bologna, etc.
We carry a full line of Christies's;rBiseuits—AL'Wlt1,YS 'FRESH,
Our Storeis at your service, and we invatc&'=yon to come and deal
- with us •
The C. &' S. •Grocers Phone 125
I�TewSpring Styles
hi Clothing :
• • fig
' We have our 'new spring suitings.
i . e
The new' spring stylesare here`
This is the time to order your new suit
or' overcoat'so as to have it when the spring
opens. `
Come in and inspect materials
and discuss styles
Davis tic. .Herman
Electrically Cooked Food
Unquestionably the Best
,,To retain all the goodness and nat- '
se.„ '- ural flavor, cook ib electrically—an `: -y •,. ;sy
r unbelievable difference 'in , r �a.
aldin�5t nlrc � �.-----�
i' flavor exists. For example, take �
... v,'r�'-.'"'
a roast of beef, cut et in half' cook
"� ordinary way and the other na
,4>< one portion - in the or n y a o in
McClary's Electric Range. The latter will be eav-
ory, rich in, its natural juices, tender, appetizing
from its outside to the very center, and far sup -
drier to that eboed by other means. It is net difficult to under-'
will "brown to a turn" while the juices will not be consumed through
' the action of fire' and air. The air -tight oven of McClar-y's Elootrie
range permits'you to retain in every ounce of a small or large roast
the savoriness generally lost when cooked by ordinary methods. This.
” is only one, of the 'many intsances where electrically cooked foods
are eupekior, -
We also carry Electric Meat Platel and Grills.. Florence Auto-
riiatie Oil 'Stove, Perfection Steve and Ovens.
Sutter 6t• Perdi.e
VE's N EP', tle,etriciarA
Marie lta1gesc wixfire, tattibsi Irene, Pans and other
Home ,,
ften the Cheapest -Always the Beat
• auunur essei a0 yi ".
Small lit .
2r, . and Mrs. E. G. Saville spent -the
holiday, with Londesboro friends.
fr. and Mrs. Wellington Cook of
Haanilton`were week -end visitors. in
` town.
Ir. and Mrs. T, H.' Hardy and Miss
Etta were with., Dungannon friends
on the 24th.
diss Mary McCamus of Toronto is at
her home, Wesley, parsonage, and
will remain for a time.
vtiss W. E. Thompson of' Toronto • teas
home for the holiday last week
and remained for \a day or so.
Mrs. C. J. Wallis is at Auburn this
week,. Dane Rumour says to be
present at a wedding. at that charm-
ing burg.
Mrs ,J. A, Irwin is in London this
week attending the.funeral of Mrs.
(Dr.) Armstrong, a young wife who.
died after about a year's illness.'
Mr. J. C. Wallis and his sons, Messrs.
Wilmer :and Fred, left Monday af-
ternoon for Port Arthur. They'
motored to the Soo, where they took
the boat.
Mr. and °1VIrs. W. A. Mason and two
of their children' motored up from
Toronto and spent a few days with
'relatives in- Exeter and Clinton
during the' past week.
Mr. D. A. Cantelon of "'email and
Mr. W. F. Cantelon- of Toronto"
were guests at the home of their'
:parents, Mr; and Mrs. Win. Cante-
lon, over the week end.
Col. Combe, Lieut. O'Neil, D. Canto -
ion, G. Hicks, J. J. Sheppard C. Q.
Middleton Lieut. Cree and F, Mut
ch went up to St. hTelens on the 24th
to the nnvieling of the Joynt mem-
Mr. W. L, Keys of Seaforth, formerly
of Stanley township, was a visitor
in Clinton on Tuesday.and"'
a friendly cdll on, The News -Record.
Me. Keys has been a subscriber to
The News -Record eversince its
first 'number,• forty-five years ago.
Mr. Janes Mahaffy and Miss Mar-
, garet
ar-,garet were in Hibbert en Wednes
day of last week attending' the
funeral of the late Mis. Thomas
,Mahaffy, the 'former's sister -in
law, who was `found dead in her
bed on Monday mgrning;previous-
ily. The late Mrs. Mahaffy was
sixty-one years of age anis issur-
. rived by her husband and'-a:family
of four sons and a daughter,
Mr. John Stephenson is winding up
his business he Clinton and expects
to leave on Saturday for Port Ar-
thur, where his two daughters are.
and where he, expects to make his
home in future. Mr. .Steph'enson
has been a long-time resident of
Clinton, has many friends .in town
and surrounding vicinity and natur-
ally has some regrets in severing
old friendships Good wishes will
follow him sand on his return he
will find Clinton's latchstring on
the outside of the door.
Mr. and Mrs. W. -T. O'Neil return-.
ed...last week from Florida, where.
they spent the winter. Mr. O'Neil
bought a little property in Florida:
and during the past wintersat, un-
der "his own pine and fig tree,"
or more correctly, his own orange
and grapefruit trees, basking in the
sun wli'Ie we scraped the bottom of.
the ; coal bin 'and wishedfor the
spring,' But nevertheless, Mr. and
Mrs. O'Neil are never sorry to see
the familiar sights of Clinton a
gam, and Clinton' friends are al-
ways glad to welcome them back to
Mr. Fred Button' leaves 'Clinton to-
morrow and on Saturday •sails from
Montreal nn the,Antonla for Liver-
pool. Mr. Button left England
about thirty-four years ago, corn-
ing On up here on the invitation
of Mr. and Mrs. J, Derry, whom he
knew in the Old Land. He has.
spent all the intervening lime in
this vicinity.: He may remain ill
England Sonne' .tune, perhaps per-
manently, .But we'd be willing to
Wager something that he'll return
1;0 Canada. 'Thirty-four yearis of a
sojourn' here makes a pretty good.,
Canadian) no matter where a :man
happened to be born.
Mr. E. 'Lewis Evans of Louisville,'
Kentucky, came in on Monday on a
little visit to ;lis sister and hie
aunt Miss Evans and Miss Cole.
Mt. Pavans woo 011 a business trill
east 'red just ran Up for a day .o
so, as is his custom as often as he
can do so. He is looking well and
tells ue'that he has gone into
farming. Noir that he has given up
hie position with the Tobadeo Work-
ers' Union but just as a sideline.
1 --Ie, has given up his Louisville'
residence and hits bought a little
farm over the border iii Incl. littd
IOOW spends ids spare time: cultivate,.
ing the Seit Who is it says; "The
iCatanel. thinks the city marl has all.
the fun and the, city man thinks the;
earner is to be envied and when
they hill intoe fortune the eiti+
Appliances les - I man mov0s to the Country and tete:
Waring and Repairsa�u him 11w l farmer ;avec to the city;
ft* ul:o es
d Ccorrie
Jane Cowl's Great Stage Success' with a ` the advantages
afforded by movies.
At the Star Theatre
Under the auspices of the ;Women's Institute
Special music during the evening
Auburn' ,
A large crowd fromhere attended
the unvieling of , the Joynt Memorial
at St. -Helens' on May 24th.
Rey. P. Baines is attending con-
£erence at Sarnia this week.
The services in the Presbyterian
church, every second Sunday evening,
are well attended and much enjoyed.
Mrs J. Nicholson has purchased a
new 'Ford, car.
Lrnesvilile -
The trustee board of the Methodist
church are 'making old-tirne bees in
order to impirovethe parsonage and
re -shingle the old shed at the church.
Farmers are very busy getting their
land• -in shape for :corn and potatoes.
A wonderful display of bloom' is
coming . along in the orchards just
'now, particularly the cherries plums
and strawberries. .
We understand the trustees of our
village school have engaged the pres-
ent teacher, Mr. P. Lowry, for next
year. .Mr.' Lowry takes a great
interest 01 the school affairs, and
much is often lost 'when teachers are
changed too' often. The action of the
trustees is to be commended.
,Rev, H. J Fair Is in Sarnia attend-
ing the London 'Conference. Mr. J.
Tebbutt is, the layman appointed from
the Hohneeville circuit.
The Mission Circle met at the hone
et Miss E-„ Courtice en , Wednesday
last. After the programme :a ten -cent
tea was served.:
We are •sorry to report Mr.. Ed-
gar Trewertha is on the sick list.
The Rifle Club held a social evening
'at the home of Mr. M. Stock - on
Thursday last.. ;An impromptu pro-
gramme was given and lunch served,
and all thouroughly enjoyed them-
selves. It looks well for the future of
the club to ,see such a lively interest
Brueefiield l
Mrs. Jaia'ueson is spending a few
days with her sister over on the Ilur-
Miss Hannah Craig of• Hensall is
visiting her cousin, Miss McCully.
Miss Maud McIntosh has been quite
ill for a' few days.
Mr. Sam 'Johnston is quite ill, his
many friends 'will :17e:sorry to hear. He
is not much better ..yet. '
Miss. Alice Iiattenbury' and Miss
Mamie Swan 'spent Fs5day. in
Mi'. and Mrs. Peter Cameron have
got nicely settled in their new home.
Our senior football team played
on ri-
their first game in ScaforthF
day evening the score being 2-0 in
favor of Seaforth. The junior team
played •Brussels .here on Monday
evening and lost, the game by two
goals. Quito a crowd witnessed the
game the visiting •team were :of
larger and 'very much heavier ,build
than our Boys.
Mrs: P, McDonald of London and
Miss Ross of Exeter visited Mrs. A.
Ross, sr„ ori Saturday last; '
Quite a number .from,here attended
the reception held at; the hone of Mr,
Hugh Gilmore for Mr. and Mrs. Greg,
McGregor, when the ;friends' and
neighbors teolc the opportunity to
present Mr, and Mis. McGregor with
leather couch, wicker fern stand.
a tett glass flower. basket, Mi'. and
Mas. MeGregoee Mete got nicely
sefrtled on their farm in T eicoasniith.
1l r. "Murdock Campbell of Chicago,
was the guest of Mr. John Walker.
t'or e. few days last week, ,
Mr, :]Vile Mcllrtesh leas g000 kip to
Space donated by W.'T. O'NEIL
Loring for. the summer..
Mr. Robert Scott and his sister,
Miss Elizabeth, spent a few days in
London. •
We 'are glad' to report, that Ella'
Thompson of the second con. of Stan-
ley, who has been dangerously ill, is
Mr. Mac.:Ailienhead of London. and
Dr. Will of London visited at the
home of their brother, Frank, last
The trustees of Baird's cemetery•
met' one night last week ,and 'after
taking in the: situation decided t'o in-
struct the cartaker to cut all plots of
non-residents: and to leave all others
who have not paid ;in the same con-
dition, ,r
Mr. Alex McKenzie was in ,Hyde
Park this week attending -the funeral
of a relative. .
Mrs. Archie McGregor is in Toronto
this week on• a visit to, her daugh-
ter, Mrs: Arnold Petrie.
The play entitled "The Village
Doctor," given -by The Young
Peoples' Club of St. Andrew's church,
Was a great success. The.,ehurch was
filled to capacity. The young people
have :been invited to present; the
play at Egmondville.
Sir. and Mrs. Andrew Love, of
Hensall, who Spent the past four
months in Ontario Calif., visited their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie
this-. week.
Mrs. J. W.•French.has been'spcnd-
ing the past two weeks in Brampton
nailed thereby the death of an uncle.
Miss Olive Cooper of Toronto spent
the past week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Cooper.
Rev. R. L. and Mrs. Lundy spent
the 24th at their summer borne near
Port Albert.'
Ella, youngest daughter of Mr,
Sam Thompson, second con. of Stan-
ley, has been very ill with an at.
tack of brain fever,
Mr: and Mrs. Wm:. Crawford of
Ripley visited •with their relatives,
Mr, and Mrs. J. 13: McLean, during
the past week.
Zurich Lodge A. F. & A. M. held
their regular meeting on Monday
evening May 28th when the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year. W. -M,—T. , ; C, Chap-
man. S. W., Cr. - M, Drys-
dale. J. W, --D. Brintnell, Chap-
lain—W. C. Davis. Treasurer—J. W.
Epnthorn. Secretary—A. W. E,
Hemphill, Tyler- J. Priest Audit -
oris. A. L..Case and Wm. McKay.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter of
Wiughain celebrated their golden.
wedding last week..
Ice Cream Season,
Js Here
Li 13rielcs or Bulk
Candy is always in 0005011 we
ale kinds at all prices.
419 lY IE; N D O .q.
Confectionery and- Restaurant
",We aim to please."
Cheer. up' ! Summer is 'here, so leg's go
Smll;ln Through
and so are we here with a fine stock of verandah furniture, in-
eluding chairs and rockers, Hammocks, -Hamm() Ouches, Reclining
chairs, ,.Ferneries. and Sun stop verandah awnings.
Then to the, June Bride we would say:
Be stere to•look us over ds we certainly have the stock to choose
from and we assure you the most. reasonable prices and courtesy.
-Ansi don't forget to` support "Smilin' Through under Auspices
of the Worsens Institute; June 0 and 7 at the Star. theatre.
'The' season is here for oil stoves. We have in stock: the Lorain
high speed oil burner, will. burn 22 hours on one gallon of! oil. Call
in and we will show.you all about it. We have the New Perfection
in two, three and four burner, ,also in the. superfex: with high speed
oil burners. ".,
Now is the time to put a new roof and siding on your house.
• We have the Brantford Roofing' Slab,; Slate Blue Black Green and
Red, sold in rolls for 81.50 -up per square.
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co
Furniture Phone 104 Hardware 19!
Viola Dana
"They Like 'Em lou h"
� J
Rip -Roaring C
Also owing to the:many requests of our patrons, we. are
curing for Friday:and Saturday the services of
and Rita Johnston Champion International Dancer
J. E. Williamson's Thrilling Undersea Pic
and a Sport Reel,
Admission 25c and 10c
starrhig Norma Talmadge
U oder the aus ices of the -Women s Institi
� P
:. 3 e
Admission35c an 15