HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-5-31, Page 5too,] ` f lntl rest to a !oil Money," remarks flee loledo , hi Blade, v; a) tae "hits win}:, bu t, a hon=ing pigeon,' • 'rloaninatiene 4zl.e place oar, June I and the eleetiozi on June "25th.. your an on- tl e voLers'';list'? ,As fait' as yve eau. gather the batiks e the only place where the ITrng'er irthdaay will be celebr !ted by a ees- tian of work thus year., as 5'oinerly, !'here's a great little old scrap n now between. the Liberals and Air 1T, E. 0,'s, Ito too bad, isn't it, ter them playing together so agree- bly' so long? q t * * is Excellency, Lord 'Lyng, visited. nee farms and schools in Middlesex Linty this:' week• All we can say is at he -was ill-advised ;snot to ex- uil: his tour to take in Huron. The clothing' manufacturers of Beds are presenting the Prince of rales with a suit. of clothes. We n` think of a' fellow who needs a w: suit of clothes a lot worse -than 9 Prince does. "No campaign speeeh is worth a Il of ,heaps," reinarlcs the London clvertiser, "that does note start out th an oily, flattering,reference to e presence.of the ladies." The men w snakes these "oily, flattering re- er•ences," no doubt thine themselves cry clever but every Wonsan: who's oath a hill of beans." thinks ' him r 1 Torii-is 'ls t u le:, So there. fao r -dr ro b T. Herbert Lennox testily refers to n opponent's "psalm -singing smile`,' ereby arousing the ire of The Globe. e knew that sooner or. later the rsumption of such purity Ind good - ss :by,the "Liberals would provoke ewe` such a remark. No party could e as good ae, the.Liberal party Claims be.- I, tries to en - The London Advertiser r t usage the Liberals to put candi- atee°: in the 'fields even' they 'have ttle. hope of winning. But we fear is useless trying' to put courage'into ni. In Centre Huron the Liberals ere so afraid, of a bit of a shower at they postponed ,their convention ✓ a week on account of the rain. the, weather' hadn',t cleared up the ories and the Farmers would have d the field to themselves, ITIie:Toronto Star tells us that the, tion `of. A. ;R. McMaster, M. P. for ome,•in refgsing to support the dget..and deciding to it in the use as an independent, "rs one of ose actions . somewhat too rare' in e country, which serve to remind us t publie meneclo occasionally 'ad- o to their professed: .principles."' es, we agree with 'The. Star• that- ch honesty is rare, in the Liberal- nks..: Indeed, Mr. McMaster seems stand alone in his `party. A Toronto newspaper tells -of a tie lad' of • two in that city .whe s terribly scalded by failing .into pail of boiling water and. commends e love of the father, who offered give. as much blood'. as -was re- dred if • transfusion of, blood ould be necessary; to save the child's e. ,Such love is natural and com= endable but coibinend'us to the more. aetical`love which will see to' it that. e child doesn't get, a ehance ,to 11 into, a pail ;of boiling, water or rough the rotten covering of an old 11 \- The exercise of . reasonable rethought would save many a heart- re, oderich Township Miss Joy Lobb was •a visitor. at rnia with her' sster over the holi- Y Mrs, George Hudio is visiting her ter,Mrs. Won. Elliott of Kincardine unship. StaIleig Township (Received too late foraIast week) Mrs.' john Macfarlane and Mrs.r ,hn Pearson spent the week -end with bighorn friends. They attended e funeral oC -thou' cousin, Mr. John jylie, of Gorrie on Monday. Mr, and Ars, Adam Stewart, Miss atty Stewart, Miss Patty Maefaia tie, Mr, Will. McEwan find Mr. and' rs. R. J, McLaren of Hensel! mat- ed to Gerrie on NMouday: to attend e funeral of Mx:Sohn Wylie Miss: Margaret. McGregor pf Strat- rd spent: the week -end at. her home ae. Miss Ida Taylor spent Saturday ltd Mrs. John Jervis. `Will tt 'Township-, This ,week I4Ir W111iam Snell sold • Mr, 'James Dale, Ilkeeter Harry's tt year School fair prize roan calf,, He is 16 months sold and lfhed 1:035 Ibs. Starry led him to inion: on Monday morning. 4o1(illOp TCYwnAsMp VIr. I>'.tibt, Ager,., who has always nothing good in the line of Percheo csos, has a' -spring colt, which he rs, with,: luck. will he a hard one beat, dr, and Mrs, S. IT. Whitmore and Mr, oily spent Sunday with Mr, 0.111:1 10!17 Coleman. fr. prank Coelman hes been busily ;aged hauling earth and leveling up ground • in Maitldndoanl5 Corn - e1d: Mrs, Fisher, Who spent- the par • week with ilex 'sister, Mrs, 'F, A., lII d wedd,=e returned to her lioilaq at 1{ztel- 'en on Tueed av;' She wee aeeompa•rt- i, by e llir t s fd l wads Mi, and ales. E. A, Sander and JIM- lie,- and eam-liv.ant} Totemic Erwin of Kitchener spent;the holiday with :the latter'$ parents, M. azul Mrs 11; Wee.. whi. Mr, ,A Weir and daugter, Miss Wen•, and' Mrs, Ilarvoy Weir of ;Lori- ion were lire guests of- tha fornaor's sister,- Mrs. J. Tippet, over, the heli- day, Mo', IIiitiy Bake=r and sister, M s, Victor Burt of London, ate ' visiting thein* parents, Mr. and', Mrs. Fred Baker,. Mrs? Ross and ddughtex, Miss Ilel-' en !toss; of Toronto spent a few days the jpeet week at their summer cot- tage 0Smi-R-Inn.", Mr,ai i,. r d Mie. Aunt of London were the guests of Mrs.: Bailey over the holiday. Mrs. I-Iodgins 'arid family of Tor• pato spent the week -end ;et their summer cottage an the Terrace. Miss Addle Drehmanh 61 Wiughnno was the guest of her father., Mr, Ii:; Drehmann, - over -tha- holiday,: Mr. and: Mrs., Lord of London spent the holiday as guests of the ,latter's: parents, Mr. said Mrs. John Davidson. Mr, and Mrs, Wigle of London spent Sunday with:Mre. Wight's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawson and fam- ily spent the week -end at their sum- mer residence in Lake Side. Mrs. Ritz of Stratfordt who pur- chased d t . he Queens hotel from OVIr. H. Darrah; •is having it all renovated and has opened up a boarding house and. restaurant. Dr. and Mrs. McLeod and child of'. Wroxeter, spent the, lioliday-with his mother, Mrs. McLeod, in the village. Mi. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson and family of London spent the week -end at, their summer '• residence in Tuyll street,' -- Mrs. (Dr.) Atidnson of Detroit, is spending the week at her summer home on the Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. John Pease of London have rented the •store and residence of Mrs. McCully on Main street and haveopenedup a resraunt.'. Mr, Clayton Baxter, pastor of the Methodist church, 7s attending' con- ference et Sarnia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of - Ontar- io', Calif., are spending a few _weeps with relatives and friends' in Bay- field and vicinity: Mr. Davidson is an old Stanley township boy who has been absent for several years, ' The. following clipping '. from a Missouri paper will be read with interest by many, of the friends of the Penhale; family: "Mathew Penhale, who has been in "feeble health for the pact two years,. passed. away on Friday, ;April 201h,` at: the home "of 'his _,daughter, -Mrs. Walter Patterson, near Purden. He was', born January 25th 1854 on the Penhale homestead, , Bronson line; Stanley township, and came to Mis- souri with his parents at the age of', twelve years.: ,'On. January: 22nd,. 1874 he was married to Elizabeth Woodside. ' Tsr this union seven children! were born,=,four of wisom survive, Mrs. Walter Patterson, W. J. M. A. and E. A. 'Penhale all of Pur den; = Robert, Eddie and Horace, de- ceased. He_ei also survived by one step -son, W. J. Emery, Los.. Angeles, Calif.,' and two grandchildren, henry M. ,and Harold I7. • Patterson. 14r. Penhale unitedwith the Eresbyterion church in early life, His }Wife .died in Dec. 1806 and he was again mar- ried to Mrs. Emery, on Octo- ber, 28th, 1905, To this union ono child WAS born, Harold H. Penhale, w ho, with his mother "survives him - n 1905 Mr. Penhale went to Evert, W ash. where he worked in the' log- ing camps till two :years ago :last' March, his health failing him, he re- urned to Missouri where he resided ill his death. The funeral ,.took place at the U, B. chnrch'in ,Brook-. ield;-the service being conducted by e Rev. Mr. Harvey of llroolifleld. At the, home of the:, groom's -ever I 10 t hash. encs, Mr. and Mrs. John 3. Strong, Cedar' Spring Farm, Bloomingdale- at four o'clock in :the afternoon of Vic- toria Day, Miss Ruth S. McDonald or Kitchener, ,formerly ofRayCield yousigest cla">,igleter of Me. ' Daniel MacDonald, of. &iv -field, was united in Tairiagc to. Mr. Leslie J, Strong, second 500 of 1411. and Mrs. John T. Strong. The Rev C. 1710 Forerilan, rector of the eherch of the ' Italy' Saviour, Waterloo, officiated, The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. W'ilfeed MacDonald of Kitchener, was :beautifully gowned' lir rvoay'-orepe db-chene, trim=med - with Sti er_lace 10151' veil?ofembraider- ed net wee arranged in coronet style with a bridal wreath caught up wit] lilies of the valley. She carried a. shower boquetof Opltelia roses, Miss Luella . Strong, sister of the groom,. assisted as .,bride rrarticl and wore a Crock of write satin trimmed with pink She carried a boquot of premier, roses, Mr.,Goldie Roirerts,. of Blooiniegtlaloi nephew'of the bride was groomsmin9 The wedding march was played by Miss Evelyn Roberts, niece of the beide, Tile cere- mony took place wider a beautifully decorated archway, The geests, Who numbered about ano henderd earil forty, assentblecl on the lawn to wit-, Mess the happy. evont., Foliowing; the ceremony 0 reception was held, when the many felonds expressed their good wishes ' -to the .bride and groom and; showered them with confetti. Several selections of zoys15 were rendered by F. Bossenlerry of Kitchener. At' e o'clock the guests` participated nt • a magnificent wedding breakfast, seated at long, decorated tables in the Spacious p us rooms, The Rev, b: W. Foreman' aeto'd as toastmaster a,l1d preposecl the feast to the beide and groom, .to which the 'groom very fit tangly r+eplied. 'Other speachos were s=hade by Mr.. Goldie Roberti, " Mr, John 3. 'Strong!,' Ur. Wilfred Macs Donald and the Rev. Me, Newberry; In, the evening the Daly O1'On:setaae supplied the nruie° for claming' and a very jolly evening Was spent. The many .beautiful ire?ia t;a 1 n were Ota dla+ play, Guests were present, from Luoknew, ,Itayb-ld, ogiselait, til ditty George Hart is . wearing, a ad smile these days, its all over arrival of a baby boy in his borne. Ire, )1, „McMillian 13 still et -males" to herr lied. =-ler many frit!nds' d she will soon ho -able to be net s the weather gets warmer, he Sunday school af, Roxboro re- heal Lot brie summer months on slay last, Y1itk a large atte'ni miter, eller, 4Vkaterloo, Mllr'61 �0, New i-iaili- burg,'Millbanlc and Toiiorxto, Mr, and d\Jrs, Stro=ng will be tit home to friends utter ;Noe 'fii eepth et he' t a :home, Maple h l find �a'� r 1 i ni: Ii FIUIRON CANDIDATES IN THi?; EI,ELD !Sohn' Jo 'nt-was the ire &ha1<a of; the Consei'i'atives in •North - Iluron on Monday. Ile, will he ' opposed by Sheldon Bricker, Q.Y. For•clwich, a U. 1', 0. candidate. Mr,' Bricker ,was two years ago preeident of the Liberal. Association of the riding, . The, .Gb erals are not bringing out a elan the North riding, On` Wednesday Inst the U. l±'. 0; Political Association of Centre' Hur- on met at Londesboro and chose Mr. Somerville of McKillop, near Lead - bury, ars tboir•cnndiclate in the coming election. On Thursday in Seaforth, the Lib, erals of .Centre Huron "'made the. choice of J. Govenlock, who has sat in. the Legislatur=e for -the -past four years, When South Huron chooses its man .j today the ridings of I3uron wilt "die . =Well "manned" with three ` in each riding with the exception, of the north. Things should begin to warm up now almost any minute. Marriages STRONG-MacDONALD---At Cede, ,Spring 'Farm,: Bloomingdale, o May °24t lr bylr the Rev. C' W. Far man, Ruth S. MacDonald. young daughter of Mr. and .Mrs, Dani MacDonald of :Bayfield, to Leslie A. Strom second < Dyou 4 Pn` o i 0 J good cup ok J'ea Cofleaa e • Or Coeoca If t v de 'yeti n p i Womb of Black Orange Pekoe or Crean�:;Iapan"az^.Our Okun Caiet<ehas the f da IY r al yenare Io t log/zing for. o E >> T ^� them rn and enjoy ze REAL oP Tea, Gotic,o.or. Coepa, I y DAL cup „ Get one p1,'ices 'en I,aul dry'e,oap,' Toilot eort • s„ Lux, Ammonia, Pear it' u 1 ro aritl all the artiolep you need, far the Annual spring clean up, Motto; YOUR STORE—OUR `STORE --GET 0U�'. PRICES JIighest Prices fore Eggs Get the Habit of Pealing at JORN; C a ego' O' GROCERY .�Phone lit Ilea=5) THE' 'STORE FOR $irgitYBOD1 r G1l, r ks, ' ace Jersey Cream Cream Soda Ginger Ale ' Orange Pruit ,Grupe Cherry , Strawberry - Raspb ?cry Cola Cola Birch Beer Ginger Beer Lenton Sour. Rochester Root Beer Soda ` S Fountain D•' uta n imus and Various Fruit Sundaes Ice Cream in Bulk or Brick Neuron s Chocolates Fresh C,onfectioal•y always at your command We make Wedding cakes a Speciality r n - , e- er, BROWN moi/ .. CO. '. . l Dante e BAITER AND CONFECTIONER' Phono i g,, ,ion of Mr. and. 1 -Mrs. .2. J, Strong 32, Cedar Spring Farm,; Bloomingdale. Births BRANDON -earn Bayfield, ,on , May 25th, to Mr. and '.Mrs,:Abraham C. Brandon, a, daughter. --!Betty Iona.. CIJRRELL--In Clinton; on May 25th, to 14Ir. aud- Mrs. W, L. Currell, a -5on,—Thomas Edward. . PEARSON—At Wayne, Mich„ on 'May 28th, to Mr. and Mr's. Geo, W. Pearson, a daughter. 1 Deaths CARTWR1G}IT---In Cinton, ' on May 24th; Hannah Rae• Wigginton, ow of the late" James •Cartwright, of Hullett, in her 81st year,' ' TEDFORD-:-At 'Enderby; B. C. ' on May 25th, L„ 3; Kilter, wife of Mr. ,John Tedford, formerly of 'Clinton. The funeral takes' place in' Clinton, today, :Thursday. a C nstanco ,Mrs. Colclough is visiting _friends in • Hamilton, ,Toronto and Buffalo.. Mr. George McCully, of Stratford, is visiting his ,-uncle,'Mr. Wm. Rivers, Miss Mamie' Moss of T,ondesboro, and Miss`' Annie ,Moore o3`;Kipper!, Spent Sunday with their friend Miss Myrtle Lawson. ]Mrs:" WM. Button, Mrs,. C. McGre- ggr, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Button, spent Saturday in Stratfrod. Mr, and Mrs..,Robert-'Grimbolby, and Mrs. T. Pollard spent 'Sunday 3n Clinton. Mr. 113en Rileyhas ey a shingled his house and barn. Snell 'Bros.=are going to raise their house and: put a cement %wall under it all. -• Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Riley of Tucker- smith spentSunday ,at his brother's, Geo. Riley's. , ]Miss Carnocean ' of Eginondville spent Sunday with ,her aunt, Mrs. Ephriain Clark. Mr. Robert Gimbolby now sports a new rubber tired buggy. -ilhe board of James 'street'Metho- d'ist church, Exeter, was given a legacy of 5500 bythe will of the late Frank,: Snell, to 'be used for current expenses,, . The 'committee appointed by the Goderich Hospital Board, to report on- s site for a new hospital recommend- ed "the Cameron property, whiclfis al- ready the property of the -board, and thee eport was adopted.` Tenders Wanted Woslc at Town Hall Clinton o = i Iu er t rofH'all and nCouncil Chsiit- her to bo, decorated and. painted, Specifications may . be seen at the clerk's office. -,Tenders will- be received up to 6 P. M. June 12th - D, L. Macpherson - Town Clerk ,Clinton '04-2f C:ir :Per -Sale Overland car with good engine, four'otit'sid° casings in fair condition. I wilt •saCeifiee. my Overland as I' _want to get a Durant Star•, Inc or Dur- ant Sedan: Apply .to ^ A. ;Cantelon, Clinton: A FAREWELL To my patrons in the Mown, and f ' country all around, I would shake my hand and say That I'm "going soon away. That there'•s a few pumps left to sell That will suit you very well. : That Mr. Irwin,so:good.Ind kind Will surely tell you whege 'to, find. And for eight dollars„good aud bright Will tell you where they are insight, And when you've put one' in your well And it fills our pail •so well, With water that is, good and sweet That comes to you so soon to greet; And fills your heart (or stomach) with gladsome joy, That nothing ever can destroy. And a"s I've been -in business here For fifty-seven long and happy years, h. find, it =very hard to cut, • The ties 'thats bound ' me hand and foot,' To my patrons gooil and true, Who Rave stood by nre SO true I wish them many a happy year And free from care and servile fear.' And to lily many friends so true I would say good-bye to you, And may we meet' on the golden strand e 'To.shalce a loving outstretched hand Where sin' and Wrong will neverwbe But the lovely' face of Hine will see, Who for us gave 141s precious blood, And for our defence has ever stood, And will be with us `to the enol, To enconageand defend. Sa let's be true to Him who gave His precious blood our souls, to save, Your=s , very sincerely, —Jour= Stephenson, wr eces ashes 2'tell , in any , d for With, vr'd$Gai hot or cold, hard or spit SURPRISE cqu1e1c,1aSting lather; arid perfectl Sat1SfaCtjon. 161 Sea ti 00 XSter Baby Cha .calcs FOR SALE - Baby chicks from free range, bred - to -lay, S, C. White Leghorns.' 515,00 per hundred;, 10% of ,purchase price with order,.balaneo•before chicks are shipped. . • Capacity 25,000 chicks per season • INGLENOOII•POULTRY YARDS E. J.'TREWARTHA Ilolmesville,; Ont. Phone: 22 On "611, Clinton central. -95-t-f MEETING OF HURON ..COUNTY. -COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the 'Cotinty of Huron will meet in the Council ,Chamber, Goderich, at 2' o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of - ,June 1923. All: ae counts against the County must be in the hands of the elerk not Iater than Monday preceding the meeting of Council.' • Gocierich May 21st 19231 GEO. W. fOLMAN ' 1,. County Clerk." 08-2 Bidder For Sale Ca r • 'Deer'ing- binder, 7 ft: cut sheaf r- rier and truck .complete; in good' •e- pair, Apply- to Amos • Cartwright, Phone 74 0"41 12 Hemstitching Machines Hemstitching and Picoting attach- ment. Fits any se -wing machine, price 52.50. Personal checdues 10e. extra Bridgvan's Sales, Agency, Box 42 St. Catherines. 04-6-p'I For Sale . The' undersigned offers for sale 8 acres' of land, ;house, barn, gravel pit and .son -le live stock ,fust out- side -of town on Dinsley Terrace. Ssa- ac Bezzo 04-tp 'Ford Car For Sale :A'ford runabout, 1918 m=odel; in good, mechanical condition Right price for quick sale. Wilfred Seeley. 04-tf General Miller The :Pure 'Bred ,Clydesdale Stallion will be at the Graham House barn every Saturday from 9 a. m. to 6 p. en Ed. Johnston, Prop, R: R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone `3 on 636. -04-1 Watch Lost Between Clinton and -Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, on' .'Friday, May 2511i, a gold Southbe'nd watch,' in case .:tied with black shoe string. Finder please leave at the News -Reacted office. Tie ward, 1 House for Sale ,Cottage on Princess• street, town water and electric lights, la acre of garden with fruit trees and small fruits,. Apply to W L .Peffeys, con Albert ;and Princess streets, '02.42 Eggs Por -Retelling From bred -to -•lap strain of B. P. Rocks, elated to,'oockerels ,.:front Mc- Donald College, Quebee. ' 51.00 per setting or 15 3m- $5.00 per hnndred, 1). C Gii7:haarth, Bayfield, Ont. phohe 0.09 r :11,. Clinton central, —98 - Small Farm For Salo y/.r. mile north of Clinton, on Gravel Road, ,containing 8 'acmes; young or- , ' chard and s=nail Cruit; bank barn with cement stabling :for,. 4 head of cattle and 3 lion:sex and driving shed' and hen house; 7 -roomed. houso with good eellar. Apply to. Mrs. 0. M. Far- quhar, ....93-tf House For Stale 2 -story, brick !rouse on Nor'th street, ingood repair, all conveniences, acre of land, fruit trues, ate, Good stable eould be used for different purposes, Also a 2 -aero Iot neer railway track. 0,J, Wallis; Clinton, ' Sl -tit, Ilog .For Service . Supromc Lad, No; 180, regietered Large Blaelc hog, Will stand for ser" vice at trio. promisor of 1310' Ullatr= sigtidd, 0. W. Williatrio, Sve, lot 44, lllaitfanel soli„ 44.110rii '10 ,,-lltet• 4-0 ' W.IRIII!lllllll rIW W 1111111TH IIIIIIIIIMIIIi l e 11rM THURSDAY' 11 3'Ist, 1953" I It luau! l 1 1 , l m l iull I A,Spe: 1.,10'ONE' WEEK ONLY JUNE 4th to nth INCLUSIVE Genuine Elephant `White t15 '" X541➢cC,l>?uIxtlre>ft fpr Bash only uol i u uuui This is your opZ ortunty ie. you want' to paint this p s yel=l 'Our:' stack is limited therefore we do net•uarant g ee to fill all orders. FIRST COME FIRST 'SERVED D _. Wog A ralJ TELEPHONE k3 IIIlllllII IMIIIIIll =01111 111111iII11111111111tlllltI 111111110110111111 CHI NiA:MEL STORE I11111110110Imluithellbillellh J llat IIII NIII III 1110E1111111 11 IIillill ODI !1111 OI01111111111 WORM Phone 68. ' - OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 a.m. , 2.00 to: 5.30 p.m. 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Wednesdays 9.30 to 12 a.m. 7.80 to 9 p.m. DR. W. R. ' NIMMO Chiropractic. Specialist. Specializing in ,Spinal, Nervous and Chrenic'Diseases. -- Normandie )lloek, • Clinton, Ont:' Western stern ��1.7 O�t�^1 SHOULD ARRIVE NEXT WEEK 65c Bushel • 'Clinton Flour Miles :. ""•, 101-3 Baby Chicks BARRED ROCKS ANI) LEGHORNS CHICK FEED BLATCHFORD'S.CALF MEAL the best by Government anal sis Y E. L, MITTELL, Clinton Store Vacated by J. E. Johnson or Spring 300 Pairs MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK- ING BOOTS from ' e50 'to 5® • Boys and.'Wolnen'-s at Equal Value i:7lt� Opposite the Postoiiice arrg Clinton esterads We have a ear of Western Oats just arrived, prices are ver.`y.reasonable. We also /14c in stoelc SORGIIAM MILLET - .ESSEX RAPE BABY {"HTC]( FE I) OYSTER SH=ELL „ GRIT OATMEAL •(choice) We are paying t 1 Y g ire highest ' g prices for wool, all and sec' us before sol- liiig. .I M Jenkins & Son nowt :, :ND ' mob tgw0eI Elevator 100 ROW Singer Sewing Machine Family, Electric lee trr c a nd D. R. Styles .I , Also some second-hand machines; good es 'new, Old machines taken -aa part payment Easy' Terms: It will pay You to look these over before paying elsewhere, REPAIRING AND PARTS 71 OR ALL MAKES Or MACHINES EARL STEEP '--96'4•'L� ` COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, Phone, llll AUCTIONEER , Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na-. tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. ,Special course,taken ,in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, "Mor-- chandise ,and Farm `Sales. Rates in keeping, wit z prevailing market. Sat- , isfaction assured.. Write or wire,; Oscar I``lopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- , 98.--88-tf-1923' \Clothes Cleaned and Pressed ` • Clothes cleanedressed and nd re- paired., 'Woolen goods' dry cleaned, Rooms over Heard's barber shop. •• W. J. Jago, ROOFING :DOES YOUR 80010 NEED TO BE' FIXED ;TI1IS YEAR?. Wehave on 'hand a complete Lino of Ashphalt Roofing, best of quality and .reasonable prices. Call and see us before buying. sERDS Mangles, Turnips, Rape,, Sorghuti, . Seed •Corn all verities, Irish Cobbler, Green Mountains,- Rural New York: ,Potatoes .and Millett. ., ALWA,Ys .ON HAND Five Roses, Purity, North Star and Pastry Flours, Oat Middlings, ground Barley, Beef Scrap, Ground harcoal, Tankage, Oyster Shcll,Grit Corn, I'Ierbagetun, BIateliford's 'Egg. Mash, Milk Mash and Calf Meal,' Royal Purple Prattsand Wodehouse Stock Foods, ?rafts Buttermilk MMlaeh,' Royal Purple chick Feed. We also have a car load of coarse salt, special price if you bring " your, own begs. - A. ®N Phone 128 Fiour and -Feed 5lerchants.and Grain Buyers" Also issuers of Hunters et Trappers, licenses Eggs. e, oultrig W e are in the . market all tie: Year round for eggs and poultry. • • ` IT WILL BE TO YOUR AD- VANTAGE TO GET IN T011054 ' WITH Lir WHIdm ; READY TO MARKET YOUR `PRODUCE, GUNN, ,,LANGLOi CG. CLINTON, O1'PrARIO, . N. 7711'.. ThRWAR1kIA, Ik4anagare Phone No. 190 'Holmebville 601 r 1J ` CREAM AM W'Ar4TVI.)!' .The demand for ourr lrutteriu iipi• Croaerng. To supply this demand we req(uhil Inoro cream, Wo request you to ship ns o cre4m, y We guarantee you the Highest Markets Prices, accurate tecta And prompt service. Our firm is 'clown to you and nee 50 further recommend, We pay all express ehargea, ftetvtw ieh ereetn ' eons and fray wee OM month: Witte fon dans or Author i1)10s6i44.., tion to the 111V Esti lett itOR7i III rtl3riA rEIt C