HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-5-31, Page 1ar,y' s F ]EI n
0204= -45th Year
"The Man Who Wants a Garden Fair, or Small or Very Big,
With Flowers Growing Here and There, Must Bend His Back and Dig."
Wheat. 51.15
;Itnckwheat. 75e.
Oats' 50e,
'Barley GOc.
Battey 2$0' to 30e,
Eggs 24c to 25c
Live Hogs $10.00
The death took place at Enderby,
13; 0 on Friday last of Mrs, J. Ted -
Aran, a former well-known rosidertt
of Clinton, The body has: been.
brought east for burial and the fun-
eral takes place :.from the herrn. of
Mr. A. Brown, of the IIuroni road .this
afternoon' to Clinton cemetery.
Straw hats are the rule this week
but last; week they were net so 1m#yh
01 evidence, : Some n poo le will ain
1? r
tam that Conservatives toe Slow -got,
ing, have no progressive ideas, etc.,
but the two .first straw hats seen this
season in Clinton were worn by Con-
servatives. The first
one to take.
his last summers hat from its Will -
ter MIS 'VII', J, Raiisford, who donned
Ills jaunty panama and wore it up-
town Saturday morning. The same
forenoon Mr. C. G. Middleton ryas
seen wearing his "stiff" straw as un-
concernedly as you please. Of course
before the day was out many others
had appeared.
If you would Have the conning bride go "Smilin' Thrix" life be sul'e
and get the Wedding' gifts' from us. Whether they are to,be
tdtverware 'Cut icy Vhxna or V`cckj
you will rind our stock complete andup to date, and do not forget°
have the'c'rriings, both.
CC 21 iQ tf it
u d ecidin
borveIer .and Optician Phone 174w
Residence 174.7
T ti
Norms Talmadge
in the greatest of all
`Smilin' Through'
Co-operate with the Women's
Institute in coming
•.t® the :.
F ii 6 an
Matinee at 4 o'clock
Thursday, .
Y 7th
Special ,
lVlusrt Each Evening
Tickets adults
35c, Children 15c
Speen. donated by ROYAL BANK and O
'Beginning eg arcing qn' June, 1st the Public
Library will adopt summer , Hours,
For those who i01,'g'et since last year
what 'these hours are we ]night say
Unit the Library will be open every
afternoon as usual, with the exception
of Wednesday, when, it will be closed
all day, Monday Tuesday Thursday,
and Friday evenings it ;will be" open
for: one hour,' front seven to eight,
and .Saturdaa evening from seven to
nine -thirty,
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunford of
Toronto announce the "engagement of
their youngest daughter, Clete Mae, to
Earl F. Boxell,`A. B. J.' D., eldest;
son of Mrs, rda M. Borten, : Marion
Indiana, the marriage to -take place
in June
,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker of Bay-
field announce the engagement of
their youngest daughter, Deulah A,
to Mr. Leonard B. Smith, of Lon-
don, the marriage to take place early
in Ji 1e.
Mr: J. B. Reynolds of town has been
appointed governor of Huron County
goal at ,Goderich and 'commences his
new duties the frist of June. Mrs,
Reynolds, will act as matron.
Joseph Griffin, the present official;
is being Superannuated, after a long
Mr. Reynolds is a son of,Mr. and
Mrs, J. F. Reynolds of town, ;formerly
of • Hullett township, in which town-
ship, he -vas born thirty-eight years
ago. He has spent all his life, prac-
tically; in the county, having lived
in Goderich for •a few years: For five
years he and Mrs. Reynolds had
charge of the Huron County Home;
positions' which they filled, most suc-
cessfully, That they; will be equally,
'sueoessful in their new positions
those who know them do not •doubt.
There has been some talk of. doing
away with thb' Huron County gaol
but for thepresent, at least, things
will remain as they are. Mr, and
Mrs. Reynolds leave for Goderich next
AWednesda o'flast Kees, ay kSi
was Empire Day, a• daywwhen espect.
ally in the schools, attention is
drawn to the fact' that, whine COM -
posed of free nations, British people
everywhere belong to a great Empire
nr Comnjcn vealth.:: This .]s a very
•necessar thing '
n `a1 D1
z z n °
Yz nesofara:;:
reaching as airs, . 1n Clinton •Pub-
lic school on Wednesday afternoon
the children were:, gathered together'
and a little program was gone
through. 'Mayor Cooper was present
and bloke the seal e1n the record con -
Fabling message a
g gefimnthe King
and Queen to the school children of
the Empire, which was put on by. Mr.
Hellyar, and the teachers, and pupils;
had the opportunity of 1 . tening ,to.'a
reproduction of the voices ol' Britain's.
King and Queen. 'On the reverse side
of the record are selections' by" the
Coldstream Caa Guards
God Save
the King" and "Holme, Sweet Home,"
which were also played, Afterwards
the children sang a' chorus or so be-
fore proceeding with the afternoon's
work. We reproduce the messages
sent •out by their Majesties, but in
the printed word one misses the voice
tones, emphasis, etc., present on list-
ening to the reeord. A returned man
ho heard d the record, explained: Oh
yes, I heard the King speak several
times• and that's his voice, 'a11 right.
The King; -"On this day, any people.
in all parts of the world join to cele-
brate their unity and 'to :draw closer
the common ties which hold them to-
gether, Each of our many . people has
Ids Own life to live and each.hls Own
words to do; yet all are members of one
family, sharing thesorrowsand joys.''
You haste learned slow the Empire
was built up, by brave and wise Hien.
and women in -lie past. It is only
by courage, wisdom; and unselfishness
that it will endure. -Itis a great in-
heritance; your fathers and grand-
fathers made it; its future welfare
and good name are, colder the Provid-
ence of God, hi your hands. Do not
think of itas a thing far away :from
,you. Every ono of you counts "and
what you do and learn now . ,will
decide how you will be able to play
your part; worthily when ,you grow urn,
Get Knowledge, be honourable, 'brave
and kind, thinking of others before
yourselves and always play the a'ame
So will you f'it yourselves •to "11anc1
down this connmunity;of free nations
to your children and grandchildren as
a -great inetrliment of Justin°, iyeaee
and Goodwill which Will preserve the
respect and esteem of mankind,"
The Queen;, --"On this day of tuein=
ory and ]nope, which is also the birth-
day of Good Queen Victoria, my mes-
sage ,to you, the daughters of our
world-wide family of nations and.
peoples i' , Think always of what you
can do to matte your home tial *
and how you can best prepare. you '
selves to snake happy homes for t
generations of children who Will req..
low you, inour vast Empire ,ther'e
aro Many kinds of homes anldtlany
different ce intr#es, The home which
fosters clean minds and kind 'hearts
is Gorl's tenigie, Pits snit'i1 of the
good home, whether it be rich or
poor, is One of the best things in the
world, You ea11 learn many things
sehool which Will heb> you to b e-
CO1110 w1so anrd'Nofal citizens of the
13ritisi, Comonnlweelth. If you con
lea1nrtlus there is nothing better for
yo111'. o vos arid all members oi.' the
great British family them the simple
n11e:"s,111'e 1 . love, ifittflnie, 5 sand. un.
selfishinr-ss, wipers in Clouds arid ten -
Are Are the strength and beauty 110 f
hfe." ,
n sel et>
Mr. Ralpt'Tiplady; one of Clinton's., who has
best-known citizens today eel° p tl0 C t`
Man's Mr. 1,
W. J: Owens,
his nighty -six kirthd43', Mr, Ci observer the
1 d a- candidate 1er ,eat P„ south-east Tor -
lady was born in Yorkshire, .England,
but acme to: Canada' es: a young man;
He has-been a xe'eident of this '10-
salty for a gerat many ycelgs. Ile
is not enjoiy tg the' -asst of health zit
present but as • summer advances' it
s not enjoying the best of health at
The familial meeting, of the Hur-
on'County Trustee and Ratepayers'
Association was held'in-the town hall,
Clinton, on, Tuesday afternoon.- The
meeting was ;not very; well attended,
various reasons being the cause,' The.
Rev. J. Laing, Fordeich, president,
was again'elected .to that position.
Mr. .T. I.Robinson Of .Colborne was
elected first vice and the Rev. H. W.
Sne11 of Wingham, Second vice, and
Mr. E Fulton, Brussels, secretary.,
During the afternoon the Rev. Mr.
Morris of Toronto, . Provincial Sec-
retary, gave an address principally on
the organization, and: Dr. Greenless of
London spoke on "Education." ,
Clinton is to have a new 1ndtratzy-"
'Messrs J, Stevenson and G. B. Har;
xis have formed a company for the
manufacturing of silk hosiery. They
are starting in the building next door
to Ford & Son's from and feed store
and expect to get going next week.
Two machines are already 'here and
two more will be along any day and
it is .:expected that` operations will
commence before this. time next week.
We are infprmed that only the high-
est grade of silk hosiery will be manu-
factured Mi. . Harris will rise . the
new attachment for which he tools
out patents recently, and which it is
claimed' greatly facilitates the -menu
facture of hosiery.'. May the • new
industry prosper•and grow.
A 'Member on the Collegiate 'board
furnishes us with the following table,
taken from. the .Bureau of Municipal '
affairs, regarding `the stalls Paid -out '
by towns of similar size and pop- BOWLING TOURNAIVIENT
ulation'10 Clinton for. schools. From
this tableau will be seen: that Clinton
tis not by any means the most "burd-
ened by school taxes,'
•onto : in the forthcoming election`s,
is a former Clintenian, having con-
ducted a'law office here some years
ago. Ile has been in .political life
in the city,before, is popular, and is
practically certain .of election.
I; O. 0. F. OFFICERS ':
At the regular • meeting Of, the local
meeting et ng of Odd£ellows on Tuesday'
evening the following. elective " of-
ficers were chosen' for' "the ensuing
Noble Grand; W. 'Hutch.
Vice Grand; P. A. Runiball.
Rec.-Secretary: IL Gorda.
Fin. -Secretary: J. Wiseman.
Treasurer. II, :B.; Chant..,
Murphy Lodge L. 0. L. No. 710
calls a special meeting. for Friday
evening, ' Sane ,1st at 8 p. m; A full
attendance of members, is re31pested.
A meeting• of the directors of the
Clinton hospital board will be held
on Monday evening, June 4111, at
eight o'clock at the home of Mrs.
M T. Corless has purchased
from Mrs. " Wtn. Glen the
-cottage: next to the Ontario
street church, which .Dr. Brown has
leased and will occupy shortly.
The II. F. 0. of Sonia Huron choose
thein candidate today at Hensen. We.
go to press` too early to be able to
give results,
T"ne Senior and Junior, C. G. I. T.
groups and thein leaders bad a most
enjoyable picnic at Biggins' Bush on
the 24th. They "hilted" out and.
:back and spent the day, in the' open..
Mr, T. R. Graham of Wingliam is
proposing that a co-operative. woolen
industry be:. established ° in that town,
bringing skilled operatives from Scot-
land to teach the work and establish
the business:
,Town Population .Paid out :for
Schools 1921
W rtorz
2rlburY^ J800 I09138673
I 1. 11.026
Etiete.r _ 1507 13,174.
Desoronto 1844 7:5.612
Milton ' 1900 .14.711
Seafortli' 7950 14.859
C esle
I803 15.f
Y 1899 17.248
Kingsville • 2010 20.819
London Conference iS:in:'SeSS10n at.
-Sarnia this week, opening, on Tuesday,.
Clinton Methodist Pastors both change
this year e
an Here '
v d t 1s a certain
imiunt of anxiety until the final draft
of stations is out.
1MHJ 11
The Rev. W II. Dunbar, `who re-
signed from ;the Anglican cliul•eh, Lis,
towel a short time ago and who has
been appointed to Ti1lbonbuz'g,was
honoured by his eongrogation before
leaVing ListowelbY a'
quiet and a substantial gift:
11 ¶ 11. 11
The Rev, J. F. Reyeraft who has
been in the First Methodist church,
London; during the past year, is :being
transferred to Hamilton conference
and is going to Brantford. : .
.. St. Joseph's Church
- The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's League will be held in the
parish hall on. Tuesday afternoon,
June 511i, at 2 o'clock. ,
Willis °Church
'. The minister's .subjects on_ Sunday
;will bei Morning: .''Confessing
.Christ,,. Evening "Life't Large Pla-
'Beginning on Sunday next the Sun-
day school will meet at.a quarter to
ton in the morning instead of in the
afternoon.:' Next .Sunday morning.
there will be an .illuhtrated ,Calls on
"Formosa." .
Ontario 'street Church'.
Ontario street ,Sunday school will:
observe Missionary :Sunday.. in the
afternoon, next Sunday, " From, June,
1.0th during .the summer months,
Sunday school will be hold 'at. 10 o'-
clock in the morning'.,
The meeting of tllo'Ladies' Aid will
be held on Tuesday afternoon, ,Tune
6th at three' o'clock,, instead., of the
regular day of Meet/rig. Tea will be
served by the Ladies of •St, John's
Commencing next Sunday, June 3rd,
Sunday sehool will be .held at 10.00 o'-
clock, and m01'ning service conducted
at 11,00,
The 1pastor Rev. + .v. T. Parlierr, will
preach Sunday morning on: "Tire
{creat Fuandalnontal truths of the
Bible." The -series will omit next
Sunday with the s11bject:-•-."The Bi-
hle,:--his infallibility:" other subjects
to follow will include: "Sin -ILS niezi11
in0," rrliepelitance--<ito need,' "Atone-
Tient---its purpose," "Redemption --
ins mite0mo," ''113c,neilitlti 1)) inn
p iviiege, y Justifleatloll . its fullness,
1'neti'fa131 n Ens significahee,"
" atle'ement-its .reality," ;"Slaivtati11i
Yesterday the Iawn' bowling season
'was ushered in by a local_ tournament-
at which the prizes were donated by,
the president' and vice-president; Mr.
A. J. Mgrrish:and Dr. Axon,
It was an ideal day and the.menz-
bers . trio u ughenjoyed.
z o 1 he often-
t -
g y
t f ei
noo uo 't
u p 11 heb rden. .Inclecd it
seemed a ve135 • auspicious opening
for the bowling season.
Six rinks took part, Mr. R, A.
Roberton's rink winning first'prize, a
pipe, and Mr: W. A. Grant'ssecond,
sills socks Following are the rinks
and scores: •
Rev. J E. Hog, J Zapie, M, Mc.
Ewan, R. A, Roberton skip, 3 games,
plus. 16.
3. McI{enzie, J, MclIwan, A. J.
Grigg, ' W. A Grant, skip, 2 games,
plus 1:0.
13. Munroe, Dr, Gaudier, R. J. -Mil-
ler, H
R.her skip, p, s p, 2 games, plus
F. Rogorson, P W. Johnston, W. J.
Harland, Dr. Axon, skip: 1 game,
minus 4.
R. Ball, Wan. Bell, C. Shepherd.
A. J.-Vlorz'ish, skip: 1 game minus
D1': Heave, J. Seeley, W. Brown, J.
E. Hovley,'skip: 0 games' militia 10.
The Rev. Erniest Parker, Mately of
London. England, has for the past
few weeks been in charge of thetap-
fist congregations of ::Clinton : and
Auburn. Mr, Parker landed in St,
John 211 Easter Monday, sante on tip
Toronto 011 Tuesday, the next Sunday
preached in Clinton and Auburn and
received a unanimous 'call to become
their pastor. He has not yet been
inducted but probably that ceremony
will fake place shortly. Although
he is a duly or'dained minister of the
:Baptist Cllurcli of • the Old
Land, ]laving spent seventeen
years in the ministry in England, it
may be that as a matter of'farmaIrt3'
he may have tohave the "laying on
ofd hands,' by the Canadian.. Church,
which ease the orda'natioz.and in-
duction services will take place at the
same time. a.
Before leaving' South Ealing, wl1ero
he had been pastor fo$• ten ,Years,
a public farewell gathering was held
at the Baptist chureh and not only
his num people, but ministers and
workers in other: denominations, ex-
pressed sineel'e regret at the depart-
ure of r. Parker and his family-.
from South Ealing. His people
also presented him with a
substantial parting gift, and ma113' re-
ferenees were made .to the growth
and extension .of the wont under ,his
Mr. Parker is a Norfolk man, being
horn anis brought -tip in the city of
Norwich. Mr. . Parker says that .in
MS opinion Great Britain, arid Ire-
land, too, are just ready' for a great
spiritual revival and that, the work
has already begun
Mr. Parker's•xeas09s for' giving tip
his Work m London nand coming to•
Canada were entirely on a400u11t` of
his health and that of his wife, Ile
says that they already' begin • to feel
better and it 1 hoped the climate
here will efAtitue to agree' with
'thein, Ile did not intend telt11)g a
charge nl, once on arriving Ilene ' but
this one seemed to be waiting ands he
1houg'hl, perhaps. this was his work
Ills retie anti one young daughter
anise nisi the family and Clanton
people welcome thein t0 loam and
trust that their tnssoeiations 3111,11 the
pimple here and at Auburn, where
tried' wbrk 351111 taste 1.1309 frequently,
Will he ple1sani :111,1 profitable to all.
A court will be field in Clinton on
Friday ,11u1e 8th; i'or the revision ,• of
the voters' lists for 3n s' in tine earning
election on June 25th. C. Seager et
Goderich will be the revising officer
and 1):' L. 1VIaepherson of Clinton will
act as'clerk if your name is not up
on the list send it in not less than two
fulldays before' the sitting of the
court, If you know' 'of anyone who
is a British subject and who is; cum
titled to, vote and whose 'name is not
on the list you can melte appeal" to
have it pub, on. Therewill beno
rube at a11 quarreling with the deputy-
returning officer on election day, see
that your name is on now:
Following is a list of school fossa
dates for; Huron County, _ Clinton's
on Sept. 18111:
Sept, 6
, :. Sept. 7
• Sepia, 10
Sept. 11
Sept. 12
Sept; 18
Saint, 14
Sept .17
Sept :18
Sept 19
• • Sept, 20
• .. 'Sept. 27
Sept. 22
Sept, 24.25
. Sept 26
. Sept 27
Sept. 28
Oct, 1
• .3 Oct, 2
• Oct,3
fair will beheld
Ethel Wroxeter
.flshfield .
Clinton ,..
Zuri.eli , .
Porter's Hill . `
Winghaini ,
Walton ,
I3,lyth .. .
Grand Bend
The first draft of the 'st'atio
.committee= of bine London IVletho
Conference, et Sarnia, was 01
public' yesterday. Some' 01' the chap
effecting 'satations in f tzron sou
and ministers well konwll in this
salify are as follows.
Clinton, Wesley, A.1Vlurray Stu
coming from Kitchener; Ont
street, Clayton J. Moorehsouse, f
,Kerwood;'Rev. D.'N. -MeCanlns
down for Wheatley and Rev., 5, A
erson for Forest;. Hollnesville, A.
Walden of Dungannon, Dungsnl
Byron Snell of Alvinston;,.l3ayfi
Hector W. McTavish of Toroirto ar-
id; na, John .1;' Durant of Point Edwa'
Wroxeter, "Asa I'Brown of Melotirl
Exeter, Main st., A. E.Clysdale,
wood; James • street;` W', E. Donner
Henson, Arthur t i Sinclair of Central
en tz al
Watford; E.'Medd, Ilidgetown;'•Bio
J. L.Foster, of Varna;West. Lot
A. A. Holmes of Wroxeter; M
ellen, Ii, D. Moyer of Goderich; God
rich, North street, J. E. Holmes
Sr t
a fol d:
It isprobable
at number •
changes will be made before a fi
al draft is drawn up, Wesley shire
Clinton had invited the Rev. A .
Holmes, who is clown-' for We
Death t 1 brou 'h'
t to
g R close
a long
and useful life in Thursday, May 24t
when Mrs; .Ilannalt , Cartwright pas-
sed away at .the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Argent, in her 81st year,
The last to survive of a' large ram-.
ily,: Mrs. Cartwright, 'whose maiden
name was Hannah' Wigginton; was
born in Clinguacousy in 1842 and
came with her father to Godericlt
When p v en a child, settling' 01
the Bayfield road, on the farm next
to Trick's mill. In 1862 she was mar -
vied to Mr. James• Cartwright, who
passed away seven years ago. • For
years they lived on the farari east of
the river at Dungannon, later moving
to the 9th cbiicession of Hu]lett, then
an unbroken forest. No road .being
opened, the oxen had to be driven in
loose while Mr, and Mrs, Cartwright
crossed the river on horse back. Here
they encountered the difficulties of
pioneer life, very often facing+ danger.'
to ,life and property from the wild,
animals then rtinni13g' at large
through the bush. The deceased be-
longed ito ,the pioneers whose week
and worth bas'been, the means of
making our',cbuntry what it is today
and whose memory we may well hon-
or anis cherish, In 1912 Mr, and Mrs..
Cartwright celebrated their ' golden
wedding anniversary. Mrs•Cartwriglrt
was the, motber of ten children, five of.
whoili died in °childhood• There are:
left to mourn a another's loss three.
sons,. John of Londesbero, James op
the homestead in Millett and Amos in
Clinton, and also two daughters, Mrs.
Argent • of -Clinton and Mrs. Andrew
of Auburn,'anci an adopted daughter.
Mrs, B. Cibbirtge, of TuelcorsYnith.
She was the grandmother of twenty -
throe -and`gn'eat grandmother of
eight ehidren.
The funeral took place :from the
home of her daughter, Mrs, Argent,
on Sunday, May 2711±, the service
being in ehar3e of Rev. C. L Bilker
The pallbearers Were her three sons.
and her son-in-law and two grand-
sons, Interment was made in the
Londeshoro•celue13rv, -
e -
L ondesboir'o
Mi', M, Braithwaite had a family re-
nMon at his home 131 Londesboron on
Sunday last, to c011)nIenlorate tine
death: of their• deli)' mother, Who
died on Miry' 27th, 1922.
PeOpie Y1,`lan l towir
1Vlisses ,Site n inr C
11 d and 1 101)1o11t of Crod-
ericli Spent tho 21th'ns the guests of
Mics Ruby Irwin.
Puy, 17, 1V, 12
Ci'lannnl6 and. Rev, 4,
Ariderson 1110 raftimis, Attending
the louden i:0nlfereenit
Pastor of Clinton ' and Aubur
Baptist churches,
Peopie You Know
Mrs. Frank Jenkins went 'to Toron-
to yesterday to visit relatives:
Miss Spencer of Toronto is these -nest
of her aunt, Mrs. Robt: Marshall,
Mrs. J.E• Brooks of Plitchell has been
visiting' her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Cantelon.
Miss McKee and'1VIiss Kathleen (tiinne
of London were the guests of Miss -
Mabel Cliff. on Tuesday:
1VIrs. Geo. Watts and her sister, Mrs.
Walker„1of Stanley,. spent the 21111
with. friends in Brucefield.
Miss Helen Ross of Toronto, wlio had.
' been spending a few days at Btty
field, was in town on. Monday.
Miss Cora McCool of. Toronto is at
her •home in tewn. Miss McCool is
just recoveringfroin.an illness.
M1•. James Archibald and his laugh -
ten', ltliss K. Archibald of Elora„
are the guests of Mrs, W. W" Far
Muss Grainger+, of Clinton, spent thee
week -end, at"the home of her sisteit
Mrs. W. Wright, James street,
-Seaforth Expositor.
Messrs' J. A. Irwin and. E. G. Cour-.
nice are .in Sarnia this week as.
lay delegates:: to conference front
the local Methodist congregations:
Mrs C.
L. Bill e Mrs. J D 'lt=,
Io d
zn and n Mus, G
F R. Taylor are
attending the annual meeting of
The Intron Diocea) W. A. 1n Lon-
don this week.'
Mr, and Airs. Win; Davidson of (Inns
are been
relatives and friends in
Clinton and!
vicinitythe past few weeks. Mr.'
• Davidson knows many Clinton
people in Ontario, and brings bask
good reports of than.
Mr, Ernest Rt Wigle of Goilericli,
chosen as Conservative standard
bearer in Centre Huron, in whiob
Clinton is situated, has definately de-
cided to stand and is looking over
the riding getting thing's in shape
for contest.
Mz, Wigle ryas born in Wia1ton,
being a' son of Dr. II. Wigle of
that town, and educated at the .Puts -
lie and High schools there. He 4
a druggist and 18' tali ex-presidenii
of the Ontario College of P1larmail:J
and is at present Pt member of that
body, representing the counties':'
Huron,, Grey and Bruce, XIe hart
been a resident of .Goderich foie'
fourteen years, the :past five pc roq
being niay0l of the town, Mr,' Arai
gle has always taken an interest .is.
public affairs and was before earn-
ing to Goderich for four years it
Menl>er of the Marton Public sehrret
boaid. He wail for three years ;1;:
member of the council board ins
Goderich before: running for the ss'
Tice of mayor. Ile is also at preee
out vibe -president of the Agricultinr3
Society and holds the sante position:
on the board of the llortieultural So-
ciety of the county town. In r01iginra,
lie is an An]'11can. The aceompanlr-
Mg cut is a fairly good one of Mr,
Wigle but does 11ot at all fhabtel h`ratt,;
No doubt the p0mlile of Clinton 'tailf,
have opportunities or seeing atria
healing Mr. Wigle during the pres-
ent campaign and of :farming their
own opinion of the man who may hot
our roplro310t1tative in talo L,"gis1afa►t,
along tial lrient %0111' Vesta,