HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-4-26, Page 8A' API; t zut:n 923 LI vTON'S .. r 13.A.DING JPWXaLERI,,' STOR Gasses Whether are needed The that Way the line You Can: for 1923 for long or short distances --.-we can furnish the right•onee theGlabsos �. -Matter is iu you want long and short of the whole can supply the ibestof everything of Optical Go'oo1s. Reit, 'on our Goods and that's what R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Qpticiax Next iftWeie Drug Stor. mow EverybocIy onetli1n The Spring Ls now in place ' for some ,years Suits inall young men and Men's Fine black or, brown Ladies Slippers Ifid and Patent Spring Hats Now is the is at its best -and P.liimsteel ' SIVIALL PROFITS Likes o New for u Spring- Shoes and Hosiery .; -we have had • sport models for'. -$13.50 and up. shoes or oxfords, 'black or brown at •easy prices. as the stock be later. riu&s BUSINESS Stock .of Clothing, Hats, 'Caps, and is the largest and best showing and the prices are right. the nifty styles shown this year in the more staple lines for older men Shoes. A splendid rangein lace at $4.50' to $6,50,,' and oxfords in /patent leather, with grey trim, $3.75 to $6.00. and Cap`s, Ete., in a big range time to'bu$' the summer requirements . the prices lower than they will, PHONE 25. MORE atm., ' CEirrell & Ship!eM !SEED POTATOES Seeds= -Come in and inspect our supply of Plower and Vegetable Seeds, while' there is a full assortment to choose` form -they are the best of quality . ONIONS -Dutch Sets -Multipliers FRESH -Leaf and Head Lettuce, Cabbages, Celery and other vegetables are now on hand. I: Have you tried our Bulk Dried Peaches? They make choice Pies, .Commencing the first week. in May and continuing to the end of October, this store will be closed Wednesday afternoons excepting the week of a public holiday, The' C. & S. Grocers Phone 125 ' Weitalinaiiitartio New Spring Styles • o. In Clothing • .„ We have our new spring suitings. The new spring styles are here. This is the tithe to .order your new suit or overcoat so as to have°it when the spring opens. Come in, and inspect materials and discuss styles Davis 45c Hern-tan Now that House forget that we carry and Varnishes and' Stains for your Fresrotta Cold a full line of O-Ceclar Wall Dusters,. M Pe 3 MOPS IN ONE Changeable in a ocean d. Scperata m p clothe £or Water, Oil, Dunk,. For $cines; Hotsle, etc.. Cloano to tie9oat speck. "Wondcr£ullabot•fra n ,can ColiUpeible, self-locking wrinfaan be. Wiling out by hand, wringer or only dirt class mop In file world, tiol�ld. Doll't'all tti,ace a dealonxtza• tion. Sold in all Store, us again do not Paints and Sun Varnish We also carr•, and Ceiling an r~ woo MOP cleaning season is almost with a complete line of Brandram-Hoiderson Floor Paints, also Sun Varnish floors and wood work, Water Paint for walls and ceilings. and Liquid Veneer Moils elf titter C Perdue ilARDW.ARE ELECTRICALon PLUMIIING VENNt qnett r eia.r Electrie Panges, Fiixtelre$t Bulbs, Irons, Fans iu 1 other .pplitnnoes Wiring ;inel Repair's; Phone 1`51.w Clink° Make ,'Soo House A Home' With Attractive WALL PAPER Tho W D. Fair Co Often tbo"Cheapest--:Always the Beet nnnnuum roan _.:'stun! I H. Mr, and rMrs."II. Penn'ebaker,'spent the week -end in Goderich Miss Florence Cuniug$aine was in Mitchell over the week end. Miss M. Taylor of Goderich, was in town for :a couple of days last; 'week. Mrs. E. M. Durst and family ,leave. this week _fel: Detroit, to join Mr. Dui st. /•' Mr, C. G. Middleton attended the big, Liberal -Conservative rally in Lon- don on Friday last.'' " Mayor. Cooper' was in Galt yesterday attending the fnuetal of the late Mrs. R. G. Struthers. Mrs. Campbell of Calgary arrived last week and id visiting: her parents, Mr, and Mrs. r. A Ford Mr. H. H. •Cantelon of south of the bridge. made a flying business trip to New York City hist week, Messrs Willis Cooper,: and Fred. Wal- lis of the S. P. S. Toronto. are (home for the long vacation. 1VIrs. W. Pickard, who has been visit- ing relatives in the west since last Jbne returned last week to Clinton. Mr. Frank "Moore and Miss Isabelle Law of Toronto were the week -end guests of Mr. and birs. 5. W. Shob- biook. Mrs. S. E. MclCegney and Misses Mollie and Patricia aro visiting' with Mr. and Mrs E. Morrison, just east of town, . Mrs. Albert Golelough and son, Mas- ` iter George,. of Goderich;. township rare •this week visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bus - nett. TS, , 5. E.' Hogg and Mrs. Gums are in Windsor this "week attending the Provincial convention of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church. • Mrs. 'Livermore, sr., returned Tues', day evening after :having spent some months very pleasantly ,with. her • son and his family in Toronto. Mrs. McNally of Goderich visited Miss E. Lovett on Thursday last and on Saturday she had ' as her guests her neice, Mrs., look, and little Miss Mains of Blyth. Mr. Chas. Brooks of Mitchell and his nephew, Master Jack Brooks of Tor- onto, visited over the week -end with the fornter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. Cantelon. Mrs. L. 0. Lashbrook and little daugh- ter, Miss Reta„of Mitchell were vis 7 tors' at the keine of the lady's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Pickard, during the past week. Mi.W .H, Cole and Miss Bessie, and Mr. and Mrs.: W. L. Johnson -nil Mr. G. Hicks were in London yes- terday attending the, funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Doherty. ev.' L. W. and Mrs. Diehl and fam- ily of Port Burwell have been in town the past week, owing .to ill- nem "and subsequent death of the lady's mother, the late Mrs. John McGarva, rs. 31. E. Paull visited over the Week -end ' with Mrs. 11. T. Ranee, Mr. Paul has been transferred from the Alvinston to the Morrisburg branch of the Molsons Bank, going back as managerto the of- fice where f-fice'where he spent several years previously. Mrs, J. Ennuerton, who has been visit - 'Mg with 'Kincardine friends for some months, is spending a fort- night or so with her brother, Mr. J. Torrance,, but leavesnext week for Godorich' for the suanrner, I4Irs. A. Seeley was called to Gode- rich last week 'owing to the serious illness o fher sister, Mrs. A. E. Allen, Mrs, AIlin's condition has somewhat itirproybd but it is feared. that 0 will be some time before her health is fully recovered., t. -Col. Gillispie of, London was is town on Monday inspecting the C. 1 Cadets and was here `yesterday also on his- Way from Mitch- el and Seaforth, Col Gillispie has but recently been, transferred to IVfil tary District No. L succeeding Lt. -Col, McCrimrnon. r. Geo. W. Hill and family, are here from Enchant Alta., and are at present visiting , velatives at Soafoiih, Mr, Hill is a member of ;the family who lived for many years at Sttmnierhill. He has been in the west for some years now. Mi'. Hill said that seeding had well begun ,in Alberta when he left but that through Manitoba the snow, was still thick upon, the ground, London ROad Cho London Road 11 F. W. 0. met Friday last at the home 01 Mrs,. .'cy . Colo when the . fellowing fteors were elected Car the ensiling year: President Mrs. ilavidson, Vree::.Mrs, T, Idnclssy Secretor y Miss Waldron Treasurer: Mrs. R, Plutmteet 'Directors'. Mesdames Cole, Wil'tse, Nott, SWinban5, Oke and •Snell. '.Che Club will hold its May meet- ing at the home of bilis, SWlnbanic. News.,Rernrd 1 1 1 1 1 1 WEEK -END SPECIALS AT O'eifs Big corner for Busy Housekeepers and .Busy Focusers Advai-ce in sugar will raise many lines- --Buy n •Special° in Fancy Cakes IHonoy Marsh Mallow Biscuits , , .. , , , , , lb. 28c. Oatmeal Ginger lb. 28c. ,Fruit 13ar Jelly lb, '28e. Lemen2 Cream Bar . -15. 28c, ,Special Price:,in Sugar before advance in price Special price in'Chocolates for -Friday and Sat- urday at 490. 1b. The advance in -Sugar will increase the price of' all candy. These we offer at the low price, 6 Chocolate Bars •, , , , , •25c. Special price on sugar by the bag A flew suggestions for Houseleaners Canned Spinach •. tin 25c. Beautiful' California Vegetable Canned Aspar- egos (Libby's) , .,50c. Canned Corn 2 for 25c.... Canned Peas „ r, , , , , .2 for:.35c. Sardines , , .4 for 25c. Sardines ,in 011`-. ••:2 for 25c. Sardines in Tomato s'uee , , , , , , . 2 for 25e, 1 Per Quick Lunches and Sandiwches we have Victor Salmon Red •30 Pichards , , . .,19 Snieder s Catsup ,., ,, 25c, Tomato anti am'; Paste j . , , tin .1.5e. Turkey anti-HTongue 15 and inany otehi lazes • Pork. and •Beans .Large- Size , .25c, 10 bars P. Ee G. or Gold soap 72c Special tray of soap, regular' 55c for 35c Special. for Friday and Saturday only 2 15. Pail. Lard. ',$3,75 Lard will be higher Shortening .315. pail .55e. 25 lb. Pail Lard ............. ,.,$3.75 Fresh' Lettuce . , 10c, Fresh Head Lettuce , .20c. Fresh Celery 20c. Fresh Tomatoes" ..... .. , • ••, .... ., ib. ,25c, • New Cabbage, Rhubarb b Green Onion Just arrived from Florida and our own grove,. 4 bbls beautiful grape fruit -last for this season We will deliver orders within a radius of ten miles during busy season Cash &, Carrj 2 Deliveries l� Phone 48 1 I3rueefield . Mrs. Bonthron of Hensel" is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. ;Simp- son, this week. Miss Alice Rattenbury y olid Miss Jessie Geniinill visited Mrs. Ed. Munn of HensaIl this week. There died in our village on Wed- nesday, Mrs Ross, widow of the. late Daniel Ross.`lttrs. Ross had been. ill for about live weeks. The funeral took place from. Union church 'on 'Saturday afternoon and was very largely attended. Mrs. Ross leaves to Mourn their loss two children, Jack. of the Maisons Bink staff here and Miss Laura at home. Another dangly- ter; Margaret, died two years ago. Two sisters 'and two, brothers, Mrs. Joe Daymond of Roxboro and 'Mrs. Doer of Blyth, and John and George of Tuckersmith .also survive. The sympathy of all goes out to the bereaved family. ' A very sad thing,, happened near Our.village on Friday when Mr. John Taylor, if is supposed in a fit of tem- porary insanity, took his own Iife. Hlis son on going 'out in the morn- ing found his father's body suspend- ed in. the ,barn, Mr. Taylor had not been well for some time, The fun- eral which was private, took }pace to Baird's cemetery on Monday. The. family have the sympathy of all. Mr. and Mrs, Wait. Wright and lit- tle son of Seaforth'spent <Sunday in our village, '.�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU�IIIIIINIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItI)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIq) Who is. -the man in the private office? He is --the .Irian your salesmen are afraid to stop on the street; -thee man who is always ``ditt's ar "busy„ when they call; ---the man w h o never replies to your letters making special offers;. --the, man who' ignores your tele- grams. Somebody has called him on Long Distance. He does not know yet who • itis, but he is as polite as if he anticipated favors! Long .Distance gets in where salesmen fear to tread. 'Planned Long Dis- tance campaigns get past every barrier, P-1,0/ • a,7l ( n1np71nil&4,n 1>dae.b,atn1teo SYalten ' ' araMal"47 ai ST. PAUL'S DRAMATIC' SOCIETY PRESENTS 6 �. 9li TOWN HALId Wednesday, . May 2nd at 8 p.m., Sharp TIChETS, 35c Plan of Hall at Fair's Book Store. SEEDS VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SOW SIMMER'S SEEDS For good results f Specially. Priced 9t1 pkt. or $ for 250 SWEET PEAS tEckford Mixed, 150 an Oz. .Spencer Giant Mixture, 150 pkt. 'THIS..15 TI3E MONTH TO PLANT 1, SWEET PEAS GET TIIEM IN EARLY J. Cuninghame Phone 31 FLORIST Greenhouses on Huron Street -97-3 SPECIAL TAFFIES m Also a large assortment of bulk land package chocolates Bulb Ice Cream ailed Bricks, E. WENDc.. P Confectionary ,and Restaurant "We aim to please," • FARMERS Wan NEED''YOUR SCRAP IRON WE WILL PAY CASH $15 per ton .for .Stove and Furnace Scrap 520 per ton for Good Machiinery\ Scrap Delivered at - cur Shan GET YOUR NEW PLOW POINTS AND GREY IRON CASTINGS PROM i1S UtTRON SPECIALTY C Motor Works 'Building G C0 Paint Up, Cleat, Up,' Keep It Up JusR cel t e veil a Special Assortment of Aluminum Wave Special at 98e. See ti Window o r W ndow Display utility Paint_fof Barns, Sheds and Garages $2.00 per. Gal. Now is the time to brighten up with Sherwin-WiIIiams Paint. Mixed Nails from 1 to 6 in. $4.00 per `Keg A full line of Brantford Roofing Call in and look over our Stock lOur Prices are Right The Store with a Stock ST WILL PAY YOU To pay us a visit to look over our stock of Fuu•nitureand Hard- ware. We feel sure of pleasing you with a splendid assortment, carefully selected from the best manufactnrdrs. Our dining -room suites in Golden, Famed and Keppel Oak, as well as Solid Walnut are real bargains. Bedroom suites, springs and mattresses galore. A fine new lot of Reed Chairs and Ferneries And remember our stock .of Congoleum Rugs, Linoleunis and Oil Cloths is complete The Eureka Vacitutp' Cleaner gets the dirt and:: saves' a lot of work Ask for a demonstration Clinton � fon Hardware and Furniture Co® THE STORES WITH A STACK Furniture Phone 104 Hardware 195 star The��r�: NORMANDI E BLOCK PROGRAM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "The Bachelor Daddy" Burton Holmes'• Travelogue. Special matinee Saturday after- noon. at 2.15 for children. This is an es ecall - p y interesting feature for kiddies as -caste includes-; five children who take prominent parts. MONDAY AND TUESDAY "Lotus Eaters" starring John Barrylnore A South Sea Island 'story also 2 -reel Educational Comedy WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY` Paramount Special "Just Around the Corner"?' Story by Fannie Hurst, author of Humoresque, also Paramount Magazine. Regular admission prices,45c and 10c. BIGGER'CROPS make you MORE MONEY Y'bu Save Labor ., Yon Save Seed - „'iron make every acre work SWIFT'S Red Steer Brand FERTILIZERS Give Crops early start Produce maximum results Plade your ordor NOW with our Agent or write us Agents wanted where the aro not represented Swift Canadian Co. Limited , West Toronto 'ONION STOCK YARDS stnlgcdr„assau;s�c�mcaaaktmm,srtt.aracwzas.rozsw >a nran,m�ty