HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-4-26, Page 5halo APslb, 2'6 tli,, l?923 Interest to You and Mc, st weep, waC courtesy weo1e, '1?ict, 0 noir<c uiy.<ittfeuince. "A:'liiaiar d ,/ A'g is all right," remarks an exchange, `if boiled soon enough," Vleo if not•boiled too long. the 1.iticarahie Review thinks' the ix tl inc, of moonshine actinniC tor the hoxter,.e and high price' Of sugar, If Ir it's aa it is just another reaosn`'for lznoting og1 the inoonshiners• ThezT. is na agreement between: the Iribergls and ]'rocs>siveS but the CIto1'otito St,ar tlttn2s 41 'would-be' a voting of the common enemy"." 'to t;both a I,iber ai and a Pxogredeive a '11old against a Conservative: j)drdote in the coming .election, -So ere you have ii Premier Drury and the. Liberal's Tante Mr Ferguson to making ini- �tp ossible the passing "o1 a xedis `ttibutton VIII but we Taney no • one' is more pleased than Mr, .Drury to be rid: of the thing If 3D Drury,"in-' -tended getting through a re disteib- 'ution bill this session he should have had it ready months ago, , Otve*t Sound; Sun -Times asks: "If Alberta coal will burn without clink- res and with little ash; .with proper check drafts will hold a fire for 24.. 'tours, will give rapid Or slow- heat: as wanted, and will not foul flues' or: ehimneys, what more is wanted, ex- cept' plenty, 'Of it at 'a reasonable- -price? , The answer is: nothing. "On' dear!" sighs the San Francis- co Daily News, "Uncle Sane is up a-` gainst another.obstadle'to selling his 'blamed old ships! Two. ;small vessels on the Great Lakes Were sold to Canadian parties by the shipping board under-contrget stipulating ,that they should not"be used to violate United States law in -any manner,' -Canada ,promptly, refused the ves-' sels,registry. She is backed in her action by ,London and 'her suit will" be followed by every foreigner think-` ing of buying those `white elephant' - ships of -Uncle's. The Washington administration " rimy have the legal rights of the mat- -ter, but" most laymen will hold \that. the terms,. of that contract: are insulting and that, IT '!Uncle r Sam can sell >ships with a string to them, -there's :a blooming fine future for hint h the'oil well game," Just` so! 'We do not :know who "bought those ships, ,butwe're ..glad -t anada had.the "gui1ption" to refuse them registry. Canada is running'her own show and Thiele Sam needs, sone-.. - trues, to he ;ntad'e aware of the fact.' H011uesvillle On Friday evening last the Mission {'hole "of the 'Methodist church_ held its annual meeting, when the follow- ing officer's' were appointed: ' Hon. -President: ,Mrs. W. Pickard: President Whs. Fred. Potter: 1st Vice: IVIrs. S.G..•Walter: 2nd Vice: Mrs, L. Jervis, 3rd Vice:' Miss 16. Courtice;' Cor-Seeretary" Mrs. E. Yeo; Rec.- ' ec:' Secretary Miss Frances Potter; Treasurer Mrs.' L. Jervis, Supt of ,5ewandship:• Mrs. Geo. Proctor: Supt. of Mite Boxes: Mrs: 0. Foster:: ",Organist: Mrs W: "Yee. A nunthe •here are investing in The many "friends Of Mr. S. W. Mil - hit, will he glad to hear of his im-. • provenient. Mr. Hawke of Clinton occupied the pulpits at Ebenezer and Zz Itnesville p �. o Sunday.' VaIf`dlcl On Sunday last aJfr. Alfred Austin -ou, rural mail courier; visited an' cull Salvation Army "friend, Mr,, • Thomas !Raney ,o4 -Hibbert towaiship, whom he ' has knooi n for the' past ;forty years they, being soldiers to= -gether' 'in • the Army at Blyth, the former's liome town. Mr., -Raney has ,'heen confined to' bed for the last • two months with pernicious anemia • and as lie is a , roan of ''advanced years his .recovery is dotilit£ul. Marriages Gr 4ZIER-BROPI-IEY'---At t ieh on April 12th, by "P.ov S: Hardy, ,Evelyn, eldest daughter of Mr, Joseph Lrephcy,_ to Tlternao Glaziex,'youdgest son of 'Mr. aiid MTS. Wm."Glazier, all of Goderich. 7!:I,S1IEY-A1 .Lon'desboro, on April 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elsley, daughter. --Laura Kathleen, T10i11ES 0 In Goderieb,. on April_ 16411, to Mr, and Mrs. Dudley P. Dohler;, a slaughter.' • ICEMPTIIOI1NE---At Whitby, April 21st, to: Mr. and Mrs: S. G. Kemp- ' thorne, '(toren rly Mise Helen Doh- erty) a daughter. ' RMtRAS---In ,Clinton on "April 25th; to 'Mr. and 'Mrs. M. Itamros, a SOn, `DUN,BAR--At Norwood, Manitoba, • on Apiril 10th, to 1125 arid Mis, IRob ,,err -Dunbar, (nee Burnett), a` son, Deaths McGARVA- Tn Clinton, on Apr, 21st, aDlhigaret Walace widow of the late Jelut'IVIeGarva, in her 81st year. "FREEMAN -In IIullctt i;awnsltip, on April '23rcl, Ifonry Freeman, aged 40 yc;Ois, 83ARL`1ON---At Goderich, an April:' 16th, Margaret Johnston, widow of the late Henry Marlton, aged 87 Fears, YIILAIIAII In Colborne township, 00 Monday, April, 16th, William John Graham, in his 18 year. ,r- `Pasture 'fo Rent Any person wishing to vent pas,.° Lure for cattle apply to R. S. Smyth, -the Grsh,alsr !louse, Clinton; ffi9-1: 1ltsture Farm For Sale .1c ontrinhig.40 afires Jot, north 30, cgit,. Y Godetieh tawnsiil2,,' further• pa„icul'ti's ' 0p sl,,v •to Mrs. � 1 Waller -Weston, lt. No, 2Day-. field. NIr fc"or 000. q --97,.tf -Baking Sale Dome ]]lade Baking Salo, Sat, Ap- ril 28 in the Agricultural Office 1111- der thexust>ices -of the Junior Can edlian Oirls in trainin;'. Baking, Can- dy, fish Pend, , 90-1 4' otice, All aeoounts owing tot the late S. Paul's Dramatic Society The' Dramatic Soczcty ,tt•e.woa'kind;. very hard,' putting ,finishing touches on their play "Daddy Lrmg 1 cgs" a o la which r, t i presentqcb in the town hall ext Wednesday, May. .The play is written by ,Jean Webster the authoress et the ]look of .the same name • . Peas For Sale Carden fleas, 20e, 1b at 1,'- W. Man- nings town, or Lewis Crieh's Phone 25 on 61.7. -99 3 p hull For Sale Choice purebred Durlianr bull,' 33 t,.ed SiclO.own must be paid by l ay aiipnths old, weighs 1000 pounds, Kir - 20th. Call and settle with Ilk's. 'B, ed by John Sc. tre 'i1n r A i al ; to lC o 1e; Ally5 •Cole:- D. 1 . Me1nG'.yre; Executer. Phone' 1-.6 4 1"i P 3.. 1,. Clinton'. ttoz central 1 ,JaJ-2 1 der Washes' .. Well in any Water With water hot or cold, hard or soft, SURPRISE . gives a quick, lasting lather; and perfect satisfaction. 16t • Money Advanced on improved Farms Ta pay part purchase money or existing mortgage ; To erect .buildings or improve present: buildings ; To buy stock; , To pay oft Bank Loans, etc. Farm 'L oo tgages Purchased or Loaned Upon Do all your long term borrowing from an old established mortgage loaning Company. Your business will be confidential. You will always know where to Ford your lender and your desires will receive prompt and business -like consideration. Write or Call upon ntario. The Q Loan &De�ntuereC®nma Dundas Street and Market Lane LONDON, ONTARIO Paperhanging aYnting and Decorating Orders left with us will receive prompt attention P1ouse pai>stii g and out door 'work A11 Work Guaranteed' i, Prices Reasonable We'handle Paints and Paper &POTTER Phone orders left at No. 5. r `tM.El; kS15724187iY53i cg.i l;I,} T, r one '''or. Thad. liedroora 'Of Yors • If ever there a was wall,'finsh, that -just ' suited,a bedroom it i; s Me llotbrie. "' We can't exactly tell you why. .But when you see its cha:rmin'g velvety -like finish, and the excep- tionally pleasing, array of color's it comes in, you'll know betted' than it We took all this y» page to tell you about it. That's why: we a00 6tlgg'estiilg that you ;drop into our stoxe andsee for Yourself. After which, male up your mind what's best :for that "bedroom of yours. 1111111RINS HARDWARE CLINTON the And" 'ea alt �. o o .Enloe az: good c:gpsrt Tea,,.Goflee 00' Cocoa? .Lf you do your blends: o� ic! a , 1 1 1 Orange 1 el.aa zx'fitei " o c japan a„ Ourf' 1 n i Own of pe has to e4 'thoflavor you are looking .lot. .Try them and enjoy a lifiAl', amp of Tea, Coffee o' Cocoa. Get our prices on Laundry soap, Toilet. miens Lux, Ammonia, ,. P miens, 1 , ., Pe, arlino and all the articles you need for the annual arming clean up. Motto: YOUR STORE -OUR `STORE -GET GUI'? G . PRICES Highest Prices Tor Eggs g 66s Get the habit of Dealing_ at . • JO MSC„ ' SCi;� ttia THE S'T'ORE FOR EVERYBODY tig1 ,01.1 u'glum.:4dx:x42=5zxr mrar„arrxrrst:Ez. zcnrra. ehh.L .ail the Ti i'ot t F. J Brown Co.'s ei{lson's Ice Cream in varied flavors ,Neilson's & c,co'ttt . --the ChocuJattea that are different TRY QO U N W 1VIALT it LOAF made from the Whole wheat flour BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone I' EGGS FOR HATCHING From bred -to -lay S. C. White Leg - horns, the Guild gttain, mated with males whose grandam has' a record of 312 eggs in a year. 750. per settings of 15 or 34.00 per 100 FRANK J. TYNDAI.L R. It. No. 4 CLINTON South -End Grocery Quality table supplies . in aII lines of Gi4OCERIES We have many good values to offer you and respectfully, solicit a trial order., OUR. MOTTO: "Quality, Courtesy ,and Good Service" 97-4-p DON'T FOIIGET' ,Our delivery will be at your "ser- vice from 8 a.tn. until 6 p.m. and on Saturday's from. 8" a.m. until 9 p.m. water and electric lights, 04 acre. of garden with fruit trees andsmall J. RE ID Apply to W. L. PEEPERS, e8 �t� �r� car. Albert and Princess streets. 99-2 • Give us a Call: \ Phone 144 Farm For Sale or Rent 100 acres, Lot 16 on the Bayfield road, half mile west of Varna. Well built on, good clay loam well wat ered. Apply on preiuises°to. A. Rob ertson,98-3-p,' House For Sale Cottage on Princess street town Eggs For 'Hatching From bred -to- sy strain :of B. P. Roclts, mated to cockerels, from Mc- Donald College, Quebec. $1.00 per of setting 15 5 �,of 14, 00 per -hundred. D. G. Galbraith, Bayfield,,' Ont. phone 609 r 11, Clinton central. t -98-44 LEAVING TOWN A few good first-class, obest-in-t14e- world pumps will be sold, 912,00 pumps for $8.00, while they last. Also set of blacksmith's tools for a song, a well windless and 2 buck- ets, cheap;" 2 rough barn pumps, $5 each; 3 cross cut saws and other' things, Shop will " be "running for about three wgeks. Confe before it is too late to get a Stephenson best=, in -the -world, pump. -John Stephen- son. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Mary Ann Bean, deceased, • Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having; claims against the es - tato of Mary Ann ,Bean;"late of the Town of' Clinton; in the County of Huron., widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-sixth clay of March, 1923, are required'to deliver to Oliver; J. Jervis ,and William ,A, Meadows, the executors of the said estate, or their solicitor on or before the 1st day of May, 1923, a full state- niient of their claims, together with particulars thereof, and :the nature of the securities if an'y, held by $lietn, all duly verified by aifidayit. And take notice, that after" the; =said last mentioned date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate of the 'said' clec.cased alum -mit tho persons entitled thoi.etg;; having regard 'only 1:6 du'ehrcloims''ts;•.thoy shall, have received (hue notice and in accordance 'therewi'th Dated, at Clinton,; this 11111 clay of April . A. 1 ;' 1925., W., BRYDoNL, Clinton; ,Ontario. Solicitor fol the said ,executors: -97-3 Houses For Sale 2 houses in Clinton, one on Huron the other out Rattenbuny,'street. Ap- ply to 1'4iss Boa;t',a; Cantelon, •98-tf House. For Sale 7 -roomed ;Exam. -house ori -,Princess Street, house in good repair, cellar, garden with sante fruit' trees. ,Also some furniture.' Apply on premises to Mrs.; Smelt"* r, 37-tf For Sale Remington typewriter, No; 10. in first-class order; walnut stand, com- plete; half price, Inquire at News - Record office,. ---07-t7 House For Sale mi Huron Street With an acre find an eighth of ground,town water and electric light, Price, 31,500, ' Apply to Mies E, Whitely or : W. Brydone, Bat'ristei', ,Clinton. 1 -96-te Eggs Igor Hatching I'renl our pens of S. C. W. Leg- horns anti 13, P. Reck hens :that have Proven themselves -to be early layers and Heavy producers throughout the year, mated with angles from trap- nested hens with records ,611 214 tb , 255 eggs in the ^'ears 44.00 per hun, dyed,. IL 1, & W. 1'111. Wise, R„• R. No, 3, Clinton, Phalle 4nnneotion• i. -te j 1, Babb Baby chicks ^frons free range, breci- tb-lay, S. 'C.",White Leghorns. _515.00 per. hundred, 10%u of purchase price With order, balance before chicks are shipped. Capacity .25,000 chicks per, season INGLEN00K'POULTRY YARDS E. J. TREWARTHA Hohn esv ille,-'Ont. Phone: 22" on 011, Clinton central. -95-44 Half 'Holiday We, the undersigned Grocers' of Clinton, hereby agree to close our plates of .business every Wednesday afternoon from May to October, in- clusive, weeks wherein another holi- day "conies excepted. II. WILTSE. JOHNSON ,& CO. THE C &,. S GROCERS 1. P. SHEPPARD & CO. J. McKENZIE. ,W DOMINION: STORES 1. T. REID W. T. O'NEIL C . McLENNAN' -98-2 °•Pasturo To tent, '60 acres good pasture land to rextt, .well watered, Lot 42, Mait- land) concession; Goddrich township, Phone 7.1 do 602. Chas. 'NV. Williams, sr., R. R. No. 2--04-tf Small Farm PorSale, r/1 voile north of,Clintbn, on Gravel Road;. containing"'8 acres, young or- cltard and smallfi uit; bank barn with cement stabling for 4"laoad of cattle and, 3 horses and driving slued and hen house; 7 -roomed house, with good cellar. -Apply .to Mrs. 0. M. "Far- quhar, -98-tf Hausa For Sale 2 -story brick house on North street, In good repair, all conveniences, acre of land, fruit tneos,,cte. Good stable could be used _Cor .dill'orent purposes.. Also. a 2 -acro lot. 'near, railway' track, C, J. Wallis, Clintdn, , 81-tf. Hog For , Service Supreme Lad, '''No. 180, a)egisterecl Largo Blaelt" hog, will stand for ser- vice at the premises of the under- signed. C. W. Williams, .Sr., Lot 44, Maitland Con., Goderich Tp. -92-41 Fifty Acres For Salo'- Abo..0 t on. tulle :from Gliutots, good level land in best of condition, suit- able for cultivating or for pasture, Half is seeded down. Good "fences andI watered by Bayfield River. In- quire at News -Record ()Mee. --00.4f Loth for. Sale or Rent o s 57 andv 58, Maitland concerti Sion Oodorieh township," containing 164bl'a aei'cs, more or , letis. Bank. barn, 50 feet square, stalling under, ncat31 driving shed, hsed, 36x158; hen .house, large frame house. Pos. session given at our?, Andrew Siitrherd, NtnIslesihor., •ntesrie. ,764E pn';Willl 1 Ilk 111111 Iii' I1 '11 1 111 111 011 1111 Ill 161111411118 6lmiili;l 1111 11011111111111110M1110111111191111111011 0101 :vo!;ybody\re1oo�o TO OUR' STORE ON FRIDAY" SATIJRDAY And MONDAY,APR. R. 27111, 291•h rand: 30'Ik' t� COIII1 AND BE CONVINCED Come: to our ,Chi-Naxnel Exhib tionaod SEE za Clii-Narriei l'aitzts, ,Enamels and Varnishes Demonstrated COSTL4" ADVICE -FREE An expert, Homo Decorator willgive." Free Adviceti'iz ' 'Exhibit, clt ag ,xlubat; A.nyo y ern beautify oldor new Floors, Dooms, Woodwork; T'umni- ^Lure, etc., -with 'these •CHINES'91 014 FINISHES No one will, be urged to buy. CRI-NAMEL 1'14EE 050 Cld-Namehboiled, baked and banged with a hammer, without injury. See old dirty soft wood Fiooir Doors, Woodwork and Fiurni- tuZe outde to look and last like 'expensive Bard wood finishes by .I. The Ghi-Namel:Gtaining Process. COME AND LEARN TO GRAIN IN FIVE MINUTES TELEPHONE 53 (®II@I_ 11 i1111111111ii1if11ir111120.21l1111l1111112211 1111111111111111111111110 1111111 1111111111! 111111111111111 I II 11111411 1111 11111111111111150111 -Phone 63. OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 a.m. ,'2.00 to 5.30 p.m.` 7.00 to'9.00 p.m. W eilnesdays 9.30 to 12 a.m. 7,30 to 9 p.m. DR. W. R. NIMMO - Chiropractic Specialist. Specializing in Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Normandie Block, Clinton, Ont. AUCTIONEER . Honor Graduate Carey 3pnes' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 98, -88-tf-1923 Clothes Cleaned' and Pressed .-Clothes' cleaned: pressed and re paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's' barber shop. W. J. Jago; -83-tf aby Chicks From Bred -to -Lay Stock PLYMOUTH ROCKS S. C. WHITE LEGIIORNS At Reasonable Prices Write :or call and enquire about my custom hatching- plan, hatch Your own eggs, E. L. MITTELL, Clinton Store vacated by J. E. Johnson or Spring- S`.:Pairs MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK- ING BOOTS ni 3o50.. il`1.,� 5.00 Boys and 'Women's at Equal Value' e rry' Opposite the Postodice. Clinton, l" Egh C rad liver and rases Mr. Farmer -Spring is in the air and spring uteans 'Seed Time Red Clover, Alfalfa (Ontario grown) Timothy and Alsiko arenow on hand'.' This seed is all .Government Stand- ard and the finest we can obtain. ' Before buying call and get our prices SPEED GRAIN OATS -Improved Bahner and: Siker- / ran Cluster. BARLEY _„ Mandscheuri six -rowed, Also small quantity of tvro- rowed. PEAS -Small .and large'anieties,, ,CAR OF BRAN AND SHORTS' IIIS W51316 W. Jenkins & Son. a'LO171t ,Ai4x1 PEE11 I'haarl+eti: 1114**tor 10P„ Ihrt4/4444 114 Singer Sewing Machine. Family, Electric and D. R. Styles Also some second-hand machines, good, as new. Old•'machines taken aspartpap:tient Easy Terms. It will pay you to look these over " before puyirig elsewhere. REPA1IUNG AND PARTS FOR ALP;, MAKES OF MACHINES , ' EARL STEEP COAL NUT. STOVE & `EGG i ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 119 1/1/ANTE o ' 1,500 muskrat skins.. Highest market prices : paid. If' you have any, call phone 137 and 'I will -Call for them: afar Phone 137, - Clinton. SEE ES' Our spring stocks of'•Alfalfa; Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Yellow and • White Blossom, Sweet Clover are�-now ready . for sale. Farmers debiring clean, hardy seeds at a reasonable price will ;find it to their.. advantage to ,Any now. Our stock is all On- tario Grown Seeds. Substantial die count on cash sales, ' (DOPING :Have a •complete line of highest grade do asphalt roofing. Will guaran- tee our line and stand behind it. Always on hand: Purity, Five Roses, Thorobred and North Star. Flours, Ground Charcoal, Beef Scrap Tankage; Ground 'Flax Seed; Corn; Ground Corn; Oatmeal; Oyster Shell; Grit; Royal Purple, Pratt's and- Wodehouse Stoclt Foods and Royal Purple, Wodehouse and Blaehford's Calf Meal; Glauber Salts; Sulphur and Salt. Special prices on large quantities for cash. J. A. FORD'. SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses Ff,ggs e : `P%1,,kitni Wanted . We are in the market. all tho gear round for eggs and poultry: IT WILL BE TO YOUR AD- VANTAGE TO GET IN TOUCi'l WITH 'US WHEN READY TO IVCAIi,ICET YOUR PRODUCE. GUNK, LANGLO S C ,. CLINTON, ONTARIO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager, Phone No. 190 I;lohnesville 601 r CREAM WANTED! Tho demand for our butter is ica. creasing. To supply this demand vve requird more cream. We request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Highest 1Vfarket Prices, !accurate tests and prompt service, Our firm is known to you And need no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furl., ish cream cans and pay twice eacl;t month. WAto fox rano or further informs.,,,, 41411 to Ilia • VOitm cat Gat, a 1131.