HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-4-26, Page 4411,4P ',Ft'S 4li l ➢/ NEWS, the New Paper bpringSpring Now Here We sbaall be pleased to have you look- them- over, as we are sure you will he pleased witb1'the selections. `i Prices are e considerably lower than last year. r - � Comeec'31�"@ whiletile�aeek t.S �'4apl�syi��.4 Special prices on odd lots remnants arid a;ll•,lriu' 4 r lii�1-s; 1 All paper not semi -trimmed will be trimmed ;free. ` CLINTON Liorntlesboro :The W. lqf. S. o1'"the Methodist church met at the ,IMine of Aire: E. Yyotti Wednesday afternoon of lash week and a V88 profitable 'after- noon Was spout, at which the electron of officers took plat*. The officers ar•ot; Pres- Mrs, J. 'V; Tarnblyn, 1st rice: Mrs. E, Bell, 2nd 'Vice; Min. 'Qs bol^8 dor-secretary Mas, )D, Lyon, ree-e,'cnrct ar y; Mrs. Julia Brown, Treasurer.; Mrs. J. Coiiloor, Stranger secretary: MIT,. Soinptioli; oiganrst 111x$; Er,nea't Adams, assistant: lIrs. Katie Brown. At the close of the meeting • thio 'following address was "readmakiir;;, Mrs, Brogden and Mrs, Bell life members of the sechdy, they •both being unavoidably absent; on account of sickness. "Dear Mrs, Brogden aril 1lrs::'Bell: As two of our (haitelr Members ,we this afternooi) as a society wish' to show our -•appreciation, Dot ` only of the work you have done in OUT society but as weriters in. Londesboro Meth- odist church,. You have always'takon your place in helping with the church ••rand lawnsocials we ask sr I>pers and you to accept these , Life Member- ship Certificates, May, youu-long be spared to sheet with us, not. only in this Society but in all our church work,, remembering that the Master has work for each of w Cto do.. Signed on behalf, of the W. M. 'Z Auxiliary: .Mrs. -J. W. Tamblyn, Mrs, James Els- itlrs. Samuel Lee has purchased a house in Goclerlch anti obtains pos- sesion the middle of May. Mrs. Lee and her little family will take up their abode in• the county town next month. M. -Sidney Lee 'and Mr. Bert Bea- com, who have been in 'Detroit for the past few months were home' over the week -end. ' 1Viiss Phauie Little returned house on Saturday after a visit with Lon- don friends: Mrs. MJ0all of Brussels is spend- o fey days at the home of .her bro If your oven is slow to beat you will find Egg -O thee, MI. Alex Wills. " Rev. •W, R. Osborne visited lasts ust as slow •to act -its doiuble action insures week with liis motile). i in. Cotlhsin. Mr, leavening' with a slowor E T: Cooker of Clinton had charge not oven. of the services in the IY'lethodist' *Iit ORDER FROM, YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER . 1 OnDortunity, for Cultural Study School teachers, extramural, regular and special students are invitedto conic for six weeks' Sumareg School, which opens July 2nd. General B. A. and .Honor B. A. courses aro offered. English, Mathematics History, Philosophy, Languages and • Natural Sciences -20 courses in all. Special course in Geology, ` including Geography. and -Physiography required ay Depart- mental regulations: Low fees, 10 • Apply K.P.R.-NEVILLE, Ph.D.,;Registrar, London, Ont. .- church on Sunday . • Mrs. W. Little and Miss Dorothy spent a few days Of the past week with friends near Blyth. ' Mr. Thomas Sampson was in Har risburg visiting Mr, Jun Hill, a'form- er resident' ofthe village.c Mr: Hill who has been seroitrslti ill for six weeks, is not improving as his friends would like and little hope is Held .out for :his °recovery. -- 'Rev. Mr, Roy,: and family, who merit the winter. with Mr,'Victor Roy on the 9th con.left this week for Toronto, where they intend to live: If you want to see something woOt1i' while conte to see : "Her Gloves" in the Community Hal l,'Londesboro,"next Monday night. Thisplay,was put on in Auburn last week 'under the aus- pices of the Woman's Institute and in being put on next Monady night: under the auspices df the local Institute, :uekeisnnitii Township et" the annual. Sunday sclsool meeting, of How - Turner's cchurali on Tues- day evening `the, following 'list . of officers was ''appointed; the Rev. S. Anderson, presiding:, Superintendent: Herbert Crich. Assistant: L. Tebliutt, •• Secr ovary w !111 i 1 I i; yllll 11� I�IiI SII l�lllil''llil[IIIIIIii111il1�ll I�I � _. 1pglilli;u,IIQIIlR1�I11111111lli111111llllN1,111Illlll111liii111111111,1111111ui111111'111111111111+i! i PI' i t• ��11�11 I!1 a ' ��iplll�ll' �rqp. l 11! 1 Ipl,lllDu � !; i.!►! J11Il(i�l ,I .• i1 lli���ll!�l�11"�'Ifjp111 I�!I�l,�� III11� � it � ,��f1,1 • li iBIill ,,,i 11,1 llia►r1'I, i;i'��.1�, l ! 111 �I l�,l,�ll'I !IlfIfl�111111, I I�III ,.It I I1 � d 1 �. - TJX a I �I! II 1 1 r 14rG] Ir !.x 111111 I i I tU i liti'I:Q? �.' Air.�ir x tt HAT OSY YOU r rcoLueR N y A'?COSTOYOU SI](TY-NINE CL'NTS TO.2AY MPA R,,OtsYE: lee L1: OTHERR-COMM LOW --AND :H[ 'MRS CHER ANO 0TI 4 CR+r,.+ CARS PURCHASE NO eGLeim NTAINCO• roe. TOURING (Afl RI '.AZO IN- `'"c,` N- NLC +OTOR YOU P,- M 101;1 Po 100 CRb 1S7.1 ICO '179,S. 100 ILII, edOTE`. MCTALS PUY A PfMtgifttgr YOU GOV Pe. CAA, AT'1'IiC.,seSG PAIC(r5 Runalroui 8405 Touring 8445 Coupe •8605'' Sfdan 5785 Chas315 sM. Trar]c sts849$ HJ',A"An� tlJsJN` iN*�N ....raw coupe is F"',C10'.0 AX you can get 31% -&., ;If -El -ere of.Ford Equipment for a dollar fictan in 1914 Ai.mc t all .other commodi- ties ox ody- tiea today show.. a rkd.r,r&Ge . i1. clA sse over 1914 'prices, Till 13 i'',t3.e meats that a man whether he be a farmer, 1?nanu.- factuur rr other producer,, can buy Ford Equipment at., a ;. greatly reduced price while he receives a healthy increase- for his products over 1914 price -s, This is in, face of the fact that the tendency of price. on all eor tnodi•tieS is to increase. There''ore, the present prices of Ford Cara., which are the lowest an the history of the "'company, cannot be, guaranteecl. The only way you cart make sure 'of them is to fitly` Now. Terms if you wish. Fi ANL Y MOS. CLINTON, ONT. iP1-iONI 156 Ts OR COMPAI Zr OF CAl A1SA, x XMIT la, 1 ORD, ONTARIO 54 „Clinton `[News -)tee 'ed rind lehna , lreaz'~ur'or John T}unerl Teaches:, •Senior Bible Olassl lllrs', Ray Fear.; Junior Bible Glass, Mrs. Ira Johns; Intermediate 'and junior classes: lvlrs, A, 111:atLi,0)on,`1Yi'iss Ed- na Cutch, ss.1'ear1 Crich and Miss Mary; Turner. Organist; Miss Mab- el f,a•ieh, GQ22'"a:-;rich 'TOW l ,`` ti P The iol1PwingNas frena the-lltedicirael Hal (Alboiite) ,Neyrs of Al 11135, and refers .to the 'marriage e1 the grand daughter of, the late C. 1. Mes- MLt of Goderich township, lkirs. Kerr being, formerly Miss Helena Nesbitt. loaner friends In the vicinity will be interested: `"At IlifiL9i Ave, Methodist ,church on Wcduesday, April 1111x, the rirar- ria c was quietly solemnized of Hol-, env, Nesbitt Kerr, B. A. eldest day- gIitoof the late 11. J, Kerr <and .Airs. Kerr, of, Medicine Etat, Alberta, and the Rev. fames Evans, . von of Mr, John Evans, of Liverpool England. The 'cerenaosii was performed at 11 a:nr by the ILev A:'C 1 arrcll, Me bride looked' exceedingly lave-, ly iu her bridal gown,. of simple l !white organdie and tulle veil” caught tip with pearls, and carried' a shower. bouquet of freesias, sweet peas and carnations, i> After• the wedding;. breakfast at the home, 5210 Fifth' Aye Mr. and Mrs. Evans left to visit', western.';ities, the bride travelling in a modish suit of, nap t iC ti1C withS'ti r l stole over black lace ,blouse with 'touches of paisley. Mrs: Evans' manyfriends h1- Medicine Hat join in Wishing for herself and her husband a bright and prosperous future, .,Mr. Evans is one of the western managers of "the Do minion` Chatauqua." The Rev. Mr; 'rOolclough will give •an.illustrated, lecture en "The Can- adian West" in St. James' church, Middleton, on Friday ' evening, May 4th, at eight o'clock. Everybody wel- come. Mr. Colelqugh, gives this lec- ture in 'London very shortly. 1u1ett Toviinshlip- Ilenry Freeman, an old resident of this town inp died at his home on the second concession on Monday mor- ning at the age_of.- eighty :years. : Mr.. fireeman, who was born in Lincoln-. shire,'England, came out to this h was about twelve. country when c He and his mother took up the farm upon which he . had lived ever since and on which he died, When about twenty he was; married to Mary Ellenor Kettle who posed away about four, years ago. There were born to this union twelve cirl(ren, nine dau- ghters and three .sons: All grew to manhood and womanhood and ten still survive: Joseph, Robert' and John, Airs., E. Crawford, Mrs. H. Gi inger, Mrs, G. Riley, r Mrs, M. Montgmnery, Mrs. T. Glazier anti dMis Miss Charlotte J'. Freeman of this town- ship and Mrs.McNeil. of London Mrs. T. Grainger and Mrs, •W. Riley. died some years. ago. The funeralr took place to Clinton cemeter,ry yes torylay .afternoon. Mr. Freeman had been confined'to his bed for the past five weeks. "-• The family are grateful for thekindness shown by their nei- ghbors and friends during their time of trial. McKillop Township Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Agar spent: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kir is , The many friends of 1VIr. Jos. Daysnond were sorry to hear of the death of her sister; Mrs.. ).a Ross of Brucefielci , The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs Jos- eph Scott's on Thursday of last iyeelc ESr Thous' Lis Drown has- been en- gaged. pressing 'hay in the neighbor- hood lestweek.' ilIr. Wesley Agar is engaged with. Mit Brown pressing hay this spring•. Mi. M. Beaton had 1VIr. Gorden elir- plg'yed prunning his orchard a' few days last, week. The ,,,ladies of the house have quite an ' iuidtrtaking this spring, house cleaning and at the 'sane time getting used to their new telephone 8111£5. , `)1 4o repo and strengthen •�' the orppahs at di)y0eiian anti olimirtatioh icipt•pw40 appetite, stop 'sick Poosdaohe 5, relieve bil- iousness, r correct 'eonstlpa1iop„'.. They act promprtiy, picasantly, mildly, yet thoroughly. - `Oct a Your aSo. Sox Druggist Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont, TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO' Daily Except Sunday', Lye Goderieh . 6:00 am. 2.20'p,m.' Lve CIinton ^ 6,25 a,n1, 2:52 t ,iii. Lve Seaforth 6.41 afar. 3.12 p,nr, Eve Mitchell 7.04 a in, 8.42 pm, Arr Stratford ,.. 7.30 a.nr, 4,10 p.m. Arr Ritchen„r,,. 8.20 a.m. 5,20 p.m, Arr Guelph . .. 8.45 a.m. 1.550 p.m. Are Toronto .. 10,10 earl. 7.40 pan, RETURNING Leave `1'eronte. 6,50 a.m.; 12,55 , p.m. and 6.10 p.m.. • Parlor Oslo car Goderiicli' to To- Onto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 n:4n. train. ' Prirldr I3uifet epi. Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train, C.II, Ilorbing, U.I'. A.., (LT.R, System John IIttngtotd 'k Sari; Photo 85, Aliptow. Ag*t,i, :Auburn Tire .plav,"tler;GleVes", put 08 by the Women's - Iutiiitelte in the lTown- ship Haill, on Friday evening last, }VEL$ a real -treat, and a decided sue-.. cc r in {Veru way, Ail the play+- ors,acted their,parts splendidly, It has been suggested that' the play be plrt 'Oar, again and is ;'-beusg .put On in the Iaondesbgsn Community 1 -tall on Moad<1y 0vcniarg next under the \auspices of the honricsbore Women''s, Institute. - A lac ' far mors' Club unloaded, 'a car of limn.' andofeecl also' 8ee:,i'1 coria last' week. lti raid 1Y1:r'sz A. Cartwright' and family of Clinton ;spent the weelc-encl. with Mtis, tiV. J, Andrew, - Miss-I1'lor1, iCilloisgh el Toronto is visitingher sister, Mrs. Earl Raithby, 'Rev, P. Baines is .now drilling• a new ChevroTet Sedan: Kils,pera Mrs. R. L. Lundy has gone. to WindMr this week to attend the Pro- vincial W. M. R'mooting,,of the Pres- byterian chiu•eh, Mr. Thos. Mills, our vetfran black-' smith, ;who has been quite i11 for some months, is still confined 'to the house,, • Mr, Peter Cameron has houghf out the' Massey Harris agency at Bruce- field . and with Mrs. Cameron will reside there. Mr. Cameron's old .Friends will be leas' tohave him ' d In thea' midst p 4i sus again. They have latelyreturned here i'roin Kindersley, Sask. 111x. John A. Allan ;of Winghan} was a recent ,visitor with his r61- atives, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKen- zie. Mrs. Thomas Dayman, we are sor- ry to report, is confined to her home: with an attack : of scarlet fever. iilJRSIii , APltil, 261It, 1n3 Daily `Play -tune X�elr� la! CANDIDATES WILL -GIVE - PLEDGE ' At a meeting of the U. F. a ex- ecutive of the South Huron riding on Saturday a recom- mendation was endorsed urging that every candidate be required to take a pledge to adhere strictly t o the pol- icyicy and •principles of the U. P 'O: The riding convention, at which a representative will be chosen, will be held at Exeter on May 31st.' The fol- lowing is the resolution "Wheras circumstances have arisen in the United FarenlrsgrouP that call for determined and deiinate action on the part, of this convention in the selection of ai candidate to repres- ent the :riding in the legislature: "And wheras we, the delegates, here asseniblecl representing :the pol- itical thought of the said group.. i1 the riding, believe that coalition or fusion with either of the.:two parties that have dominated the political life of the province would eventually mean the' loss of'. identity' of, the'United Fardiers group. "Therefore be it resolved . that this convention require its canditdates:' (1)' To indorse theprinciples and goiieiel. laid down in the platform pf the United Fanners of Ontario. (2) To agreeto support the group. repres- enting the U. F. O. in the -Legislat- ure. (3) .'To consistently'. maintain the United Farmers group by 'non- support of fusion with either the Re,' form or Conservatives -parties. 1 11 LIMITED CAt BA °A'S LARGEST QUALITY A t . d.IT Y CLEANLINESS ESS SERVf E We Sen 4o Sailsfj PEANUT BUTTER 23C PLANTOL , SOAP MAPLE SYRUP • 13 Cakes. 25cNaexO'T'n 2.09 I -0 -In- Granulated SUGAR 10 pounds for -$1.15: 100 Pound ound b g � $11.35 Machine :Sliced SIIERRIFFS Mountain' Crest, BREAKFAST` MARMALADE Bacon n 33c 4 ib tin I 65c � 1P eas 2tiai s27 ,CAKE SPECIALS RASPBERRY end VALENCIA STRAWBERRY, -er b 1 p I., c DUNDEE , a� per lb. 29c 1 J.AM 2 JELLY ROLES 'EXCELLENCE for 25 or C BRAND, ( R ND No. '4 . i' I to 69c Cleansers 2 Old ,Mitch 25c for 'BABBITTS 9c. • rm 2- Chaf, 25c or LUX ' 1.1c. LYE . .2 for 2,9c. GOLD DUST 7c. SOAP CHIPS 2 for 27c SPECIAL BLEND Tea 60c l 2 PURE GOLLsg� PUDDINGS SELECT BLEND Coffee . 55c Cereals . RICE 3 lb. 25c. CORN FLAKES 3 for 29c. Puffed Wheat 2 for 20c .'Puffed Riee•2 for 35c. Romanmeal 335. 5Icrunrbles 14c. Quaker Oats 27c. CLINTON :.1::1 •nt T • :?n�,ao-• u.?�,r•..•Y,rlyvz:Pram M�a1x'•c'�,�1yr`�„�'i'Awmv'.-r Arr 111 GNB I INS 1 series wen' 4EVER. before has theta. been such a wide'spread appreciation, of the better type of hone decoration. W'e cater to this demand with a range of ',Wall Papers which should satisfy the most critical, They represent the most authentic designs in fine wall decorations, ti .Among the showing wilt be found ,a splendid assortment of BOXER papers -- nit 2 inches wider than the old tyPe of Wall Paper, giving the pronounced' a p40R. ob".t'EbT TUE CADAM poblem advantage of fewer seams and costing less because of greater covering surface. A visit to our Wall Paper department will result in a satisfactory solution of • any decorating problem. You will find us painstalring in loelping you select, farnn papers of marathon, ordinary merit, the patterns specially suited, to the rooms you purpose decor, ming this Spring. BUY NOW WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE AIR .COMPANY ALWAYS TUE B1US'I'.