HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-29, Page 4• Clintgt► hat wawK ATO wr : Wapers. For S aring. are Now Here Weahali°be.pleased `to have you look them over,'29 We 'are sureyot will be pleased with ,the selections; t Pries& are considerably.';IC/Wei' than last year. Conte .eari l vvi ille the .stock :.is, craenplete Spict�at\'price� on odd lots''of 1emfrant `and &(u ring lio' :All pap r' not semi1iri%oft1 oc1 wiii use t2•immed fri�e w5} moi+ =axe. vorsonnamonammanonomormonow 1, COOPE CLINTON est 0 Mr, Steele. Optician ''and Oiitometrist, 219 Duiidas; Se 4gn,.wii1 visit Clinton an Tuesday, April 10th:,:'Mc ivilly beleat.his.,• >i4aivs.ill,flit Rnttcr,bury. Hotel from 11 a.m. to'`$ .p.m..'t •'rl } Mr.,—Steele. guarantees satisfaction and only .reconiniencls -glassed• • Head ..office, 210 Dundas':St. London, • R.raeld Y His' (.Pr.) •Metalf,.,.who,spent.tate winter at - Detroit, returned•:to ',tiler grillage this _week. Mr: Walter Westlake of. the Sauble Line, Stanley, has purchased , the' residence of. Mr. 'Wilson Eagleson - and will prove his - family in. this week.'•" ' :. ,. . Mr:: William. Dixon, who sold his Irroperty fe". Mrs; Brown 6£ Owen Sound, moved into, the residence of Miss M. Reid on the Square this past. week. Mrs. Czrtvie.: • is s1)endinu .. a,.fetl Weeks with her sister,' Mrs. Thom- son, at Goderien. Mrs:: Morley 4lart 'of Toronto, is the guest., "of • her,parents, Mr: and Mrs..'George Kin''• ": Mrs. H. ;Ker'r of - .Alberta is pend int; the week with her;: sister, Mrs J. Davison, Coii'starce Mrs. Gearg .Stephenson is visiting, her sister-at'Niag'ara for_ some time •A 'pre i,,:(s,,.orial meeF.ang., will . be held tai -the' .basement of the i hurrah on • April'; 3rd. A good attendance- F - .kms• .... , quested.,,,Lunch will be served: Quite a number around here are side,, with golds, while seine have the, !Th • Mrs. Andrew is visiting het daugh- ter, ;Mrs. 13.' 73,i Stephenson, r Itlr. Fowler is busy these days help- ing to prepare his entrance class., T. Made le le"Get" Rhesmatisre .' S ,.'Hosielh ether pains am;fisy: 'j7b1i can;depend „upon T:R.G's to do their wyorlr.:When T,IZ,C.'s are, used, there's no chalice 'of: error. !in lodgment' no chance.ot'nustakes -a :tbeiiig made.. se is accurately meas- ured; ingredients absolutely pure, and .;gparanteed„rnot to be, injurious or •habit-forming. $1,00 atyourdrtiggist'a EFee sample, Ternpli'ton'sLtd.ITornte Sold by J; E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. xamii c theSea After cleansing any garment or materia) with SURPRISE ex- amine the Seams, ''You will find that SURPRISE' has done its work thoroughly: and the article 162 - ' truly clean. , `stu We Are Not Represented In a 'number oSS good sections The opportunity to handle, SHIFT'S Red ,Steer Brand FERTILIZERS . is probably open your section We sell High 'grade, Reliable •I!ertilizers,.; '' +'" Liberal Coltunilssions Alienia` vo*antcd wherever. We .are tot ..represented Drop zud.ti bite to -day,' wit te L.,To '1'lue funeral of the late Dr. Peters acdonald, •formor i'ederal member tor. East Iluren, swat 5ametiine Dep- uty Speaker in the 'louse of Com.: mons, wee . hold Tuesday afternoon' from St. Andrew's, ' Presbyterial church to ' Wingunun Cemetery, 'anti was largely attended, Rev. Dr, Per. aria officiating p4 •the service. T1ie pallbearers, life-long• trieEds_ oi' the deceased, were IL Vanstone, J. A.1vlaeLeen, Abttev .Coscns, T)z, A. J, Irvin, William 'Isbister' and A, E. Smith. VII@IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII11IIIIIplilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllpllllllllll11 How Flower and' Seed sales are increased by Long Distance Some quotations from recent reports; "j19 calls costing .$x,18 sold 15,000 blooms.. Nearly all tour sales aije made : by' Long Distance." "90% of our orders from dealers are by Long Dis- tance,," - "We 'call dealers once ,a , week during ' busy sea- son." "Do all our buying . by Long, Distance in the eve- ning." "Long 'Distance is essen- tial in buying seeds from growers," "Sold over 1,100bags of seed. by telephone." May we tett you how Long Dis'anoe is being used to increase sates in your basinors?: THE BELL TELEPITONIa CO. , OF CANADA:. �$varyBel( re(a}phone to Iona Dietanoa Station GIVE THE I3O"kS A SQUii1t , DEAY, Editor The td ,Records ad toz lie s t It wou' l' appear t the rama11 boys win) _ attend concerts in the town" 'tail, gpipg curly to be stire o1 get-, tint' a Trent seam, nava no right,' te A be 01 ro or at least are not entitled to. a".6eat, 'ever' thou t, rh ,they have $ Prod 1'01 it, Cn cue OCPOsiod , some t1111a ri o, sr' whole.iine1r 1, oi, ym4'1 lacks lvore o'dg;r.d,Trant , the'1b out to- .ltc tack -to stand: wa'l'e their''sweats slew oven will not spoil your baking when you use - Iakin Po der ORDER FROM YOUR .'14EIGHEORHOOD GROCER Kit: en. 9� p -Mrs, rs, Bert McKay of , the village was' taken to London ' hospital en Saturady.to;undergo an operation for appendicitis, which was successfully' performed, and at' last aeeonuts sale was' progressing favorably towel:ds recovery. The sympathy of Mrs, Me I ' Mfr` is a tendo ended -to- ' a 's ma� lends x � ny d Y her', and all hope to soon..., Sep, her ,back to_,Jser home. again, • Mr: 'Flies: Wren:" who far' sevo'ra1 months 'has bed working for Mr. A. McKenzie of the village,. left' on" Fi;iday la5t.to conimence.business' for, himself in Hensel], where he •has rented -a shop„. • Irl. spite of the cold weather quite a nun3ber. oft• tfarmers . have:., started syrup making and report some good yields- of sap until the ieeent” cold"' spell:*0 in, whipllants 'stopped op- erations. A ' geild'sugar bush "at the present price of ' ;,syyup is a. pretty' sS good ae't to a fiirni as the:'tvork`'is' carried on'-at"a time of yearwhen' tike !farmer is not busy. ,a M•r.'> El"'mith n S wife' ' iimerso ` •: e and fanuly spent Sunday last'"at Mrs:' Sinith s-lioiite on the Parr line, Hay. We very thud'' regret to state that Mr. Enntierson Kyle of the village has been confined to his home recent' iy through illness; ' Mrs William Sinclair, of Tucker- Smith was in London last week vis- iting her sister, Mits. (Rev.) J. Rich Communion services will be held in. St. Andrew's -church the first Sunday in April. e" ' Mr T. N. Forsythe' of the' 3rd • con- .oesSIOn o:.Tuckers iiith has Sold his splendid team, of draft geldings, ris- ing f four, years old, to a •gentleman froth Vancouver, to which city' they wershipped on Friday last. - Make It Shine With Stove Pipe Enamel In a jiffy, with this en- ae2el you cart slick up your stove and p'i't!, so it will shine like u bottle. Lowe 13rbthers Enamel stands the heat without losing its shine. It's not a polish—it's an enamel which comes in a can and goes` on with a brush, Costs but a pittance. HAiVICINS &' MILLER CLINTON „ gqeBrafhers ; '.�tinttr'..Ydrnrrhos l • PRIZE LIST?ST' URON •CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL . SOCIETY a CLINTON ' THURSDAY, ' APRIL 5th 1923 Prize List HEAVY' HORSES ' Judkia}g-Nitii connmetc0 at 1 o'clock SHAW In order below. mentioned. Separate judges for heavy and light horses, a CLYDESDALES ' 'Stallion 3 years and hirer , .'. 91,1 • 91'0 95 Ast,l'ri eadonated by S S Cooper Stallion, under. 3 years .. , . $ 9 95 $3 First Prize donated' by E.Wenderf, • • - • PERCHERONS Stallion, 3..years.,aid,•ever. ,.,.. ' StallibrV under•'t34'jtears' $- HEAVY DRAUGii`t Brood iiiare 3 years and over $129 ,96:93 -1st Prize,.donated by Gunn, !,Langlois; &, Co,• Filly or Geldingi`3 ,ycar's'and over :.., 910.98 '96;^$3 ist Prize'donated by Molsons & Royal' Banks • iilty or,.Geldmg r2. Years and.under.3. , {.,95 93:1$2 r " 1st -Prize doirated by''J: H Dorsey, Granam House "Filly or gelding„S year and under 2 -. ..$ 4 $3 91 •horse coin or filly, under 1 year ,.9 3.: 92 ;E1 Team iu Harness', • ... . , 921.;9.15 910 • Second., Prize Harrow. Cart donatedby Massey -Harris- Co. $weepst'akea' .. „ ' AG IC LT .� R I{ URE •-- "=lsrood "r'is'e 3 years and over ; ..$1,27,$6 ce $6 $3 Fully or Gelding, -3'j ears and over a . .9 io: 98 96 93 Filly or Gelding, 2 yearsand under 3 ... , , , ..:. 5. 93 2 r First Prize donated by E. Rivers i.� • Filly or gelding, 1 year and under:,2 ..........::.$4 93 $1 . Horse :colt or filly, under 1 year ..., .$ 3 •92 ,91 First prize (Pair Gauntlets) donated by Plumsteel Bros. Team in harness , , , .$25 918 'Sip '96 Second- Prize', Scuffler, donated,by-Jos, Crich i.i:C. Agentg Siteepstakes++t ::• ;., . —'lgsesdl},Agri cuitural'Glass plot to exceed 1600 tbs- i ;, C1Efl>xRAL PURPOSE :. Brood.•niare :3 years.and:over .9 6 94' $2 ?First' Prize donated by. W. T O'Neil ' Filly. or. geldutg, ,3 -'ears. and over .. . ,.. $6 94.92 First Prize donated by C. & S. Grocers Team, in harness.., .,L,......",._918 912 $8;$6 First ,Prize„ lFasy Vacnm Washer, donated by Sutter & Perdue Sweepstakes .... LIGI-IT ' HORSES r u ROADS'I'cicS Staliioa,.•Standardbred, trotter .. .. , ..9 6'94 92 Stallion; Staddard,"bred,• ac..r,,.. .. 6 24' p •'9. 82 Carria e.horse`° S in"harness. y' $ • ,ist Prize, in'goocis,vlonated by• W. R.Counk e er -. Roadster ltorse:in 'Barnes's 915 9+6 93.50 •1 b s Prize( -91.5..00' Macld r ua . w Goat) donated by W. 0: Brown ' Carriage team in 'harness .. 5392 'Roadster d ater team. in harness 5 93 92 Age in as classes' to be`cousidered,., Age to date from Jap.' ast.,..13rood-inares1rust.be,iu-foal, or have raised a foal.' • g CATTLE . SHORT HORNS Bull, 3 yearn and - Over ... ...... . , $ 6 94 82 Bull, 2 `;years „ ....., $ 5 $3 $2 Bull, 1 year ,:, '$ 5 '93 $2. Cow, 3' 3%ear"$ aud''over i ; •g 5 .$3. -$2 Heifer, 2 years .. ,$ 5 $3 $2 Helfer, 1;• Jgar t 9 4 $2 $1 - HEREFORDS , Bu11' x years or over :.:,: ,. $ $ 93 •$ 5 93 .Bull, under 2,ytars Cow, 3•years..and over • 5 3 Heifer, under3 years 5 93 .POLLED ANGUS., • Bulk 2. years or over......:...9 5 93 Buil, ,1 year 9 5 93 • Cow► 3 years apt', over , . ,.w 9 ; $ 5 9393 Heifer, under 3 years ...... DAIRY COWS AND FAT CATTLE Dairy cow, any age and breed .$8 96 94 Heifer under; 2. years ,9' 7 95 93 three 'prizes donated 'by Clinton Creamery • Pat, heifer, 'age -considered .... . , • .. :9 3 92 Fat Steer, age considered $ 3 $2 Two stock steers, 2 years and under : $ 3 92 Two stock•heifers,,2 years•and under . , ' $ 3 $2' Sweepstakes 13u11—Shorthorn, Aberdeen Angus' or Hereford Connell & Tyndall donate 95.00 • Cattle 'date from Jan. 4st. No cattle allowed to compete for more than one prize except' in the dairy class, $16.96'98 6 84 ,92 Special Prizes Clinton Branch of the 11.F.O. gives 915 for the best 3 Heavy Draught, Agricultural or General Purpose horses ("stallions barred) .any age,. In halter, and need not to be the property of one mals, but must be owned In the township, No com- petition unless two or more townships are represented. Morrish Clothing !Co,, gives a 915 Raincoat for best matched team in harness,' any color (greys barred). The Clinton Agricultural Society gives 910,00 to the Team coating greatest distance. The Hrrbn Specialty. Casting Co., donated 12 plow points for best matched tearer of Greys. F,, J. Brown & Co,, donated 91.00 fez. Sire and .3 .of his pro- geny, For Ladies not having:won any prizes before, J. A, Irwin gives 1st Prize, an Umbrella; and 2nd,prlle, Fruit dish, donated by W. 11 Iiellysr. r For Best Lady Drivers who .have wote prizes before, Mayor A. !. Cooper, donates the tWo pr&eeS, 15t, $6.00; 2uA.:.„ $4.0o In citing, 'Prrtbs for.. the best groomed .and decorated horse, Horse to be , shown singlt anis •on the lint. Jto.consider showing Of herse.9s well. Open 1,6ycusrudgeg 014'1 under '24 years cit, age and wdrka. 4st- bc,"done byr a npetitgf.,, 111,,:8,5,1 e ,$ndx'• 3,erd,.,„°,,' ` u ,. _ , i� ,fir°'ti7LU�tr y '�.�f v a� d � . ,,,. •. ,.i kli I't tl, • were gives' Co others mai :on sevez'al occasions, including the i+"+:`:entee tainment i,'i'141n ,Jr/ the, ball, .clisrl5 have been taken ('ions some oil them and three boys i:omne11o,1 to occupy two chairs. These` boys paid the same •sdntission fee as anyone else '1'11URS1)AY,.MARC Mi 29th. 10:'1 and were each entitled to a seat, lrfm ter aging early to secure it, If any s ilult" thinks tlieire is anY fan alt- ting on the ale space between , two �kli ixs los; a whole evening be ought to try it' mit; once, ' =Fair Play: ' r -ry Tells' Attend 'Suitmer School'in London School teachers, extra -aural, regular and special students have the opportunity to spend six weeks at the Western University Summer. School beginning July 2nd. For information apply Dr. IG.P.It. Nevillg,'Registrar, Loudon, Ont, 16 Dominion Stores ,. I1'� LIMITED E CANAD'S L `RGEST RETA L 'G' A � T , aCERS U ' •Q 'ALIT Y . ..CLEANLINESS SERVICE We: Sell to Sat�isf w .... ;. D, ..- •,.�RE ATH -SUGAR: 94 �1,tiouuds. for 1.00` ” '• SW 37T BRIER ' `•' ., PURE A D E R CC 0 3:5:'i' '5SC: -. N n California' 'Seedless �+ , 2 ib�3•i�.; RAISINS lC .., Ch ie' want y • o - Q LLT]C PLUM JA.1V1 ; .. ' White Swan Pancake - Per. Pkge: ! CFLOUR or all laundering zn 1b TIN�' 49c 9 ry t g a k s. car For fineu A.', p g Small • HEINZ • largee TOMATO 't32c- KETCHUP' CHOICECALIFORNIA PRTJNES L S ' RiehmelIo TEA „� Ceylon & Assam . i . •}� 1 .7s' oud Y n QUAKER.yryry BATS 21; R I Lar e g cured Pkge, Choice,$ingapoye . • p'NEAT'PL'E, � Per. fin' �3�: Breakfast (} BACON ..,• Machine sliced - p�+ �] �iYei'C pQunl{ !' Clothes Pins . , . , „3 doz. 100 i�:: Globe Washboards, each .... 57c Ammonia '-P ' owder .,.3 pkgs. P g Chloride of Lime e , u n 17c box .. Sanlflusl . , .. .... , .... ' 30c tin Ol 1� Dutch ,, ,,. 2 Tins 25c .Sotip Chips ... • , 2 lbs. 27c ' Castile .... ..Soap 8 cakes 25e Horseshoe 'or Cloverleaf sal- `" - a ..................3 lb. tin 49c � i y, /.•i h, ,tin 270:._. Socko e salmon ... 1 Maconochies Herrin • • 8s .. , , .. 22c Plain or 'in Sauce Chicken - r Thistle e ste o H addle :. 25c Eagle Salmon .. , % 10. tin 15e ; Cohoe Salmon .. .. 1 lb. tin 25c CLINTON' a BIGGER. CROPS make you MORE MONEY You Save tabor You •Save Seed ' You Drake everyacre work . SWIFT'S Red Seer Brand FERTILIZERS Give Crops early start `• Produce maximum results ` Place Your, order NOW with our Agent or write us 'Agents wanted 'where we are not represented Swift Canadian Co. Limited, West Toronto .mmroalsraevmeraantoneL We •Offer an 'Unexcelled Market to Producers for 'Goo'd Chiiriiiig Crcaui Our" service includes free sterilized cans, express paid both. ways ---cheques issued promptly twice a month—and a monthly bulletin of special interest to you. We guarantee the highest market price for good dream every dal* in the year. - Our plant is the newest andmost modern Creatnery In Western Ontario devoted to your interests. Ship us. your cream—we will put money in your pocket.-Our.modernt sanitary plant and efficient organization cults operating casts to the minimum. We DO pati the highest price for Churning Cream—We want your cream: Your first cheque will, convince you of our sincerity. Drop us is watt, we'll Send you, cans; tillman's , reamei,ies- -PHONE 770 TRA'raOR► raNTA'110 „ •