HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-22, Page 8a Of, 1933 CC�ZI�TON'�; LE4.13:1NC sacs .for 1923 Whether for long or short distances the Glasses ..aro needed—we can furnish the right ones The long `and short of the whole matter if) that we can supply the;` best of everything int' the lime of/Optical Goods, You can Rein on Our Goods and that's what you want Mad uartcrs R. If 4.11O %NSO'N Nest Ho'rey'r'Drug Store Nelowsessmi 1 jeweller tied Optician Everybody Likes Som:et ing. New for ,Easter The Spring Stock of iClothing. Hats, Caps, Shoes and Hosiery, is now in ],lace and, is the largest and best showing we have had fox some years and the prices are right, Suits in all the nifty styles Shown this 'year in sport models for young men and the more staple lines for older men—$13,50 and up. Men's Fine, Shoes.. A splendid range in lace shoes or oxfords,. black or brown at. $4,50 to 46.50. Ladies slippers and oxfords in patent leather, black or' brown Kid and ,Patent with grey trim. $3,75 to $6.00. Spring Hats and Caps, Etc.,- in a big range at easy prices.. Now is the time to buy the summer requirements as the stock, is at its best and the prices lower than -they will be later. Plumsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS PRION1 25, MORE BUSINESS 1 Currell & Shipley SPECIAL. C. & S. COCOA in Bulk -:guaranteed pure, fresh and nourishing. Give ;it a Trial Cowans Prepared Cocoa—Reindeer Coffee—Postum—George -Wash- ington Coffee—also a supply of fresh Coffee Beans grqund to order, and choice Teas, the' best on the market at a fair price to all, Domestic Leaf Lettuce. Fresh, Well Bleached California ;Celery & y The C. S. Grocers Phone 125 7",armen13ie0.-. +^'Iffimess t. is-- '+. l�ew Spring _.-tyles hi Clothing as ... , We have our new spring rin suitings. The new g s rin . styles are here.. � Y This is the time to order your new suit or overcoat so as to have it when the spring opens. Come in and inspect materials and discuss styles avis Et Her a Watch this space for our ALUMINUM DEMONSTRATION DATE to be put o.l by_the;Idea1 Aluminum Ware Co, A coupon will be given to each lady visiting our store during that week and a valu'able io e .o Aluminum ware will be given to the lucky lady, each day, ntttr '& Perdue LECTRnCAL HARDWARE PLUM11X3I1'1 C. Y Ek ts'ic ngi s; ifrLt g si d plu ctriCi n si&taae$, ,ttOltS5, Irons, Fans and satRie Appliances Your Quarters IF YOU WANT GOOD V ALUIS! XN A CLIP AND ' SALYCEIt. WHITE CHINA DECORATED , ;W,Fri A GGOLA BAND,A:T TOP, 060 SIZE ;AND TWO 'SHAPES, PRICE 25c, l � W ■ 1,1r Fair Cor Often:, the Cheapest -.Always the Best n tunutuaetat 9W11 o. 0 16 Rev, C. L. Bilkey has been in Toren- -. to this week, Mrs. Lyon of Londesboro is visiting at the, home of Mrs. M!cMath. Messrs. George .Evans and James Walters left Monday for Detroit.. Ms. Hutchinson of Ottawa is' here this week in connection with the Experimental Flax Mill. Mrs. Helen Quinn, who-.ltas been vis- . iting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Her Mail, : left Saturday to visit friends.. in• Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buf- falo. Rev. S. E. and Mrs. MeKegney and daughters are'' now on the Atlantic and it is hoped they will visit Clin- ton very shortly , after reaching Canada. . Mrs. S. Booth, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Watt of town for the past {three months, left 'Thnsrday for her home in Brandon.. Mrs. Watt acocmpanied her as far as Toronto. ' • Miss Landsborough has been in )Brucefield for the past couple of flays, going down to be present at the funeral of her cousin; the late Miss ,Mary Moodie, which,, V:oolt Place yesterday. Mr. 'H, Lutton, yonuger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lutton of town, is now on his way from Belfast 'to Can- ` ada. an-`'ada. He will visit his brother in St John, N. B., before coming on here to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lutton may spend Easter in Otta- wa and go on to .Montreal to meet their son. Miss Donna .Mulholland arrived from Winnipeg last week and left with her mother and sister for Detroit, where -they joined Mr. Mulholland• and his son; who have been in the City, of the .Straits' for the past icouple of months. '• Messrs. H. M. Hanley,•D. L. Stephen- son, W.J. Falconer and R. P. Fish- er of the local organizations at- tended • the I . Provincial Grand Orange Lodge` and Provincial iGrand. .Black',.. Chapter: •at Owen ,Sound last week, , Mr.. and " Mrs. Weighte Tebbutt of Druid,Sask., who have been 'Rend- ing several weeks past visiting 're- latives .m Goderich and Goderich township visited the fornimer s -sis- ters; Mrs. A. Wilken and Mrs. Hayes of town, this week. Councillor. S, Kentp returned Tuesday evening .from London,.. where: he ,had ,.been for several -days, being Called thither by, the illness .and !Subsequent death. of : his father, the late Edward, Kemp, whoes funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Rev,, Mr. Peters. of Belgrave was in town 'Tuesday,. He came down to witness the presentation of the play,: "Strictly" Business," in the town hall that evening by the Lad- ies' Aid of Ontario street .church. btr. Peters is the 'writer of the play and he expressed himself as highly lileased with the interprets - ,tion, of it 'by the ladies. on Tues- day evening. Mr. T. H. Cook returned last Thurs- day evening after having spent a month or so in California. Mr. and Mrs. Cook went south the, Iast, week in January to visit their daughter. Mrs._ Cook, who is not enjoying the hest of health, is remaining for e while longer but `Pini" felt the spring call of the north. Mn. Cook travelled somewhat, visiting ever- ,' al points of interest while absent, and thoroughly enjoyed the outing. --•e- Oao` derich Township IIlrs: Jennie Stirling, daughter' of. James and Eliza Beacom, was born in Goderich township, December 15th; 1861, and died, 'February .1.8th, 1923. When the final call carne she was; -in Highland Park ,General Hospital, De- troit,- e-troit,• to whieh place she was taken on February 15th, for treatment. The cause; of her death yds carcinoma On July 20, 1887, she was married to James L. ,Stirling of Pickford, Mich., and ever since that date she has boon a resident of.. tliat town. To this happy union were horn six children, three having died in infancy and three survive, Mrs. Gertrude Bruin- Baugh of Marquette, Mrs. Grace Roe, I'icicfoid, and Mrs. Ruby Hamilton, Charlesvoit Besides these' she is survived' by he "husband, three broth- ers and two sisters, Robert, David and Idlss Lizzie Beacom of Pickford; John T. Beacom, Goderich Tp,, •;and Mrs, Nelson Yeo of Toronto, Mrs; Stir- ling was a member of the Presbyter- ian church and alter a usefullife on bsliis earth' she passed to the' Great Beyond in thetriumph of the Christ- ian's faith. She vets beloved by all who knew her, and her funeral ser- vices in the Pickford M,, E. Atwell. conducted by .Rev. IDR li2lcFadyon,'. were attended by 0 largo concourse of Mends and relat ves tvho .will long. 1 cherish the nnemery of One 50 kind,: IVOrle" ri IW • coheide7'ator patient helpful and good, Fancy Grape Fru'it,,'direct from 0 ''ell's groven Florida, Beautiful flavor A real treatfor Easter at 10e, 3 for 25c. Easter Candy 5 lb box Chocolates $2,00 Large ,Easter Chocolate ,Eggs , . Snider's 'Catsup large- size, each '25c. Oranges 401;-50,-69 and 70 SUGAR Easter Bacon Kincardine Bacon and Sausage Gunu'S Maple Leaf Bacain Slider's Tomato...,' .Stoup 15 cents $10.70 SUGAR Fresh Leaf Lettuce . 10c Califorinia head lettuce Florida celery New Rhubarb New Onions New Cabbage _ 6 lbs Rolled oats 25c 6 lbs Corn meal 25c 4 -lbs Breakfast food pod ,25c Canned Goods Week, iar.26-31 2 cans' of corn 25c': " ' ' peas - 35c tomatoes 35c Canned asparagus - Canned spinach. Clark's chicken soup 20c - Tea Special for Easter Black tea in bulk, lb 54c regular 60c per "lb 10 Bars p; 6• G. and Gold Soap 72c Cash : & Garry 2. DeliveriesNARAworivowiazbeimmootmacutwomoo' Nell ?hone 48. f�8 Interment was made at Cottle ceme- tery. Brucefeld The death occurred at the home -of her brother, Mr. James Moodie, on Sunday last, of Miss Mary Moodie, daughter of the late James; Moodie. Miss Moodle'had been; 'fl1 ,for some little trine. She is survived by one brother, James Moodie of ,this vil- lage, and . one sister, Mrs:. Alex. Gray of Egntondville. The funeral took. 'place yesterday afternoon- to Baird's cemetery, - 'Mr.: James: Swan and Miss May went to Ifamilton on Tuesday, to at, tend the wedding of Dr. Will Swan. to Miss Lunsclen of Hamilton, which took place on Wednesday. Mrs. C. D.,,Sinnpson is able to be around againafterher illness. Mrs. James Gem mill is visiting Kirkton friends. Miss Marks is able to be out again after her recent illness. Mr. Frank Aikenhead was. in Winghaut -attending the' -funeral of hit aunt last week. - One of the best entertainments giv- en here for 1sonie 'tine was the St.' Patrick's social put on by the Kelly Circle. There was al good program and everyone did his •or her part well. Miss Lannnie of Hensall' gave a couple of violin and piano selections that were very much enjoyed, and the local hits : brought down the house. An Irish lunch was served EASTER SUPPER. The Girls'- Chub of Willis Church will serve an Laster `-supper in the lecture room of the church on Tues- day evening, March 270h, from 5 to 7 o'clock. The Girls' Club has a reputation for ;putting up a GOOD .SUPPER. And the price 10 but THIRTY-FIVE CENTS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, C()NCERT Phe Agricultural.Society have en- gaged the Brunswick Trif to give a concert in the Town Hall. Thursday, April' 5th, Fair Night. Watch for announcement and re- serve Ibe date A..7: •MeMIJBRAY Secretary at the conclusion. _ of the program. Everyone enjoyed the evening so well that we hope the girls will make it an annual affair, Miss Reah Rouatt has returned to London. Mr. George Hill has purchased the old school at No. 10 Stanley and. is tearing it down for the timber it contains. SPECIAL - Easter Candy Also. a large assortment of bulk and package chocolates. Bulk Ice Cream .aad Bricks +ww ' R. ItY`i9ENDORF, Confectiniiary and Restaurant "We aim to please." Clinton Flour IV1ills We have rust received a ear o€ corn which we are selling at 92c a bushel in bulk. We have just 'received a car of recleaned Manitoba screenings I from Fort William. As mill feeds will be scarce for senie'time we. would advise that you lay, 10 a supply of • this feed. John Selaoesahals Phone No. 8 9`L•4 NOTICE As I have 'taken' 'over the agency` for the old reliable Massey-l-Iarris farm Intplenients and repairs I would appreciate very much a share of the patronage of the farming community,; Yours for a Bumper Crop IIARItr' IT. McCOOL CLINTON -9241 Mernesioslratiararamsareisarml a 1)RENNIALS The "flowers that grow more popular each year. If - o want Perennials now u is the time to order. We offer from" selected list at 15o Eaeh or $1.50 per dozen A:CHXLI,LA . BABY'S ,BIDEATIJ COLIJM18INE iItt3ISCIIS COItiDoI TS: , ICELAND POPPIES CANTERBURY I1L;LL • ORIENTAL POPPIES PEACH BELLS - CHINESE, LANTERN PL DIANTHUS STATICE" 1j;OK GLOVE SPIRALS. I:sNGLISH'CO`W;SLXP ' GAILLA,TLJ)tO GItMWTFLORA 'Try 'a -Perennial Bed and order early. VE.IRONICA - .And Inany outer kinds, Phone NT FLORI Daae-cleaningfnne is Rapidly Approaching We are fully prepared to fill all your requirements with largestocks of r - Linoleunns and Oil' Cloths Congeleaeaa Fal*s and Floor Coverirngs`:; of all kinds S. -W. Paints, Stains andVarnushes Scrub Brushes and Mops all kinds and prices. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. THE STORE WITH A ,STOCK Furniture Phone 11)4., Hardware 195 NSW 5 MILLINERY We are not holding any special open-, ing this "seas cs n and ,are now ready to show a frill line of tailored and dress hats. Your inspection. is cordially invited E .VOGUE -�Rft�I Having purchased the harness ,puniness of the late bit,; A. Mc- Kawn, 1 am putting' in 0 "ceitzplete steel{ of 'Harness, Colhtrs weat fads, Harness ,Parts, etc. Ain 'prepared to Make harness, to order and repair harness in a prompt and, satisfactory' manner." Call and consult us -about your harness problems, OUR MOT'T'O ' iglit Ctoods art Reasonable Prnees"