HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-22, Page 5auTliins
0e'OMMors to M, T. Ooi
is' 4;ppeoaciling tb.e
Remember we carry. a full
100 per cent pul'a
(eres1`i to You '.
and i Ile
corp to LI to gave "daylight 00.0z1 ',
:,'again. in spito of vigorous oppo,i-
tion in some neuters,
atureseems to be encouraging
ehnnch attendance, too, the lastfeiv
'weelcs,'1he Sundays being -fine and
balmy, followedbystorniy;:disagree-
lide Mondays.
More tltan a lniIliou children be -
eon ten and fifteen years of age
r• working in the United -States,
i:cordiiig to the '1920. census. No
oount.was,made of 'those at work tin-
Out of, twenty-four games sehed
puled for the season in, 'the "three.
Iioekey leagues' the Clinton 'boys
alaizn seven loses,' one tie, aad
teen 'ViCtorlee '1nae isn't ee,:heel' re-
cord ser the Beason:
The Seaforth Sun handed' out a
ompliment' to Nature last week, coin -
mending her'unon the masterly way
in which sheovas managing' the task
f removinglie snow. Nothing like
saying the kind 'word, when possible.
' E * v:Y
"The Editor of • the Chesley. Enter
prise»prafesses to, have caught• Miss
Agnea McPhail• powdering "' her • nose
an lookingin a mirror. just like an.
ordinary woman, while ;travelling on
a train And, manlike, he seemed to
think it'all"right for her to do R. too.
,Said he "liked her better", in fact.
Xen's clothes- are to he loose this•
year, so fashion decrees.- That's
right,, we might talk a' bit about
men's clothes Wand giye women's a
AngieWe take it that .the inea,.are
,not . to wear the pinch -back coat.
Well, thiit'e »one- thing to 'be Thank;
IQ icor.
Anel now, just when "we are begin
:fling to look. -fee spring when we can,
,enjoy ,thel?lselves it pie tat -return -
'making time.' -If thio sort of''thing
:goeFemuch further we might about as
well";let the Government town all the
businesses end just elmy us, so much
for;xunning .'em. Three set's of Gov-
ernineut return papere,are now Wait-
ing to :be filled out in thisofilce, in -
.come tax papers, returns 6f1 employ-;
-ors'-and Census of Industry papers.'
Running- a•business, iS not the free -
and -easy matter it used to be.
Part 3 of the Vetere' lists in the
different municipalities have been
printed in readiness; for the ap-
;preaching provincial electiens. This
"list contains the names of all -those
riot ",qualified to, vote at municipal'
=elections, the'naines-en the enuiner-
ators' List at the last election. Prob.'
ably those naives will be included in
the yearly Lists in future, ol.;•as'it is
-only 'when an election is ,on • that, they
-are needed, the Government should
• .pay for their preparation In.this
-ease the inunieipal clerks were in-
structed last summer to prepare the
.listsand hold saide over.
* iF F •
A young °Canadia'n; last, week, being
refused admittance' to. the. United
."-States because: • he had ' no' money,
tiva1ked a ten -inch girder `under. the
•Suspension •bridge' at Niagara Falls,
whit'`e.nothing -,but the sureness:of hi`s
tread saved him from the raging; tor-
rents'bclow, and" spectators' held their
breath' -as they Watched him, /He,
'landed on the other side,•only to be
.turned back by the immigration .of
firers and"»had to walk back again,
• only this time he kept to the bridge.
We wouid 1ike,toeeell that young n,an
-that if he will .put the same'tozlrage
:and determination into making his
way in the world as he manifested' in
trying to get into" the United States,
-where he is evidently not wanted, he
-will succeed here just as well as he
• would over there. Thiscountry' needs
its enterprising young then. Let them.
put forth their
best energies andd
shave faith in her future,
5 *»' '
Sonic of the papers friendly to
'the Drury ;Government 'and wanting
''to findsomething for, which to coin-
niend• et are connnending "it for, the
appointing of a commission' to look
• into the workings of the. Hydro Cord.
iniseion. In 'our opinion' if e the Gov-
ernment Sas nothing greater to its
credit than the appointment of a, coin -
:mission which has used 'up several
thousand dollars ,of the people's
money to find out something' which
it should know without any such
T•onndabent method of getting' it; its
•record as , indeed• " barren.-• • With •a
member of the Cabinet as a member
of the Hydro Commission any' info--
mation,desieed should be available by
'the Government at any time and if •
the present Government member can
not get that information'` 515 resigns
tion is:irt'the hands of the Govern-
.ntcnt. Let someone' beappointed
who can i''
cannot af-
"ford to payThs e
$6,000 per ,year for a
The Veiny Ridge Pack, ». which Wass
offered -to the Canadian. Government
liy Feanee, seems not to be just •the
`kindly gift it seemed to : be at the
",first, It eves supposed that if; would
be maintained' as a resting Place for
the Canadians who fell 'during• the
terrible battles :at that point, where`
se many Canadians were engaged. •
'Not so, however. It is not, to be a
burial ground at all and any "bodice
.,'which 'batmen to :be laid in the plot
at area:int will' be, removed ,and Can,
• oda 18 Supposed to, maintain the4park
as 'a • public show' lllaee for.,tonriste
to the end of time, 'France to colleet
• the gate -money, en to, spear;. Canada'
had .better bay 'from France; what;
land ;is.necessaryto bgry the bodied
. of the Cnnadians who fell.„,upon her
• sail •nnd,mnintaip that at;l ape* that
mill' be"°Forever Canada." CertaiYi-
ly the maintanenecy the' Cansdleit
Oe*eeenlent of ,a, lipibrl+l'iiaek to'i i"`
iiait¢t, the irate giaVr i Olttee rad.,
niece for tenrrde#' ii(f(te;, t►1�' 10444'4
ea dehd ` et}t hoi€tie Iiilt'tl'ie't±9}l;