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The Clinton News Record, 1923-3-15, Page 8
10S1)A5:„ MAACK loth z 3 eek l�lavx w ec.r4 O, x15"pON 1,1+ D1.1 � ,f1{4•W;C11E1;3,Y ir • s 1 SOS a a Whether for loi g,oi'short distances the Glasses are: needed—we ct111 furnish the right ones The long and short of the whole 'matter is that 'wecin supply the best of 'everything in tike line_ of Optical Goods. YOu rcall rie.v, on Our Goody and that's what gQU want �»ra. J,S. JeWellerl and Opticiai Next Rover a Drug Ston w Speeials Blow area few 'items which should prove of special interest'', as"itliey wall.irelia youto save a few honest dollars and at the same time the tnrilover will help us "meet up" during the comparatively quiet. months. We can do lvith small profits but we nnust have the turnover.' About 75 pairs of Ladies High Top shoes, not cheap trash, but good; substantial lines, in black, dongola and mahog- any calf, to clear at Ladies' black-cashinere hose (cloehed) Sale price .... Five, dozen men's loather mitts, wool knit wrist; fleece About•four dozen men's heavy •winter -weight cvork',shirts, 3.98 69c 69c 1,25 CLEARING 1PRICES 'ON ALL .LINES OF FELT SHOES AND SLIPPERS, MEN'S AND BOYS' .OVERCOATS; ,ETC. . c�l�.tm•.n.,K.�,a.r ums ee :fit SMALL PROFITS PIIONL '25. MORE BUSINESS IIMISTRUSES •.. 513:M.1=.54.z".cevL•.L rew- 91Pti, i Ozirm 91.0t 'tl mRe Curren -'11c..51.111pleg Have you tried AUNT JEMIMA' PANCAKE FLOUR?.'AIl ready for use...,Just a. cup of milk needed to each cup of Flourand the Pancakes are ready for the Frying Pan, We have also a suuiply of PURE MAPLE SYRUP, -Jdst'the thing for Pancake's. • A Fresh ,Supply of ',Meats: and Vegetables always on hand HEINTZ'SWEET MIXED PICKLES IN. BULK ..The Best on the Market Remember the C. & S. Guarantee of 'sixteen ounces to the pound and Satisfaction or your money refunded, The C. & S..Grocers Phone 125 w..M..r 1. ...0! ew »lig_. . Styles �n Clothing We .have .our new spring su;itings. The new -spring styles are here. This is the time to order your new `'suit or overcoat so as to have -it when the spring opens. Come in and inspect _materials - : and discuss styles'.. Davis & Herman Ansamominal Watch,this space for our ALUMINUM SENSATION DATE to be put o,a by the Ideal Aluminum Ware Co. A coupon will be given 'to each lady visiting our store during that week and .:a valuable piece of 'Aluminum ware will be giveh to the lucky lady each'day. litter HARDWARE rw !, lia.�rr, , rtidnL,:, „ ,,erm,tNearkbz" `drr�,hdufi 1, Pertivie PLUMB NG 74 ctaas, i:'r.$1 ,sill otla,e chore i J XW �:�a�itll°•�lY°�' IF YOU WANT GOOD' VAL JL IN A .CUP AND SAUCER. WIIITI CHIINA DECORATED WI11-I A GOLD BAND AT TOP;, GOOD SIZE A.ND':IIWO',SHAPES, PRICE 25e. - tie D. Fair Often the"Cheapest--Always the Best'; Miss Zetta Bawdon'has been visit'ng in Rensail and London. Mr, D 'K. Prior spent `a couple • of days •with relatives in Eiceter ris week. Miss Margaret Brown left (If Friday for London, where she takes,. a po- sition. Messrs. T. VenEguioncl and J. W. lShobbrdok-were in Exeter. on busi ness one day 'recently. Mr. James Dunford of Toronto was in town for a couple of 'days dur- ing the past week. Miss Emma Lavis returned ;lest 'Tliursday after a very pleasant three -weeks' 'visit in Toronto.- .. Mr. Eobt Fisher : is in Toronto this° week attending. the :meeting' of the Black 'Knight• Grand Perceptory Miss Gladys'' •Crich . of Tuckersnith •has -been spending the past few- ' days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Davies Mr. James Finch. 'jr and little , daughter, Miss, Thelma, .of Strat ford „pent the week end with the formers parents, here Manager Bell of the local branch, -;r,, the 'Dominion Stores was in Walk- erton on, Tuesday, -beim a' witness on a case at the Bruce Assizes. Miss; C-ertrude Fowler of the London Normal was home over the week- . end. She assisted Wesileychoir: at 1, m7i ,ma su i7 'T`bbrougho t Clinton and surra ru ing'cou iiry,The raw let: is decidedly kin. For cash, you rimy lay in. your nieir's supply, at -wholesale price ---Redpath or�I)oininiort Some Things Which are Green for St.atr'ic °k's Day Green leaf lettuce per bunc ► 10c head ' head 20c Florida, Celery per bunch 20c on ions, per bunch 1.0c spihiach. in tins 25c peas 4� " 1:5c 64 {G See' ou>r ssorl:e .t: of ,aster Eggs. and 'Camay Although tea in -packages has advanced, we have enough bulk tea (bought to last for some time) extra special at 54c Kincardine Bacon : Baci:s Sausage Tongue Honey in the t,ombe from.. nula d li:t t Gold. or P. and G. SO2,13, X1Q ars°` for 72c. ed -Oats,, eal ,6 lbs iSc : e t Rice, 2 Ibs r a,P1Oc ,; 2 lbs 2`5r 5c 25c 00. Carr )e; aweris imea va„nc.s.:'mm wumamcrxrm»m cwz.camaay.w. - •...ne::„rr v..•:.:...•••=.>z+ ,c ..-•• ---Q,,u+mrnnr..,,�.r,,,.•- b, ..ilgalfiall1111111111111111111111H11E1611111111i13111111i1111111111p1IIIMIEff . . 73,6'f.kw237y gs ava5ceI ' � Yf9'Cn RSI. M1 the ,anniversary services on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs; Morgan Agnew and little 21iss Agnes left Monday for ' Guelph, where they intend making their home, for the time being at least. ' Mr. W. Sloman has gone to Orlando; Florida, and expects to spend the •nest few' months, travelling the South as superintendent of Chau- tauqua equipment. Mrs. A. Cousins of Flint, Mich„ is here assisting in the nursing of her mother, Mrs. H. Watkins, who Thad the misfortune: to fall and. fracture a limb the other day.. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mcbaig, have been in town this week getting their hopsehold. `effects removed to Galt, where i,. Mr„. •McCaig, has bought out a , confectionery and restaurant:. Johnston'returned Satur- day after spending several. Weeks at Niaagra and other points, Mrs. Johnston remained at Georgetown with relatives for a few days but will' probably be home the end of the week. Mr, and Mrs, Amos Cartwright re- turned Saturday from their honey- moon : trip and will get settled in their own home on Huron street this Week, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Lind- say taking up their aliode,in their cottage on Rattenbury street. Mrs. Win. GIen came up from Toron- to yesterday and goes on to Goder- ieh this evening,; to be 'present at the funeral to -morrow of Mrs. A, 'Saunders, who died after a some- what—lenggthy, illness.': Mrs. Glen will remain 'for some weeks with her daughter,'Mrs, Frank Saunders; before 'returning to take , up her residence in Clinton for the sum- mer. Mr, and Mrs. J. R: McDonald of Gris- wold, Man„ arrived last week and are theguests of the latter's par- —tints and sister., Mr. and Mrs. T. .Arcber•and Mrs. hath: Mrs: Mac- 'donald has been a great sufferer from rheumatism for years and it is hoped the change of climate may be beneficial to het. Mr. Macdon- ald does not bring very cheery news from the west, but if 1923 crop proves a good one generally it will do much to restore prosper- ity. Bagfleld Miss Ploy Edwards returned hone Monday after an absence of ,six weeks with friends at Kitchener. Mrs. 'George Castle, who spentthe past month at Toronto returned home the past week. Mr. John lhoward,'who silent the :past few weeks with friends in, Toren.. to, returned home last week. McKillop Township `2Xr, Robt. McMillan, jr., lost one of Isis work horses last week, lie hav- ing found ilr.lyiiig dead one ''morning when be went out to feed hie' „tock. Mr.' Fletcher Townsend of Toronto spent a couple of hays with his sis- ter, Mrs, F. J, Coleman, who isnot keeping in the best Of health. Mr. ,Iaiires Jamieson was laid up last week with the fin, Mr. Toseiih Seott, 'Roxboro, is 001' -and' ntot'tnd again, we Inc glad to seer ,Tallies saps the din is no joke. Nurse Miss Meravislr oP'l;linton r liar been nursing lvli^s, ,Iden Wali et, wlto has had. bronchitis the, pent couple of weeks, but is lnucll inn- proved, by Long Distance Right now, all over Can- ada, salesmen are making appointments with cus- tomers' in distant cities, forestalling competition and . getting the orders on the books. At no time in history has it been more im- portant to the business man to be in many places in one day. The more places he can be in; the more goods he will sell. No man can be in two places at once except he use Long Diafance. In many cases the line that separates the effi- cient from the inefficient is, •the' thin copper line of Long Distance. Multiply your contacts -- Long ":Distance does it! Another 50c. to -day., Whole- , sale price $10,03. Our price $10.70 c sh, balance of .i eek' iluallstt Township On Wednesday, Feb, 21st, the home of Mr. M. IIoltzhauer, of the Gravel Road, was the scene of .a quiet but pretty wedding when his niece, Miss Mildred Shearer, was united in mar- riage -to Mr. Alvapley Garrett, son of Mrs; J. Garrett and the late Mr. ,Joseph Garrett. The ceremony was performed by the Rev:»W. R. Osborne pastor of Londesboro Methodist church. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, looked pretty in her suit of navy blue trioctine with peach colored ,crepe-de-ohene blouse.. Later in the evening Mr. and', Mrs. Garrett left for their ' home on the Gravel Road, where the rood wishes of a wide circle of friends of the community follow thenfor a happy. and prosperous- married -life. Miss Bina .Kirk spent last week in Clinton, with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. McMath, Miss Mae Lyon visited last: week with Mr. and Mrs,. A. McDowell of Westfield. Major and Mrs. Dewar and child- ren returned last week from England, where they spent the past thirteen months. While there Major Dewar was studying military' work, and left on Saturday for Ottawa, where they expect to reside in future. Every Ben Telapl ono is o d Laa,0 Distance Station Mr. Bert Treleaven of Dunghnnon almmetzwavamorarammezomm died" on Tuesday of last week, after a somewhat lengthy illness. A P'ai>Ad 11 etkl© "Aid is a 'line /calla, not anis( for Your, l,llt. dor' boat. ln1;' mel t or arta*'1,. inrt; ionlclnal 5550- tall$N e.1? r0;resrxr.... WIG '115 Stirs 0001' p t,anxial sola tar aeric d the ttVti' i;i`uds x031],,. There's nothing like piping hot, aelielene soup to start thehearty meal. Ilere' it a fine pot that frill clo a lot to help you -hake good soup—the SMP Iiinameled Ware London Kettle,' Even afters Mie greasiest or stickiest cooking 5111' Enameled Ware. cleansas easily as a china dish,, Ask for 'Gree. 5ulibeu: Pomi era, ties, enlita at gray 0! 01,00,in,d, mid rat, tS f,nroxrd 'tWn'0, thrss tsOtx, llrltti' Nue and v.1111.e M1t51d0; xohatn Iiiyp111$.'" Craatel Wets, .hxao ' raa1a, 5ax•p 150,10 inoido And eat .tuilub nnyel gh,s cl ing., arse« i it �T t, t?tilul, l rtatiti tisani, /16 15510 ns(,• ithtmrvb WIN,a,PC 1 ,40105751,4 'VAI40UvnR Ci\l,rAfiV vam s 217 316 none is a in1iu Apple oaohh We are fully prepared to fill all your requirements with large stocks of _ Li noleanns and clhil Cloths ca> 9ngoiear 1"" nags and Floor Coverings of all kinds 5.-W. Paints, Staling and. Varnishes Scrub Brushes and Mops all kinds and prices Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORE WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone 104 Hardware195 St. Patrick's Supper Given annually by the Wesley Church Epworth League • Will be served in Wesley Hall on the evening of Friday, March 16th Supper from 5 to 7 . Colne and enjoy a substantial Irish Supper Admission 35c, ,verybody Loves A Laugh The Ladies' Aid- of Ontario 'Street church will present, the ,play "StrictlyBusiness" On the evening of TUJESDAY, MARCH 20 In the Town Hall, Clinton Entertainment to commence at 8 "This play is .bristling with humour and common sense.". TICKETS, .360. 92 2 SPECIAL � ��±± a A`uck Candy Also a large assortneent of built and.pack,sge cllveolute Hull,. Ice Oree,ri aild .Bricks tali�rc.;b'httxy and Restaurant "We ainx to Please." Clinton Four Mills. We have lust' received a car corn which we are selling at 92o bushel in bulk. We have - just ' received a • c of recleaned Manitoba sereenin from Port William. As mill foe will be scarce for some time .7 would advise that you lay in a 'sura of, this feed., s John Schoenhals Phone No.,°9 Annotmee Beni Hanley Bros., who recently pt chased the Commercial Garage fro Mr Bert Langford; have taken oy the Ford agency in connection w their garage business and are in position to handle all repair work a also have a stool of repairs, tir oils, gasoline, eta Commercial Garage Huron Sti HANLEY I3ROS. —93-i As I have taken over the ager for the old reliable 1Vfassey-liar farm Implements and repairs I *oi appreciate very,ninih a share of 1 patronageof the fanning ooituiurni Yours for a Bumper Crop HARRY Ii..McCO0L CLINTON i —92 The death tools place in the 1101 'ham hospital on Wednesday of 1 week. of Met, C, hi. Robertson East Wriwanosh after about months' 111nes . The funeral I held on Friday afternoon: