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The Clinton News Record, 1923-3-15, Page 5
*111`&erest to yeti atxdi,Me. tdre Cli[atham News gays "This"i funny world but it would perlral 1',ps still funnier world if all the pea their own aping is some of them - Nee lin,wildcat : ehemee. such ds oil'" remarked Mr.?tethers 'It' .would be, u good -"thing,„{or otgrieM1-, dire." s ra theinoelves to have as Yztrrpli faithin 'Ole , did just what they ought to do. ]encnapsl ;Let's all try it anld roe.• A Icn s is a 1a eat tor 1. haveAaeon married seventy-two_ years, say they have never hada quarred, Per - holm not—but you ' could forget a good many things zn severity -two years, •,• • • The editor- of the Rtdgetown; 1/oro, inion, who has just amalgamated his paper with The Plaindealer, seems to have ,a good deal of oympatkiy ;with those who are trying to bring about "church union; Wonder what the Exeter'Advocate 'nr<tn has been doing? He's eorn- nrenting on the foot that num is so -constituted that he can't kick him- self. Some accommodating friend might ho induced to oblige him, if he feels like it should be done. Speaking of fashions for men: 1t was stated recently that the Prince • of,._Wales was cultivating "sideburns." Sttppose : allthe dapper youths will want to be in it and will be coaxing • out the down under their ears. Seine- d the girls' who've, had experience might give them a tip as to what face cream can be guaranteed to in ,dun(,;' hair ;growth. The bursting, of the L. R., Steel bubble leaves many who can ' ill- f - 'ford to iose thein minus their hard- earned savings. The time surely ought soon to, cone- "-when people will :learn not to risk their money, in such swindling schemes. If those who have' some money to invest. and -who are not sure as to the best plan` af'doing it would consult some disin- terested person who has some laiowlr. edge of finance much • loss would be avoided. But it is a 'safe`°conrse to follow for.' all" who have but small savings•and' who, are dependent upon them to 'fight shy of' -all 'but the, most soild,inveetme its.' Let those who Can afford to, lose -a 'few hundreds • of • thousands as the casemay he, try out `these: new schemes. One of the admonitions' riven the yeang',People • at the' agricultural banquet' on Priddy evening by Mrs S. X3.•Stothers, district reprosonta- tive, was' to' have faith. in agricuh • tore. "If we could get the farmers AUCTION'SALEOF FARM, .'Ansa Vani• Stock and Iniple- n:ants. The ''undersigned auctioneer,' hag received ijistrpctions to' sell by Oldie :" auctien at -„,Lot: -41, Con. 2, Tuckersmith on Tuesday,' March 20th, commencing at 1.00o'clock, sharp, the ,:following Horses General Purpose anaro 'R years .oldenCeneral. Purpose horse 4 :years -old;°. Filly rising 1 year; '• 2 General Purpose mares'3 years`` old: • Cows:.:Co* due 'time of sale; cow doe May. 14 cow due May -17; Holstein” 'heifer 'due May.7; farrow'<cow; 4 steers 2 years - old; heifer rising \2 years; 3 spring calves. Pigs: Sow with litter. Fowl: 20 Roek nuliets; 2 pure' bred Rock roosters„ 30 White Legborns, most ly pullets; 2 geese and 1 gander. Implements: Deering binder; mower; -cultivator; diso; hay rake; 2 wagons; set of sleighs; gravel box, new; M_ H:• seed drill; set double harness; walking plow; , turnip seeder;' 3 -sec- tion' harrows; hay rack; gang plow; teuflier; post hole ;digger;, work bench- DeLaval`cream separator No. 10 .ear l l i y new; t churn,'and,other'ar- ticles.. Some hay an& grain. ; At the sametime the Farm: will be, 'offered for Sale.. On the farm '.`is a brick dwelling 10 rooms; with good ,cel - lin undeineath. Bank a barn ' 40x60 -good: roof, cement floor 'in stable; water piped to . stable, .pumpecl by windmill.. Two never -failing wells; frame barn. This farm ie a'rich clay loain, well fenced; 10' aeres'.fall wheat; hat 40, n • e owed; '2, acres. or, chard; the acres D1 :balance seeded -be . grass. "Situated : half mile from school; and church, • 41/ miles from Clinton and` 7 miles frorn Seaforth.:: Rural- mail and telephone. The proprietor has good reasons for selling. . Terms on Fara~: .'10 per cent. den day of sale, balance'in 30 days or a mortgage May remain on farm at 5 per dent. 'interest. Terms: All suras of 510 and under, Dash; over that amount, - 8 `months credit Will be given on an- io Proved 'joint notes, 3`' .per cent- "I should.not:be afraidt'o predict that Miss McPhail will not be quite so lone& a figure.'in the fptare.t" re- marked the Rev. II W. ,Snell at .the banquet the other evening as he listened to the Might and ready man- ner in which the young ladies pro- posed or rosponded."to'the 'toasts as their turn came., It was ni.oat notice- able that both' boys and girls spoke with ',An ease and • grace often lacking in those much oldgr,c A lit- tle training is ,a great help in the art of pubile speakidg•,. It is a use -- u l accomplishment for anyone to bo able to stand upon one's feet and ex- press oneself well; and one doesn't need to be a candidate for parlia-. dentary honours to appreciate it, be one man or woman. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Charles Walden Thompson, Deceased, • Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Charles Walden Thompson'; late of the town of Clinton in the County of Huron; physician, deceased, who died 9n or about the 18th day of February, 1923, are required to deliver, to Fred Greene Thompson or Lucy Thompson, the executors of the,. said estate or then;; solicitor oh or' before the 15th day of April, 1923,, a full statement. of their claims togeth- er with particulars thereof, and_the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all; duly verified • by ai.tfidav And take notice that after the said last': mentioned date the 'said ex- ecutors will proqeed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled ` thereto` having' 'iYegard• only, to such claimsthey', shall have received due notice and in ,acoordancetherewith. Dated at Clinton, this 6th day of March, A.D. 192`3. W. Brydone, Clinton Ontario. So- licitor' for the said. executors; -93-3•. Auction' Sale • Of Farm' stock and Imileinent on Lot 40, -•Bayfield' Road,18 miles. west of Clinton, on ::Tuesday; +March,. 27th",,at 1,'o'clock sharp, the' follow H'or'ses Heav .i, deaf . Y.... • t mare,' 5 years o1d;::.Agricultural mare, 8' years old; Heavy draft mare, 10years old; Agricultural colt `rising 2.years;, driving mate, i8 years: old, quiet and reliable, Cattle:, ,Cow, 6 years old, .freshened in January;' cow, 8,.;years. old, due to freshen day of sale; cow, 6 years old, freshened in January; cow 6 years old; due to freshen Ap- ril llth; 3 -year-old heifer, due' June 15th; 3 -year-old heifer,. supposed' to be in calf: aged cow supposed to be in calf; cow dno.June 10th; 4 steers rising 2 years old; thoroughberd' Polled Angus bull; , 8 spring calves, Polled Angus.ehoice, 2 young calve§, Polled Angus, choice. 7 choice York- shire , sows, due in April; 10. store pigs, averan•e about 175, lbs. 'Thor- oughbred Berkshire hog, registered; .50 young' hens; 2' ducks, drake:.,Im- elements: .Massey -Harris ' binder; Massey -Harris mower; Massey-Har-- ris seed drill. Success IVlanhre spread - 'me steel roller; horse` rake; 2 lum- ber,'wagons; : wagon . rack; y: spring wagon,,'steel' tired top buggy;' gravel box; 40 rods~ woven' wire fence; set sleighs, set heavy harness; 2 -twin plows, set single harness; set har- rows; seufller, cutting box' with belt; root `nurser; hay fork, car and rope; wheel barrow, logging. chains;'I!lI s . sey-Harris cream separator; cook stove;; forks, shovels, whiflietrees, neck yokes and other articles too numerous to mention. ; Terms: All suras of . 510.00. anc1-':under, .cash; over, that amount, 8 mouths' credit on furnishing approved joint notes< or a discount of 4 per. cent:, straight; al- ved for cash on credit amounts. straight,"• off for cash Ji credit Everything must be .sold • es prem -ie amounts: CONRAD VOLLAND; Pr!o- tar is, giving 103 i'arming, G: II; prietor. Geo. FI. Elliott, Auctioneer, Elliott, Auetioneer. D. 'Elliott, Pro- -92.1 prietor. c =93-2 s, SC Making Suds direct from the Bar Saves Soap. You .rub the Bar Soap On then soiled parts: and get.immediate results with no [ear of undissolved articles of r p Soap �oala ,lcattering through the clothes. Barr Soap is the safest and n11oSt 8attisiaetor1. lee lI:1IiClf ;ills, 1');,>.l; hllarriages 4%XIivNINGII�l M�-BTtOW,S'; .>.- At the, victoria St 11�ietlrotlift" pursotae,; `' God©rich, on March 1st, by Rev,,j,', , W. Hedley, :Ethel May Brown, off Dungannon,, to Vere Cuningham o Colborne te. 4$irtt)s TUJ]SW'i�'EI T --At i{Almesviile,: ,`0u. March 'let, to Mr. Aird Tideeweli, 4' son:, R0I3ERTSON--In GadOrich on 'Mar. 1st, to a�Io. and Mrs. Howard Rob- ertson, formerly MMiss Jessie Ford, a' eon,—John beagles J'•og,l. Deas,ths COOK—In Clinton, on March 8th, George gook, in,•his 83rd year. TRPLEA'VEN-'In Dungannon on Mar. 0th, Albert E. ,Treleaven, aged 54 years and : 7 month's, SWAFFIELD-At Goderieh, on Mar. 3rd, "'William ' Swaffield, aged 89 years. • -. For Sale " One .Chevrolet: 49Q tearing' cd in good running "order, -tires nearly new: Terms to suit, the; purchaser. John E. Howard, Bayfield; .Ont, —93ap Pasture: to Let A number of" cattle 'may be pas- tured at Lotc,22 on the 7th Conces- sion of Goderieh township during the coming season. '' Spring creek' 'run- ning through the 'farm. Reasonable terms.. Aprply to Reginald Sturdy, 10. R. No., i; Goderieh. Small Farm For Sale A `farm of 8 acres, ;?/s of mile north of Clinton. Apply to ;Vis, G. M. Farquhar, Clinton, -e3-1f Will Present Play The "young ' people ' of Sharon church, Goderieh township,' will, pre- sent re s'entthe pity, "DeaconDuhbs" ,in'the churcli on'the evening of- 'Mar. 22nd., ata eight o'clock.'` Admission 25c and 150. ,-93-1-p For Sale• Tho$bred Durham or Polled An- gus bull. ngus.bull. Both registered stock. Also a quantity of Rural New ' York seed potatoes, Apply F.' W. Powell, R. • Rc No. 3, Phone 2-607. ,-93-tf „Private Sale Of fresh eows, white Rock - hens, geese, sows, grain,` seed and potatoes. Lot 34,: Con. 4, 'Goderieh township. Also 80 -acre farm 1o'°rent, 80 acres' ploughed: A. G. Westlake—R: R. No, 3, Bayfield. • ,--92-2. Auction Sale r •Of Farm Stock and Implements:: 60. head. of Cattle:, Mr. Thomas -Gun- dry, has received <instructions from the undersigned to'sell ,by public auc- tion at the Old Fair Farm, adjoining Clinton on Tuesday, March' 20th, at 12.30 o'clock, sharp, tile" following: Cattle: 27 heifers risi g' 2 years; 16 steers, rising 2 years `old; 11. heifers, with calf;; 5 cows; Polled -Angus bull.' Horses: ' matched' team of 'geldings;; work team of geldings; draft mare in foal; driying mare, good third horse, in foal; driving filly 2 years old. 100 Rock hens. Feed: 25' tons of hay; - 1,000 bsuhels of.0ats. Harness_ •2 set, of team harness_ with breeching, 2 sets of team harness without breech- ing; set .of teain plow_ harness; set single haiess; collars `and blankets. Implements: Also h full line of int ploments including:- -binder, shower, seed drill, ,harrows; disc cultivator hay rake; roller.; scufller; harrows; plows; 3 heavy',wagons•' single light iva on'` g set •bob's]eigiis; top buggy; 2 hay racks;; 2 gravel; boxes; hay fora:,' car, pulleys -and rope; cream 'separa- tor; forks; shovels ^ neckyokes; whif- fltrees chains and numerous other ar- ticles. Terms: All sums of 515 and under, cash; over that amount, 12 months' credit will be given on furn- ishing' approved joint notes or a dis- count of 8 per cent;, ; off for cash on 'credit amounts. Everything. Must be sold as proprietor 18 giving up farm- ing. Thomas Gundry Auctioneer; G. Layton, clerk; J. B. Reynolds, Pro- prietor. d2-2 P Auction Sale \.:02 'Faratr Stock and Implements at Lot 18, ,Con. 1, I-Inllett, on Thui's- day, March 22nd, at 1 o'clock, sharp,. the following: - Horses; - Draft mare 10 years old draft mare 6 years old, in foal; draft gelding 5 years old; driving horse 11 years. old Cattle: cow 7 -years old, due in May; cow. 6 years, old, due in March; heifer, 3 yearsold,' fresh- ened in ,Ian.; cow years old, fresi� ened in Oct.; Heifer with 9 calves at foot; heifer 3 years old; 3 heifers 2 - year -old; 7 calves, Pigo: brood sow, due lst of May; 2 store, pigs. Shee:. 4 Leicester sheep. 80 pulletts.i Im- plements: Massey-h-nrris binder, E- ft. cut; •McCor,nick mower, 6 -It. cut; 3 -horse Massey -Harris cultivator; 10 - hoe 'drill; Frost & Wood bay rake; 1 -furrow Oliver 'riding plough; ,Ernst & :Wood walking- plough; set of &. section harrows; turnip drill; sculller,•; circular saw; ' 3/,t lr;p. International gasoline engine, 40 -gal. ,gas' or oil tank, nearly flew, root pulp or; cut- ting' box; Fanning mill with, bagger; iron -axle wagon; hay rack; set bob-. sleighs; ton ~buggy; Set rubber tired wheels; eater; , C Iter, light Wag -on; exten- sion ladder; set double harness; set stogie harness; DeLaval cream sep- arotor, near,<ly now, No. 12; 'Daisy churn, No. 2; Morse saddle; 2 water barrels; grind'stone; sot scales, 240 lb.; 2 hand sleighs; 1, dozen grain bags,bag. truck Tray fork and slings;; pails, chains, forks, hoes, etc, A quantity of household furniture, in - eluding in- eluding 8-buriror coal oil stove, 1 Happy Thought range, ice --cream freezer, and many other articles too numerone to iirnntian, Terror; .11.11 sums of 310 and under, cash; ever that atrnount, 8 months':ereclit wilt ho given on frn'nithhig approved joint notes or 4 disootrnt 02 4 per Cem,k straight, allowed for cash ori credit amounts, Idwdrd i4.adbway, Propri- etor; Gee. II, Elliott, Auctioneer, tinguish be most . ytsa2. eli, i '.. our Tea you can b .. DONT FORGE' To acid seine of our Kincardine Bacon to your order with a bottle Heinz Tomato Catsup, .They have a flavor all their; 'own'lr o o£ at papular prices. Seo' them in. our window. 1IIIS WEEKS . S1'FCIALS • 2 cans GM ; 25c ;10 Bars Laundry 2 cans -Tomatoes, -; Soap . 25e 2,rc 3 pIcgs, : Pearline 25c .2 cans Peas`35c` 3 pkgs, Ammonia 25c 2 eans Pumgkin , 35e 3 :cakes Palmolive ,Soap . • , 25e 5 lbs. Pure Lard ....$1.00 3 calces Glycerine Soap .. , 25c SEE O5'R LINE OF FANCY C AKES AT POPIILAIt PRICES Ge • Get the Habit o Dealing cal nn f r at 9 JOr� 1FI 1�I5 4. � &, CO'S Q��f.T«�.E&IlC Phone ult$e 111 • THE STORE FOR, EVERYBODY o lete Line of Maple Buds Orchids Medallions ons , °' Lunch u ch bars ones, o ms r C aquettes Peanut Cris Cocoa _Rock p, Butteretteo ' Caramel Dates ALSO Butter Flips Cocoa Burrs; Rob Roys Jelly Beans, Chocolate Bars= -most anyr variety Chocolates in ' aeka Ci�.son a ,° p , and in b>:,lk Neilson's 'Ica Cream - ROWN V CO. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 'I ,For Sale A white enamel'crib 'bed,and mat- tress, practically new, cheap. Apply to Abe Brandon, Bayfield. _ —93-1 'Lady's'Driver and Piano `For Sale Lady's or child's driver to be sold. Mas been conveying children back and, forth; from schooh for -Past year. Also a rosewood 'square piano, in; perfect condition. 14irs.' Wni. Beclour, R. R. No, 2, Clinton. 'Phone 24 on 602. 93-2-p All Owing Accounts All those owing accounts, to the late 'Dr. • C. W:' Thompson for med- ical attendanceare recinested to call and pay same to Mrs. Thompson at his , late? residence, Huron street, - Clinton. -92-tf South -End outh- Ena Grocery,,. Quality table supplies in all lines of GROCERIES We have many good values . g Rtes to offer; you and respectfully solicit .a ,trial order: OUR MOTTO: "quality, Courtesy and Good Service" DON'T FORGET Our delivery will be, at. your ser- vice from 8 a.rn. until 6 p.m.'and on Saturday's. from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. J. T. r EID •' Give usaCall . Notice to Dog Owners , According to Provincial Statutes and Town: By-law ayV it is nowcquupul- sory that all dogs in the Municipality be registered and licen's'ed." Licenses.are due 11'Iarch 1st and a•. penalty is provided for' owners who fail to register. ' Full information may be had from the Chief 'Constable and Registrar. —Levi. Storig. Published by author- ity of the Town' Council. -92-3 Clover; For Sale A limited quantity of yellow 'blos- som: e sweet clover ` seed..App1y to Chester J. Nicholson, Bayfield., Phone 9 on 99. Hensali central. Seed Barley' For Sale A quantity of cleanseed barley. Apply to J. O. Cole, R. R,• No. 3, Clinton. Phone 11 on 605, Clinton central. —92-3-p Hog For Service Supreme Lad, No. 180, registered Large Black hog, will stand for ser- vice at the premises of the under signed. 'C. W. (Villiams, Sr'., Lot 44, Maitland Con., 'Goderieh Tp. —92-tf Farm ,For Sale ` or •,Exchange . For town or village property,` being lot 35, con. 13, Goderieh township. There are on the prenri0es , a. good' .hank barn 50x50, with good well; ,7 roomed' frame Noise, spring 'creek running through the farm, a good spring nearthe house, All seeded but 5 acres, ploughing done. A11 kinds of fruit<: trees, -. 'berries, and small fruits, peaches, pears, .plains. If not sold will consider renting: 65 acres in all on Telephone roail, 2 utiles from Clinton. For particuiars apply 10 Joshua Sherman, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Ontario, —91-tf For Sale White 'Wyandotte Cockerels fromMartin's- special Dorcas record -lay- ing Pen 25 to 32, : 'Aipply to Lucy R. Woods, Bayfield. -91=tf Wanted Land, fall ploughed and prepared ;for .flax sowers. lteply by letter, g'0V iris acreage. and charges per acre. Clintnn Flax "Mill. ._90,4 , Fifty Acres For Sale, About one mile from CIinton, good level land in. best of condition, suit. able for eultivating or for 'pasture,. half is seeded zlolv0. Goad fences and watered by- Baylield':river. in- gtrire at News -Record Ommico, JO -12 house For Sale 2 -story brick house on North street, in good repair,- all Conveniences, acre of Mind, fruit trees, ore, Good stable cgoitld be used for° different, Purposes. Also a 2 -acre lot near r'ailwny track, C, $ 'Wallis, Clinton, 81.12, f t Phone 144 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in • Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise er- i d chars se and Parrs c Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, cil, Ont. Phone 18- 93. ti .88-tf-1923 Wanted' ' .A; 21/2 or. 3 h.. engine. Apply p p t p o W. J. Merlveen, Clinton. Phone 13. • —87-11 Wrrod For Gale Sound maple wood, Apply_ S. R. McMath, Holmesville: —86-11 Custom Saw5ng • We. will do custom sawing lit Thos. Wallis',also at Clinton, in the early, spring, Mc79wan Bros., Bayfield. 85 -ti Farm For Sale - Lot 10, concession 1, Mullett, sit- uated on provincial highway 3% miles from ':Clinton; and 5 miles from Seaforth. Contains 100 acres, well drained and fenced, in high state of cultivation: three acres hardwood bush, two acres good orchard and 20 acres fall ploughed. ;On place is geod 'pine barn, 60x50, stone founda- tion,, stable all cemented, in first class condition; drivinglhhod 50x20; ten -roomed brick house with good cellar. For 'further particulars op - ply to Mrs, J. D. MeDermid, Clinton Ont:, or C. Me,Gregor, R. R. No. '2, Seafortn, Ontario. - 78-1f, Farm for 'Sale, or Rent Lots 57 and - 58, Maitland conces. sign Goderieh"'township, containing 104'/ acres, more or less. Dank. barn, 50 feet square, stabling tinder. neath, driving shed, heed, 30x80; hen house, largo frame house. Pos. session ' given at once. Andrew Shepherd: Londosboro, Ontario. 76.12 Farm For Sale Lot 10 pt, 11 eencession 1 Hullett, Hr r Huron road 1 /a miles east of Clingy ton. This fawn; contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and > in first ease condition, the .balance ie • pasturo Hind and bush. On the premises is. a good barn 40x74 with stone staid-, ing and cement floors, also lion !louse pig pen and drive shed on cement 'loundation< There ie a two story brick house with modern ;eonveuiep, cos, Farm is well watered With first Class springs and also spring creek running ae fes one Cornet. Fatal x<.t well "adapted foil mixert farthing', T'or' tiering and eoaditione make tip, Plication on thepromisee or Clinton, It. 10. No, 4, John N'eblii 58-12 timemluuuniuuiamatii epi 1'1111.11111111 111/11111 1111[1,1111411e 11,1.1:111 IPI 111111 1143131. /N, 11) 1 1111 11 Nit( 4.1. StMeessors to M, T, Corless•. --Rowlands Old stand THE TIME 1s 'ui proaetling -the Painting Season. Remember we carry a 'full line of'M rIiti.•Senou 100 per dent pure priors for your- WALLS, FLOORS, CEILIN,CS. "AUTO,.OAR. (:�E, PORCHT SOREENS, OUSE and- BARNS, Also ENA&IELS I And VARNISEEES. Try Our Selene C®a`l, Oil and see the" dI>`I'arenee' over Wliat you have been using. No'smoky chimneys, and a much brighter light. Polarint 0i1 and •Gasolia eat lowest.p rice 181f11MIIIIN1QImR11iIItm1(ImOfRmf(IlfNfrttlftmmims>nNmrtmmne 1111110111111111110111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIII IIII 111 IIIIi11111111111401110101I!IN4111N Ilu1g81llll11Nl 1111111111 Phone 68. OFFICl6 HOURS 9.30 to 12 a.m. 2.00 to 5.30 p,mn, 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Wednesdays aJ.30 to 12 aan. 7.30 to 9 pan. DR W. R. N i !M leo Chiropractic Specialist, .Speciafazing in Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Normandie Block, Clinton, Ont, Wanted , A probationer for Clinton Public Hospital. Apply at once to Miss Grainger, Superintendent.. , . 84-1f. Raw Furs Wanted Highest market, price paid: Do not sell your furs until you get my prices, which are often 5 per cent. to 25 per cent. higher than prices paid by other dealers. Phone or write H. A. Hovey.: Phone 89, Clinton. ' Clothes Cleaned and 'Pressed ' Clothes cleaned pressed 'and.•re paired. , Woolen goods dry cleaned, Roomd over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Jago.' 83-tf Baby •. ._. y phi Cks From Bred•to-Lay Stock PLYMOUTH' ROCKS S:' C. WHITE LEGHORNS. At Reasonable Prices. Writeor call and enquire- about my custom hatching p1an, hatch your. own eggs. E. L. MITTELL Clinton 011 Store vacated by J. E. Johnson ,Ai Number of men's, boy's yys sand - youths i-1 Heavy b� �bei s At A 10 per cent cut Ladies' Spats and cq Over Rubbers For Friday- and Saturday`. ''�k . Bairg Opposite the Postofrice. Clinton We pre taking orders for bulk, coarse salt, on which we have .a special price for .delivery oft' ear. Call and see a sample. FLOUR AND OATMEAL Purity, Five Roses, Family and Pastry Flour Oatmeal in 20 15, and 90 lb. sack. CLOVER V R AICD TzrvIOT H Y' Red Clover, Aisike, Ontario Grown Alfalfa and Timothy ' ' All No. 1 Government Standard Seed Fignre up your requirements and leave your order early before the spring tush starts.. of you have any clover or millet to sell leave its a sample' as We have been able to strike some very-g'ood rnarltets this winter. • Jefkifg S Son. Ir LOUR ANTI FEED Phohed;Elevator 109. Reside/lee 14 Singer Sewing Machine , Family, Electric and D. R. Styles -Also some second-hand machines, good as new. • Old machines taken as part payment Easy Terms. It will pay you to look these over before playing elsewhere. - REPAIRING AND PARTS FOR ALE ' MAI{ES, OF MACHINES EARL STEEP COAL4 NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residettce. Phone 110 NOTICE . . Buyer of all'' kinds of furs ' and ' hides:' If you have any, kindly 1'efa me know •by phone, and _I will call' for them. Highest prices for Duck and Goose feathers. Raniras. Phone 137, 'li C nton. SEED "s'7 Our spring stocks of Alfalfa, Red Clover, Aisike, Timothy, Yellow and White Blossom Sweet Clover are now • ready for sale. Farmers desiring, clean,, hardy seeds at a reasonable price e will find it to their advantage to buy now. Our stock is ail On- tario Grown Seeds. Substantial disc count on cash sales, ' ROOFIN Have a complete line of hig hesti grade asphalt roofirig, Will guarani, tee our line and stand behind it. Always on hand:. PurityFive Roses, Thorobred and K:o>;tlu,Star Flours, Ground Charcoal, 'Be& .SSer Tankage; Ground Flax Seed; Corn;'S Ground Corn;, Oatmeal; Oyster Shell; Grit; Royal Purple, Pratt's and Wodehouse Stock Foods and Royal Purple, Wodehouse and Elaehford's Calf Meal; Glauber Salts; Sulphur and Salt,- Special ; prices on large quantities for cash. J. A. FORD :G SON Phone, 123 Flour and. Feed Merchants and j. - Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappera: licenses Eggs d Poultrg Wanted We are in the gnarket all 1134 year round for eggs and, poultry. IT .WILL BE TO YOUR AD :, VANTAGE TO GET IN TOTICH',i WITI-I US WHEN READY' TO 1 MARKET YOUR PRODUCE, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO. N. W,- TREWARTHA, Manager.,; Phone No. 190 Holmesville 601 r 1t! CREAM WANTED! The demand feat our buster is in creasing,, To supply this demand we roquitO More cream. We reghest you to -ship ns awn; eeearn. We guarantee o P you the Iligheste Market Priees, stecurate testa and; prompt service. Our firm is dcnownao you andneedai no further recommend, - We pay: ill express:.eharges, fumefish ereanr cans ,and pay twice eetlt' month, 'Orito for tans orfurther in £erinix •` on 14 tit() . 1'^r 5T TIIII SEAI;41R'rtr CREAMERY RY C?;ti C' A, BARBER, MANAGER, ,