The Clinton News Record, 1923-3-15, Page 3••,;' fr Canada from Coasko,Coast The trook ,of ,eharecter is seldoip de, monstreted by 'a noisy and blustering assertiveness.' Still watere run deep, and Mettliew' Amolti hie fine oen- net on "Nature'' teaches that "toil unsevered from traoquillity"'•aecorn- plishes results beyond tbe 'ken of those who think that a large output must 'be -1 Weekly Market Report le John's, Nfid,----Mareh the 7th the "IVIelagatiei" will 'take on the Toronto, Hie opening. Of the Newfoend- Ifebr'LCIk: 400 441411 41444 Wi) 11101 betWe,4.1.1 Matiltoba -WM:ate-No. Northein, lend Seal fishing see" ep The se;ail)e. the Ilii\17:5" et.8 "iind 23. A repreSoiita- ffeet has now been reduced. to" eli6/1`;'t tive of:the Oidario Govermeent ia the Manitoba eats—Neniinal. ‚4444> "1 Seven a 1.11>. 4. operate on *Hebrides •Statos thet he (multi treble ‘11,aiiitoba barley—No m heal. the Grand Banks mid one in the Culf the humbee emigemite if, IL were All ,the aheve trade Bay porta. 00 ,..).0 ,St. 1, av,,r en a e, An ' airplane used deemed advi s able to 00 s o, ecconipanied he a loud sound. Amellean eorn—No. 3 yellow, . 9 ,o44 No. 4 83o• , '1%, the 'A:iterate: stealifer "Quest" la Winnipeg, Maii,—A 1....tege butter OX- The air of having time enoegh and .. HarioY—Malting, 5.0 to.61eace:: t r 1- , .employed in 000)1>4. 1041 with the Oland; port trade wee caviled oil 4444 the loo room enough, which eome men of me, to ercighta outside, anks 110)1>4 1144>4.441. of vessels, ' . i vieeial creameriee in 1922, A total Halifax, ..---efeg commanding power diecloseis in Iiciwbett—No278 to 8044 NSSinee >1.'. >4' '115 cars, repeeseeting• 2,556,12ff . strilcing contrast with the fuoshloose Rye ----No, 2, 84 to 86c. the 1922=23 seaeon to 'date iteple' pouncle of inittoroYalue 7894,6.12, Were the. petulence,. the febrile restlessneas Peas—No. 2, 71.45 te etoPMenta. frein this '.port- have- :lin- shipped feom :the peovinee, ship, and eervouenese of other and lesser killfecd--Del„ Montreal feeielite -e.-- men. Those who- conimand . and re-, bags ineholed: Bran, per tone 726; '011710011 117 iiii--.,980 barrels, 6,651 half- 1113111S were made te Great oritain, fleyv.Hom OF:QN'IARrO 'VETERI,NARY C,OLLE,OZ' , leverets, ,and 8,914 boxee, as eempared Pacing, Goast, DIOntreel, 'Toronto, New pe ...,- t i , i. , . - e ., calve the, .confitience of others are shorts, Peyton, $28; micitil‘ine.s' 728.50. , 49', e er nitr College at Guelph was recently opened after itS removal , , .., . •-, / P ot. the ontaeie Agri. not thoSe mule flare ImPetuouslyoin o good feed timer, to $1,16, aceording to freights oqitside. from Toro Ito... It Yis at ii sOi t 'Meted in the round' witl 098,531, bereele 5,7440 half-ber.+ Yoek Chicego and P. hiladdlphia,• , ., ,, „. , r , , ' cultural Colle'ge, where the stag mid students are in elesetmich with the live „errivee . They do ribt""ily eff • t the Tele, and 8‘,741 boxes in the correo- Regina, Sasit.—Seskatchewan's con- ' si g 3 7 spa.8/11 of excitement, when the. crisis Ontario wheat-eNo. 2 white, 71.14 ' • 'thitario No 2 white oate.-48 to 50c . Ontario corn—Nonni 1 yontling period, a year aLO, a ecoeaSe trilmhion to the against .tubai, • -01 approximately 40,000 beerele. tl '11 b th or NIcelt atold,ligs 01 the 0.A.G. It is an .717.94;1Bit/0n Wli 1011 nieltes' an .thiportent handle!' or ego off at lialf-eoel" as • , which 50 >40 connections with allied inore samateria, one: be built in 1923 — expresses 1t, In fact; tney are,s0 eaqm Frkdiericien, N•13,--NeW interests streetion hY the Geverinnent of tWe ,c22,t;rihirtion to tee farmieg PoPulateedien 0' the Province' the Proverbial wisdom of the street in jute begs, Mopereal, prompt shio-, °Marl° Ninety per cent. pat,, (hen 111 coneosted ,u1bart centeee than that they frecitientlY exasP'erate those merit, $5.10 to 70.20; Toronto basie,1 incluetries will eoon have control of and the other 77 1.024-• it was SafPnlyrclun the Health the aetintony mines and dperation of ed by Hon. M. lIhrich, Minister of o a 'Id amoog those children that live out in who think the'Vdt is their duty to get 75.05 to 75.15; bulk seaboard, $4.95 to' 1.110 mines all a llieg'e scale win ooteet., Public Health, While the Government . ur, the; rural parte where they -have roorn excited. ' $8• BY W, M, MORRIS, . • ••1 • • of the Mid the die seeks) 77;10 per barrel; 2ricl pats.,1 less be one of tile results of the will own the 1)uildirigs, they 7vill be • , • . •cliarige:tecoeding to Dr. W. II. adiaiiiiistc:red by the' Sitekatclie\v,an fresh air. ',Tile faet is that eity, cii - itripot lie , $6,00. fdr physical "exereise and plenty Of Dr, Oster used to Ja44 y 'stress' on tho Manitoba flour—,let pais,, in eotten peesideat of the North America Anta- An,,1-11 _.‘. , , ne pr01-'cal to have' medical and d t 'a ere "heelthice than their ciolimecr traequillity of the physician • H E t • N 2 p r ton traelt i • dentat inspectmn of tim -cliildren, in 714; mixed. 711; clover $8, d.mony and smoting Co, Ldniontom- Alta,—Reue Ce Her, the, schools of one of the ,,eutiiern 0,0-ains in the country. „.. Most ,clty at .tie he 'side, ve 0 IS the soldier ot Toronto I P I I Quehee, Quo —An entire Village 141 11111., engineer 0" Pal'''3' France' l's' (.01111 101 'of' Ontario', was earried bY a lecollibct ftheravtehed°heeteCilt.si;:101nfclteineta,e'sheijd7elin0, esicYiellnizeealti°Int.c%nrtaitibilei; hiah1i14211ge aliiilLidoe0of rOlSittor,1A$v9—, C" kts' 'Per:ton' tr!le1c, T9-1 with its ihretty perish c,hureb, its visiting' Alberta and investigating na-, slight niajority of the trueteee. ' One 'school', public and. private buildings, tural resources- dn 'behalf f ' fl The boyo 13.1',,cl.,girl,of feeeien parents not oud the patient if the healer be Buttee—Einest pasteurized, cream- i Storee end residenees, will, be either capital, which Seelcs•oppoltuonitr,e:feolr'' ef 'the three :trustees' of, a.4certein school ,,peedien ...,„\ree very, mueh epp,oepd in pomp •oll,y schools ere getting ,a... trays irresolution ' end' 'agitation: ery:. solids, 50 to 51c; paints 151, to, demolished or removed 4- '.4-1 la- devegoinnentein'thi„eeprovinee• ... ' , better 'chance. for dieetim living than' ;Whatever ;qualms and incertitudes be 52c; ordinary ceeinnery, solid's, 45 to to the. -.scheme sayine "T,he parents h • f d O. set the doethr's mind 'hie 'should licit 430; prints, 48 to 49c; duirY, 29c; „ ,ohow them. The appearance' of confi- denCe breeds 'contidenee. W6` trust those who seem to knoW What theY axe doing, SUch dissernblink be the part cation for the great.eservoir result- &snatch item , of ' this. eectior' aehietry,liav t e children of eorne o oue, goo an - cooking., 15 to I8e. • ing from the construction of the dam London, Eng..; states that the first i'd e adian stock -in rural parts. ' .- enough affeetioa for their children . - ` L'ggs—Freski gathe'ved, 37 to 39c; on the Chiceatimi and Sable Rivers at shipment of British Golutibia tipples Various Physical Defects. *, . , 29c.. ' ICenogami. The cost or. moving the liad. been recently received in HUH. and take enough, interest .11). their wele Live poultry—Chickens, ' milk -fed,' villaee and. compensating Hie resi- The fruit was in .first class condition,. fare to provide medical and dental in- , It is estimated that out of everY onection for theni when, they need it. twenty-tve %children m schoph four, dents for their lessee will amount to end atta.acted a big gathering of buy 84)0(1.14) 7500,000 and 7700,000. erg When it was put.up for sale, As We have skillful 'physicians for .our have defective eyesight, four have adenoids and. four _have trouble' with 11 15 anticipated that a perman- oi 1,4linilY -doctors and most of the 1n -r- ents take their -children,to.the family tonsils. , The yarents may not be Toronto, Ont. --The first migration . . g • . .. g ee 1 re of young lIe,brides farmers to Ontario fruit, physlcian when they need anY atten- aware ofethese conditions, and when under the immigration scheme of this eat trade in appleS willbe built un be - Province wilr begin on April 20, When twoen Hull and British Columbia, tion. 'There is 710 need for any repre- informed are invariably very grateful . sentativeg t ' ' ' , of the Department of -.9 those evho have made the examma- Education corning heie to tell es how tion. BeSides these conditions many LIFTING OF EMBARGO . we should attend to the medical needs .children have dental trouble which re - BIG TRADE INCREASE of our. children," In,snite of the "pro- sults in „malnutrition. There is little testseof this, trustee, however, a sun'. t° „be gained bY eating if we are not vey 73as Made, by doctors and nurses, in a condition to 'utilize the feed we of the children in menk school sec- consume. The first step to be taken tions, including the one of which he in ,the emecting is to deterniine was a trUstee. ' , whether the person 'to be fed is able When the nurse came to this pa,,, to benefit by the quantity of nutri- ticular school section, the teacher ment supplied. pointed eut a little girl of ten years Thousands of people to -day; tire suf- of age, whom she hesitated to describe fering from malnutrition. They get as dull and yeiregretted that she "did sufficient f,00ci, but their systems can- not seem to be able to keep up with not utilize. the nourishment furnished the rest of the class. The nurse fin- them. Some boye and .girls have been mediately took the little girl in hand regarded as dull and stupid, beo their and tested „her eyesight, concluding teachers and peeents,- but their in - that ',she -was -partially" lellnd. ' The -ability, to keep up witletheir elass In , . . .Britaiii's Live Stock Dealers •Expecting Million Head of Cattle from Canada. .A despatch from Ottawa says;--• TestifYing -before the coannittee that Is inquiring into agrieultuval condi- - tions.,' Deputy Minister of Agriculture 'GriSdale -said that many in ,the live- - stock trade in Great Britain evidently believed that a big trade' Would result fi.ona Canada,' fella:Wing the 'lifting Of the , cattle einbargx1;-', ' seemerto-thinlc as many as a' million head might be get from this, conntry. An important point, 'brought out was that 'cattle shipped from Ireland will enter Britain. „under 'inuch „eas,•ier, eon- ditiong than those. fro.M. Canada, though, after their arrival the Cendi- tions are the same in both cases. . Thomas SoleCdrew information re- epecting' the. cost .of, shipping' cattle from the West to Liverpool, Dr, Gris-1 dale yenturing the ,opinion' that the cost from Winnipeg for an eleven hun, deed pound beast would be fi.em 7'45 to 750. Mr. Sales thought that about', another 71.0 would have to he added' to charges from a mid-Saskate6wan' point;. end concluded that, from pres-1 ent -prospect's, there would not be 10111011 in it for the Western farmer. He thought that a beast •sold at 740 - Some 'years ago.brought more profit • . than one at 760 to -day. • Mr. Xekell gave . the overhead , charges on an eleven' hundred pound steer to Liverpool as follows:- "Prom Toronto, 735; :Irani Winnipeg, $44; from Calgary, • $47. 'The Imirden of evidence was to .show that the lee ' of shipping store ca'ttle would' be pro- ' fitahle foe the eastern farmer. Mr. Sales wanted to knew if it would not be possible to secure a through rate on •qattle shipped from the Welt and fed in the East for ex-• , port, so that the farmer might, in this respect,' be, placed „on the s.arne level with the millets who had a milling in transit rate, • ..;.Fifty Years. a' Weethernlen. Sir Frederick Stepart,-7viro is also called "Old Probs," is. the 'director of the C.a.nadien meteorological setededi at Ottawa, 'the service which be. enteeed- more Olean fifty' years ago'. He is a native -bum Canadian; whose birth- place was near Toronto. He is, a son or captain of the Royal. Nayy. I -Ie hes 110,...,10 president of the:Royal' A.e, trot:oh:Aral Seciety, among ether hIgh. homo is in Toronto. filrings to,.Q4nada. ' I Dr, F. G. 'Denting, whose discovery o inSulim a 'serum for the cure of dia- betes, ha.o 'brought unqualified approv- al and praise from medical men" on bath sides of the Atlantic. He has al - usual eard. was filled in and .sent to the school was due to some physical the pareiits, with %the reco.m, defect: Iteney be that they could'net mend,a.tion'that they consult 'the, fem.' See the blackboard or hear the teach- -ily phySician with reference to, the' el.'s voice. Sometimes rural ,children ceildes sight, • have ‚so many chore's to do in the morning and evening and so far to A St2artlin Revelation „ , • walk to 1011001 that they are too It•ejust happened that this little fatigued to make the progress they girl was the ds.dghter of the should. trustee who protested against Three Objects in iVew. -medical and dental inspection in the* The Department of Education is schools and although- he resented the . . . not examine any . compulsion m really had amazing results in treat- interference of Gov,erntnent officials, health eclueatioe, but is actuated by ment of diabetic patients. A move- le complied with the 'suggestion and meat is on foot in the Ontario Paella- -book the little girl to the family doe- the desire to enable each 'child' to function in the highe'st degree possible ment-tO provide him with a'subsian- tor. After a slight examination of tiail income to oet him free ,tor at the child, the doctor said, "I am scirry for 'him in whatever oPhere of life his lot May be cast. Three distinct objects least ten years for unrestrieted re- to tell you that your chilcieis blInd of search work. ,, one eye .and the other eye is also are kept in - . affected. It muat havelbeen very clif- First—The ;curtailment of "the pedition paused there for a few hours SUPERIOR QUALITY , ficuit for her to -read the writing oil spread of communicable' disease iii and learned that -a Japanese 'vessel OF ANZAC PRODUCTS the blackboard at school and to keep'the cdnimunity.' Great benefit would which had. called- a month before was • up with the rest of her class The' he derived if parents, trustees and the first vessel the 137 inhabitants had a nasight of one, Ye s beyond recovery! teaell rs were - well enough iriformed seen hi a year and' a half. In the e i e The Hi hNto Standard'to detect the first symptoms of coy.- way uE material things, the Japanese A itiai butg„)..wili do my best to preserve that verts Pr 1. Trade frorn ol'ine other eye. If you had .brought 'tagieus diseases. If this lcnowledge ship bad given the islanders nothing Ce.nadia.n Canned Fruits.' her to me two years ago I think T. :were nwre general ana-18°Ple knew exeePt. Package .ar 'Picture P°St- • , ovei s., 25c; do, 4 te 5 lbs., e2c; . of one/who, undertakes to cure the ills eicb over 5 The., 22c; eo, 4 to 5 the., 180; 1-d which flesh ia heir is riot a mean do, 2 To 4 lbs., 15 to ].Sc; hens, over 5 duplicity,, an evil hypocrisy'. It is a lbs., 250; do, 4...to 5 lbs., 189.350, 3 to, righteous and laWfttl Way to giyd the 4 1.bs„ 15 to 18e; roosters, 1 2 to 150; , sick the comfort end the encourage- ducklings', over 5 lbs., 25 to 80c; do, progress to ard 'recovery. • , ' o Irma t d DI 4 to 5 lbs. 22 to 26ee turkeys -young ' ly • • I I 1 • t th: t h ment a, ave s 1 o o w , , / 10 lbs end up 25e. do, old 150 The quiet mind, 'in any field of ap- , ' Dreseed poultry—Chickens, milkfed., over 5 lbs., 30c; dorei to 5 lbs., 26e; plication, pan afford to wait and be do Over 5 lbs., 20c; do, 4 tO 5 lbe., 24e; gentle and tolerant 'of contrary,°Pin, do' 2 to 4 lbs., 221...hens over 5 lbs. • and .generous ands humorous. • . It 25:7.. do 4 to 5 lbs., 24c; (110, 3 to 4 , , has Ito own "durable Satisfactions" lbs. 22c; roosters, 22c; duckling.s, over that- come "when few men ,heed." It 6 28 to 30e. do 4 to 5 lbs., 22 .2 y finds a satisfaction in .deliberate ses- I to 25c; tnekeys, young, 10 lbs. and up, sions with itself, sometimes in the 25c; to, 20c.' nocturnal silences, sometimes in far, lonesomeplaces, but '121Ways with a consciousness that a Power, shaping a destiny, guiding a life, controlling the world, is near at band. One who never feels reliance on -that presence greaterthan self and beyond self can havo no perfect rest in a world of mortal error and finite shortcominge. Peace comes when we understand that round about us, and' in our lives,'there is the love divine:, a love serene and wise; a leve ,ample as the fullness The Islanders: In a. recent issue of the Journal Of the Royal Geographical Society ap- pears „Commander Frank ,Wilde's re- port of Sir Ernest Shaeleloton's last Antarctic- expedition in the Quest. One of the outstanding features of the ac- count is its deseeiptien of that loee island in the middle of the South At- lantic known its Tristan d'Aeueflut, 1 This is' one, of the most isolated in-. habited places in. theewoefd. The ex - both! what steps to take, a great deal could cards, all of them colored views of , A eeepateh freni ,,London says could have saved the Ihe done to preserve life, prevent epi- Fujiyame. But from the vessel there New Zealand having alread • de eYes." th I donnas and economize in the treat- cl been landed two missionaries the . y ma , , r, serious mrcade on the, British market One can easily ims:gine e la caniteian chees,0 with its Govern_ Teeling6 02 the father/ who. Pref6ssedI mesnetcooifid—{146Telecso. erection of existing iRlieev's.alionidt IVtlirnseiMtlaiartbinhaRd°gelearPs'oeadn (11\' 111-2:: '4:'. ment gradod pt.o.d,uce, Atietralla now to 11111(0 so. marked affection for his! threatens to steal a march on danade clildrei, -when he learned that his 111-1 defects. Prevention in tile child is Rogers had already steeled a Boy rated above cure in the adnit. Tri'e Scout Troop. '''• Ire had also created a by the establishment of a oationai tle `.g.terl was greeting up in -blindness bo no. 111451015 of developing good health is school, and, observes Commander standard of quality for all,its primaey' under his care. There would of 11>4010 important than the remedy to Wilde, "the' boys and girls ;attending preducts. , . . limit to the sacrifice if the sight sheuld have had greater 'appreciationl Heil cure ' ' h li range in age from about four to forty Third—The' education of parents , yeEll•S." ' ' A start haS-already been made with the blind' eye could be recovered. butter and cheese, and the 13ritish. the need of better' The people an moral, peaceful and arl-et wi•ll 80 , ' , • f of the school rgulation -that provides!,and children in Ntateee—On track, Tereeto, -70e, per 940144 bag, e Sluoked med., 27 to 290; ceoltect ham, 40 to 42o' 0111090441>, rolls, 26 to 23e; cottage ronS, 82 to 85c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 33e; Snee dal brand breakfast becon, 85 to 27c; bte:Ce7itiose'eitbbl.:11.121:°es.:2tutosLtrl 7130,4oltiti 904010r,l'itli,b'xiith;v10911;, 5J500 lbs, and' up, 7l8; lightweight in barrels, 728; heavyweight rolls, 735. Larde-Ture tierces, 101/2 0 tebs, I7c;pails,1771.e; 1)1111344 151/711, 1,814c„ Shorin teeg tierces 141/2 to lee. tube 15 to 15 Ike; pails, 151/ to,10ce prints/ 17ifeatvoirlseteere,' ehodee, ••77 to $8; butcher steers, choice, 76 to .76.25; de good 3570 to 76. do in cl 7" to 75.50. do com 74713 to 75. butcher heLfeis, choice, 76 to 76.25; do, mod., b71.5112c5heticY/ c7olys(,thelleo°iTe; 7%4:5705 to 7'4-'5:2250;; do, med., 73 to 74; ealmere and cat- teee, $2 to 72.50; .butcher.bulla good 74 to 75; do, cone, 73 to 74; feeder steers/ good, 75.60 to 76,50; do, fir, 74 to 75; eteckers good, $4 to 74.50; do, fair, 72.50 to 73.503 calves, choice, 711.50 to 712,50. do rned $8 to 710,50; de, 00111., 74.50 to 77.50e milch co-ws, choiee, 770 to -790; springers, elioice, 780 to ; lanlbs, choice, to 714; sheep, choice, 78- to 79; do, mile, 73 to 74; hogs, fed and watered, 710150 to 710.75; . do, feeb., 79.75 to 710; do, country points, 79.50 to 79.75. Coro—AmeleloallitNreott1. .2 yellow, 93 to 94c. Oats—Can. western, NO. 2, 65 to 66c; No: 3, 60 to 61e• extra No. 1 feed, 5 ed,08c.pt0,r 7 to508c;_Nmoa. n2 p los earo linwhiltveh, 45 t pats.; firsts,' 77,10; seconds, 76.60; strong bakers', 76.40; winter pato., choice, 76.50. 1141ed oats, bags, 90 lbs., 73.15 to 73,25. Bran, $26 to 730. Shorts„ 728 to 732. Middlings, 733 to 735. Hay' --No. 2, per ton, car lets, 713 to $14. Cheese—Finest easterns„28c. But - tor --Choicest creamery, 51•5e to 52e. 'Eggs—Fresh, 47c. Potatoes—Per bag, car lots, 71.05. Med. and fairly good, veale, 70 to 77.50. Thick,- fat,. heavy western hogg, 79; good quality local, 710 to 710.50. • • • health habits, room for a long -1' d They have .4no headman, m 071 leceo e supplies o 'butter labelled. with the national for medical and dental inspection . - 've • brand "Kangaroo," which will guar- ;Lintee that 11 11121 beee pasteurized, has come. from Australia, and will keep for five months. Similar action will be taken with 'regard to canned fruits and dried Theee is a lesson here far Canada - whose canned fruits are constantly be- ing criticized by Beitish importers on the ground that they are not -well graded. For the same a contractor to whom it was proposed to give a catering contract for the 13eitish Ene, pire ekhibition, objeetect to using Can- adian calmed fruit. ,I, A. Rtiddick, Dominion Deity Com- missimier, now en route to the An- tipodes will, no doubt, look into the advisability, of emulating Australia's example. Britain to Retain Use f o raper tyloney A,cicspatch from London says:—The reeumption of gold, carrency is not contemplated, according to Stanley Baldwin, Chancellor of the Exchequer. When qeestioned in the House as to whether he would consider the advis- ability of abandoning paper Money and revert tp gold in Order to inspire c1onficlence and stimulate industry, the Chancellor replied he did etn; think that the issue of gold was either de - the children. There are, to doulit,1 great camPaign in this paeticulari no laws. no .taxeo; no goal and 110 nifiny children all over the province' alone. Children should' be taught how police." They 'have neither alcohol nor of Ontario, suffering from' blinciness,i ,t.° take eare of their -teeth, the value tobaceo. Their one crop is the potato, deafness and °the)." handicaps because of fresh air in their living'and Sleep"- but they have ,cattle and" poultry. parents and tfiesteeS are:, remiss ici7 ig aPartraents; the cleanliness of the Their twenty Masses. are infested with their responsibility for the trust cos- body, and the itecessitY of physical rats and fleas. Far out of the beaten mitted to them, exercises: traek of vessels, they are alv,mys in 'Good health is fundamental to in-• The 'Plan of 50.095 • ,ege• e want of all that the civilized world dividual and national prosperity. We' the department is the Union of seeuf- 1105.10 give thein. But.they 10110stard- are making a great eefee,t, to improve ••ficient,number of , 1sooI. Sections in. lly Self-reliant, and they have to be. the courses of study in our echools' rural andeurban eennumlities to 250111 "We 'tyre as near hbavon by sea as and provide better buildings and a unit, which, should ,compose obont by land!" cried Sir I-Itunphrey Gilbeet, equipment, but this will be a little: thirty to thirty-I:lye classrooms, This on the night his vess.el foundered in _avail in produeing' intelligent citieens' area would' be large enough to employ the 'North Oetientie. There are daunt - if -Lye do not take'eare of the health ofth eervicee of a well qualified, well, logs 'souls in the lonely' place's; 'the e the children. A "Teniarlcable thing trained -nurse, `The townshiP or oduntY 11.'4'4>'1, 11 who :feel themselves for - Natu..BraulllReteisnources The Natural Resources Intel- ligence Service of the Depart- ment' of the Interior at Ottawa, From .east to west,. Ontario covers over 1,000 miles, 'and from Morth to south 1 Q75 miles': .Cf the 230,090,000 acres ,of land -within the province but 14,800,- 000 acree are under cultivation. There are' 20,000,000 'acres of tne finest'.1ancl yet aVallable. This land is situated in the dis- 'bidets of Musleoka, Perri Sound, Nipissing, Sudbury, Algoma, Thunder ,Bay; Timiskaming, Kenora and Rainy River, and in the counties of Ilaliburlon, Peterboro, Hastings, Lehnox and Addington, Frontenac and Renfrew. In many of these places free grants of land' are available,"and anY Crown Land Agent would. be glad , to give particulars. Ontario,, which ,is, three • and one-half times as large as Great Britain and, Ire- land., has populatioh of but 2,249,067, whereas the British Isles have 47,413,382 of a popu- latien. There. is, therefore plenty of room for millions more in Ontario. about health that any community coulleil should he 14,144,1. 4>41.0 for' a elrel, in 1,r4>1.eire great Taskmaster's 44'P0 SuPOlies R".ffing Out are Willing' -±01)4144201', .. ' ' I the- government., and Contributions men. Those who dwell amid'the flesh -.1110151> B. F. Hamel,' of the Mines Dcpart- ,grant, which, with assistance from eye," though not within hail of fellow - can have as 1110012 of it as the people tbe expensee of a peemanent nurse to at Ottawa, and member of the The medical extunination of recruits • al Board, warns Calladill.115 FOrtY,SOVell Pe -r' Cent. unfit, 1 .from the , school 'boardS, -would 'meet pets 0-f civilization catnot understand' Canada ru for the great War discovered many look. after the health of the children, Rogera ' the satisfaction a Oren-fell:90'a Martin that this 001101117 1.1 soon to be faced at a u ,.on - is op 111 s in ' Y 1-' b. h f 5 ' physical defects "in our young mem e, ' - ' by 1, permanent feel shortage. T ie 'The report stated that 47 per cent, ./vi G G . - yiSiblo coal supply of anthracite coal, will last .only 30 to 100 years , a id ous tittles of military Service. We all n Ott His Himdreth Birthday Were PliYeically unfit for the aLrenu- egts' reat" Grandson ininietering to -those 70110 are said to be "so fat From everything," Iskva Scotia AdOpts "Drive to the Right" Ruk A despatch froni Halifax, N.S., birth of, his great-greategeandehilcl saysi—Peernier H. Arnistrong has took place On Wed.nosd.ay in the IIos- jntroduced a bill in. the local House pico St. Antoine; Present were hls of Assembly amending the Rule of the Road and the Motor Vehicle Act', conforming to the laetrile rule prevail, - Mg' in all other provinces of the Do- minion, which have tulopted the "drive to 1>110right" policy. Theee Was no .hope'Llieit there will never be another sueli wee, for ,theee is.plenty of scope A despatch frour Montreal says: ---L for the investment of the highest de- 'Celebration of the 100th birthday of greo of physical fitness in the ordinary Francois Robidoux And also of the vocations of life. The discovery of these physical WealcrieSseS Should be a challenge, to parents, echool boards and ratepayers to commenhe a pro- gram of health education in all ode schools. • Someone will objeet that the defects claughtev, Mrs. Anselme Codorre,,and her daughter, Mes. Ferdinand' Vito:, Of Ottawa; Mrs. J. A, Robillard, Mont- real, daughterbf IlIrs. Viau, and Mar- sirable now, or neceseary to produce discovered' by is,ucli medichl examine- eel Robillard, aged three weeks; son the results referred. to. tion are foUnd more among the ALL' pf Mrs, Robillarcl—fiee geuerations 13.E3>0E.- mlz,s -FLop?Ne ciEr:T's mt1sT. yo0 141-iseir" I HEARD u NI AN' D1C.K SAVIN 7 /55B0OT HE -R DA>, IN It ABBITBORO BOBBY '5,6.1D--" 11EARD -MY McFrhlE9 Es,Y MIS.5 oPPY WAs MEANS „ America's "Visible oll pimply will- last 'Only 26 years. The eernarkable growth of Canada ae an exporting counti7 is grtiphically dllustrated by a can't IN-hich Imo ills?: been , issued by the Department of Trade and. Commerce. Before the war CEinada stood eighth in volume of ex- ports*'She is now Eburth, Before tho war she ranked eighth in exports per head. She is now a close •second to Australia, and for a considerable time discussion, during,and after the war, was first. ....ozotowsz.obseemteasowshirommemsaawaumetweileonatra.munntme.punguezatoi,?paannmeraimm , , AN . DIC -1K 5 AID,, WE.,1-..1-. , IF 5 HE. ,y 1). , .\) ER 5E -.EN MIZISS VI.,OFF'Y TRYIN - TO •PLAY 131144I. v4rni 03 IN THE.YARD 51-1E-'1) KNOW. TI -IAT POC Wpt5 SAFIEd, \ CO , MISS'FLOPPY ,1 WAS JuST SPNYIN ' HOW MUCH DICK E.NJ13IY5.,.HIS 1.409:1-S. IA) rr ki Yoe) ! ;., : Sir Walter Cassels A native-born Canad'an who became an eminent jurist. Sir Walter, Cassels died at lits home in Ottawa' on March. 78th. year. - CHRISTENING OF ROYAL BABY MARCH 25 Ceremony to Take Place in Parish Church at Princess Mary's Yorkshire -Herne. A despatch from London says:— The date has been set for the christ- ening of the .infant S011 of Princess Mary and Viscount laseelles. The Ceremony 10- 31 thice plaCe in the parish church at Goldsberoligh on March 26, this date being chosen so as not to clash with any other arrangernehte ef the royal lathily. The 'Saturday tPlrieeieredsionngS KainiodQWslueyeefnei7titiliol grand National and after the race they will go straight to Goldsboraugh Hall for tho christening on Palm SunIda7.ld" r church is dedicated 'to Tne Mary and. the 'grounds around it join those of Princess Mary's home, only a low wall dividing the churchyard from' the hall. The parish church dates from the fourteenth century .and contains a number of monuments connected with old English families who once) held the manor of Goldsborough. count Lascelles himself was christen- ed there. ' FRENCI-I DISSOLVE ALL POLICE IN_RUHR ZONE The Invaders Continue March ' Through German Towns on the Rhine. A despatch from Essen says..--Thot disarming and expulsion of the :mein.- ity Imlice 'at Dortmund on Thursday Completes the disarmament and dia. solution of the police bodies through- . out the Ruhr. Only certain ,iowns now have civic police, who are virtu- ally mete watchmen. • ' A report -from Mannheim says that the French have occupied Rheinau harbor on the Rhine in lower Alnlei) and are marching on Rehinau, which is a suburb of Mannheim. ,Lt aleo reported, that the French have ocoupied the 'railway station of Dornap, near lillberfeld. Breslau, in Silesia, possesses a chim- ney 50 feet high made entirely of com- pressed prAper. 1,1> 15 slated to be are - proof. Wheat emports frorn Canada during January tlds year, amounted to 787,858 bushels, valued 0.1; 71.1,608,727, as compared. with 8402,864 bushels, value 77,160470 in January, 1922, Of Wheat flour 1,026;267 barrels, valueci at $5,891,805, wore exported in Janu- ary thin year, compered with 821,821 bhorols, value 88,677,960, in January of last yeee, .•••• •Oaneela hag taken a loading plaec 151 t11,8ivbio(tin poultry matters by admit- ting the hen to registration, as 110 Other edalintrY in the WOrld bad pro- vionaly regiStere3 poultry under rut- tional record(. The honor of having the first rogiStered hen -goes to Mr, Ilivorbtt HoWatt, >44 Tytolly P.1f1.1,0 Whose White legborii pullet laid 216 eggs in 62 cenaecutive Wools 111 thit 104411144 004)14>1>1>ati Charlottetown,