HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-15, Page 2leTAGG
). eTAGGAle'r
A eeegal Dhelane. Teuelneee trams -act.
0. Notes Diecounted. Dratte Iseuea.
reterest Allowed go DePosits. Selo
Notes Purehamel.
rotary Public, ConveyrAncer.
Flown:lee, Reel. Estate ma El...ter Iu
eurance Agent, TtePretentifig 14 Ore
usuranco eompanlea.
Divieion Court ()glee, cilnion,
uarriater Solielter, Notery,Pubilc, etc.
Otrice Iiioursi-1.30 to 3.30 Om, 7,30
to 0,00 pen, Sendays, 12,30 to 1.30pea.
Other hours by appointedent only,
piece 'and 'ellesidenee -a victoria St.
Is resuming practise' at; his residence,
13ayteld, •
Office laoure:-9 to 10 age, and 1 to 2
PW : Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m,, for con-
sititation, "
Dr, A. Newton grady'Bayfield
Graduate Dublin- University, Ireland.
Iatte leeitern Assistant Master,' Bo-
turtita Ilos.pitat far Women and Chile
,dreng Dublin. •
• Olaiee at ,reeldbrice lately- occupied
- by Mrs. Parsons. '
Hour e 9 to 10 "0:01., (1 to 7 p.rn.
Sundays 1 to 2 p.m.
-• D.D.S., lereS,
Graduate Royal' College of. Denta: Sur-
geons and l'oeonto
flas office 'hours at -Baylield In 'old
Post . Office ,13uilding, 'Monday, Wed.
needae,. Friday' and Saturday from 1
. t0.15.30 p.m.
Conveyancer, Notary PublIC, C066,nsi
eioner, etc, .
• Issuer, of elareiage Licenses.
LIce:nspC Auetioner i'er the ,County
Coe:respondence pi:Meetly answered,
,Inemediete arrangements een be made
Lor -Si.ies Date at T1.16 -News-Record,
Teton; or by calling Phone 203.,
Chaages Modetato and , Satisfaction
13. R. HI.C,GINS
. Clinton, Ont,
General Fere and Life Iesuranco: Agent
Lor eiarteerd Windetorne ,Live Steele
eenteinobile, and Secknese• and Accident.
Tusuraflce.-I-Inron anti -Erie and Cana,
de•Trust Sonde. 'Appaintments made
to meee parefes, at Brucelleld; Varn,a
and hayfield.. !Phone ,57. '
. . •
Trellis will arrive at and -depart froni
01 Int ien as fellowe:
Buffalo iced Gocierlch
Going East, depart" 6.25 amt.
2,52 pci.
Going:West ar. 11.10 .am.
ar. 6.08 sip. 0.51 p.m.
ar. 10.04 p.m.
London, Huron & Bruce Div,
Goeig South, ar. 823 dp. 8.23 a.m.
415 p.m.
Going North, depart 6.50 p.m.
• " " " 11.05, 11.13 a.m.
-fire nprance Company
Head Office, Seafdrth, Ont„:
President, '3 eilles Connoily, Gocoricb;
Vice., James Evans, leeeelgeood; Sec.-
Tteamner, 'rhos, El. lases, Seaforth.,
Directors: George MeCartney, sea.
forth; D. P. McGregor, Seafeeth; e„,G,
grieve, Walton; .Win, Ring, Seatoeth;
, 01. Mclilwen, Clinton; Bohert Verdes
learlock; Jolte Beneewene Bredeagen;
area Connolly, Goderiele ,
-,',gens: Mee, Leiteb, Clinton.;
Yeo, Goderich; Tea. Iltnehrey, sea.
forth; W. Cheeney, . It.
0. Terme th llrodhog0n.
Any eleney to be mini in may be
paid to Moorieh Clothing do„' Plinton
Or at Cetee Grocery, Goderieb, •
Parilea desidag' to effect Ineuraec
or transact 'Mime businees ,will b
promptly 51)0)10 011 to on apelleation to
any of the abeve ofileere addreesed. t
their reepective eost Leese
ineeected by the •Direetor who Ileee
nearest the scene,
Addriime commeelmitiene to Agronomisa 73 Adelaide St, Wcate Toronto
'N., lei—Will you pleaee explain the few, if any, plants germinate.[.
aon of bacteria in relation to KAI ovee, evereif eome /dente grow, there
fertilitY? nI0y. not be enough to insure 0 ge8d
Aomtror:---The action of bacteria in stand, partioteleely if the reot leng-
th° eoil is tq bring about the deeay gots happen to be bad. Semetilnes,
of l'he erganie matter „end eo reduce also, the onion seed bought may be
It to ft eendition 'that it tan be used frem eteaine Which require a ionger
ae food by plants, In the procese of werm seaSon Ayr development than We
deeaY, aclde are created which make have in many paets of Canada, and
plant food available. The nodules ox the reeult will „be a large proportion
leguenneue plants are eaused by bac- of thickeeeks. Seed that will gentile -
eerie, ntakieg poeeible the utleization ate well, and its special straie „or 00-
05 efiregen frem the air. This -nitro- ileetion, are very important vvith other
gee, and, in fact, all eon nitrogen, kinds of vegetables else, the geeatest
oceurrieg es'plaet or animal remaine, differenee perhaps being in Strains
cannot be utilized by succeeding, crop* eaulillewee, cabbage, and tomato, but
until it has gone through"preparatoey also each staple' crops as beets, ear-
precesees, Fleet, it is broken down rote, parsnips and turnips vary much
to arrunonia, then built up to eiteite, in hape and trueness to type, and in
and then to nitrate, the form in which othel, ways. de (gem is taken &weeder
oPePs take it from the soil, These eeeds from a reliable' source, and to
Proceseee denend entirely upon soil get, not the cheapest, but the best, the
bacteria.' - 'difference in price between the best
E. N. undeeetand thet Sweet seed arid „the ordinary will be repaid
elover sometimes introduces from 40 many temee ea the satiefaetory erop
to 50 pounds of nitrogen per acre and that is obtained, Previtied that it is
aleo supplies hunam-formieg material. looked after and, that the "season is
Would it be a geed plant to grow to favorable. •
be -turned- down as a green manure? Careful attention ,to the vegetable
Answer—Sweet clover would un- crop after the seed has germinated
cloubeedly prove a very excellent will doe much ,to prevent a poor crop.
green manure, but on anomie efgits Thee are entworms, root • maggots,
high value as a food for live stole it flea- beetles and other inseets .to come
would seem unwise to.turn it under ih bat and great vigilance ie required in
the crop atage. Dealing with this order to peevent cearnage from tbeing
very question at an agricultural con- done eather than en trying. th control
ference held at Winnipeg, Dr. Geis- these insects 'after they are well undee
dale, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Way. The poieened bran mash is the
for Canada,. pointed out that where best remedy for cutworms, and a sup -
sweet clover can be grown success- ply of this should -be on.,Idand to apply
fully, and the grower understands how Just as soom ars there is the first indi-
to handle it, it would seem profitable cation that cut -worms are about. For
to use it for animal food and to re- root maggots affecting .eablehe and
turn the manure to the soil. cauliflower, corrosive subliinate al the'
best remedy. Anothee treatment is
Nurse Crops for Seeding Clover necessaa•y for the root maggot* affect-
_ '„ ing onions, which often destroy alemet
Lanese 'ereps noe almost, nnlversaelY all, or all, oe the young plaete,
used whe'ri seeding clover. Their in°3t letins dealing with these insects can
be obtained, free on application'toethe
Publications Branth, Department of
Agriculture, Ottawa. e'
There often ,a temptation to soev
seed oe set out plants too early' in the
. • • . ,
gLiNere a, ONTARIO •
Teeme ef tubse ptionea$2.00 per year,
1,,, eeeence, to Canetlian addressee;
$2,5'0 to the U.S. or other toeeign
ceunielee, No peeete, discontinued
until eil areeare are paid unloae at
the optien Or, the publisher.
importent functions are: to ',educe the
cost of production 'of the clover hay
(red clover 'being• a biennial or per-
ennial that produces little or no foli-
age of value the.fieet season), to shade
the young seedling plants from the hot spring, with the ,result that the seed
July and August sum, and ta leave a eithee rots in the ground, or else the
sturdy etal3ble that will retale the young giant e are killed or badly. 3)1
snowMid protect the clover from the jured by frost, and -When a reeowing
heaving' nation of fieete or a replanting is made, it may be
The -Oereal nurse crops, order of too late to cbtai„ good The
their . revenue-pieducing qualities, ,e,eaoatheg,hents "May bp of service:—
would usually stand; oats, barley and geed to besoWeingearly in spring, the
wheat, in Eastern Cana,jae111 ''Ptee young planes from which will stand
%acting .shade at the right time, and tbose frost --beets, carrots, lettuce,
not tending to smather tha clover °Mane, 'parsnips, peas, radishes, kohl -
seedling' later in the seasien, the melee mei'garden
would likely be eevereed:. Wheatehar- parsley and .leeles:
ley end oats. In sturdiness of straw seed beet 00.00 in hot -beds, the
and the ability to withstand ehe.wea- young plains from which will stand
thee and hold a blanket of snow on some facet—cabbage, cauliflower,
the fiela the order would bee wheat, celery, -
Oats and 'barley. of
The investigational evoek wire Mteso froSee'dt
i(owebre °
.s aitie: ptgenellt. to
'crops at, Charlottetown,- over peeica protect the plants—beans, corn, cu -
of sie: years, bas,been along tWO lines: emetersonelone, pelatoes and squash'.
Firet, to determine the best'', rates 05 Seed ,of late cabbage is not sown until
seeding nurse ,.ero,p,s, and sece,ede a May, but the Plante will endure fro -et,
't°11-tr'ari°T1 dIiifent.e'llt ae'teal and. seed.s of swede turnips should:be
11111Y50 croPs,fof .,SONVII late, although turnips will stand
, The experiments 011 rateof eeed', frost. • •
ing nurse erops were arranged in, eon-, Seeds sown.in hot -beds, the plants.
nection with a fouc.ydar rotation, from which ,will not stand fro8ii—
hoed eimp, grain, clover .and timeddlY.: melons, egg plants and pePPers. These
Foul' rei.$ of seeding were need each plants require a longer warm seaeon
year' with both oats and baeloy. 9----'13e than most; plat -tee, hence the neccesity
rates . used were 1ee, 2, 21/4 gl
-, of elarting them in hoiebede, '
hashele per aero with eatseand 1, 1.1/2,1 In order to prevent serious losses\ot
2 end: .2ee bushels per iieee.With the the .fruit crop 1) 15 important to 'been
barleY. The acterns, though net emn'', early. If foliage of flea teeee is-de-
eUlesire, re Seeding for charer'e 'were etroyesi. the
c ibe
quite Itlaliced ,the •iee'cm<1 Year rleoell:teef°r 1-°
(lienAllY) lavel'''of the light s°ede, indeed, thete is any ergo at all ;that
tug, .(rf the merse crop. The' rate of year, it evili have a bad. effect tin this
le/e bushels per 'ac:re idtbef 'cereal, emason's crop Also. The tent, caleg-
-gave the hest average returns for the are increasing in Eastern Can.,
two ilaY..oroPe in, Use 'rotations. Wh°11 ada,' canker evornie, are bad elsewhere,
the fr°01 tfl°' riltati°118 w0ve and other 01SeCLB hte deStrUCtilke,
*lade as', a whole, roots, grain and hence the treee shOuld be sprayed to
hey, seeding at the rate_of 11/4 bushels kill them. befeee they Meet done ap,
per a.cre with oats and also with bar- preeieek heenee Thee•ase meet else be
ley. gave. the highest, average' retinal coetrollea ifeloes' to the ceop is to he
Per aere• • ' preverged. As Tate-rein:les begie le
The expeeiment with different sorts work and, diseaeee eve active just
05 ceteals 45 Ptn.'5° cr°1'f' was Pla""dr when the leaf' buds ate ereeking. cer
also with a four-year rot:aloe of hoed' have broken, the epray materiale
crops, grain, clover end timetliy. The slioteld be on hand and the pump
three eereals, wheet, oel,e and nineey good order to begin swayeee, apegy
'were used. The l'aiktk8 OC.SCeding were: ,ttie.gdat,s 00)., be obee_ieea aeom the
wheat, 1)1 bushelsi oats, '21/4 bushels; Dominion and Provincial departments
bariere 1/2 A 011---Y°81' 1010r" sgi'ving best -formulas t'o uee and limes
in order of value as nenese ceops; nate, eiseete and 'cliseatnii to be destroyed.
age °r fte haY p011 11101],, thee to speay, with ieformation about, the
.wheat, and barley. Taking. into eon- The emaseevetion of meisteve in the
saderation flie value of the limed ce,epe early pare oe 1,41, seasen is important
and grain In the complete rotation, 1e, 010 to prevent 0 ;008 of crop,
['ball the average return, pee acre JAI.. He blooming teat], 11111) whoa Lhe
would place there in the following creel,. soitiAm, it s neeassegy Le have
telee• oats barley ncl wheat, I eimply ol' moisture in the
Summing up then the differeitt lac- grown) to ineuee the Neut. eetting
ters to be. comadeeecl in the selection eilmeld the geating be liot and dry at
of a nurse crop for clover, We are that; season, Ilerice, early cultivation
gatther :surprised to find Leila eels,
sOwn At a rate that well give filet stpoile.,"o"Cl;lveEtngi°1-iosevIltillwaill'IcIle‘veeaeirent'iv0e1Ietilii(el
quality sr'leeeyd ageacaimeld, la; eot uhticri Pc, 's fielolw 101 fe sza yo ell e eet-
The resttlts also indicate, ,tlmt these'
cereala are all Satisfactory nurse art -TS „•‘.
tWilleienbesstowncitt-ilatlihtiyeko.re:slocuegaligrt,ctin).noduce A New Make of cheese,.
efieftneeee eeetee
k .ricw ,
iggee.eilei gee 'gee
MaPia SYrUii and maple stigar, now delicaaies, Were 'originally Med by seftlers 08a Sathetitute for Cane auger,
yhiCits Was, of, course, almost imposeible to obtain. In some parts of Quebec and Eastern Ontario, the old methods
of collecting step and converting it into eyrup are still used, The picture shows a fawner collecting syrup in wood-
en paileaud hoeing itet an outdoore flee. The upper central picture seoevs the motlern methoa of tappieg ana cel-
iac:1111g sap in eanitary receptacles, and the upper lefehand picture shows the scientific methodsof handling syrup.
"Peeling" -For Laters
This method is about as certain as the trap nest Experi-
At the Central Experimeetel Farm,
1 • .
ments With. capons -Feeding costs -- Excellent Flesh
produced without confinement -- Handling
Baby Chicks.
The writer eatried on a series of cretes for two weeks,' produced the
same high grade155 Following
is the feed cost of an eight -pound
two ounce,capon:
Feed cost to rear to end of
third inenth ......... 21,54
Feed cost to rear during fourth
mantle , . . ... 16.2
Feed cost to rear during fifth
month 13,17
Feed cost to rear during sixth
month .......... ...... . 21.2
feeling process for eight days: j'apn,.. Feed emit to rear during see -
experiments with poultry when con-
nected with The Agriculteral Experr-
meet Station .Por Vancouver Island,
Sidney, B.G., and presents the follow-
ing notes as emeng those worthy of
Determination of Egg -Laying.
A test was made of the feeling
method, to determine its eccuracy.
Thirty hens that were under trap -
nest record were subjected to the
I'oor Frit isoteAl avToeigite,tplabel jetherops: Item, ,eva e 0151 a's. X PI,LL11-1
originated. . it is termed afeelleue
llse long Cana ben winter gives eheeee, being named a 5Ler tins Deiry-
earmere, fruit groevere, market', gond- man at the Favin, Joeepli.
date to eeleee every. 001)Reviption I "el'S and dwellerS 111 cities and towns While the proeeee el mitnufacture
tent is deliotea oil the labee abundant, time to think 'oeee the weele ealmot es yet be considered to have
Advertising Rates-s-Transfent /wee . the centhlg.gl:ewin seasen, and to been nerfeetede states a nennehlet just
ti80,1,0 tg, 10 000 L, Pee emiDarerii phut lidw to' make tie° (-)C their time isemal describing the enethode of mak-
ethe an. filskt Iftserikl(A, ,fla 6 oeor, ot et 'obtain tele beet, possmle ing, file nature, and tem gitalitiee
per lino fele each etbeeettene theer„ erePe; but SoMetimes ePpeetunity ie meg 0,beeee, the restate eliat have
elan, Small advertleemeets not te 003001)0115 1)0)11 .1.Mffielette thoUght is been, obtained indicate 0 peodece of
og000d 00, 'bele .euee 00 eheee,,, not given 1,0 the 111`anY PtOhlenn Tallith the first 'quality eemeg ‘fedleflagored
',BI,rayed," or "Stolen," etc., ineorted,' eenfreet, the Nee- ee 'woman who eheesee, The proihiet dee,enjhes the
eitee fdt 16 cents, sant each stove worke oe the land, If thinge 010 010) cheeee ae presentime when' yropeviv
()neat hiserthel 15 cents.
Commiteleatiene theended for -publi-
cation meet, e guarantee oe g004
aitie be accompanied by -the 01112110 05
10 writer.
G., E. 9/ALle,
105'rieed in the coenery playgrouride ehould be coesidered When orderlriga difeeging 1)10] 0)11511,3) th :reepee;
"eicaTly thouget, oete peovieion rieeneae ari attractiee bright yellow
made for obteleing the seeds and eoloe mut poeeeesing a fine 'teeenrent
ether meteeiel needed. to thente the is more epee than' Chetider, resembi-
lersaeest, euceess, when tee speitig ing to some extol) the Tememethelee
mesh come& it may he too late, or aSeviseehole" elmeee. The chiveace
14, rt. CZARIC, such ti di.11.01tenCe in. the teritstic oder end fiaver, while being
"Wort, quality of eeede vayin% mei mere or less Pronoiniced, 5106 net
VatieikieS of vegetables that (his' ficleetiv Marked to be object ionable
, •
• enth •nionth • ,......... 21.3
aro 0 • Feed cost to rear •cluting eighth
month . . .. 23.4
,Feed cost to . gear during De -
ember, 20 days .. . .. 14.4
The results of "feeling" were check-
ed up and tallied perfectly with the
"trepnesting," indicating that it is
quite poesible for any caeaful person
to determine which hens are,. laying
by lading the' bird for the 'presence
of the egg in the oviduet, in the early
morning before she leaves the perch.
The method also has 'an adearitage in
that it gliminatee-the neceseary con-
finement of the birds in a "trapnest"
Tor a period which is frequently longer
then le actually required to produce
ten egg -
The great disadvantage of the' feel-
ing metlmd is that it is' inepractieahle
for pedigree breeding, inasmuch that
the eggs from indieldual birds cannot
be reeoreed.
anti neere ellowee .liathe Aral -1'000:glu-
tton of Vim truth ,thee Mon and weerren
eile,live in the emthery need, net TO,-
t.rtird themeelv Mere ninrIt are.
Take, for instance, than nnion, The' Crow the event. mieheeity of ehamee of
need of thle vegeteble loos ite for-, title enNe, is eoneideeed that when
Miaating P0wen verr l'aPidlY, end if coeditioise end eireemelmices ern f.t19•.
One OhthinS Oid seed, co' esee old seed orable, nmenfectere of milk inte
lute on Is (01 there st 1'4 ill II' eheoee will reeve golleala
Total feed cost a ,
These birds were sold TOT $2.43 each
wholesale, leaving $1.11.79 per bird.
From this eve can deduct 20 cente, the
price paid for the lecid as a day -Old
dick, ancl have 91.79 cents per bird
for tabor and shelter.
Handling Baby Chieks.
In zi.riother ,experiment a thousand
oee-dayeold chicks evere procured from
two reliable local breed.ers. The first
day they renmined. in the incubator,
and on the second day they wee°
transfe'reed th the brooder, but were
Experiinente With Capons. not fed until foety-eight hours old.
Thirty cockerels wore operated on The. following hints on general treat -
when tvvelve weeks old. These birds ment are given:
-were a thrifty arta well-geown lot, De not chit or overheat the, chick -
averaging 21,e pounds in weight. After ens, or disastrons results will follow.
caponizing they eveee kept under the If they pant they, are too, het, and, if
smue,gonclitions as elle cockerels. The' they huddle together' they are not
feed cost for a pound increase in, warm enongh. •
Weight 1VnS slight:1Y less for 'the cock-, 1 Do' ove‘rfeed during the first
ereIs up to six months Of age. At this week. -
time the cockerels and capons Weighed , Oluen.ge the water daily and, tee
the earae. These birds wereltilled for that it is perfectly clean.
Chrietreas trade when 264 days old,' Give plenty oe green feed.
and weighed, placket}, 8' patinae 2 1, Feed sour skint milk whenever pos-
ounces. The percentage of offal was
low, being but '18 per cent. '05 the Do not forgot, to supply chaecoale
total eveigin• ,The'birds were not crate grit, and shell.
fed, but were finished on a liberal Make' all -change of feed and feed -
milk ration. The quelity of ,the ficele ing gradually,
was excellent., and the wholesale price.; Clean and disinfect broader ,often,
-received AVRS 30 eents per' pound. The I Do net use damp, emouldy feed or
advantages of. caponizing are that an, straw.
exoellent. quality of nese' can be Pro- Never allow 'chicks to crowd in
timed evithout col -diming the birds in brooders or colony houses,
small feeding crates' and the tender Place chicks on the „range in colony
fle.sh can be ectitineceto a greater ago houses, after the eighth week. •
and weight. The cockerels made jest Do not let the codkerels and /millets
as eggel gains, and when neille'fed in run together 00 the range.
Danger From Gasoline.
' Thews' lter hap/101100 recently tipee
to atiN,ertieement which began eopee-
thine after Let'' feeltion• "If a cpmet
or gasoline Will. carry ,our Frail o
dietanee of SOUP 111qnS 1101,kr 5111' 'WU].
one gallon of it carry the 'roof oe yome
leceee?" Ceetainly, heee is rood_ foe
fl , of P°°P1 there ere
who never stop to feenee it out, man
after eeplosion 'careiee loot , and
wails ancl everything' else. before it.
The danger. of using gasoline for
Cleanieg or other purposes, ;lee aloe
00 intich iLs 1,3)1 ng inflammable aeon
the Pact that its vapor, whee mixed
willi nix ie • the propel. pe•opoetions,
is highly expleSive. A sllight, droftl
v..111 carry the vapor oftentimes. to an'
open name, end ignition, with explo-
siye effect., well ocem , leenidlees oi
the fact, that oee conehlered oeemlf
surficientby e:enteved from smell to be'
in no (belga..
We eecalit a dieasteAs flee. which oc-
curved in a e01111lTy tciwn and which
was dee io the fact that two men
sought tb empty a Ingrel of gasoliee
into an tiedeeground bank. 'Choy evere
1150111 hg n the, 01)0,11 00'mm11111.11 or
the feet thee the wind was 1.slowilie,
derectly teem 1110111 -toward the ,beild-
ing where double doors stood RPM
Ga.soline gaper *EIS eerried into the.
lettieding end foend its wee," to an open
nee et the raL• one, The exeloelon
Which etalowed blew tbe whole side of
the building out, lee elm no? fall in
and more epeeeily then It taltes to tell
it, 1 10 en ire s e.c v < 11113(0 05
Scathing clones, the time ,of
year' whom gasoliO1), Ter cdeaniug pirc-
pok,r4 ie used or',tentirnen doere
:theeenee of inclement coedit:icing out-,
eide, t tie et
the eooleing or heating eteve, the Iter-
oeene letem 00 anything elee of this
kind eirees the einielt eylliele Will eel;
off the eeplosiota elteuld tee geeeliee
viepor mix with the air in just the
rigiht pror,ertionsi Be careful.
• Careadian Cattle in.Demand
'rho Clominisiener A-griculalfe.
for Gensda, Mr, Duncan Marshall,
who is present in Tengiand, in mak-
ing preliminary arranger -nor -de ler the
entry of Canadian store caatha 5035
thtit 0 keen demand for staih cattle
exists in that country' at the preeent
time. Partiee have interviewed Min
free': Glasgow, Brietol, Leith, Nen--
castle on 1.'yee, Selectee nee Dundee,
ell anxious to haeo shipments made
to thely respective poets. The Na'
Lionel learinmee formerly op-
posee to the removal of the embaego,
eppedars to lieve. completely reversed
s attitude. Its membees rae now
anxious to have consignments :mule
andel, to them, in 'Mien that 001000S•
51011 charges may be avoided, dele-
gation oli Scottish earmere told
'Marshall that, they wanted elanadian
cattle early in the spring to be fed on
(ogee stocks of turnips and Mengel-
weeeele that were still on heed,
Sentinel- forege (mope should be
token into consideration this month,
See aeicie a suitable Piece of ground
"foe the forage and give tre.e piga
toot, The ep•ring crop of pigs wile
Java meth. better oe the rape forage
mul the feed,er will gain more sates-
factioe teem their growelt and
theittiee appeeeelinfe,
Apple verieties rated es eneelaelvt
for Weide 11,0nallY make goeti pie. "Ale()
t.1.37i111 see 4,:tevechi h [1lilusi 0\171% he\ ,011caell<nee eat'
The first feemelgeteas the fl'eet teem
:lee letetoeic reste on pee.,
eeseion and eee of Tanr1,--IiiinerSOn,
In these. days of gasoline go-earts
and chugging tractors, fi sometimes
eoeke as, if, the horse Might be eon -
eel raef of Nevelt al valuable medicine,.
ternedieete, pule end wholeemee,
The dose te swan, only a toinipoonfol
ti)flelOoldn,ne°11rtar le et e ondelfue
ilaroebrI''10e:Ir()iolitoilfi':316 elkoli:doln,o'310;feIttlaul;:, 0:,11,11101.? ecitgIc\:vsit)et:tkit:TAi
than, ef new life. Wily net try ?
end maintaine their , vigor and pro,
dactiveneee, but 3) 10 Inethed reialr"
Mg both time ewe care. It ie Dein
friess-selected seed grain, i.e., seed see
lected feoin grain ofter threshing,.
that ineat fanners, fill their require.
Good Aced eliould be made up only
of the larger end pluniPer kernel%
It is rigeossary to 5`8700V0 ell impur-
ities such ete dale, etraw, dirt and
other inert matter, weed seeds, eeeds
of foreign varietiee and elnunken,1011
matureeor otheewiee inferior kernele.
Many of these impurities may be re-
moved in the fanning mill, after
which it well be neeeseery to go over
the grain to rengree what the fanning
mill has missed.'
The vital parts of the fanning mill
are the alr bloat and the upper and
lower sieves. The nest sbeuld re-
move the chaff straw and lighter
aa arthe lighter geeing.
It is often advisable first to run the -
grain through rapidly, to take out
what the' eir blast will remove, and
then to clean it more sloufly, with the-
elevee properly adjusted. ' The top,
sieve should be large enough to let
the seedathrough while holding back
the larger impuritiee; ite slant, am -
mint of shake and size of openinghe-
nig regulated so that the grain will
travel seowly. The lower sieve should:
be small enouglmto hold „the plump
geed while adlowing small ecernels co
bo taken out „airing with the weed
signed to the museum and keireled, seede. Finally, the grain may be emu
"Old Deiblrin, on example of ancient .over a narrow sluice. when whatever
motive power." , impurities 'have been missed 'cep be .
It is true that the horse will not removed by hand.
occupy the same position in e the
world's- economics EIS he 'did in the
past. IVIotive power hae, changed
eapidly in' the peel; century "and it is
well that it has; for trartepertation
improvement has been the greateg
known stimulant to civieitationAt has
TThaePrnia.nplgihe e sugar ge eaars olVin alPs eo.ue e
again near at hand., Eind ROW the tap-
-ping of trees can 'beet be done becomes
inatter of partioular intereet. A
annihilated distance; end lbeought peo- Pamphlet PelbliehedI bY the Dominion
pies tegether and in doing this it is Departreent of Agriculture goes. there
bringing, about tft greater human
understanding, • • ,
But withal, the horse still plays an
important part. He still furnishes a
cheap- source of powee for plowing,
and is the most eeenomical to use for
,short hauls, But greater than these
aact.:het /on can make friends
with a hoese. This•is soniething yoei
cannot do with the steely Steeds ef
great 'things which
makes fanning attractive is the asso-
ciation one has with living beings.
Aside from the dog, there is none
with wheal we form more pleasing as-
so'ciatione -than te horse. bleach, of
the recreation time' of Young farm
folke ie spent exalt animals.. It is for-
tunate that it is so, for there i0 no
more Wholesome recreation for *cede- will relieve that pressure. If the tree
dren than the three they spend with is tapped on the_apposite sides, more
mets. sap will be secured, and a third tap
We have encouraged calf chiles, pig will give still more, but in a decreer?,
clubs and chicken clubs. In such club ing ratio. Tapping is usueley dene
Work the young people foein pleasant with a three-eighths, seven -eighths,
relations, but the projects are mostly or halfainch bit. The hole is .boxed in
based onethe pecuniary interest in ag- a slightly upwarddirection,about 11/a .
riculture they arouse. Irethe foema- inches 00013) 015 a medium sized tree to
tion of colt clube we would encourage two m51he rn a larger one. The Point
thegreat affeetiolsi which usually ex- of tapping should be about thirty
iste beteveee Man and'his horse," and Melee from the ground, where the
"besides the raigi.ng of the colts would bark has a healthy look, and some
prove.profitable'for students of agri- distanee from an old hole, Only the
cultueal econeabees Say that there, is rough, lees° bits of bark Should be
need for more horees to supply the riselnluolvdebe.c
ctu sttahsnot
Ie, wrhuiiecslt
Miming farm demand. Colt clubs o
'Would p00110. to be iiiother factor or tear the wood or thaek, Ael chips '
Which would encourage rthe boys. tie atavwnavdaythabpre3f,l.ceolle4.1meraii.btillisdyeibtsehinott'lel,febuelsqty300etettld
w •
oughly into the. haSitorh lea'eegress, and
moclus operandi of the ernaple indus-
try in Canada. The proper thee to
tap the trees varies from year to year
and in different latitudes. Tapping'
00000113' commences sornetbne in
Marche and le not: often dele,yed he-
Yond the first of April. It elioulel be
done' evhen indications point to warm
sunny days and. frosty nights. Before
Ole start, alI utensils to be used ebould
be cleaned, even though they eveee well
scoured prior to putting away. Men -
elle that have become rusty should be
discarded or painted for use in ane
other .e.esteon. Freah-painted burecete
have a strolg tendency 'to taint the
The sap es .foreed out by internal
preseure, and a very small opening
stay on the fagm.
Selection of Seed Grain.
Two impoetane feectore in profitable
grain -crop production are the selection
ef seed and ita treatment in prepnre-
OM for seeding. In 'view of the ie.,
creasing demand fo'i high grade Can-
adian grown seed, beyers of .eeed,
grain who eyish th, dispose oe their
lame crops Tor seed purpdses sheuld
elect viaricties acceptable by the trade
and which also can be grewn under
the particular soil and climatic 1005'
Selected geed ,grein may 'be divided
into two classes; hand -selected And
inasseseleeted. Continued hancneelec-
tion. keeps the. velnable • straine 'pure
and of such sore as ill not eorzode
or prevent a free flow of . sap, It
should be perfectly round, amislighely
tapering so as to fit the hole soalem-
ly as to hold a full bucket of sap sus-
pended from it. As f ae.poseible,
-air should be exIuded fleet the hole to
guard against (hying up or the re-
tee:thee of sap during a warm spell or
a freeze. The inlet for the sap shouli1
therefore be near the bottom of the
speet 40 as to death conmetely 'tt; the
te.esation of eaeli day's flow..
One policiee Must neveg be (Weenie-
tive. The ferMer is, the H
ee el e "e-
n f f ti fa coo Atli, e -
waist not deviate Teem that Principle.
you feel bilious, "headaehy" and leritable—
for t at's a sign your liver ie one of order. Your
food is not digestinga-it stays in the etornach a sour,
Cemented mass, pmeoning the eyetern. Suet take a
dose of Chamberlaire's Stomach and Liver-Tablets—
they make theeivee do its work—they cleanse and
sweeten the rilerovel) ord tette Ibe *hole ellgoatiee aystor0, tool)
feet fine in the morning. At all drucsieth, 06e., or Ink Mat font
Chonberlain IVUediaino Connutny, Torooto 14
4:'cttoi, cces3Q
,,Ae iiffoe
05 11iiRev41%4e AMatpi1500
$toiol000e55 Star aelesneL Wiitereryour egpertnee see esthte tt
you TIcOr 15116111g Atv7—Yhtiltr esset yell thinkYa
nJ10IneVC hit ,Ort fneknekle earn 090000
0""10 305,'? Tlanget a Web wait 000 elI Will X")
165511)10 10910 51 ,
me • 140valeta rest 01, 61)9140)150 01)80 voleet livnte s
"15 Ontonal. 1 wilt molt, 500 hew the Stlenesshin regaing NI
telt° ISInnionrient $erriec nt Ito et. 0,T. A, willeele 500 (0 nntrit
ontars in ,
$10 000 AYeas' ocilinp, Secrets
'The seem. et r 0icankak41V So lAuktIt 1,y Oak N. 1 T A. I,,us
tlammt.li,11nont ovvrrkhrht, 000, lea 1111115 tbx tkke hk,clutt,
ztvl 0801)1005 or 1,theieeey job, 1110101 klimhott, 104 mttel 1,0,1 0,1)
111P 115/ 110100, V itottl mime RAM loll X lpg JOIN, (Int 14
Ntale$1101 SaleSaStlWa TVAialkAg Astoci63)'n
, Tbremia, ()fit.