HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-8, Page 7til C.LINTT~ON:'I8 LEADING. JEW.ELERY STORE Cliasses Elis 1923. Whether for long or short distances the Glasses are needed—we can furnish the right ones The long and short of the whole matter Is that .We can supply the beat of,.everything .in the lice of Optical. Goods. You can Rely on Our Goods and that's what you want 'R.. H, JOHNSON Nestho'ver's Drag ; Steri -Jeweller a d Optician 1 i ew Speca1s• Below are a few itehw which should prove of special interest as they will he1uyou to'save a few honest dollars and at the same time theturnover will help us "meet up during the comparatively" quiet months. " , We can do with small prolrts, but we ntust have the tin'nover. About 75 pairs of Ladies High Top shoes, not cheap trash, Q but good, substantial lines, in black, dongola and m 90 3ahog- . any calf, to clear at ' , ... , ..... J :1 O Ladies'' black cashmere', hose (cleated) Sale price, 69c Five dozen men's; leather. mitts, wool 'knit wrist, fleece- 69- -About 9- `About four dozen mtrnee'heavy winterweight work shirts, ' y.q5 to clear at . G CLEARING PRICES , ON ALL LINBS OF FELT. SHOES AND "SLIPPERS, MEN'S,"AND BOYS' OVERCOATS, ETC.meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeee 1umsteei Bras: .61444g 2s. • SMALL ;PROFITS MORE I;t1SINEa8 Currelt "'+sic St7►.�pteg Have you tried AUNT S'EMIl,7'A PANCAKE FLOUR? All ready for use. Justa cup of .milk needed to each eup of Flour and the Pancakes are ready for the Frying Pan. We have also a supply of PURI; MAPLE SYRUP. Just the thing for Pancakes.. A Fresh Supply of Meats and Vegetables always on hand.' HEINTZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES 'IN BULK The Best an the Market RemembertheC.-& S. Guarantee of sixteen ounces to the pound and Satisfaction or your money refunded, The C. & S. Grocers • Phone 125 usiassnameateacwamommur Ne -w 'Spring ` Styles Ilii Clothin We have our new spring suitings. 's les are here. The new, spring ty This is the time to order your new suit or overcoat so as to have if w,aen the spring opens. Come b and inspect materials and ;discuss styles his &ratf Hct 'Quarters For Your, Quarters IF YOU WANT GOOD-VAL'(7FI IN, A CUL' AND SAUCElt, 'WI TTL. CHINA DECORATED WITH, A\ GOLD BAND AT TOP, GOOD iSXZE, ANDTWO SIiAPI'IS, PRICE 25c. ". tel, !item Pe gecor Tlie W ..0.Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat„ EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, ; Eye Sights Specialist,. an Hoaour Graduate of. the Canad- ran Ophthalmic College of Toronto, Gederich, Ont. Office hours: a' as n. to 5, p.m. Practice limited to See eye.. IRIIIB111mi U 5) UM; p. '11i1N!llil 111u. Mr. Gordon Hall was in Wingham oe Monday. Mr.. S. Downs visited Toronto on Monday' and „Tuesday, Mr. W. Gould of Kitchener was in town over the week -end Mr`s:' Harry Fremlin was at Blyth last week visiting her parents. 1VIrs. Wan. arnochan of Soaferth is visiting, Miss Johns this week. Miss Norma Bentley of London spent, the week -end' at her home in town. Me. -Warren Finch of Stratford spent. the week -end 'at his home -in town: Mr. Will Sloman of Toronto was loome,for a few days. during the. pastweek. Mr. C. J. Wallis, who has been east for several >weeks, :-was home over the week -end. Councillor S. Kemp was in London last week visiting his father,'' who as net at all well, Mr. Bert .,Sloman was; in Blyth yes- terday'evening running the lantern Wm. Dawns oe Toronto was in - town for the funeral of her uncle, the late A. McKowir. - "" Mrs. N. Robson was called to Lon., don last' week owing to the 'illness of her daughter -in -lay. for Jack Miner's lecture. Miss Cleta" Ford of : Alma College staff, SteThomas, was at her home in town over the week -end. Miss Jule Bartliff of Toronto canis up Saturday: to spend a few week's f .- holidays at her home in town. Mrs. W. F. Cantelon of Toronto is spending the week ;as the guest " of Mr. and leas. Wm.' Cantelon. Mrs.- D. A. Andrew has. been in Kin- ecr'dine for the past. week or so ion <account, of the illness, of: her Ipai'ents - Dr. and- Mrs. ,W J. Kay and two lit- tle. erandsoias of Lapeer,' Mich., are visiting -the lady's father, Mr. John �Gibbings, who to -day celebrates his eighty-fourth birthday Mrs. -Quiimell and 'babe returned to their home in Toronto on Thursday; last after - spending some weeks with' .her mother, ; Mrs: Argent, who hies ;not been well. - ' Mrs., A. A. Whitely of Toronto Was in town this week. She had :been - visiting her son, Dr. Whitely: of Gorrie forsome weeks and intends leaving for Edrnonton,very shortly. Me. and Mrs. Doupc' of Toronto re- turned -to their home on Nfouday. They were called'' to town owing to the illness and subsequent death of Mrs. Doupe's father, the late A. McKown. Miss Ilopkins, who had charge of the Domestic ,Science class in con- nection : with the three -months course just closed last week, left ;Monday morning for Wiarton, where she is takingcharge: of a like course. dVlise Hopkins was very popular with the young peo- ple taking the course and'she also enjoyed her work here. Mr. G. B. Harris, manager i of the Lander Bros.. Knitting Co., Guelph, wao withhis family intown over the week-encl. •Mr. Harris was pleased to receive assurances that. patents. are .being ..: issued -on the reW needle he recently invented for .knitting machines. We are pleased to know that hedoes not entend removing• his', family from town, fora tune at least, - Mrs. Morgan Agnew and little daughter leave 00 Monday to join Mr. Agnew in Guelph, where; he has had a`: position for the past month, For the time being they will make their home in the Royal City. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew will he much missed in musical circles in.. Clinton, They are justclosingthan Mouse here so we will hope to have them back again. at least', clueing. the summer holiday time. 4 • - Silverwoods are about to open u plant in LueknoW to make butter and ice :dream. Another of the aged residents of. Gerrie passed away on Sunday week in the iic'reon of Mrs. Jacob SteinmilL ler. Deceased, who Was in her 81st year had been All invalid for over thirty years, Scrviee was held at the family residence on Teeeclay0woelc, after Whish the remains wore taken to'4Valkertoii for Teter anent, Work has been commeneedaii the aterieb . clr..axt r the .lrtrilGod new; v G 0 t tltis�s year, Headquarters For Ideal aluminum -ware', McClary's good granite ware _and galvanized ware, btoves and Furnaces, electric irons, toasters, fix- tures, wiring and supplies. Brandram-Ilenderson's .Paints and Varnishes, Sun: varnish stains. Plumbing goods, fixtures and supplies, Agents for Delco farm lighting plant and general. hardware. Sutte Perdue HARDWARE EC'TRICAL' PLUMBING 0,ket210 P: loges, Pi -Ant -as, iiaiJ ss, IIxclA3, l'sas anaa other. Appliatettecci Photic Ii.51w Wiring acidciilr8.: NowitosimAitoomitetiommo ARGMINS TIfhAT SAVE YOU MONEY ar Our second car of cane sugar to arrive this week. Special price while unloading: Dominion $1:0.70 bag; Redpatb's°$11 Kincardine bacon, back's' and 'sausage If you have never tried Kincardine bacon you will have a treat for your Sunday breakfast. AISQ Gunn's Maple Leaf breakfast bacon and backs. 10 Bars of Gold. -or P. and. G. Soap for.' 72c. �raniges ai d .Grape: 'r" i it Oranges, regular 80c for 60e • Large' and jnicy,.grape fruit ; 3'for 25c Clear skins .for marmalade and Russets from.'Florida'_ Canned Goods Week 2 caps corn 2 , " peas 2 " tomatoes Pork and beans Clark's` large" size 'a small u « hibby's 25c 350 350 25c' inc 1'8e O'Neil's Special -Assorted Chocolates at 49c pound We are.ubeginning to get in our Easter Candies WeAarefeaturing some very special lines in EASTER EGGS MAPLE CREAM` BON -BONS Rolled Oats, 6 pounds tier 'Corn Meal, 6 pounds for " --Breakfast Food, 4 for Cream of Wheat, 3 for 25c 25e 25c 25e. Loose Cocoa, 2 pounds for Brunswick Sardines, 4 tins for Cooking Figs, 3 pou.ids for Dominion Matches, 2 for 25c 25c 25e. 25c We are agents for all kinds of fresh fish Cash & Carry 2 :DUUveries ettompiutomwtovivikomwawow Phone 48 THE COUNTOIL MEETING. 1,50 Bell Telephone Co.. rent , .4.52 Bell Telephone Co., message - 15 Postage ! and Stationery Acct. W. D. Fair & do .. 9.50 Municipal World . " 8,8e D.; L. Macpherson, "paid out8.28 Insurance Account Reinstating 'Insurance Gore Insuraiice Co., renewal 18.00 Northwestern National Co re- Park Account ee A, Seeley, work.. 1.20 REdEIPTS Weigh 'Scales , . 36.15 Cemetery, Sale of Lots . 16.00 Care in 'perpetuity 40,00 Work (Continued from page 1) Municipal World, advice . , 23.25 POPULAR, -YOUNG STANLEY TP. GIRL WEDS ARTHUR MAN At four'o'clock on " Wednesday, -March 7th, :at "Maple Terrace," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Launcelot Clarice, Varna, a quiet yet pretty wedding took . place, when -,Mabel Elsie, their only daughter, became the bride of Mr, Ephriam A. Howes of Arthur, Ont., the Rev. J. 'L, Foster of Varna officiating. To thestrains of Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus", played by Miss Della Keyes the bride" en- tered the daintily decorated drawing room, leaning on the arm of her fath- er, who gave heti -away. She looked chermin -iii her tailored suit of navy tricotine' with canna' canton blouse and hat of henna satin -finished cere and carried a shower bouquet of bink and white carnations with maiden' hair fern. . After the -ceremony and the usual congratti'lations the bride and bridegroom led the way to the dining rum, where a dainty wedding luncheon was served to the assentbled guests. Tlfe bride' received many handsome gifts, including some sub- stantial cheques. Following the wiel- ding the young couple left on a short honeyl000n trip to Toronto ,before settling m their new home. e- On Saturday atfernoon previous to this event -a number" of the girl friends df,„ the-- popular bride-to-be assembled at her hone for a miscel- laneous shower. The young lady was called to the floor and the gifts were preeentcd: by Mies E. Rathwell and Miss M, Peek, while a humourous guessing'eontest took place as to the contents of each parcel. Fol owin g this enjoyable hour a dainty r'uncle PUBLIC MEETING, Will be held in TOWN HALL, ZURICH - TUESDAY, MARCH 16th To discuss the operating and man- agement of ••the Ont, Bean" Growers Co -Operative Co., Ltd. All interest- ed parties -welcome. PLAN. TO. ATTEND Geo. Layton,, John Laporte Provisional' Directors. S. B. STOTHEitRS '.'Agri. Rep, =92-1 Everybody_ Loves Laugh was served by the young ladies. Be- fore retiring to their various homes all wished the bride-to-be much hap- piness for the future. Bagfield 'Mrs. Brodie and family of Port Dover are the 'guests of her brother, Mr. W. J. McLeod. Miss Josie' Stirling, who has spent the oast two months at Port Elgin, returned diorite lash week. Mrs. 1Vforgan of Goderich is the hruost of her brother, sir. Andrew. McGregor, r NOVI As'I have taken ever the agency foe the old reliable Massey Ilarris farm Impleteents rind repairs I would appeeeieta vory much a share of the patrenege of the farthing eommunliy, Yars,h a ' r i'o e Btun Ger I Crop IiAatlL Il McCOOL,, CLINTON The Ladies' Aid of:' Ontario Street church, will present the play "StrictlyBusiness On the evening of TUESDAY, MARC .'20 In the Town Hall. Clinton Entertainment to commerce at. 8 "This -play is"bristling with humour and common sense," TICKETS, 35c. —92.2 Clanton Flour"lids s We have just received a car of corn which we are selling at 92e, a bushel in bulk. - Also, be have a car of recleaned Manitoba screeriin'gs ' on the way from Fort William, As -'mill feeds will be scarce for some t}nre lve would advise that you lay in a supply of this feed. John Schoenhals Phone No. 8 -92-4 A Speaking Contest Aspeaking contest, open n t o any pupil in Public •schools of Goderieh township, and progre/nem by pupils of S. S. No. 3, will be hold at 8 p.ni. Friday,'' March -16 on Friday, March ' 16th, in Holmes-, ville'school, Admission 25e, --.91-2-p SEE the photo of DORIS HYDE Selotted as Canada's prettiest Child JLT Ol7R STORE Confeetionttey Yrnd Restaurant 32-41 "We aiin to please." onsesclea�r* is litapidlu, Approachin We are fully prepared to fill all your':retjuireniei, , • • with large stocks of- _:_,:; LinoIeti ale). and Quill Cisths Cos. &leant Rugs and Flo dr':i srverin of all kinds S. W. Paints, Stains an ,l.': Varnishes Scrub Brushes aiad Mops all kinds and'prices Clinton Hardware and Fug itur '' THE STORE WITH A..5TOCK Furniture Phone illi Hardware axograzaaresemcivomoterna COMING TO CLINTON YwJANH• 1f'.• STEELE The well-known Optometrist, of 210 Dundas street, London, tends to visit Clinton once every month, The first visit will be on Tuesday, March 13th Mr. Steele has taken rooms at the Rattenbury IIouse and be seen from ' } 10.30 a,m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1:30. to 4,30 p.m. and in the evening' froan 7 ;to 9 o'clock. , He guarantees satisfaction'iitd mikes no charge for examine Mr, Steele is assisted by "two qualified` Optometrists, bot 111 ing certificates of Government examinations. ativemehy,;sa.:ee - caps .nie:etseoehat tsar,'---•' �, dNNIN6 DOHEflTY IS RICU' "It is a hopeful sign when eo-op- erative organizations through such bad times acre still sticking to their 'work' helping to atabrliee farming- ' andtrying to place it on a Arm goun- datioix". ,—,Hon. Manning Doherty at Grimsby, Feb. 10, 1028. Farmers, bring us your cream help us to help ryou by gettirng the highest price for your pro Write for Cans and Particulars of Shipping, Terms of,t'synnttent, .. t din °'i!!.' r ', '. r° y, oPiL1 A-Trol) "D '111- trigr'T;ID ifA RllzERS CO.OP1d.RATI\TE CO. ec wMa.. .k.,+a,rrAueal w., .eheee.. w:..; eeteeermam see George Bell of ;Seaforth 'Ivan Mt, and Mrs, A Miller, 4th awarded demagog by Judge Lewis at iowick, one evening recent Goderieb last week from 'l", R, Waite presented those son, Me, Wm of Gedeeleli, the revolt of a collision and bride who recently return on I;lie lleytold road loot .',urrimei, I'ugaske, Saab,, with two I A. iiurmbcr. 'o:P Chair friends :ane 1 uphols eyed leather chain ncighobrs gathored at, the home of pitch, accompanied by an ac