HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-8, Page 5vl
7s 7 1 circle Itold hold
its locatingcati
day evening ISO. The
was entirely taken by the
l a pleasing Programme of
{otlr vocal and instrumental,
, etc.,, was Riven. Time main
of the evening wan a debate,
d That a dog is of„nrorc
o man "than a horse;' the
ve, side ,winning the debates
the evening of , March 16th
' the speaking contest and
are to be held "in-Holnmesville
If that date,
fission .Ciircle• had their thank-
serviee''last 'Sunday, the Rev,
being in charge. Owing =to,
weather there was but a
ttendance. • The choir was
of members of the, Circle,
ujne had not been received at
Writing as to the amount: of
esday Ivening lair. and Mrs.
rewartha were the guests''ef
number of their friends and
is 'et a social gatherinit in
rrdav °'school room of the
t church; priorto their
Cot their . new home in Clin-
ring'the ,evening.'an address;
t ,to • ' them 'and they were
Ie 'recipients of tokens of ;
rern.not' onlythe .members of,
ch lout from, the comntutiity
by the ;members of which
torture -is greatly 'regretted.
frees was read by Miss
and the presentation made
members ,• of the .committee
vartha:replied very feelingly,
ly' others spoke, expressing
;ret at losing -this fainly
ood. There
neighbouih e , Was
Isle ..also; and before the,.
e. broke up refreshments
ved. The following" is .the
T. and Mrs. Trewartlia and
We, your neighbours and
have met to spend, a . few
th you on the eve of your
from our midst. Also to
our regret that the rela-
that`have existed so pleas -
r so many years are about
severed, We have always
willing' to do all in your
advance the interests of the
unday`sehbol,'choir and also
1 functions- of the commun-
haveadmired and cgminend
faithfulness • and we fully
at' by your removal our
losing one of 'its largest
wishing to show some rna'rk
preeiation and good -will, we
to accent this library table
ry,,hoping, you will cher-'
fit memories of, us and
you that • our .best wishes
ou'to' your new home.; and
re we, trust you will -use
y talents for the uplift of
Signed on behalf of the'
y: .W: J, Yeo, IL Sweet,
rich Township.
-entitled' "Deacon Dubbs"`
'ive'n'in' Sharon'"church en
the -22nd.
ity C1ubwi1l,meet at the
Mrs. ' G.M. Farquhar on
next, when the election. of,
'11 take 'place. , All members;
to attend,
ty wedding was solemnized
is Street Methodist 'church
e, Goderich, apt four .&cloek
esday, Feb. 28th, When. the
Hedley united in°marriage
' d •yo , gest au un daughter of
Mrs. William, Tichbourne' of
concession • of Goderich
oun -
,t�y g
f Mr. _Robert Johnston, also
rich township. ` The bridal
ere attended by Mr. arid Mrs:
Johnston, brother,andsister
ride and' groom. The bride
rettysuit of navy- tricotine
e picture hat and carried -a
of Sunset, roses :arid maiden -
After the eerentony<the
ve to the home of the bride's
r, aiid.` Mrs. Bert Orr, where
supper , was, served, the
mbering ,about twenty-five.
ing :room and table were
decorated in pinkand white.
e meal was partaken of the
Tied, a beautiful'gown of
ellen). over duchess eat -
.repaired to the parlor,
he evening was spent '`in
d music. The bride received
autiful and useful presents,
the high esteem in which the
uple are held. Mr. and ,Mrs.
will take up housekeeping,
room's fine farm, near God-
reeeptien was held at the home of I • -MfierogeA
Otte g'room's lrt'rents, 249`i "...Maxwell
Ave., Detroit, on Saturday evening,
Match 3rd,: when between thirty and
forty guests were present. Cong•rat-
ulai'one and good wishes fora bright
and prosperous future, follow the
young coupler
London ROad
Mi'. Jack White of Brussels visited
Mr. Noranan Manning last week.
Miss J. Miller of , Clinton visited
her; sister, .Mrs. McKnight, during
last, week, 1
Mr, Frank Lane has been under
the care of a doctor for some time,
Hie :friends Hope he will soon regain
his°wonted he lth.
The, U.F.W/0. held their postponed,
social evening at the home of Miss
Waldron on Tuesday evening. Mr.
Eric-Bamfield of Liverpool England
gage a veryinteresting talk on "Rur-
al Life in England," the ladies gave
a little playlet, entitled, "Choosing a
Husband" and there' was a nice little.
program of music" besides. The' ladies
also served lunch and the evening
was'eonsidered, a decided success.
Mrs. McDonald of Bbise
City, Idaho, .were vlfi ors at; J. H.
Scott's' en Friday.
Mr. 'J, H. Scott took two carloads
of cattle to. Tdronto on Saturday.
Master Alvin Dale is home now for
a while to get strong after being ill
,in'Seaforth with the flu.
The prayer meeting this week will
be held at tho.home of Mr. and .Mrs.
Thos' Pollard,
The thaw on Saturday and Sunday
was .welcome .to the farmers, as a
great Many of them were 'short of
water for stock.
Mr. Chas. Riley of Tuckersmith
was a visitor'in our village last .week.
There was no church, on Sunday,
hut: there were a few out to Sunday
School. The roads, not being in very
good condition it was hardly safe to
take horses on them.
ive Pollock has returned
terapending a' month .with
in ,Mitchell. •
g bells are ringing on -"the
ine this week and they will
inging agaiu;a little farther
onard McBride has engaged'
for' the coining summer with
1 McClinchy.
argaret Armstrong of 'the
inc . is spending some time
de in Detroit
t wedding ,took . place, on
evening of 'last • week;
t, at the home of Mr. and
red Austin, •'when their
daughter, Alice Isabel' Mor-
aine the bride' of Floyd
shell, oldest on of Me. apo
c Schell of ,Detroit, Mich.
oily was perfoemed by the
Foster. The bride, who
in marriage by her fath-
er place beside the groom:
bite bell suspended hien
of evergreen and flowers,
1 couple were unattended.
WAS dressed in het• travel -
of midnightblue canton
wore a necklace of pearl;;
od a bouquet of pink and
rmtions, .Ameaiiai Beauty
ferns, Alter the ceremony
was served, The happy
t on the; horning train for
where they will reside; A
Auburn '
There passed away: at the home -of
his •son in.Colborne, on Sunday, March
4th, one, of the pioneers of that town=
ship, Mr. Thbmae Robertson, --in' his
eighty-third Year.- .Ur. Robertson
come to Colborne when a young titan
and had 'helped .to' Make the country
what 'it -is now. He was twice mar-
ried, both wives having predeceased.
He leaves to mourn his loss one
son, J. J. Robertson, of Colborne, al-'
•.go two 'brothers; W. C:, on'the Rob!
ertson homestead and John of Goder-
ich.'' •The fun'era1took place an ,Tues-
day to.Hall's ce`tnetery. The sym-
pathy of'the community goes out to.
the bereaved ones.,
The -election of officers of the Jun-
ior 'Farmers took place last Tuesday
evening gig the 'home of Mr. Frank
Raithby., The following, were elected
officers for 'the coming year: Presi-
dent,. Frank ,Raithby;. vice, Eldon
,Stoltte; secretary; Amos` Andrew'. Af=r
ter .the ,business was transacted a de''e
licious lunch' was served by the host.
The.bbys report a. splendid eveniing's'
',Miss A. E. Blair visited friends, in
'Goderich last week. •
Mr. O. E. Erratt spent the week-
end in
eekend-in Toronto, '
Mr. Elden :Stoltz attended'the-ban-
quet <in connection" with the.' Short
Course 'at,. Clinton'en' Friday night,
and reglied'to a toast to' the `.'Huron
Junior, Farmers' Associations."
McKillop cKilloP Townshi A
Tire' many friends , of Mr. Milton
_Stewart, hie sorry to hear he. is laid
up with the •flu. , Milton has had a
hard 'time thin winter, having'' just
recovered from • an' attack of ,s•
fever, `. '
Mr. F. J,. ,Coleman was busily en-
gaged the past' week. hauling : out
grain for Mr.;.T. E. Hays.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart spent ,Sun-
day with Mrs. Hart's father, Mr. Car-
•michael, in Grey township.
Roxboro school 'attendance is in
creasing day .by day; as a great num-
-,bei have just 'recovered from the flu,
Master Jack Drover, son of Mr. W.
Drover, ie recovering' from an at-
tack of. pnueinonia.
Separate ';sealed tenders marked
"Tender, for `Contract No.,.. . "
will be received by the 'undersigned
until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday,,
March 21st,' 1923, for the following
work on the Provincial Highways:
Contract No. 911 -Clinton. to Sea -
forth, 4.0 miles.
.,Contract No. 950 -Clinton West, 3.2
Bridge Abutments
Contract No. 954 ---Extension to two
steel :ridges on. Stratford -God
®rich Road.
Plans, Specifications, information
to bidders, tender forms and tender
envelopes may be .obtained on arid
after Wednesday, Febrpary 28th,
1923, at the office of the undetsigned,
or from the• following` Resident En-
J. A. TOM, Stratford.
A marked cheque for $1,000.00,
payable to ; the Minister of Public
Works and Highways, Ontario, . or a
Guaranty, Company'sbid bond' for a
similar amount must be attached to
tenders for pavements, roadways;
base bourse and, bridge construction,
and on till other tenders the above
conditions apply, but' the amount of
bond or cheque required is $500:00. A
Guaranty Company's Contract Bond
for 5"0 per cent, of the amount of the
tender will', be furnished by contras -
tor when contract is sighed. All bonds
tnttst bo made out on Departmental
„ 4
The lowest or any tener not.nec-
essarily accepted.
'W. A, Mc`L,I3s1hf
Comity 1Vlinifter of highways.
Department of Public highways,
Toronto, February 2 moist, 1923.
hist NieWaite,
on March 3ztf. by the Raw. C. Llew
ehyn, Bilkey, Franees It,,, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs, If. J. Hibbs, to'
Terrace'.,Varna, on Mareh.7t1s,'by
the Rev, J. L. Foster, Mabel Elsie,
only daughter of. Mr. and Mrs
,;bauneelot Clarke, to l;,phriam A,
Howes, of Arthur, Ont.
on March 1st: by the' Rev; J, L.
Foster; ,Alice Isabel •Margaret,
younger 'daughter" of Mr, and Mrs
Alfred Austin, -Co' Floyd I-Iowerda
Scheli,'sor of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Schell of Detroit,'
Victoria street parsonage, Goder-
ich, on Feb, 28th, by, the Rev. W.
Hedley, Fayette,' daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Tichbourne,, to'
Wiley Johnston, youngest son of
Mr. Robert Johnston, all of Goder-
leh township., ,
McLEOD-At Bayfield, on March 3rd,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod, a
. , 'daughter.
GR•AVENSTEIN-In Auburn; on Feb.
26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grav-
enstein, a daughter.
NAEGEL-In .Auburn, on Feb, 26th.,
''to Mr. and Mrs. AlbertNaegal, a
ROBERTSON --In Colborne, on Sun
day, March 4th, Thoams 'Robertson,
1 aged 432 years and 6 months.
All Owing Accounts
All 'those owing accounts to the:
late Dr. ' C. W, Thompson for med-
ical attendance are requested to call
and pay sane to Mrs. Thompson at
his late residence.' 'Huron street,
Clinton. -92-d
Private' Sale
Of fresh cows, ' white Rock hens,
geese, sows, grain, seed and potatoes.
Lot 34, Con. 4, Goderich township. A.
G. -Westlake, R. R. No: 1,• Bayfield.'
Notice to Dog Owners .
'According,.to Provincial Statutes
and Town By-law it is now compul-
sory that all dogs in the: Municipality
be registered and. licensed.,
Licenses are due March. 1st and a
penalty is provided, for owners who
fail to register_
Full information n'say be had from.
the Chief Constable and Registrar.
-Levi Stong. -Published by author
ity,trf the Town Council. - -92
For Sale.-
Choice seed' grain. • O.A.C. No,, 72
•Oats„ barley 'and beans. This grain
all grown on clean sod lana on Pea-
cock farm.. --tis. E. Johnston, It., R.
No. 4; Clinton. Ont. Phone 8 on 636.
92 1-p
Clover For 'Sale
• A limited duantity of yellow bins
som sweet ' clover ' seed. Apply to
Chester J. Nicholson;Bayfield. Phone
9 on 99. Hensel' central. . -92-2
Seed Barley For Sale,
A quantity of clean seed barley.
Apply to . 5.. O, Cole R.R. No. 3,
,Clinton, Phone- il. on G05 Clinton
Boarders Wanted
A limited' number ,of boarders .can
be' accommodated. ;Apply' to Mrs.
Chas. Hunt, l redericlvttreet, Clin-
ton. - 92 1
Hog For -Service
Supreme Lad, No. 180, registered
Large Black: hog,, will stand for ser-
vice at the premises of the, ander-
signed. C. W. Williams, Sr., Lot 44,
Maitland Con., Goderich Tp...-92-tf
Auction Sale •
Of. Farm, farm stock and imple-
ments. Mr. G. 1I. Elliott has been
instructed 'to- sell; by public auction
on Lot 28.. Con. 3. L.R.S., Tucker
smith, on Wednesdhhj, March 14th, at
oneo'clock, p.m., the following The
Farm contains 100 acres, 10 Acres
good sugar •bush, '11/2 story brick
house with brick kitchen; bank barn
40x70 with 'cement floors, straw shed
28x50. The faun is well tile drained
and in good state of cultivations 12
acres fall wheat and 30 acres of fall
plowing; one-half mile from :school;.
11 miles. frim Brucefield. horses:,
egriculturai gelding rising 6 years;
agricultural mare, 5 years, in foal.
Cattle: Coy 10 years old, due to calve
July 19th; cow, 11 years old, due to:
calves September. 25th; cow 5 years
old, freshened last December; cow 5
years old; freshened last' December;
cow rising 5, duo 'to calve May lst;'
heifer rising 2 years, steer rising 2
years, fat; steer tising 1 year; heifer
rising one year; 3 eal,Ves. Sheep: 9
well -:bred ewes; ram lamb; (brood sow'
and 3 small pigs; 50 White Wyan-
dotte hens; 2 ducks; drake, and a
quantity . of turnips. , Implements:`
Binder, 6 -foot cut; Massey -Harris
mower, 5 -foot cut; 10 -foot steel
rake; Massey -Harris manure spread-
er; Massey -Maoris 12 hoe seed drill;;
Massey -Harris spring tooth cultiva-
tor; 3 -section diamond harrows;
Cockshutt' double -riding plow; Fleury
walking plow;. drill' plow;'2 scufers;,
roller, wagon, set bobsleighs, 11/2 -yd.
'gravel 'box; hay rack; disc; fanning
mill with bagger,' root pulper; cut-'
ting Ibex; wheel barrow; scythe; .2
sets double harness, set single liar
tees; hay fork, car, rope and -pulleys;
DeLaval cream separator, No. 12;
Favorite, churn' heating stove, sugar
kettle, sap pails and spiles, forks,
chains, Shovels hnd';other articles too
Terms: ntunerous to mention. T n On
Farm: 10, per cent. of purchase price
on day of sale, the balance in -20
clays, On Stock and ,Implements;
$10 and under, cash; over that
amount 9 months' credit on approved
joint notes, A. disdourit of 3 cents
mi the dollar off for cash on cretlili
amounts. Poultry and" Rooth to he
caslm. William 3iroedfoot, Prelude -ton;
G. IL Elliott, Auctioneer. - -51,2-9
is Otittrantee4 the finest'
when it bears the name
al tot.;
Fatuous for its
Flavor -Just try r� sample.
.X alp'
Taken advantage of our weekly s peeials this week. Wo^•offer, you a
4 -string Broom, regular's/ice 70e fo r 4Se with a cash eider of -groceries;
Our Own Baking Powder
.3 Ib. pail Lard ,
'1lb. Ginger:, Snaps - ..
1 ib.' Fancy Cakes'
1 pkg. Pancake Flour
22e . Our Own,Coffee, per lb. , .. 55e
58c Special Black Tea, per lb, .... 02e
156 3. pkgs. Jelly Powder 25e
15e ;S. pkgs. Tearline, ,... We
10e 3 Cakes Glycerine Soap.c . 256
Prices For Butter and Eggs.
Get the Habit of Dealing at
J®HNSCN & .0e
e 111
c m tete Line o
Maple Buds :