HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-8, Page 4CIi1►ti It1tP'AT, t9 CO1. NaWS cold weather auaitl has put'ths reads in very bad, sh;ape Homme places be- ing bare and icy, while other places owing to the heavy drifts are ..1011 of boles, making it rough sledding and somewhat danisetous for torsos to gat along. dee the handsome ,fere fes,igri ohertit 9iww3 in our !tore -', hits k o€ latest song , �r' thL''atOC Also leo_ over Instrumental Music T. R. CLINTON LLIlieit ToVVFf+SWP On Wednesday evening` of last eek about forty of the friends and ighbouxs, in view of their removal a 'otic the community, gathered at Albeit e home of Mr. and Mrs. A lbet orrell":and family and, presented cm 'each' with an appropriate gift' d the following address, Afterwards e evening w,ps spent in games, Tieing,: and a delicious lunch. The ncingcontinued to the small hours the morning., '- o Mr. and Mrs, Morrell and ram- , fly:' Dear Friends: - We have learned Ali feelings of deepest regret that are tort to n family, and we' ask you to accept Auction Sale Of Fain Stock and Implements, The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 43, Bayfield Road, ria mile south of Clinton, on Saturday, March 10th, conmmencing, at 1.00 o'clock, sharp, the following: Agricultural matched grey team, 5 years ol`h 15choice Durham grade cows, :fresh and forward springers; 4'. young calves; 6 steers and heifers rising 2 yr. old; pure bred Aberdeen-" Angus bull, . 'registered • (Monarch Pride Lad, 25264)• 3 thoroughbred York :sows, due April' let; 4 choice - young. sows just bred. Implements: ,Bain ,wagon, nearly new hay rack, nearly new; rubber -tired 17,:ggy; Cock shutt riding plow, nearly new; 100 bushels good' seed oats; 30 bushels choice seed beans. TERMS: All Sums of $10 and un- der, cash; 'over that 'amount, 8 months' credit on approved joint notes, or adiscount of 4 per cent, straight 'allowed -for; cash on credit amounts.. Holland •8z Turner, Pro- prietors. Geo. H. Elliott, Auction-. eer. this {{tt ecou'panying gift which "-we trust y+ouwill find to be a continual reminder" of the love and • esteem of your olil neigh hpurs. Wishing you every success incl lbrosperity'1)1 your new hone, We' are very sincerely, Friends and Neighbours. Signed your Ferg. 'TanEgmond and Jno ,Far quhar." steetll, rising 2 Veers old; 11 heifers, with calf„ 5 cow's; Polled-Anlr'ria,bull, /levees matched team of sgeldinbst work team of geldings; draft mare in foal; driving;, mare, good third horse, in foal; driving filly 2 years old: 100 Rock hens. Teed: 25 tons of hay; 1,000 bauhels. of Outs. Harness: 0 set of team liarnoss with britehen; sots of team .harness, without btiteh- en; set of team plow harness set single harness; collars and blankets. Ixn,piements:`` Alse a full. line' of im- plements binder, mower, seed ed including: drill, •harrows;. disc cultivator, seed hay rake; 'toiler; •seufller; harrows Kipper Mr. J, I3. McLean.. of the London b .,, toad," Tockersmith, is having a' sale on Friday. We wish him .a success- ful sale. Mr.; Willie Kyle, one of our prom - ed al g rove from and mg isin offing ai,en,:has gone on a: visit d Uen g Y has not .gone, as some o'rers, ediate neighbourhood, an you some mater- to Detroit. 'It isto 10 hoped -he sirious ar giving Y t1 to Food in Uncle Sara's Do - 1 evidence of that regret we, e anther of your .ardent: admirers eighbours and: friends, are assets- ed here to spend one"more.evening gether, an.unbrolcen community of lends. We have learned to admire nd. appreciate your qualities. as eighbours good and' true, friends to >g rel'iecl upon; staunch and'. firm, ever ady in time, of need with wise coun-• sanetimes .slow but it is 1 and kindly aid. Mere words. are Indy.. belett sure: sufficient in the expression of our geuerally"r'thaw and change to d o.r) Th'e r recent igh esteem of yourself' and mart,: as we would be sorry to lose such:young manhood froni•our. midst'. as Mr. Kyle. We have heard of "one farmer in Tuckersmith and one' in Hay' who have been fined $50.00. and costs for not :niaki1 ..out their Income tax re- f ur iS for 1921. The arm of the law AIMCREAM SOEIAS • 'ris " Cre:a.my • p. C�+ da Wafers: w70. ?i a ,$iscatt, of the Day plows; 3 heavy yvagons, single light' wagon;'set :bob sleighs; top buggy; 2 hay racks; 2 gravel :boxes; hay f`gxk, Car,'pulleye and rope; cream separa- tor; forks; shovels; neckyokes,;`whif- threes, Blains and numerous other ar- ticles, Terme: All stuns of ,315, and under, ,cash;:• over that, amount, 12" months' .credit' will •be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes or a dis- count of" 8- per cent, off' for cash on credit amounts. Everything must be sold as proprietor' is giving up farm- ing. Thomas Gundry Auctioneer; G. Layton, cleric; J, B. Reynolds, Pro prieto"r. —82 2-p Auction Sale Of Farm ,Stock • and Implenients. The undersigned auctioneer has rpe- e.eived instructions to sell by pub ie auction at Lot 30, ' Base •Line,'_2?ia miles north of ,Clinton on Thursday, March 1511', commencing • at 1,00 o'clock, sharp, the following:. Horses: heavy draft horse, 5 years; heavy draft filly, 3 years; General Purpose horse, 6 years, work; single or double; heavy draft gelding 'Tis- ing 2. Cattle: Cow 6 years, due Ap- ril 10; Cow, .6 years, due `March 30; heifer, 3.' yrs, freshened„ Jan. 1;-heif • er, 3 years, due Oct.. 1; 2 -year-old heifer; 4 steers rising 2; steer ris- ing 3; 3,'spring calpes, young calf.. Pigs: 30 pigs, front 80 to 150 Lbs. each; 6 choice young'thorobred sows, would make choice brood sows; 17 pigs 5 weeks' old; 2 sows due in May; 2 sows ready to breed. • Implements.: gang, ploys; . •,,,. , box and stock rack: International ctl use ileld R, McKenzie "and Mr A, Zapf : oiour village have "a gone to Detroit, • Mrs. George Watts of Clinton Vis- ited at.tho home of her sister, Mrs. Jas Walker this week The 'fir'ty-Sixth annual report <f Union Church, Br'ucensld, was drstri- buted last week, The totalreceipts for all purposes amounted to $5,061,00. Wo are;glad to report an increase in the missionary givings, Rev, W. D. and Mrs. McIntosh have, been here five years and have ''done good work. Their services are much appreciated by the "'congregation. Mr. Ross Scott is in London this Week. Auction Sale Of l'arfn Stock ;and Implements, at Lot 18. Con. 1,.ilullett, on.Thurs- day, March 22nd, at 1 o'clock, sharp," the following:, horses: ,• Draft•mare 10 years old; draft mare .6 years old, infol; draftt gelding 5 years old;• driving 11 years' old Cattle: cowl;7 years. old, due in May; cow 6 years -old, due in March; heifer, .3".years old, fresh- ened in, Jan.; cow 4 years old, fresh- ened itrOct.' .heifer with 2 calves at foot; heifer 3 years old; 3 heifers -2- year-old; 7 calves. Pigs: brood sow, due 1st of May; 2 store pigs. Sheep: 4 Leicester sheep.; 80 puiletts. 'Int- pleineilts: Massey -Harris binder, 6 - ft. cut; McCormick' mower,, 6 -ft. cut; 3 -horse Massey -Harris cultivator; 10 - hoe d}'1116 ro ut & Vi cora hay rales;, Oliver riding lough; Frost 1-furrowl' Wood walking plough; set of '3 section harrows; turnip drill; scuffler; circular saw; %. h,p. International' gasoline engine; 40 -gal. gas or oil steel 'hay rake; wagon' tivator, nearly new; steel tire buggy; DeLaval cream separator No. 12; set. single harness; new Saskatchewan robe; 400• bus. oats and 2'rowed bar- ley 'ntixed,"choice seed; 600 bus. 6 - rowed barley; 25 bus. "red clover seed; about '5 tons timothy hay. Terms: All sums of 312` and under, cash; over that amount, 8 months' credit on approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent . straight, off for cash on credit amounts. ,Chas. Tyner,' Proprietor. Geo. 'I -I. Elliott, Auctioneer. Very Day Day by1a' Always think of ` SURPRISE !_as the 'Real Soap for general = use.about the house. -•'�,-,�T[s�.'�s,,..R.ixrj„t�'i'i�SE ..f.� Si.::er,I+1M f—+1-„- + i - L• -- Mx and Mrs. Geo. Swan were in London on Saturday. 131r. and Mrs.,Cullins are very com- fortably settled in Mrs,' Douglas' house. Mrs, C. Joynt of'Hensall is visiting at .the home of Mrs.:C. D. Simpson, who has been very ill. The skating rink, which was planned' and managed by some of our enterprising citizens, has been -a source of real enjoyment to the vil- lagers and many • others. during the winter months. The Kelly Circle held a thimble Party in.. ,the church , on Thursday, twenty-three being in attendance. A'f- Mer imilting two quilts tea was served. The Circle etc., toas t St. Christopher's ble hox of clothing, , IIouse, Toronto. The Kelly Circle will have a St. Patrick social on Friday oyening, when a good program will be given. tank, nearly .new:; 009t pu1per;.cut- ting box; Fanning mill with bagger; iron -axle: wagon; hay rack; set bob- sleighs; top 'buggy; set; rubber tired Wheels; .cutter; light wagon; exten- sion, ladder; set double harness; `set single harness; Delaval cream 'sep- arator, :nearly new, No. 12; Daisy. churn, No. 2; 1 -gorse saddle; 2 water barrels; grindstone; set scales, 240 1'b.; 2 hand' sleighs; 1 dozen grain bags, bag truck; hay fork and slings; pails, chains, forks, hoes, etc. A quantity; of household: furniture," in- cluding, 8 -burner coal oil ,stove, l Happy. Thought range, ice-cream' - freezer, and many other articles,too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of. 310 and -under,- cash; over that amount;..8 months' credit will be givele' on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 4'per cent., straight, allowed for cash on credit amounts. Edward-Rodaway• Propri- etor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. -92-2 • Auction Sale 01 Farm ..-Stock and Iniplements, The undersigned 'auctioneer' has xe-' ceived; instructions to "'sell by public auction at. Lot". 39„ ,Con 7,;,Go.lerieh, Tip.,.on Friday, Iylarch 161h, comment ,ing at' 1 o'clock,' sharp, tate following Horses: Brood Mare, 0 years, geld ing 3 years; General Purpose mare, 7 Vests; driver! 8 years, suitable for lady driver. Cattlei'Oow,'4 years di to,freshen March 23rd; C'ow 4 years, due_May Cow, 5 years' due Atgril. 2nd; .i Cow 8 `.years, due April 9. '3 ,yearling' steers;,2 calves 8 month}' Old. 100 hens. ImplCmente:: Deering binder, 6-1t cut,, in good repair Deeriug_nkower, 7:ft ; McCo'rnnck fray. rake •knew, M -H.. ;seed drill.• 12 -hoe; M H: liean,cultivatot, new; tlockshutt spring-tgoth,..cultivator; set •Noxon disc set 4 -section' diamond harrows; Perrin riding plow,' Fleury ,walking, "plow;gang plow, 2 wagons, hayrack; 'set Manitoba bob `sleighsLfiet .rack; open 'buggy; 2 gravel boxes 1 new; 28 -inch circular saw, nearly new, etxt- ting box, cutter, pulper, wheelbarrow, fanning mill; buggy pole;'neckyoke; set Stewart power horse clippers; good as new; stone boat: set double harness';. set double driving harness; set single harness; pile elm lnieber; 10 tons timothy hayf 50 -bushels seed oats; hay fork, rope and pulleys; out- side door' and frame -for house; Daisy, churn; 111;I1, bean separator, nearly new; whifiletrees; 'bagholder, forks, shovels;: chains, other articles. Terms: All sums of 310 and under, cash, ever that amount, 8 months' treat on ap- alcoved jointoiotes or a discoiret of 4 per cent„ straight, off for cash"on credit amounts. George Harllby, Pro- prietor. G. 1i. Elliott, Auctioneer. —92-1 Lon eS�D+I IT'O The' Women's ilistitute met in the Community Hall on Thursday to the nureber of thirty-nine. The district president, Mrs. Kira.., was present and gave a very 'interesting address and some .new ideas for comnuonity work. Miss L. Brighamalsogave a very in- structive address. The piano duet by Mrs. Ernest Adams and Mrs. J. Lounsbery was very much enjoyed • and Mrs. Fred Johnston sang veryi.ae- ceptabLy. , Arrangements were con eluded for ;the pie social to .be held on,Niarch'30t11. At the close of the meeting', lunch was served' by Mrs. 1. Manning, Mrs. 0. H. Shobbrook and: Mrs .H •'Sundereock. A quilting bee � will be held ander' the auspices';of, the Woman's ; Institute. ' atI Mr's; j.- Cartwright's on Thursday \of next week."New members always cordially welcome.: Mrs, Nor mean Hunking` and child- ren of Clinton; spent the Week -end _ at the:,home of -Mr. Chas. Riddell, ,Mrs, • Robt. -Scott -spent , the."pa'st-. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vodden.. ' Miss Mildred Chrysler of• Delhi is returning to her,hone'.on Friday, ao- commanied by -Miss • Muriel: Louns- bevy and Master: Alex., where -they will make theirhome in -future. Mr. ' Bentley of Blenheim is' spend- ,ing st few days with -tis daughter,: Mrs. r W. R. Osborne., A box social will be given by the Lo,ndesboro• Athletic Association .in. the;, ,Community Hail on Friday, March -16th, (From an' occasional.. correspondent). plat. John Scott now wears abroad smile' over the arriVal„of a baby: boy. The U.F.O.. held their social even- ELLI9III SrSALE .REGISTER Auction' sale of • farm stock and implements` at Lot i48, Bayfield road, half ,mile "south of, Clinton, 'on. Sat-. urday, March 10th at:. 1' o'clock, • sharp. .'Holland and Turner, Propri, "'Auction sale •of farm: stock and implements, Lot 8 Con: 9, ,Goshen, line, Sfanley tp.. 4°• Miles north of Zurich, on Tuesday March 13th,; at 1 o'clock; sharp.. Ed. D nnniek . Pro= prietor. `• Auction: Sale of•z Farms farm: stock and`.implemelits, lot 28, con.:.3, L. R. 8,, •,Tuckersrruth,- on --Wednesday, March 14th; at.1 o'eolck, shails•"Wni. Broadfoot,''Prorpietor: . ' Auction sate of•• farm stock and implements, Lot 30 Base Line, 21/s' miles' north of Clinton, 'on Thursday,, March' 15th; at 1 `o'clock, sharp. , C. Tyner, Proprietbr. Auction Sale of• faimr stock and implement at Lot 39, Con.'7. `coder leaf Tp., on Fri'day,-March .16th;'at 1 o'clock, sharp. Geo. Hanley, Propri- -CtOr. • Auction Sele',ofTam; Faris Stock, and iMple$ients, Lot' -41, con. 2, Tuck. ersmith, 001 Tuesday, March 20111;. at. 1 o'clock, sharp. ' Conrad Voltam], Proprietor. Auction sale of• farm stock .and 'implements,. Lot -18, 31uron Road,, 11/2 miles 'East, of Clinton, on Thursday, March' 22nd, at 1, o'clock sharp: E.: W. Rodaway, Proprietor. : Auction' Sale o1.' stock ''at' Lot. '12,` Parr Line, Stanley on:Friday, Meirch 23rd at 1' o'clock sharp,, Geo. Reith Proprietor. "Auction 'sale of farm stock and implements et Lot 40,.BuyfieldRoad," 3'niiles west of" Clinton, on Tilesday,, March 27th, at 1 o'clock, sharp.. Dav-„ `Elliott, Proprietor. Auction sale .3f farm stock and; 'implements, Babylon Line, Stanley on Wednesday, March 28th, at 1 o'clock, sharp. Geo: Smith, . Propri etor,. ouble action Goes farther- ' ry it a i Xhted with the results, ' you'll be delighted Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ;GR9CE \ 4) ti �+ tares l,libl Ti» CANADA'S -LARGEST' RETAIL GROC1 RS We Sell to Satisfg CAMEL L; DATES, 3 for •� Seeded or -Seedless RAISINS 15 qz. pkgos,: 37 2 for BEST BLUE NOSE RICE 25 3::lbs for Side Breakfast BACON 35 per lb.. Try }pound aof ,our a . Auction Salo "10f Farm Stock mid Implements 60 head of Cattle: Mr. Thomas Gun dry, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell .by public auc- tion at the Old Fair Farm, adjoining - Clinton on..Tuesday, March 20th, at 12.30 o'clock, sharp, the folldwing: Cattle:' 27 heifers rising 2 years; 16 Wtilide14111;:f•ktwsr Bleating SyGtei» 1 Savet Ono Y111 of Otgal lll111r1'e;eirVOritiliaitiss sig rascal a� 1`1oat '3'hc ,first lic�0l1 IA sal rho moot 'ecmtoinital Beating system made. n'.HOA (Ord or soff 'coal, woad ori{as, tnaoll:o 16new, In ,71to co tu0 00000 afford 71 fu;t.10,0 ) ryp; LQP.'C }n x7112'}} t, Y I..ie:lWi'ltta�..nNk.Wk\Vav1`.n " MRRp.9Al4nYWarp. fitiOndsr Cs, Only sari ostler, tt,,,0lley, vYr�t .i1'micq' Eer sant litm ese. shit, O.1111GMT Toosi o►rirOW AIrigh* M. n mild, vottotal4e laxative to reflood Constipation and IrIll-'- nuances and keep the digoatWWe and. otlmineitly. Suiotlen0 congal. 7TsAt#orolor 25e, Sot`,9Pars )." l:' '`�.,�._/*y co i ChIpS 0f • i'tQ IGtf$t;lt. ft/ JUNIOR/I— /title 111M1OR!i'-- ititle Rale Qac -third the roan• for done, Made, of •ny,x. s e M o Ingredients, 11.01) bodily ooatod. Per ehiIdrati and ed171471. rr30 ` e.,ek f31.I �tracilal1 ' :•i' iMK+,,',t"F'•w'auMrotPoughiY+'k�,.s,wk u,iNYMu�Ya W o-'�kutn Sold by t. la, Hovey, Clintony/Ont, SPECIAL BLEND Eagle Salmon, tall tin 25c Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 25e.. Lobsters, 20e and 47e : Sago Sardines, 2 tins 250* Shrimp, .per tin 20e' Sunflower Salmon per tin 11e. Horseshoe ,or Cloverleaf Salmon 1/2s per tin 27e II. A. Oleomargarine per -b. 24c Kraft Cheese, per lb. 30c TEA Per -lb. 60 IOI d Cheese per Ib. 35c , WHITE ,]3i PANS', -3-lbs.' for 2' SELECT BLEND COFFEE 55 Per 1•b. KELLOGG'S - Corn Flakes :29 $ for, .; DOMINION MATCIiES r. 3 large boxes 37 FRESH SODA BISCUITS Per lb. 15 TOILET PAPER • - 5 Rolls DOMINION ,Baking Powder 19 Aylmer, Riverside' CORN.25 2'for Aylmer, Riverside PEAS 14 Per cab Finest Canadian CHEESE 3 Per ib.; SOAP Gold 15 F.&G.. . Comfort Surprise Bars Sunlight 100- Pearl - White COCOA Hulk, 2 lbs. 5 SHREDDED WHEAT 2 dor,.. COOKING ONIONS 29 10 lbs. ,ing on Friday, which was enjoyedby all, there being all kinds of "games, Mr. Knox ' of The Experimental Farms, Geul'ph, gave ;a splendid ad:' dress ori. hog raising. There were, alio lantbrn news. giben by';Rev. J. Aberyand''a trio 'given bY'Mo.:and Mrs. Geo. McVittie and D, Crawford on' the guitar and'Violin; also other, music, after which the ladies .se^v .a good lunch.. I. 'Miss' May Hamilton,entertaiimd• few of her friends to a card,p.-• Ilast Friday evening, whiclxwas,the Mighty enjoyed by all present. Messrs. Geo. Moon and',Geo. Aa' Vrttie .,loaded • two carloads: of .pota oes last Week. ' RESULTS GUARANTEED FIRST OSE $RINGS RELIEI • ie •s • ••08 004;61 • . • • • 410"• •, , 0 •• ..-. 9e. Doe• i®•e • fa 0• A / 9 Sold by 3, l3, • to ey', 0ln*10)3 limb. Llilmil ('�b'iud��� ill WALL PAP .e' clues wag decorating polo! Now is the timeto freshen,and beautify the home interior. Do, not •let this Spring go by without that re -decorating which every hnooe• requires, If you would have your new wall decorations in accor4 with the latest conceptions of the best authorities, insist on pavers bean utg the name ,. BO c4astelcEIalicn qui! papas In their collection you will find just what besides enabling you to paper a room with you are o for.The he patternv are ap fewer easier means plhe to any interior. tiful designs and h improved appearance These new type of Wal P inches wider ch, which ook for therom fewer scams. zranie `5oxer"on the selvage. tha.ta the old type of Wall Paper :'which, POR SALE ►, .. FAIR .'(PAN.