HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-3-1, Page 1No. 2191- 43rd Year
�� E-
In 1504 Henlein, a young locksmith of, Nurenburg, made the
world's first watch.
Built of Iron about the size of a saucer, it was indeed a clumsy.
ffair, taking a year to complete it at a cost of $1,500:00.
ilenlein little thought that his Mon watch would be an ancestor
of the marvellous time -pieces of the present day.
Let us show you one of,our handsome Pocket Wittchee, fitted
with"a Ilellyae 17 -jewel movement. A inarvel of neatness and
efiioieney,` Fitted in either•'a gold filled case of splendid quality or
a cheaper ease. . e
We have a large variety of dependable watches.
Call and Secure One
Jeweler algid Optician
Phone 174w Residence 174J
R:' E.
FTEN' spoils ' his future because he thinks
his savings too small to lie worth banking.
Do not wait until you have
5100 to' deposit --open an
account with 51 and make'
it grow.
F N••A D A
19hen'`la feed of
Capp on
The Clinton News -Record
)r� Ever
.;tea the e St o r �'
* 1,
I•' ��.�.: c�.�r
C 6
¶ r•
k` y
ge• r. r.. -1
It will A'invest for
next °nter>,
Wheat,' 51,10.
• li3uckwheat, 75n.
!Barley, 55e.
Oats, 45e.
Butter, 42e'to 45ee
Eggs, 43c to 49c.
Live Hogs, $10.00.
The beekeepers of the county met
at three points last week; Wednes-
day at Exeter, Thursday, at Wing -
ham and Saturday in Clinton. The
beemen are endeayaring to put their
business on as sound basic ae regaids
,the',seling end. ,
One of the .problems before the,
town' council 'at present is. the aaat-.
ter of assessment of the fame lands
within the corporation.. According
to a statute recently revised it is
possible for farmers to have their
property taken out of the corpora-
tion And attached' to the township
adjoining, thereby removing from
town assessment altogether. The
farmers interested,'who seem to
think they .are paying too'' high a
rate, have taken the matter up with`
the- town fathers and a `settlem'ent'.
of their differences will Probably be •
The following, from the Ridgetown
Plain Dealer refers to a brother of
Mr. J. G. Medd of town, who is else
Weil -known hereabout: •
"That Rev. Dr. Medd . has been
worthily honored with' an'. invitation
to remhin'for a fourth year-of"pas•'
`toral service in chis,; present charge
is •most?Tleasing to• his: large 'circle
of .friends "and admirers in the vari-
ous. churches and in the community,
in which' from the' day of his settle-
ment he has,inanifested n deep and
genuine ;interest Probably- the'
;churches of Ridgetown• and vicinity
were never favored with better' inin,`
isterial service than -they enjoy at
the present time. And the 'cordial`
and. kindly co-operation of the min-
isters and the churches with -one an
other is one of the most 'enoeurvtging
,features of the present day; What,
ever tends to secure the stable -wide
increasing influence of'the :Inen who
'afire doing: so much for the welfare, of
the town and the community well
deserves the most favorabie'notice."
The.funeral- of'the late -James C.`
McMath;.whoso death oceursed, most,
'unexpectedly •on Wednesday evuning,
of lasf week, • took. place from W -es -
ley church' on Saturday afternoon.
been'well for
Mr. M'aMath had not.
a,. few days; previously 'but it was
not until` Wednesday morning that.
his case was considered serious. f His
death was a shock: to everyone.
"'.QiIr,.lMe1Vlath was' born at Dungan
non sixty-two years ago; being a son
of the late Wm, •McMath. He carie
to • Clinton' as a mere . lad . and , had
spent all his life since.. that time:
here. He was a carriage trimmer by
trade and for years worked with the
late ,F. Rumball:• For some years
.past •.Ire. was, with the furniture peo-
ple, with the Clinton Hardware and
.11:irnitare''.Goe until his death.He
was at his post on the . Fridaynebe-:
fore his death, although, met. feeling
very well. ,
• Ho was not only ,an excellent
workman, faithful.. and dependable, but
was in every respect air admirable:
eitizen.,_110 was of a quiet, un
assenting' nature but a pian whose
opinions were respectedrby those who
knew, his worth. • He was obliging,
'and kindly, a good neighbor and
'friend. .Ile was: a Methodist in, re
ligipe, being an 'offeial 'member of
Wesley "ohurch : for twenty-five or
thirty years. He' always took d.re-
sironsibie part in the churehis activ-
itieS, was. held in esteenl'by the of-
ficials and mesabare and his presence'
at the services and on the official
board will be much 'missed.
1Lut, although his. place will bo hard
to rill iai the eon minaity, it in the
home that lis' absence will be most
keenly felt. Ile `is.enrvived by hie;
Wife, who was •formerly Miss Fannie
Polley of Amherst '_Island, and their
three daughters, Misses, Marjorie,
Ruth and. Winnie. Their elder dangdl-
tee died some years ago. Be was a
devoted Husband and an , indulgent
father and his passing leaves p,.sacl.
valiancy Una happy home. Miss brae
jorie teaches in Tuckersinith "and
Miss Ruth at Inglewood.. The lat-
ter was unable to peach home in time
on Whdnesda.y craning to see her
father alive, One :br'other, Mr. Relit,
Mentath of Detroit,' and twa sisttirs,
Miss Jennie ltienttth of'Dungeneon
and Mrs. A, Stobie of Seafoxth,also
Af teal "a short :psdvete` service at.
>-tbe 'Melee on Setueday afternoon the
re to'Weekly le church
ttaierAl proceeded d s Y ,
-whore public +;savioe ^e�ss'pearl: The:
rhurela wee filled, in spite of the se-
verely stomas weatho',,rnany c:oalrine
in Demi the s.ait'oiaatcdialg to:n nixliity
to offer a Inst : tribute of respect,
The service was conducted by the
Ire' I) Mc,anu> •sislel r the
.,N. i3 ,a. ,c ley h
Rev. T, J. Snowdon. The :railbeei:-
•, ge,
fir Were.: Mcssias• 1'. I , Vd0s.. <L G.
s � , 1
.'Medd, Tl, T.. Chant, A., T, Cooper, 1\ ,
%I• Ilailyrr .and A. ,j, Tyndall,
s, r Seem n fin,.
Arno i, those ,fro t ti � r.,ta ra
ie, d
tvho were preeelat Tor the ceunerel
were: Mr. Robin lvleit?:tth,_Detroit;
lilts, Stobie Seafoilth, Mr. and Mee..
N 1"ield,rStratlu'ov; M,r,. Klein Ingle-
e a many .�.3
wood, end fir n 1„I< tit r,, and .friends.
m 1i li e wall I re Mid
from o n e olltl boy n
r , a
ether point in ills county,
"1'o the f;tsaaily the sympathy' of
the conte nity� goon out.
The death occurred this sndrniug•
of Mr; Alfred McKown' for manly
years e business man of this town.
He was aged ,'seventy-seven years.
Mr: MoKown had been ill for the
past fortnight and his death ,was
not unexpected:: The funeral takes
place on Saturday but at time of, writ-
ing the hoar has not been fixed. It
will be, probably, about half past
twelve or one o'clock.
Dr.'Hearn of Blyth leas
the :practise of the late Dr,Thoanpson
and takes possession'551 once. Hie
purchase includes the.house,and he
will oecupy the office—and part of ,the
residence until if''becomes;conyenient
for Mrs. Thompson 'Lind ;fancily to
Clinton needs, a doctor to take the
place of Dr. Thompson, whose peen-
,tiee' was large, as the, other resident
praetictioners have' plenty to do to
attend to their own. ' A11 have been
busy during ' the ,past few months.
Dr. Hearn will be asaade welcome by
the -citizens of the town. Dr, Hearn
has practised in. Blyth for nearly a
ye -at.
The" inarsquerada, in."the.,rink 'on
Thursday evening last was well pat-
ronized,' a large nunibex.01 people
being -in' costume and a .number of
spectators being present to admire
them. The ice was in good 'condi-
„tion and the evening passed. off very
pleasantly. The following is the list
of prize winners:
Best National costume:°Lady, Miss
Doris.' Durnin, Miss Helen Roberton.
Gentleman: Ferris Caritelon,' Bert
Character costume: Lady, Mrs.
Cree Cook, MisstJean Ford. Gentle-
'tnan: Alex. EagglAeson,, gR, Erect:”
Comic:" Costun10: •Lady: Miss Mary'
McTaggart, Miss Jean Woods, Gen-
tleman: 'J. E. Cook, Half Farnham.
Boy: Lorne Cook, C. Pugh. -
Rest Dressed
ugh.RBest:Dressed Couple: Miss Bessie
Morrish and Mr, N. Davies; Miss
McKenzie -and' E, Ford,'
Girls' Race: '1Mary Greeks.
Boys?, Race:lTk ,Murch,
Oldest couple on the Ice -mire.
Streets - and Mr. Ireland.
Messrs. Slitter •and .Peadue, R. H.
Jalmson, Blown Se
A. Rivers,' ' F: J.
Co,,: Knitting Co„ Clinton Hardware
& Furnture Co., S. S. Cooper,'Wen-'
dor'f,"Hydro Electric. t W. D. Fair,
Jackson Mfg. •Co.,,w .,: T: Cooper;
O'Neil's, J. Schoenhals and the •rank •
management donated the prizes,
which were handsome' and aplir'opri-
The Ministerial Association will
rime -Lon Monday at 10.30 aan., in the
parlor of Willis church. The Rev. C.
Llewellyn Bilkey will - give it -paper
on "The Place of Women in the
St. Jaseph's Church
0The monthly meeting of, the Woni
en's League will be held at the rec-
tory Tuesday afternoon,: March 6th
at 3 o'clock. ,
Willis Church
The regular monthly meeting of
the Mission Band on March 19th,
will take the form of a social.
The minister's subjects:: on Sunday
will be: Morning:' "A Decisive Home"
Evening: "Lifting Life's Burden."',
St. Paul's Church
Holy- Coramu en will be adminis-
tered at eleve„ eat". on Sunday. The
rector's -eve-nini
ng' subject will be:
"Thy, Kingdon: Come," being the
third in 'the series on - the Lord's
Wesley Church
•Sermons by the pastor on Sunday,
Moaning: ',The Hand , of God." Ev-
ening; . "Do Not Fret." S;mday
school at 2.30 pan,
'`.Che church anniversary will' '1s
held on March 111;h• Sermons by
Rev, A. E, Thomson of London. Spec-
ial 11nisio by tine choir.
Owing to illness the Ilett J., 1y,
Ford' oi'.Godc'aieh -;vas, unable to be
present, „es was annonueed, for last
Sunday, The pastor preached both
morning and evening. 'In the morn -
inn isa was assisted in the service by
the Rev. T. S. Snowdon and Me, J. A,
Irwin end ,in the evening by 11Ir. A.
The Leanne intend" haying their
usual 5,t• Patrick's Day supper: .on
the evening of the lfith,
Onteilo Street Clmrch,
The 1 pu orth League .deeites to
thank the public' for the splendid pat-
ronage given
at10110e„given at the tiz:tting party
• r.
3 Ccs ai oven;
0 1 , u d y nom,
A lal'geattPiidance was prer:ent at
the I,earikio meeting on Monday ev-
ening when papers were. given on
tare'lollowi-no: hymn wi51(11: 1"rances
13.it11cy Ilaoiip'sl," by Mies Lein
Crich; "Fanny C”rosb>'a
G:•aeo Glidden, and "Charles W.,,iioy"
by Blythe A.11deveen. The members
entered heartily
the read-
furAnd einging, of several of them;
hymns, Mo. lino. Denny gave two
selections oat his violin. ' An c xecl-
lent 5' 11am is ;b0105' prepared .Cor
next hlondti V, .' ovoninl , :Mr, ',ISenry
wilt again play.
The pesi:o1 will pieeclr on S11l1(lz17•
« r
i ,' 0r The Demo ac : n i
morning s tai 1 1 n
the GVr lira " on T1,0 Demoniac
t n i 1>
The fellowship meeting will be
held it ten a'cliick in the naoanu ',
The • Public Utilities Comriiissien
.has rented the Palace Blocly and 'will
Move its office and stores up there
as soon as it` is put -into proper
:repair, The standwill be •more con-
venient to the citizens' and...there
will be room for the stores, which .
seem necessary for the Commission
to carry.
The death took glace in Coiling -
wood last week of Mrs, Jane Don.
nelly, mother of Mrs. E. B. Hill,
formerly of Clinton. The deceased
lady had been ill for the past' year
or more and Mos. Hill, who is an
only child, went to Collingwood es
pceially to care for her mother.. The
funeral .took place on Saturday,.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Alfred . Austin of
Varna announce the engagement of.
their youngest daughter,, Alice Isa-
bel 'Margaret, to Mr,` Floyd Howard
Schell, oldest. son of ` Mr. and Mrs:''
Isaac Schell 'of 2493 Maxwell Ave.,
Detroit, the• marriage to take place.
"quietly the first week in March.
Rio. and Mrs. Launcelot Clarke,
Varna, Ont,, 'announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Mabel
Elsie, to Mr'. Ephriaan A, Howes, of
Arthur, Ont.,'the wedding, to, take:
place quietly early in March.
The Clinton Junior hockey 'team
have completes the hockey season for
this year after winning from: Milner
ton in "the_ N.H.II. by' 7 to 3. The
•Juniors have 'rro,.doubt had -the best'
season ever seen 'in Clinton.: Titey
have • played fifteen ; •.gainee 'in the
N.H.L, and •Q;iI.A.' series• and lost
only five. two of theca' being to the
clever Kitehener• sextet; who are
now playing in the O.H.A. finals and:
will no doubt come out on top; The
Clinton boys can certainly pat'them-
selves on the -back after such' a bril-
liant season and the, citizens of the
town • should.. be proud of such'a
cleverifeeeleam, and manly aggrega-
tion ' of youthful sports. It, will
help, the- boys if you will attend,. or
buy -a ticket for their. skating' party
on Tuesday, 'March 6th. Proceeds
entirely for the players.
: Huron Presbytery met in Clinton •
on Tuesday, -being attended by a
good rejiresentation'bf ministers and •
elders from' 'the different Charges.
The Rev. R.' A. Lundy of •Kippen
was elected anoderator of Presbytery
for the'next six anonths.
Reports were presented and sever-
al items of "routine business disposed
Ione of the most important items
of business was a resolution, sent
fbrward Ido the General Assembly,
asking that the Assembly proceed to-
ward the consumation of union with `
the Methodietr and Congregational •
'Churches as expeditiously as possi-
ble. This -resolution was discussed at
length and was_ carried almost un-
Thi follewing commissioners si
onersr were
appointed to the General Assembly:
Rev. A. Macfarlane, '•Bayfield; , Rev.
Dr, Larkin, Seeforth, and. Rev.
James Foote,' Exeter. :Elders will be
appointed from Goderich, Brueefield
and Thames Road,
The, Rev. Dr, 'Scott of Montreal
was the choice of the Presbytery as
Moderator of the General Assembly.
. Many of our citizens were shocked.
last Monday morning to learn of the
sudden death of Dr. C: W. Thonrlison,
ex -Mayor. of Clinton,: son of the late
Joshua Thompson of St. Mary's, and
a brother of the late Dr. Allen
Thompson, Principal of the Nornlai
School, Hamilton, Like other mete.•,
bens of his profession the Dr. had
legit 'sleep a'1id rest ,for the past few,
weeks in his endeavor to meet the
nails of patients drfriite. the epidom-
le which prevailed, Many of, these
calls were at night'ancl et long.dis-
tances out in the 'country. Batt roads
and • zer'o weather added to the 'diffi-
culties, on' the day of the blizzard he -
fell a victim lii,ntself teethe -"fu",
premnionia followed and he, • was too.
weak to combat ie. dying on tate Sun-
day larorning.
Among Dr, Thompson's warm
firiemds ire St. Marys ware I)r•, Erown,
Dr. 'Stanley and the Editor, of The
,1 olyx•0 a•l-A.rg•us. They had known hint
since I3is boyhood' and were: able to
value: his friendship for its trio
worth, for Dr. ".Charlie" r' -as a maws
of sterling `elien:I-dor, 'a warm calve- :
rate of ovevyt good cause and a most
companionable fellow. He „tools all
intelligently active part in municipal
111 t cry
at n was a d 1s f
w ter 'ser i
a a r1tt�
v5 ri l�
Ceuta :Board at Clinton, it elected
Mayor for tivo e0neectative :teems,
Many itmpale:mit irlcasnees •lOn o' Iii•''
ta'o9ucei1 dtrripg his
regime, He was
erlually active in church circle;; nod
was a „life-long Mothediet. his Rase
wife .bring rife dau;;•htei' of a I.2eGhn-
iet atimi:tei'. Ea was ca man of a
ch' rmiarm a' delightful a 3 and doltp,h ful personztlity,
respected by tveeylrody..
'Oe mrtoaing the, peoi2:<+sie:l he -first
1y,.t',. "ie ( 1 rsa
1,•act �el n C ntn and tothis ilia
"Dr, Charlie Thompson" 18 a house-
hold p15a Ise In marry zs home. De ie
strrvved by'his widow, Sr daua,r
and two sorts, who have 'the Sincere
.'ynlpathy of a host of 't:ricl,ds
tiirof(,hoat 13iddrrioh and London
Townships, many of Whom they 'MVO
never, so 0 hitt is hose 1015 •ts are
e i
tenelied.,hy the sr d and tdre c 5
hC obis w11o111 in hyganc day, they had
known :at loved so well,
Mary's Journal- us,
REV, :J. 1, HOGG •
Who on Sunday next completes seems a part of. it, A good preaehor,
his sixth year 'as minister of Willis i a good pastor and a good citizen, gear-
Persbyterian church,' Mi'. Hogg came ' erally, is the Rev. 3, Edward Hogg,
here from Southampton and has so may he celebrate many such annti-
fitted into the town's life that he vorsaries,
The Clinton Colts Pack Away Two Games From
Milverton ---Then Hang up Their Sticks For
TheS ea
C.C.L Tie Sarnia C.L' 5-5
The Clinton' Colts are making a
name for the town in the sporting.
circles this year.' Their record for
2-3 game' scheduled in the three
leagues, (),ILA., 'N.IH.L. and W.O.S.
S.A: was cldne in 13 wins flat. This
is a record that , few ' aggregations
starting out can pace' to in their first
year and indicates some real• work
on the part of the players and roan
agement. The, :boys were in tr-ain-
ing from the middle of November and
through their constant ekort and reg-
ular practice: they had devclnped :a'
condition' which qualified , then to
withstand the strain of theirsstren-
uous battles. Deer the past six weeks.
they have: played' on an average,ap,
41 •joint meeting of the Hospital;
directors and advisory, hoard' will—he-
ill-he-held in the town hall on Monday
evening at eight o'clock.
The annual, meeting of the Hospit-
al Association will be held in the
council chamber to -morrow, Friday,
afternoon' at three.
Mr:Luke Lawson received 'word
on Saturday of the death, of his sis-
ter, Mrs. r Frank Natal of 'Toronto,
formerly Miss Ruth Lawson; The
deceased is survived by her husband
and. a family of three sons and three
daughters. The remains are being
brought to Goder'ich for interment,
t e funeral to take place to-
Friday, •
The Collegiate Hockey temp, which
tied Sarnia team at Stratford on
,Saturday, .is to play: the same team
a% London on Saturday afternoon
/The score was a ide, 5-5.: It seems
the ;Clinton boys were willing to play
a period, , of: overtiine and decide the
issue right there and then but Sarnia
was not willing to do this, : Clinton
boys thought they might have -been
given the game. on that 'account ,but
they willhave to Play it off. Good
hick goes .with them Saturday,
It was with much' regret that the
word was received on Weclnesday
night of last week that Mrs. Luke
Tlawson had passed` away after an
illness of nearly a fortnight,
It was known that 'Mra.y ;Lawson
*as very. ill but •'it'.was hoped she,
would pull through, She made a.
brave fight for life.
Mrs. Lawson whose•ai
ui. den name'
wti,s Reta Emma ' .Beadle, was been
at Auburn, being a daughter of the
late George Bcadlo.: After hep mar-
riage to Me. Lawson they lived for'
a time at' Constance""'but for the
past seventeen years they have m-
elded in Clinton. She is survived by
two sons, Harold' and ,Gordon, loth`
at. home, 1e,
t One sister,
Rob z � 1
' 01 Bolgrave, and two brothers George
Eeadio o9' Auburn> and J. Beadle of
Al;liortat, also seryive. Mrs. Letwsos
was ,a member or Ontario street
Methodist chtn'cli, in which she was
an active wo y•lyer,
'The furter
zl] tools place on', Satur-
day afternoon
v r, •
;'tom, h
t loans an
Maa;v.street lo-Clitston ce:'wter•v. The
services wore concleeted by the Rev.
S. Anderson and rase' pallbeaasas
nares: Messrs. Ford, i toil Ste;
ll, C. x:I. Vennar, it, Croe, 'W. J.
1ea . ai `a00d W. 11'utrlt.
fi: t 1
Griencis and relatives from nut. of:
to��vn ware"wl were pz'sseut; for the •furl-
n'i i ii eluded Jlli, sail lays. 13. 1,,
it t
YI i i iI' L n: on: 14 an 1tr
t n 5 .eyed, 5 1 Ir. , cl S T.
Lawson, 11tratfo:'d; Mr. aiid Mrs, Ole
" r - ric ; ? ' 1 yrs.
rte..r Clark, (*prat zch h.r, and l
E: Lawns: and Me. and '5 . G,
Warn , hu "n„ tied Me. and Kis, T.
Robinson, Rolgreve.
Mr, .Ya, l,aween 11itt1 1515:' 1l'LLh 1'0
' :thereto tr s t1 the,
cxlrr their to ie fti ly c
r ,
rt 1i 5' the ,c; r ••
(r ,rid and n t 17p4's :fo. tl n 1
ness uzu oy;xlpathy.'OOhovet them fir
then bre:toevernent and :Pea' the many,
beautiful i'lo'r01 tri'tviites sent,
three games per;: week, and at one
time' struck a stride of three games`
in-. three days. ' Some of the (boys •
have contracted' bad colds and all are
feeling the 'effects of the season's •I.
play, so - the management, with the
;consent: of the' players, have deer ed`
it advisable to insure the boys health
by passing. up hockey, and ;allow the'
boys to give their undivided atter.;
tion to:':theit studies, which no - doubt
have suffered' during the, past month.
The Collegiate staff have been gbebing,
then in their games for they knew
they were playing, the true sportsmen
aird will,' gladly exert are extra effort,;
if the boys will take aciiantage of i1,
to help''thein regain what they have
hissed, `While the boys have been,
ntrssing-.some book learning they have
acquired many immediate and,laating
benefits which all. Olean sport Bevel--
epee, such as a keen 'eye, :a' quickened"
brain, deft hand,` control • of every
part of : the body, determination` tb
win despite temp ora•r failure vic-
tory in the face ' of seeming' defeat,
power' of endurance, 'which may be
Applied :
• Rp to any other phase of life,
the ability to hold down a . subordin-
ate position and improve oneself, ,un-
til promoted on the ground of merit,
co-operation and :clean, play in the
game of life and faithfrelness to the
tenni, which . means in the arena of
the world's largest activities, loyal-
ty to every -good and just cause to,
a finish. It is not the wins we are
so proud of, they, of Bourse, are ea-
esntial to .progress and work the
f unity ,f
Y o s iri
p t and teafn
play; but.what we rejoice in most is''
the beautiful spirit of ' soprtsman-
'ship and clean play which eye find'
reflecting -itself' in other teams; we
have met, and leaves the feeling 10.
the minds of those who have. seen
the team play, that the Clinton boys
are endeavoring to make hockey a
(Continued on page four)
The short courses in Agi•iculturo
and _ Domestic Science, which have
been carried on in Clinton during the
past three months, conte to an orad
this week. 'rIsc course will be wound'
up properly by a ;banquet in the coup-
oil chamber at seven o'cloelc, to evhiclr
representative people of the town
have also been'biriden. The, young
people forming the classes have had
a busy and profitable, and, we also
judge, not an unhappy three months
Clinton and 'Clinton ;has been ver
glad to have them, y
LOli. harry McCool has taken ever
the . 112assoy-Harris dgency from
Chief Constable. Stung.
Spring• is coming•, is ,just around
tIle cornerntu :fact. 1'f you don't be.
lieve.it just go, clown and look in the
milliners' windowts, r
Miss Clain Potter, a pupil of Miss
,.Elsie IIibbert has
� , just i•ecantly
pI assn : hire f p d r jun oa pianoforte meanie
ivatidia in connection with the, Toe
1,,'„0111-,0 Conservatory of Mimic.
U last night Up to s iLt-l it the Horticultural
Society hadc
received 5nc. hundred
and. eighteen names of members for
1923. '11115 is three 110110 then wore
enrolled last Your altogether.,
1._19. C. W, Thompson arid family.`
wish 1:0 thank 'all thoec wife extended.
to them Sympathy Anel ati;is{ance=iii
their recent severs b.reeivcment
'alar to fhosn Who a:
Mt 'flowers.
Sri harry Glacier has taken a po-'
titirnt with/the C. & S. Grocers.
The Experimental Flax Bill elosad
Iasi weep, afloat of the product hew-
ing leen worked tip for this season::
A, new lease liar been entered into
by the Government,
{;'Neil's groi'ery aro thins iyeck
n the
prone). o t .
g g
lttept+rt:y of 1VIr, Vv%. T. O'Neil zne
Florida, he having bought a honse
and 04:110 land there.