The Clinton News Record, 1923-2-8, Page 7RAI, Nt)Ft-SEItiliS
e kind r)tt 'trees, Sh'L']lbe, ete,, you
[1101t. 7.'fle betft Uh4t.4 g>'aw9 and mire
li`p0 cttte4og„rue. No Agents.
> 0la riEti egtf t0xrrav wan
s o t i er. a s oto
ap and Set them hack hi condition. `Thirty
r treating-,
,a made tten f..�' r;7'indispensableeiI ] tl nb
voids, 11, lUidre and Aloten tai• with that' re -
'Mations, and all tiaseaneqof .rho throat, not0
Adamarvelously01113 K,eventtva• acts 50ua,W1
Sale In' two 510en at to i11 ug Bto eH.
'raA7y aolti;aarrr; cant47SZX1, �± rir�laA
E' r . 9{,
^g� SCRA
SFt� .
And S1fl3cr Proflte for you'
;reps with 3 Bran and Shorts for beat 0
results, --"""
3e Booklet and Prices.
tIAWCO g ted
2011alillaVaVITAIRANS1 ,N1411122061
' Erect Memorial-to'Ottawa"Scouts:
itta recent meeting of thin ;Scout-
Yullstors' Troop of Ottdwct it was an-
nouncod that .a meltrorial to: Ottawa
Scouts who hack_ made the supreme
sacrifice in the war would bo erected
on the grounds of the new Dominion
Boy. Scouts Headquarters building at.
the corner, of Wellington and 'Bank
Streets, just 0:1.01$ Bank Street from
We' Parliltmeant Buildings. The Chief
Commissioli.or for Caualda, Dr. James
W: RobertsonM,G.,- has consented
to this action, as ho considered the
sot an. ideal oite for 13)0 put'pose 'rile
memorial i2 to be "in the form of a{
steel flag polo suririoe.utod 'by ,a Scout
flour -de -lis, A brass plate, will, show
Uhle'diurpose for which it waserected.' t� stuffy, bad'1 ventilated rooms. It is
It le hoped to have the ntemorigil flag- ao often stormy, that the mother does
polo ready im bo unveiled by
Sir..'•Robert `Baden-Powell, too .Chief
Scout, when he visits Ottawa in April,
lydz1,''; (1�1ttF
teal, Plavilrutal CbnIfilltsioimer•of ,titc
Bey Scents 4r .the fr1ljGe'ef,4st ober,,
" Yt 1l
s. o t the 'B SC A\ .
a address 1 oy
iu n a e o.
'neat at the weekly luncheon meeting
of the Peterborough, On1., Rotary Club
on January 3t1r,
Mr. 7awf11g 034,M400d that t11;e Scout
wor•1e was )macer at directing the ener-
gy and euthu'ia0)0 that are natural to
every boy; ,and not itt all at-supprag.
A boy, he explained, is a ,dynamo,
and he needs' ddrecCing along:lines that•
anew htrn to be a boy still, and yet
result In.'his growing up to be it good
Scouts Publish Newspaper.
"The :Humber Bay Garotte" l3 Pub -
11 -shed, not by an ordinary publishing
company, but by. the 29th Toronto
(Humber Day),Tropp of Slay Scouts.
The paper 1s a four page, monthly
nowspajer—not just Scout nests. -but
real lire news of . the Hup ber Bay
community is collected and written up
by the Boa' "Scouts themselves, Trio
paper "'is well patronized ,by advea
tisei'sg and, we understand, is .working
tip a nice.paid•in-advance subscription
1l t.
Mere.New Troops and Packs,
Every week there aro new Boy Scout
Troops a1& Wall Cub Packs register-
ed at . Proyincial Headquarters.
Amongst Allo Troops and Paths,' to,
which, charters have been issued- dui,
ing thb past foes weeks •are' the. Jot
GGteensvtlle, 4th Stratford, 1st.Httmb,er;
acne, 1st Teterboro,' 1st Norwood, 1st
Merlin, ist Horton,'; - 16th Brantford,
la Woodstock, Toronto, '2nd
Stratford, aml 1st Sudbury Troops anal
tate 3rd Fort William, 3701, Ottawa, 1st
Ivterlln, 2nd Stratford, and 451.41),Toren-
to Packs; , Dtu;ing 1122 the Bey,Soout
and Wolf 'Cub membershlil I Ontario
increased by, over ;3,000 boys,. Has
Your community provided opportunities
for Its boys to enjoy the advantages
and toys • of Scout t o:lningyet? If not;
Provincial'; Ileadquartere would 'be
glad .to discuss with you ways and
moane of doing this, A letter address.
ed to the Field Secretary, The Boy
Scouts Association, Bloom' and : Sifier-
bourne :Sts., Toronto, wi11;, receive
prompt •attention,
The winter season'is a.hai•11 one on
too baby. He is more or legs confined
'Not a Saint—Just Bey, -
"The boy Was never intended" to be..
'a saint or a; lady, but lust, a boy,' de-,
and of Health, Ontario'
newer questions on Pubilo Health matt•
tddresa him,at Spaelina F3auae, Spadina
not got_ him out in the freshair as
often -as she should. He catches colds
which rack his little system; his
stomach and bowels get •out,of order
And he becomes.Peevish. and cross. To
.giiard,agiiinet thin ,the mother should
keep a box 'of Baby's Own:•Tablets'in'
the house:, They regulate the stomach
and bowels end brealc up colds. -They
aro, sold by, medicine deaioits ea -by
Mail at 25 'cents 9. box from, The Dr,
Williams' ,Medicine "Co.,' Brockville
When You Take Cold
Although not dangerous of them-
selves, cold's• should not' bel neglected,
for the weakened condition of the
body condition of the
s u'miill so treated- and the inflamed
s fiery tittle In mucous. mc.rnbrane leaves an open
dis,. creased, door or the more .serious infections
lely ' (3)' A lowering of the infant inert- of pneumonia, thastoiditis, tubercul-
not ality rate always follows the paste'ur- osls.and other i114. - .
las ization of milk in a municipality. IsoIatipn-'of the•person,who has the
on B. Dts•tivantages (so-called)— cold, as fai•` as possible, care in the
nil (1) Pasteurization,is said to make use of the handkerchief, tale use of a
my the dairyman careless and . dirty. separate towel -and : drinking cup, and
Clean cows, ,clean milkers, clean uten-
the refraining from kissing, or breathing
ails and' clean surroundings -are, how- :
°n ever, absdluttly essential, and these or coughing in the face of anothe'r,.
eondition,e n1ay lie obtained ,by effi- will do much to prevent the, spread of
eient.sanitary,inspeetion. ' Pasteurize- colds.
tion -is only an added precaution lit the • As some one said, "Sneeze' into your
inteests of the' consumer. handkerchief; not into the community;
(2) Pasteurization is Saidto,make you get just as' good a sheeze, and the
not milk less 'nourishing_ for children' by community May, avoid .an sepidemie."
,tan the 'destruction of certain accessory special care should be taken that the
riot ,food factors : found in raw nrillc. If family `dishes are washed in hot soapy
this be correct, -any. slight ,destruction
)ld water and rinsed. -in scalding water
of'-V'itamifies is easily Overcome by when any one 'in the family has u
or the guicof a small amount of cold. The:dish-towels should be boil-;
are orange'
juice icee to the diet of children:
(3) Heating the milk to 145 deg. F, ed at least onee daily. '
is ,said to destroy ,the cream line, If 'A soft,' light diet with little or no
the pasteurization is properly;•carried meat, plenty of fruits and vegetables
out; no such result follows The small and' an abundance of drinking water
glabules*of fat may be:siightly broken will help the body Throw off the effects
of a- cold, There is, nothing better for
the patient or the 'neighborhood at
large than for theperson with a cold
to remain quietly iirlbed for: a' day or
two. The cold the soon' disappears
and leaves no bad effects and, what le
more iinporttmt, an epidemic of colds
1001 -
re -
perupbut otherwise the cream is un:
nay afi;ec£ed.
er C. To .Obtain Pasteurized 'Milk for.
nr_ Your lllunieins1ift -
lith (1) Ask the ,Provincial . Board of
ent Health for a copy of the Model• Milk
ph- By Laty.
the (2.)' 'lave this By -Law, or one em -
his bodying the main features, passed ,by may havebeen prevented.
out your local Council. This will ensure
a -clean, safe 'milk supply for you and A sour cleric will turn the Sweetest
the your children custonrer,'
gyill I'
og'gywhen you wake
"There's`s Reason."
known to affect many
ften, 'too, .these bev-,.
usne;,s, sleeplessness
"There's a Reason,"
made ..from choice,
delightful mealtime
ray elenrieiiflrlf htarkxi"'
insteadof tea or
shine in.
Baled, Air -tight Tin
ludatutn r 5a "There's a Reason'?
'r, 'Write tr t., jai
Any, Ltrait'sd, 1{S Pronk St , 10, 'Toronto. Factory,: V(tiadsoi, ()amide,
The night Thing ,to Do is to Take,
a Tonic 1'01' the Blood
When you become so exhausted : af-
ter a d,ty'e we" k=thot you cannot sleep,
or sleep fails to refresh you, 1t is tune
'to loop {after your health:. Failure, to
net at :once means a steady drailr en
your health reserve, which can result
in but one thing ---ft 0000005 break-
Do 001 wait for a breakdown, he
treatment 19 simple enough if you do
not. let your condition become too far
adlvancetl. The treatment is one re-
quiring 0n effective tonic enrich the'
blood 01811 feed the starved nerves,
The most effective tonic known is Dr,
Pink Pills, which aol direct.
ly on the blood, and with proper diet
lave proved of, the greatestbenefit in
nervous troubles'. and all conditions
duo to impoverished blood, Mrs, Marry
Manson, Braeside;°Ont•, has proved the
value of Dr. Williams' P13130 Pills an;d
says:—"I was taken ill with, what doe-
(tore whom I -consulted called neural-
gia of tlio tissues of the system, =I
was a com"W
plete reck from cJ steno
pains in' my body and limbs,' dizzy
headech;es;'fainting ,spells ,and oonsti-
Indian,' So intense was the pain that
,at •tilnee•.it caused' vomiting`;and I
would'h'ave to,-go'to bed for two or
throe days,„, only to' get up Se' diary
and so weals that I: couldnot cross,the
bedroom without aid,,and -while .these
spells lasted I, could keep nothing -on
my stomach: 1:doctored:for almosta,
year, but with no beneficial 'results.
the' last doctor who attended
ate Kahl ; eed.icine would not 'benefit
me. I must have perfect rest,. and
Spend most of my time in the'open prir.
IIe gave me very poor encouragement.
Knowing that the another of four child-
ren could not spend all her tine In
idleness, I told my husband) 't wos
through with doctors and was going
to try some other, remedies, 1 got .one,
but t(fter taking i't for a month found
no benefit. Then 'T decided to try Dr.
Williams': Plait :Pills, and at the end
of two weeks I found these were what
I neoded- With nerves warn thread-
bare from all. the suffering of the past,
I continued the "use .of Dr, Williams!
Pinar PCAs for,. three 41 -lentils and by
,this tine I was able to do most. of my
own housework,. ,.Tt.fact 3 soon' telt
well and. was able, to do any kind of
work without feeling'tired. S1u0B that
tame I have contluued 'to, do all my
°own work: and have had no return, of
the,dr•eaclful pain ;I, suffered before. I
have recommended the pills, in many
cases and have always seed• good re-
sulte from their'tise"
You can get these pillar :from any
medicine dealer or by.mail at 50 cents.
a box or six boxes for $2.50'froniThe
.Dr. Williams' I4lodicino Co,, Brockville,
Noah aFloater.
Sunday School Teacher -"Can any -
One tell' me where Noah lived?" .
Pupf2'-"I (IOTA ti$SnkIre had a -regu-
lar 11omie. I gtresel lug. auid'lifs fe,n-diy
bolongeld to the gleaning poliulcl,tion,"
Mlnard'sLiniment for Berns& Scalds
Easy. Job. , - ..
Alilro-"I've beo.n sacice,d, Pat!".
Pat "TI ,on what'll ye da, Mike?"
"I'11 just go back•CO my -former job."
"Ansi what Wks that?:'
"`Lookin' far work, be,gorra1"
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsln"
Corrects Stomach so •
Meals, Digest
The moment you eat a ,tablet of
'Pape's- hiapeils'ia" your indigestion is
gone, No more' distress Froin a, solar,'
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,.
.heartburn, palpitation,,br misery Hak'
ing gaseg: Correct your digestion for.
a few cents, Each package guaran-
teed by druggist to overcome stomach
Th: Man Who Mode the'
Old Doctor' ,iohnslon, we are 00111,—
The man who mode the dictionary,—
Though ,
ictionary,Though', fat.and eros„ and. o 111111es
Autocratic and art,'trary,
Has'allwan's beet a favorite
With Ino, and for this simple res-
lie had the kindest heart, 'abs said;
To this deny wore timely treason.
The waifs, reclaimed by 111in were le
gion • '
Wrapped in las handkerchief, he'd.
caiuy "
Safe 1,o his home some little puss •
Leftietarving dr: for' doge- to 3oarry,;
'shut he had rescued as ho walked, ,
A-t,bimlc ng of MS dici.ionary;
Bitactive kindness quick. and prompt,
Was surely mere than mere vagary.
Though. seventeen:,cups of; tea a day
(Ironic, 0,110 some folks called tiro:
Ifo made hili home, •1n yery .tenth,
A htava1r far the, old, and 'needy ;;
And he was •good:+ to cats; 099)0 if
3y nature indolent', contrary,''
Never •toolazy to
Axid write a great big dictfehary!
---Lotions C. Poole,
It's' a eliffletil9 thing to -convince;
sero people that 11appine40 is never:
,horn di what, you're going to have
ttonte day but always -franc what' you
already 'hale,
British war widows numbering 74,--
006 ,tad remarried up to' the ilnd of
last Tune;; they Foilm nearly one-third
of the total cal willows awarded p011-
5lons' •
MlnardOBI.jnlment for Neurafilab
owing the Sea
Ceylon today IS pert ttiS: rr $,lli3 Wfl
ter its tea. but In days Iit0nai iii it ilad,r
t lnwr'; rm1 ¢itis,
the fi;.herios iutlrewcahfianle---,i1,wn„
homeof ii<, mrniwnel pearl
Fifteen yhars tn pearl
ayt>'te#:s, —_--
ts'hidh were a 8091)00 of great weltl_til
to the Irl rad, made rano of tapir period.
in rny,ste lots disnppecrrinees.
In 1919 it was discovered that they
were returning to their 'bunks an tae
Gulf of'Mannar, 'the narrow strip of
water boat divides Ceylon from I71dla.
Unfortunately, tml it seemed at fltet,
they were' depositing themselves "ori
hand, en -
'history had Shown that 'the
pearl oyster never 11veki4,o a 110/10010
age unless it settled 00 1.001 , hitt those
responsible, for the care of tae oyster
hank.,, were not disheartened.
'Tiley believed that too oysters on
tate ;sand would bleed, and, as there
were numerous rocky areas 1)1 the
vicinity, there was evtir•y'chance of a
fair proportion' of the spats, or young
oysters, depeslting theme -ayes on
more faivorable ground.
And ruch-has;proved) to be the case.
To -day there 'are countless, , millions of
young and 'thriving- pearl oysters on'
the rocky 00500 .1)1 the gulf of Mannar,
Another arid mare important
covery,,has'bee18 1010de. lit tiro .years
when pearl fishing Was a thriving'in-
rinstry in Ceylon,mafry endeavors were
'made to transplant young pearl cy
tens,'_.. For some. inexplicable reason
their efforts always proved unst0eeeee
ful, noire of the millions of oysters
transplanted surviving.. ,
In' 1921, 1lowe.vor, a special effort
was made.:. A twiner of the oysters
wl'icl-thad.'deposited themselvesi,on
sand in the Gulf of Mannar wore" fished,
up. They were placed under an awn-
ing in a trawler, sprayed with sea.
waiter from a pump the whole of the•.
time. they 'were amore, and'eventually
deposited - many utiles - south of, the
A recent inspection has provod that
the rock where they were deposited,
are. now covered with 'millonh7 of
ycufl and healthy .pearl .,oysters.
Though the best known of' Ole Gay-
lon pearl banks are situated in the
Gulf of, Molnar, between thit,t, spot; and'
Negonibo, 'about 'twenty, miles frons
Colombo; aro 880 square rrilot bE' ehal-
low water where pearl . oyeters 11.we
been Iinown,to`ocur. 1,1;:w that trans
p0,antotlon • ;cani:ba undertaken' with
confidence there is ie", reason ,why
every, inclt,of rials area should• sot be
literally sown with prls'.; '
Brain workers, -who need to have
'some hours every disy' thatare free
from -interruption, can seldom accoln=
plllsh all they want ie" ' bemuse to
many unrelated'matters claim their
tune. M; Clemenceau,when be is at
home, finds the free time that he
needs by going to bed at eight o'clock
and getting up at threeinthe-morn-
ing. From three until -'nine he 'does
his work; after that ,he is' ready for
the usual tough -and -go of affairs.
Mlnard's Liniment for C,ouflhe & Colds,
Real Grief.
Dick—"Was'ye ore av-the Mourners
et Casey's funeral?"
Pat-"Oi was; he owed me ten dol-
Lilt Off with :.Fingers
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
Preezone" on an aching born instant-
ly'thatcorn-stops hurting, then short,
ly y,bti 'llft it right off with fingers.
Your druggist:se71s a tiny Bottle of
_"Froezone" for a.few cents, sufficient
tri remove evdry lhord corn, soft corn,
or cormbetweenthe toes,' and the cal-
lusee,, Without soreness oi•`Irritation.
'Bathe. . your 'feet, with warns
water then rub well with Mot-
, aril's Liniment. Soreneos gone,
feel feel: tine, for llllnard'o•
, 311filment le Fang or Path,
The Family'Medicine : Chest
Irrigated Farms l ii i
Southern'' Alberta
se 'firs Satnotal Vauattnl7. Ye filet
Bow River IrriaatLou Proieot
An especially hood dooatIon for tnlxed
farrnuig'a18 dairying, SplOfl1 d op-
portunity f'or 80111)0 upon 110w livving.
in dietrlets w1111(0 0004 land caaniot.
tis baultltt• ut 1'easdnable haloes
'99030 r5 NOT : I'IONL141RINC.,- the
acct 1,6,0 0 1500e5 "are fully settled and
smatter 10)000 acres nOw ready for
eattlolriant, maximum distance from
railroad, 0605n...mllee, 0008 road,,
te10)101)00 and 5011000. Lmsy pay -
:manta, eO:teOdrng over` 1S: ears,
7t'h.10 tho Ment t,atid t4ny 10 Aljntrta
Wrtto Tor fu,!110 1110,1m911011,101
bArrAn.A x,Arru and tltblilitti•X$'7ltlif
OOMPAXTY, :45M1'Z'x1D '
ixedi : t Alb6rf
18905 No. 1---'22.
"California yrupa',.
Child's Best Laxative
Ckiti61$0 Advertisements.
BpsX.,r Whrn0B--P0altanr0,
f-�hY'I1Lp WAFT14'0. wiz 1Lp1G i1i
part-leo tok mo ' s wool800
at Immo, e)9hewltr 111001440h
by hand, 9008 stamp and eddrep010
0109101)0 for lnrnrmaption. The (1a?la%14
'Wholesalelxlstrlbuting Go„ Dept; . k
Orlll!a, Otiln- _
9'900009 95910 L31f,
011A90 CLC)t']rlt, 73Tikl G3,971izvp:
, . an tut,1.. w rl t4 . 7or Inte'esting ii09:.
1 ovulation, n,. 1"'user,. kf.11, 3,:-Ilderlotl,
1a)',Hall rO-ltAY_. 139Ri
,1?ill) 1;
ILS' cockerels.. % m
cockerel: good invidutals. 8�•
�aarC .A., Ashworth, Z)av 1r1xZ)^afield
DEI,aefi"In 0 FOS SALE
B:1HLTING O1r AL1,T:1 i 39, 1\70W 01t
{L .: u13ad, pul10 a,' epws, cable, 1s 8e,
010,: shiepecf tubieet be approval at low.,
este PriceOanada, 'York Belting
118 York St,"Toronto,.
Antaa3oal'7Pioiroer r7oit Emm 910 t,
Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful _. 1 . s■�► DOG DISEASES
"California; Pig Syrup" now will-tho't•-
oug0ily clean• the little bowels and in a
few •hours your have a well, playful
child 'again.' liven if dross, ,feverish,
bilious, constipated or full of cold,
children love it,,,,'"fruity" taste, and
mothers can rest oast' because 11118000'
falls to work 'all the souring food and
hasty bile right of the stomach and
bowels 'wlthloutgriping or, upsetting
Toll your druggist Yc'at want only
the genuine "California Fig Syrup"
Which, has dirkctions for babies and
children et all ages printed on bottle.
Mother, you must say "California."
Refuse any imitation.:
and ;Mow to 1a'0ed!
mailed D'rao to any
dross by the Author.
, may m800. (to., ',alp,
155 west 04tH 'R Street
Now York 1J.0.A.
Bulks Cardots
How Backache and Periodic
Paihs'Yield`to 3:, fdia E. Pink -
ham's Vega table Compound
C2sy :,
;Makes your
clear and smooth.
Leslie, Sask.--",For about a year k
-was troubled with a'distressing, down -
bearing pain before and+during the pe-,
riods,and from terrible headaches and
backache. I hated to go.;to.-a dpctor,
and as I'knew several women who h'ad.
taken Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable
Compound -'with good results, I,fnally
'bought someand tool. four bottles of it.
I- certainly ,do.:recommend it for every
woman with .troubles like -mine. I feel
fine now•and:hope to. bo able to keep
your medicine on hand at all times, 'as
no woman ought to be without it in the
house." — Mrs. 090an A. ANDERSON*.
Box 15, Leslie, Sask.
: Adds =Her'Testimon
Mrs. Kelsey A y,
Copenhagen, N. Y, I read ;your
advertisement in the papers• and m
.husband induced me to take Lydia L
Pinkham s, Vegetable Compound to get
relief from pains and weakness. I'was
so weak, that I" could_not:walk at 'times_
Now X can do my housework and help
my husband out doors, ,too. I am willin
for. you to publish•this letter if•you lthink
it ,will help :others. " --Mrs. HERBERT
KELSEY,, R.F.D:, Copenhagen, N.""S._
Sick and ailing women everywhere
in the Dominion should try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before
they give up, hope of recovery., 0
Clear Your Cots' phon.
With C&taeara
Bathe witli Cuticura; Sdap
water to free, the pores of infpuiitiee
'and follow with a ,gentle application.
of Cuticora;.Ointment to soothe and:.
heal: Theyare ideal for the: toilet,
8b is tiled Cuticura Talcum for pow.
dering and. perfuming.
Scone. Ointmaat25 and 508, Talcum 25c. sold
throughout theDominion:'Canadlan,Depott
Lymeea. Lnmiled, 344 SE Pep! St w. MonO4eL
: "Cuticera 3oati.h tyeswuheut mug: ,
Chest colds -broken!
Inflamed membranes. congestion, -
oppressive pain.Apply Sloan's to chest
and throat.IC scatters congestion '
—year cold is gone!
BMade in Cartirrla —kills pilin/
UNLESS you see the name `..`Bayer" on tablets, you
are npf,getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an' "unbroken package" of `°i3ayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians dpring 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds - Headache. Rlleuniatisni
Toothache Neuralgia, Neuritis,
Earache ` Lumbago' : • Pain, ' Pain
Slsndy "BoyeI" boxes i)f 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100--Draggista,
Adi11r7n b the trate 05510 frot!0150ld ill f 0,11,109 ar I'x0e1 Ago
ranitft1ne of Mono-
twetioaeldcato0 of Saneyllope141, Widle it 114 wen l oown 1hnt 4.350510 x0,0)5 13ay1r
t7+tintaffieture, to toilet, the 9nlllle prltttOtt latrtotloer, tOl 7'01,1014 et Oslo) Company
*111 ba etem3cd with tint r Colt 01 ttadb ,miry the 'kayor' (10840,"