HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-2-8, Page 5`ton Colts L se' t& I e °so l ion `uesday but V4Tin from Goderieh Yesterday, Scores 5}4, Clinton loses the first of their borne boys had'. the puck Past centre lce, , wand home O.IF.A. games with Inge, soil in a recti, of 4.5. The gain waif intensely exciting all the wn u hl with the score a tie for ten >#O tin the second'. Period and 5-1, . s` b e third. i i nesse tt nn 4 t :r h r row d t .st gamy on the local ice this ,, �0�'. . aenCeri From the rails they cheered ,nus boys on their', incessant rushes and gasped" au the way.goofy Noe warded thein off. Our, boys had the .best of the play'' on the night,. }nut try the would Noe turned them aside. Rorke and Fred Elliott starred for. z.Clh ton, Rorke ' searing• twq of - the goals;' while the Elliott and'13aWden ,e0mbination'were -responsible for the other. two. ,-;Mutt .was the �faetest msari on .the ice :•and could gut skate :the locals when he ,got away.. lNediger, our,strong: defence' man, was. laid un in. bed with a bad 'cold, but; hope he 'will. be able to journey with'us to Ingersgll on•Friday night: "Thisweakenedf n `f,, our.de e ce consider- ,.a�bly, • necessitating a .shuffling `up, of, they ';players. I "Roberton started off in this, position: ,with ::O'Brien on left wing, Later Hovey took Roberton's place while one of the forwards rested .and in the third period Hove^' and `Roberton held' down' the defer giv- ing Elliott his old :position on'right: • wing. ,In,the first period the locals''h ad, • the` best of the play. many: time& bottling the ', -play,,, at ,the,, pisiters'; meal. but each time' failed to score. ;Oceasionally Hutt, „ their greaser" lightning speed -artist,'' -would`18re'ak :`through' and take a, shot at our end -of the rink. Elis shots: were wide and "high, ohce 'a hootingmit:into the wire -at--the edge of the balcony. Our' boys even n rasa c,ditbacka again and Storks g -caught a pretty pass from O'B ien' registering the first 'goal.• r ,'Time', after time they shot on goal, e but Noe Fad horse -shoes and rabbit's y feet for pals and ''turned 'them off. The some score happened in the local arena when Goderieh first met us in.. the N.H.L; What followed? We've beaten 'that same agbregatioar'three times since. r• With the assortment of players- at layerat his disposal it was difficult for Manager Elliott to decide which was the Crest arrangement for the moatef- feeti`ge play. When Elliott played right wing to get``. combination with' Bawden it •left the defence weak. 1.1,,oveyft a new men. and Roberton a _ forward, If , Roberton, Rorke" and Bawden played forward they seemed too light to penetrate the defence with combination, 'which is the only;. way to score on Noe. W'e alt feel that Elliott managed to advantage and' in-the;`return 'gaine can reverse' the score ,with Nediger on defence. (Hutt on defence was .'the fastest. man on the visitors' team, . He is a. good stick handler'anil'awicked shot, finding thenets four times. ' McMil- lan was watched by, Bowden and nev- erlowe anyI e al dv e} ay; -while he in return, kept Bawden checked close. He was reported to .)be their most dangerous man but didn't:,sliow it in this-game.Not is "a wonder hind won their genre as he did against London.; He is. eobl; •and deliberate` and care-? ;ful• with every shot. (Fred Elliott ;played ..a. rwonderful game; .leading in many of . the cont- bination.rushes, He, makes a strong. defence, anaggressive forward and without a doubt is`the strongest man. on 'the Rorke played a whirl-; wind _genie forthe w first t%wo periods. �a?r•„P } H scored Our first two goals, break- ing the tie in- the second period on a rush .and made an effective check... Bawden was watched closely°by Me - Millan and was given little opportun- ity to get away. He had manyeshots•, on goal -but no luck, Roberton' spent; Most. of -his time, on: defence, warding off many dangerous -rushes, and while, on the forward line ;made , it difficult; for the visitors to push -.through.. I -Ie is. developing into a good defence. player and watches it close while Elliott is : working in foreign, tend- tory. • O'Brien was given a good chance to ` show his wares and, was . always on the wing when, needed. He scored Everybody thought "Well we're orf -now,", and the,, colts peppered many shots at the Ingersoll net but in vain, no score. Just before the period end- , er nd-,er the visiting line -,broke away,` with a -combination,' drew George out and cored 011 a past The ,period ended a• • In the second 'period Rorke broke the tie by grabbing the puck at- the face' off near centre ice and rushed down through, the two deferee men And hooked the rubber 111. But. Clin- ton did:not have all the fun. during -this period. Hutt was thoroughly greased during the, intermission, and came _down the ice on:•a few more rushes, twice being, effective, bring- ' eine' the score up to 4-3 'for his team.. In the third Hutt scored two': more in as many minutes 'giving them a' three` goal lead. Freddie; who.. was on the' defence •atthis' time'•was edging Up to the forward line,_anxious_ to. ,get into the -fray.: At the next' bell Hovey„ took:, his .place letting;hiiti•.,up on his wing. ;Did he work? --Better 'ask, -do fishes` swim : or birds fly? ':lle and Bowden. 'Inlayed the old "coin", O'Brien • catching the odd pass on his wing. With short, snappy passes ,they, waded through the de- fence and scored two goals. : They gave the visitors little chance to try out our new defense;- The period enrted; oe soon''to tie the score. We. were defeated. by -one goal but feel -we have the.•better team. For over fifteen minutes of each period our Or Interest to You anti Me The Canadian National Railways .and -tine Grand Trunk have been. .vmalg•aniated'under one management. The 'h . e•idflit o es of Canada's national railways will be .in Montreal, a fact which .Toronto very much deplores. Tia speaking• -before, a Toronto au - -thence the 'other day. Haigh Walpole, Else author, said ' that ` "the braini 'writ,er should 'cultivate more heart' ..and the. heart writer should acquire more .brains." That's all right, but what wouldou do y with the :writer who has neither heart nor brains? Scarcely a week ':passes • that. one -doesn't, read of-.somebodybding al- most, if not, quite, smothered with gas fun es from coal stove or Earn= ..ace' while asleep, If people made a practise of • sleeping with open win-' . dowe` this would not happen: )'t aright be; too, that there would be fewer colds if this.' practise: were fol- lowed, Nothing. like fresh air for health. w k * , Few people in Clinton or in the. 80000u &din c inti g oa unit y,.unless it be families from which come students, know just what is going on in the .Agricultural Short 'Course, now in session here, where young people aro gaining a lot of practical knowledge .arid are alsolearning } &nig - to think ' ;for ,themselves "and ' to express their thoughts . A- university edification is valuable if it teaches 181011 and: women - to think for themselves, but many minion; avail; themselves orf amen ,an education, This is just a little bit of rune same thing, • Even if every boy and girl iiow n ;lniember of the classes could learn all 'that 11e or she is learning • .Cron& his '00 her father or i104110r the.coneee wainld be of value fox the training they are getting in independent; ihinking Their weekly literary 1110e1- ings are training thein to tbinle upon differogt topics and to get is n a 7. and express express thefr b thoughts before Cate. t - POW •els„ And they 1100 a keen, intern- -gent ,;bunch of young Canadian mans lnoocl and womanhood a.nld ,wedou'bl; not are ,, malting 'good use of the ,opportunities which coins'' to i them. We do not hesitate to sgv that .such a course 18 of inestimable value to 'all young people wlio show theiin 'rieivee ready to profit by it one goal, 'which ` was disputed, and ,passed to Rorke for. another.- :Hovey was intiated in this game and= showed us all that he is conning fast. Ile made a splendid relief roan and. showed a neat bit of stick -handling ors his rushes., George Elliott didn't have as Many shots to handle as he generally has but they were wicked': and hard to get. ' It was •felt:bynnany that the score didn't , indicate • 'the -play. We should, have had a three goal lead. The game was -clean, 'the -ice was keen, and Armstrong got all that he had seen. He gave rboti, te, u,n a fair sliakca.:,e ;41 wi11 llikely judge the return game -at Ingersoll. We go down to `Ingersoll with every confi- dence of winning the ,round. Nediger , Will be back on defence and :Elliott ,will play on the forward line for a time at least. With this arrange- ment we can show Goaly Noe that :we lcnow where he keeps his net. The line-ups were as follows: i — 1Elliott; defence, ,Cl nton� Goa , G Elli d o ,.. Fl Elliott,'' Roberton; forward;' O'- Brien, Rorke Bawden. Subs IIovey, - - Cola Ingersoll—Goal, Noe, defence, Htitt, Jackson; forward,and • Mac Millan -on- roe and 'Vallee, subs, J, Huntley and, A. Huntley. Last night with a handful of peo- ple in the rink the Clinton Colts had little difficulty in gaining a three - goal lead from the sailors in the first of the honne and home games for district honours in the N.H.L... We missed the hearty support of the Clintd'n fans and :bhe gaine seemed quiet as compared With our last two battles,. on' the' same ice, The Colts had strenuous d a .game here on Tuesday night and decided to take things easy unless pressed by the local boys. The first period lacked enthusiasm and although both teamstook the offensive the. others .back -checked thein close and the per- iod"closed 0-0. '?Elie , sailors worked hard • in the second period to run up a'Seor0 and on a rush front centre ice Young hooked one into, the corner, of George's net Our _ boys , were just getting warmed up iiow and striking their stride. Elliott Went up forwai d, Baivden centre with O'Brien on left wiing while Hovey and ' Roberton looked after the defence. With this formation they' played sonic beauti- ful combination, only to be called off- side as they approached the eppob- ents' defence. They tightened up Sinn their play ,arid before the second per- iod' was over 100051 two goals, In the third period tlia sailors carpe outfresh er the final kilt; but they couldn't stand the , pace our steeds set. To watch them 0110 would never. Naive thought they. had played' the previous evening, Bowden and , "El- liott were doing some or the 'finest work they have clone this `season. They took also phcic from our goal ,limo and Without a break in speed passed through ForwgSd and defence and shot. .Every one. thought .it Was a sore r.'oal but lliac1t saved it, Ilawden caught it on a Glass :frons the corner and 'hooked in another .emir- ter. From ; the face -oft ' Mouetain: took the Insets down on a 411511 and. dodged both. defence and shot, •'El- liott stopped it and after a 'strcittiou:+ rninble in front of the goal they mind the ,puelt fn our: nets,.: We scored' notiler.-on combination and lianvdpa 0nished, the scoringby a' most-adieleable Ione rush through the t4 hole team The fans could notice a marked improvement ment iii our team aver bbs first battle, They had the play tinder control at all tiles while ,Goderieh were putting up a desperate' struggle with little results. Bawden and Elliott brothers show ea up fleet, for the visitors, George. saved many goals and the three times the locals rushed through the defence he rushed out, and batted it. into tile corner. Howden did sonic clever. playing,- With 'his swift and accurate shots he, kept Black busy all evening, 1`reddy was always on ,tile job but did not need to work his best ae the situation neverl, looked dan- gerous, Hovey and Roberton had tan easy night on defence and Rorke, rester most' of the evening, coining' out only a few times to relieve the forwards, ' The boys are in the best of spirits, and .condition, and.' with a geed rest to.niglit will be in geed shape to meet Ingersgll on Friday; Miss' Bessie ,Lovell of. Gerrie has gone to Africa .to work as a amis- sionary- , Marriages ALCOCK - : BEMBRIDGE ,4t St., John's Church Rectory, -Brussels: by Rev. Mr. Connor, on Jan. 17th, Samuel G., Alcock, to Annie, only daughter of Mr. .and Mrs, Che;', 'Bembridge, both 6f Morris town ship. • Births' WIJRI4X—In Seaforth, 'on :Jan. 30th, to Mr. and -Mrs. Jacob Wurm; i` a ¢laughter. CARRIE—In Hamilton, 'on Jan: 14th; -to Rev. C. R.cCarrie M.A., and Mrs. Carrie; a son.'. Deaths FOWLER,—In Clinton, on Feb. 5th, Thoams Fowler,ag ad 82 years. ECKMIER—In Clinton, 'on Feb. 7th, Daniel.Eckinier, an'hie 71st year. COLE --In Gravenhurst, on Feb. 7th,' W:.SI Cole, son of Mr. T. H. Cole, c- Clinton.- 1BURTON—In Clinton, on Feli. 6th, Martha •Colclougli, wife of ;Mr. John -S. Burton, aged 64 years. HARRISON—At Hayfield,on Feb. 2nd, Thomas E. Harrison, in 'his -,52nd year. McCARTY=In."Egmondville, on 'Jan. 20th,.' Thomas McCarty, aged 86 years, WWHITFIELp In•'Brussels,South, on Jan. 28th, Walton Whitfield, aged 67 years and 7 months. APPLE PACKING DEMON- S'rRATIONS The Federal and Provincial Dei partments of: Agriculture, are1-, co- operating next week to hold two:ap- -ile packing demonstrations. The meetings -will be held as 'follows: (Tuesday, Feb.' 13th,"at 2 pan. in the Town Hall, Goderieh,'>and. .Wed- nesday Feb 14th; at 2 p.m. in the. Deportment „i Agriculture, Clinton. These meetings will. be addressed' by Messrs. F. L.- Gabel and P. J. Carey of the Federal Fruit Branch. All apple packers and fruit grow- ers interest,ed row-ers'interestedwill be made Welcome. S. B.:Stothers; Dept. of Agriculture, Clinton. Applications For Officep_ Applications addressed to the un- dersigned nndein;Ured will wil .be received by thre. Municipal Council of Clinton up to 6 o'clock, p.m., on ,Feb. 19th, for the`-' position of Chief Constable -and Tax'. Collector • at' a - salary of ' $800 per year, and of Night Constable at a salary of $500 per year. Further particulars as to duties, hours, etc., may be obtained from the Mayor or "Clerk. D. L. Macpher- son, Town cleric. -88-2 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate- Carey.Jones' Na- tional School of Auctiolieering,Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live .Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market, Sat- isfaction , assured. at-isfaction':assured. Write' or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 93. •-,88-t{-11923 Colts For Sale Heayy,.:draught filly , rising three, heavy draught filly rising four, and a 41aasy draught gelding rising four. Apply toJohn ohn No 3bre R. R° LPNo. 4, Clinton: Phone 7 • on - 67.7, Clinton central. ,-8$-tf Money To Loan ;Money loaned on , farm property. Mortgages taken sad old •inortgages paid off. Private capital.' Apply Drawer ,B., NeWs-Record.., 88.4-p Valentine_ Skating Party The Senior, ,Canadian Girls in Training will give a Valentine skat- ing panty in the local .100110 bn 'Tues- day evenii1g, Feb. `13thn, Admission, lac, lunoh,10e. 1?8.1` Barred Rocks icor Sale Barred '.Rock „cockerels, fine laying strain. J. 11 iV1oKlnley, 14. R. :1,, Ztmicb. —88-4 `Nlratnted A 21/ or 3 h.'s.'. engine. ,1 R Apply: to se W. J. Merl a en, Clinton, Phone 13, Caller For Sale, A cut 1 ter. nearly -now. Fos •partic- ulars apply to Amos Cartwright; Clinton. 8G�f;t lVeod For Sale Sound maple wood. Aflp Y ] 8. Ps McMath, IIolnteikflle, —86-4f uC�IIa Can More fOin 04 teapot test of N 1105 Than we catfn'tetl yen in a page of advertisement Tia Y IT TA -DAY HAVE `'i Taken advantage of our weekly s pecials this week. We offer .:you a 4 -string Broom., regular price 70c fo'r. 480 with a cash order of .g3oceries OTHER SPECIALS 22e . Our Own'O e gfYo ,per lb. .:, 58c Special Black 'Pea, per. ib.. 15e 3 pkgs. Jelly Powder 150 '3 pkgs. Fearline;• lQc-3,palces Glycerine Soap Prices For 'Butter and Eggs'' Our Own .Baking Powder 3 ib,' pail: Lard 1 Ib.' Ginger Snaps • 1 Ib.. Fancyi Cakes 1 pkg.".Pangake Flour , .. Highest Get .the •Habit of JOHNSUN :. N & CO'S GROCERY Ph n � �nte111 THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Dealing at ' 550 52e 25c 25e. 25e 1 00.•••••1111.1•1•1•01111•11011, and I a Al. N Il.SO: S th M . , N e Chocolates that are diffe � -ren . , - t IIs - acka es and in bulk �' ax e av --the; nal t Y quality Y... :°thafcurIIn s b stoners back VARIED I D d �-iifootion�ryEaoh Day eilsons Ice Cream . y8 Telephone` No. 1 1 ;Farm For Sale - Choice ' dairy, stock and grain farina; . lots 16-1748 Maitland con- cession, Colborne township: 2 miles 'franc Holmesville, church, school, :cheese factory, etc. About 200 acres, about 40 acres 'hardwood bush; good sugar bush of fully -2,000 'maples to tap. 10 acres cedar•; hemlock . and, hardwood, 5 acres of orchard. ;Abun- dance of running water. Bank"barn 40x75 feet.- Two- dwelling' houses. Rural mail, telephone. Ideal: place in sunnier on'the banks of the Mait- land. -Possestion to isuit ,purchaser. If not sold would lconsider:`renting, For further ,particulars and. terms apply, to W . B. Forster, R. R.'No.. 2, Clinton, Ont. -87-tf 'Anetien Sale ' The undersigned .auctioneer ` has received instructions to 'sell by pub- lic auction wat Lot 26,- concession 8, I3ullett township; on- February 14th, 1023, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the`fol- lowing: " • • Horses: '' Draught , mare, 7 years old; draught gelding, 5" years old; driving horse, 6' years old. Cattle: Cow, 5 years old, due to freshen time of sale; cow 7 years old, fresh- ened in t Decentb e • co 10years old, o a, freshened in November; heifer 'r•is- ing 3 years old, due to freshen Mar. 4th; heifer rising -3 years, freshened in . December; rising years, freshened in November; , 4 steers rising 2 year; heifer rising 2 ,years; heifer rising 1_year; steer rising 1 year; 4 calves, Pigs; Yorkshire sow, due April 5; Yorkshire .sow, carrying second litter, ,due April 7; 12 shoats. Hens; 80. pullets, 20 1 - year -old hens::' Impfehients:. Mas- seY-Harris 3 -horse ',cultivator; set discs'- International; .•. Wilkinson > W iso 2- funeow 'plough; `.2; walking ploughs, Fleury No., 21;. Smiler; Clinton fan- ning mill; set of sloop sleighs, near- ly new; wood "rack; .:gravel box: '2 wagons; binder truck; open. buggy; rubber -tired 'top buggy; Portland cutter; set double 'harness; string bells; Massey-llarri5 - 'root pulper; wheel -barrow; Workman '& Wood swivel .. gar; lay: fork, rope . 150 ft,; 3 pulleys; 2 'good molasses barrels; cream.: separator,:, run ".3 yeoi'e; 40 grain bags; extension ladder, -32 -ft., nearly new; crow bar; ditching spoon; grind stone; '40 -gal, coal oil drum. About 25 tons of hay; 6 loads sweet clover hay in the sheaf; about 400 bus. mixedgrain, about 30 bus. of turnips. Forks, :shovels, spade and a _nmber- of other ar•- ticles ,too numerous to mention. TERMS: All slims of $10 and, un- der, cash; 'over that : amount, - six months credit will be ;given on finr- niebing approved joint notes, pr a - discount of 4 ilea cent:, straight for cash on credit amounts. Everything must be satisfactorily settled for be - Sore being removed :from the pt'ein-, ises, : as the proprietor 'liars sold his farm and is giving mi :farming. Jas, W1 McCool, Proprietor. '.Tilos, Gundry Ati¢tion@er•. , --4-2 Farina For Sale 100 acres good producing sail, lot 30, concession 6, TIullett. Buildings good, well watered, drained and fenced. GC l Hugh, orchard, ' c r Toll wheat and ploughing. 034 miles :front Clin- ton; close to school and general storo, Application by mail 00 on premises, Nirs, Henry Melirien, R. R. 7., Clinton, Ontario. Telephone 2.640, Clinton Central, _ - 5-tf For plaark, Timber And Lumber ease, Square timber and M. G, Ransf"ord. -85-tf Custom Sawing We will do custom sawing at Thos. Waallis', also at Clinton, in the early spring. McEwan Bros,, Bayfield. —85-t2 Cutting Cutting -Wood Two good,' reliable men for cutting ood. M. G.:Ransford, •'=85-tf Farms For Sale Lots 29 and .30. concession 9, Hui- lett, 1 snide west of •gravel road, 2M miles from Londesboro. Lot 29 eon - tains about 80,: acres good workable land at present in pasture;' 15 acres good cedar swamp; 1,4 acres orchard. On the premises are 2 good barns. connected with open shed, stone foun- dation and stabling under all, In- cluding henhouse and pig -pen, also 11/2 story brick house with frame kitchen and wood -shed. Hydraulic ram supplying water from house' to barn from a never -failing spring. Lot 30 consists of 1&00 acres, about 6, acres of hardwood. bush, the rest well drained' and fended, 3' acres fall wheat, 35 acres,'fall-ploughing done. Oriremise are s 2 good- darns; with good foundation, good stabling with cement flooring, large driving sheet, also 2 -story brick .house, up to date with good wood 'furnace, good 00- chard, a d a never-failing ell' r th-wi - mill, woodshed. Also a good Over land car. For further particulars apply to, Mrs. Annie McCool, Clinton, or on Lot 30, to J. A. McCook,-85-tf House For Sale 2 -story brick house on Northstreet, in good repair, all conveniences, acre of land, fruit trees, etc. Good stable could be used for different purposes. Also a 2 -acre lot near railway track. C. J, Wallis, Clinton. 81-tf. Farm For Sale Lot 10, concession 1, Hullett, sit- uated on provincial highway 3M miles from :Clinton, and 5 miles feons Seaforth. Contains 100•acres, well drained and fenced, iii high state of cultivation: three acres hardwood• bush, two acres good orchard and 2,/ acres. fall ploughed. On place ts. good pine bern, 60x50, stone founda- tion, Stable all cemented,' in first class:condition drivingshed 0he 5 x205 ten -roomed brick house with good cellar. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs, J. D. McDermid, Clinton Ont., or C McGregor, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, Ontario. 78-tf. Farm for Sale or Rent Lots 57 and 58, Maitland concese sion ''Goderieh township, containing 1641/ acres, more 00 lees. Bank barn,; 50 feet square, stabling seder- neath, driving shed, hsed, 30x50; hen honse, largo frame house, Pos- session given at once. Andrew Shepherd: Londesboro,Ontario. 76-4f' Farm For Sale Lot 16 pt. 17 concession 1 IIiiilett, l-Iuioin' road '12 miles east Of 'Clin- ton. This farm contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and in first class. condition, the balance is 118114uro land and bush. On the premises is a good barn 40x74 with th stnnostaid- , ng and cenennt floors, also ben house pig pen and drive Shed on celiienii foundation. There isa' two story brick hotnse with modern eomiveinien- . ccs, Farm is Well watered with first class speings'alnd also spring creek running 44005e one corner. Farm is Well adapted for mixed farnnlier. For tome and conditions make op-. " on the n'. plication tb rel usesorClinton, C, S,.R, N o4.i h n Noble 58 ti" Etrd Ifl 0011 II1 Il II101 111 .,,„,e, 'sad. ll incl 11!,1151011111 Suceessors to M. 'l'. Gorleoii- R.owlamb old ;;,t1uid Step 1n aid Let us -Toll You About THE ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANER PGSS'ES SES TILE' FOLLOWING SUPERIOR FEATURES: 1. I4 is the easiest to operate, 2. It cleans thoroughly any floor -surface' from thick rugs to bare hardwood or linoleum, even concrete! 3. Itis the most `sanitary 'to use, 4, • I4 has the simplest, most easily`connet;,ted." attachments. G. It gives,.tlae most, service,, per dollar of cost. 0. It cleans by' air alone -no re- volving •brlishes, beltt or gears to get out of order or . diminish the efficiency. i11I1 1111 155115 I55esels5il 111 I00l III' 11 I I f , � I h.IIIIIIIIi11111111111pIIIpU116fisn,uu�r(IIgtrII;'IM1 111 p," 11'''." � ,." :. ultl"tli, IN1hrr,14nIr4dLfHi,IIItIl111 cul Phone 68, THE OLD RELIABLE OFFICE HOfJRS 9.30e ate a;nn. 2.00 to 5.so' t . 7.00 to 9,00 .ni, Wedpnesdays ' DR. W, Rt N11'41%ff0 Chiropractic Specialist. P P. Specializing in .Spinal, Nervous Chronic Diseases. Normandie Block, Clinton, .nl. Singer Sewing -Machin/ Family Model i592qq r'loctrio Family Model .62,0 Electric Drawing >;. 'cab. ., ,, g Room inet 92,41 and ' 411 Kinds of Repairing airin Done Ont. Wanted A probationer for Clinton- Publie Hospital. Apply: at 'mons, to Miss Grainger; Ing r, Superintend0nt. !:. 84-4f: Raw Furs Wanted Highest- market^ price paid. • Do not sell your furs:' untilyou get my prices, which are often 5'per .cent. to 25 per cent. higher than prices paid by other dealers. Phone or write IL A. Hovey. '" Phone, 89, Clinton. \. 76-tf. Clothes' CIeaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned, 'Rooms over Heard's ' barber shop. W. J. Jago. .'=83-tf Baby Chicks From Bred -to -Lay Stock' PLYMOUTH ROCKS •b g - S. C. .WHITE:• LIGHORNS • At Reasonable le Prices , Write: or call an d enquire about. My custom hatchin plan, hatch'your own;' eggs, E. L. ME ITT - I. L Clinton Store.. vacated bY J.''E. Johnson A Nu- . � r of men's., "boy's and youthS -HeaW Rubbers At 10 per cent cut Ladies' Spats and OverR ubbers ' For Friday daY and Saturday Y Wm. Barr' j Opposite the Postofn4e, Clinton cel Coun Car of No. 2 Yellow. `S4iln dried., corn has just arrived. Bran and Ii Shorts Good quality ualit brand and shorts al d ways in stock. Highest' Prides Paid for Grain. 1 F" ^aa iOnr usual brands,' Purity,' Pi' Rose Jewel, Roses, w , Lxetet and Pastry, a4 I W. Jenkins & & FLOOJIt A)TIi FEED Phone,; Elevator 190. Reaideticii EAB[. STEEP COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND` FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IR., J. MILLER `Orders taken at residence. Phone' 11 NO IlaIcyrE. Buyer of all kinds . of furs ani hides. If you have any, kindly Ie6 rne' know by phone, 'and: I will call for them. Highest prides for Ducie and :Goose feathers. '• •mss' Imo. Rateoras Phone 137, Clinton. WANTED WHEAT • BARLEY OATS HUCKIV AB`!`'. Good prices for good quality '11. We are' wanting Maple, Elm, ;anal Basswood ' logs. SEES Have been offered > fairly goon prices for Red Clover, Alsike, Sweet. Clover and Alfalfa. Anybody having any of these to sell Will find it to thei0 advantage to bring in a sample int - mediately. Also this is a good time, to get any cleaning: done- you mag; ALWAYS ON HAND Purity and Five Roses Flour, Feed Flour, Shorts,' Molasses. Have junfour barrels of molasses and will sell them. Well 'worth the money. J. A. FORD &c SON. Phone 123, Flour and Feed Merchants and • Grain Buyers, Also issuers of 'Hunters 4; Trappers licensas Eggs & Poultri Wanted 'We are in the market all We Year , round for eggs and poultry' IT WILL BE TO YOUR AD- VANTAGE TO GET IN TOUCH WSTIV US WHEN READY TO MARKET YOUR 'PRODUCE.' GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO. N: W. TREWARTHr4e Manager.. r,. Phone No. 190 Holmesvilie 601 r 18 CREAM WANTED! D! The demand rfor our butter is in. creasing. To supply this demand we requir 9 more 'Cream. We request you to ship usY our .resin. We guarantee' you the Higbee Market Prices, accurate testa and prompt 'service. Our firnn is ]mown to you and needs no further recominertd. Wo payall ex toss cha ,P ryes, fur,:- ish creain eats and pay twice each' month. Write for cane or fartheriiitoirnsi 0 0 A rOirrit n 4 Peniatsti' #